changeset 879:cf77fcf67454

added log.d (
author thomask
date Thu, 02 Mar 2006 08:52:59 +0000
parents ab1736f2e47e
children fdb649fc5b8d
files log.d
diffstat 1 files changed, 1020 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/log.d	Thu Mar 02 08:52:59 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1020 @@
+module cn.kuehne.dstress.log;
+private import std.string;
+private import std.conv;
+private import std.stdio;
+private import;
+private import std.file;
+private import std.c.stdlib;
+private import;
+static char[][] TORTURE_FLAGS = [
+	"",
+	"-g",
+	"-inline",
+	"-fPIC",
+	"-O",
+	"-release",
+	"-g -inline",
+	"-g -fPIC",
+	"-g -O",
+	"-g -release",
+	"-inline -fPIC",
+	"-inline -O",
+	"-inline -release",
+	"-fPIC -O",
+	"-fPIC -release",
+	"-O -release",
+	"-g -inline -fPIC",
+	"-g -inline -O",
+	"-g -inline -release",
+	"-g -fPIC -O",
+	"-g -fPIC -release",
+	"-g -O -release",
+	"-inline -fPIC -O",
+	"-inline -fPIC -release",
+	"-inline -O -release",
+	"-fPIC -O -release",
+	"-g -inline -fPIC -O",
+	"-g -inline -fPIC -release",
+	"-g -fPIC -O -release",
+	"-inline -fPIC -O -release",
+	"-g -inline -fPIC -O -release"
+enum Result{
+	PASS		= 1 << 2,
+	XFAIL		= 2 << 2,
+	XPASS		= 3 << 2,
+	FAIL		= 4 << 2,
+	ERROR		= 5 << 2,
+	BASE_MASK	= 7 << 2,
+	EXT_MASK	= 3,
+	BAD_MSG		= 1,
+	BAD_GDB		= 2,
+char[] toString(Result r){
+	switch(r & Result.BASE_MASK){
+		case Result.PASS: return "PASS";
+		case Result.XPASS: return "XPASS";
+		case Result.FAIL: return "FAIL";
+		case Result.XFAIL: return "XFAIL";
+		case Result.ERROR: return "ERROR";
+		case Result.UNTESTED: return "UNTESTED";
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+	throw new Exception(format("unhandled Result value %s", cast(int)r));
+char[] dateString(){
+	static char[] date;
+	if(date is null){
+		auto time = getUTCtime();
+		auto year = YearFromTime(time);
+		auto month = MonthFromTime(time);
+		auto day = DateFromTime(time);
+		date = format("%d-%02d-%02d", year, month+1, day); 
+	}
+	return date;
+char[][] unique(char[][] a){
+	char[][] b = a.sort;
+	char[][] back;
+	back ~= b[0];
+	size_t ii=0;
+	for(size_t i=0; i<b.length; i++){
+		if(back[ii]!=b[i]){
+			back~=b[i];
+			ii++;
+		}
+	}
+	return back;	
+	version(Windows){
+		import;
+		extern(Windows) BOOL GetFileTime(HANDLE hFile, LPFILETIME lpCreationTime, LPFILETIME lpLastAccessTime, LPFILETIME lpLastWriteTime);
+	}else version(linux){
+		import std.c.linux.linux;
+		version = Unix;
+	}else version(Unix){
+		import std.c.unix.unix;
+	}else{
+		static assert(0);
+	}
+	alias ulong FStime;
+	FStime getFStime(char[] fileName){
+		version(Windows){
+			HANDLE h;
+			if (useWfuncs){
+				wchar* namez = std.utf.toUTF16z(fileName);
+				h = CreateFileW(namez,GENERIC_WRITE,0,null,OPEN_ALWAYS,
+			}else{
+				char* namez = toMBSz(fileName);
+				h = CreateFileA(namez,GENERIC_WRITE,0,null,OPEN_ALWAYS,
+			}
+				goto err;
+			FILETIME creationTime;
+			FILETIME accessTime;
+			FILETIME writeTime;
+			BOOL b = GetFileTime(h, &creationTime, &accessTime, &writeTime);
+			if(b==1){
+				long modA = writeTime.dwLowDateTime;
+				long modB = writeTime.dwHighDateTime;
+				return modA  | (modB << (writeTime.dwHighDateTime.sizeof*8));
+			}
+			CloseHandle(h);
+			throw new Exception("failed to query file modification : "~fileName);
+		}else version(Unix){
+			char* namez = toStringz(fileName);
+			struct_stat statbuf;
+			if(stat(namez, &statbuf)){
+				throw new FileException(fileName, getErrno());
+			}
+			return statbuf.st_mtime;
+		}else{
+			static assert(0);
+		}
+	}
+char[] cleanFileName(char[] file){
+	char[] back;
+	bool hadSep;
+	foreach(char c; file){
+		if(c == '/' || c == '\\'){
+			if(!hadSep){
+				back ~= '/';
+				hadSep = true;
+			}
+		}else{
+			back ~= c;
+			hadSep = false;
+		}
+	}
+	size_t start = 0;
+	while(back[start] <= ' ' && start < back.length){
+		start++;
+	}
+	size_t end = back.length-1;
+	while(back[end] <= ' ' && end >= start){
+		end--;
+	}
+	back = back[start .. end+1];
+	return back;
+abstract class Test{
+	char[] name;
+	char[] file;
+	abstract Result condensed();
+	this(char[] file){
+		this.file = file;
+		int start = rfind(file, "/");
+		if(start<0){
+			start = 0;
+		}else{
+			start += 1;
+		}
+		int end = rfind(file, ".");
+		if(end < start){
+			end = file.length;
+		}
+		name = file[start .. end];
+	}
+class PlainTest : Test{
+	Result r;
+	Result condensed(){
+		return r;
+	}
+	this(char[] file, Result result){
+		super(file);
+		r = result;
+	}
+class TortureTest : Test{
+	Result[] r;
+	Result condensed(){
+		Result back;
+		foreach(Result res; r){
+			if(res > back){
+				back = res;
+			}
+		}
+		return back;
+	}
+	this(char[] file){
+		super(file);
+		r.length = TORTURE_FLAGS.length;
+	}
+	this(char[] file, Result[] result){
+		if(result.length != TORTURE_FLAGS.length){
+			throw new Exception(format("expected %s results but got %s (%s)", TORTURE_FLAGS.length, result.length, file));
+		}
+		super(file);
+		r = result.dup;
+	}
+class Log{
+	PlainTest[char[]] plain;
+	TortureTest[char[]] torture;
+	char[] id;
+	this(char[] id){
+ = id;
+	}
+	Regression[] findGlobalRegressions(Log[] logs){
+		Regression[] back;
+		if(logs.length < 1){
+			return back;
+		}
+		foreach(TortureTest currentTest; torture.values){
+			bool hadOldData = false;
+			Result oldResults[];
+			oldResults.length = TORTURE_FLAGS.length;
+			oldResults[] = Result.MAX;
+			foreach(Log l; logs){
+				TortureTest* test = currentTest.file in l.torture;
+				if(test !is null){
+					hadOldData = true;
+					foreach(size_t i, Result r; test.r){
+						if(r != Result.UNTESTED && r < oldResults[i]){
+							oldResults[i] = r;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(hadOldData){
+				foreach(size_t i, Result r; oldResults){
+					if((currentTest.r[i] != Result.UNTESTED) && (r != Result.MAX) && (currentTest.r[i] > r)){
+						back ~= new Regression(, currentTest.file, r, currentTest.r[i], TORTURE_FLAGS[i]);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return back;
+	}
+	Regression[] findRegressions(Log oldLog){
+		Regression[] back;
+		foreach(PlainTest t; plain.values){
+			PlainTest* oldT = t.file in oldLog.plain;
+			if(oldT !is null){
+				if(oldT.r < t.r){
+					back ~= new Regression(oldT.r, t);
+				}
+			}else{
+				TortureTest* oldT = t.file in oldLog.torture;
+				if(oldT !is null){
+					Result r = oldT.condensed();
+					if(r < t.r){
+						back ~= new Regression(r, t);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		foreach(TortureTest t; torture.values){
+			TortureTest* oldT = t.file in oldLog.torture;
+			if(oldT !is null){
+				foreach(size_t i, Result r; t.r){
+					if(oldT.r[i] < r){
+						back ~= new Regression(, t.file, oldT.r[i], r, TORTURE_FLAGS[i]); 
+					}
+				}
+			}else{
+				PlainTest* oldT = t.file in oldLog.plain;
+				if(oldT !is null){
+					Result r = t.condensed();
+					if(oldT.r < r){
+						back ~= new Regression(, t.file, oldT.r, r);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return back;
+	}
+	char[][] genUpdateList(char[] testRoot){
+		char[][] updateList;
+		const char[][] statusList = ["compile", "nocompile", "run", "norun"];
+		char[] status;
+		void list(char[] path){
+			if(isdir(path)){
+				foreach(char[] entry; listdir(path)){
+					if(entry.length>0 && entry[0] != '.' && entry[0] != '~'){
+						list(path~std.path.sep~entry);
+					}
+				}
+			}else if(isfile(path)){
+				char[] file = path[testRoot.length + std.path.sep.length .. $];
+				if(!(file in plain) && !(file in torture)){
+					char[] output = "dstress torture-" ~ status ~ " " ~ file;
+					updateList ~= output;
+				}
+			}	
+		}
+		foreach(char[] s; statusList){
+			status = s;
+			list(testRoot ~ std.path.sep ~ s);
+		}
+		return updateList;
+	}
+	void dropBogusResults(FStime recordTime, char[] testRoot){
+		uint totalCount = plain.length + torture.length; 
+		char[][] sourcesPlain = plain.keys;
+		foreach(char[] source; sourcesPlain){
+			try{
+				FStime caseTime = getFStime(testRoot~std.path.sep~source);
+				if(caseTime > recordTime){
+					debug(drop) fwritefln(stderr, "dropped: %s", source);
+					plain.remove(source);
+				}
+			}catch(Exception e){
+				debug(drop) fwritefln(stderr, "dropped: %s", source);
+				plain.remove(source);
+			}
+		}
+		plain.rehash;
+		char[][] sourcesTorture = torture.keys;
+		foreach(char[] source; sourcesTorture){
+			try{
+				FStime caseTime = getFStime(testRoot~std.path.sep~source);
+				if(caseTime > recordTime){
+					debug(drop) fwritefln(stderr, "dropped: %s", source);
+					torture.remove(source);
+				}
+			}catch(Exception e){
+				debug(drop) fwritefln(stderr, "dropped: %s", source);
+				torture.remove(source);
+			}
+		}
+		torture.rehash;
+		writefln("dropped %s outdated tests (%s remaining)", totalCount - (plain.length + torture.length), plain.length + torture.length); 
+	}
+	bool add(char[] line){
+		const char[] SUB = "Torture-Sub-";
+		const char[] TORTURE = "Torture:";
+		line = strip(line);
+		int id = -1;
+		Result r = Result.UNTESTED;
+		if(line.length > SUB.length && line[0 .. SUB.length] == SUB){
+			line = line[SUB.length .. $];
+			id = 0;
+			while(line[id] >= '0' && line[id] <= '9'){
+				id++;
+			}
+			int start = id;
+			id = std.conv.toUint(line[0 .. id]);
+			while(line[start] != '-'){
+				start++;
+			}
+			line = line[start+1 .. $];
+		}
+		char[][] token = split(line);
+		if(token.length < 2){
+			return false;
+		}
+		char[] file = strip(token[1]);
+		switch(token[0]){
+			case "PASS:":
+				r = Result.PASS; break;
+			case "FAIL:":
+				r = Result.FAIL; break;
+			case "XPASS:":
+				r = Result.XPASS; break;
+			case "XFAIL:":
+				r = Result.XFAIL; break;
+			case "ERROR:":
+				r = Result.ERROR; break;
+			default:{
+				if(token[0] == TORTURE){
+					throw new Exception("not yet handled: "~line);
+				}else if(id > -1){
+					throw new Exception(format("bug in SUB line: (%s) %s", id, line));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(r != Result.UNTESTED){
+			if(std.string.find(line, "bad error message") > -1){
+				r |= Result.BAD_MSG;	
+			}
+			if(std.string.find(line, "bad debugger message") > -1){
+				r |= Result.BAD_MSG;	
+			}
+			file = cleanFileName(file);
+			if(id < 0){
+				// update plain
+				PlainTest* test  = file in plain;
+				if(test is null){
+					if((file in torture) !is null){
+						torture.remove(file);
+					}
+					plain[file] = new PlainTest(file, r);
+				}else{
+					test.r = r;
+				}
+			}else{
+				// update sub
+				id--;
+				TortureTest* test = file in torture;
+				if(test is null){
+					if((file in plain) !is null){
+						plain.remove(file);
+					}
+					TortureTest t = new TortureTest(file);
+					torture[file] = t;
+					t.r[id] = r;
+				}else{
+					if(test.r[id] != Result.UNTESTED){
+						test.r[] = Result.UNTESTED;
+					}
+					test.r[id] = r;
+				}
+			}
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+class Regression{
+	Result before;
+	Result after;
+	char[] file;
+	char[] name;
+	char[] extInfo;
+	this(Result oldResult, PlainTest b){
+		before = oldResult;
+		after = b.r;
+		file = b.file;
+		name =;
+	}
+	this(char[] name, char[] file, Result oldR, Result newR, char[] addonInfo=null){
+		this.file = file;
+ = name;
+		before = oldR;
+		after = newR;
+		extInfo = addonInfo;
+	}
+	char[] toString(){
+		char[] back = .toString(before) ~" -> "~.toString(after)~": "~file;
+		if(extInfo.length > 0){
+			back ~= " ("~extInfo~")";
+		}
+		return back;
+	}
+class Report{
+	char[] root;
+	Log[] log;
+	static const char[] header =
+		"<th>&nbsp;</th><th>-g</th><th>-inline</th>"
+		"<th>-fPIC</th><th>-O</th><th>-release</th>"
+		"<th>-g -inline</th><th>-g -fPIC</th><th>-g -O</th>"
+		"<th>-g -release</th><th>-inline -fPIC</th>"
+		"<th>-inline -O</th><th>-inline -release</th>"
+		"<th>-fPIC -O</th><th>-fPIC -release</th>"
+		"<th>-O -release</th><th>-g -inline -fPIC</th>"
+		"<th>-g -inline -O</th><th>-g -inline -release</th>"
+		"<th>-g -fPIC -O</th><th>-g -fPIC -release</th>"
+		"<th>-g -O -release</th><th>-inline -fPIC -O</th>"
+		"<th>-inline -fPIC -release</th><th>-inline -O -release</th>"
+		"<th>-fPIC -O -release</th><th>-g -inline -fPIC -O</th>"
+		"<th>-g -inline -fPIC -release</th>"
+		"<th>-g -fPIC -O -release</th>"
+		"<th>-inline -fPIC -O -release</th>"
+		"<th>-g -inline -fPIC -O -release</th>";
+	this(char[] root, Log[] log){
+		this.root = root;
+		this.log = log;
+	}
+	void toHtml(OutputStream summary, OutputStream[] cases, bool[] hotspot){
+		if(cases.length != log.length || cases.length != hotspot.length){
+			throw new Exception("unexpected argument length");
+		}
+		foreach(size_t i, Log l; log){
+			toHtml(l, cases[i]);
+		}
+		toHtmlSummary(summary, hotspot);
+	}
+	static char[] cleanFileName(char[] name){
+		int i = rfind(name, "_");
+		if(i > -1){
+			name = name[i+1 .. $];
+		}
+		i = rfind(name, ".");
+		if(i > -1){
+			name = name[0 .. i];
+		}
+		return name;
+	}
+	static char[] streamLine(uint[] stats){
+		char[] buffer;
+		foreach(uint i; stats){
+			buffer ~= "<td>"~std.string.toString(i)~"</td>";
+		}
+		return buffer;
+	}
+	static void toHtml(Log log, OutputStream stream){
+		char[] cleanName = cleanFileName(;
+		{ // header
+			char[] name = toupper(cleanName);
+			stream.writeLine("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' ''>");
+			stream.writeLine("<html xmlns=''>");
+			stream.writeLine("<head><title>DStress - Torture: "~name~"</title><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='formate.css' /><meta name='author' content='Thomas K&uuml;hne' /><meta name='date' content='" ~ dateString() ~ "' /></head>");
+			stream.writeLine("<body><center><h1>DStress - Torture: "~name~"</h1></center><center><small>by Thomas K&uuml;hne &lt;;</small></center>");
+			stream.writeLine("<h2><a name='note' id='note'></a>Note</h2><blockquote>A detailed description of the testing and the used symbols can be found on the <a href='./dstress.html'>main page</a>.</blockquote>");
+		}
+		{ // stats
+			stream.writeLine("<h2><a name='summary' id='summary'></a>Summary</h2>");
+			uint[][] stats;
+			stats.length = 6;
+			foreach(inout uint[] array; stats){
+				array.length = TORTURE_FLAGS.length;
+			}
+			foreach(TortureTest t; log.torture){
+				foreach(int i, Result r; t.r){
+					stats[r >> 2][i]++;
+				}
+			}
+			{ // total
+				uint total = 0;
+				foreach(uint[] cases; stats){
+					total += cases[0];
+				}
+				uint config = 0;
+				foreach(uint[] a; stats[1 .. $]){
+					foreach(uint b; a){
+						config += b;
+					}
+				}
+				stream.writeLine(format("<blockquote><dl><dt><strong>test cases:</strong></dt><dd>%d</dd><dt><strong>tested configurations:</strong></dt><dd>%d</dd></dl></blockquote>", total, config));
+			}
+			stream.writeLine("<table border='1' summary='nummeric summary of the test results'>");
+			stream.writeLine("\t<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>"~header~"</tr>");
+			stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.PASS)~"'><th>PASS</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.PASS >> 2])~"</tr>");
+			stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.XFAIL)~"'><th>XFAIL</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.XFAIL >> 2])~"</tr>");
+			stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.XPASS)~"'><th>XPASS</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.XPASS >> 2])~"</tr>");
+			stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.FAIL)~"'><th>FAIL</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.FAIL >> 2])~"</tr>");
+			stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.ERROR)~"'><th>ERROR</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.ERROR >> 2])~"</tr>");
+			stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.UNTESTED)~"'><th>untested</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.UNTESTED >> 2])~"</tr>");
+			stream.writeLine("</table>");
+		}
+		{ // details
+			stream.writeLine("<h2><a name='details' id='details'></a>Details</h2>");
+			stream.writeLine("<table border='1' summary='detailed listing of all test cases with unexpected results'>");
+			stream.writeLine("<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>"~header~"</tr>");
+			char[][] keys;
+			{
+				char[][char[]] k;
+				foreach(char[] org; log.torture.keys){
+					char[] z = org;
+					int i = rfind(z, "/");
+					if(i > -1){
+						z = z[i+1 .. $];
+					}
+					i = rfind(z, ".");
+					if(i > -1){
+						z = z[0 .. i];
+					}
+					if(z in k){
+						throw new Exception("dublicate key "~org);
+					}
+					k[z] = org;
+				}
+				foreach(char[] x; k.keys.sort){
+					keys ~= k[x];	
+				}
+			}
+			foreach(char[] key; keys){
+				TortureTest t = log.torture[key];
+				Result plainR = t.condensed();
+				if(plainR == Result.PASS
+					|| plainR == Result.XFAIL
+					|| plainR == Result.UNTESTED)
+				{
+					continue;
+				}else{
+					char[] name = replace(, "_", " ");
+					char[] back = "<tr><th><a href=\"../"~t.file~"\" id='""'>"~name~"</a></th>";
+					foreach(Result r; t.r){
+						back ~= "<td class='" ~ cast(char)(r+'A') ~ "'>";
+						if(r == Result.UNTESTED){
+							back ~= "-";
+						}else{
+							try{
+								back ~= .toString(r & Result.BASE_MASK);
+							}catch(Exception e){
+								throw new Exception(t.toString()~" ["~e.toString()~"]");
+							}
+						}
+						back ~= "</td>";
+					}
+					stream.writeLine(back ~ "</tr>");
+				}
+			}
+			stream.writeLine("<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>"~header~"</tr>");
+			stream.writeLine("</table>");
+		}
+		{ // footer
+			stream.writeLine("<div><br /><br /><hr /><a href='"~cleanName~".html'>"~cleanName~".html</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;" ~ dateString() ~ "</div>");
+			stream.writeLine("<!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->");
+			stream.writeLine("<script type='text/javascript'><!-- var sc_project=1337754; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_partition=12; var sc_security=\"a4a998fe\"; var sc_remove_link=1; //--> </script>");
+			stream.writeLine("<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><noscript><div class='statcounter'><img src=';amp;java=0&amp;amp;security=a4a998fe&amp;amp;invisible=1' class='statcounter' alt='counter' /></div></noscript>");
+			stream.writeLine("<!-- End of StatCounter Code -->");
+			stream.writeLine("</body></html>");
+		}
+	}
+	void toHtmlSummary(OutputStream stream, bool[] hotspot){
+		if(hotspot.length != log.length){
+			throw new Exception("illegal hotspot length");
+		}
+		char[][] names;
+		foreach(Log l; log){
+			names ~= l.torture.keys;
+		}
+		uint[][] stats;
+		stats.length = 6;
+		foreach(inout uint[] array; stats){
+			array.length = log.length;
+		}
+		char[][char[]] keys;
+		{
+			foreach(char[] org; unique(names)){
+				char[] z = org;
+				int i = rfind(z, "/");
+				if(i > -1){
+					z = z[i+1 .. $];
+				}
+				i = rfind(z, ".");
+				if(i > -1){
+					z = z[0 .. i];
+				}
+				if(z in keys){
+					throw new Exception("dublicate key "~org);
+				}
+				keys[z] = org;
+			}
+		}
+		{ // total
+			uint total = keys.keys.length;
+			for(size_t i = 0; i < stats[0].length; i++){
+				stats[0][i] = total;
+			}
+		}
+		char[][] badLines;
+		foreach(char[] name; keys.keys.sort){
+			char[] file = keys[name];
+			Result[] result = new Result[log.length];
+			bool isBadLine;
+			foreach(size_t i, Log l; log){
+				auto t = file in l.torture;		
+				if(t){
+					Result r = t.condensed();
+					result[i] = r;
+					if(r != Result.UNTESTED){
+						stats[result[i] >> 2][i]++;
+						stats[0][i]--;
+						if(hotspot[i] && r>= Result.XPASS){
+							isBadLine = true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(isBadLine){
+				char[] cleanName = replace(name, "_", " ");
+				char[] back = "<tr><th><a href=\"../"~file~"\" id='"~name~"'>"~cleanName~"</a></th>";
+				foreach(Result r; result){
+					back ~= "<td class='" ~ cast(char)(r+'A') ~ "'>";
+					if(r == Result.UNTESTED){
+						back ~= "-";
+					}else{
+						try{
+							back ~= .toString(r & Result.BASE_MASK);
+						}catch(Exception e){
+							throw new Exception("name:" ~name~" ["~e.toString()~"]");
+						}
+					}
+					back ~= "</td>";
+				}
+				badLines ~= back ~ "</tr>";
+			}
+		}
+		// output
+		stream.writeLine("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' ''>");
+		stream.writeLine("<html xmlns=''>");
+		stream.writeLine("<head><title>DStress Report</title><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='formate.css' /><meta name='author' content='Thomas K&uuml;hne' /><meta name='date' content='"~dateString()~"' /></head>");
+		stream.writeLine("<body><center><h1>DStress Report</h1></center>");
+		stream.writeLine("<h2><a name='note' id='note'></a>Note</h2>");
+		stream.writeLine("<blockquote>A detailed description of the testing and the used symbols can be found on the <a href='./dstress.html'>main page</a>.</blockquote>");
+		stream.writeLine("<h2><a name='summary' id='summary'></a>Summary</h2>");
+		stream.writeLine("<table border='1' summary='nummeric summary of the test results'>");
+		char[] versionHeader = "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
+		{ // version header
+			foreach(Log l; log){
+				char[] name =;
+				int i = rfind(name, "/");
+				if(i > -1){
+					name = name[i+1 .. $];
+				}
+				i = rfind(name, ".log");
+				if(i + ".log".length == name.length){
+					name = name[0 .. i];
+				}
+				versionHeader ~= "<th><a href='./" ~ cleanFileName( ~ ".html'>"~replace(name, "_", " ")~"</a></th>";
+			}
+			stream.writeLine("\t"~versionHeader);
+		}
+		stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.PASS)~"'><th>PASS</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.PASS >> 2])~"</tr>");
+		stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.XFAIL)~"'><th>XFAIL</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.XFAIL >> 2])~"</tr>");
+		stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.XPASS)~"'><th>XPASS</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.XPASS >> 2])~"</tr>");
+		stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.FAIL)~"'><th>FAIL</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.FAIL >> 2])~"</tr>");
+		stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.ERROR)~"'><th>ERROR</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.ERROR >> 2])~"</tr>");
+		stream.writeLine("\t<tr class='" ~ cast(char)('A'+Result.UNTESTED)~"'><th>untested</th>" ~ streamLine(stats[Result.UNTESTED >> 2])~"</tr>");
+		stream.writeLine("</table>");
+		stream.writeLine("<h2><a name='details' id='details'></a>Details</h2>");
+		stream.writeLine("<table border='1'>");
+		stream.writeLine(versionHeader);
+		foreach(char[] line; badLines){
+			stream.writeLine(line);
+		}
+		stream.writeLine(versionHeader);
+		stream.writeLine("</table>");
+		stream.writeLine("<div><br /><br /><hr /><a href=''></a>&nbsp; &nbsp;"~dateString()~"</div>");
+		stream.writeLine("<!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->");
+		stream.writeLine("<script type='text/javascript'><!-- var sc_project=1337754; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_partition=12; var sc_security=\"a4a998fe\"; var sc_remove_link=1; //--> </script>");
+		stream.writeLine("<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><noscript><div class='statcounter'><img src=';amp;java=0&amp;amp;security=a4a998fe&amp;amp;invisible=1' class='statcounter' alt='counter' /></div></noscript>");
+		stream.writeLine("<!-- End of StatCounter Code -->");
+		stream.writeLine("</body></html>");
+	}
+int main(char[][] args){
+	if(args.length < 4){
+		fwritefln(stderr, "%s <command> <root> <log.1> [<log.2> ...]", args[0]);
+		fwritefln(stderr, "known commands: genUpdateList findRegressions genReport");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	char[] command = args[1];
+	char[] root = args[2];
+	if(root.length < 1){
+		root = ".";
+	}
+	debug fwritefln(stderr, "command: %s", command);
+	debug fwritefln(stderr, "root: %s", root);
+	Report report = new Report(root, null);
+	bool[] hotspot;
+	switch(command){
+		case "genUpdateList", "findRegressions", "genReport": break;
+		default:{
+			fwritefln(stderr, "unknown command: %s", command);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	foreach(size_t id, char[] file; args[3 .. $]){
+		if(file.length > "--".length && file[0 .. 2] == "--"){
+			file = file[2..$];
+			hotspot ~= true;
+		}else{
+			hotspot ~= false;
+		}
+		writefln("parsing: %s", file);
+		FStime logTime  = getFStime(file);
+		debug fwritefln(stderr, "sourceTime: %s", logTime);
+		Log l= new Log(file);
+		Stream source = new BufferedFile(file, FileMode.In);
+		while(!source.eof()){
+			l.add(source.readLine());
+		}
+		l.dropBogusResults(logTime, root);
+		report.log ~= l;
+	}
+	switch(command){
+		case "genUpdateList":{
+			foreach(Log l; report.log){
+				char[][] update = l.genUpdateList(root);
+				writefln("%s updates required (%s still up to date)", update.length, l.plain.length + l.torture.length);
+				char[] updateFile = ~ ".update";
+				try{std.file.remove(updateFile);}catch{}
+				if(update.length){
+					File f = new File(updateFile, FileMode.OutNew);
+					foreach(char[] line; update){
+						f.writeLine(line);
+					}
+					f.close();
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		}case "findRegressions":{
+			foreach(size_t i, Log newLog; report.log[1..$]){
+				Regression[] newReg = newLog.findRegressions(report.log[i]);
+				writefln("identified %s new regressions for %s", newReg.length,;
+				Regression[] oldReg;
+				{
+					Regression[] oldRegT = newLog.findGlobalRegressions(report.log[0 .. i]);
+					foreach(Regression a; oldRegT){
+						foreach(Regression b; newReg){
+							if(a.file == b.file && (!a.extInfo || a.extInfo == b.extInfo)){
+								goto handled;
+							}
+						}
+						oldReg ~= a;
+					handled: {}
+					}
+				}
+				writefln("identified %s old regressions for %s", oldReg.length,;
+				char[] regressionFile = ~ ".regression";
+				try{std.file.remove(regressionFile);}catch{}
+				if(newReg.length + oldReg.length){
+					File f = new File(regressionFile, FileMode.OutNew);
+					if(newReg.length){
+						f.writeLine(format("%s new regressions", newReg.length));
+						foreach(Regression r; newReg){
+							f.writeLine(r.toString());
+						}
+					}
+					if(oldReg.length){
+						if(newReg.length){
+							f.writeLine("");
+						}
+						f.writeLine(format("%s old regressions", oldReg.length));
+						foreach(Regression r; oldReg){
+							f.writeLine(r.toString());
+						}
+					}
+					f.close();
+				}
+			}
+			break;	
+		}case "genReport":{
+			OutputStream[] html;
+			OutputStream o = new File("./www/results.html", FileMode.OutNew);
+			foreach(Log l; report.log){
+				html ~= new File("./www/"~Report.cleanFileName(".html", FileMode.OutNew);
+			}
+			report.toHtml(o, html, hotspot);
+			o.close();
+			foreach(OutputStream o; html){
+				o.close();
+			}
+			break;
+		}default:{
+			fwritefln(stderr, "unknown command: %s", command);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;