changeset 198:55ea834c8675

Removed everything...
author Anders Johnsen <>
date Sun, 10 Aug 2008 16:27:50 +0200
parents d442ce39917c
children 5e05c03d1558
files LICENSE ast/Decl.d ast/Exp.d ast/Module.d ast/Stmt.d basic/Attribute.d basic/LiteralParsing.d basic/Message.d basic/Messages.d basic/SmallArray.d basic/SourceLocation.d basic/SourceManager.d basic/conv.d dsss.conf gen/CodeGen.d lexer/Keyword.d lexer/Lexer.d lexer/Token.d llvm.patch parser/Action.d parser/Parser.d sema/AstAction.d sema/BuildScopes.d sema/BuildSymbols.d sema/BuildTypes.d sema/CheckScopes.d sema/CheckTypes.d sema/DType.d sema/LiteralInterpreter.d sema/ObjectOriented.d sema/Operation.d sema/Scope.d sema/Symbol.d sema/VC.d sema/Visitor.d tools/AstPrinter.d tools/DotPrinter.d
diffstat 37 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 11751 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/LICENSE	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008, Anders Johnsen & Anders Halager
-* All rights reserved.
-* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-*     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-*       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-*     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-*       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-*       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-*     * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
-*       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
-*       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
--- a/ast/Decl.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-module ast.Decl;
-import ast.Exp,
-       ast.Stmt;
-import lexer.Token;
-import sema.Scope,
-       sema.Symbol,
-       sema.DType,
-       sema.VC,
-       basic.SmallArray,
-       basic.Attribute;
-enum DeclType
-    VarDecl,
-    DummyDecl,
-    ImportDecl,
-    FuncDecl,
-    StructDecl,
-    ClassDecl,
-    InterfaceDecl,
-    AliasDecl,
-class Decl
-    this(DeclType declType)
-    {
-        this.declType = declType;
-    }
-    void simplify()
-    {
-    }
-    void verify(VC vc)
-    {
-    }
-    DType type()
-    {
-        if (sym !is null)
-            return sym.type;
-        return null;
-    }
-    Identifier getIdentifier()
-    {
-        switch(declType)
-        {
-            case DeclType.VarDecl:
-                return (cast(VarDecl)this).identifier;
-            case DeclType.FuncDecl:
-                return (cast(FuncDecl)this).identifier;
-            default:
-                assert(0, "Invalid DeclType for getting a identifier");
-        }
-    }
-    DeclType declType;
-    Scope env;
-    Symbol sym;
-    Attribute att;
-class DummyDecl : Decl
-    this()
-    {
-        super(DeclType.DummyDecl);
-    }
-class VarDecl : Decl
-    this(IdentifierTypeExp type, Identifier identifier,
-            Exp e = null)
-    {
-        super(DeclType.VarDecl);
-        this.varType = type;
-        this.identifier = identifier;
-        this.init = e;
-    }
-    override DType type()
-    {
-        return env.findType(varType.get);
-    }
-    Identifier varType, identifier;
-    Exp init;
-class ImportDecl : Decl
-    this()
-    {
-        super(DeclType.ImportDecl);
-    }
-    char[] get()
-    {
-        char[] res;
-        foreach(i ; packages)
-            res ~= i.get ~ ".";
-        res ~= name.get;
-        return res;
-    }
-    bool isStatic = false;
-    Identifier[] packages;
-    Identifier name;
-    Identifier aliasedName;
-    Identifier[2][] explicitSymbols;
-class FuncDecl : Decl
-    this(IdentifierTypeExp type, Identifier identifier)
-    {
-        super(DeclType.FuncDecl);
-        this.returnType = type;
-        this.identifier = identifier;
-    }
-    void addParam(IdentifierTypeExp type, Identifier name = null)
-    {
-        funcArgs ~= new VarDecl(type, name, null);
-    }
-    void setBody(CompoundStatement stmts)
-    {
-        statements = stmts.statements;
-        emptyFunction = false;
-    }
-    void simplify()
-    {
-        /*
-        if(auto t = env.find(identifier).type.asFunction())
-        {
-            if(auto s = cast(DStruct)t.returnType)
-            {
-                VarDecl[] funcArgs;
-                auto i = new Identifier("ret.val");
-                i.env = env;
-                i.env.add(i);
-                i.env.find(i).setType( s );
-                auto var = new VarDecl(returnType, i);
-                var.env = env;
-                funcArgs ~= var;
-                funcArgs ~= this.funcArgs;
-                this.funcArgs = funcArgs;
-                t.returnType = DType.Void;
-                this.returnType = new Identifier("void");
-                env.find(identifier).setType(t);
-                sret = true;
-                myType = null;
-            }
-        }
-        */
-        foreach (funcArg; funcArgs)
-            funcArg.simplify();
-        foreach (stmt; statements)
-            stmt.simplify();
-    }
-    override void verify(VC vc)
-    {
-        foreach (stmt; statements)
-            stmt.verify(vc);
-    }
-    override DFunction type()
-    {
-        if (myType !is null)
-            return myType;
-        auto t = new DFunction(identifier);
-        if ( identifier.get == "this" )
-            t.returnType = DType.Void;
-        else
-            t.returnType = env.findType(returnType.get);
-        SmallArray!(DType) array;
-        foreach (a; funcArgs)
-            array ~= a.type();
-        t.params =;
-        t.firstParamIsReturnValue = this.sret;
-        myType = t;
-        return myType;
-    }
-    Identifier returnType, identifier;
-    VarDecl[] funcArgs;
-    Stmt[] statements;
-    bool sret = false;
-    bool emptyFunction = true;
-    private DFunction myType;
-class StructDecl : Decl
-    this(Identifier identifier)
-    {
-        super(DeclType.StructDecl);
-        this.identifier = identifier;
-    }
-    void addMember(Decl decl)
-    {
-        decls ~= decl;
-    }
-    void simplify()
-    {
-    }
-    override void verify(VC vc)
-    {
-        foreach (decl; decls)
-            decl.verify(vc);
-    }
-    override DType type()
-    {
-        return env.findType(identifier.get);
-    }
-    Identifier identifier;
-    Decl[] decls;
-    private DType myType;
-class ClassDecl : Decl
-    this(Identifier identifier)
-    {
-        super(DeclType.ClassDecl);
-        this.identifier = identifier;
-        auto name = new Identifier(identifier.loc, "__vptr");
-        auto type = new IdentifierTypeExp(identifier.loc, "byte");
-        auto p_type = new PointerTypeExp(type);
-        decls ~= new VarDecl(p_type, name, null);
-    }
-    void addMember(Decl decl)
-    {
-        decls ~= decl;
-    }
-    void addBaseClass(Identifier identifier)
-    {
-        baseClasses ~= identifier;
-    }
-    void simplify()
-    {
-    }
-    override DType type()
-    {
-        return env.findType(identifier.get);
-    }
-    Identifier identifier;
-    Identifier[] baseClasses;
-    Decl[] decls;
-    private DType myType;
-class InterfaceDecl : Decl
-    this(Identifier identifier)
-    {
-        super(DeclType.InterfaceDecl);
-        this.identifier = identifier;
-    }
-    void addMember(Decl decl)
-    {
-        decls ~= decl;
-    }
-    void addBaseClass(Identifier identifier)
-    {
-        baseClasses ~= identifier;
-    }
-    void simplify()
-    {
-    }
-    override DType type()
-    {
-        return env.findType(identifier.get);
-    }
-    Identifier identifier;
-    Identifier[] baseClasses;
-    Decl[] decls;
-    private DType myType;
-class AliasDecl : Decl
-    this(Decl decl)
-    {
-        super(DeclType.AliasDecl);
-        this.decl = decl;
-    }
-    Decl decl;
--- a/ast/Exp.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-module ast.Exp;
-import tango.text.Util,
-       Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;
-import ast.Decl,
-       ast.Stmt;
-import lexer.Token;
-import sema.Scope,
-       sema.Symbol,
-       sema.DType;
-import basic.LiteralParsing;
-enum ExpType
-    Binary,
-    Negate,
-    Deref,
-    AddressOfExp,
-    IntegerLit,
-    MemberReference,
-    Index,
-    Identifier,
-    AssignExp,
-    CallExp,
-    CastExp,
-    StringExp,
-    NewExp,
-    NullExp,
-    ArrayLiteralExp,
-    IdentifierTypeExp,
-    ArrayTypeExp,
-    StaticArrayTypeExp,
-    PointerTypeExp,
-    FunctionTypeExp,
-abstract class Exp
-    this(ExpType expType, SLoc loc)
-    {
-        this.expType = expType;
-        this.loc = loc;
-    }
-    /**
-      Get the fully qualified name for the expression (if it can be resolved to
-      one) - otherwise null is returned
-     **/
-    char[] getFQN() { return null; }
-    /// The same as getFQN, except that the name is mangled
-    char[] getMangledFQN() { return null; }
-    /**
-      Try to get the symbol the expression represents.
-      Returns null for most expressions as they don't represent any symbol.
-      Identifiers and member references can have a sensible value.
-     **/
-    Symbol getSymbol() { return null; }
-    /// Get the type of the expression
-    DType type;
-    /// Indicates which type the expression is - to avoid a lot of casts
-    ExpType expType;
-    /// The environment of the expression
-    Scope env;
-    int stmtIndex;
-    /**
-      The "main" location of the expression.
-      What exactly this represents varies but for most things its the start
-      while for a binary expression its the operator.
-     **/
-    SourceLocation loc;
-    /// Return the starting location of this expression
-    SourceLocation startLoc() { return loc; }
-    /// Get the full extents of the expression
-    SourceRange sourceRange() { return SourceRange(loc, loc + 1); }
-    /// Do some simplifications
-    Exp simplify() { return this; }
-class CallExp : Exp
-    this(Exp exp, Exp[] args)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.CallExp, exp.loc);
-        this.exp = exp;
-        this.args = args;
-    }
-    DType callerType()
-    {
-        DFunction f = new DFunction(new Identifier("function"));
-        f.returnType = type;
-        foreach (a ; args)
-            f.params ~= a.type;
-        return f;
-    }
-    override CallExp simplify()
-    {
-        foreach (ref arg; args)
-            arg = arg.simplify();
-        exp = exp.simplify();
-        return this;
-    }
-    Exp exp;
-    Exp[] args;
-    Symbol callSym;
-    bool sret = false;
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        SourceRange res = exp.sourceRange;
-        if (args.length > 0)
-            res = res + args[$ - 1].sourceRange;
-        return res;
-    }
-class AssignExp : BinaryExp
-    this(SLoc op_loc, Operator op, Exp identifier, Exp exp)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.AssignExp, op_loc, op, identifier, exp);
-        this.identifier = identifier;
-        this.exp = exp;
-    }
-    override AssignExp simplify()
-    {
-        identifier = identifier.simplify();
-        exp = exp.simplify();
-        return this;
-    }
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        return identifier.sourceRange + exp.sourceRange;
-    }
-    Exp identifier;
-    Exp exp;
-class BinaryExp : Exp
-    public enum Operator
-    {
-        Assign,
-        AddAssign,
-        SubAssign,
-        MulAssign,
-        DivAssign,
-        ModAssign,
-        Eq, Ne,
-        Lt, Le,
-        Gt, Ge,
-        Add, Sub,
-        Mul, Div, Mod,
-        LeftShift, RightShift, UnsignedRightShift,
-        And, Or, Xor,
-    }
-    char[][] getOp = ["=","+=","-=","*=","/=","%=","==","!=","<","<=",">",">=","+","-","*","/","%","<<",">>",">>>"];
-    this(SLoc op_loc, Operator op, Exp left, Exp right)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.Binary, op_loc);
-        this.op = op;
-        this.left = left;
-        this.right = right;
-    }
-    protected this(ExpType e, SLoc op_loc, Operator op, Exp left, Exp right)
-    {
-        super(e, op_loc);
-        this.op = op;
-        this.left = left;
-        this.right = right;
-    }
-    override SLoc startLoc() { return left.startLoc(); }
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        return left.sourceRange + right.sourceRange;
-    }
-    char[] resultType()
-    {
-        if (op >= Operator.Eq && op <= Operator.Ge)
-            return "bool";
-        return null;
-    }
-    override BinaryExp simplify()
-    {
-        left = left.simplify();
-        right = right.simplify();
-        return this;
-    }
-    Operator op;
-    Exp left, right;
-class NegateExp : Exp
-    this(SLoc op, Exp exp)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.Negate, op);
-        this.exp = exp;
-    }
-    override NegateExp simplify()
-    {
-        exp = exp.simplify();
-        return this;
-    }
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        return SourceRange(loc) + exp.sourceRange;
-    }
-    public Exp exp;
-class DerefExp : Exp
-    this(SLoc op, Exp exp)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.Deref, op);
-        this.exp = exp;
-    }
-    override DerefExp simplify()
-    {
-        exp = exp.simplify();
-        return this;
-    }
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        return SourceRange(loc) + exp.sourceRange;
-    }
-    public Exp exp;
-class AddressOfExp : Exp
-    this(SLoc op, Exp exp)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.AddressOfExp, op);
-        this.exp = exp;
-    }
-    override AddressOfExp simplify()
-    {
-        exp = exp.simplify();
-        return this;
-    }
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        return SourceRange(loc) + exp.sourceRange;
-    }
-    public Exp exp;
-class IntegerLit : Exp
-    this(SLoc loc, char[] t)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.IntegerLit, loc);
-        range = SourceRange(loc, loc + t.length);
- = t;
-    }
-    char[] get()
-    {
-        return name;
-    }
-    override IntegerLit simplify()
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        return range;
-    }
-    Number number;
-    char[] name;
-    private SourceRange range;
-class MemberReference : Exp
-    this(SLoc dot, Exp target, Identifier child)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.MemberReference, dot);
- = target;
-        this.child = child;
-    }
-    override char[] getFQN()
-    {
-        return getSymbol().getFQN();
-    }
-    override char[] getMangledFQN()
-    {
-        return target.type.mangle() ~ child.getMangledFQN();
-    }
-    override Symbol getSymbol()
-    {
-        auto s = target.getSymbol();
-        if (s !is null)
-            return s.findMembers(child.get)[0];
-        return null;
-    }
-    override MemberReference simplify()
-    {
-        target = target.simplify();
-        return this;
-    }
-    override SLoc startLoc() { return target.startLoc(); }
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        return target.sourceRange + child.sourceRange;
-    }
-    Identifier child;
-    Exp target;
-class IndexExp : Exp
-    this(Exp target, SLoc left_bracket, Exp index, SLoc right_bracket)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.Index, target.startLoc);
- = target;
-        this.left_bracket = left_bracket;
-        this.index = index;
-        this.right_bracket = right_bracket;
-    }
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        return target.sourceRange + SourceRange(right_bracket);
-    }
-    override IndexExp simplify()
-    {
-        target = target.simplify();
-        index = index.simplify();
-        return this;
-    }
-    Exp target;
-    Exp index;
-    SLoc left_bracket, right_bracket;
-class CastExp : Exp
-    this(SLoc loc, Identifier castType, Exp exp)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.CastExp, loc);
-        this.castType = castType;
-        this.exp = exp;
-    }
-    override CastExp simplify()
-    {
-        castType = castType.simplify();
-        exp = exp.simplify();
-        return this;
-    }
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        return SourceRange(loc) + exp.sourceRange;
-    }
-    Identifier castType;
-    Exp exp;
-class StringExp : Exp
-    this(SLoc loc, char[] str)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.StringExp, loc);
-        this.str = str;
-    }
-    char[] str;
-    String data;
-class NewExp : Exp
-    this(Identifier newType, Exp[] a_args, Exp[] c_args)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.NewExp, newType.loc);
-        this.newType = newType;
-        this.a_args = a_args;
-        this.c_args = c_args;
-    }
-    Exp[] a_args, c_args;
-    Identifier newType;
-    Symbol callSym;
-class NullExp : Exp
-    this(SLoc loc)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.NullExp, loc);
-    }
-class Identifier : Exp
-    this(SLoc loc, char[] name)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.Identifier, loc);
- = name;
-    }
-    protected this(ExpType t, SLoc loc)
-    {
-        super(t, loc);
-    }
-    override char[] getFQN()
-    {
-        return name;
-    }
-    override char[] getMangledFQN()
-    {
-        return Integer.toString(name.length) ~ name;
-    }
-    override Symbol getSymbol()
-    {
-        if (!env)
-            return null;
-        if (auto decl = env.find(this.get))
-            if(decl.length)
-                return decl[$-1].sym;
-        return null;
-    }
-    this(char[] name)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.Identifier, SLoc.Invalid);
- = name;
-    }
-    char[] get()
-    {
-        return name;
-    }
-    hash_t toHash()
-    {
-        return jhash(name);
-    }
-    int opCmp(Object o)
-    {
-        if (auto id = cast(Identifier)o)
-            return typeid(char[]).compare(&name, &;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    int opEquals(Object o)
-    {
-        if (auto id = cast(Identifier)o)
-            return typeid(char[]).equals(&name, &;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    override Identifier simplify()
-    {
-        return this;
-    }
-    override SourceRange sourceRange()
-    {
-        return SourceRange(loc, loc + name.length);
-    }
-    char[] name;
-class IdentifierTypeExp : Identifier
-    this(SLoc loc, char[] name)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.IdentifierTypeExp, loc);
- = name;
-    }
-    protected this(ExpType t, SLoc loc)
-    {
-        super(t, loc);
-    }
-class PointerTypeExp : IdentifierTypeExp
-    this(IdentifierTypeExp pointerOf)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.PointerTypeExp, pointerOf.loc);
-        this.pointerOf = pointerOf;
- =;
-    }
-    Identifier pointerOf;
-class StaticArrayTypeExp : IdentifierTypeExp
-    this(IdentifierTypeExp arrayOf, IntegerLit size)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.StaticArrayTypeExp, arrayOf.loc);
-        this.arrayOf = arrayOf;
-        this.size = Integer.parse(size.get);
- =;
-    }
-    Identifier arrayOf;
-    int size;
-class ArrayTypeExp : IdentifierTypeExp
-    this(IdentifierTypeExp arrayOf)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.ArrayTypeExp, arrayOf.loc);
-        this.arrayOf = arrayOf;
- =;
-    }
-    Identifier arrayOf;
-class FunctionTypeExp : IdentifierTypeExp
-    this(IdentifierTypeExp returnType, VarDecl[] decls)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.FunctionTypeExp, returnType.loc);
-        this.returnType = returnType;
-        this.decls = decls;
-    }
-    VarDecl[] decls;
-    IdentifierTypeExp returnType;
-class ArrayLiteralExp : Exp
-    this(Exp[] exps, SLoc begin, SLoc end)
-    {
-        super(ExpType.ArrayLiteralExp, begin);
-        this.exps = exps;
-        this.begin = begin;
-        this.end = end;
-    }
-    Exp[] exps;
-    SLoc begin, end;
--- a/ast/Module.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-module ast.Module;
-import sema.Scope,
-       sema.VC,
-       sema.Symbol;
-import ast.Decl;
-class Module
-    this(char[] moduleName)
-    {
-        this.moduleName = moduleName;
-    }
-    void addDecl(Decl decl)
-    {
-        if(!decl)
-            return;
-        switch(decl.declType)
-        {
-            case DeclType.FuncDecl:
-                functions ~= cast(FuncDecl)decl;
-                break;
-            case DeclType.VarDecl:
-                vars ~= cast(VarDecl)decl;
-                break;
-            case DeclType.StructDecl:
-                structs ~= cast(StructDecl)decl;
-                break;
-            case DeclType.ClassDecl:
-                classes ~= cast(ClassDecl)decl;
-                break;
-            case DeclType.InterfaceDecl:
-                interfaces ~= cast(InterfaceDecl)decl;
-                break;
-            case DeclType.AliasDecl:
-                aliases ~= cast(AliasDecl)decl;
-                break;
-            default:
-                assert(0, "DeclType not implemented");
-        }
-        decls ~= decl;
-    }
-    void verify(VC vc)
-    {
-        foreach (decl; decls)
-            decl.verify(vc);
-    }
-    VarDecl[]       vars;
-    FuncDecl[]      functions;
-    StructDecl[]    structs;
-    ClassDecl[]     classes;
-    InterfaceDecl[] interfaces;
-    AliasDecl[]     aliases;
-    Decl[] decls;
-    char[] moduleName;
-    Scope env;
-    Symbol symbol;
-    bool outputModule = true;
--- a/ast/Stmt.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-module ast.Stmt;
-import Array = tango.core.Array,
-       Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer,
-import ast.Exp,
-       ast.Decl;
-import sema.Scope,
-       sema.VC,
-       basic.Message,
-       basic.SourceLocation;
-enum StmtType
-    Stmt,
-    Compound,
-    Decl,
-    Exp,
-    Return,
-    If,
-    While,
-    For,
-    Switch,
-abstract class Stmt
-    this(StmtType stmtType = StmtType.Stmt)
-    {
-        this.stmtType = stmtType;
-    }
-    void simplify()
-    {
-    }
-    void verify(VC vc) {}
-    /// The "main" location of the expression.
-    SourceLocation loc;
-    /// Return the starting location of this statement
-    SourceLocation startLoc() { return loc; }
-    /// Get the full extents of the expression
-    SourceRange sourceRange() { return SourceRange(loc, loc + 1); }
-    StmtType stmtType;
-    Scope env;
-    int stmtIndex;
-class CompoundStatement : Stmt
-    this(Stmt[] stmts)
-    {
-        super(StmtType.Compound);
-        this.statements = stmts;
-    }
-    override void simplify()
-    {
-        foreach (stmt; statements )
-            stmt.simplify();
-    }
-    Stmt[] statements;
-class ReturnStmt : Stmt
-    this()
-    {
-        super(StmtType.Return);
-    }
-    // Needed?
-    override void simplify()
-    {
-        FuncDecl f = env.parentFunction;
-        if (exp)
-           exp = exp.simplify();
-        if (f !is null && f.sret)
-        {
-            auto i = new Identifier("ret.val");
-            i.env = f.env;
-            auto ass = new AssignExp(SLoc.Invalid, BinaryExp.Operator.Assign, i, exp);
-            ass.env = f.env;
-            auto assStmt = new ExpStmt(ass);
-            assStmt.env = f.env;
-            Stmt[] stmts;
-            foreach(index, stmt ; f.statements)
-            {
-                if(stmtIndex == index)
-                    stmts ~= assStmt;
-                stmts ~= stmt;
-            }
-            f.statements = stmts;
-            exp = null;
-        }
-    }
-    public Exp exp;
-class DeclStmt : Stmt
-    this(Decl decl)
-    {
-        super(StmtType.Decl);
-        this.decl = decl;
-    }
-    override void simplify()
-    {
-        decl.simplify();
-    }
-    public Decl decl;
-class ExpStmt : Stmt
-    this(Exp exp)
-    {
-        super(StmtType.Exp);
-        this.exp = exp;
-    }
-    override void simplify()
-    {
-        exp = exp.simplify();
-    }
-    public Exp exp;
-class IfStmt : Stmt
-    this(Exp cond, Stmt then, Stmt el = null)
-    {
-        super(StmtType.If);
-        this.cond = cond;
-        this.then_body = then;
-        this.else_body = el;
-    }
-    override void simplify()
-    {
-        cond = cond.simplify();
-        then_body.simplify();
-        if (else_body)
-            else_body.simplify();
-    }
-    Exp cond;
-    Stmt then_body;
-    Stmt else_body;
-class WhileStmt : Stmt
-    this(Exp cond, Stmt stmts)
-    {
-        super(StmtType.While);
-        this.cond = cond;
-        this.whileBody = stmts;
-    }
-    override void simplify()
-    {
-        cond = cond.simplify();
-        whileBody.simplify();
-    }
-    Exp cond;
-    Stmt whileBody;
-class ForStmt : Stmt
-    this(Stmt init, Exp cond, Exp incre, Stmt stmts)
-    {
-        super(StmtType.For);
-        this.init = init;
-        this.cond = cond;
-        this.incre = incre;
-        this.forBody = stmts;
-    }
-    override void simplify()
-    {
-        if (cond)
-            cond = cond.simplify();
-        forBody.simplify();
-    }
-    Exp cond, incre;
-    Stmt init, forBody;
-class SwitchStmt : Stmt
-    this(SourceLocation loc, Exp target)
-    {
-        super(StmtType.Switch);
-        cond = target;
-        this.loc = loc;
-    }
-    void addCase(SourceLocation _case, Exp[] values, Stmt[] stmts)
-    {
-        cases ~= Case(_case, values, stmts);
-    }
-    void setDefault(SourceLocation _default, Stmt[] stmts)
-    {
-        if (defaultBlock !is null)
-            extraDefaultBlocks = true;
-        defaultBlock = stmts;
-        defaultLoc = _default;
-        if (cases.length > 0)
-            cases[$ - 1].followedByDefault = true;
-    }
-    override void simplify()
-    {
-        cond = cond.simplify();
-        foreach ( stmt ; defaultBlock )
-            stmt.simplify();
-        foreach ( c ; cases )
-            foreach ( stmt ; c.stmts )
-                stmt.simplify();
-    }
-    override void verify(VC vc)
-    {
-        if (extraDefaultBlocks)
-  , defaultLoc);
-        if (cases.length == 0)
-            return;
-        scope long[] all_values;
-        foreach (ref Case; cases)
-        {
-            long[] new_values;
-            foreach (exp; Case.values)
-                if (auto lit = cast(IntegerLit)exp)
-                    new_values ~= Integer.parse(lit.get);
-                else
-                    // We flag all non-literals and ignore them
-          , exp.loc);
-            Case.values_converted = new_values;
-            all_values ~= new_values;
-        }
-        Array.sort(all_values);
-        char[][] overlapping;
-        size_t i = 0;
-        while ((i = Array.findAdj(all_values)) < all_values.length
-                && all_values.length > 0)
-        {
-            overlapping ~= Integer.toString(all_values[i]);
-            auto similar = Array.count(all_values, all_values[i]);
-            all_values = all_values[i + similar .. $];
-        }
-        if (overlapping.length > 0)
-  , loc).arg(overlapping);
-    }
-    Exp cond;
-    Case[] cases;
-    Stmt[] defaultBlock;
-    private bool extraDefaultBlocks = false;
-    private SourceLocation defaultLoc;
-    struct Case
-    {
-        SourceLocation caseLoc;
-        Exp[] values;
-        Stmt[] stmts;
-        long[] values_converted;
-        bool followedByDefault = false;
-    }
--- a/basic/Attribute.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-module basic.Attribute;
-import tango.core.BitManip;
-import Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;
-enum Protection : uint
-    Private   = 1<<0,
-    Public    = 1<<1,
-    Package   = 1<<2,
-    Protected = 1<<3,
-    Export    = 1<<4,
-enum Extern : uint
-    C         = 1<<12,
-    CPlusPlus = 1<<13,
-    D         = 1<<14,
-    Windows   = 1<<15,
-    Pascal    = 1<<16,
-    System    = 1<<17,
-struct Attribute
-    void setProtection(Protection p)
-    {
-        att &= 0xFFFFFFE0;
-        att |= p;
-    }
-    Protection getProtection()
-    {
-        Protection p = Protection.Public;
-        switch(bsf(0xF0000000 | att))
-        {
-            case 0:
-                p = Protection.Private;
-                break;
-            case 1:
-                p = Protection.Public;
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                p = Protection.Package;
-                break;
-            case 3:
-                p = Protection.Protected;
-                break;
-            case 4:
-                p = Protection.Export;
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-        return p;
-    }
-    void setExtern(Extern e)    
-    { 
-        att &= 0xFF7C0FFF;
-        att |= e; 
-    }
-    Extern getExtern()
-    {
-        Extern e = Extern.D;
-        switch(bsf(0xF0000000 | att >> 12))
-        {
-            case 0:
-                e = Extern.C;
-                break;
-            case 1:
-                e = Extern.CPlusPlus;
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                e = Extern.D;
-                break;
-            case 3:
-                e = Extern.Windows;
-                break;
-            case 4:
-                e = Extern.Pascal;
-                break;
-            case 5:
-                e = Extern.System;
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-        return e;
-    }
-    void setStatic()    { att |= Static; }
-    bool getStatic()    { return att & Static ? true : false; }
-    void setFinal()     { att |= Final; }
-    bool getFinal()     { return att & Final ? true : false; }
-    void setConst()     { att |= Const; }
-    bool getConst()     { return att & Const ? true : false; }
-    void setAbstract()  { att |= Abstract; }
-    bool getAbstract()  { return att & Abstract ? true : false; }
-    void setOverride()  { att |= Override; }
-    bool getOverride()  { return att & Override ? true : false; }
-    void setDeprecated(){ att |= Deprecated; }
-    bool getDeprecated(){ return att & Deprecated ? true : false; }
-    void setAuto()      { att |= Auto; }
-    bool getAuto()      { return att & Auto ? true : false; }
-    char[] toString()
-    {
-        return Integer.toString(att);
-    }
-    uint att;
-    static const uint Static        = 1<<5;
-    static const uint Final         = 1<<6;
-    static const uint Const         = 1<<7;
-    static const uint Abstract      = 1<<8;
-    static const uint Override      = 1<<9;
-    static const uint Deprecated    = 1<<10;
-    static const uint Auto          = 1<<11;
--- a/basic/LiteralParsing.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,900 +0,0 @@
-module basic.LiteralParsing;
-import basic.SourceLocation,
-       basic.Message,
-       basic.conv;
-       tango.core.BitManip,
-       Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer,
-       Utf = tango.text.convert.Utf,
-       tango.text.Util;
-enum StringType
-    Char,
-    WChar,
-    DChar
-enum NumberType
-    Int,
-    UInt,
-    Long,
-    ULong,
-    Float,
-    Double,
-    Real
-struct String
-    StringType type;
-    ubyte[] data;
-struct Number
-    NumberType type;
-    ulong integer;
-    real  floating;
-private struct EscapeReturn
-    ubyte[] data;
-    int length;
-private struct NumberReturn
-    char[] data;
-    int length;
-Number parseNumber(char[] str, SourceLocation loc, MessageHandler messages)
-    Number num;
-    switch(str[0])
-    {
-        case '0':
-        case '1':
-        case '2':
-        case '3':
-        case '4':
-        case '5':
-        case '6':
-        case '7':
-        case '8':
-        case '9':
-            if(str.contains('.') || str.contains('e') || str.contains('E'))
-            {
-                auto n = parseRealNumber(str, loc, messages);
-                try
-                {
-                    num.floating = toReal(;
-                    num.type = NumberType.Double;
-                }
-                catch(Exception e)
-                {
-                    num.floating = real.init;
-          , loc, loc + n.length - 1);
-                }
-                if(num.floating > double.max)
-                    num.type = NumberType.Real;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                auto n = parseDecimalDigits(str, loc, messages);
-                try
-                {
-                    num.integer = toUlong(;
-                }
-                catch(Exception e)
-                {
-                    num.integer = 0;
-          , loc, loc + n.length - 1);
-                }
-                if(num.integer > uint.max)
-                    num.type = NumberType.Long;
-                if(num.integer > long.max)
-                    num.type = NumberType.ULong;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-  , loc, loc+1);
-    }
-//    printNumber(str, num);
-    return num;
-NumberReturn parseDecimalDigits(char[] str, SourceLocation loc, MessageHandler messages)
-    int i = 0;
-    char[] number;
-    bool end;
-    while(!end)
-    {
-        switch(str[i])
-        {
-            case '0':
-            case '1':
-            case '2':
-            case '3':
-            case '4':
-            case '5':
-            case '6':
-            case '7':
-            case '8':
-            case '9':
-                number ~= str[i];
-                break;
-            case '_':
-                break;
-            default:
-                end = true;
-        }
-        i++;
-        if(str.length == i)
-        {
-            end = true;
-            i++;
-        }
-    }
-    NumberReturn res;
-    res.length = i - 1;
- = number;
-    return res;
-NumberReturn parseRealNumber(char[] str, SourceLocation loc, MessageHandler messages)
-    int i = 0;
-    bool dot, e;
-    char[] number;
-    NumberReturn num;
-    bool end;
-    while(!end)
-    {
-        switch(str[i])
-        {
-            case '0':
-            case '1':
-            case '2':
-            case '3':
-            case '4':
-            case '5':
-            case '6':
-            case '7':
-            case '8':
-            case '9':
-            case '_':
-                auto n = parseDecimalDigits(str[i..$], loc, messages);
-                number ~=;
-                i += n.length;
-                break;
-            case '.':
-                if(e)
-          , loc + i, loc + i + 1);
-                else if(dot)
-          , loc + i, loc + i + 1);
-                else
-                {
-                    dot = true;
-                    number ~= str[i];
-                }
-                i++;
-                break;
-            case 'e':
-            case 'E':
-                if(e)
-          , loc + i, loc + i + 1);
-                else
-                {
-                    e = true;
-                    number ~= str[i];
-                }
-                i++;
-                break;
-            case '+':
-            case '-':
-                if (number[$-1] != 'e' &&
-                    number[$-1] != 'E')
-          , loc + i, loc + i + 1)
-                        .arg(str[i]);
-                else
-                    number ~= str[i];
-                i++;
-                break;
-            default:
-                end = true;
-        }
-        if(str.length == i)
-            end = true;
-    }
-    if (number[$-1] == '+' ||
-        number[$-1] == '-' ||
-        number[$-1] == 'e' ||
-        number[$-1] == 'E')
-    {
-, loc + i - 1, loc + i);
-        return num;
-    }
- = number;
-    num.length = i;
-    return num;
-void printNumber(char[] str, Number num)
-    Stdout(str)(" have become").newline;
-    switch(num.type)
-    {
-        case NumberType.Int:
-            Stdout(num.integer)(" of type ")("int");
-            break;
-        case NumberType.UInt:
-            Stdout(num.integer)(" of type ")("uint");
-            break;
-        case NumberType.Long:
-            Stdout(num.integer)(" of type ")("long");
-            break;
-        case NumberType.ULong:
-            Stdout(num.integer)(" of type ")("ulong");
-            break;
-        case NumberType.Float:
-            Stdout(num.floating)(" of type ")("float");
-            break;
-        case NumberType.Double:
-            Stdout(num.floating)(" of type ")("double");
-            break;
-        case NumberType.Real:
-            Stdout(num.floating)(" of type ")("real");
-            break;
-    }
-    Stdout().newline;
-String parseString(char[] str, SourceLocation loc, MessageHandler messages)
-    String strBuf;
- = str.length;
- = 0;
-    switch(str[0])
-    {
-        case 'r':
-            strBuf = parseWysiwygString(str[1..$], strBuf);
-            break;
-        case '`':
-            strBuf = parseWysiwygString(str, strBuf);
-            break;
-        case '"':
-            strBuf = parseDoubleQuotedString(str, strBuf, loc, messages);
-            break;
-        case 'x':
-            strBuf = parseHexString(str[1..$], strBuf, loc + 1, messages);
-            break;
-        default:
-  , loc, loc + 1);
-    }
-//    printString(str, strBuf);
-    return strBuf;
-String parseHexString(char[] str, String strBuf, 
-        SourceLocation loc, MessageHandler messages)
-    int i = 1; // first char is "
-    char[] hex = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
-    char[] whitespace = "\r\n ";
-    char[] hexBuf;
-    while(str[i] != '"')
-    {
-        if(hex.contains(str[i]))
-        {
-            hexBuf ~= str[i];
-            if(hexBuf.length == 2)
-            {
-       ~= Integer.toInt(hexBuf, 16);
-                hexBuf.length = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        else if(!whitespace.contains(str[i]))
-  , loc + i, loc + i + 1);
-        i++;
-    }
-    return strBuf;
-String parseDoubleQuotedString(char[] str, String strBuf, 
-        SourceLocation loc, MessageHandler messages)
-    int i = 1; // first char is "
-    while(str[i] != '"')
-    {
-        switch(str[i])
-        {
-            case '\\': // EscapeSequence
-                EscapeReturn res = parseEscapeSequence(str[i..$], loc + i, messages);
-       ~=;
-                i += res.length;
-                break;
-            default:
-       ~= str[i];
-                i++;
-        }
-        if(i >= str.length)
-            break;
-    }
-    if(str.length > i + 1) // Then we have a postfix. Lexer makes sure this is c, w or d.
-        switch(str[i+1])
-        {
-            case 'c':
-                break;
-            case 'w':
-       = cast(ubyte[])Utf.toString16(cast(char[]);
-                strBuf.type = StringType.WChar;
-                break;
-            case 'd':
-       = cast(ubyte[])Utf.toString32(cast(char[]);
-                strBuf.type = StringType.DChar;
-                break;
-        }
-    return strBuf;
-EscapeReturn parseEscapeSequence(char[] str,
-        SourceLocation loc, MessageHandler messages)
-    EscapeReturn res;
-    switch(str[1])
-    {
-        case '\'':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\'';
-            break;
-        case '"':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\"';
-            break;
-        case '?':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\?';
-            break;
-        case '\\':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\\';
-            break;
-        case 'a':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\a';
-            break;
-        case 'b':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\b';
-            break;
-        case 'f':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\f';
-            break;
-        case 'n':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\n';
-            break;
-        case 'r':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\r';
-            break;
-        case 't':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\t';
-            break;
-        case 'v':
-            res.length = 2;
-   ~= '\v';
-            break;
-        case 'x':
-            char[] hex = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
-            char[] hexBuf;
-            if(str.length - 1 >= 4)
-            {
-                for(int i = 2; i < 4; i++)
-                    if(hex.contains(str[i]))
-                        hexBuf ~= str[i];
-                    else
-              , loc + i, loc + i + 1)
-                            .arg(Integer.toString(i-1))
-                            .arg(Integer.toString(2));
-                res.length = 4;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-      , loc, loc + str.length);
-                res.length = str.length - 1;
-            }
-   ~= cast(ubyte)Integer.toInt(hexBuf, 16);
-            break;
-        case 'u':
-            char[] hex = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
-            char[] hexBuf;
-            if(str.length - 1 >= 6)
-            {
-                for(int i = 2; i < 6; i++)
-                    if(hex.contains(str[i]))
-                        hexBuf ~= str[i];
-                    else
-              , loc + i, loc + i + 1)
-                            .arg(Integer.toString(i-1))
-                            .arg(Integer.toString(6));
-                res.length = 6;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-      , loc, loc + str.length);
-                res.length = str.length - 1;
-            }
-            uint i = Integer.toLong(hexBuf, 16);
-            if(!isValidUtf8(i))
-      , loc, loc+6);
-            else
-       ~= parseToUtf8(i);
-            break;
-        case 'U':
-            char[] hex = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
-            char[] hexBuf;
-            if(str.length - 1 >= 10)
-            {
-                for(int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
-                    if(hex.contains(str[i]))
-                        hexBuf ~= str[i];
-                    else
-              , loc + i, loc + i + 1)
-                            .arg(Integer.toString(i-1))
-                            .arg(Integer.toString(10));
-                res.length = 10;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-      , loc, loc + str.length);
-                res.length = str.length - 1;
-            }
-            uint i = Integer.toLong(hexBuf, 16);
-            if(!isValidUtf8(i))
-      , loc, loc+10);
-            else
-       ~= parseToUtf8(i);
-            break;
-        case '0':
-        case '1':
-        case '2':
-        case '3':
-        case '4':
-        case '5':
-        case '6':
-        case '7':
-            char[] oct = "01234567";
-            char[] octBuf;
-            octBuf ~= str[1];
-            res.length = 2;
-            for(int i = 2; i < 4; i++)
-                if(oct.contains(str[i]))
-                {
-                    octBuf ~= str[i];
-                    res.length += 1;
-                }
-                else
-                    break;
-            uint i = Integer.toLong(octBuf, 8);
-   ~= i;
-            break;
-        case '&':
-            int i = 2;
-            char[] s;
-            while(str[i] != ';')
-            {
-                if(str[i] == '"')
-                {
-          , loc+i, loc+i+1);
-                    res.length = 2;
-                    break;
-                }
-                s ~= str[i];
-                i++;
-            }
-            if ( s in characterEntities )
-            {
-       ~= parseToUtf8(characterEntities[s]);
-            }
-            else
-      , loc + 2, loc + i);
-            res.length = i + 1; // remember the ;
-            break;
-        default:
-  , loc, loc + 2);
-            res.length += 2;
-    }
-    return res;
-String parseWysiwygString(char[] str, String strBuf)
-    char start = str[0];
-    int i = 1;
-    while(str[i] != start)
-    {
- ~= cast(ubyte)str[i];
-        i++;
-    }
-    return strBuf;
-ubyte[] parseToUtf8(uint i)
-    if(i <= 0x00007F)
-        return [cast(ubyte)i];
-    else if(i <= 0x0007FF)
-    {
-        ubyte a = (i << 26) >> 26;
-        bts(cast(uint*)&a, 7);
-        ubyte b = (i << 19) >> 25;
-        bts(cast(uint*)&b, 7);
-        bts(cast(uint*)&b, 6);
-        return [b,a];
-    }
-    else if(i <= 0x00FFFF)
-    {
-        ubyte a = (i << 26) >> 26;
-        bts(cast(uint*)&a, 7);
-        ubyte b = (i << 20) >> 26;
-        bts(cast(uint*)&b, 7);
-        ubyte c = (i << 16) >> 28;
-        bts(cast(uint*)&c, 7);
-        bts(cast(uint*)&c, 6);
-        bts(cast(uint*)&c, 5);
-        return [c,b,a];
-    }
-    else if(i <= 0x10FFFF)
-    {
-        ubyte a = (i << 26) >> 26;
-        bts(cast(uint*)&a, 7);
-        ubyte b = (i << 20) >> 26;
-        bts(cast(uint*)&b, 7);
-        ubyte c = (i << 14) >> 26;
-        bts(cast(uint*)&c, 7);
-        ubyte d = (i << 11) >> 29;
-        bts(cast(uint*)&d, 7);
-        bts(cast(uint*)&d, 6);
-        bts(cast(uint*)&d, 5);
-        bts(cast(uint*)&d, 4);
-        return [d,c,b,a];
-    }
-bool isValidUtf8(uint i)
-    if(i <= 0x10FFFF)
-        return true;
-    return false;
-void printString(char[] str, String strBuf)
-    char[] s;
-    switch(strBuf.type)
-    {
-        case StringType.Char:
-            Stdout(str)(" have become").newline()
-                (cast(char[]);
-            break;
-        case StringType.WChar:
-            Stdout(str)(" have become").newline()
-                (cast(wchar[]);
-            break;
-        case StringType.DChar:
-            Stdout(str)(" have become").newline()
-                (cast(dchar[]);
-            break;
-    }
-static ushort[char[]] characterEntities;
-static this()
-    characterEntities = 
-    [
-        "quot"[]: 34,
-        "amp": 38,
-        "lt": 60,
-        "gt": 62,
-        "OElig": 338,
-        "oelig": 339,
-        "Scaron": 352,
-        "scaron": 353,
-        "Yuml": 376,
-        "circ": 710,
-        "tilde": 732,
-        "ensp": 8194,
-        "emsp": 8195,
-        "thinsp": 8201,
-        "zwnj": 8204,
-        "zwj": 8205,
-        "lrm": 8206,
-        "rlm": 8207,
-        "ndash": 8211,
-        "mdash": 8212,
-        "lsquo": 8216,
-        "rsquo": 8217,
-        "sbquo": 8218,
-        "ldquo": 8220,
-        "rdquo": 8221,
-        "bdquo": 8222,
-        "dagger": 8224,
-        "Dagger": 8225,
-        "permil": 8240,
-        "lsaquo": 8249,
-        "rsaquo": 8250,
-        "euro": 8364,
-        "nbsp": 160,
-        "iexcl": 161,
-        "cent": 162,
-        "pound": 163,
-        "curren": 164,
-        "yen": 165,
-        "brvbar": 166,
-        "sect": 167,
-        "uml": 168,
-        "copy": 169,
-        "ordf": 170,
-        "laquo": 171,
-        "not": 172,
-        "shy": 173,
-        "reg": 174,
-        "macr": 175,
-        "deg": 176,
-        "plusmn": 177,
-        "sup2": 178,
-        "sup3": 179,
-        "acute": 180,
-        "micro": 181,
-        "para": 182,
-        "middot": 183,
-        "cedil": 184,
-        "sup1": 185,
-        "ordm": 186,
-        "raquo": 187,
-        "frac14": 188,
-        "frac12": 189,
-        "frac34": 190,
-        "iquest": 191,
-        "Agrave": 192,
-        "Aacute": 193,
-        "Acirc": 194,
-        "Atilde": 195,
-        "Auml": 196,
-        "Aring": 197,
-        "AElig": 198,
-        "Ccedil": 199,
-        "Egrave": 200,
-        "Eacute": 201,
-        "Ecirc": 202,
-        "Euml": 203,
-        "Igrave": 204,
-        "Iacute": 205,
-        "Icirc": 206,
-        "Iuml": 207,
-        "ETH": 208,
-        "Ntilde": 209,
-        "Ograve": 210,
-        "Oacute": 211,
-        "Ocirc": 212,
-        "Otilde": 213,
-        "Ouml": 214,
-        "times": 215,
-        "Oslash": 216,
-        "Ugrave": 217,
-        "Uacute": 218,
-        "Ucirc": 219,
-        "Uuml": 220,
-        "Yacute": 221,
-        "THORN": 222,
-        "szlig": 223,
-        "agrave": 224,
-        "aacute": 225,
-        "acirc": 226,
-        "atilde": 227,
-        "auml": 228,
-        "aring": 229,
-        "aelig": 230,
-        "ccedil": 231,
-        "egrave": 232,
-        "eacute": 233,
-        "ecirc": 234,
-        "euml": 235,
-        "igrave": 236,
-        "iacute": 237,
-        "icirc": 238,
-        "iuml": 239,
-        "eth": 240,
-        "ntilde": 241,
-        "ograve": 242,
-        "oacute": 243,
-        "ocirc": 244,
-        "otilde": 245,
-        "ouml": 246,
-        "divide": 247,
-        "oslash": 248,
-        "ugrave": 249,
-        "uacute": 250,
-        "ucirc": 251,
-        "uuml": 252,
-        "yacute": 253,
-        "thorn": 254,
-        "yuml": 255,
-        "fnof": 402,
-        "Alpha": 913,
-        "Beta": 914,
-        "Gamma": 915,
-        "Delta": 916,
-        "Epsilon": 917,
-        "Zeta": 918,
-        "Eta": 919,
-        "Theta": 920,
-        "Iota": 921,
-        "Kappa": 922,
-        "Lambda": 923,
-        "Mu": 924,
-        "Nu": 925,
-        "Xi": 926,
-        "Omicron": 927,
-        "Pi": 928,
-        "Rho": 929,
-        "Sigma": 931,
-        "Tau": 932,
-        "Upsilon": 933,
-        "Phi": 934,
-        "Chi": 935,
-        "Psi": 936,
-        "Omega": 937,
-        "alpha": 945,
-        "beta": 946,
-        "gamma": 947,
-        "delta": 948,
-        "epsilon": 949,
-        "zeta": 950,
-        "eta": 951,
-        "theta": 952,
-        "iota": 953,
-        "kappa": 954,
-        "lambda": 955,
-        "mu": 956,
-        "nu": 957,
-        "xi": 958,
-        "omicron": 959,
-        "pi": 960,
-        "rho": 961,
-        "sigmaf": 962,
-        "sigma": 963,
-        "tau": 964,
-        "upsilon": 965,
-        "phi": 966,
-        "chi": 967,
-        "psi": 968,
-        "omega": 969,
-        "thetasym": 977,
-        "upsih": 978,
-        "piv": 982,
-        "bull": 8226,
-        "hellip": 8230,
-        "prime": 8242,
-        "Prime": 8243,
-        "oline": 8254,
-        "frasl": 8260,
-        "weierp": 8472,
-        "image": 8465,
-        "real": 8476,
-        "trade": 8482,
-        "alefsym": 8501,
-        "larr": 8592,
-        "uarr": 8593,
-        "rarr": 8594,
-        "darr": 8595,
-        "harr": 8596,
-        "crarr": 8629,
-        "lArr": 8656,
-        "uArr": 8657,
-        "rArr": 8658,
-        "dArr": 8659,
-        "hArr": 8660,
-        "forall": 8704,
-        "part": 8706,
-        "exist": 8707,
-        "empty": 8709,
-        "nabla": 8711,
-        "isin": 8712,
-        "notin": 8713,
-        "ni": 8715,
-        "prod": 8719,
-        "sum": 8721,
-        "minus": 8722,
-        "lowast": 8727,
-        "radic": 8730,
-        "prop": 8733,
-        "infin": 8734,
-        "ang": 8736,
-        "and": 8743,
-        "or": 8744,
-        "cap": 8745,
-        "cup": 8746,
-        "int": 8747,
-        "there4": 8756,
-        "sim": 8764,
-        "cong": 8773,
-        "asymp": 8776,
-        "ne": 8800,
-        "equiv": 8801,
-        "le": 8804,
-        "ge": 8805,
-        "sub": 8834,
-        "sup": 8835,
-        "nsub": 8836,
-        "sube": 8838,
-        "supe": 8839,
-        "oplus": 8853,
-        "otimes": 8855,
-        "perp": 8869,
-        "sdot": 8901,
-        "lceil": 8968,
-        "rceil": 8969,
-        "lfloor": 8970,
-        "rfloor": 8971,
-        "lang": 9001,
-        "rang": 9002,
-        "loz": 9674,
-        "spades": 9824,
-        "clubs": 9827,
-        "hearts": 9829,
-        "diams": 9830
-    ];
--- a/basic/Message.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-module basic.Message;
-import tango.core.Exception,
-       Array = tango.core.Array,
-       tango.text.Util;
-import tango.stdc.stdlib;
-import llvm.type;
-import lexer.Token,
-       lexer.Lexer,
-       sema.DType;
-import basic.SourceLocation,
-       basic.SourceManager;
-public import basic.Messages;
-enum ExitLevel
-    Normal = 1,
-    Lexer = 2,
-    Parser = 3,
-    Semantic = 3,
-class MessageHandler
-    this(SourceManager src_mgr)
-    {
-        this.src_mgr = src_mgr;
-    }
-    Message report(uint opcode, SLoc location)
-    {
-        Message m = new Message(opcode, location, src_mgr, this);
-        messages ~= m;
-        return m;
-    }
-    Message report(uint opcode, SourceRange[] ranges, SourceLocation[] locs)
-    {
-        Message m = new Message(opcode, ranges, locs, src_mgr, this);
-        messages ~= m;
-        return m;
-    }
-    Message report(uint opcode, SLoc location1, SLoc location2, SLoc location3 = SLoc.Invalid)
-    {
-        Message m = new Message(opcode, [SourceRange(location1, location2)][], [location3][], src_mgr, this);
-        messages ~= m;
-        return m;
-    }
-    void checkErrors(ExitLevel exitlevel = ExitLevel.Normal)
-    {
-        if(messages.length == 0)
-            return;
-        if(warnings)
-            checkWarnings;
-        foreach(m ; messages)
-            if(m.type == MessageType.Error)
-            {
-                Stdout(m).newline;
-            }
-        exit(exitlevel);
-    }
-    void checkWarnings()
-    {
-        foreach(m ; messages)
-            if(m.type == MessageType.Warning)
-            {
-                Stdout(m).newline;
-            }
-    }
-    void showWarnings(bool value)
-    {
-        warnings = value;
-    }
-    Message[] messages;
-    SourceManager src_mgr;
-    bool warnings;
-class Message
-    this(int opcode, SLoc location, SourceManager src_mgr, MessageHandler msg_handler)
-    {
-        this.src_mgr = src_mgr;
-        this.interests ~= location;
-        args ~= Messages[opcode].message;
-        this.type = Messages[opcode].type;
-        this.msg_handler = msg_handler;
-    }
-    this(int opcode, SourceRange[] locs, SLoc[] interests,
-            SourceManager src_mgr, MessageHandler msg_handler)
-    in
-    {
-        assert(locs.length + interests.length, "Atleast one location is requiret for a mark");
-    }
-    body
-    {
-        this.src_mgr = src_mgr;
-        this.locs = locs;
-        this.interests = interests;
-        args ~= Messages[opcode].message;
-        this.type = Messages[opcode].type;
-        this.msg_handler = msg_handler;
-        haveEnd = true;
-    }
-    char[] toString()
-    {
-        char[256] tmp = void;
-        char[] msg = layout(tmp, args);
-        SLoc location;
-        if (interests.length)
-            location = interests[0];
-        else
-            location = locs[0].begin;
-        int len = 0;
-        if(!haveEnd)
-        {
-            Lexer l = new Lexer(interests[0], src_mgr, new MessageHandler(src_mgr));
-            Token t =;
-            len = t.length;
-        }
-//        else
-  //          len = end - location;
-        if (src_mgr.getRawData(location).length > 0)
-            msg = src_mgr.getLocationAsString(location) ~ ": " ~ msg;
-        else
-            msg = msg.dup;
-        char[] line = src_mgr.getLine(location);
-        char[] marks = line.dup;
-        marks[] = ' ';
-        foreach (s ; locs)
-        {
-            size_t p = src_mgr.getColumn(s.begin);
-            marks[p .. p + (s.end-s.begin)] = interests.length ? '~' : '^';
-        }
-        foreach (interest ; interests)
-        {
-            size_t i = src_mgr.getColumn(interest);
-            marks[i] = '^';
-        }
-        msg ~= "\n    ";
-        msg ~= line;
-        msg ~= "\n    ";
-        msg ~= marks;
-        return msg;
-    }
-    Message arg(char[] s)
-    {
-        if (args.length > 10)
-            throw new Exception("Sorry, errors only support up to 10 args");
-        args ~= s;
-        return this;
-    }
-    Message arg(char[][] s)
-    {
-        char[] res = s[0 .. $ - 1].join(", ");
-        if (s.length > 1)
-            res ~= " and ";
-        res ~= s[$ - 1];
-        return arg(res);
-    }
-    Message arg(char c)
-    {
-        return arg([c]);
-    }
-    Message arg(DType[] types)
-    {
-        char[][] res;
-        foreach (type; types)
-            res ~=;
-        return arg(res);
-    }
-    Message fatal(ExitLevel exitlevel = ExitLevel.Normal)
-    {
-        msg_handler.checkErrors(exitlevel);
-        return this;
-    }
-    /*
-    Message loc(SLoc loc)
-    {
-        location = loc;
-        return this;
-    }
-    */
-    MessageType type;
-    char[][] args;
-    SourceRange[] locs;
-    SLoc[] interests;
-    bool haveEnd;
-    SourceManager src_mgr;
-    MessageHandler msg_handler;
-    Token t;
--- a/basic/Messages.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-module basic.Messages;
-enum : uint
-    // Lex
-    InvalidSymbol,
-    InvalidIlligaleType,
-    UnexpectedEOFBlock,
-    OnlyOneDotFloating,
-    OnlyOneEFloating,
-    // Parse
-    UnexpectedTokMulti,
-    UnexpectedTokSingle,
-    UnexpectedTok,
-    CaseValueMustBeInt,
-    UnexpectedBeginStmt,
-    UnexpectedTokType,
-    ExpectedIdAfterDot,
-    ExpectedExp,
-    ExpectedCastType,
-    InvalidDeclType,
-    InvalidType,
-    UnexpectedLinkType,
-    //   - imports/module
-    ExpectedIdAfterPackage,
-    RenameMustBeSingleIdent,
-    UnexpectedEOF,
-    // sema
-    CannotFindModule,
-    InvalidImplicitCast,
-    UndefinedIdentifier,
-    UndefinedType,
-    MissingMember,
-    CannotRedeclare,
-    //   - switch
-    MultipleDefaults,
-    OverlappingCases,
-    InvalidCaseValue,
-    NoConstructor,
-    NoMachingCon,
-    CandidateNr,
-    NoMethodByName,
-    NoMachingMethod,
-    CannotReassignSArray,
-    CanOnlyDerefPointers,
-    CannotCallMethod,
-    // Strings
-    InvalidStrPrefix,
-    InvalidStrEscape,
-    InvalidUtf8Hex,
-    InvalidHexStrChar,
-    InvalidCharEntity,
-    NoCharEntityEnd,
-    StringShortEscape,
-    StringHexInvalid,
-    InvalidStartInteger,
-    IntegerToLarge,
-    FloatingToLarge,
-    FloatingInvalidEnd,
-    FloatingBadLocation,
-    FloatingDotInE,
-    // Protection
-    CannotAccessPrivate,
-enum MessageType
-    Warning,
-    Error,
-MessageEntry[uint] Messages;
-struct MessageEntry
-    MessageType type;
-    char[] message;
-private alias MessageType.Error Err;
-private alias MessageType.Warning War;
-private alias MessageEntry E;
-static this()
-    Messages = [
-        // lexing
-        UnexpectedEOFBlock  : E(Err, "Unexpected end of file. Unclosed comment block"),
-        InvalidSymbol       : E(Err, "Read invalid symbol: '%0'"),
-        OnlyOneDotFloating  : E(Err, "Only one '.' is allowed in an floating number"),
-        OnlyOneEFloating    : E(Err, "Only one E is allowed in an floating number"),
-        // parsing
-        UnexpectedTokMulti  : E(Err, "Unexpected token, got %0 expected one of %1"),
-        UnexpectedTokSingle : E(Err, "Unexpected token, got %0 expected %1"),
-        UnexpectedTok       : E(Err, "Unexpected token %0"),
-        CaseValueMustBeInt  : E(Err, "Cases can only be integer literals"),
-        UnexpectedBeginStmt : E(Err, "Unexpected begining of statement."),
-        UnexpectedTokType   : E(Err, "Unexpected token in Type parsing. Got %0"),
-        ExpectedIdAfterDot  : E(Err, "Expected identifier after '.'"),
-        ExpectedExp         : E(Err, "Expected expression"),
-        ExpectedCastType    : E(Err, "Expected cast type"),
-        InvalidDeclType     : E(Err, "Invalid declaration type"),
-        InvalidType         : E(Err, "Invalid type"),
-        ExpectedIdAfterPackage : E(Err, "Identifier expected following package"),
-        UnexpectedLinkType  : E(Err, "Invalid linkage type. Only C, C++, D, Windows, Pascal and System is allowed"),
-        UnexpectedEOF       : E(Err, "Unexpected EOF after '%0'"),
-        // sema
-        CannotFindModule    : E(Err, "Cannot find module '%0'"),
-        InvalidImplicitCast : E(Err, "Cannot make implicit cast between '%0' and '%1'"),
-        UndefinedIdentifier : E(Err, "Undefined identifier '%0'"),
-        UndefinedType       : E(Err, "Undefined type '%0'"),
-        MissingMember       : E(Err, "%0 %1 has no member %2"),
-        CannotRedeclare     : E(Err, "Cannot redeclare '%0'"),
-        NoConstructor       : E(Err, "No constructor avaible"),
-        NoMachingCon        : E(Err, "No maching constructor. Candidates are:"),
-        CandidateNr         : E(Err, "Candidate number %0"),
-        NoMethodByName      : E(Err, "No method with that name"),
-        NoMachingMethod     : E(Err, "No maching method. Candidates are:"),
-        //   - switch
-        MultipleDefaults
-            : E(Err, "Switch statements can't have multiple defaults"),
-        OverlappingCases
-            : E(Err, "Can't have multiple cases with the same value."
-                     " Values appearing in multiple cases: %0"),
-        InvalidCaseValue    : E(Err, "Case values must be integers"),
-        CannotReassignSArray: E(Err, "Cannot reassign static arrays"),
-        CanOnlyDerefPointers: E(Err, "Can only deref pointers, not '%0'"),
-        CannotCallMethod    : E(Err, "Cannot call a method of type '%0' with '%1'"),
-        // literals
-        InvalidStrPrefix    : E(Err, "Invalid string literal prefix"),
-        InvalidStrEscape    : E(Err, "Invalid escape sequence"),
-        InvalidUtf8Hex      : E(Err, "Invalid Utf8 hex char"),
-        NoCharEntityEnd     : E(Err, "Character entity have no end, insert ';'"),
-        InvalidCharEntity   : E(Err, "Invalid character entity"),
-        InvalidHexStrChar   : E(Err, "Invalid character in hex string"),
-        StringShortEscape   : E(Err, "String literal is to short for escape sequence"),
-        StringHexInvalid    : E(Err, "Hex escape sequence have invalid digit at position %0 of %1"),
-        InvalidStartInteger : E(Err, "Invalid begining of number"),
-        IntegerToLarge      : E(Err, "Integer is to large. Max size is 18446744073709551615"),
-        FloatingToLarge     : E(Err, "Floating literal is to large"),
-        FloatingInvalidEnd  : E(Err, "Floating literal have wrong ending"),
-        FloatingBadLocation : E(Err, "Bad location for '%0' in floting literal"),
-        FloatingDotInE      : E(Err, "There cannot be a dot in the exponent of a floating literal"),
-        CannotAccessPrivate : E(Err, "Cannot access private member.")
-    ];
--- a/basic/SmallArray.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-module basic.SmallArray;
-  This struct acts like a normal dynamic array, with one difference.
-  A size is given, which is how many elements are preallocated on the stack.
-  Example:
-  --------
-  SmallArray!(float, 4) array;
-  array ~= 1.0;
-  array ~= 2.0;
-  array ~= 3.0;
-  float[] three_floats = array[0 .. 3];
-  // The slice gives a reference to the stack, remember to .dup
-  array ~= 4.0;
-  // not using the heap yet, but after the next line all values will have been
-  // copied to the heap.
-  array ~= 5.0;
-  --------
-  Compared to a normal dynamic array there is 8 bytes overhead (on 32 bit cpus)
-  and ofcourse size * T.sizeof bytes for the stack allocated array.
- */
-struct SmallArray(T, ubyte size = 8)
-    T[] opSlice(size_t low, size_t high)
-    {
-        assert(high <= len && low <= high, "Array index out of range");
-        return ptr[low .. high];
-    }
-    T[] opSlice()
-    {
-        return ptr[0 .. len];
-    }
-    alias opSlice unsafe;
-    T[] safe()
-    {
-        if (len <= size)
-            return static_array[0 .. len].dup;
-        return array[0 .. len];
-    }
-    T[] opSliceAssign(T val, size_t low, size_t high)
-    {
-        assert(high <= len && low <= high, "Array index out of range");
-        return ptr[low .. high] = val;
-    }
-    T[] opSliceAssign(T val)
-    {
-        return ptr[0 .. len] = val;
-    }
-    T opIndex(size_t index)
-    {
-        assert(index < len, "Array index out of range");
-        return ptr[index];
-    }
-    T opIndexAssign(T val, size_t index)
-    {
-        assert(index < len, "Array index out of range");
-        return ptr[index] = val;
-    }
-    void opCatAssign(T val)
-    {
-        if (len < size)
-            static_array[len] = val;
-        else if (len == size)
-        {
-            T[] tmp = static_array[].dup;
-            array = tmp;
-            array ~= val;
-        }
-        else
-            array ~= val;
-        ++len;
-        if (len <= size)
-            ptr = static_array.ptr;
-        else
-            ptr = array.ptr;
-    }
-    alias opCatAssign push;
-    T pop()
-    {
-        assert(len > 0, "Can't remove from an empty array");
-        return ptr[--len];
-    }
-    T peek()
-    {
-        assert(len > 0, "Array is empty");
-        return ptr[len - 1];
-    }
-    size_t length() { return len; }
-    static SmallArray opCall()
-    {
-        SmallArray array;
-        array.ptr = array.static_array.ptr;
-        return array;
-    }
-    T* ptr;
-    size_t len;
-    union
-    {
-        T[] array;
-        T[size] static_array;
-    }
--- a/basic/SourceLocation.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-module basic.SourceLocation;
-import Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;
-/// Shorter alias for SourceLocation
-public alias SourceLocation SLoc;
-/// SourceLocation points to a place in some buffer
-struct SourceLocation
-    /// Returns true, if the location is from a real file
-    bool isReal() { return (val & 0x80_00_00_00) == 0; }
-    /// Returns true, if the location is not from a real file
-    bool isVirtual() { return (val & 0x80_00_00_00) != 0; }
-    /// Check if this location is invalid or not
-    bool isValid() { return val != uint.max; }
-    /// ditto
-    bool isInvalid() { return val == uint.max; }
-    /**
-      Extracts the file id.
-      Warning: In release mode this may return junk, if the loc is not from a
-      file
-     **/
-    uint fileID() {
-        assert(isValid, "Location is invalid");
-        assert(isReal, "You can only extract fileID from a real location");
-        // Here we can rely on two facts, first that the high bit is zero
-        // since its a real position, second that FileOffset is saved in the
-        // high end, so all we need is some shifting
-        return val >> Bits.FileOffset;
-    }
-    /**
-      Extracts the offset into the "file". (actually in to the referenced
-      chunk)
-      Warning: In release mode this may return junk, if the loc is not from a
-      file
-     **/
-    uint fileOffset() {
-        assert(isValid, "Location is invalid");
-        assert(isReal, "You can only extract fileOffset from real locations");
-        // FileOffset is stored in the lower bits, so all that is needed is a
-        // binary and with all ones in the lower bits.
-        return val & (1 << Bits.FileOffset) - 1;
-    }
-    /// Get a new location, placed n bytes after the given location
-    SourceLocation opAdd(int n)
-    {
-        SourceLocation res = *this;
-        res.val += n;
-        return res;
-    }
-    /// Get a new location, placed n bytes before the given location
-    SourceLocation opSub(int n)
-    {
-        SourceLocation res = *this;
-        res.val -= n;
-        return res;
-    }
-    /// Get the length between two location
-    int opSub(SourceLocation loc)
-    {
-        return val - loc.val;
-    }
-    /// Creates a SourceLocation from a File ID
-    static SourceLocation fromFileID(uint fileID)
-    {
-        assert(fileID < Bits.MaxFileID, "To large fileID");
-        SourceLocation res;
-        res.val = fileID << Bits.FileOffset;
-        return res;
-    }
-    char[] toString()
-    {
-        return Integer.toString(val);
-    }
-    /**
-      Used for invalid/unknown locations. (also the default value, but this is
-      more explicit)
-     **/
-    static const SourceLocation Invalid = {val: uint.max};
-    /**
-      A SourceLocation consists of 1 bit, indicating real or virtual, meaning
-      if the location points to a file(real), a string mixin or has been
-      affected by #line(virtual). That information is saved in the most
-      significant bit.
-      The rest depends on which type we are dealing with.
-      Real:
-           13 bits for a file identifier
-           18 bits for offset into that "file" (one file may be split)
-      Virtual:
-           Unknown for now. Likely skewed toward more ids and some meta data
-      An invalid location is uint.max, this might happen by accident but its
-      unlikely.
-     **/
-    uint val = uint.max;
-    /**
-      This enum contains some constants that are useful for manipulating
-      SourceLocation's, like the size of various “members” of val.
-     **/
-    static enum Bits {
-        /// Number of bits used for the offset into file buffers
-        FileOffset = 18,
-        /// Number of bits used to identify which file buffer this is from
-        FileID = 31 - FileOffset,
-        /// Indicates how much can be indexed within one block(2^FileOffset)
-        MaxFileOffset = 1 << FileOffset,
-        MaxFileID = 1 << FileID,
-    }
-/// A simple pair used to describe a range in a buffer and not just a point.
-struct SourceRange
-    SourceLocation begin, end;
-    static SourceRange opCall(SourceLocation loc)
-    {
-        return SourceRange(loc, loc + 1);
-    }
-    static SourceRange opCall(SourceLocation begin, SourceLocation end)
-    {
-        SourceRange res;
-        res.begin = begin;
-        res.end = end;
-        return res;
-    }
-    bool isValid() { return begin.isValid && end.isValid; }
-    bool isInvalid() { return begin.isInvalid || end.isInvalid; }
-    bool isReal() { return begin.isReal && end.isReal; }
-    /// Get a new range spanning both ranges
-    SourceRange opAdd(SourceRange that)
-    {
-        assert(this.isValid && that.isValid, "Invalid range");
-        return SourceRange(
-                this.begin.val < that.begin.val? this.begin : that.begin,
-                this.end.val > that.end.val? this.end : that.end);
-    }
--- a/basic/SourceManager.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-module basic.SourceManager;
-import tango.core.Memory : GC;
-import tango.text.convert.Layout;
-public import basic.SourceLocation;
-private alias char[] string;
-  SourceManager is used to handle input files, by loading them in in chunks
-  that can be referenced elsewhere.
-  It will also help extract the line/col of locations and convert between
-  real and virtual locations
- **/
-class SourceManager
-    this()
-    {
-        layout = new Layout!(char);
-    }
-    /**
-      Will load in the file belonging to the filename
-        filename = The file to load. Theres some assumptions about this file.
-            1. The file has a BOM or is valid utf-8
-            2. The file is not empty, unreadable, a folder etc.
-     **/
-    SourceLocation addFile(string filename)
-    {
-        scope file = new UnicodeFile!(char)(filename, Encoding.UTF_8);
-        auto file_data =;
-        return createCheckpoints(file_data, filename);
-    }
-    /**
-      Returns a string slice containing the part of the file after loc (a
-      pointer might be better, it allows negative indexing)
-     **/
-    string getRawData(SourceLocation loc)
-    {
-        CP cp = checkpoints[loc.fileID];
-        auto length = cp.data_end -;
-        return[loc.fileOffset .. length];
-    }
-    /**
-      Extracts the line number of the given location
-      O("file size") if cache isn't built, O(log "lines in file") else
-     **/
-    uint getLineNumber(SourceLocation loc)
-    {
-        assert(loc.isValid, "Location is invalid");
-        assert(loc.isReal, "Virtual locations not supported yet");
-        assert(loc.fileID < checkpoints.length, "Non-existent location");
-        CP* cp = &checkpoints[loc.fileID];
-        auto cache = &linecache[cp.meta_index];
-        if (!cache.isCached)
-  [0 .. cp.data_end - cp.data_start]);
-        return cache.lineOf(getFileOffset(loc));
-    }
-    /**
-      Extracts the full byte offset into a file, at which a location
-      is pointing.
-     **/
-    uint getFileOffset(SourceLocation loc)
-    {
-        return loc.fileOffset
-            + checkpoints[loc.fileID].part * loc.Bits.MaxFileOffset;
-    }
-    /**
-      Extracts a string containing the entire line loc appears in.
-     **/
-    string getLine(SourceLocation loc)
-    {
-        // The line is extracted by getting two pointers to the exact location
-        // and decreasing one until the nearest newline while the other ptr is
-        // increased to the nearest newline.
-        CP* cp = &checkpoints[loc.fileID];
-        char* ptr = + loc.fileOffset;
-        char* ptr_lo = ptr;
-        while (cp.inRange(ptr_lo) && *ptr_lo != '\n' && *ptr_lo != '\r')
-            --ptr_lo;
-        while (cp.inRange(ptr) && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\r')
-            ++ptr;
-        return ptr_lo[1 .. ptr - ptr_lo];
-    }
-    /**
-      Gets the column of where the loc appears.
-     **/
-    int getColumn(SourceLocation loc)
-    {
-        // Use same approach as getLine
-        CP* cp = &checkpoints[loc.fileID];
-        char* ptr = + loc.fileOffset;
-        char* ptr_lo = ptr;
-        while (cp.inRange(ptr_lo) && *ptr_lo != '\n' && *ptr_lo != '\r')
-            --ptr_lo;
-        return cast(int)ptr - cast(int)ptr_lo - 1;
-    }
-    /**
-      Get the original source text of a SourceRange
-     **/
-    string getText(SourceRange loc)
-    {
-        assert(loc.isValid, "Range is invalid");
-        assert(loc.isReal, "Virtual locations not supported yet");
-        auto begin  = getFileOffset(loc.begin);
-        auto end    = getFileOffset(loc.end);
-        return checkpoints[loc.begin.fileID].data_start[begin .. end];
-    }
-    /**
-      Get the original source text
-     **/
-    string getText(SourceLocation loc, size_t length)
-    {
-        return getText(SourceRange(loc, loc + length));
-    }
-    /**
-      Convert a location into a string. Something like "file(line)"
-     **/
-    string getLocationAsString(SourceLocation loc)
-    {
-        assert(loc.isValid, "Location is invalid");
-        return layout.convert("{}({})",
-            checkpoints[loc.fileID].filename,
-            getLineNumber(loc));
-    }
-    string getLocationAsString(SourceRange loc)
-    {
-        return layout.convert("{}({}:{})",
-            checkpoints[loc.begin.fileID].filename,
-            getFileOffset(loc.begin),
-            getFileOffset(loc.end));
-    }
-    /**
-      Get the file name of a loc.
-     **/
-    string getFile(SourceLocation loc)
-    {
-        return checkpoints[loc.fileID].filename;
-    }
-    synchronized
-        SourceLocation createCheckpoints(string data, string source_file)
-    {
-        // The line-cache is added, but not built,
-        // getLineNumber makes sure it is called when needed.
-        linecache ~= FileLineCache();
-        uint meta_index = linecache.length - 1;
-        // SourceLocation's can only index relatively short buffers, therefore
-        // the file is split into several checkpoints.
-        uint checkpoint_counter = 0;
-        char* data_start = data.ptr;
-        char* data_end = data.ptr + data.length;
-        while (data.length > 0)
-        {
-            uint to_take = min(data.length, SourceLocation.Bits.MaxFileOffset);
-            checkpoints ~=
-                CP(source_file,
-                        data_start,
-                        data_end,
-                        data[0 .. to_take],
-                        checkpoint_counter++,
-                        meta_index);
-            data = data[to_take .. $];
-        }
-        checkpoint_counter = checkpoints.length - checkpoint_counter;
-        return SourceLocation.fromFileID(checkpoint_counter);
-    }
-    /// Contains the read/generated data.
-    CP[] checkpoints;
-    /// Cache used to speed up finding of line-starts.
-    FileLineCache[] linecache;
-    /// Used for formatting locations as strings.
-    Layout!(char) layout;
-    // These really should be magically available everywhere and templated.
-    int min(int a, int b) { return a < b? a : b; }
-    int max(int a, int b) { return a >= b? a : b; }
-    // A Check Point is used to store a file in multiple parts, to overcome
-    // the limitation of SourceLocation only having a rather limited amount of
-    // bits to index any one file.
-    struct CP
-    {
-        // read-only
-        char[] filename;
-        // ditto
-        char* data_start;
-        char* data_end;
-        // ditto
-        char[] data;
-        // ditto
-        uint part = 0;
-        // ditto
-        uint meta_index = 0;
-        bool inRange(char* p)
-        {
-            return p >= data_start && p < data_end;
-        }
-    }
-    struct FileLineCache
-    {
-        /// Contains the offset of the i'th line on index i
-        uint[] line_starts;
-        /// Indicates weather the cache has been built or not
-        bool isCached = false;
-        /**
-          This method does a binary search to find the line that contains the
-          given offset.
-         **/
-        uint lineOf(uint offset)
-        {
-            size_t  beg = 0,
-                    end = line_starts.length,
-                    mid = end >> 1;
-            while( beg < end )
-            {
-                if( line_starts[mid] <= offset )
-                    beg = mid + 1;
-                else
-                    end = mid;
-                mid = beg + ( end - beg ) / 2;
-            }
-            return mid;
-        }
-        /**
-          Builds the cache data - always make sure this has been called before
-          calling lineOf.
-         **/
-        void build(char[] data)
-        {
-            // j starts at 1, because we need an additional place in the array
-            // to indicate that line 1 starts at index 0.
-            size_t j = 1;
-            char* it = data.ptr, end = data.ptr + data.length;
-            for (; it != end; ++it)
-                if (*it == '\n')
-                    ++j;
-            // Allocate without initialization. Saves a bit of time
-            line_starts.length = j;
-            line_starts[0] = 0;
-            // Go over the data again, writing the line starts in our new array
-            j = 1;
-            for (size_t i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
-            {
-                if (data[i] == '\n')
-                    line_starts[j++] = i;
-                else if (data[i] == '\r')
-                {
-                    line_starts[j++] = i;
-                    i += cast(size_t)(data[i+1] == '\n');
-                }
-            }
-            isCached = true;
-        }
-    }
--- a/basic/conv.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-// Written in the D programming language.
- *  Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by Digital Mars,
- *  Written by Walter Bright
- *  Some parts contributed by David L. Davis
- *
- *  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
- *  warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
- *  arising from the use of this software.
- *
- *  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
- *  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
- *  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
- *
- *  o  The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
- *     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
- *     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
- *     appreciated but is not required.
- *  o  Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
- *     be misrepresented as being the original software.
- *  o  This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
- *     distribution.
- */
- * Conversion building blocks. These differ from the C equivalents
- * <tt>atoi()</tt> and <tt>atol()</tt> by
- * checking for overflow and not allowing whitespace.
- *
- * For conversion to signed types, the grammar recognized is:
- * <pre>
-$(I Integer):
-    $(I Sign UnsignedInteger)
-    $(I UnsignedInteger)
-$(I Sign):
-    $(B +)
-    $(B -)
- * </pre>
- * For conversion to signed types, the grammar recognized is:
- * <pre>
-$(I UnsignedInteger):
-    $(I DecimalDigit)
-    $(I DecimalDigit) $(I UnsignedInteger)
- * </pre>
- * Macros:
- *	WIKI=Phobos/StdConv
- */
-  Changed to be used next to tango.
-  Unittests removed.
- *************************/
-module basic.conv;
-private import tango.text.Util;  // for atof(), toString()
-private import tango.stdc.stringz;
-private import tango.stdc.ctype;
-private import tango.stdc.stdlib;
-private import tango.stdc.errno;
-//private import std.c.stdlib;
-//private import std.math;  // for fabs(), isnan()
-    extern (C) int getErrno();
-    extern (C) int setErrno(int);
-//debug=conv;		// uncomment to turn on debugging printf's
-/* ************* Exceptions *************** */
- * Thrown on conversion errors, which happens on deviation from the grammar.
- */
-class ConvError : Exception
-    this(char[] s)
-    {
-	super("conversion " ~ s);
-    }
-private void conv_error(char[] s)
-    throw new ConvError(s);
- * Thrown on conversion overflow errors.
- */
-class ConvOverflowError : Exception
-    this(char[] s)
-    {
-	super("Error: overflow " ~ s);
-    }
-private void conv_overflow(char[] s)
-    throw new ConvOverflowError(s);
- * Convert character string to the return type.
- */
-int toInt(char[] s)
-    int length = s.length;
-    if (!length)
-	goto Lerr;
-    int sign = 0;
-    int v = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
-    {
-	char c = s[i];
-	if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-	{
-	    if (v < int.max/10 || (v == int.max/10 && c + sign <= '7'))
-		v = v * 10 + (c - '0');
-	    else
-		goto Loverflow;
-	}
-	else if (c == '-' && i == 0)
-	{
-	    sign = -1;
-	    if (length == 1)
-		goto Lerr;
-	}
-	else if (c == '+' && i == 0)
-	{
-	    if (length == 1)
-		goto Lerr;
-	}
-	else
-	    goto Lerr;
-    }
-    if (sign == -1)
-    {
-	if (cast(uint)v > 0x80000000)
-	    goto Loverflow;
-	v = -v;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	if (cast(uint)v > 0x7FFFFFFF)
-	    goto Loverflow;
-    }
-    return v;
-    conv_overflow(s);
-    conv_error(s);
-    return 0;
- * ditto
- */
-uint toUint(char[] s)
-    int length = s.length;
-    if (!length)
-	goto Lerr;
-    uint v = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
-    {
-	char c = s[i];
-	if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-	{
-	    if (v < uint.max/10 || (v == uint.max/10 && c <= '5'))
-		v = v * 10 + (c - '0');
-	    else
-		goto Loverflow;
-	}
-	else
-	    goto Lerr;
-    }
-    return v;
-    conv_overflow(s);
-    conv_error(s);
-    return 0;
- * ditto
- */
-long toLong(char[] s)
-    int length = s.length;
-    if (!length)
-	goto Lerr;
-    int sign = 0;
-    long v = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
-    {
-	char c = s[i];
-	if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-	{
-	    if (v < long.max/10 || (v == long.max/10 && c + sign <= '7'))
-		v = v * 10 + (c - '0');
-	    else
-		goto Loverflow;
-	}
-	else if (c == '-' && i == 0)
-	{
-	    sign = -1;
-	    if (length == 1)
-		goto Lerr;
-	}
-	else if (c == '+' && i == 0)
-	{
-	    if (length == 1)
-		goto Lerr;
-	}
-	else
-	    goto Lerr;
-    }
-    if (sign == -1)
-    {
-	if (cast(ulong)v > 0x8000000000000000)
-	    goto Loverflow;
-	v = -v;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	if (cast(ulong)v > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
-	    goto Loverflow;
-    }
-    return v;
-    conv_overflow(s);
-    conv_error(s);
-    return 0;
- * ditto
- */
-ulong toUlong(char[] s)
-    int length = s.length;
-    if (!length)
-	goto Lerr;
-    ulong v = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
-    {
-	char c = s[i];
-	if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-	{
-	    if (v < ulong.max/10 || (v == ulong.max/10 && c <= '5'))
-		v = v * 10 + (c - '0');
-	    else
-		goto Loverflow;
-	}
-	else
-	    goto Lerr;
-    }
-    return v;
-    conv_overflow(s);
-    conv_error(s);
-    return 0;
- * ditto
- */
-short toShort(char[] s)
-    int v = toInt(s);
-    if (v != cast(short)v)
-	goto Loverflow;
-    return cast(short)v;
-    conv_overflow(s);
-    return 0;
- * ditto
- */
-ushort toUshort(char[] s)
-    uint v = toUint(s);
-    if (v != cast(ushort)v)
-	goto Loverflow;
-    return cast(ushort)v;
-    conv_overflow(s);
-    return 0;
- * ditto
- */
-byte toByte(char[] s)
-    int v = toInt(s);
-    if (v != cast(byte)v)
-	goto Loverflow;
-    return cast(byte)v;
-    conv_overflow(s);
-    return 0;
- * ditto
- */
-ubyte toUbyte(char[] s)
-    uint v = toUint(s);
-    if (v != cast(ubyte)v)
-	goto Loverflow;
-    return cast(ubyte)v;
-    conv_overflow(s);
-    return 0;
- * ditto
- */
-float toFloat(in char[] s)
-    float f;
-    char* endptr;
-    char* sz;
-    //writefln("toFloat('%s')", s);
-    sz = toStringz(s);
-    if (tango.stdc.ctype.isspace(*sz))
-	goto Lerr;
-    // BUG: should set __locale_decpoint to "." for DMC
-    setErrno(0);
-    f = strtof(sz, &endptr);
-    if (getErrno() == ERANGE)
-	goto Lerr;
-    if (endptr && (endptr == sz || *endptr != 0))
-	goto Lerr;
-    return f;
-  Lerr:
-    conv_error(s ~ " not representable as a float");
-    assert(0);
- * ditto
- */
-double toDouble(in char[] s)
-    double f;
-    char* endptr;
-    char* sz;
-    //writefln("toDouble('%s')", s);
-    sz = toStringz(s);
-    if (tango.stdc.ctype.isspace(*sz))
-	goto Lerr;
-    // BUG: should set __locale_decpoint to "." for DMC
-    setErrno(0);
-    f = strtod(sz, &endptr);
-    if (getErrno() == ERANGE)
-	goto Lerr;
-    if (endptr && (endptr == sz || *endptr != 0))
-	goto Lerr;
-    return f;
-  Lerr:
-    conv_error(s ~ " not representable as a double");
-    assert(0);
- * ditto
- */
-real toReal(in char[] s)
-    real f;
-    char* endptr;
-    char* sz;
-    //writefln("toReal('%s')", s);
-    sz = toStringz(s);
-    if (tango.stdc.ctype.isspace(*sz))
-	goto Lerr;
-    // BUG: should set __locale_decpoint to "." for DMC
-    setErrno(0);
-    f = strtold(sz, &endptr);
-    if (getErrno() == ERANGE)
-	goto Lerr;
-    if (endptr && (endptr == sz || *endptr != 0))
-	goto Lerr;
-    return f;
-  Lerr:
-    conv_error(s ~ " not representable as a real");
-    assert(0);
--- a/dsss.conf	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-buildflags = -version=Tango
-buildflags = -version=Tango
-buildflags = -version=Tango
-buildflags = -version=Tango
-Target = Dang
-buildflags =  -llstdc++ \
- -llLLVMSystem -llLLVMSupport -llLLVMCore -llLLVMBitWriter -llLLVMBitReader -llLLVMAnalysis -llLLVMTarget \
- -llLLVMTransformUtils -llLLVMScalarOpts -llLLVMipa -llLLVMipo \
- -llLLVMInstrumentation -llllvm-c-ext -lldl -version=Tango
-Target = tests/run
-buildflags = -llllvm-c-ext -llstdc++ \
- -llLLVMCore -llLLVMBitWriter -llLLVMBitReader -llLLVMAnalysis -llLLVMTarget \
- -llLLVMTransformUtils -llLLVMScalarOpts -llLLVMipa -llLLVMipo \
- -llLLVMInstrumentation -llLLVMSystem -llLLVMSupport -version=Tango
--- a/gen/CodeGen.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1198 +0,0 @@
-module gen.CodeGen;
-       Int = tango.text.convert.Integer;
-import tango.core.Array : find, partition;
-import llvm.llvm;
-import ast.Decl,
-       ast.Stmt,
-       ast.Exp,
-       ast.Module : DModule = Module;
-import basic.SmallArray,
-       basic.Attribute,
-       basic.LiteralParsing;
-import lexer.Token;
-import sema.Scope,
-       sema.Visitor;
-  Wrapper for Values representing rvalues (things you can only read from)
- **/
-private struct RValue
-    /**
-      Returns true if this is a simple value, like an int or a pointer.
-      This is basicly anything except a struct, which will contain a Value that
-      is a pointer to the struct.
-     **/
-    bool isSimple() { return simple; }
-    /// Opposite of isSimple
-    bool isAggregate() { return !simple; }
-    Value value;
-    private bool simple = true;
-  Wrapper for Values representing lvalues (things you can write to)
- **/
-private struct LValue
-    Value getAddress() { return value; }
-    private Value value;
-class CodeGen
-    this()
-    {
-        b = new Builder;
-        ZeroIndex = ConstantInt.GetU(Type.Int32, 0);
-        table = new SimpleSymbolTable();
-        createBasicTypes();
-    }
-    /**
-       Generate a new module.
-     **/
-    /*
-        Find all function decls and add the functions to the llvm module, so
-        they can be referenced.
-        Make sure all var-decls are located before functions, so we wont get
-        problems when referencing the global vars.
-        Generate the actual llvm code needed for all decls
-        Optimize if requested
-        Write to filehandle (can be a file or stdout)
-     */
-    void gen(DModule mod, uint handle, bool optimize, bool inline)
-    {
-        this.mod = mod;
-        // create module
-        m = new .llvm.llvm.Module("main_module");
-        scope(exit) m.dispose();
-        table.enterScope;
-        BytePtr = PointerType.Get(Type.Int8);
-        auto temp = FunctionType.Get(
-                Type.Void,
-                [BytePtr, BytePtr, Type.Int32, Type.Int32]);
-        llvm_memcpy = m.addFunction(temp, "llvm.memcpy.i32");
-        auto registerFunc =
-            (FuncDecl fd)
-            {
-                Type[] param_types;
-                foreach (i, p; fd.type.params)
-                {
-                    if (auto st = p.asStruct())
-                    {
-                        Type pointer = PointerType.Get(llvm(st));
-                        param_types ~= pointer;
-                    }
-                    else if (auto ar = p.asArray())
-                    {
-                        Type pointer = PointerType.Get(llvm(ar));
-                        param_types ~= pointer;
-                    }
-                    else
-                        param_types ~= llvm(p);
-                }
-                auto ret_t = fd.type.returnType;
-                if(auto st = cast(DStruct)ret_t)
-                    ret_t = DType.Void;
-                else if(auto f = cast(DFunction)ret_t)
-                    ret_t = f.returnType;
-                auto func_t = FunctionType.Get(llvm(ret_t), param_types);
-                auto llfunc = m.addFunction(func_t, symbolName(fd));
-                foreach (i, p; fd.funcArgs)
-                {
-                    if(i == 0 && fd.sret)
-                        llfunc.addParamAttr(0, ParamAttr.StructRet);
-                    DType t = fd.type.params[i];
-                    if (auto st = t.asStruct)
-                    {
-                        if (i == 0 && fd.sret)
-                            continue;
-                        llfunc.addParamAttr(i, ParamAttr.ByVal);
-                    }
-                    else if (auto ar = t.asArray)
-                    {
-                        llfunc.addParamAttr(i, ParamAttr.ByVal);
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-        auto visitor = new VisitFuncDecls(registerFunc);
-        visitor.visit([mod]);
-        // Before beginning we move all top level var-decls to the start
-        // and then we generate the var-decls first
-        // partition is NOT required to be stable, but that should not create
-        // any problems.
-        partition(mod.decls, (Decl d) { return d.declType == DeclType.VarDecl; });
-        foreach (decl; mod.decls)
-            genRootDecl(decl);
-        table.leaveScope;
-//        debug m.verify();
-        if(optimize)
-            m.optimize(inline);
-        m.writeBitcodeToFileHandle(handle);
-    }
-    /**
-      Generate a single top-level Decl
-     **/
-    void genRootDecl(Decl decl)
-    {
-        switch(decl.declType)
-        {
-            case DeclType.FuncDecl:
-                FuncDecl funcDecl = cast(FuncDecl)decl;
-                // Empty function - declare;
-                if(funcDecl.emptyFunction)
-                    return;
-                llvm(funcDecl.type);
-                auto llfunc = m.getNamedFunction(symbolName(funcDecl));
-                auto func_tp = cast(PointerType)llfunc.type;
-                auto func_t = cast(FunctionType)func_tp.elementType();
-                auto ret_t = func_t.returnType();
-                auto bb = llfunc.appendBasicBlock("entry");
-                b.positionAtEnd(bb);
-                table.enterScope;
-                foreach (i, v; funcDecl.funcArgs)
-                {
-                    llfunc.getParam(i).name = v.identifier.get;
-                    auto name = v.identifier.get;
-                    if (!cast(PointerType)llfunc.getParam(i).type)
-                    {
-                        auto AI = b.buildAlloca(llfunc.getParam(i).type, name);
- //                       Value va = b.buildLoad(val, name);
-                        b.buildStore(llfunc.getParam(i), AI);
-                        table[name] = AI;
-                    }
-                    else
-                        table[name] = llfunc.getParam(i);
-                }
-                foreach (stmt; funcDecl.statements)
-                    genStmt(stmt);
-                // if the function didn't end with a return, we automatically
-                // add one (return 0 as default)
-                if (b.getInsertBlock().terminated() is false)
-                    if (ret_t is Type.Void)
-                        b.buildRetVoid();
-                    else
-                        b.buildRet(ConstantInt.GetS(ret_t, 0));
-                table.leaveScope;
-                break;
-            case DeclType.VarDecl:
-                auto varDecl = cast(VarDecl)decl;
-                auto id = varDecl.identifier;
-                Type t = llvm(id.type);
-                GlobalVariable g = m.addGlobal(t, id.get);
-                g.initializer = Constant.GetNull(t);
-                table[varDecl.identifier.get] = g;
-                break;
-            case DeclType.StructDecl:
-                auto sdecl = cast(StructDecl)decl;
-                foreach (d; sdecl.decls)
-                {
-                    auto func = cast(FuncDecl)d;
-                    if (func is null)
-                        continue;
-                    genRootDecl(func);
-                }
-                break;
-            case DeclType.ClassDecl:
-                auto cdecl = cast(ClassDecl)decl;
-                SmallArray!(Constant) functions;
-                foreach (d; cdecl.decls)
-                {
-                    auto func = cast(FuncDecl)d;
-                    if (func is null)
-                        continue;
-                    genRootDecl(func);
-                    auto llvm_f = m.getNamedFunction(symbolName(func));
-                    functions ~= Constant.GetBitCast(llvm_f, BytePtr);
-                }
-                auto class_vtbl = ConstantArray.Get(BytePtr, functions.unsafe());
-                auto gv = m.addGlobal(class_vtbl, cdecl.identifier.get ~ "_vtable");
-                gv.linkage = Linkage.Weak;
-                gv.globalConstant = true;
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-      Generate a single local Decl
-     **/
-    void genDecl(Decl decl)
-    {
-        switch(decl.declType)
-        {
-            case DeclType.VarDecl:
-                auto varDecl = cast(VarDecl)decl;
-                auto id = varDecl.identifier;
-                auto name = id.get;
-                auto AI = b.buildAlloca(llvm(id.type), name);
-                table[name] = AI;
-                if (varDecl.init)
-                {
-                    LValue dst = genLValue(varDecl.identifier);
-                    RValue src = genExpression(varDecl.init);
-                    storeThroughLValue(dst, src, id.type);
-                }
-                break;
-            case DeclType.FuncDecl,
-                 DeclType.StructDecl,
-                 DeclType.ClassDecl:
-                genRootDecl(decl);
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    // Remove - do it right (basic/Messages.d)
-    struct PE
-    {
-        static char[] NoImplicitConversion =
-            "Can't find an implicit conversion between %0 and %1";
-        static char[] VoidRetInNonVoidFunc =
-            "Only void functions can return without an expression";
-    }
-    /**
-      Generate a single expression.
-      This is the most general way of generating expressions and therefore
-      returns an RValue.
-     **/
-    RValue genExpression(Exp exp)
-    {
-        switch(exp.expType)
-        {
-            case ExpType.Binary:
-                return RValue(genBinExp(cast(BinaryExp)exp));
-            case ExpType.IntegerLit:
-                auto integerLit = cast(IntegerLit)exp;
-                switch(integerLit.number.type)
-                {
-                    case NumberType.Int:
-                        return RValue(ConstantInt.GetS(Type.Int32, integerLit.number.integer));
-                    case NumberType.Long:
-                        return RValue(ConstantInt.GetS(Type.Int64, integerLit.number.integer));
-                    case NumberType.ULong:
-                        return RValue(ConstantInt.GetS(Type.Int64, integerLit.number.integer));
-                    case NumberType.Float:
-                        return RValue(ConstantReal.Get(Type.Float, integerLit.number.floating));
-                    case NumberType.Double:
-                        return RValue(ConstantReal.Get(Type.Double, integerLit.number.floating));
-                    case NumberType.Real:
-                        return RValue(ConstantReal.Get(Type.X86_FP80, integerLit.number.floating));
-                }
-            case ExpType.StringExp,
-                 ExpType.ArrayLiteralExp:
-                return loadLValue(genLValue(exp));
-            case ExpType.Negate:
-                auto negateExp = cast(NegateExp)exp;
-                auto target = genExpression(negateExp.exp);
-                return RValue(b.buildNeg(target.value, "neg"));
-            case ExpType.Deref:
-                auto derefExp = cast(DerefExp)exp;
-                auto target = genExpression(derefExp.exp);
-                return RValue(b.buildLoad(target.value, "deref"));
-            case ExpType.AddressOfExp:
-                auto addrExp = cast(AddressOfExp)exp;
-                auto target = genLValue(addrExp.exp);
-                return RValue(target.getAddress());
-            case ExpType.AssignExp:
-                auto AE = cast(AssignExp)exp;
-                LValue dst = genLValue(AE.identifier);
-                RValue src = genExpression(AE.exp);
-                storeThroughLValue(dst, src, AE.exp.type);
-                return src;
-            case ExpType.Index:
-                auto indexExp = cast(IndexExp)exp;
-                return loadLValue(genLValue(exp));
-            case ExpType.NewExp:
-                auto newExp = cast(NewExp)exp;
-                DClass type = newExp.newType.type.asClass();
-                auto llvm_type = cast(PointerType)llvm(type);
-                auto pointer = b.buildMalloc(llvm_type.elementType(), "new");
-                scope args = new Value[newExp.c_args.length];
-                foreach (i, arg; newExp.c_args)
-                    args[i] = genExpression(arg).value;
-                auto f = m.getNamedFunction(newExp.callSym.getMangledFQN());
-                b.buildCall(f, args, "");
-                return RValue(pointer);
-            case ExpType.CallExp:
-                auto callExp = cast(CallExp)exp;
-                // BUG: Might not be a simple identifier, is also a
-                // valid call - or foo(x)(y) for that matter.
-                // if type of exp is DFunction - safe to call getSymbol and FQN
-                // if function ptr: do something else
-                // if delegate do a third thing
-                // if struct/class check for opCall
-                DType type = callExp.exp.type;
-                assert (type.isCallable(), "Can only call functions");
-                scope args = new Value[callExp.args.length];
-                foreach (i, arg; callExp.args)
-                    args[i] = genExpression(arg).value;
-                DFunction ftype = type.asCallable();
-                Type llvm_ftype = llvm(ftype);
-                Value f = null;
-                if (callExp.callSym is null)
-                {
-                    // Do a virtual function call
-                    f = genLValue(callExp.exp).getAddress();
-                    f = b.buildLoad(f, "func_pointer");
-                    f = b.buildBitCast(
-                            f,
-                            PointerType.Get(llvm_ftype),
-                  ;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    auto sym = callExp.callSym;
-                    f = m.getNamedFunction(sym.getMangledFQN());
-                }
-                bool isVoid = ftype.returnType is DType.Void;
-                auto r = b.buildCall(f, args, isVoid? "" : "call");
-                return RValue(r);
-            case ExpType.CastExp:
-                auto castExp = cast(CastExp)exp;
-                exp = castExp.exp;
-                auto value = genExpression(exp);
-                if (!exp.type.hasImplicitConversionTo(castExp.type))
-                    assert(0, "Invalid cast");
-                return genTypeCast(value, exp.type, castExp.type);
-            case ExpType.Identifier:
-                auto id = cast(Identifier)exp;
-                auto type = id.type;
-                if (type.isStruct()
-                        || type.isArray()
-                        || type.isClass())
-                    return RValue(table.find(id.get));
-                else if (type.isFunction())
-                {
-                    auto func_name = id.getSymbol().getMangledFQN();
-                    return RValue(m.getNamedFunction(func_name));
-                }
-                else if (type.isCallable())
-                    return RValue(genLValue(id).getAddress());
-                else
-                    return RValue(b.buildLoad(table.find(id.get), id.get));
-            case ExpType.MemberReference:
-                return loadLValue(genLValue(exp));
-        }
-        assert(0, "Reached end of switch in genExpression");
-        return RValue(null);
-    }
-    /**
-      Generate a binary expression.
-      Currently only works for signed and unsigned integers, but is almost
-      ready for floats and should be expanded to everything else.
-     **/
-    Value genBinExp(BinaryExp e)
-    {
-        auto left = genExpression(e.left).value;
-        auto right = genExpression(e.right).value;
-        DType t_a = e.left.type;
-        DType t_b = e.right.type;
-        Value res;
-        // TODO: do usual type promotions on a and b
-        // TODO: support floats
-        if (t_a.isArithmetic() && t_b.isArithmetic())
-        {
-            Operation op = t_a.getOperationWith(op2op(e.op), t_b);
-            assert(op.isBuiltin(),
-                    "numbers should only use builtin ops");
-            alias BuiltinOperation BO;
-            BO val = op.builtinOp();
-            // map val to buildAdd or similar
-            switch (val) {
-                case BO.Add: res = b.buildAdd(left, right, "add"); break;
-                case BO.Sub: res = b.buildSub(left, right, "sub"); break;
-                case BO.Mul: res = b.buildMul(left, right, "mul"); break;
-                case BO.SDiv: res = b.buildSDiv(left, right, "div"); break;
-                case BO.UDiv: res = b.buildUDiv(left, right, "div"); break;
-                case BO.FDiv: res = b.buildFDiv(left, right, "div"); break;
-                case BO.SRem: res = b.buildSRem(left, right, "rem"); break;
-                case BO.URem: res = b.buildURem(left, right, "rem"); break;
-                case BO.FRem: res = b.buildFRem(left, right, "rem"); break;
-                case BO.Shl:  res = b.buildShl(left, right, "shl"); break;
-                case BO.LShr: res = b.buildLShr(left, right, "lshr"); break;
-                case BO.AShr: res = b.buildAShr(left, right, "ashr"); break;
-                case BO.And: res = b.buildAnd(left, right, "and"); break;
-                case BO.Or:  res = b.buildOr (left, right, "or"); break;
-                case BO.Xor: res = b.buildXor(left, right, "xor"); break;
-                default:
-                    LLVMPred pred = predFromBI(val);
-                    if (t_a.isReal())
-                        if (val == BO.Eq)
-                            pred = LLVMPred.Real(RealPredicate.OEQ);
-                        else if (val == BO.Ne)
-                            pred = LLVMPred.Real(RealPredicate.ONE);
-                    IntPredicate ip = pred.intPred;
-                    RealPredicate rp = pred.realPred;
-                    assert(pred.isValid, "Not a predicate");
-                    if (pred.isReal)
-                        res = b.buildFCmp(rp, left, right, "cmp");
-                    else
-                        res = b.buildICmp(ip, left, right, "cmp");
-                    break;
-                }
-        }
-        else
-        /*
-            if left has op for right's type:
-                a_op = left.op(right)
-            if right has usable op_r:
-                b_op_r = right.op_r(left)
-            if a_op or b_op_r is set, choose the best one
-            else if op is commutative
-                if left has usable op_r
-                    a_op_r = left.op_r(right)
-                if right has usable op
-                    b_op = right.op(left)
-                choose best one from a_op_r and b_op
-            else error
-         */
-            assert(0, "Not integers?");
-        return res;
-    }
-    /**
-      Generates one statement
-     **/
-    // This should be split into specific methods - one per Stmt type?
-    void genStmt(Stmt stmt)
-    {
-        switch(stmt.stmtType)
-        {
-            case StmtType.Compound:
-                auto stmts = cast(CompoundStatement)stmt;
-                foreach (s; stmts.statements)
-                    genStmt(s);
-                break;
-            case StmtType.Return:
-                auto ret = cast(ReturnStmt)stmt;
-                DFunction type = stmt.env.parentFunction().type();
-                Type t = llvm(type.returnType);
-                if (ret.exp is null)
-                    if (t is Type.Void)
-                    {
-                        b.buildRetVoid();
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    else
-                        assert(0, PE.VoidRetInNonVoidFunc);
-                RValue v = genExpression(ret.exp);
-                b.buildRet(v.value);
-                break;
-            case StmtType.Decl:
-                auto declStmt = cast(DeclStmt)stmt;
-                genDecl(declStmt.decl);
-                break;
-            case StmtType.Exp:
-                auto expStmt = cast(ExpStmt)stmt;
-                genExpression(expStmt.exp);
-                break;
-            case StmtType.If:
-                auto ifStmt = cast(IfStmt)stmt;
-                Value cond = genExpression(ifStmt.cond).value;
-                if (cond.type !is Type.Int1)
-                {
-                    Value False = ConstantInt.GetS(cond.type, 0);
-                    cond = b.buildICmp(IntPredicate.NE, cond, False, ".cond");
-                }
-                auto func_name = symbolName(stmt.env.parentFunction());
-                Function func = m.getNamedFunction(func_name);
-                bool has_else = (ifStmt.else_body !is null);
-                auto thenBB = func.appendBasicBlock("then");
-                auto elseBB = has_else? func.appendBasicBlock("else") : null;
-                auto mergeBB = func.appendBasicBlock("merge");
-                b.buildCondBr(cond, thenBB, has_else? elseBB : mergeBB);
-                b.positionAtEnd(thenBB);
-                genStmt(ifStmt.then_body);
-                thenBB = b.getInsertBlock();
-                if (b.getInsertBlock().terminated() is false)
-                    b.buildBr(mergeBB);
-                if (has_else)
-                {
-                    b.positionAtEnd(elseBB);
-                    genStmt(ifStmt.else_body);
-                    elseBB = b.getInsertBlock();
-                    if (elseBB.terminated() is false)
-                        b.buildBr(mergeBB);
-                }
-                b.positionAtEnd(mergeBB);
-                break;
-            case StmtType.While:
-                auto wStmt = cast(WhileStmt)stmt;
-                genLoop(stmt.env, wStmt.cond, false, wStmt.whileBody);
-                break;
-            /+
-            case StmtType.DoWhile:
-                auto wStmt = cast(DoWhileStmt)stmt;
-                genLoop(stmt.env, wStmt.cond, true, wStmt.whileBody);
-                break;
-            +/
-            case StmtType.For:
-                auto fStmt = cast(ForStmt)stmt;
-                Stmt[] stmts;
-                if(fStmt.init)
-                    genStmt(fStmt.init);
-                ExpStmt inc;
-                if(fStmt.incre)
-                    stmts ~= new ExpStmt(fStmt.incre);
-                Exp cond;
-                if(fStmt.cond)
-                    cond = fStmt.cond;
-                else
-                {
-                    auto i = new IntegerLit(fStmt.loc,"1");
-                    i.number.type = NumberType.Int;
-                    i.number.integer = 1;
-                    cond = i;
-                }
-                stmts ~= fStmt.forBody;
-                genLoop(stmt.env, cond, false, stmts);
-                break;
-            case StmtType.Switch:
-                auto sw = cast(SwitchStmt)stmt;
-                Value cond = genExpression(sw.cond).value;
-                auto fc = stmt.env.parentFunction();
-                Function func = m.getNamedFunction(symbolName(fc));
-                BasicBlock oldBB = b.getInsertBlock();
-                BasicBlock defBB;
-                BasicBlock endBB = func.appendBasicBlock("sw.end");
-                if (sw.defaultBlock)
-                {
-                    defBB = Function.InsertBasicBlock(endBB, "sw.def");
-                    b.positionAtEnd(defBB);
-                    foreach (case_statement; sw.defaultBlock)
-                        genStmt(case_statement);
-                    if (!defBB.terminated())
-                        b.buildBr(endBB);
-                    b.positionAtEnd(oldBB);
-                }
-                else
-                    defBB = endBB;
-                auto SI = b.buildSwitch(cond, defBB, sw.cases.length);
-                foreach (c; sw.cases)
-                {
-                    BasicBlock prevBB;
-                    foreach (i, val; c.values)
-                    {
-                        auto BB = Function.InsertBasicBlock(defBB, "");
-                        SI.addCase(ConstantInt.GetS(cond.type, c.values_converted[i]), BB);
-                        if (i + 1 == c.values.length)
-                        {
-                            b.positionAtEnd(BB);
-                            foreach (case_statement; c.stmts)
-                                genStmt(case_statement);
-                            if (!BB.terminated())
-                                b.buildBr(c.followedByDefault? defBB : endBB);
-                        }
-                        if (prevBB !is null && !prevBB.terminated())
-                        {
-                            b.positionAtEnd(prevBB);
-                            b.buildBr(BB);
-                        }
-                        prevBB = BB;
-                    }
-                }
-                b.positionAtEnd(endBB);
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-      Generate a loop.
-      Loops while cond is true, executing all statements in stmts every time.
-      If skipFirstCond is set, the condition is skipped the first time around,
-      like in a do-while loop.
-     **/
-    void genLoop(Scope env, Exp cond, bool skipFirstCond, Stmt[] stmts...)
-    {
-        auto fd = env.parentFunction();
-        Function func = m.getNamedFunction(symbolName(fd));
-        auto condBB = func.appendBasicBlock("cond");
-        auto bodyBB = func.appendBasicBlock("body");
-        auto doneBB = func.appendBasicBlock("done");
-        b.buildBr(skipFirstCond? bodyBB : condBB);
-        b.positionAtEnd(condBB);
-        Value cond_v = genExpression(cond).value;
-        if (cond_v.type !is Type.Int1)
-        {
-            Value False = ConstantInt.GetS(cond_v.type, 0);
-            cond_v = b.buildICmp(IntPredicate.NE, cond_v, False, ".cond");
-        }
-        b.buildCondBr(cond_v, bodyBB, doneBB);
-        b.positionAtEnd(bodyBB);
-        foreach (stmt; stmts)
-            genStmt(stmt);
-        if (b.getInsertBlock().terminated() is false)
-            b.buildBr(condBB);
-        b.positionAtEnd(doneBB);
-    }
-    /*
-       Get the address of an expression - allowing us to modify something in
-       memory or on the stack.
-     */
-    LValue genLValue(Exp exp)
-    {
-        switch(exp.expType)
-        {
-            case ExpType.Identifier:
-                auto id = cast(Identifier)exp;
-                Value v = table.find(id.get);
-                if (v is null)
-                    v = m.getNamedFunction(id.getSymbol().getMangledFQN());
-                return LValue(v);
-            case ExpType.StringExp:
-                auto stringExp = cast(StringExp)exp;
-                char[] data = cast(char[]);
-                auto string_constant = ConstantArray.GetString(data, true);
-                auto gv = m.addGlobal(string_constant, "string");
-                gv.linkage = Linkage.Internal;
-                gv.globalConstant = true;
-                return LValue(gv);
-            case ExpType.ArrayLiteralExp:
-                auto arrayLiteralExp = cast(ArrayLiteralExp)exp;
-                SmallArray!(Constant) constants;
-                foreach (e; arrayLiteralExp.exps)
-                    constants ~= cast(Constant)genExpression(e).value;
-                auto array_constant = 
-                        ConstantArray.Get(constants[0].type, constants[]);
-                auto gv = m.addGlobal(array_constant, "array");
-                gv.linkage = Linkage.Internal;
-                gv.globalConstant = true;
-                return LValue(gv);
-            case ExpType.AddressOfExp:
-                assert(0, "&&x wont work, &x isn't an LValue");
-            case ExpType.Deref:
-                // LValue(*x): load(x)
-                // RValue(*x): load(load(x))
-                // This way *x = *x + 1 will work
-                // We need an ekstra load, because we get an i32** rather than
-                // i32* since stuff is alloc'd
-                auto DE = cast(DerefExp)exp;
-                return LValue(genExpression(DE.exp).value);
-            case ExpType.Index:
-                auto indexExp = cast(IndexExp)exp;
-                auto type =;
-                auto index = genExpression(indexExp.index);
-                Value[2] gep_indices;
-                gep_indices[0] = ZeroIndex;
-                gep_indices[1] = index.value;
-                Value res;
-                auto target = genLValue(;
-                if (type.isStaticArray())
-                    res = b.buildGEP(target, gep_indices[0 .. 2], "index");
-                else if (type.isPointer())
-                    res = b.buildGEP(target, gep_indices[1 .. 2], "index");
-                else assert(0, "Can only index pointers and arrays");
-                return LValue(res);
-            case ExpType.MemberReference:
-                auto mem = cast(MemberReference)exp;
-                switch (
-                {
-                    case ExpType.Identifier:
-                        auto id = cast(Identifier);
-                        auto child = mem.child;
-                        Value v = table.find(id.get);
-                        DType t = id.type;
-                        if (auto st = t.asStruct)
-                        {
-                            int i = st.indexOf(child.get);
-                            if (i == -1)
-                            {
-                                auto fname = mem.getSymbol.getMangledFQN();
-                                auto f = m.getNamedFunction(fname);
-                                return LValue(f);
-                            }
-                            Value[2] vals;
-                            vals[0] = ZeroIndex;
-                            vals[1] = ConstantInt.GetU(IntegerType.Int32, i);
-                            Value val = b.buildGEP(v, vals, id.get~"."~child.get);
-                            return LValue(val);
-                        }
-                        else if (auto ct = t.asClass)
-                        {
-                            int i = ct.indexOf(child.get);
-                            Value[2] vals;
-                            vals[0] = ZeroIndex;
-                            // A normal member
-                            if (i != -1)
-                            {
-                                vals[1] = ConstantInt.GetU(IntegerType.Int32, i);
-                                Value val = b.buildGEP(v, vals, id.get~"."~child.get);
-                                return LValue(val);
-                            }
-                            // A method
-                            else
-                            {
-                                vals[1] = ZeroIndex;
-                                //vals[1] = ConstantInt.GetU(IntegerType.Int32, 1);
-                                auto vtbl_name = ~ "_vtable";
-                                auto vtbl = m.getNamedGlobal(vtbl_name);
-                                v = vtbl;
-                            }
-                            Value val = b.buildGEP(v, vals, id.get~"."~child.get);
-                            return LValue(val);
-                        }
-                        else
-                            assert(0, "Can only access members in classes "
-                                      "and structs");
-                    case ExpType.MemberReference:
-                        auto addr = genLValue(;
-                        auto child = mem.child;
-                        DStruct t =;
-                        int i = t.indexOf(child.get);
-                        Value[2] vals;   
-                        vals[0] = ZeroIndex;
-                        vals[1] = ConstantInt.GetU(IntegerType.Int32, i);
-                        Value val = b.buildGEP(addr, vals, "."~child.get);
-                        return LValue(val);
-                }
-                break;
-        }
-        assert(0, "Reached end of switch in getPointer");
-        return LValue(null);
-    }
-    /**
-      Store into an lvalue from a rvalue. Both are assumed to have type t.
-     **/
-    void storeThroughLValue(LValue dst, RValue src, DType t)
-    {
-        Value to = dst.getAddress();
-        Value from = src.value;
-        auto a = cast(PointerType)to.type;
-        assert(a !is null, "Can only store through pointers");
-        if (auto st = t.asStruct())
-            genMemcpy(to, from, t);
-        else
-            b.buildStore(from, to);
-    }
-    /**
-      Copy from src into dst. The values are assumed to have the same size,
-      and the amount of bytes to copy is taken from t.
-     **/
-    void genMemcpy(Value dst, Value src, DType t, int alignment = 16)
-    {
-        Value from = b.buildBitCast(src, BytePtr, ".copy_from");
-        Value to = b.buildBitCast(dst, BytePtr, ".copy_to");
-        Value[4] args;
-        args[0] = to;
-        args[1] = from;
-        args[2] = ConstantInt.GetS(Type.Int32, t.byteSize());
-        args[3] = ConstantInt.GetS(Type.Int32, alignment);
-        b.buildCall(llvm_memcpy, args[], null);
-    }
-    /**
-      Generate the statements necessary to convert V, from type 'from' to type
-      'to'.
-     **/
-    RValue genTypeCast(RValue V, DType from, DType to)
-    {
-        Value delegate(Value, Type, char[]) extend, trunc;
-        if(auto ito = to.asInteger())
-        {
-            extend = ito.unsigned? &b.buildZExt : &b.buildSExt;
-            trunc = &b.buildTrunc;
-            if(auto rfrom = from.isReal())
-            {
-                extend = ito.unsigned? &b.buildFPToUI : &b.buildFPToSI;
-                trunc = extend;
-            }
-        }
-        else if (auto rto = to.asReal())
-        {
-            extend = &b.buildFPExt;
-            trunc = &b.buildFPTrunc;
-            if(auto ifrom = from.isInteger())
-            {
-                extend = rto.unsigned? &b.buildUIToFP : &b.buildSIToFP;
-                trunc = extend;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-            assert(0, "implicit cast need implimentation");
-        Value res;
-        if (from.byteSize() < to.byteSize())
-            res = extend(V.value, llvm(to), "ext");
-        else
-            res = trunc(V.value, llvm(to), "trunc");
-        return RValue(res);
-    }
-    /**
-      Given the address of something, load it into an alloc.
-     **/
-    RValue loadLValue(LValue addr, char[] name = null)
-    {
-        Value val = addr.getAddress();
-        if (name is null)
-            name = > 0? : "load";
-        auto res = b.buildLoad(val, name);
-        return RValue(res);
-    }
-    /// Get the mangled name of a function
-    char[] symbolName(FuncDecl f)
-    {
-        if (f.att.getExtern == Extern.D)
-            return f.sym.getMangledFQN();
-        return f.sym.getName;
-    }
-    char[] symbolName(Exp f)
-    {
-        if (f.getSymbol.decl.att.getExtern == Extern.D)
-            return f.getSymbol.getMangledFQN();
-        return f.getSymbol.getName;
-    }
-    /**
-      Get the LLVM Type corresponding to a DType.
-      Currently using the built-in associative array - not sure if it works
-      well when the hashes are so uniform.
-      Other possibilities would be to find a hash-function that works on
-      something as small as 4 bytes or to create a sparse array perhaps.
-     */
-    Type llvm(DType t)
-    {
-        if (auto llvm_t = t in type_map)
-            return *llvm_t;
-        return llvmCreateNew(t);
-    }
-    // Create an LLVM type and insert it into the type map, and return the
-    // result
-    Type llvmCreateNew(DType t)
-    {
-        if (auto i = cast(DInteger)t)
-        {
-            Type res = IntegerType.Get(i.byteSize() * 8);
-            type_map[t] = res;
-            return res;
-        }
-        else if (auto s = t.asStruct)
-        {
-            SmallArray!(Type, 8) members;
-            DType[] array;
-            array.length = s.members.length;
-            foreach (m; s.members)
-                array[m.index] = m.type;
-            foreach (m; array)
-                members ~= llvm(m);
-            Type res = StructType.Get(members.unsafe());
-            type_map[t] = res;
-            m.addTypeName("struct." ~, res);
-            return res;
-        }
-        else if (auto c = t.asClass)
-        {
-            SmallArray!(Type) members;
-            if (c.members.length > 0)
-            {
-                DType[] array;
-                array.length = c.members.length;
-                foreach (m; c.members)
-                    array[m.index] = m.type;
-                foreach (m; array)
-                    members ~= llvm(m);
-            }
-            else members ~= Type.Int32;
-            Type res = StructType.Get(members.unsafe());
-            res = PointerType.Get(res);
-            type_map[t] = res;
-            m.addTypeName("class." ~, res);
-            return res;
-        }
-        else if (auto f = t.asFunction)
-        {
-            // We should never have a function returning structs, because of
-            // the simplify step
-            assert(f.returnType.isStruct() == false, "Can't return structs");
-            Type ret_t = llvm(f.returnType);
-            SmallArray!(Type, 8) params;
-            foreach(param; f.params)
-                if (param.isStruct)
-                    params ~= PointerType.Get(llvm(param));
-                else if (param.isArray)
-                    params ~= PointerType.Get(llvm(param));
-                else
-                    params ~= llvm(param);
-            Type res = FunctionType.Get(ret_t, params.unsafe());
-            type_map[t] = res;
-            return res;
-        }
-        else if (auto f = t.asPointer)
-        {
-            Type res = PointerType.Get(llvm(f.pointerOf));
-            type_map[t] = res;
-            return res;
-        }
-        else if (auto f = t.asStaticArray)
-        {
-            Type res = ArrayType.Get(llvm(f.arrayOf), f.size);
-            type_map[t] = res;
-            return res;
-        }
-        assert(0, "Only integers, structs and functions are supported");
-    }
-    // Might as well insert all the basic types from the start
-    void createBasicTypes()
-    {
-        type_map[DType.Void] = Type.Void;
-        type_map[DType.Bool]   = Type.Int1;
-        type_map[DType.Byte]   = Type.Int8;
-        type_map[DType.UByte]  = Type.Int8;
-        type_map[DType.Short]  = Type.Int16;
-        type_map[DType.UShort] = Type.Int16;
-        type_map[DType.Int]    = Type.Int32;
-        type_map[DType.UInt]   = Type.Int32;
-        type_map[DType.Long]   = Type.Int64;
-        type_map[DType.ULong]  = Type.Int64;
-        type_map[DType.Float]  = Type.Float;
-        type_map[DType.Double] = Type.Double;
-        type_map[DType.Real]   = Type.X86_FP80;
-        type_map[DType.Char]   = Type.Int8;
-        type_map[DType.WChar]  = Type.Int16;
-        type_map[DType.DChar]  = Type.Int32;
-    }
-    // llvm stuff
-    DModule mod;
-    .llvm.llvm.Module m;
-    Builder b;
-    Function llvm_memcpy;
-    ConstantInt ZeroIndex;
-    Type BytePtr;
-    Type[DType] type_map;
-    SimpleSymbolTable table;
-private Operator op2op(BinaryExp.Operator op)
-    alias BinaryExp.Operator O;
-    Operator res;
-    switch (op) {
-        case O.Add: res = Operator.Add; break;
-        case O.Sub: res = Operator.Sub; break;
-        case O.Mul: res = Operator.Mul; break;
-        case O.Div: res = Operator.Div; break;
-        case O.LeftShift: res = Operator.Shl; break;
-        case O.RightShift: res = Operator.AShr; break;
-        case O.UnsignedRightShift: res = Operator.LShr; break;
-        case O.And: res = Operator.And; break;
-        case O.Or: res = Operator.Or; break;
-        case O.Xor: res = Operator.Xor; break;
-        case O.Eq: res = Operator.Eq; break;
-        case O.Ne: res = Operator.Ne; break;
-        case O.Lt: res = Operator.Lt; break;
-        case O.Le: res = Operator.Le; break;
-        case O.Gt: res = Operator.Gt; break;
-        case O.Ge: res = Operator.Ge; break;
-    }
-    return res;
-private struct LLVMPred
-    bool isValid = false;
-    bool isReal;
-    union {
-        IntPredicate intPred;
-        RealPredicate realPred;
-    }
-    static LLVMPred Int(IntPredicate p)
-    {
-        LLVMPred res;
-        res.isValid = true;
-        res.isReal = false;
-        res.intPred = p;
-        return res;
-    }
-    static LLVMPred Real(RealPredicate p)
-    {
-        LLVMPred res;
-        res.isValid = true;
-        res.isReal = true;
-        res.realPred = p;
-        return res;
-    }
-private LLVMPred predFromBI(BuiltinOperation op)
-    alias BuiltinOperation O;
-    LLVMPred pred;
-    switch (op) {
-        case O.Eq:  pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.EQ);  break;
-        case O.Ne:  pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.NE);  break;
-        case O.SLt: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.SLT); break;
-        case O.ULt: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.ULT); break;
-        case O.FLt: pred = LLVMPred.Real(RealPredicate.OLT); break;
-        case O.SLe: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.SLE); break;
-        case O.ULe: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.ULE); break;
-        case O.FLe: pred = LLVMPred.Real(RealPredicate.OLE); break;
-        case O.SGt: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.SGT); break;
-        case O.UGt: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.UGT); break;
-        case O.FGt: pred = LLVMPred.Real(RealPredicate.OGT); break;
-        case O.SGe: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.SGE); break;
-        case O.UGe: pred = LLVMPred.Int(IntPredicate.UGE); break;
-        case O.FGe: pred = LLVMPred.Real(RealPredicate.OGE); break;
-    };
-    return pred;
-private class VisitFuncDecls : Visitor!(void)
-    void delegate(FuncDecl) dg;
-    this(void delegate(FuncDecl funcDecl) dg)
-    {
-        this.dg = dg;
-    }
-    override void visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl fd)
-    {
-        dg(fd);
-    }
-private class SimpleSymbolTable
-    Value[char[]][] namedValues;
-    void enterScope()
-    {
-        namedValues ~= cast(Value[char[]])["__dollar":null];
-    }
-    void leaveScope()
-    {
-        namedValues.length = namedValues.length - 1;
-    }
-    Value put(Value val, char[] key)
-    {
-        namedValues[$ - 1][key] = val;
-        return val;
-    }
-    Value find(char[] key)
-    {
-        foreach_reverse (map; namedValues)
-            if(auto val_ptr = key in map)
-                return *val_ptr;
-        return null;
-    }
-    alias find opIndex;
-    alias put opIndexAssign;
--- a/lexer/Keyword.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-module lexer.Keyword;
-import lexer.Token;
-  A list of keywords in an associative array that link a string
-  representation of the keyword to a Tok
-  */
-Tok[char[]] keywords;
-static this ()
-    keywords =
-    [
-        // types
-        "byte"[]    : Tok.Byte,
-        "ubyte"     : Tok.Ubyte,
-        "short"     : Tok.Short,
-        "ushort"    : Tok.Ushort,
-        "int"       : Tok.Int,
-        "uint"      : Tok.Uint,
-        "long"      : Tok.Long,
-        "ulong"     : Tok.Ulong,
-        "char"      : Tok.Char,
-        "wchar"     : Tok.Wchar,
-        "dchar"     : Tok.Dchar,
-        "bool"      : Tok.Bool,
-        "float"     : Tok.Float,
-        "double"    : Tok.Double,
-        "void"      : Tok.Void,
-        // type related
-        "struct"    : Tok.Struct,
-        "function"  : Tok.Function,
-        "delegate"  : Tok.Delegate,
-        "class"     : Tok.Class,
-        "interface" : Tok.Interface,
-        "union"     : Tok.Union,
-        "typedef"   : Tok.Typedef,
-        "typeid"    : Tok.Typeid,
-        "typeof"    : Tok.Typeof,
-        "sizeof"    : Tok.Sizeof,
-        "alias"     : Tok.Alias,
-        "this"      : Tok.This,
-        "new"       : Tok.New,
-        "null"      : Tok.Null,
-//        "super"     : Tok.Super,
-        // control flow
-        "if"        : Tok.If,
-        "else"      : Tok.Else,
-        "while"     : Tok.While,
-        "for"       : Tok.For,
-        "switch"    : Tok.Switch,
-        "case"      : Tok.Case,
-        "default"   : Tok.Default,
-        "break"     : Tok.Break,
-        "return"    : Tok.Return,
-        "cast"      : Tok.Cast,
-        // modules
-        "module"    : Tok.Module,
-        "import"    : Tok.Import,
-        // attributse
-        "public"    : Tok.Public,
-        "private"   : Tok.Private,
-        "protected" : Tok.Protected,
-        "package"   : Tok.Package,
-        "export"    : Tok.Export,
-        "static"    : Tok.Static,
-        "final"     : Tok.Final,
-        "const"     : Tok.Const,
-        "abstract"  : Tok.Abstract,
-        "override"  : Tok.Override,
-        "deprecated": Tok.Deprecated,
-        "auto"      : Tok.Auto,
-        "extern"    : Tok.Extern,
-        // exceptions
-        "assert"    : Tok.Assert,
-        "throw"     : Tok.Throw,
-        "try"       : Tok.Try,
-        "catch"     : Tok.Catch,
-        "finally"   : Tok.Finally,
-        // functions
-        "in"        : Tok.In,
-        "out"       : Tok.Out,
-        "body"      : Tok.Body,
-        "asm"       : Tok.Asm
-    ];
--- a/lexer/Lexer.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-module lexer.Lexer;
-import basic.Message,
-       basic.SourceManager;
-import lexer.Token,
-       lexer.Keyword;
-  The Lexer class will supply you with methods to tokenize a D file. Supply the
-  Lexer with a DataSource and you can 'peek' and 'next' Tokens from the file. 
-  For more info about Tokens, look up the lexer.Token module.
-class Lexer
-    /**
-      Create a new Lexer.
-    */
-    this(SourceLocation start, SourceManager src_mgr, MessageHandler messages)
-    {
-        this.messages = messages;
-        sm = src_mgr;
-        start_loc = start;
-        position = 0;
-        source = sm.getRawData(start_loc);
-        charTable.length = 256;
-        foreach (c; "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_")
-            charTable[c] = CharType.Letter;
-        foreach (c; "0123456789")
-            charTable[c] = CharType.Number;
-        foreach (c; "(){}[];:.,=!<>+-*/%&\"`")
-            charTable[c] = CharType.Symbol;
-        foreach (c; " \n")
-            charTable[c] = CharType.Whitespace;
-        foreach (c; "'\\")
-            charTable[c] = CharType.Other;
-        symbolFunctions.length = 256;
-        symbolFunctions['('] = &openParentheses;
-        symbolFunctions[')'] = &closeParentheses;
-        symbolFunctions['{'] = &openBrace;
-        symbolFunctions['}'] = &closeBrace;
-        symbolFunctions['['] = &openBracket;
-        symbolFunctions[']'] = &closeBracket;
-        symbolFunctions[';'] = &seperator;
-        symbolFunctions[':'] = &colon;
-        symbolFunctions['.'] = &dot;
-        symbolFunctions[','] = &comma;
-        symbolFunctions['='] = &eq;
-        symbolFunctions['!'] = &ne;
-        symbolFunctions['<'] = &le;
-        symbolFunctions['>'] = &ge;
-        symbolFunctions['+'] = &plus;
-        symbolFunctions['-'] = &minus;
-        symbolFunctions['*'] = &star;
-        symbolFunctions['/'] = &slash;
-        symbolFunctions['%'] = &percent;
-        symbolFunctions['&'] = &and;
-        symbolFunctions['"'] = &string;
-        symbolFunctions['`'] = &string;
-        last = Token(Tok.EOF, SLoc() + 1, 0);
-    }
-    /**
-      Get the next token from the source. This method will move the
-      internal position forward to the next Token.
-      return: A Token - Token.type is TokType.EOF if there is
-        no more tokens in the file.
-      */
-    Token next()
-    {
-        Token res;
-        switch (getNextChar)
-        {
-            case CharType.EOF:
-                return Token(Tok.EOF, last.location, 0); 
-            case CharType.Whitespace:
-                position += 1;
-                res =;
-                break;
-            case CharType.Symbol:
-                res = lexSymbol;
-                break;
-            case CharType.Letter:
-                res = lexLetter;
-                break;
-            case CharType.Number:
-                res = lexNumber;
-                break;
-            case CharType.Other:
-      , Loc(position)).fatal(ExitLevel.Lexer);
-        }
-        if (res.type != Tok.EOF)
-            last = res;
-        return res;
-    }
-    /**
-      Get the next token from the source. This method will NOT move the
-      internal position forward, and thereby having no side-effects.
-      return: A Token - Token.type is TokType.EOF if there is
-        no more tokens in the file.
-      */
-    Token peek(int skip = 0)
-    {
-        int oldPosition = this.position;
-        while (skip-- > 0)
-  ;
-        Token t =;
-        this.position = oldPosition;
-        return t;
-    }
-    Token last;
-    Token eq()
-    {
-        if(source[position] == '=')
-            return Token(Tok.Eq, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-        return Token(Tok.Assign, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token openBrace() 
-    {
-        return Token(Tok.OpenBrace, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token closeBrace() 
-    {
-        return Token(Tok.CloseBrace, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token openParentheses() 
-    {
-        return Token(Tok.OpenParentheses, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token closeParentheses()
-    {
-        return Token(Tok.CloseParentheses, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token openBracket() 
-    {
-        return Token(Tok.OpenBracket, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token closeBracket()
-    {
-        return Token(Tok.CloseBracket, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token seperator()
-    {
-        return Token(Tok.Seperator, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token colon()
-    {
-        return Token(Tok.Colon, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token dot() 
-    {
-        int pos = 0;
-        while(getNextChar(0) == CharType.Number || 
-              this.source[position + pos + 1] == '_')
-        {
-            if(getNextChar(0) == CharType.Number)
-            {
-                position--;
-                return lexNumber();
-            }
-            pos++;
-        }
-        return Token(Tok.Dot, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token comma() 
-    {
-        return Token(Tok.Comma, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token ne() 
-    {
-        if(source[position] == '=')
-            return Token(Tok.Ne, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-        return Token(Tok.Not, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token le()
-    {
-        if(source[position] == '=')
-            return Token(Tok.Le, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-        if(source[position] == '<')
-            return Token(Tok.LeftShift, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-        return Token(Tok.Lt, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token ge() 
-    {
-        if(source[position] == '=')
-            return Token(Tok.Ge, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-        if(source[position] == '>')
-            if(source[position+1] == '>')
-            {
-                position += 2;
-                return Token(Tok.UnsignedRightShift, Loc(position - 1), 3);
-            }
-            else
-                return Token(Tok.RightShift, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-        return Token(Tok.Gt, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token plus() 
-    {
-        if(source[position] == '=')
-            return Token(Tok.PlusAssign, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-        return Token(Tok.Plus, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token minus() 
-    {
-        if(source[position] == '=')
-            return Token(Tok.MinusAssign, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-        return Token(Tok.Minus, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token star() 
-    {
-        if(source[position] == '=')
-            return Token(Tok.StarAssign, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-        return Token(Tok.Star, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token slash()
-    {
-        int p = position;
-        switch(source[position])
-        {
-            case '=':
-                return Token(Tok.SlashAssign, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-            case '/':
-                while(getNextChar != CharType.EOF)
-                {
-                    if(source[position++] == '\n')
-                        return;
-                }
-                return Token(Tok.EOF, Loc(position), 0);
-            case '*':
-                position += 2;
-                while(getNextChar != CharType.EOF)
-                {
-                    ++position;
-                    if(source[position-2] == '*')
-                        if(source[position-1] == '/')
-                        {
-                            return;
-                        }
-                }
-      ,Loc(p)).fatal(ExitLevel.Lexer);
-            case '+':
-                position += 2;
-                int nesting = 1;
-                while(getNextChar != CharType.EOF)
-                {
-                    ++position;
-                    if(source[position-2] == '+')
-                        if(source[position-1] == '/')
-                        {
-                            position++;
-                            nesting--;
-                        }
-                    if(source[position-2] == '/')
-                        if(source[position-1] == '+')
-                        {
-                            nesting++;
-                            position++;
-                        }
-                    if(nesting == 0)
-                        return;
-                }
-                        UnexpectedEOFBlock,
-                        Loc(p)).fatal(ExitLevel.Lexer);
-            default:
-                return Token(Tok.Slash, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-        }
-    }
-    Token and()
-    {
-        return Token(Tok.And, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token percent() 
-    {
-        if(source[position] == '=')
-            return Token(Tok.PercentAssign, Loc(position++ - 1), 2);
-        return Token(Tok.Percent, Loc(position - 1), 1);
-    }
-    Token string()
-    {
-        --position;
-        int start = position;
-        if(getNextChar() == CharType.Letter)
-            position++;
-        char end = '`';
-        switch(source[position])
-        {
-            case '"':
-                if(position > 0)
-                    if(source[position-1] == 'r')
-                    {
-                        end = '"';
-                        goto string_wys;
-                    }
-                ++position;
-                while(getNextChar != CharType.EOF)
-                {
-                    ++position;
-                    if (source[position-1] == '"' )
-                    {
-                        if(getNextChar != CharType.EOF)
-                            if (source[position] == 'c' ||
-                                source[position] == 'w' ||
-                                source[position] == 'd')
-                                position++;
-                        return Token(Tok.String, Loc(start), position - start);
-                    }
-                    else if (source[position-1] == '\\')
-                        position++;
-                }
-                break;
-                case '`':
-                ++position;
-                while(getNextChar != CharType.EOF)
-                {
-                    ++position;
-                    if (source[position-1] == end )
-                        return Token(Tok.String, Loc(start), position - start);
-                }
-                break;
-        }
-, Loc(position)).fatal(ExitLevel.Lexer);
-    }
-    Token lexNumber ()
-    {
-        bool sign;
-        int i = 0;
-        bool end = false;
-        while(!end)
-        {
-            switch(getNextChar(i))
-            {
-                case CharType.Number:
-                    break;
-                case CharType.Symbol:
-                    if(this.source[position+i] == '.')
-                    {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    if (this.source[position+i] == '+' ||
-                        this.source[position+i] == '-')
-                    {
-                        if (source[position+i-1] == 'e' ||
-                            source[position+i-1] == 'E')
-                            break;
-                    }
-                    end = true;
-                    continue;
-                case CharType.Letter:
-                    if(this.source[position+i] == '_')
-                        break;
-                    if (this.source[position+i] == 'e' || 
-                        this.source[position+i] == 'E')
-                    {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    end = true;
-                    continue;
-                default:
-                    end = true;
-                    continue;
-            }
-            i++;
-        }
-        while(source[position+i] == 'u' ||
-              source[position+i] == 'U' ||
-              source[position+i] == 'L')
-            i += 1;
-        position += i;
-        return Token(Tok.Integer, Loc(position - i), i);
-    }
-    Token lexSymbol ()
-    {
-        Token t = symbolFunctions[source[position++]]();
-        return t;
-    }
-    Token lexLetter ()
-    {
-        int i = 0;
-        bool hasNumber = false;
-        if (source[position+1] == '"' ||
-            source[position+1] == '`')
-        {
-            ++position;
-            return string;
-        }
-        while (getNextChar(++i) == CharType.Letter || 
-                getNextChar(i) == CharType.Number)
-        {
-            if (getNextChar(i) == CharType.Number)
-            {
-                hasNumber = true;
-            }
-        }
-        Token t = Token(Tok.Identifier, Loc(), i);
-        if (!hasNumber)
-        {
-            char[] str = source[position .. position + i];
-            if(str in keywords)
-                t.type = keywords[str];
-        }
-        position += i;
-        return t;
-    }
-    CharType getNextChar(int offset = 0)
-    {
-        if (position + offset >= this.source.length)
-            return CharType.EOF;
-        char current = source[position + offset];
-        CharType c = charTable[current];
-        if(c == CharType.INVALID)
-  , Loc())
-                .arg(Integer.toString(cast(int)current))
-                .fatal(ExitLevel.Lexer);
-        return c;
-    }
-    private final SourceLocation Loc(int pos = -1)
-    {
-        if (pos < 0)
-            return start_loc + position;
-        return start_loc + pos;
-    }
-    SourceManager sm;
-    SourceLocation start_loc;
-    int position;
-    char[] source;
-    MessageHandler messages;
-    CharType[] charTable;
-    Token delegate()[] symbolFunctions;
-enum CharType : ubyte
-    Letter,
-    Number,
-    Symbol,
-    Whitespace,
-    Other,
-    EOF
--- a/lexer/Token.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-module lexer.Token;
-import basic.SourceLocation,
-       basic.SourceManager;
-import Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;
-  The Token struct will be used through the Lexer, Parser and other
-  modules as a location into source.
-  The Token should always be optimized for size to limit unnecessary
-  memory usage.
-  */
-struct Token
-    Tok type;
-    SLoc location;
-    uint length;
-    /**
-      Create a new token with a Tok type, Location in source and a 
-      length of how many chars the Token span in the source
-      */
-    static Token opCall (Tok type, SLoc location, uint length)
-    {
-        Token t;
-        t.type = type;
-        t.location = location;
-        t.length = length;
-        return t;
-    }
-    /**
-      Get the type of the Token as a string
-      */
-    char[] get (SourceManager sm)
-    {
-        if (isIdentifier)
-            return sm.getText(asRange);
-        return typeToString[this.type];
-    }
-    /**
-      A human readable dump of a Token
-      */
-    char[] toString ()
-    {
-        return typeToString[this.type];
-    }
-    /// Get the range of this token
-    SourceRange asRange() { return SourceRange(location, location + length); }
-    /**
-      Returns true if the type of this token is a basic type (int, float, ...).
-      Void is included, although a void in it self is not really a type.
-     */
-    bool isBasicType()
-    {
-        return type >= Tok.Byte && type <= Tok.Void;
-    }
-    /**
-      Returns true for all the various assignments (=, +=, *= ...)
-     */
-    bool isAssignment()
-    {
-        return type >= Tok.Assign && type <= Tok.PercentAssign;
-    }
-    /**
-      Returns true for all attributes( public, static, private...)
-     */
-    bool isAttribute()
-    {
-        return type >= Tok.Public && type <= Tok.Extern;
-    }
-    /**
-      Returns true for all attributes( public, static, private...)
-     */
-    bool isBaseClassProtection()
-    {
-        return type >= Tok.Public && type <= Tok.Export;
-    }
-    /**
-      just a shortcut to avoid `token.type == tok.Switch`.
-     */
-    bool isSwitch()
-    {
-        return type == Tok.Switch;
-    }
-    /**
-      just a shortcut to avoid `token.type == tok.While`.
-     */
-    bool isWhile()
-    {
-        return type == Tok.While;
-    }
-    /**
-      just a shortcut to avoid `token.type == tok.For`.
-     */
-    bool isFor()
-    {
-        return type == Tok.For;
-    }
-    /**
-      just a shortcut to avoid `token.type == tok.If`.
-     */
-    bool isIf()
-    {
-        return type == Tok.If;
-    }
-    /**
-      just a shortcut to avoid `token.type == tok.Return`.
-     */
-    bool isReturn()
-    {
-        return type == Tok.Return;
-    }
-    /**
-      Just a shortcut to avoid `token.type == Tok.Identifier`.
-     */
-    bool isIdentifier()
-    {
-        return type == Tok.Identifier;
-    }
-  Tok is short for TokenType. This enum list is to supply the Token 
-  with a type. 
-  This enum is used to switch over "many" places.
-  */
-enum Tok : ushort
-    /* Non-code related tokens */
-    EOF,
-    /* Basic types */
-    Identifier,
-    Integer,
-    String,
-    /* Basic operators */
-    Assign,
-    PlusAssign,
-    MinusAssign,
-    StarAssign,
-    SlashAssign,
-    PercentAssign,
-    Plus, 
-    Minus, 
-    Star, 
-    Slash, 
-    Percent, 
-    LeftShift, RightShift, UnsignedRightShift,
-    Comma,
-    And,
-    /* Symbols */
-    OpenParentheses,
-    CloseParentheses,
-    OpenBrace,
-    CloseBrace,
-    OpenBracket,
-    CloseBracket,
-    Seperator,
-    Colon,
-    Dot,
-    /* Comparator operators */
-    Eq, Ne,
-    Lt, Gt,
-    Le, Ge,
-    Not,
-    /* Keywords */
-    Byte, Ubyte,
-    Short, Ushort,
-    Int, Uint,
-    Long, Ulong,
-    Char, Wchar, Dchar,
-    Float, Double,
-    Bool,
-    Void,
-    Struct, Function, Delegate, Class, This,
-    Interface, Union, Typedef, Typeid,
-    Typeof, Sizeof, Alias,
-    If, Else,
-    While,
-    For,
-    Switch, Case, Default, Break,
-    Return, Cast, 
-    Module, Import,
-    New, Null,
-    /* Attributes */
-    Public, Private, Package, Export, Protected,
-    Static,
-    Final,
-    Const,
-    Abstract,
-    Override,
-    Deprecated,
-    Auto,
-    Extern,
-    Align,
-    Asm,
-    In, Out, Body, 
-    Assert, Throw, Try, Catch, Finally,
-  An associative array to supply a Tok to String function.
-  Keep always this list updated when adding a new Tok.
-  */
-public char[][Tok] typeToString;
-static this()
-    typeToString =
-    [
-        Tok.EOF:"EOF"[],
-        Tok.Identifier:"identifier",
-        Tok.Byte:"byte",
-        Tok.Short:"short",
-        Tok.Int:"int",
-        Tok.Long:"long",
-        Tok.Char:"char",
-        Tok.Wchar:"wchar",
-        Tok.Dchar:"dchar",
-        Tok.Bool:"bool",
-        Tok.Void:"void",
-        Tok.Function:"function",
-        Tok.Eq:"==",
-        Tok.Ne:"!=",
-        Tok.Lt:"<",
-        Tok.Le:"<=",
-        Tok.Gt:">",
-        Tok.Ge:">=",
-        Tok.OpenParentheses:"(",
-        Tok.CloseParentheses:")",
-        Tok.OpenBrace:"{",
-        Tok.CloseBrace:"}",
-        Tok.OpenBracket:"[",
-        Tok.CloseBracket:"]",
-        Tok.Dot:"-",
-        Tok.Assign:"=",
-        Tok.Plus:"+",
-        Tok.PlusAssign:"+=",
-        Tok.Minus:"-",
-        Tok.MinusAssign:"-=",
-        Tok.Star:"*",
-        Tok.StarAssign:"*=",
-        Tok.Slash:"/",
-        Tok.SlashAssign:"/=",
-        Tok.Percent:"%",
-        Tok.PercentAssign:"%=",
-        Tok.LeftShift:"<<",
-        Tok.RightShift:">>",
-        Tok.UnsignedRightShift:">>>",
-        Tok.Integer:"int",
-        Tok.If:"if",
-        Tok.While:"while",
-        Tok.For:"for",
-        Tok.Switch:"switch",
-        Tok.Case:"case",
-        Tok.Default:"default",
-        Tok.Comma:",",
-        Tok.Return:"return",
-        Tok.Struct:"struct",
-        Tok.Class:"class",
-        Tok.This:"this",
-        Tok.Colon:":",
-        Tok.Seperator:";",
-        Tok.And:"&",
-        Tok.Cast:"cast",
-        Tok.Module:"module",
-        Tok.Import:"import",
-        Tok.String:"String",
-        Tok.Public:"public",
-        Tok.Private:"private",
-        Tok.Protected:"protected",
-        Tok.Package:"package",
-        Tok.Export:"export",
-        Tok.Static:"static",
-        Tok.Final:"finale",
-        Tok.Public:"public",
-        Tok.Const:"const",
-        Tok.Abstract:"abstract",
-        Tok.Override:"override",
-        Tok.Deprecated:"deprecated",
-        Tok.Auto:"auto",
-        Tok.Extern:"extern",
-        Tok.New:"new",
-        Tok.Null:"null",
-        Tok.Alias:"alias"
-    ];
--- a/llvm.patch	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur -X exclude llvmbindings/llvm/llvm.d llvmbindings_ny/llvm/llvm.d
---- llvmbindings/llvm/llvm.d	2008-07-23 00:11:36.000000000 +0200
-+++ llvmbindings_ny/llvm/llvm.d	2008-07-22 23:51:15.000000000 +0200
-@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
- alias LLVMVisibility Visibility;
- ///
- alias LLVMValueKind ValueKind;
-+public alias LLVMParamAttr ParamAttr;
- ///
- class Module
-@@ -837,6 +839,20 @@
-         return getValueOf(v);
-     }
-     ///
-+    void addParamAttr(uint idx, ParamAttr PA)
-+    {
-+        auto v = LLVMGetParam(value, idx);
-+        assert(v !is null);
-+        LLVMAddParamAttr(v, PA);
-+    }
-+    ///
-+    void removeParamAttr(uint idx, ParamAttr PA)
-+    {
-+        auto v = LLVMGetParam(value, idx);
-+        assert(v !is null);
-+        LLVMRemoveParamAttr(v, PA);
-+    }
-+    ///
-     uint intrinsicID()
-     {
-         return LLVMGetIntrinsicID(value);
-diff -Naur -X exclude llvmbindings/llvm/type.d llvmbindings_ny/llvm/type.d
---- llvmbindings/llvm/type.d	2008-07-23 00:11:36.000000000 +0200
-+++ llvmbindings_ny/llvm/type.d	2008-07-23 00:07:46.000000000 +0200
-@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
-     Type refineAbstractType(Type to) {
-         assert(isAbstract());
--        LLVMRefineAbstractType(type, to.type);
-+        //LLVMRefineAbstractType(type, to.type);
-         // Either type will do. Go through the registry to try to use the
-         // "canonical" Type object for the type.
-diff -Naur -X exclude llvmbindings/llvm.patch llvmbindings_ny/llvm.patch
---- llvmbindings/llvm.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ llvmbindings_ny/llvm.patch	2008-07-22 23:45:58.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
-+Index: llvm/c/Core.d
-+--- llvm/c/Core.d	(revision 170)
-++++ llvm/c/Core.d	(working copy)
-+@@ -82,6 +82,20 @@
-+  */
-+ typedef LLVM_OpaqueMemoryBuffer* LLVMMemoryBufferRef;
-++enum LLVMParamAttr {
-++    ZExt = 1<<0,
-++    SExt = 1<<1,
-++    NoReturn = 1<<2,
-++    InReg = 1<<3,
-++    StructRet = 1<<4,
-++    NoUnwind = 1<<5,
-++    NoAlias = 1<<6,
-++    ByVal = 1<<7,
-++    Nest = 1<<8,
-++    ReadNone = 1<<9,
-++    ReadOnly = 1<<10
-+ enum LLVMTypeKind {
-+   Void,        /**< type with no size */
-+   Float,       /**< 32 bit floating point type */
-+@@ -388,6 +402,14 @@
-+ /*const*/ char *LLVMGetCollector(LLVMValueRef Fn);
-+ void LLVMSetCollector(LLVMValueRef Fn, /*const*/ char *Coll);
-++void LLVMAddParamAttr(LLVMValueRef Arg, LLVMParamAttr Attr);
-++void LLVMRemoveParamAttr(LLVMValueRef Arg, LLVMParamAttr Attr);
-++void LLVMSetParamAlignment(LLVMValueRef Arg, uint Align);
-++void LLVMAddInstrParamAttr(LLVMValueRef Inst, uint Index, LLVMParamAttr Attr);
-++void LLVMRemoveInstrParamAttr(LLVMValueRef Inst, uint Index, LLVMParamAttr Attr);
-++void LLVMSetInstrParamAlignment(LLVMValueRef Inst, uint Index, uint Align);
-+ /* Operations on basic blocks */
-+ LLVMValueRef LLVMBasicBlockAsValue(LLVMBasicBlockRef Bb);
-+ int LLVMValueIsBasicBlock(LLVMValueRef Val);
-+Index: llvm/llvm.d
-+--- llvm/llvm.d	(revision 170)
-++++ llvm/llvm.d	(working copy)
-+@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
-+ alias LLVMVisibility Visibility;
-+ ///
-+ alias LLVMValueKind ValueKind;
-++public alias LLVMParamAttr ParamAttr;
-+ ///
-+ class Module
-+@@ -836,6 +838,20 @@
-+         return getValueOf(v);
-+     }
-+     ///
-++    void addParamAttr(uint idx, ParamAttr PA)
-++    {
-++        auto v = LLVMGetParam(value, idx);
-++        assert(v !is null);
-++        LLVMAddParamAttr(v, PA);
-++    }
-++    ///
-++    void removeParamAttr(uint idx, ParamAttr PA)
-++    {
-++        auto v = LLVMGetParam(value, idx);
-++        assert(v !is null);
-++        LLVMRemoveParamAttr(v, PA);
-++    }
-++    ///
-+     uint intrinsicID()
-+     {
-+         return LLVMGetIntrinsicID(value);
-+Index: llvm-fix.cpp
-+--- llvm-fix.cpp	(revision 170)
-++++ llvm-fix.cpp	(working copy)
-+@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
-+   APN.convert(SemanticsForType(unwrap(RealTy)), APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven);
-+   return wrap(ConstantFP::get(unwrap(RealTy), APN));
-+ }
-+ LLVMValueRef LLVMConstRealOfString(LLVMTypeRef RealTy, const char *Text) {
-+   return wrap(ConstantFP::get(unwrap(RealTy),
-+                               APFloat(SemanticsForType(unwrap(RealTy)), Text)));
-+ }
-+ }
-+Index: llvm-ext.cpp
-+--- llvm-ext.cpp	(revision 170)
-++++ llvm-ext.cpp	(working copy)
-+@@ -80,9 +80,11 @@
-+ LLVMTargetDataRef LLVMGetTargetDataFromModule(LLVMModuleRef M) {
-+     return wrap(new TargetData(unwrap(M)));
-+ }
-+ void LLVMDisposeTargetData(LLVMTargetDataRef TD) {
-+     delete unwrap(TD);
-+ }
-+ // we need to be able to query the ABI size of a type as an integer
-+ size_t LLVMGetABITypeSize(LLVMTargetDataRef TD, LLVMTypeRef T) {
--- a/parser/Action.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-module parser.Action;
-import lexer.Token;
-import basic.Attribute;
-  Used to indicate what type of operator is used in a given binary expression
-  (and unary expressions?)
- */
-public enum Operator
-    Assign,
-    AddAssign,
-    SubAssign,
-    MulAssign,
-    DivAssign,
-    ModAssign,
-    Eq, Ne,
-    Lt, Le,
-    Gt, Ge,
-    Add, Sub,
-    Mul, Div, Mod,
-    LeftShift, RightShift, UnsignedRightShift,
-class Id
-    public static Id opCall(Token tok)
-    {
-        auto id = new Id();
-        id.tok = tok;
-        return id;
-    }
-    Token tok;
-class PointerTypeId : Id
-    public static PointerTypeId opCall(Id id)
-    {
-        auto p = new PointerTypeId();
- = id;
-        return p;
-    }
-    Id id;
-class StaticArrayTypeId : Id
-    public static StaticArrayTypeId opCall(Id id, Object number)
-    {
-        auto a = new StaticArrayTypeId();
- = id;
-        a.number = number;
-        return a;
-    }
-    Id id;
-    Object number;
-class FunctionTypeId : Id
-    public static FunctionTypeId opCall(Id id, DeclT[] decls)
-    {
-        auto f = new FunctionTypeId();
- = id;
-        f.decls = decls;
-        return f;
-    }
-    Id id;
-    DeclT[] decls;
-  Represents a fully qualified name, with some packages and a final identifier.
-  The identifier should always be set, but packages may have length 0.
- **/
-struct ModuleName
-    Id id;
-    Id[] packages;
-    /// Get the full ranged spanned by packages and identifier
-    SourceRange asRange()
-    {
-        SourceRange r = id.tok.asRange();
-        foreach (identifier; packages)
-            r = r + identifier.tok.asRange();
-        return r;
-    }
-    /**
-      A few aliases to indicate what methods should be dealing with the same
-      types.
-      Not typesafe, and not using typedef because users would need a lot of
-      casts (and base type would be void*, so no possibility to synchronize,
-      print etc.)
-     */
-alias Object ExprT;
-alias Object StmtT; /// ditto
-alias Object DeclT; /// ditto
-alias Object ModuleT; /// ditto
-  All methods are optional.
-Warning: Interface is not stable yet. Use the `override` keyword in all classes
-            inheriting from this to get warning if the interface changes.
- */
-abstract class Action
-    // -- Modules --
-    ModuleT actOnModule(ref Token _module, char[] name)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      This action is called when a file does not start with a module
-      declaration - in which case there is no Token available.
-      Instead a SLoc to the start of the file is given.
-     */
-    ModuleT actOnImplicitModule(SourceLocation fileStart, char[] name)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    void actOnModuleDecl(ModuleT m, DeclT d)
-    {
-    }
-    // -- Declarations --
-    /**
-      Called for an import statement, that may be renamed. Id name is null,
-      there is no rename.
-      If there are selective imports, its handled in add 
-     */
-    DeclT actOnImport(ref Token _import, ref ModuleName target, Id* name)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-     */
-    void addSelectiveImport(DeclT _import, ref Id target, Id* name)
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-      Either we should have one case that handles a lot of things, or we should
-      have a lot of separate cases.
-      As an example, this method could handle the params in `int f(int, int)`
-      as well as handling `int x` at both top-level, in classes and in methods.
-      The other solution is an addParamToFunc or similar.
-     */
-    DeclT actOnDeclarator(ref Id type, ref Id name, ExprT init, Attribute att)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    DeclT actOnAliasDecl(DeclT decl, Attribute att)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Add a struct member to a struct.
-     */
-    void actOnStructMember(DeclT st_decl, DeclT m_decl)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Add a class member to a struct.
-     */
-    void actOnClassMember(DeclT cl_decl, DeclT m_decl)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Add a class member to a struct.
-     */
-    void actOnClassBaseClass(DeclT cl_decl, ref Id name)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Add a class member to a struct.
-     */
-    void actOnInterfaceMember(DeclT if_decl, DeclT m_decl)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Add a class member to a struct.
-     */
-    void actOnInterfaceBaseClass(DeclT if_decl, ref Id name)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Add an initialization expression to a previously created decl.
-      Used for default values on function params and for values to local
-      variables.
-     */
-    void addInitToDeclarator(DeclT decl, ExprT exp)
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-      Called at the start of a function, doesn't get a lot of info - that is
-      added later on, through addFuncArg and actOnEndOfFunction.
-     */
-    DeclT actOnStartOfFunctionDef(ref Id type, ref Id name, Attribute att)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Add a new parameter to the function func.
-     */
-    void addFuncArg(DeclT func, Id type, Id name)
-    {
-    }
-    /**
-      Finish off the function, by giving it the body (a single statement, so
-      you probably want some sort of compound statement)
-     */
-    DeclT actOnEndOfFunction(DeclT func, StmtT stmts)
-    {
-        return func;
-    }
-    // -- Statements --
-    /**
-      Called after parsing a function/while/for/whatever body.
-      Note that stmts is to be considered temporary, it might point into the
-      stack and needs to be copied before saving.
-     */
-    StmtT actOnCompoundStmt(ref Token left, ref Token right, StmtT[] stmts)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      An expression was used as a statement - this includes assignments,
-      function calls.
-      Additionally the D spec dictates that expressions with no effect are not
-      legal as statements, but the parser can't test for this so it has to be
-      done in the later stages.
-     */
-    StmtT actOnExprStmt(ExprT exp)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Called after parsing return statements.
-      loc is the return token.
-     */
-    StmtT actOnReturnStmt(ref Token loc, ExprT exp)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-     */
-    StmtT actOnIfStmt(ref Token ifTok, ExprT cond, StmtT thenBody,
-                      ref Token elseTok, StmtT elseBody)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-     */
-    StmtT actOnWhileStmt(ref Token whileTok, ExprT cond, StmtT whileBody)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-     */
-    StmtT actOnForStmt(ref Token forTok, StmtT init, ExprT cond, ExprT incre, StmtT forBody)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-     */
-    StmtT actOnDeclStmt(DeclT decl)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    StmtT actOnStartOfSwitchStmt(Token _switch, ExprT exp)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    void actOnCaseStmt(StmtT stmt, Token _case, ExprT[] exps, StmtT[] stmts)
-    {
-    }
-    void actOnDefaultStmt(StmtT stmt, Token _default, StmtT[] stmts)
-    {
-    }
-    StmtT actOnFinishSwitchStmt(StmtT sw)
-    {
-        return sw;
-    }
-    // -- Expressions --
-    /**
-      A single numerical constant -- this can be absolutely any kind of number.
-      Integers, floats, hex, octal, binary, imaginary and so on.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnNumericConstant(Token op)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      This is called when identifiers are used in expressions.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnIdentifierExp(Id id)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      This is called when strings are used in expression
-     */
-    ExprT actOnStringExp(Token t)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Unary operator.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnUnaryOp(Token op, ExprT operand)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Binary operator.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnBinaryOp(SLoc op_loc, Operator op, ExprT l, ExprT r)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Called when using the 'dot' operator.
-      The left hand side can be any expression, but its only possible to look
-      up an identifier.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnMemberReference(ExprT lhs, SourceLocation op, Id member)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Called when function calls are encountered.
-      Note that args is temporary and might point into the stack. Remember to
-      copy before saving a reference to it.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnCallExpr(ExprT func, ref Token left_paren, ExprT[] args,
-                        ref Token right_paren)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Called when function calls are encountered.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnIndexExpr(ExprT array, ref Token left_bracket, ExprT index,
-                        ref Token right_bracket)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Cast expression.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnCastExpr(ref Token _cast, Id type, ExprT exp)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      New expression.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnNewExpr(ref Id type, ExprT[] a_args, ExprT[] c_args)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Array Literal expression.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnArrayLiteralExpr(ExprT[] exps, SLoc start, SLoc end)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-      Null expression.
-     */
-    ExprT actOnNullExpr(SLoc pos)
-    {
-        return null;
-    }
-  Doesn't do anything at all - can be used for benchmarking the parser.
- */
-class NullAction : Action
--- a/parser/Parser.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1189 +0,0 @@
-module parser.Parser;
-import lexer.Lexer,
-       lexer.Token;
-import parser.Action;
-import basic.Message,
-       basic.Attribute;
-import basic.SmallArray,
-       basic.SourceManager;
-       Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;
-class Parser
-    Action action;
-    MessageHandler messages;
-    alias Object Exp;
-    alias Object Stmt;
-    alias Object Decl;
-    alias Object Module;
-    this(MessageHandler messages)
-    {
-        this.messages = messages;
-    }
-    Module parse(SourceManager sm, Lexer lexer, Action act)
-    {
- = sm;
-        this.lexer = lexer;
-        this.action = act;
-        Module m;
-        if (peek.type == Tok.Module)
-        {
-            Token _module = next();
-            ModuleName name = parseModuleName();
-            m = action.actOnModule(_module, sm.getText(name.asRange()));
-            require(Tok.Seperator);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            SLoc loc = peek.location;
-            m = action.actOnImplicitModule(loc, sm.getFile(loc));
-        }
-        auto nes = parseAttributeInit;
-        while( !isa(Tok.EOF) )
-        {
-            while ( peek.isAttribute )
-                nes ~= parseAttribute(nes[$-1]);
-            foreach (d; parseDeclDef(nes[$-1].a))
-                action.actOnModuleDecl(m, d);
-            nes = parseAttributeScope(nes);
-        }
-        return m;
-    }
-    Decl[] parseDeclDef(Attribute a)
-    {
-        if ( isa (Tok.Import) )
-            return parseImports();
-        return [parseDecl(a)];
-    }
-    Decl parseDecl(Attribute att)
-    {
-        switch(peek.type)
-        {
-            case Tok.Struct:
-                Id type = Id(next());
-                Id iden = Id(require(Tok.Identifier));            
-                return parseStruct(type, iden, att);
-            case Tok.Class:
-                Id type = Id(next());
-                Id iden = Id(require(Tok.Identifier));            
-                return parseClass(type, iden, att);
-            case Tok.Interface:
-                Id type = Id(next());
-                Id iden = Id(require(Tok.Identifier));
-                return parseInterface(type, iden, att);
-            case Tok.Alias:
-                next();
-                auto decl = parseDecl(Attribute());
-                return action.actOnAliasDecl(decl, att);
-            case Tok.Identifier:
-                Id type = parseType;
-                Id iden = Id(require(Tok.Identifier));
-                switch(peek.type)
-                {
-                    case Tok.Seperator:
-                        Token sep = next();
-                        return action.actOnDeclarator(type, iden, null, att);
-                    case Tok.Assign:
-                        Token assign = next();
-                        Exp exp = parseExpression();
-                        require(Tok.Seperator);
-                        return action.actOnDeclarator(type, iden, exp, att);
-                    case Tok.OpenParentheses:
-                        return parseFunc(type, iden, att);
-                    default:
-                        auto n1 = next();
-                        isEOF(type.tok);
-              , n1.location).arg(n1.get(sm));
-                        return action.actOnDeclarator(type, iden, null, att);
-                }
-      , peek.location)
-                    .arg(sm.getText(peek.asRange));
-            default:
-                if (peek.isBasicType)
-                    goto case Tok.Identifier;
-      , peek.location)
-                    .arg(sm.getText(peek.asRange));
-                next();
-                return null;
-        }
-, peek.location)
-            .arg(peek.get(sm))
-            .arg(Tok.Identifier)
-            .fatal(ExitLevel.Parser);
-    }
-    Extern parseLinkageType()
-    {
-        Extern e = Extern.D;
-        if(peek(1).type != Tok.OpenParentheses)
-            return e;
-        next(); next();
-        Token t = require(Tok.Identifier);
-        switch(sm.getText(t.asRange))
-        {
-            case "C":
-                if (peek(0).type == Tok.Plus && 
-                    peek(1).type == Tok.Plus)
-                    e = Extern.CPlusPlus;
-                else
-                    e = Extern.C;
-                break;
-            case "D":
-                break;
-            case "Windows":
-                e = Extern.Windows;
-                break;
-            case "Pascal":
-                e = Extern.Pascal;
-                break;
-            case "System":
-                e = Extern.System;
-                break;
-            default:
-      , t.location);
-        }
-        if (!isa(Tok.CloseParentheses))
-  , peek.location);
-        return e;
-    }
-    /**
-      Parse a series of imports belonging to a single import token.
-     */
-    Decl[] parseImports()
-    {
-        Token _import = require(Tok.Import);
-        SmallArray!(Decl) res;
-        void addToRes(Decl d) { res ~= d; }
-        bool done = false;
-        while (!done && !isa(Tok.Seperator))
-        {
-            ModuleName mod = parseModuleName();
-            Token tok = peek;
-            switch (tok.type)
-            {
-                case Tok.Comma:
-                    // import A, B.C;
-                    // parse another module-name
-                    next();
-                    res ~= action.actOnImport(_import, mod, null);
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Assign:
-                    // import B = A.A;
-                    //        ^- must be a single identifier
-                    // renamed import
-                    if (mod.packages.length != 0)
-                    {
-                        SLoc loc = mod.packages[0].tok.location;
-              , loc);
-                    }
-                    //if (isStatic)
-                    //    error("Static imports cannot be renamed");
-                    next();
-                    Id name =;
-                    mod = parseModuleName();
-                    // create from mod and rename to `name`
-                    res ~= action.actOnImport(_import, mod, &name);
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Colon:
-                    // import A : a;
-                    // selective imports, potentially import A : print = a
-                    next();
-                    Decl d = action.actOnImport(_import, mod, null);
-                    // do-while on a comma:
-                    //   add explicit symbol
-                    do
-                    {
-                        Id sym = parseIdentifier();
-                        Id dummy;
-                        Id* name = null;
-                        if (skip(Tok.Assign))
-                        {
-                            dummy = sym;
-                            name = &dummy;
-                            sym = parseIdentifier();
-                        }
-                        action.addSelectiveImport(d, sym, name);
-                    } while (skip(Tok.Comma));
-                    require(Tok.Seperator);
-                    res ~= d;
-                    return;
-                case Tok.Seperator:
-                    done = true;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    goto Lerror;
-            }
-            res ~= action.actOnImport(_import, mod, null);
-        }
-        require(Tok.Seperator);
-        return;
-        while (!isa (Tok.Seperator))
-            next();
-        return;
-    }
-    /**
-      Parse interface
-     */
-    Decl parseInterface(Id type, Id iden, Attribute att)
-    {
-        auto decl = action.actOnDeclarator(type, iden, null, att);
-        if (peek.type == Tok.Colon)
-            // SuperInterfaces
-        {
-            next(); // Remove colon.
-            Id identifier;
-            // The identifier
-            identifier = Id(require(Tok.Identifier));
-            action.actOnInterfaceBaseClass(decl, identifier);
-            // We should now have an optional list of items, each starting ','
-            while (peek.type == Tok.Comma)
-            {
-                next(); // Remove comma
-                // The identifier
-                identifier = Id(require(Tok.Identifier));
-                action.actOnInterfaceBaseClass(decl, identifier);
-            }
-        }
-        require(Tok.OpenBrace);
-        auto nes = parseAttributeInit;
-        while( !isa(Tok.EOF) && !isa(Tok.CloseBrace) )
-        {
-            while ( peek.isAttribute )
-                nes ~= parseAttribute(nes[$-1]);
-            auto m_decl = parseDecl(nes[$-1].a);
-            action.actOnInterfaceMember(decl, m_decl);
-            nes = parseAttributeScope(nes);
-        }
-        require(Tok.CloseBrace);
-        return decl;
-    }
-    /**
-      Parse class
-     */
-    Decl parseClass(Id type, Id iden, Attribute att)
-    {
-        auto decl = action.actOnDeclarator(type, iden, null, att);
-        if (peek.type == Tok.Colon)
-            // BaseClassList - Super class and interfaces(in that order)
-        {
-            next(); // Remove colon.
-            Token protection;
-            Id    identifier;
-            // First we expect an optional protection level.
-            if (peek.isBaseClassProtection)
-                protection = next();
-            // Then the identifier
-            identifier = Id(require(Tok.Identifier));
-            action.actOnClassBaseClass(decl, identifier);
-            // We should now have an optional list of items, each starting ','
-            while (peek.type == Tok.Comma)
-            {
-                next(); // Remove comma
-                // First we expect an optional protection level.
-                if (peek.isBaseClassProtection)
-                    protection = next();
-                // Then the identifier
-                identifier = Id(require(Tok.Identifier));
-                action.actOnClassBaseClass(decl, identifier);
-            }
-        }
-        require(Tok.OpenBrace);
-        auto nes = parseAttributeInit;
-        while( !isa(Tok.EOF) && !isa(Tok.CloseBrace) )
-        {
-            while ( peek.isAttribute )
-                nes ~= parseAttribute(nes[$-1]);
-            switch(peek.type)
-            {
-                case Tok.This:
-                    auto id = Id(next);
-                    auto m_decl = parseFunc(iden, id, nes[$-1].a);
-                    action.actOnClassMember(decl, m_decl);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    auto m_decl = parseDecl(nes[$-1].a);
-                    action.actOnClassMember(decl, m_decl);
-            }
-            nes = parseAttributeScope(nes);
-        }
-        require(Tok.CloseBrace);
-        return decl;
-    }
-    /**
-      Parse struct
-     */
-    Decl parseStruct(Id type, Id iden, Attribute att)
-    {
-        auto decl = action.actOnDeclarator(type, iden, null, att);
-        require(Tok.OpenBrace);
-        auto nes = parseAttributeInit;
-        while( !isa(Tok.EOF) && !isa(Tok.CloseBrace) )
-        {
-            while ( peek.isAttribute )
-                nes ~= parseAttribute(nes[$-1]);
-            auto m_decl = parseDecl(nes[$-1].a);
-            action.actOnStructMember(decl, m_decl); 
-            nes = parseAttributeScope(nes);
-        }
-        require(Tok.CloseBrace);
-        return decl;
-    }
-    Att[] parseAttributeInit()
-    {
-        Att[] nes;
-        nes ~= Att();
-        nes[0].nested = Scope;
-        return nes;
-    }
-    Att[] parseAttributeScope(Att[] nes)
-    {
-        while ( nes[$-1].nested == Single )
-            nes.length = nes.length - 1;
-        while ( isa(Tok.CloseBrace) && nes.length > 1)
-        {
-            while ( nes.length > 1 )
-            {
-                if( nes[$-1].nested == Scope )
-                {
-                    nes.length = nes.length - 1;
-                    next();
-                    break;
-                }
-                nes.length = nes.length - 1;
-            }
-        }
-        return nes;
-    }
-    Att parseAttribute(Att last)
-    {
-        Att _parseAttribute(Att last)
-        {
-            Att a = last;
-            a.nested = Single;
-            switch(peek.type)
-            {
-                case Tok.Public:
-                    a.a.setProtection(Protection.Public);
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Private:
-                    a.a.setProtection(Protection.Private);
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Package:
-                    a.a.setProtection(Protection.Package);
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Protected:
-                    a.a.setProtection(Protection.Protected);
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Export:
-                    a.a.setProtection(Protection.Export);
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Static:
-                    a.a.setStatic;
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Final:
-                    a.a.setFinal;
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Const:
-                    a.a.setConst;
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Abstract:
-                    a.a.setAbstract;
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Override:
-                    a.a.setOverride;
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Deprecated:
-                    a.a.setDeprecated;
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Auto:
-                    a.a.setAuto;
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Extern:
-                    Extern e = parseLinkageType;
-                    a.a.setExtern(e);
-                    break;
-            }
-            next();
-            return a;
-        }
-        Att a = _parseAttribute(last);
-        while (peek.isAttribute)
-        {
-            a = parseAttribute(a);
-        }
-        if (peek.type == Tok.Colon)
-        {
-            a.nested = All;
-            next();
-        }
-        else if  (peek.type == Tok.OpenBrace)
-        {
-            a.nested = Scope;
-            next();
-        }
-        return a;
-    }
-    enum : uint
-    { 
-        Single, 
-        Scope, 
-        All 
-    }
-    struct Att
-    {
-        Attribute a;
-        uint nested;
-    }
-    /**
-      Parse statements.
-      This is the place to attack!
-     */
-    Stmt parseStatement()
-    {
-        switch (peek.type)
-        {
-            case Tok.Return:
-                Token ret = next();
-                Exp exp;
-                if (peek.type != Tok.Seperator)
-                    exp = parseExpression();
-                require(Tok.Seperator);
-                return action.actOnReturnStmt(ret, exp);
-            case Tok.If:
-                Token _if = next();
-                require(Tok.OpenParentheses);
-                Exp cond = parseExpression();
-                require(Tok.CloseParentheses);
-                Stmt thenB = parseSingleOrCompoundStatement();
-                // if there is no else part we use the if as token, to have
-                // something than can be passed along
-                Token _else = _if;
-                Stmt elseB;
-                if (peek.type == Tok.Else)
-                {
-                    _else = next();
-                    elseB = parseSingleOrCompoundStatement();
-                }
-                return action.actOnIfStmt(_if, cond, thenB, _else, elseB);
-            case Tok.While:
-                Token _while = next();
-                require(Tok.OpenParentheses);
-                Exp cond = parseExpression();
-                require(Tok.CloseParentheses);
-                Stmt bodyStmt = parseSingleOrCompoundStatement();
-                return action.actOnWhileStmt(_while, cond, bodyStmt);
-            case Tok.For:
-                Token _for = next();
-                require(Tok.OpenParentheses);
-                Stmt init;
-                if ( isa(Tok.Seperator))
-                    require(Tok.Seperator);
-                else
-                    init = parseStatement();
-                Exp cond;
-                if ( !isa(Tok.Seperator))
-                    cond = parseExpression();
-                require(Tok.Seperator);
-                Exp incre;
-                if ( !isa(Tok.CloseParentheses))
-                    incre = parseExpression();
-                require(Tok.CloseParentheses);
-                Stmt bodyStmt = parseSingleOrCompoundStatement();
-                return action.actOnForStmt(_for, init, cond, incre, bodyStmt);
-            case Tok.Switch:                
-                auto t = next();
-                require(Tok.OpenParentheses);
-                auto target = parseExpression();
-                auto res = action.actOnStartOfSwitchStmt(t, target);
-                require(Tok.CloseParentheses);
-                require(Tok.OpenBrace);
-                while (true)
-                {
-                    Stmt[] statements;
-                    if (isa(Tok.Default))
-                    {
-                        Token _default = next();
-                        require(Tok.Colon);
-                        statements.length = 0;
-                        while (peek.type != Tok.Case
-                                && peek.type != Tok.Default
-                                && peek.type != Tok.CloseBrace)
-                            statements ~= parseStatement();
-                        action.actOnDefaultStmt(res, _default, statements);
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    Token _case = peek;
-                    if (_case.type != Tok.Case)
-                        break;
-                    next();
-                    Exp[] literals;
-                    do
-                    {
-                        Exp e = parseExpression();
-                        literals ~= e;
-                    }
-                    while (skip(Tok.Comma));
-                    require(Tok.Colon);
-                    while (peek.type != Tok.Case
-                            && peek.type != Tok.Default
-                            && peek.type != Tok.CloseBrace)
-                        statements ~= parseStatement();
-                    action.actOnCaseStmt(res, _case, literals, statements);
-                    if (peek.type == Tok.CloseBrace)
-                        break;
-                }
-                require(Tok.CloseBrace);
-                return res;
-            case Tok.Star:
-                auto exp = parseExpression();
-                require(Tok.Seperator);
-                return action.actOnExprStmt(exp);
-            case Tok.Identifier:
-                // If it's a '*' it must be a method. Otherwise it won't give 
-                // any sense.
-                if (isa(Tok.Function, 1)   ||
-                    isa(Tok.Identifier, 1) ||
-                    isa(Tok.Star, 1))      
-                {
-                    Attribute a;
-                    return action.actOnDeclStmt(parseDecl(a));
-                }
-                if (isa(Tok.OpenBracket, 1))
-                {
-                    int i = 1;
-                    while (isa(Tok.OpenBracket, i)  || 
-                           isa(Tok.Star, i)         ||
-                           isa(Tok.Identifier, i))
-                    {
-                        if (isa(Tok.Identifier, i))
-                            return action.actOnDeclStmt(parseDecl(Attribute()));
-                        i++;
-                        if (isa(Tok.Star,i-1))
-                            continue;
-                        // Must be OpenBracket here..
-                        if (isa(Tok.Integer, i))
-                            i++;
-                        else
-                            if (isa(Tok.CloseBracket, i))
-                                return action.actOnDeclStmt(parseDecl(Attribute()));
-                            else
-                                i++;
-                        if (!isa(Tok.CloseBracket, i))
-                            break;
-                        i++;
-                    }
-                    if (isa(Tok.Function, i))
-                        return action.actOnDeclStmt(parseDecl(Attribute()));
-                }
-                // Expression: a.b, a = b, a(b) etc.
-                Exp exp = parseExpression();
-                require(Tok.Seperator);
-                return action.actOnExprStmt(exp);
-            case Tok.Void: // And all basic types
-                return action.actOnDeclStmt(parseVarDecl());
-            default:
-                if (peek.isBasicType)
-                    goto case Tok.Void;
-      , peek.location).arg(peek.get(sm));
-                require(Tok.Seperator);
-                return null;
-        }
-    }
-    Decl parseVarDecl()
-    {
-        // manually hardcoded to only support "type id [= exp];"
-        // as that is the only thing the codegen understands
-        Id type = parseType();
-        Id id = Id(next());
-        Exp init;
-        if (skip(Tok.Assign))
-            init = parseExpression();
-        require(Tok.Seperator);
-        Attribute att;
-        Decl d = action.actOnDeclarator(type, id, init, att);
-        return d;
-    }
-    /**
-      Parses a function/method given the already parsed return type and name
-     */
-    Decl parseFunc(ref Id type, ref Id name, Attribute att)
-    {
-        Decl func = action.actOnStartOfFunctionDef(type, name, att);
-        parseFuncArgs(func);
-        if(peek.type == Tok.Seperator)
-        {
-            next();
-            return func;
-        }
-        Stmt stmt = parseCompoundStatement();
-        return action.actOnEndOfFunction(func, stmt);
-    }
-    /**
-      Parse the function arguments, assumes current token is (.
-      Both the intitial paren and the ending paren is consumed.
-     */
-    void parseFuncArgs(Decl func)
-    {
-        require(Tok.OpenParentheses); // Remove the "(" token.
-        while(peek.type != Tok.CloseParentheses)
-        {
-            auto t = parseType();
-            Id i;
-            if(peek.type == Tok.Identifier)
-                i = parseIdentifier();
-            action.addFuncArg(func, t, i);
-            if(peek.type == Tok.Comma)
-                next();
-        }
-        require(Tok.CloseParentheses); // Remove the ")"
-    }
-    /**
-      Parse either a block, or a single statement as allowed after if, while
-      and for.
-     */
-    Stmt parseSingleOrCompoundStatement()
-    {
-        if (peek.type == Tok.OpenBrace)
-            return parseCompoundStatement();
-        return parseStatement();
-    }
-    /**
-      Parses a function-body or similar, expects an opening brace to be the
-      current token.
-      Will consume both the starting { and ending }
-     */
-    Stmt parseCompoundStatement()
-    {
-        Token lbrace = require(Tok.OpenBrace);
-        SmallArray!(Stmt, 32) stmts; // Try to use the stack only
-        while ( !isa(Tok.CloseBrace) && !isa(Tok.EOF) )
-            stmts ~= parseStatement();
-        Token rbrace = require(Tok.CloseBrace);
-        return action.actOnCompoundStmt(lbrace, rbrace, stmts.unsafe());
-    }
-    Id parseIdentifier()
-    {
-        Token tok = next();
-        if (tok.type is Tok.Identifier)
-            return Id(tok);
-, tok.location)
-            .arg(tok.get(sm))
-            .arg(Tok.Identifier);
-    }
-    ModuleName parseModuleName()
-    {
-        auto id = parseIdentifier();
-        ModuleName mod;
-        while (skip(Tok.Dot))
-        {
-            mod.packages ~= id;
-            if (peek.type != Tok.Identifier) {
-      , peek.location);
-                goto Lerror;
-            }
-            id = parseIdentifier();
-        }
- = id;
-        return mod;
-        while (!skip(Tok.Seperator))
-            next();
-        return mod;
-    }
-    /**
-      Parse a type - this includes pointer and array(at some point) types.
-     */
-    Id parseType()
-    {
-        Token type = next();
-        Id currentType;
-        if ( !(type.isBasicType || type.type == Tok.Identifier) )
-  , type.location);
-        currentType = Id(type);
-        while(true)
-        {
-            switch(peek.type)
-            {
-                case Tok.Star:
-                    currentType = PointerTypeId(currentType);
-                    next();
-                    break;
-                case Tok.OpenBracket:
-                    next();
-                    if (isa(Tok.Integer))
-                        currentType = StaticArrayTypeId(
-                                currentType, 
-                                action.actOnNumericConstant(
-                                    require(Tok.Integer)));
-                    require(Tok.CloseBracket);
-                    break;
-                case Tok.Function:
-                    next();
-                    require(Tok.OpenParentheses); // Remove the "(" token.
-                    DeclT[] decls;
-                    while(peek.type != Tok.CloseParentheses)
-                    {
-                        auto t = parseType();
-                        Id i;
-                        if(peek.type == Tok.Identifier)
-                            i = parseIdentifier();
-                        // Act on function type param
-                        decls ~= action.actOnDeclarator(t, i, null, Attribute());
-                        if(peek.type == Tok.Comma)
-                            next();
-                    }
-                    currentType = FunctionTypeId(currentType, decls);
-                    require(Tok.CloseParentheses); // Remove the ")"
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    goto end;
-            }
-        }
-        return currentType;
-    }
-    // -- Expression parsing -- //
-    Exp parsePostfixExp(Exp target)
-    {
-        switch(peek.type)
-        {
-            case Tok.Dot:
-                switch(peek(1).type)
-                {
-                    case Tok.Identifier:
-                        Token op = next();
-                        Id member = Id(next());
-                        Exp exp = action.actOnMemberReference(target, op.location, member);
-                        return parsePostfixExp(exp);
-                    default:
-                        Token t = peek(1);
-              , t.location);
-                }
-            case Tok.OpenBracket:
-                Token open = next();
-                Exp index = parseExpression();
-                Token close = require(Tok.CloseBracket);
-                return action.actOnIndexExpr(target, open, index, close);
-            default:
-                return target;
-        }
-    }
-    Exp parseExpression(int p = 0)
-    {
-        auto exp = P();
-        Token n = peek();
-        BinOp* op = null;
-        while ((op = binary(n.type)) != null && op.prec >= p)
-        {
-            next();
-            int q = op.leftAssoc? 1 + op.prec : op.prec;
-            auto exp2 = parseExpression(q);
-            exp = action.actOnBinaryOp(n.location, op.operator, exp, exp2);
-            n = peek();
-        }
-        return exp;
-    }
-    Exp P()
-    {
-        Token n = next();
-        if (auto op = unary(n.type))
-            return action.actOnUnaryOp(n, parseExpression(op.prec));
-        else if (n.type == Tok.OpenParentheses)
-        {
-            auto e = parseExpression(0);
-            require(Tok.CloseParentheses);
-            return e;
-        }
-        else if (n.type == Tok.Identifier)
-        {
-            Exp value = action.actOnIdentifierExp(Id(n));
-            Exp iden = parsePostfixExp(value);
-            switch(peek.type)
-            {
-                case Tok.OpenParentheses:
-                    Token lp = next();
-                    SmallArray!(Exp, 8) args;
-                    while(peek.type != Tok.CloseParentheses)
-                    {
-                        if(peek.type == Tok.Comma)
-                            next();
-                        args ~= parseExpression();
-                    }
-                    Token rp = next();
-                    return action.actOnCallExpr(iden, lp, args.unsafe(), rp);
-                default:
-                    return iden;
-            }
-        }
-        else if (n.type == Tok.Null)
-            return action.actOnNullExpr(n.location);
-        else if (n.type == Tok.Cast)
-            return parseCast(n);
-        else if (n.type == Tok.Integer)
-            return action.actOnNumericConstant(n);
-        else if (n.type == Tok.String)
-            return action.actOnStringExp(n);
-        else if (n.type == Tok.OpenBracket)
-        {
-            // Array literals
-            Exp[] exps;
-            exps ~= parseExpression();
-            while (isa(Tok.Comma))
-            {
-                next();
-                if (isa(Tok.CloseBracket))
-                    break;
-                exps ~= parseExpression();
-            }
-            scope e = require(Tok.CloseBracket);
-            return action.actOnArrayLiteralExpr(exps, n.location, e.location);
-        }
-        else if (n.type == Tok.New)
-        {
-            Exp[] allocator_args;
-            Exp[] constructor_args;
-            if ( isa(Tok.OpenParentheses))
-            {
-                next(); // Remove OpenParentheses
-                if ( !isa(Tok.CloseParentheses ) )
-                {
-                    allocator_args ~= parseExpression;
-                    while ( isa(Tok.Comma) )
-                    {
-                        next(); // Remove Comma 
-                        allocator_args ~= parseExpression;
-                    }
-                }
-                require(Tok.CloseParentheses);
-            }
-            auto type = parseType;
-            if ( isa(Tok.OpenParentheses))
-            {
-                next(); // Remove OpenParentheses
-                if ( !isa(Tok.CloseParentheses ) )
-                {
-                    constructor_args ~= parseExpression;
-                    while ( isa(Tok.Comma) )
-                    {
-                        next(); // Remove Comma 
-                        constructor_args ~= parseExpression;
-                    }
-                }
-                require(Tok.CloseParentheses);
-            }
-            return action.actOnNewExpr(type, allocator_args, constructor_args);
-        }
-, n.location)
-            .fatal(ExitLevel.Parser);
-        return null;
-    }
-    Exp parseCast(ref Token _cast)
-    {
-        require(Tok.OpenParentheses);
-        auto n = next();
-        if(!n.isBasicType && !n.isIdentifier)
-  , n.location);
-        require(Tok.CloseParentheses);
-        auto exp = P();
-        return action.actOnCastExpr(_cast, Id(n), exp);
-    }
-    struct UnOp
-    {
-        Tok tokenType;
-        int prec;
-    }
-    static const UnOp[] _unary =
-        [
-        {Tok.Minus, 4},
-        {Tok.Star, 4},
-        {Tok.And, 4}
-    ];
-    UnOp* unary(Tok t)
-    {
-        foreach (ref op; _unary)
-            if (op.tokenType == t)
-                return &op;
-        return null;
-    }
-    struct BinOp
-    {
-        Tok tokenType;
-        int prec;
-        bool leftAssoc;
-        Operator operator;
-    }
-    static const BinOp[] _binary =
-        [
-        {Tok.Assign,        1, false, Operator.Assign},
-        {Tok.PlusAssign,    1, false, Operator.AddAssign},
-        {Tok.MinusAssign,   1, false, Operator.SubAssign},
-        {Tok.StarAssign,    1, false, Operator.MulAssign},
-        {Tok.SlashAssign,   1, false, Operator.DivAssign},
-        {Tok.PercentAssign, 1, false, Operator.ModAssign},
-        // =, += etc. 1
-        // (need special-case for the ternary operator at this level)
-        // ||, 2
-        // &&, 3
-        // |, 4
-        // &, 5
-        // ^, 6
-        // ==, !=, is, !is, 7
-        // <, <= etc, 7
-        // in, 7
-        // <<, >>, >>>, 8
-        // +, -, ~, 9
-        // *, /, %, 10
-        // unary operators here
-        {Tok.Eq,        2, true, Operator.Eq},
-        {Tok.Ne,        2, true, Operator.Ne},
-        {Tok.Lt,        2, true, Operator.Lt},
-        {Tok.Le,        2, true, Operator.Le},
-        {Tok.Gt,        2, true, Operator.Gt},
-        {Tok.Ge,        2, true, Operator.Ge},
-        {Tok.Plus,      3, true, Operator.Add},
-        {Tok.Minus,     3, true, Operator.Sub},
-        {Tok.Star,      5, true, Operator.Mul},
-        {Tok.Slash,     5, true, Operator.Div},
-        {Tok.Percent,   5, true, Operator.Mod},
-        {Tok.LeftShift,             8, true, Operator.LeftShift},
-        {Tok.RightShift,            8, true, Operator.RightShift},
-        {Tok.UnsignedRightShift,    8, true, Operator.UnsignedRightShift}
-    ];
-    BinOp* binary(Tok t)
-    {
-        foreach (ref op; _binary)
-            if (op.tokenType == t)
-                return &op;
-        return null;
-    }
-    Token require(Tok t)
-    {
-        if (!isa(t))
-            if(isa(Tok.EOF))
-      ,
-                    [lexer.last.asRange][], [])
-                    .arg(lexer.last.get(sm))
-                    .fatal(ExitLevel.Parser);
-            else
-      , peek.location)
-                    .arg(peek.get(sm))
-                    .arg(typeToString[t]);
-        return next();
-    }
-    bool skip(Tok t)
-    {
-        if (peek().type != t)
-            return false;
-        next();
-        return true;
-    }
-    bool isa(Tok t, int i = 0)
-    {
-        return peek(i).type == t;
-    }
-    bool isEOF(Token t)
-    {
-        if (isa(Tok.EOF))
-  , 
-                    [t.asRange][], [])
-                .arg(t.get(sm))
-                .fatal(ExitLevel.Parser);
-        return false;
-    }
-    Token next()
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    Token peek(int i = 0)
-    {
-        return lexer.peek(i);
-    }
-    Lexer lexer;   
-    SourceManager sm;
--- a/sema/AstAction.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-module sema.AstAction;
-import Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer,
-import lexer.Token;
-import basic.SourceManager,
-       basic.Attribute;
-import ast.Module,
-       ast.Exp,
-       ast.Stmt,
-       ast.Decl;
-import parser.Action;
-  This class implements the default actions for Dang, by building up an AST
-  with the data needed in a compiler.
- */
-class AstAction : Action
-    this(SourceManager sm)
-    {
- = sm;
-    }
-    private SourceManager sm;
-    private IdentifierTypeExp handleType(Id type)
-    {
-        if(auto t = cast(PointerTypeId)type)
-            return new PointerTypeExp(handleType(;
-        if(auto t = cast(StaticArrayTypeId)type)
-            return new StaticArrayTypeExp(handleType(, cast(IntegerLit)t.number);
-        if(auto t = cast(FunctionTypeId)type)
-            return new FunctionTypeExp(handleType(, cast(VarDecl[])t.decls);
-        return new IdentifierTypeExp(type.tok.location, sm.getText(type.tok.asRange));
-    }
-    private Identifier identifierFromTok(Token t)
-    {
-        return new Identifier(t.location, sm.getText(t.asRange));
-    }
-    ModuleT actOnModule(ref Token _module, char[] name)
-    {
-        return new Module(name);
-    }
-    ModuleT actOnImplicitModule(SLoc startLoc, char[] name)
-    {
-        return new Module(name);
-    }
-    void actOnModuleDecl(ModuleT m, DeclT d)
-    {
-        (cast(Module)m).addDecl(cast(Decl)d);
-    }
-    // -- Declarations --
-    DeclT actOnImport(ref Token _, ref ModuleName target, Id* name)
-    {
-        auto res = new ImportDecl;
-        Identifier[] packages = new Identifier[target.packages.length];
-        foreach (i, v; target.packages)
-            packages[i] = identifierFromTok(v.tok);
-        res.packages = packages;
- = identifierFromTok(;
-        if (name !is null)
-            res.aliasedName = identifierFromTok(name.tok);
-        return res;
-    }
-    void addSelectiveImport(DeclT _import, ref Id target, Id* name)
-    {
-        auto d = cast(ImportDecl)_import;
-        Identifier t = identifierFromTok(target.tok);
-        Identifier n = t;
-        if (name !is null)
-            n = identifierFromTok(name.tok);
-        d.explicitSymbols ~= [t, n];
-    }
-    DeclT actOnDeclarator(ref Id type, ref Id id, ExprT init, Attribute att)
-    {
-        Decl d;
-        Exp exp = cast(Exp)init;
-        if (type.tok.type == Tok.Struct)
-            d = new StructDecl(identifierFromTok(id.tok));
-        else if (type.tok.type == Tok.Class)
-            d = new ClassDecl(identifierFromTok(id.tok));
-        else if (type.tok.type == Tok.Interface)
-            d = new InterfaceDecl(identifierFromTok(id.tok));
-        else
-            d = new VarDecl(handleType(type), id ? identifierFromTok(id.tok) : null, exp);
-        d.att = att;
-        return d;
-    }
-    DeclT actOnAliasDecl(DeclT decl, Attribute att)
-    {
-        auto a = new AliasDecl(cast(Decl)decl);
-        a.att = att;
-        return a;
-    }
-    void actOnStructMember(DeclT st_decl, DeclT m_decl) //ref Id type, ref Id name, ExprT init)
-    {
-        StructDecl st = cast(StructDecl)st_decl;
-        st.addMember(cast(Decl)m_decl);
-    }
-    void actOnClassMember(DeclT cl_decl, DeclT m_decl) 
-    {
-        ClassDecl cl = cast(ClassDecl)cl_decl;
-        cl.addMember(cast(Decl)m_decl);
-    }
-    void actOnClassBaseClass(DeclT cl_decl, ref Id name)
-    {
-        ClassDecl cl = cast(ClassDecl)cl_decl;
-        cl.addBaseClass(identifierFromTok(name.tok));
-    }
-    void actOnInterfaceMember(DeclT if_decl, DeclT m_decl)
-    {
-        InterfaceDecl inf = cast(InterfaceDecl)if_decl;
-        inf.addMember(cast(Decl)m_decl);
-    }
-    void actOnInterfaceBaseClass(DeclT if_decl, ref Id name)
-    {
-        InterfaceDecl inf = cast(InterfaceDecl)if_decl;
-        inf.addBaseClass(identifierFromTok(name.tok));
-    }
-    ExprT actOnMemberReference(ExprT lhs, SLoc op, Id member)
-    {
-        Exp exp = cast(Exp)lhs;
-        Identifier id = identifierFromTok(member.tok);
-        return new MemberReference(op, exp, id);
-    }
-    DeclT actOnStartOfFunctionDef(ref Id type, ref Id name, Attribute att)
-    {
-        auto res = new FuncDecl(handleType(type), identifierFromTok(name.tok));
-        res.att = att;
-        return res;
-    }
-    void addFuncArg(DeclT func, Id type, Id name)
-    {
-        FuncDecl fd = cast(FuncDecl)func;
-        if(name)
-            fd.addParam(handleType(type), identifierFromTok(name.tok));
-        else
-            fd.addParam(handleType(type));
-    }
-    DeclT actOnEndOfFunction(DeclT func, StmtT stmts)
-    {
-        FuncDecl fd = cast(FuncDecl)func;
-        fd.setBody(cast(CompoundStatement)stmts);
-        return fd;
-    }
-    // -- Statements --
-    StmtT actOnCompoundStmt(ref Token l, ref Token r, StmtT[] stmts)
-    {
-        Stmt[] statements = cast(Stmt[])stmts;
-        return new CompoundStatement(statements.dup);
-    }
-    StmtT actOnExprStmt(ExprT exp)
-    {
-        return new ExpStmt(cast(Exp)exp);
-    }
-    StmtT actOnReturnStmt(ref Token loc, ExprT exp)
-    {
-        Exp e = cast(Exp)exp;
-        auto res = new ReturnStmt;
-        res.exp = e;
-        return res;
-    }
-    StmtT actOnIfStmt(ref Token ifTok, ExprT cond, StmtT thenBody,
-                               ref Token elseTok, StmtT elseBody)
-    {
-        Exp c = cast(Exp)cond;
-        Stmt t = cast(Stmt)thenBody;
-        Stmt e = cast(Stmt)elseBody;
-        return new IfStmt(c, t, e);
-    }
-    StmtT actOnWhileStmt(ref Token tok, ExprT cond, StmtT whileBody)
-    {
-        Exp c = cast(Exp)cond;
-        Stmt b = cast(Stmt)whileBody;
-        return new WhileStmt(c, b);
-    }
-    StmtT actOnForStmt(ref Token tok, StmtT init, ExprT cond, ExprT incre, StmtT forBody)
-    {
-        Stmt i = cast(Stmt)init;
-        Exp c = cast(Exp)cond;
-        Exp inc = cast(Exp)incre;
-        Stmt b = cast(Stmt)forBody;
-        return new ForStmt(i, c, inc, b);
-    }
-    StmtT actOnDeclStmt(DeclT decl)
-    {
-        Decl d = cast(Decl)decl;
-        return new DeclStmt(d);
-    }
-    StmtT actOnStartOfSwitchStmt(Token _switch, ExprT exp)
-    {
-        return new SwitchStmt(_switch.location, cast(Exp)exp);
-    }
-    void actOnCaseStmt(StmtT stmt, Token _case, ExprT[] exps, StmtT[] stmts)
-    {
-        auto sw = cast(SwitchStmt)stmt;
-        sw.addCase(_case.location, cast(Exp[])exps, cast(Stmt[])stmts);
-    }
-    void actOnDefaultStmt(StmtT stmt, Token _default, StmtT[] stmts)
-    {
-        auto sw = cast(SwitchStmt)stmt;
-        sw.setDefault(_default.location, cast(Stmt[])stmts);
-    }
-    // -- Expressions --
-    ExprT actOnNumericConstant(Token c)
-    {
-        return new IntegerLit(c.location, sm.getText(c.asRange));
-    }
-    ExprT actOnStringExp(Token s)
-    {
-        return new StringExp(s.location, sm.getText(s.asRange));
-    }
-    ExprT actOnIdentifierExp(Id id)
-    {
-        return identifierFromTok(id.tok);
-    }
-    ExprT actOnBinaryOp(SLoc op_loc, Operator op, ExprT l, ExprT r)
-    {
-        Exp left = cast(Exp)l;
-        Exp right = cast(Exp)r;
-        switch(op)
-        {
-            case Operator.Assign:
-            case Operator.AddAssign:
-            case Operator.SubAssign:
-            case Operator.MulAssign:
-            case Operator.DivAssign:
-            case Operator.ModAssign:
-                return new AssignExp(op_loc, cast(BinaryExp.Operator)op, left, right);
-            default:
-                BinaryExp.Operator bin_op = cast(BinaryExp.Operator)op;
-                return new BinaryExp(op_loc, bin_op, left, right);
-        }
-    }
-    ExprT actOnUnaryOp(Token op, ExprT operand)
-    {
-        Exp target = cast(Exp)operand;
-        if (op.type == Tok.Minus)
-            return new NegateExp(op.location, target);
-        if (op.type == Tok.Star)
-            return new DerefExp(op.location, target);
-        if (op.type == Tok.And)
-            return new AddressOfExp(op.location, target);
-        assert(0, "Only valid unary expressions are -x and *x");
-    }
-    ExprT actOnCallExpr(ExprT fn, ref Token, ExprT[] args, ref Token)
-    {
-        Exp f = cast(Exp)fn;
-        Exp[] arguments = cast(Exp[])args.dup;
-        return new CallExp(f, arguments);
-    }
-    ExprT actOnCastExpr(ref Token _cast, Id id, ExprT exp)
-    {
-        Exp target = cast(Exp)exp;
-        Identifier target_type = identifierFromTok(id.tok);
-        return new CastExp(_cast.location, target_type, target);
-    }
-    ExprT actOnIndexExpr(ExprT arr, ref Token lb, ExprT index, ref Token rb)
-    {
-        Exp target = cast(Exp)arr;
-        Exp idx = cast(Exp)index;
-        return new IndexExp(target, lb.location, idx, rb.location);
-    }
-    ExprT actOnNewExpr(ref Id type, ExprT[] a_args, ExprT[] c_args)
-    {
-        auto id = identifierFromTok(type.tok);
-        Exp[] _a_args = cast(Exp[])a_args;
-        Exp[] _c_args = cast(Exp[])c_args;
-        return new NewExp(id, _a_args, _c_args);
-    }
-    ExprT actOnArrayLiteralExpr(ExprT[] exps, SLoc start, SLoc end)
-    {
-        return new ArrayLiteralExp(cast(Exp[])exps, start, end);
-    }
-    ExprT actOnNullExpr(SLoc pos)
-    {
-        return new NullExp(pos);
-    }
--- a/sema/BuildScopes.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-module sema.BuildScopes;
-       tango.core.Array : find;
-import sema.Scope;
-import sema.Visitor;
-  Add scopes to everything, and add all identifiers that correspond to types.
-  Types/Symbols are added by ForwardReference.
- **/
-class BuildScopes : Visitor!(void)
-    static ModuleHandler mHandle;
-    static this()
-    {
-        mHandle = new ModuleHandler;
-    }
-    override void visit(Module[] modules)
-    {
-        foreach(m ; modules)
-            visitModule(m);
-    }
-    private void registerBasicTypeTo(char[] n, DType t, Scope sc, Module m)
-    {
-        sc.types[n] = t;
-        auto id = new Identifier(n);
-        id.env = sc;
-        auto decl = new DummyDecl();
-        auto sym = m.symbol.createMember(n, t, decl);
-        sym.decl = decl;
-        decl.sym = sym;
-        decl.env = sc;
-        sc.put(id.get, decl);
-    }
-    override void visitModule(Module m)
-    {
-        auto root = new Scope;
-        table ~= root;
-        m.symbol = new Symbol;
-        registerBasicTypeTo("void",     DType.Void, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("bool",     DType.Bool, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("byte",     DType.Byte, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("ubyte",    DType.UByte, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("short",    DType.Short, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("ushort",   DType.UShort, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("int",      DType.Int, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("uint",     DType.UInt, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("long",     DType.Long, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("ulong",    DType.ULong, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("char",     DType.Char, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("wchar",    DType.WChar, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("dchar",    DType.DChar, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("float",    DType.Float, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("double",   DType.Double, root, m);
-        registerBasicTypeTo("real",     DType.Real, root, m);
-        current().inModule = m;
-        current().mHandle = mHandle;
-        mHandle.add(m);
-        m.env = current();
-        super.visitModule(m);
-    }
-    override void visitDecl(Decl d)
-    {
-        d.env = current();
-        super.visitDecl(d);
-    }
-    override void visitImportDecl(ImportDecl i)
-    {
-        i.env.imports ~= i;
-        super.visitImportDecl(i);
-    }
-    override void visitStmt(Stmt s)
-    {
-        s.env = current();
-        s.stmtIndex = s.env.stmtIndex;
-        super.visitStmt(s);
-    }
-    override void visitExp(Exp e)
-    {
-        e.env = current();
-        e.stmtIndex = e.env.stmtIndex;
-        super.visitExp(e);
-    }
-    override void visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl d)
-    {
-        current().put(d.identifier.get, d);
-        d.env = current();
-        auto sc = push();
-        visitExp(d.returnType);
-        visitExp(d.identifier);
-        sc.parentFunction = d;
-        foreach (arg; d.funcArgs)
-            visitDecl(arg);
-        foreach (stmt; d.statements)
-        {
-            sc.currentStmtIndex++;
-            visitStmt(stmt);
-        }
-        pop(sc);
-    }
-    override void visitVarDecl(VarDecl d)
-    {
-        if (d.init)
-            visitExp(d.init);
-        if (need_push > 0 && current().parentFunction !is null) {
-            push();
-            --need_push;
-        }
-        if(d.identifier)
-        {
-            auto sc = current();
-            sc.put(d.identifier.get, d);
-            d.env = sc;
-            visitExp(d.varType);
-            visitExp(d.identifier);
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitStructDecl(StructDecl s)
-    {
-        auto sc = current();
-        sc.put(s.identifier.get, s);
-        s.env = sc;
-        auto type = new DStruct(s.identifier);
-        sc.types[s.identifier.get] = type;
-        sc = push();
-        super.visitStructDecl(s);
-        pop(sc);
-    }
-    override void visitClassDecl(ClassDecl s)
-    {
-        auto sc = current();
-        sc.put(s.identifier.get, s);
-        s.env = sc;
-        auto type = new DClass(s.identifier);
-        sc.types[s.identifier.get] = type;
-        sc = push();
-        super.visitClassDecl(s);
-        pop(sc);
-    }
-    override void visitInterfaceDecl(InterfaceDecl s)
-    {
-        auto sc = current();
-        sc.put(s.identifier.get, s);
-        s.env = sc;
-        auto type = new DInterface(s.identifier);
-        sc.types[s.identifier.get] = type;
-        sc = push();
-        super.visitInterfaceDecl(s);
-        pop(sc);
-    }
-    override void visitAliasDecl(AliasDecl a)
-    {
-        a.env = current();
-//        auto decl = cast(VarDecl)a.decl;
-//        auto sc = current();
-//        super.visitDecl(a.decl);
-    }
-    override void visitDeclStmt(DeclStmt d)
-    {
-        ++need_push;
-        super.visitDeclStmt(d);
-    }
-    private uint need_push = 0;
-    override void visitIfStmt(IfStmt s)
-    {
-        s.env = current();
-        visitExp(s.cond);
-        auto sc = push();
-        visitStmt(s.then_body);
-        pop(sc);
-        if (s.else_body !is null)
-        {
-            sc = push();
-            visitStmt(s.else_body);
-            pop(sc);
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitWhileStmt(WhileStmt s)
-    {
-        s.env = current();
-        auto sc = push();
-        super.visitWhileStmt(s);
-        pop(sc);
-    }
-    override void visitForStmt(ForStmt s)
-    {
-        s.env = current();
-        auto sc = push();
-        super.visitForStmt(s);
-        pop(sc);
-    }
-    override void visitCompoundStmt(CompoundStatement s)
-    {
-        s.env = current();
-        auto sc = push();
-        super.visitCompoundStmt(s);
-        pop(sc);
-    }
-    Scope[] table;
-    Scope push()
-    {
-        auto sc = new Scope(current());
-        table ~= sc;
-        return sc;
-    }
-    Scope pop(Scope sc = null)
-    {
-        if (sc !is null)
-        {
-            table.length = table.find(sc);
-            return sc;
-        }
-        auto res = table[$ - 1];
-        table.length = table.length - 1;
-        return res;
-    }
-    Scope current()
-    {
-        return table[$ - 1];
-    }
--- a/sema/BuildSymbols.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-module sema.BuildSymbols;
-       tango.core.Array : find;
-import sema.Scope,
-       sema.Symbol;
-import sema.Visitor,
-       basic.SmallArray;
-class SymbolFactory
-    void put(Symbol symbol, DType type)
-    {
-        types[type] = symbol;
-    }
-    Symbol get(Symbol owner, DType type, Identifier i, Decl decl)
-    {
-        if (type in types)
-            return owner.createAlias(i.get, types[type], decl);
-        else
-            return owner.createMember(i.get, type, decl);
-    }
-    Symbol[DType] types;
-class BuildSymbols : Visitor!(void)
-    this()
-    {
-        this.sf = new SymbolFactory;
-    }
-    override void visit(Module[] modules)
-    {
-//        (new BuildSymbolTypes(sf)).visit(modules);
-        this.modules = modules;
-        inFunctionBodyStack.push(false);
-        foreach (mod; modules)
-        {
-            current = mod;
-            foreach (decl; mod.decls)
-                visitDecl(decl);
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl d)
-    {
-        visitExp(d.returnType);
-        visitExp(d.identifier);
-        d.sym = current.symbol.createMember(
-                d.identifier.get, 
-                d.type, 
-                d);
-        auto old = current.symbol;
-        current.symbol = d.sym;
-        foreach (arg; d.funcArgs)
-            visitDecl(arg);
-        inFunctionBodyStack.push(true);
-        foreach (stmt; d.statements)
-            visitStmt(stmt);
-        inFunctionBodyStack.pop();
-        current.symbol = old;
-    }
-    override void visitVarDecl(VarDecl d)
-    {
-        visitExp(d.varType);
-        if(d.identifier)
-            visitExp(d.identifier);
-        if (d.init)
-            visitExp(d.init);
-        if(d.identifier)
-        {
-            DType t = typeOf(d.varType, d.env);
-            d.sym = sf.get(current.symbol, t, d.identifier, d);
-            d.sym.type = t;
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitAliasDecl(AliasDecl a)
-    {
-        auto decl = cast(VarDecl)a.decl;
-        if (a.env.findType(decl.varType.get)) // Alias "type" is a type.
-        {
-            auto t = typeOf(decl.varType, a.env);
-            a.sym = sf.get(current.symbol, t,
-                    decl.identifier, a);
-            a.env.types[decl.identifier.get] = t;
-        }
-        else if(auto aliasOf = a.env.find(decl.varType.get)[0])
-        {
-            a.env.put(decl.identifier.get, aliasOf);
-            a.sym = current.symbol.createAlias(
-                    decl.identifier.get, 
-                    aliasOf.sym, 
-                    a);
-        }
-        decl.env = a.env;
-    }
-    override void visitStructDecl(StructDecl s)
-    {
-        auto st = s.env.findType(s.identifier.get).asStruct;
-        s.sym = current.symbol.createMember(
-                s.identifier.get, 
-                st,
-                s.env.find(s.identifier.get)[0]);
-        sf.put(s.sym, st);
-        foreach (decl; s.decls)
-        {
-            DType type;
-            char[] name;
-            if (auto varDecl = cast(VarDecl)decl)
-            {
-                type = typeOf(varDecl.varType, varDecl.env);
-                name = varDecl.identifier.get;
-                st.addMember(type, name);
-            }
-            /*
-            else if (auto fd = cast(FuncDecl)decl)
-            {
-                type = fd.type;
-                name = fd.identifier.get;
-            }*/
-        }
-        auto old = current.symbol;
-        current.symbol = s.sym;
-        inFunctionBodyStack.push(false);
-        super.visitStructDecl(s);
-        inFunctionBodyStack.pop();
-        current.symbol = old;
-    }
-    override void visitClassDecl(ClassDecl s)
-    {
-        auto st = s.env.findType(s.identifier.get).asClass;
-        s.sym = current.symbol.createMember(
-                s.identifier.get, 
-                st,
-                s.env.find(s.identifier.get)[0]);
-        sf.put(s.sym, st);
-        foreach (decl; s.decls)
-        {
-            DType type;
-            char[] name;
-            if (auto varDecl = cast(VarDecl)decl)
-            {
-                type = typeOf(varDecl.varType, varDecl.env);
-                name = varDecl.identifier.get;
-                st.addMember(type, name);
-            }
-            /*
-            else if (auto fd = cast(FuncDecl)decl)
-            {
-                type = fd.type;
-                name = fd.identifier.get;
-            }*/
-        }
-        auto old = current.symbol;
-        current.symbol = s.sym;
-        inFunctionBodyStack.push(false);
-        super.visitClassDecl(s);
-        inFunctionBodyStack.pop();
-        current.symbol = old;
-    }
-    override void visitInterfaceDecl(InterfaceDecl s)
-    {
-        auto st = s.env.findType(s.identifier.get).asInterface;
-        s.sym = current.symbol.createMember(
-                s.identifier.get, 
-                st,
-                s.env.find(s.identifier.get)[0]);
-        sf.put(s.sym, st);
-        foreach (decl; s.decls)
-        {
-            DType type;
-            char[] name;
-            if (auto varDecl = cast(VarDecl)decl)
-            {
-                type = typeOf(varDecl.varType, varDecl.env);
-                name = varDecl.identifier.get;
-                st.addMember(type, name);
-            }
-            /*
-            else if (auto fd = cast(FuncDecl)decl)
-            {
-                type = fd.type;
-                name = fd.identifier.get;
-            }*/
-        }
-        auto old = current.symbol;
-        current.symbol = s.sym;
-        inFunctionBodyStack.push(false);
-        super.visitInterfaceDecl(s);
-        inFunctionBodyStack.pop();
-        current.symbol = old;
-    }
-    override void visitFunctionTypeExp(FunctionTypeExp f)
-    {
-    }
-    DType typeOf(Identifier id, Scope sc)
-    {
-        if(auto i = cast(PointerTypeExp)id)
-            return (typeOf(i.pointerOf, sc)).getPointerTo();
-        else if(auto i = cast(StaticArrayTypeExp)id)
-            return typeOf(i.arrayOf, sc).getAsStaticArray(i.size);
-        else if(auto i = cast(FunctionTypeExp)id)
-        {
-            auto d = new DFunction(id);
-            d.returnType = typeOf(i.returnType, sc);
-            foreach (decl ; i.decls)
-                d.params ~= typeOf(decl.varType, sc);
-            return d.getPointerTo;
-        }
-        return sc.findType(id.get);
-    }
-    Module[] modules;
-    Module current;
-    SmallArray!(bool) inFunctionBodyStack;
-    SymbolFactory sf;
--- a/sema/BuildTypes.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-module sema.BuildTypes;
-import basic.LiteralParsing,
-       basic.Message;
-import sema.Visitor,
-       sema.Symbol,
-       sema.DType;
-class BuildTypes : Visitor!(void)
-    this(MessageHandler messages)
-    {
-        this.messages = messages;
-    }
-    override void visitCallExp(CallExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitCallExp(exp);
-        DFunction f = exp.exp.type.asCallable();
-        assert(f !is null, "Can only call functions");
-        exp.type = f.returnType;
-    }
-    override void visitAssignExp(AssignExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitAssignExp(exp);
-        exp.type = exp.identifier.type;
-    }
-    override void visitBinaryExp(BinaryExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitBinaryExp(exp);
-        if (exp.op == BinaryExp.Operator.Eq || 
-            exp.op == BinaryExp.Operator.Ne ||
-            exp.op == BinaryExp.Operator.Lt ||
-            exp.op == BinaryExp.Operator.Le ||
-            exp.op == BinaryExp.Operator.Gt ||
-            exp.op == BinaryExp.Operator.Ge)
-        {
-            exp.type = DType.Bool;
-            return;
-        }
-        DType l = exp.left.type;
-        DType r = exp.right.type;
-        if (l.isSame(r))
-            exp.type = l;
-        else if (l.hasImplicitConversionTo(r))
-            exp.type = r;
-        else if (r.hasImplicitConversionTo(l))
-            exp.type = l;
-        else
-            exp.type = DType.Int; //FIXME: Throw error here.
-    }
-    override void visitNegateExp(NegateExp exp) 
-    { 
-        super.visitNegateExp(exp);
-        exp.type = exp.exp.type; 
-    }
-    override void visitDerefExp(DerefExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitDerefExp(exp);
-        exp.type = exp.exp.type.asPointer().pointerOf; 
-    }
-    override void visitAddressOfExp(AddressOfExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitAddressOfExp(exp);
-        exp.type = exp.exp.type.getPointerTo; 
-    }
-    override void visitIntegerLit(IntegerLit exp)
-    {
-        super.visitIntegerLit(exp);
-        switch(exp.number.type)
-        {
-            case NumberType.Int:
-                exp.type = DType.Int;
-                break;
-            case NumberType.Long:
-                exp.type = DType.Long;
-                break;
-            case NumberType.ULong:
-                exp.type = DType.ULong;
-                break;
-            case NumberType.Double:
-                exp.type = DType.Double;
-                break;
-            case NumberType.Real:
-                exp.type = DType.Real;
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitMemberReference(MemberReference exp)
-    {
-        super.visitMemberReference(exp);
-        if ( )
-        {
-            Symbol st =;
-            if (auto t = st.findMembers(
-                exp.type = t[0].type;
-//            else assert(0, "Referencing non-existant member");
-        }
-        else if ( )
-        {
-            Symbol cl =;
-            if (auto t = cl.findMembers(
-                exp.type = t[0].type;
-//            else assert(0, "Referencing non-existant member");
-        }
-        else
-            assert(0, "Only structs and classes have members");
-        // no error reporting here
-    }
-    override void visitIndexExp(IndexExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitIndexExp(exp);
-        DType type =;
-        if (type.isStaticArray())
-            exp.type = type.asStaticArray().arrayOf;
-        else if (type.isPointer())
-            exp.type = type.asPointer().pointerOf;
-        else assert(0, "Can only index pointers and arrays");
-    }
-    override void visitCastExp(CastExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitCastExp(exp);
-        exp.type = exp.env.findType(exp.castType.get);
-    }
-    override void visitStringExp(StringExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitStringExp(exp);
-        switch (
-        {
-            case StringType.Char:
-                exp.type = DType.Char.getAsStaticArray(; 
-                break;
-            case StringType.WChar:
-                exp.type = DType.WChar.getAsStaticArray(; 
-                break;
-            case StringType.DChar:
-                exp.type = DType.DChar.getAsStaticArray(; 
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitNewExp(NewExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitNewExp(exp);
-        exp.type = exp.env.findType(exp.newType.get); 
-    }
-    override void visitNullExp(NullExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitNullExp(exp);
-        exp.type = new DPointer(DType.Int);
-    }
-    override void visitIdentifier(Identifier exp)
-    {
-        super.visitIdentifier(exp);
-        if (auto sym = exp.getSymbol)
-            exp.type = sym.type;
-        else
-            exp.type = DType.Int;
-    }
-/*    override void visitIdentifierTypeExp(IdentifierTypeExp exp)
-    {
-        if (auto sym = exp.getSymbol)
-            exp.type = sym.type;
-        else
-            exp.type = DType.Int;
-    }*/
-    override void visitPointerTypeExp(PointerTypeExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitPointerTypeExp(exp);
-        exp.type = exp.pointerOf.type.getPointerTo();
-    }
-    override void visitStaticArrayTypeExp(StaticArrayTypeExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitStaticArrayTypeExp(exp);
-        exp.type = exp.arrayOf.type.getAsStaticArray(exp.size);
-    }
-/*    override void visitArrayTypeExp(ArrayTypeExp exp)
-    {
-        exp.type = arrayOf.type.getAsArray();
-    }*/
-    override void visitFunctionTypeExp(FunctionTypeExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitFunctionTypeExp(exp);
-        auto t  = new DFunction(exp.returnType);
-        t.returnType = exp.returnType.type;
-        foreach (decl ; exp.decls)
-            t.params ~= decl.varType.type;
-        exp.type = t.getPointerTo;
-    }
-    override void visitArrayLiteralExp(ArrayLiteralExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitArrayLiteralExp(exp);
-        exp.type = exp.exps[0].type.getAsStaticArray(exp.exps.length);
-    }
-    MessageHandler messages;
--- a/sema/CheckScopes.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-module sema.CheckScopes;
-import sema.Visitor,
-       sema.Symbol,
-       sema.Scope,
-       sema.DType;
-import basic.Message,
-       basic.Attribute;
-class CheckScopes : Visitor!(void)
-    this(MessageHandler messages)
-    {
-        this.messages = messages;
-    }
-    override void visitIdentifier(Identifier i)
-    {
-        auto symbol = i.env.find(i.get);
-        if(symbol is null)
-  , i.loc)
-                .arg(i.get);
-    }
-    override void visitVarDecl(VarDecl d)
-    {
-        if(d.identifier.get is null)
-  , d.varType.loc)
-                .arg(d.varType.get);
-        auto env = d.env;
-        if (d.env.enclosing)
-            if (d.env.enclosing.find(d.identifier.get) !is null)
-                if (d.env.parentFunction !is null)
-                    while( d.env.parentFunction.env !is env)
-                    {
-                        if (d.env.enclosing.find(d.identifier.get)[0].env == env)
-                  , d.identifier.loc)
-                                .arg(d.identifier.get);
-                        env = env.enclosing;
-                    }
-        visitExp(d.identifier);
-        if (d.init)
-            visitExp(d.init);
-    }
-    override void visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl f)
-    {
-        visitExp(f.identifier);
-        inFunction = true;
-        foreach (stmt; f.statements)
-            visitStmt(stmt);
-        inFunction = false;
-    }
-    override void visitImportDecl(ImportDecl) { }
-    override void visitCastExp(CastExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.exp);
-    }
-    override void visitMemberReference(MemberReference m)
-    {
-        internalVisitMemberRef(m);
-    }
-    private Symbol internalVisitMemberRef(MemberReference m)
-    {
-        Symbol visitRef(MemberReference m, Identifier target, Symbol st)
-        {
-            auto child = m.child;
-            auto res = st.findMembers(child.get);
-            if(!res.length)
-      , m.loc)
-                    .arg(
-                    .arg(target.get)
-                    .arg(child.get);
-            else
-                internalCheckProtection(res[0], child);
-            return res.length ? res[0] : null;
-        }
-        switch(
-        {
-            case ExpType.Identifier:
-                return visitRef(m, cast(Identifier),
-                        (cast(Identifier);
-            case ExpType.MemberReference:
-                Symbol s = internalVisitMemberRef(cast(MemberReference);
-                if(!s)
-                    return null;
-                return visitRef(m, cast(Identifier), s);
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitExp(Exp exp)
-    {
-        if (exp.expType == ExpType.Identifier && inFunction
-            && exp.env.find((cast(Identifier)exp).get) !is null)
-        {
-            if (exp.env.findType((cast(Identifier)exp).get) is null)
-                internalCheckProtection(
-                    exp.env.find((cast(Identifier)exp).get)[0].sym, 
-                    cast(Identifier)exp);
-        }
-        super.visitExp(exp);
-    }
-    private void internalCheckProtection(Symbol sym, Identifier iden)
-    {
-        if (isChildOf(sym.decl.env, iden.env))
-            return;
-        switch(sym.decl.att.getProtection)
-        {
-            case Protection.Private:
-/*                if (iden.env.inModule == sym.decl.getIdentifier.env.inModule
-                    && sym.decl.getIdentifier.env.enclosing == iden.env.inModule)
-                {}
-                else*/
-      , iden.loc);
-                return;
-            default:
-                return;
-        }
-    }
-    private bool isChildOf(Scope parent, Scope child)
-    {
-        if (child is parent)
-            return true;
-        if (child.enclosing !is null)
-            return isChildOf(parent, child.enclosing);
-        return false;
-    }
-    private bool isType(char[] s)
-    {
-        return (s in types? true : false);
-    }
-    int[char[]] types;
-    MessageHandler messages;
-    bool inFunction;
--- a/sema/CheckTypes.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
-module sema.CheckTypes;
-import sema.Visitor,
-       sema.Symbol,
-       sema.DType;
-       Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;
-import basic.SourceLocation,
-       basic.Message;
-class CheckTypes : Visitor!(void)
-    this(MessageHandler messages)
-    {
-        this.messages = messages;
-    }
-    override void visitBinaryExp(BinaryExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitBinaryExp(exp);
-        if(!exp.left.type.isSame(exp.right.type))
-        {
-            if (!exp.right.type.hasImplicitConversionTo(exp.left.type) &&
-                !exp.left.type.hasImplicitConversionTo(exp.right.type))
-      , exp.loc)
-                    .arg(exp.right.type.toString)
-                    .arg(exp.left.type.toString);
-            else
-            {
-                CastExp castExp;
-                if(exp.left.type.isReal && exp.right.type.isReal)
-                    if(exp.left.type.byteSize > exp.right.type.byteSize)
-                        castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            exp.right);
-                    else
-                        castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            exp.left);
-                else if(exp.left.type.isReal || exp.right.type.isReal)
-                    if(exp.left.type.isReal)
-                        castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            exp.right);
-                    else
-                        castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            exp.left);
-                else
-                    if(exp.left.type.byteSize > exp.right.type.byteSize)
-                        castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            exp.right);
-                    else if(exp.left.type.byteSize < exp.right.type.byteSize)
-                        castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            exp.left);
-                    else
-                        castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            exp.right);
-                if(castExp)
-                {
-                    castExp.env = exp.env;
-                    if(castExp.exp == exp.right)
-                    {
-                        exp.type = castExp.type = exp.left.type;
-                        exp.right = castExp;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        exp.type = castExp.type = exp.right.type;
-                        exp.left = castExp;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (exp.op >= BinaryExp.Operator.LeftShift &&
-            exp.op <= BinaryExp.Operator.UnsignedRightShift)
-        {}  // FIXME: When we have const-system we need to check for 
-            //        right site being larger then the bitsize of the 
-            //        left
-    }
-    override void visitDerefExp(DerefExp exp)
-    {
-        if (!exp.exp.type.isPointer)
-        {
-  ,
-                    [exp.exp.sourceRange][], 
-                    [exp.loc])
-                .arg(exp.exp.type.toString);
-            exp.type = DType.Int;
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitCallExp(CallExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitCallExp(exp);
-        if (auto iden = cast(MemberReference)exp.exp)
-        {
-            Symbol[] internalVisitMemberRef(MemberReference m)
-            {
-                Symbol[] visitRef(MemberReference m, Identifier target, Symbol st)
-                {
-                    auto child = m.child;
-                    auto res = st.findMembers(child.get);
-                    return res;
-                }
-                switch(
-                {
-                    case ExpType.Identifier:
-                        return visitRef(m, cast(Identifier),
-                                (cast(Identifier);
-                    case ExpType.MemberReference:
-                        Symbol[] s = internalVisitMemberRef(cast(MemberReference);
-                        if(s.length)
-                            return s;
-                        return visitRef(m, cast(Identifier), s[0]);
-                }
-            }
-            Exp[] newArgs;
-            DFunction function_type;
-            if (iden.type.isFunction())
-            {
-                Symbol[] methods = internalVisitMemberRef(iden);           
-                if (!methods.length)
-                {
-          , iden.loc);
-                    return;
-                }
-                Symbol sel = getBestMatch(exp.args, methods);
-                exp.callSym = sel;
-                if (sel)
-                    function_type = sel.type.asFunction();
-                else
-                {
-          , exp.loc);
-                    foreach ( i, s ; methods )
-                    {
-              , 
-                                (cast(FuncDecl)s.decl).identifier.loc)
-                            .arg(Integer.toString(i+1));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else if (iden.type.isCallable)
-                function_type = iden.type.asCallable();
-            else assert(0, "Should not happen");
-            foreach (i, arg; exp.args)
-            {
-                auto argType = function_type.params[i];
-                auto expType = arg.type;
-                if (argType.isSame(expType))
-                {
-                    if (!expType.hasImplicitConversionTo(argType))
-              , exp.loc)
-                            .arg(expType.toString)
-                            .arg(argType.toString);
-                    auto castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            arg);
-                    castExp.env = iden.env;
-                    castExp.type = argType;
-                    newArgs ~= castExp;
-                }
-                else
-                    newArgs ~= arg;
-            }
-            exp.args = newArgs;
-        }
-        else if (auto iden = cast(Identifier)exp.exp)
-        {
-            Exp[] newArgs;
-            DFunction function_type;
-            if (iden.type.isFunction())
-            {
-                Symbol[] methods;
-                foreach (decl ; iden.env.find(iden.get))
-                    methods ~= decl.sym;
-                if (!methods.length)
-                {
-          , iden.loc);
-                    return;
-                }
-                Symbol sel = getBestMatch(exp.args, methods);
-                exp.callSym = sel;
-                if (sel)
-                    function_type = sel.type.asFunction();
-                else
-                {
-          , exp.loc);
-                    foreach ( i, s ; methods )
-                    {
-              , 
-                                (cast(FuncDecl)s.decl).identifier.loc)
-                            .arg(Integer.toString(i+1));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else if (iden.type.isCallable)
-            {
-                function_type = iden.type.asCallable();
-                if (exp.args.length != function_type.params.length)
-                {
-          , exp.loc)
-                        .arg(iden.type.toString)
-                        .arg(exp.callerType.toString);
-                }
-            }
-            else assert(0, "Should not happen");
-            foreach (i, arg; exp.args)
-            {
-                auto argType = function_type.params[i];
-                auto expType = arg.type;
-                if (!argType.isSame(expType))
-                {
-                    if (!expType.hasImplicitConversionTo(argType))
-              , exp.loc)
-                            .arg(expType.toString)
-                            .arg(argType.toString);
-                    auto castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            arg);
-                    castExp.env = iden.env;
-                    castExp.type = argType;
-                    newArgs ~= castExp;
-                }
-                else
-                    newArgs ~= arg;
-            }
-            exp.args = newArgs;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            Exp[] newArgs;
-            foreach(i, arg; exp.args)
-            {
-                auto argType = exp.exp.type.asFunction.params[i];
-                auto expType = arg.type;
-                if(!argType.isSame(expType))
-                {
-                    if(!expType.hasImplicitConversionTo(argType))
-              , exp.loc)
-                            .arg(expType.toString)
-                            .arg(argType.toString);
-                    auto castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            arg);
-                    castExp.env = exp.exp.env;
-                    castExp.type = argType;
-                    newArgs ~= castExp;
-                }
-                else
-                    newArgs ~= arg;
-            }
-            exp.args = newArgs;
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitNewExp(NewExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitNewExp(exp);
-        Exp[] newArgs;
-        Symbol[] methods = exp.newType.getSymbol.findFunctionMembers("this");
-        if (!methods.length)
-        {
-  , exp.newType.loc);
-            return;
-        }
-        Symbol sel = getBestMatch(exp.c_args, methods);
-        if (sel)
-        {
-            foreach (i, arg; exp.c_args)
-            {
-                auto argType = sel.type.asFunction.params[i];
-                auto expType = arg.type;
-                if (!argType.isSame(expType))
-                {
-                    if (!expType.hasImplicitConversionTo(argType))
-              , exp.loc)
-                            .arg(expType.toString)
-                            .arg(argType.toString);
-                    auto castExp = new CastExp(
-                            SLoc.Invalid,
-                            new Identifier(,
-                            arg);
-                    castExp.env = exp.newType.env;
-                    castExp.type = argType;
-                    newArgs ~= castExp;
-                }
-                else
-                    newArgs ~= arg;
-            }
-            exp.c_args = newArgs;
-            exp.callSym = sel;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-  , exp.newType.loc);
-            foreach ( i, s ; methods )
-            {
-      , 
-                        (cast(FuncDecl)s.decl).identifier.loc)
-                    .arg(Integer.toString(i+1));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitAssignExp(AssignExp exp)
-    {
-        super.visitAssignExp(exp);
-        auto identifierType = exp.identifier.type;
-        auto expType = exp.exp.type;
-        if(!identifierType.isSame(expType))
-        {
-            if(!expType.hasImplicitConversionTo(identifierType))
-      , 
-                        [exp.identifier.sourceRange, exp.exp.sourceRange][], 
-                        [exp.loc])
-                    .arg(expType.toString)
-                    .arg(identifierType.toString);
-            auto castExp = new CastExp(
-                    SLoc.Invalid,
-                    new Identifier(,
-                    exp.exp);
-            castExp.env = exp.exp.env;
-            exp.type = castExp.type = identifierType;
-            exp.exp = castExp;
-        }
-        if (expType.isStaticArray)
-  , 
-                    [exp.identifier.sourceRange, exp.exp.sourceRange][], 
-                    [exp.loc]);
-    }
-    override void visitReturnStmt(ReturnStmt stmt)
-    {
-        super.visitReturnStmt(stmt);
-        if(stmt.exp)
-        {
-            auto returnType = stmt.env.parentFunction.type.asFunction.returnType;
-            auto expType = stmt.exp.type;
-            if(!expType)
-                return;
-            if(!returnType.isSame(expType))
-            {
-                if(!expType.hasImplicitConversionTo(returnType))
-         , stmt.exp.loc)
-                        .arg(expType.toString)
-                        .arg(returnType.toString);
-                auto castExp = new CastExp(
-                        SLoc.Invalid,
-                        new Identifier(,
-                        stmt.exp);
-                castExp.env = stmt.exp.env;
-                castExp.type = returnType;
-                stmt.exp = castExp;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitVarDecl(VarDecl decl)
-    {
-        super.visitVarDecl(decl);
-        if(decl.init)
-        {
-            auto varType = decl.identifier.type;
-            auto expType = decl.init.type;
-            if(!varType.isSame(expType))
-            {
-                if(!expType.hasImplicitConversionTo(varType))
-         , decl.init.loc)
-                        .arg(expType.toString)
-                        .arg(varType.toString);
-                auto castExp = new CastExp(
-                        SLoc.Invalid,
-                        new Identifier(,
-                        decl.init);
-                castExp.env = decl.init.env;
-                castExp.type = varType;
-                decl.init = castExp;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private Symbol getBestMatch(Exp[] arg_list , Symbol[] available)
-    in
-    {
-        foreach (a ; available)
-            assert(a.type.isFunction, "A non-function found in available-list.");
-    }
-    body
-    {
-        assert(available.length, "No available methods in symbol-list.");
-        Symbol[] possible;
-        Symbol perfect;
-        bool per, work;
-        foreach (s ; available)
-        {
-            if (s.type.asFunction.params.length < arg_list.length)
-                continue;
-            per = true;
-            work = true;
-            foreach (i, arg; arg_list)
-            {
-                auto argType = s.type.asFunction.params[i];
-                auto expType = arg.type;
-                if (argType.isSame(expType))
-                {
-                    per = false;
-                    if( !expType.hasImplicitConversionTo(argType) )
-                    {
-                        work = false;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            foreach (a ; (cast(FuncDecl)s.decl).funcArgs[arg_list.length..$])
-                if (a.init is null)
-                    work = false;
-            if (work)
-                if (per)
-                    return s;
-                else
-                    possible ~= s;
-        }
-        if (possible.length)
-            return possible[0];
-        return null;
-    }
-    MessageHandler messages;
--- a/sema/DType.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,725 +0,0 @@
-module sema.DType;
-import lexer.Token,
-       ast.Exp;
-import sema.Operation;
-class DType
-    private char[] id;
-    private SourceLocation loc;
-    public DType actual;
-    this(Identifier id, DType actual = null)
-    {
- =;
-        this.loc = id.startLoc();
-        this.actual = actual is null? this : actual;
-    }
-    this(char[] id, DType actual = null)
-    {
- = id;
-        this.actual = actual is null? this : actual;
-    }
-    /// Is this type a DStruct
-    bool isStruct() { return false; }
-    /// Return a DStruct if this is one, otherwise return null
-    DStruct asStruct() { return null; }
-    /// Is this type a DClass
-    bool isClass() { return false; }
-    /// Return a DClass if this is one, otherwise return null
-    DClass asClass() { return null; }
-    /// Is this type a DInterface
-    bool isInterface() { return false; }
-    /// Return a DInterface if this is one, otherwise return null
-    DInterface asInterface() { return null; }
-    /// Is this type a DStaticArray
-    bool isStaticArray() { return false; }
-    /// Return a DStaticArray if this is one, otherwise return null
-    DStaticArray asStaticArray() { return null; }
-    /// Is this type a DArray
-    bool isArray() { return false; }
-    /// Return a DArray if this is one, otherwise return null
-    DArray asArray() { return null; }
-    /// Is this type a DPointer
-    bool isPointer() { return false; }
-    /// Return a DPointer if this is one, otherwise return null
-    DPointer asPointer() { return null; }
-    /// Is this type a DFunction
-    bool isFunction() { return false; }
-    /// Return a DFunction if this is one, otherwise return null
-    DFunction asFunction() { return null; }
-    /// Is this type a DFunction or a pointer to one
-    bool isCallable() { return false; }
-    /// Return a DFunction if this one is available
-    DFunction asCallable() { return null; }
-    /// Returns true for integers, reals and complex numbers
-    bool isArithmetic() { return false; }
-    /// Is this type a DInteger
-    bool isInteger() { return false; }
-    /// Return a DInteger if this is one, otherwise return null
-    DInteger asInteger() { return null; }
-    /// Is this type a DReal
-    bool isReal() { return false; }
-    /// Return a DReal if this is one, otherwise return null
-    DReal asReal() { return null; }
-    int opEquals(Object o)
-    {
-        if (auto t = cast(DType)o)
-            return this.actual is t.actual;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    int opCmp(Object o)
-    {
-        if (auto t = cast(DType)o)
-            return cast(void*)this.actual - cast(void*)t.actual;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /**
-      Hashing is done by casting the reference to a void* and taking that
-      value, but this gives a bad distribution of hash-values.
-      Multiple DType's allocated close to each other will only have a
-      difference in the lower bits of their hashes.
-     */
-    hash_t toHash()
-    {
-        return cast(hash_t)(cast(void*)this);
-    }
-    char[] toString()
-    {
-        return id;
-    }
-    char[] name() { return id; }
-    SourceLocation getLoc() { return loc; }
-    int byteSize() { return 0; }
-    /**
-      Can this type legally be converted to that type with no casts?
-      True for short -> int etc.
-     */
-    bool hasImplicitConversionTo(DType that) { return false; }
-    /**
-      Get an Operation describing how to use the supplied operator on the two
-      types given.
-     */
-    Operation getOperationWith(Operator op, DType other)
-    {
-        Operation res;
-        return res;
-    }
-    /**
-      Get a type representing a pointer to this type (from int to int*)
-     */
-    DPointer getPointerTo()
-    {
-        if(myPointer !is null)
-            return myPointer;
-        myPointer = new DPointer(this);
-        return myPointer;
-    }
-    private DPointer myPointer;
-    /** 
-      Mangle the DType following the specs at
-     **/
-    char[] mangle()
-    {
-        /// expects to be void
-        return "v";
-    }
-    /**
-      Get a type representing a static array of this type with length 'size'
-     */
-    DStaticArray getAsStaticArray(int size)
-    {
-        if(size in myStaticArray)
-            return myStaticArray[size];
-        myStaticArray[size] = new DStaticArray(this, size);
-        return myStaticArray[size];
-    }
-    private DStaticArray[int] myStaticArray;
-    DArray getAsArray()
-    {
-        if(myArray !is null)
-            return myArray;
-        myArray = new DArray(this);
-        return myArray;
-    }
-    private DArray myArray;
-    bool isSame(DType d)
-    {
-        return d is this;
-    }
-    static DInteger
-        Bool,
-        Byte, UByte, Short, UShort,
-        Int, UInt, Long, ULong,
-        Char, WChar, DChar;
-    static DReal Float, Double, Real;
-    // Ignore - we dont support complex numbers yet
-    static DReal CFloat, CDouble, CReal;
-    static DType Void;
-    static this()
-    {
-        Void   = new DType("void");
-        Bool   = new DInteger("bool",    1, true);
-        Byte   = new DInteger("byte",    8, false);
-        UByte  = new DInteger("ubyte",   8, true);
-        Short  = new DInteger("short",  16, false);
-        UShort = new DInteger("ushort", 16, true);
-        Int    = new DInteger("int",    32, false);
-        UInt   = new DInteger("uint",   32, true);
-        Long   = new DInteger("long",   64, false);
-        ULong  = new DInteger("ulong",  64, true);
-        Float  = new DReal("float",  32);
-        Double = new DReal("double", 64);
-        Real   = new DReal("real",   80);
-        Char   = new DInteger("char",    8, true);
-        WChar  = new DInteger("wchar",  16, true);
-        DChar  = new DInteger("dchar",  32, true);
-    }
-  Class to represent the built-in numerical types, from byte to long, reals and
-  complex numbers.
-  Should not actually use this, but DInteger, DReal or DComplex.
- */
-class DArithmetic : DType
-    private static char[][DArithmetic] mangle_types;
-    static this()
-    {
-        mangle_types = 
-        [
-            cast(DArithmetic)
-            Bool    : "b",
-            Byte    : "g",
-            UByte   : "h",
-            Short   : "s",
-            UShort  : "t",
-            Int     : "i",
-            UInt    : "k",
-            Long    : "l",
-            ULong   : "m",
-            Float   : "f",
-            Double  : "d",
-            Real    : "e",
-            /*
-            CFloat  : "q",
-            CDouble : "r",
-            CReal   : "c",
-            */
-            Char    : "a",
-            WChar   : "u",
-            DChar   : "w"
-        ];
-    }
-    this(char[] name, int bits, bool unsigned)
-    {
-        super(name, null);
-        this.bits = bits;
-        this.unsigned = unsigned;
-    }
-    override int byteSize() { return bits / 8; }
-    bool isArithmetic() { return true; }
-    override Operation getOperationWith(Operator op, DType that)
-    {
-        Operation operation;
-        if (this is that)
-            operation = Operation.builtin(op, unsigned, isReal());
-        return operation;
-    }
-    override char[] mangle()
-    {
-        return mangle_types[this];
-    }
-    int bits;
-    bool unsigned;
-class DInteger : DArithmetic
-    this(char[] name, int bits, bool unsigned)
-    {
-        super(name, bits, unsigned);
-    }
-    override bool hasImplicitConversionTo(DType that)
-    {
-        if (that.isInteger() || that.isReal())
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    override bool isInteger() { return true; }
-    override DInteger asInteger() { return this; }
-class DReal : DArithmetic
-    this(char[] name, int bits)
-    {
-        super(name, bits, false);
-    }
-    override bool hasImplicitConversionTo(DType that)
-    {
-        if (that.isInteger() || that.isReal())
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
-    override bool isReal() { return true; }
-    override DReal asReal() { return this; }
-class DStruct : DType
-    this(Identifier id, DType actual = null)
-    {
-        super(id, actual);
-    }
-    int byteSize() { return bytes_total; }
-    override bool isStruct() { return true; }
-    override DStruct asStruct() { return this; }
-    void addMember(DType type, char[] name)
-    {
-        auto s = DStructMember(type, members.length);
-        members[name] = s;
-        bytes_total += type.byteSize();
-    }
-    int indexOf(char[] name)
-    {
-        if(name in members)
-            return members[name].index;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    DType typeOf(char[] name)
-    {
-        if (auto res = name in members)
-            return res.type;
-        return null;
-    }
-    DStructMember[char[]] members;
-    private int bytes_total;
-    override char[] mangle()
-    {
-        return "S"~Integer.toString(name.length)~name;
-    }
-    override bool isSame(DType d)
-    {
-        if (d is this)
-            return true;
-        if (!d.isStruct)
-            return false;
-        auto s = d.asStruct;
-        return id ==;
-    }
-    struct DStructMember
-    {
-        DType type;
-        int index;
-        char[] toString()
-        {
-            return type.toString();
-        }
-    }
-class DClass : DType
-    this(Identifier id, DType actual = null)
-    {
-        super(id, actual);
-    }
-    int byteSize() { return bytes_total; }
-    override bool isClass() { return true; }
-    override DClass asClass() { return this; }
-    void addMember(DType type, char[] name)
-    {
-        auto s = DClassMember(type, members.length);
-        members[name] = s;
-        bytes_total += type.byteSize();
-    }
-    int indexOf(char[] name)
-    {
-        if(name in members)
-            return members[name].index;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    DType typeOf(char[] name)
-    {
-        if (auto res = name in members)
-            return res.type;
-        return null;
-    }
-    DClassMember[char[]] members;
-    private int bytes_total;
-    override char[] mangle()
-    {
-        return "S"~Integer.toString(name.length)~name;
-    }
-    override bool isSame(DType d)
-    {
-        if (d is this)
-            return true;
-        if (!d.isClass)
-            return false;
-        auto c = d.asClass;
-        return id ==;
-    }
-    struct DClassMember
-    {
-        DType type;
-        int index;
-        char[] toString()
-        {
-            return type.toString();
-        }
-    }
-class DInterface : DType
-    this(Identifier id, DType actual = null)
-    {
-        super(id, actual);
-    }
-    int byteSize() { return bytes_total; }
-    override bool isInterface() { return true; }
-    override DInterface asInterface() { return this; }
-    void addMember(DType type, char[] name)
-    {
-        auto s = DInterfaceMember(type, members.length);
-        members[name] = s;
-        bytes_total += type.byteSize();
-    }
-    int indexOf(char[] name)
-    {
-        if(name in members)
-            return members[name].index;
-        return -1;
-    }
-    DType typeOf(char[] name)
-    {
-        if (auto res = name in members)
-            return res.type;
-        return null;
-    }
-    override bool isSame(DType d)
-    {
-        if (d is this)
-            return true;
-        if (!d.isInterface)
-            return false;
-        auto i = d.asInterface;
-        return id ==;
-    }
-    DInterfaceMember[char[]] members;
-    private int bytes_total;
-    override char[] mangle()
-    {
-        return "S"~Integer.toString(name.length)~name;
-    }
-    struct DInterfaceMember
-    {
-        DType type;
-        int index;
-        char[] toString()
-        {
-            return type.toString();
-        }
-    }
-class DStaticArray : DType
-    this(DType arrayOf, int size, DType actual = null)
-    {
-        super( ~ "[" ~ Integer.toString(size) ~ "]", actual);
-        this.arrayOf = arrayOf;
-        this.size = size;
-    }
-    override bool isStaticArray() { return true; }
-    override DStaticArray asStaticArray() { return this; }
-    int byteSize() { return arrayOf.byteSize * size; }
-    override bool isSame(DType d)
-    {
-        if (d is this)
-            return true;
-        if (!d.isArray)
-            return false;
-        auto a = d.asStaticArray;
-        if (size != a.size)
-            return false;
-        return arrayOf.isSame(a.arrayOf);
-    }
-    char[] toString()
-    {
-        return arrayOf.toString~"["~Integer.toString(size)~"]";
-    }
-    override char[] mangle()
-    {
-        return "G"~Integer.toString(size)~arrayOf.mangle;
-    }
-    DType arrayOf;
-    const int size;
-class DArray : DType
-    this(DType arrayOf, DType actual = null)
-    {
-        super(id, actual);
-        this.arrayOf = arrayOf;
-    }
-    override bool isArray() { return true; }
-    override DArray asArray() { return this; }
-    int byteSize() { return 8; } // FIXME: Size is a pointer + on size. (platform depend)
-    override bool isSame(DType d)
-    {
-        if (d is this)
-            return true;
-        if (!d.isArray)
-            return false;
-        auto a = d.asArray;
-        return arrayOf.isSame(a.arrayOf);
-    }
-    override char[] mangle()
-    {
-        return "G"~arrayOf.mangle; // FIXME: Need correct mangling
-    }
-    DType arrayOf;
-class DPointer : DType
-    this(DType pointerOf, DType actual = null)
-    {
-        super(id, actual);
-        this.pointerOf = pointerOf;
-    }
-    override bool isPointer() { return true; }
-    override DPointer asPointer() { return this; }
-    bool isCallable() { return pointerOf.isFunction(); }
-    DFunction asCallable() { return pointerOf.asFunction(); }
-    int byteSize() { return DType.Int.byteSize; }
-    override bool isSame(DType d)
-    {
-        if (d is this)
-            return true;
-        if (!d.isPointer)
-            return false;
-        auto p = d.asPointer;
-        return pointerOf.isSame(p.pointerOf);
-    }
-    char[] toString()
-    {
-        if (!pointerOf.isFunction)
-            return pointerOf.toString~"*";
-        auto f = pointerOf.asFunction;
-        char[] res = f.returnType.toString~" function(";
-        foreach (i, p ; f.params)
-            res ~= i ? ", "~p.toString : p.toString;
-        return res ~ ")";
-    }
-    override char[] mangle()
-    {
-        return "P"~pointerOf.mangle;
-    }
-    DType pointerOf;
-class DFunction : DType
-    this(Identifier id, DType actual = null)
-    {
-        super(id, actual);
-    }
-    override bool isFunction() { return true; }
-    override DFunction asFunction() { return this; }
-    bool isCallable() { return true; }
-    DFunction asCallable() { return this; }
-    override bool hasImplicitConversionTo(DType that)
-    {
-        return returnType.hasImplicitConversionTo(that);
-    }
-    override char[] mangle()
-    {
-        char[] res;
-        res ~= "F";
-        foreach(param ; params)
-            res ~= param.mangle;
-        res ~= "Z";
-        res ~= returnType.mangle;
-        return res;
-    }
-    char[] toString()
-    {
-        char[] res = returnType.toString~" (";
-        foreach (i, p ; params)
-            res ~= i ? ", "~p.toString : p.toString;
-        return res ~ ")";
-    }
-    override bool isSame(DType f)
-    {
-        if (f is this)
-            return true;
-        if (!f.isFunction)
-            return false;
-        auto func = f.asFunction;
-        if (returnType != func.returnType)
-            return false;
-        if (params.length != func.params.length)
-            return false;
-        foreach (i, p ; params)
-            if (!p.isSame(func.params[0]))
-                return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    DType[] params;
-    DType returnType;
-    bool firstParamIsReturnValue = false;
--- a/sema/LiteralInterpreter.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-module sema.LiteralInterpreter;
-import sema.Visitor;
-import basic.LiteralParsing,
-       basic.Message;
-class LiteralInterpreter : Visitor!(void)
-    this(MessageHandler messages)
-    {
-        this.messages = messages;
-    }
-    void visit(Module[] modules)
-    {
-        super.visit(modules);
-        messages.checkErrors();
-    }
-    void visitStringExp(StringExp exp)
-    {
-        auto str = parseString(exp.str, exp.loc, messages);
- = str;
-    }
-    void visitIntegerLit(IntegerLit exp)
-    {
-        exp.number = parseNumber(, exp.loc, messages);
-    }
-    MessageHandler messages;
--- a/sema/ObjectOriented.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-module sema.ObjectOriented;
-import sema.Visitor,
-       sema.Symbol,
-       sema.DType;
-       Array = tango.core.Array;
-import basic.SourceLocation,
-       basic.Message;
-class ObjectOriented : Visitor!(void)
-    this(MessageHandler messages)
-    {
-        this.messages = messages;
-    }
-    override void visit(Module[] m)
-    {
-        super.visit(m);
-        ClassDecl[] visitBaseClass(ClassDecl current, ClassDecl[] visited)
-        {
-            visited ~= current;
-            foreach (d ; current.baseClasses)
-                if (d.type.isClass)
-                    if(Array.find(visited,
-                                (cast(ClassDecl)d.getSymbol.decl)) - visited.length)
-                        assert(0,"Circulair base class");
-                    else
-                        return visitBaseClass((cast(ClassDecl)d.getSymbol.decl), visited);
-            return visited;
-        }
-        while (classes.length)
-        {
-            ClassDecl current = classes[$-1];
-            ClassDecl[] visited;
-            visited = visitBaseClass(current, visited);
-            foreach (v; visited)
-                classes.length = Array.remove(classes, v);
-        }
-    }
-    override void visitClassDecl(ClassDecl decl)
-    {
-        classes ~= decl;
-    }
-    ClassDecl[] classNoBase;
-    ClassDecl[] classes;
-    MessageHandler messages;
-class FindClassNoBase : Visitor!(void)
-    override void visitClassDecl(ClassDecl decl)
-    {
-    }
-    ClassDecl[] classes;
--- a/sema/Operation.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-module sema.Operation;
-/// Operators
-public enum Operator
-    Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Rem,
-    Shl, LShr, AShr,
-    And, Or, Xor,
-    Eq, Ne,
-    Lt, Le,
-    Gt, Ge,
-  Enum for the basic builtin operations.
-  S for signed, U for unsigned and F for floating point.
- **/
-public enum BuiltinOperation
-    Add, Sub, Mul, SDiv, UDiv, FDiv, SRem, URem, FRem,
-    // FShr is a dummy element to avoid special case for signed >> unsigned
-    Shl, LShr, AShr, FShr,
-    And, Or, Xor,
-    Eq, Ne,
-    SLt, ULt, FLt, SLe, ULe, FLe,
-    SGt, UGt, FGt, SGe, UGe, FGe,
-    None
-  Returns true if the operation has an unsigned variant.
-  Will only be true for the S version, so SDiv gives true, UDiv or FDiv dont.
- **/
-private bool hasUnsignedVariant(BuiltinOperation op)
-    alias BuiltinOperation O;
-    return op is O.SDiv
-        || op is O.SRem
-        || op is O.SLt
-        || op is O.SLe
-        || op is O.SGt
-        || op is O.SGe;
-/// Same as hasUnsignedVariant, but for float variants
-private bool hasFloatVariant(BuiltinOperation op)
-    alias BuiltinOperation O;
-    return op is O.SDiv
-        || op is O.SRem
-        || op is O.SLt
-        || op is O.SLe
-        || op is O.SGt
-        || op is O.SGe;
-private BuiltinOperation OpToBI(Operator op)
-    // This is dependent on the definition of Operator
-    // Maps from an Operator to the first appropiate BuiltinOperation
-    static const BuiltinOperation[] map =
-        [
-            BuiltinOperation.Add,
-            BuiltinOperation.Sub,
-            BuiltinOperation.Mul,
-            BuiltinOperation.SDiv,
-            BuiltinOperation.SRem,
-            BuiltinOperation.Shl,
-            BuiltinOperation.LShr,
-            BuiltinOperation.AShr,
-            BuiltinOperation.And,
-            BuiltinOperation.Or,
-            BuiltinOperation.Xor,
-            BuiltinOperation.Eq,
-            BuiltinOperation.Ne,
-            BuiltinOperation.SLt,
-            BuiltinOperation.SLe,
-            BuiltinOperation.SGt,
-            BuiltinOperation.SGe,
-        ];
-    if (op >= Operator.Add && op <= Operator.Ge)
-        return map[op];
-    return BuiltinOperation.None;
-    Represents an operation on to values of (potentionally) different types.
-    Can be either some built-in thing (addition of floats, int etc) or a user
-    defined operation (a method in a struct/class).
- **/
-struct Operation
-    /// Returns true if the operation is legal
-    bool isPossible() { return is_valid; }
-    /// True for <, <=, ==, !=, >, >=
-    bool isComparison() { return false; }
-    /// Built in operations like adding ints or floats
-    bool isBuiltin() { return is_bi; }
-    /// Get the builtin operation - only valid if isBuiltin() returns true
-    BuiltinOperation builtinOp() { return bi_op; };
-    /// Create builtin operation
-    static Operation builtin(Operator op, bool unsigned, bool fp)
-    {
-        assert(!(unsigned && fp), "Can't be both unsigned and a float");
-        Operation res;
-        res.is_valid = true;
-        res.is_bi = true;
-        res.bi_op = OpToBI(op);
-        if (unsigned && hasUnsignedVariant(res.bi_op))
-            res.bi_op += 1;
-        if (fp && hasFloatVariant(res.bi_op))
-            res.bi_op += 2;
-        return res;
-    }
-    bool is_valid = false;
-    bool is_bi;
-    BuiltinOperation bi_op;
--- a/sema/Scope.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-module sema.Scope;
-import lexer.Token,
-       ast.Module,
-       ast.Decl;
-import sema.DType,
-       sema.Symbol;
-class Scope
-    this() {}
-    this(Scope enclosing)
-    {
-        this.enclosing = enclosing;
-        this.func = enclosing.func;
-        this.inModule = enclosing.inModule;
-        this.mHandle = enclosing.mHandle;
-    }
-    Scope enclosing;
-    ModuleHandler mHandle;
-    Module inModule;
-    Scope[] imported;
-    ImportDecl[] imports;
-    void put(char[] id, Decl d)
-    {
-        symbols[id] ~= d;
-    }
-    Decl[] find(char[] id)
-    {
-        if(id is "")
-            return null;
-        else if (auto sym = id in symbols)
-        {
-            return *sym;
-        }
-        else if (enclosing !is null)
-        {
-            auto res = enclosing.find(id) ~ mHandle.find(getImports, id);
-            return res;
-        }
-        return [];
-    }
-    ImportDecl[] getImports()
-    {
-        if(enclosing)
-            return enclosing.getImports ~ imports;
-        return imports;
-    }
-    DType findType(char[] id)
-    {
-        if (auto type = id in types)
-            return *type;
-        if (enclosing !is null)
-        {
-            auto type = enclosing.findType(id);
-            if(type is null)
-                return mHandle.findType(getImports, id);
-            return type;
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    FuncDecl parentFunction()
-    {
-        if (func !is null)
-            return func;
-        else if (enclosing !is null)
-            return enclosing.parentFunction();
-        else
-            return null;
-    }
-    int stmtIndex()
-    {
-        if (currentStmtIndex != -1)
-            return currentStmtIndex;
-        else if (enclosing !is null)
-            return enclosing.stmtIndex();
-        else
-            return -1;
-    }
-    int opEquals(Object o)
-    {
-        return this is o;
-    }
-    char[] toString()
-    {
-        if (func)
-            return Stdout.layout.convert("{}: {}", func.identifier.get, symbols.length);
-        return Stdout.layout.convert("root: {}", symbols.length);
-    }
-    FuncDecl parentFunction(FuncDecl f)
-    {
-        func = f;
-        return f;
-    }
-    DType[char[]] types;
-    int currentStmtIndex = -1;
-    Decl[][char[]] symbols;
-    FuncDecl func;
-class ModuleHandler
-    void add(Module m)
-    {
-        modules[m.moduleName] = m;
-    }
-    void add(Module m, char[] file)
-    {
-        fileToModule[file] = m.moduleName;
-        add(m);
-    }
-    DType findType(ImportDecl[] imports, char[] type)
-    {
-        foreach(i ; imports)
-            if(i.get in modules)
-            {
-                auto t = modules[i.get].env.findType(type);
-                if(t !is null)
-                    return t;
-            }
-        return null;
-    }
-    Decl[] find(ImportDecl[] imports, char[] id)
-    {
-        foreach(i ; imports)
-            if(i.get in modules)
-            {
-                auto t = modules[i.get].env.find(id);
-                if(t !is null)
-                    return t;
-            }
-        return [];
-    }
-    char[][char[]] fileToModule;
-    Module[char[]] modules;
--- a/sema/Symbol.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-module sema.Symbol;
-import tango.text.convert.Integer : format;
-import sema.DType;
-import ast.Decl;
-class Symbol
-    /// Create a root symbol - representing a module
-    this() { actual = this; }
-    /// Get a simple human readable name (bar)
-    char[] getName() { return name; }
-    /// Get a human readable name (
-    char[] getFQN()
-    {
-        char[] prefix;
-        if (parent !is null && !is null)
-            prefix ~= parent.getFQN() ~ ".";
-        return prefix ~ name;
-    }
-    /// Get a machine readable name (_D3foo3barFZi)
-    char[] getMangledFQN()
-    {
-        char[] n = `_D`;
-        Symbol p = parent;
-        while (p !is null) {
-            n ~= p.internalFQN();
-            p = p.parent;
-        }
-        n ~= internalFQN();
-        n ~= type.mangle();
-        return n;
-    }
-    /**
-      Try to find a contained symbol with the given name
-     **/
-    Symbol[] findMembers(char[] member)
-    {
-        Symbol[] res;
-        foreach (possible; actual.contained)
-            if ( == member)
-                res ~= possible;
-        if (!res.length && actual.type.isClass)
-        {
-            foreach (base ; (cast(ClassDecl)actual.decl).baseClasses)
-                if (base.type.isClass)
-                    res ~= base.getSymbol.findMembers(member);
-        }
-        return res;
-    }
-    /**
-      Try to find a contained symbol with the given name, who's type is a DFunction
-     **/
-    Symbol[] findFunctionMembers(char[] member)
-    {
-        Symbol[] res;
-        foreach (possible; actual.contained)
-            if ( == member && possible.type.isFunction)
-                res ~= possible;
-        return res;
-    }
-    /**
-      Get the members of the symbol
-     **/
-    Symbol[] getMembers()
-    {
-        return actual.contained;
-    }
-    void dump()
-    {
-        Stdout("Symbol: ");
-        Symbol p = parent;
-        while (p !is null) {
-            Stdout.format("{}.",;
-            p = p.parent;
-        }
-        Stdout.formatln("{}", name);
-    }
-    /// Create a member with the given name and type
-    Symbol createMember(char[] member, DType type, Decl decl)
-    {
-        auto res = new Symbol(member, type, this);
-        res.decl = decl;
-        actual.contained ~= res;
-        return res;
-    }
-    /**
-      Create an alias of another symbol with the given name.
-      The target symbol can be a member of another symbol
-     **/
-    Symbol createAlias(char[] aliasedName, Symbol target, Decl decl)
-    {
-        auto res = new Symbol(aliasedName, target, this);
-        res.decl = decl;
-        actual.contained ~= res;
-        return res;
-    }
-    // The type of this symbol
-    DType type;
-    // The declaration of this symbol
-    Decl decl;
-    // If the symbol is an alias, this will point to the actual symbol
-    Symbol actual;
-    // If this symbol is contained within a struct or similar this will point
-    // to that symbol
-    Symbol parent;
-    char[] toString()
-    {
-        return getMangledFQN;
-    }
-    // Helper for getMangledFQN - gets the FQN without _D and the type
-    char[] internalFQN()
-    {
-        if ( !is null && > 0)
-        {
-            char[32] len;
-            return format(len, ~;
-        }
-        return "";
-    }
-    this(char[] name, Symbol actual, Symbol parent)
-    {
- = name;
-        this.actual = actual;
-        this.parent = parent;
-        this.type = actual.type;
-    }
-    this(char[] name, DType type, Symbol parent)
-    {
- = name;
-        this.actual = this;
-        this.parent = parent;
-        this.type = type;
-    }
-    char[] name;
-    // All the symbols contained within this symbol
-    Symbol[] contained;
-    // The module that contains this symbol (root of the parent-chain)
-    // DModule mod;
--- a/sema/VC.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-module sema.VC;
-import basic.Message;
-    VC is short for verification context.
-    This class holds various things that are neccesary to verify validity
-    of the AST.
-class VC
-    MessageHandler msg;
--- a/sema/Visitor.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-module sema.Visitor;
-import ast.Module,
-       ast.Decl,
-       ast.Stmt,
-       ast.Exp;
-import lexer.Token;
-class Visitor(FinalT = int, ModuleT = FinalT, DeclT = ModuleT, StmtT = DeclT, ExpT = StmtT)
-    FinalT visit(Module[] modules)
-    {
-        foreach(m ; modules)
-            visitModule(m);
-        static if (is(FinalT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return FinalT.init;
-    }
-    ModuleT visitModule(Module m)
-    {
-        foreach (decl; m.decls)
-            visitDecl(decl);
-        static if (is(ModuleT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ModuleT.init;
-    }
-    DeclT visitDecl(Decl decl)
-    {
-        switch(decl.declType)
-        {
-            case DeclType.FuncDecl:
-                return visitFuncDecl(cast(FuncDecl)decl);
-            case DeclType.VarDecl:
-                return visitVarDecl(cast(VarDecl)decl);
-            case DeclType.ImportDecl:
-                return visitImportDecl(cast(ImportDecl)decl);
-            case DeclType.StructDecl:
-                return visitStructDecl(cast(StructDecl)decl);
-            case DeclType.ClassDecl:
-                return visitClassDecl(cast(ClassDecl)decl);
-            case DeclType.InterfaceDecl:
-                return visitInterfaceDecl(cast(InterfaceDecl)decl);
-            case DeclType.AliasDecl:
-                return visitAliasDecl(cast(AliasDecl)decl);
-            default:
-                throw new Exception("Unknown declaration type");
-        }
-    }
-    StmtT visitStmt(Stmt stmt)
-    {
-        switch(stmt.stmtType)
-        {
-            case StmtType.Return:
-                return visitReturnStmt(cast(ReturnStmt)stmt);
-            case StmtType.Compound:
-                return visitCompoundStmt(cast(CompoundStatement)stmt);
-            case StmtType.Decl:
-                return visitDeclStmt(cast(DeclStmt)stmt);
-            case StmtType.Exp:
-                return visitExpStmt(cast(ExpStmt)stmt);
-            case StmtType.If:
-                return visitIfStmt(cast(IfStmt)stmt);
-            case StmtType.While:
-                return visitWhileStmt(cast(WhileStmt)stmt);
-            case StmtType.For:
-                return visitForStmt(cast(ForStmt)stmt);
-            case StmtType.Switch:
-                return visitSwitchStmt(cast(SwitchStmt)stmt);
-            default:
-                throw new Exception("Unknown statement type");
-        }
-    }
-    ExpT visitExp(Exp exp)
-    {
-        switch(exp.expType)
-        {
-            case ExpType.Binary:
-                return visitBinaryExp(cast(BinaryExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.IntegerLit:
-                return visitIntegerLit(cast(IntegerLit)exp);
-            case ExpType.Negate:
-                return visitNegateExp(cast(NegateExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.Deref:
-                return visitDerefExp(cast(DerefExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.AddressOfExp:
-                return visitAddressOfExp(cast(AddressOfExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.AssignExp:
-                return visitAssignExp(cast(AssignExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.CallExp:
-                return visitCallExp(cast(CallExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.CastExp:
-                return visitCastExp(cast(CastExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.Identifier:
-                return visitIdentifier(cast(Identifier)exp);
-            case ExpType.IdentifierTypeExp:
-                return visitIdentifier(cast(Identifier)exp);
-            case ExpType.PointerTypeExp:
-                return visitPointerTypeExp(cast(PointerTypeExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.StaticArrayTypeExp:
-                return visitStaticArrayTypeExp(cast(StaticArrayTypeExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.FunctionTypeExp:
-                return visitFunctionTypeExp(cast(FunctionTypeExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.StringExp:
-                return visitStringExp(cast(StringExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.Index:
-                return visitIndexExp(cast(IndexExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.MemberReference:
-                return visitMemberReference(cast(MemberReference)exp);
-            case ExpType.NewExp:
-                return visitNewExp(cast(NewExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.ArrayLiteralExp:
-                return visitArrayLiteralExp(cast(ArrayLiteralExp)exp);
-            case ExpType.NullExp:
-                return visitNullExp(cast(NullExp)exp);
-            default:
-                throw new Exception("Unknown expression type");
-        }
-    }
-    // Declarations:
-    DeclT visitVarDecl(VarDecl d)
-    {
-        visitExp(d.varType);
-        if(d.identifier)
-            visitExp(d.identifier);
-        if (d.init)
-            visitExp(d.init);
-        static if (is(DeclT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return DeclT.init;
-    }
-    DeclT visitImportDecl(ImportDecl d)
-    {
-        visitIdentifier(;
-        visitIdentifier(d.aliasedName);
-        foreach (id; d.packages)
-            visitIdentifier(id);
-        foreach (ids; d.explicitSymbols)
-        {
-            visitIdentifier(ids[0]);
-            visitIdentifier(ids[1]);
-        }
-        static if (is(DeclT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return DeclT.init;
-    }
-    DeclT visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl f)
-    {
-        visitExp(f.returnType);
-        visitExp(f.identifier);
-        foreach (arg; f.funcArgs)
-            visitDecl(arg);
-        foreach (stmt; f.statements)
-            visitStmt(stmt);
-        static if (is(DeclT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return DeclT.init;
-    }
-    DeclT visitStructDecl(StructDecl s)
-    {
-        visitExp(s.identifier);
-        foreach (arg; s.decls)
-            visitDecl(arg);
-        static if (is(DeclT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return DeclT.init;
-    }
-    DeclT visitClassDecl(ClassDecl s)
-    {
-        visitExp(s.identifier);
-        foreach (arg; s.decls)
-            visitDecl(arg);
-        foreach (arg; s.baseClasses)
-            visitExp(arg);
-        static if (is(DeclT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return DeclT.init;
-    }
-    DeclT visitInterfaceDecl(InterfaceDecl s)
-    {
-        visitExp(s.identifier);
-        foreach (arg; s.decls)
-            visitDecl(arg);
-        foreach (arg; s.baseClasses)
-            visitExp(arg);
-        static if (is(DeclT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return DeclT.init;
-    }
-    DeclT visitAliasDecl(AliasDecl a)
-    {
-        static if (is(DeclT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return DeclT.init;
-    }
-    // Statements:
-    StmtT visitReturnStmt(ReturnStmt s)
-    {
-        if (s.exp)
-            visitExp(s.exp);
-        static if (is(StmtT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return StmtT.init;
-    }
-    StmtT visitDeclStmt(DeclStmt d)
-    {
-        visitDecl(d.decl);
-        static if (is(StmtT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return StmtT.init;
-    }
-    StmtT visitCompoundStmt(CompoundStatement c)
-    {
-        foreach (stmt; c.statements)
-            visitStmt(stmt);
-        static if (is(StmtT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return StmtT.init;
-    }
-    StmtT visitIfStmt(IfStmt s)
-    {
-        visitExp(s.cond);
-        visitStmt(s.then_body);
-        if (s.else_body !is null)
-            visitStmt(s.else_body);
-        static if (is(StmtT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return StmtT.init;
-    }
-    StmtT visitWhileStmt(WhileStmt s)
-    {
-        visitExp(s.cond);
-        visitStmt(s.whileBody);
-        static if (is(StmtT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return StmtT.init;
-    }
-    StmtT visitForStmt(ForStmt s)
-    {
-        if(s.init)
-            visitStmt(s.init);
-        if(s.cond)
-            visitExp(s.cond);
-        if(s.incre)
-            visitExp(s.incre);
-        visitStmt(s.forBody);
-        static if (is(StmtT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return StmtT.init;
-    }
-    StmtT visitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt s)
-    {
-        visitExp(s.cond);
-        foreach(stmt; s.defaultBlock)
-            visitStmt(stmt);
-        foreach (c; s.cases)
-        {
-            foreach(lit; c.values)
-                visitExp(lit);
-            foreach(stmt; c.stmts)
-                visitStmt(stmt);
-        }
-        static if (is(StmtT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return StmtT.init;
-    }
-    StmtT visitExpStmt(ExpStmt s)
-    {
-        visitExp(s.exp);
-        static if (is(StmtT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return StmtT.init;
-    }
-    // Expressions:
-    ExpT visitAssignExp(AssignExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.identifier);
-        visitExp(exp.exp);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitBinaryExp(BinaryExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.left);
-        visitExp(exp.right);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitCallExp(CallExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.exp);
-        foreach (arg; exp.args)
-            visitExp(arg);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitCastExp(CastExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.castType);
-        visitExp(exp.exp);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitNegateExp(NegateExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.exp);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitDerefExp(DerefExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.exp);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitAddressOfExp(AddressOfExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.exp);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitIntegerLit(IntegerLit exp)
-    {
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitStringExp(StringExp exp)
-    {
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitIdentifier(Identifier exp)
-    {
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitPointerTypeExp(PointerTypeExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.pointerOf);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitStaticArrayTypeExp(StaticArrayTypeExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.arrayOf);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitFunctionTypeExp(FunctionTypeExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(exp.returnType);
-        foreach (decl ; exp.decls)
-            visitDecl(decl);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitIndexExp(IndexExp exp)
-    {
-        visitExp(;
-        visitExp(exp.index);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitMemberReference(MemberReference mem)
-    {
-        visitExp(;
-        visitExp(mem.child);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitNewExp(NewExp n)
-    {
-        visitExp(n.newType);
-        foreach( a ; n.a_args )
-            visitExp(a);
-        foreach( c ; n.c_args )
-            visitExp(c);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitArrayLiteralExp(ArrayLiteralExp a)
-    {
-        foreach( e ; a.exps )
-            visitExp(e);
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
-    ExpT visitNullExp(NullExp n)
-    {
-        static if (is(ExpT == void))
-            return;
-        else
-            return ExpT.init;
-    }
--- a/tools/AstPrinter.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-module tools.AstPrinter;
-import ast.Module,
-       ast.Decl,
-       ast.Stmt,
-       ast.Exp;
-import basic.SourceManager,
-       basic.Attribute;
-class AstPrinter
-    const char[] tabType = "    "; // 4 spaces
-    this(SourceManager sm)
-    {
- = sm;
-    }
-    void print(Module m)
-    {
-        printBeginLine("module ");
-        print(m.moduleName);
-        printEndLine(";");
-        printEndLine();
-        foreach(decl ; m.decls)
-        {
-            printDecl(decl);
-        }
-        printEndLine();
-    }
-    void printDecl(Decl decl, bool printAtt = true)
-    {
-        switch(decl.declType)
-        {
-            case DeclType.FuncDecl:
-                auto funcDecl = cast(FuncDecl)decl;
-                printBeginLine();
-                if (printAtt) printAttribute(decl.att);
-                if (funcDecl.identifier.get != "this")
-                {
-                    printIdentifier(funcDecl.returnType);
-                    space;
-                }
-                printIdentifier(funcDecl.identifier);
-                printFuncArgs(funcDecl);
-                printOpenBrace();
-                foreach(stmt ; funcDecl.statements)
-                    printStatement(stmt);
-                printCloseBrace();
-                break;
-            case DeclType.VarDecl:
-                auto varDecl = cast(VarDecl)decl;
-                printBeginLine();
-                if(printAtt) printAttribute(decl.att);
-                printExp(varDecl.varType);
-                space;
-                printExp(varDecl.identifier);
-                if(varDecl.init)
-                {
-                    print(" = ");
-                    printExp(varDecl.init);
-                }
-                printEndLine(";");
-                break;
-            case DeclType.StructDecl:
-                auto structDecl = cast(StructDecl)decl;
-                if(printAtt) printAttribute(decl.att);
-                printBeginLine("struct ");
-                printIdentifier(structDecl.identifier);
-                printEndLine;
-                printOpenBrace;
-                foreach( var ; structDecl.decls)
-                    printDecl(var);
-                printCloseBrace;
-                break;
-            case DeclType.ClassDecl:
-                auto classDecl = cast(ClassDecl)decl;
-                if(printAtt) printAttribute(decl.att);
-                printBeginLine("class ");
-                printIdentifier(classDecl.identifier);
-                foreach(i, iden ; classDecl.baseClasses )
-                {
-                    print(i ? " : " : ", ");
-                    printIdentifier(iden);
-                }
-                printEndLine;
-                printOpenBrace;
-                foreach( var ; classDecl.decls)
-                    printDecl(var);
-                printCloseBrace;
-                break;
-            case DeclType.InterfaceDecl:
-                auto interfaceDecl = cast(InterfaceDecl)decl;
-                if(printAtt) printAttribute(decl.att);
-                printBeginLine("interface ");
-                printIdentifier(interfaceDecl.identifier);
-                foreach(i, iden ; interfaceDecl.baseClasses )
-                {
-                    print(i ? " : " : ", ");
-                    printIdentifier(iden);
-                }
-                printEndLine;
-                printOpenBrace;
-                foreach( var ; interfaceDecl.decls)
-                    printDecl(var);
-                printCloseBrace;
-                break;
-            case DeclType.ImportDecl:
-                auto i = cast(ImportDecl)decl;
-                if(printAtt) printAttribute(decl.att);
-                printBeginLine("import ");
-                printEndLine(i.get);
-                break;
-        }
-//        printEndLine();
-    }
-    void printStatement(Stmt stmt)
-    {
-        switch(stmt.stmtType)
-        {
-            case StmtType.Return:
-                auto ret = cast(ReturnStmt)stmt;
-                printBeginLine("return");
-                if(ret.exp)
-                {
-                    space;
-                    printExp(ret.exp);
-                }
-                printEndLine(";");
-                break;
-            case StmtType.If:
-                auto i = cast(IfStmt)stmt;
-                printBeginLine("if");
-                print(" (");
-                printExp(i.cond);
-                printEndLine(" )");
-                printOpenBrace;
-                printStatement(i.then_body);
-                printCloseBrace;
-                if (i.else_body)
-                {
-                    printBeginLine("else");
-                    printEndLine();
-                    printOpenBrace;
-                    printStatement(i.else_body);
-                    printCloseBrace;
-                }
-                break;
-            case StmtType.Decl:
-                auto declStmt = cast(DeclStmt)stmt;
-                printDecl(declStmt.decl, false);
-                break;
-            case StmtType.Exp:
-                auto expStmt = cast(ExpStmt)stmt;
-                printBeginLine();
-                printExp(expStmt.exp);
-                printEndLine(";");
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    void printExp(Exp exp)
-    {
-        switch(exp.expType)
-        {
-            case ExpType.Binary:
-                auto binaryExp = cast(BinaryExp)exp;
-                print("(");
-                printExp(binaryExp.left);
-                print(" " ~ binaryExp.getOp[binaryExp.op] ~ " ");
-                printExp(binaryExp.right);
-                print(")");
-                break;
-            case ExpType.IntegerLit:
-                auto integetLit = cast(IntegerLit)exp;
-                print(integetLit.get);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.Negate:
-                auto negateExp = cast(NegateExp)exp;
-                print("-");
-                printExp(negateExp.exp);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.Deref:
-                auto derefExp = cast(DerefExp)exp;
-                print("*");
-                printExp(derefExp.exp);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.AssignExp:
-                auto assignExp = cast(AssignExp)exp;
-                printExp(assignExp.identifier);
-                print(" ");
-                print(assignExp.getOp[assignExp.op]);
-                print(" ");
-                printExp(assignExp.exp);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.MemberReference:
-                auto mrExp = cast(MemberReference)exp;
-                printExp(;
-                print(".");
-                printIdentifier(mrExp.child);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.Identifier:
-                auto iden = cast(Identifier)exp;
-                printIdentifier(iden);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.IdentifierTypeExp:
-                auto iden = cast(Identifier)exp;
-                printIdentifier(iden);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.PointerTypeExp:
-                auto iden = cast(PointerTypeExp)exp;
-                printExp(iden.pointerOf);
-                print("*");
-                break;
-            case ExpType.CallExp:
-                auto callExp = cast(CallExp)exp;
-                printExp(callExp.exp);
-                print("(");
-                foreach(i, e; callExp.args)
-                {
-                    printExp(e);
-                    if(i+1 < callExp.args.length)
-                        print(", ");
-                }
-                print(")");
-                break;
-            case ExpType.CastExp:
-                auto castExp = cast(CastExp)exp;
-                print("cast");
-                print("(");
-                printExp(castExp.castType);
-                print(")");
-                printExp(castExp.exp);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.NewExp:
-                auto newExp = cast(NewExp)exp;
-                print("new ");
-                if(newExp.a_args.length)
-                {
-                    foreach( i, a ; newExp.a_args )
-                    {
-                        print(i ? ", " : "(");
-                        printExp(a);
-                    }
-                    print(")");
-                }
-                printExp(newExp.newType);
-                print("(");
-                foreach( i, c ; newExp.c_args )
-                {
-                    print(i ? ", " : "");
-                    printExp(c);
-                }
-                print(")");
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    void printFuncArgs(FuncDecl decl)
-    {
-        print("(");
-        foreach(i, d; decl.funcArgs)
-        {
-            printIdentifier(d.varType);
-            if(i == 0 && decl.sret)
-                print("*");
-            space;
-            printIdentifier(d.identifier);
-            if(i+1 < decl.funcArgs.length)
-                print(",");
-        }
-        printEndLine(")");
-    }
-    void printIdentifier(Identifier identifier)
-    {
-        print(identifier.get);
-    }
-    void printOpenBrace()
-    {
-        printEndLine(tabIndex~"{");
-        tabIndex ~= tabType;
-    }
-    void printCloseBrace()
-    {
-        tabIndex = tabIndex[0 .. $-tabType.length];
-        printEndLine(tabIndex~"}");
-    }
-    void printAttribute(Attribute a)
-    {
-        switch(a.getExtern)
-        {
-            case Extern.C:
-                print("extern(C) ");
-                break;
-            case Extern.CPlusPlus:
-                print("extern(C++) ");
-                break;
-            case Extern.D:
-                break;
-        }
-        switch(a.getProtection)
-        {
-            case Protection.Public:
-                print("public ");
-                break;
-            case Protection.Private:
-                print("private ");
-                break;
-            case Protection.Package:
-                print("package ");
-                break;
-            case Protection.Protected:
-                print("protected ");
-                break;
-            case Protection.Export:
-                print("export ");
-                break;
-        }
-        if ( a.getStatic )
-            print("static ");
-        if ( a.getFinal )
-            print("final ");
-        if ( a.getConst )
-            print("const ");
-        if ( a.getAbstract )
-            print("abstract ");
-        if ( a.getOverride )
-            print("override ");
-        if ( a.getDeprecated )
-            print("deprecated ");
-        if ( a.getAuto )
-            print("auto ");
-    }
-    void printBeginLine(char[] line = "")
-    {
-        Stdout(tabIndex~line);
-    }
-    void printEndLine(char[] line = "")
-    {
-        Stdout(line).newline;
-    }
-    void print(char[] line)
-    {
-        Stdout(line);
-    }
-    void space()
-    {
-        print(" ");
-    }
-    SourceManager sm;
-    char[] tabIndex;
--- a/tools/DotPrinter.d	Sun Aug 10 16:23:09 2008 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-module tools.DotPrinter;
-       Int = tango.text.convert.Integer;
-import ast.Module,
-       ast.Decl,
-       ast.Stmt,
-       ast.Exp;
-class DotPrinter
-    this()
-    {
-    }
-    private char[][void*] identifiers;
-    private int current_id = 0;
-    void print(Module m)
-    {
-        Stdout("digraph {").newline;
-        foreach(decl ; m.decls)
-        {
-            printDecl(decl);
-        }
-        Stdout("}").newline;
-    }
-    void printDecl(Decl decl)
-    {
-        switch(decl.declType)
-        {
-            case DeclType.FuncDecl:
-                FuncDecl funcDecl = cast(FuncDecl)decl;
-                //printIdentifier(funcDecl.identifier);
-                //printFuncArgs(funcDecl.funcArgs);
-                Stdout(dotId(decl))(` [label="function`);
-                Stdout(`\n name: `)(text(funcDecl.identifier));
-                Stdout(`\n return type: `)(text(funcDecl.returnType));
-                Stdout(`", shape=box, fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled]`);
-                Stdout.newline;
-                //Stdout(`"`);
-                foreach(stmt ; funcDecl.statements)
-                    printStatement(dotId(decl), stmt);
-                break;
-            case DeclType.VarDecl:
-                VarDecl varDecl = cast(VarDecl)decl;
-                //printIdentifier(funcDecl.identifier);
-                //printFuncArgs(funcDecl.funcArgs);
-                Stdout(dotId(decl))(` [label="var`);
-                Stdout(`\n name: `)(text(varDecl.identifier));
-                Stdout(`\n type: `)(text(varDecl.varType));
-                Stdout(`"]`).newline;
-                if (varDecl.init !is null)
-                    printExpression(dotId(decl), varDecl.init);
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    void printStatement(char[] parent, Stmt stmt)
-    {
-        auto id = dotId(stmt);
-        switch (stmt.stmtType)
-        {
-            case StmtType.Stmt:
-                Stdout(id)(` [label="Statement"]`).newline;
-                Stdout(parent)(` -> `)(id).newline;
-                break;
-            case StmtType.Decl:
-                Stdout(id)(` [label="Decl"]`).newline;
-                Stdout(parent)(` -> `)(id).newline;
-                auto decl = (cast(DeclStmt)stmt).decl;
-                printDecl(decl);
-                Stdout(id)(` -> `)(dotId(decl)).newline;
-                break;
-            case StmtType.Return:
-                Stdout(id)(` [label="Return"]`).newline;
-                Stdout(parent)(` -> `)(id).newline;
-                printExpression(id, (cast(ReturnStmt)stmt).exp);
-                break;
-            case StmtType.Exp:
-                Stdout(parent)(` -> `)(id).newline;
-                printExpression(id, (cast(ExpStmt)stmt).exp);
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    void printExpression(char[] parent, Exp exp)
-    {
-        auto id = dotId(exp);
-        switch(exp.expType)
-        {
-            case ExpType.Binary:
-                auto bin = cast(BinaryExp)exp;
-                Stdout(id)(` [label="`)(bin.op)(`"]`).newline;
-                printExpression(id, bin.left);
-                printExpression(id, bin.right);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.Negate:
-                auto neg = cast(NegateExp)exp;
-                Stdout(id)(` [label="Negate"]`).newline;
-                printExpression(id, neg.exp);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.IntegerLit:
-                auto e = cast(IntegerLit)exp;
-                Stdout(id)(` [label="`)(text(e.get))(`"]`).newline;
-                break;
-            case ExpType.Identifier:
-                auto e = cast(Identifier)exp;
-                Stdout(id)(` [label="`)(text(e))(`"]`).newline;
-                break;
-            case ExpType.AssignExp:
-                auto ass = cast(AssignExp)exp;
-                Stdout(parent)(` [label="Assign"]`).newline;
-//                Stdout(id)(` [label="`)(text(ass.identifier))(`"]`).newline;
-                printExpression(parent, ass.exp);
-                break;
-            case ExpType.CallExp:
-                break;
-        }
-        Stdout(parent)(` -> `)(id).newline;
-    }
-    char[] dotId(Decl d) { return dotId(cast(void*)d); }
-    char[] dotId(Stmt s) { return dotId(cast(void*)s); }
-    char[] dotId(Exp e)  { return dotId(cast(void*)e); }
-    char[] dotId(void* o)
-    {
-        auto id = o in identifiers;
-        if (id is null)
-        {
-            ++current_id;
-            identifiers[o] = Int.toString(current_id);
-            id = o in identifiers;
-        }
-        return *id;
-    }
-    char[] text(Identifier identifier)
-    {
-        return identifier.get;
-    }
-    char[] text(char[] t)
-    {
-        return t;
-    }