view generator/parser/control.h @ 414:b2a803c73b89 default tip

Declare tabArray const.
author David Nadlinger <>
date Fri, 06 May 2011 13:39:49 +0200
parents 09a0f1d048f2
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.
** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
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** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

#ifndef CONTROL_H
#define CONTROL_H

#include "symbol.h"
#include "smallobject.h"

#include <QtCore/QHash>

struct Declarator;
struct Type;
class Lexer;
class Parser;

struct Context
  Context *parent;

  inline void bind(const NameSymbol *name, Type *type)
  { symbol_table.insert(name, type); }

  inline Type *resolve(const NameSymbol *name) const
    if (Type *type = symbol_table.value(name))
      return type;
    else if (parent)
      return parent->resolve(name);

    return 0;

  typedef QHash<const NameSymbol*, Type*> symbol_table_t;

  symbol_table_t symbol_table;

class Control
  class ErrorMessage
    ErrorMessage ():
      _M_line (0),
      _M_column (0) {}

    inline int line () const { return _M_line; }
    inline void setLine (int line) { _M_line = line; }

    inline int column () const { return _M_column; }
    inline void setColumn (int column) { _M_column = column; }

    inline QString fileName () const { return _M_fileName; }
    inline void setFileName (const QString &fileName) { _M_fileName = fileName; }

    inline QString message () const { return _M_message; }
    inline void setMessage (const QString &message) { _M_message = message; }

    int _M_line;
    int _M_column;
    QString _M_fileName;
    QString _M_message;


  inline bool skipFunctionBody() const { return _M_skipFunctionBody; }
  inline void setSkipFunctionBody(bool skip) { _M_skipFunctionBody = skip; }

  Lexer *changeLexer(Lexer *lexer);
  Parser *changeParser(Parser *parser);

  Lexer *currentLexer() const { return _M_lexer; }
  Parser *currentParser() const { return _M_parser; }

  Context *current_context;

  inline Context *currentContext() const
    { return current_context; }

  void pushContext();
  void popContext();

  Type *lookupType(const NameSymbol *name) const;
  void declare(const NameSymbol *name, Type *type);

  inline const NameSymbol *findOrInsertName(const char *data, size_t count)
  { return name_table.findOrInsert(data, count); }

  void declareTypedef(const NameSymbol *name, Declarator *d);
  bool isTypedef(const NameSymbol *name) const;

  void reportError (const ErrorMessage &errmsg);
  QList<ErrorMessage> errorMessages () const;
  void clearErrorMessages ();

  NameTable name_table;
  QHash<const NameSymbol*, Declarator*> stl_typedef_table;
  bool _M_skipFunctionBody;
  Lexer *_M_lexer;
  Parser *_M_parser;

  QList<ErrorMessage> _M_error_messages;

#endif // CONTROL_H

// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;