view dstep/coreservices/ae/AppleEvents.d @ 27:57371c29ef73 default tip

ObjcWrap is now automatically mixed in. Added support for building as a dylib with DMD.
author Jacob Carlborg <>
date Fri, 09 Apr 2010 23:00:22 +0200
parents 07194b026fa4
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009 Jacob Carlborg.
 * Authors: Jacob Carlborg
 * Version: Initial created: Jul 21, 2009 
 * License: $(LINK2, Boost Software License 1.0)

//import dstep.AvailabilityMacros;
import dstep.coreservices.carboncore.CarbonCore;
import dstep.corefoundation.CoreFoundation;
import dstep.objc.bridge.TypeEncoding;

struct AERemoteProcessResolver;

alias byte AEEventSource;
alias AERemoteProcessResolver* AERemoteProcessResolverRef;

extern (C)
	alias void function (AERemoteProcessResolverRef, void*) AERemoteProcessResolverCallback;

extern (C)
		const CFStringRef kAERemoteProcessURLKey;
		const CFStringRef kAERemoteProcessNameKey;
		const CFStringRef kAERemoteProcessUserIDKey;
		const CFStringRef kAERemoteProcessProcessIDKey;

// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
version (GNU)
		const __keyDirectObject = getOSType!("----");
		const __keyErrorNumber = getOSType!("errn");
		const __keyErrorString = getOSType!("errs");
		const __keyProcessSerialNumber = getOSType!("psn ");
		const __keyPreDispatch = getOSType!("phac");
		const __keySelectProc = getOSType!("selh");
		const __keyAERecorderCount = getOSType!("recr");
		const __keyAEVersion = getOSType!("vers");


// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
version (GNU)
		const __kCoreEventClass = getOSType!("aevt");


// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
version (GNU)
		const __kAEOpenApplication = getOSType!("oapp");
		const __kAEOpenDocuments = getOSType!("odoc");
		const __kAEPrintDocuments = getOSType!("pdoc");
		const __kAEOpenContents = getOSType!("ocon");
		const __kAEQuitApplication = getOSType!("quit");
		const __kAEAnswer = getOSType!("ansr");
		const __kAEApplicationDied = getOSType!("obit");
		const __kAEShowPreferences = getOSType!("pref");


// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
version (GNU)
		const __kAEStartRecording = getOSType!("reca");
		const __kAEStopRecording = getOSType!("recc");
		const __kAENotifyStartRecording = getOSType!("rec1");
		const __kAENotifyStopRecording = getOSType!("rec0");
		const __kAENotifyRecording = getOSType!("recr");


	keyDirectObject = getOSType!("----"),
	keyErrorNumber = getOSType!("errn"),
	keyErrorString = getOSType!("errs"),
	keyProcessSerialNumber = getOSType!("psn "),
	keyPreDispatch = getOSType!("phac"),
	keySelectProc = getOSType!("selh"),
	keyAERecorderCount = getOSType!("recr"),
	keyAEVersion = getOSType!("vers")

	kCoreEventClass = getOSType!("aevt")

	kAEOpenApplication = getOSType!("oapp"),
	kAEOpenDocuments = getOSType!("odoc"),
	kAEPrintDocuments = getOSType!("pdoc"),
	kAEOpenContents = getOSType!("ocon"),
	kAEQuitApplication = getOSType!("quit"),
	kAEAnswer = getOSType!("ansr"),
	kAEApplicationDied = getOSType!("obit"),
	kAEShowPreferences = getOSType!("pref")

	kAEStartRecording = getOSType!("reca"),
	kAEStopRecording = getOSType!("recc"),
	kAENotifyStartRecording = getOSType!("rec1"),
	kAENotifyStopRecording = getOSType!("rec0"),
	kAENotifyRecording = getOSType!("recr")

	kAEUnknownSource = 0,
	kAEDirectCall = 1,
	kAESameProcess = 2,
	kAELocalProcess = 3,
	kAERemoteProcess = 4

struct AERemoteProcessResolverContext
	int version_;
	void* info;
	CFAllocatorRetainCallBack retain;
	CFAllocatorReleaseCallBack release;
	CFAllocatorCopyDescriptionCallBack copyDescription;

extern (C)
	short AEInstallEventHandler (uint theAEEventClass, uint theAEEventID, AEEventHandlerUPP handler, int handlerRefcon, ubyte isSysHandler);
	short AERemoveEventHandler (uint theAEEventClass, uint theAEEventID, AEEventHandlerUPP handler, ubyte isSysHandler);
	short AEGetEventHandler (uint theAEEventClass, uint theAEEventID, AEEventHandlerUPP* handler, SRefCon* handlerRefcon, ubyte isSysHandler);
	short AEInstallSpecialHandler (uint functionClass, AEEventHandlerUPP handler, ubyte isSysHandler);
	short AERemoveSpecialHandler (uint functionClass, AEEventHandlerUPP handler, ubyte isSysHandler);
	short AEGetSpecialHandler (uint functionClass, AEEventHandlerUPP* handler, ubyte isSysHandler);
	short AEManagerInfo (uint keyWord, long* result);
	AERemoteProcessResolverRef AECreateRemoteProcessResolver (CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFURLRef url);
	void AEDisposeRemoteProcessResolver (AERemoteProcessResolverRef ref_);
	CFArrayRef AERemoteProcessResolverGetProcesses (AERemoteProcessResolverRef ref_, CFStreamError* outError);
	void AERemoteProcessResolverScheduleWithRunLoop (AERemoteProcessResolverRef ref_, CFRunLoopRef runLoop, CFStringRef runLoopMode, AERemoteProcessResolverCallback callback, AERemoteProcessResolverContext* ctx);