view tango/tango/sys/Environment.d @ 183:3cdf4b0c75a1 trunk

[svn r199] Fixed: still some small issues with string literals implicitly converting to different pointer types. Should be fixed now!
author lindquist
date Wed, 07 May 2008 20:22:42 +0200
parents 1700239cab2e
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2007 Tango. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Feb 2007: Initial release

        author:         Deewiant, Maxter, Gregor, Kris


module tango.sys.Environment;

private import  tango.sys.Common;

private import,

private import  tango.core.Exception;

private import  Text = tango.text.Util;



version (Windows)
        private import tango.text.convert.Utf;

        pragma (lib, "kernel32.lib");

        extern (Windows)
                private void* GetEnvironmentStringsW();
                private bool FreeEnvironmentStringsW(wchar**);
        extern (Windows)
                private int SetEnvironmentVariableW(wchar*, wchar*);
                private uint GetEnvironmentVariableW(wchar*, wchar*, uint);
                private const int ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND = 203;
    private extern (C) extern char** environ;

    import tango.stdc.posix.stdlib;
    import tango.stdc.string;


        Exposes the system Environment settings, along with some handy


struct Environment

                Returns the full path location of the provided executable
                file, rifling through the PATH as necessary.

                Returns null if the provided filename was not found


        static FilePath exePath (char[] file)
                auto bin = new FilePath (file);

                // on Windows, this is a .exe
                version (Windows)
                         if (bin.ext.length is 0)
                             bin.append (".exe");

                // is this a directory? Potentially make it absolute
                if (bin.isChild)
                    return FileSystem.toAbsolute (bin);

                // is it in cwd?
                version (Windows)
                         if (bin.path(FileSystem.getDirectory).exists)
                             return bin;

                // rifle through the path
                foreach (pe; Text.patterns (get("PATH"), FileConst.SystemPathString))
                         if (bin.path(pe).exists)
                             version (Windows)
                                      return bin;
                                     stat_t stats;
                                     stat(bin.cString.ptr, &stats);
                                     if (stats.st_mode & 0100)
                                         return bin;
                return null;

        version (Win32)

                        Returns the provided 'def' value if the variable 
                        does not exist


                static char[] get (char[] variable, char[] def = null)
                        wchar[] var = toString16(variable) ~ "\0";

                        uint size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(var.ptr, cast(wchar*)null, 0);
                        if (size is 0)
                           if (SysError.lastCode is ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND)
                               return def;
                              throw new PlatformException (SysError.lastMsg);

                        auto buffer = new wchar[size];
                        size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(var.ptr, buffer.ptr, size);
                        if (size is 0)
                            throw new PlatformException (SysError.lastMsg);

                        return toString (buffer[0 .. size]);


                        clears the variable if value is null or empty


                static void set (char[] variable, char[] value = null)
                        wchar * var, val;

                        var = (toString16 (variable) ~ "\0").ptr;

                        if (value.length > 0)
                            val = (toString16 (value) ~ "\0").ptr;

                        if (! SetEnvironmentVariableW(var, val))
                              throw new PlatformException (SysError.lastMsg);



                static char[][char[]] get ()
                        char[][char[]] arr;

                        wchar[] key = new wchar[20],
                                value = new wchar[40];

                        wchar** env = cast(wchar**) GetEnvironmentStringsW();
                        scope (exit)
                               FreeEnvironmentStringsW (env);

                        for (wchar* str = cast(wchar*) env; *str; ++str)
                            size_t k = 0, v = 0;

                            while (*str != '=')
                                  key[k++] = *str++;

                                  if (k is key.length)
                                      key.length = 2 * key.length;


                            while (*str)
                                  value [v++] = *str++;

                                  if (v is value.length)
                                      value.length = 2 * value.length;

                            arr [toString(key[0 .. k])] = toString(value[0 .. v]);

                        return arr;
        else // POSIX

                        Returns the provided 'def' value if the variable 
                        does not exist


                static char[] get (char[] variable, char[] def = null)
                        char* ptr = getenv (variable.ptr);

                        if (ptr is null)
                            return def;

                        return ptr[0 .. strlen(ptr)].dup;


                        clears the variable, if value is null or empty

                static void set (char[] variable, char[] value = null)
                        int result;

                        if (value.length is 0)
                            unsetenv ((variable ~ '\0').ptr);
                           result = setenv ((variable ~ '\0').ptr, (value ~ '\0').ptr, 1);

                        if (result != 0)
                            throw new PlatformException (SysError.lastMsg);



                static char[][char[]] get ()
                        char[][char[]] arr;

                        for (char** p = environ; *p; ++p)
                            size_t k = 0;
                            char* str = *p;

                            while (*str++ != '=')
                            char[] key = (*p)[0..k];

                            k = 0;
                            char* val = str;
                            while (*str++)
                            arr[key] = val[0 .. k];

                        return arr;

debug (Environment)

        void main(char[][] args)
        const char[] VAR = "TESTENVVAR";
        const char[] VAL1 = "VAL1";
        const char[] VAL2 = "VAL2";

        assert(Environment.get(VAR) is null);

        Environment.set(VAR, VAL1);
        assert(Environment.get(VAR) == VAL1);

        Environment.set(VAR, VAL2);
        assert(Environment.get(VAR) == VAL2);

        Environment.set(VAR, null);
        assert(Environment.get(VAR) is null);

        Environment.set(VAR, VAL1);
        Environment.set(VAR, "");

        assert(Environment.get(VAR) is null);

        foreach (key, value; Environment.get)
                 Cout (key) ("=") (value).newline;

        if (args.length > 0)
           auto p = Environment.exePath (args[0]);
           Cout (p).newline;

        if (args.length > 1)
           if (auto p = Environment.exePath (args[1]))
               Cout (p).newline;