view generator/parser/rpp/pp-macro-expander.h @ 286:e6d48cb9d1e0 signals2

author eldar
date Sun, 08 Nov 2009 19:19:09 +0000
parents 09a0f1d048f2
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.
** Copyright 2005 Roberto Raggi <>
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namespace rpp {

struct pp_frame
  pp_macro *expanding_macro;
  std::vector<std::string> *actuals;

  pp_frame (pp_macro *__expanding_macro, std::vector<std::string> *__actuals):
    expanding_macro (__expanding_macro), actuals (__actuals) {}

class pp_macro_expander
  pp_environment &env;
  pp_frame *frame;

  pp_skip_number skip_number;
  pp_skip_identifier skip_identifier;
  pp_skip_string_literal skip_string_literal;
  pp_skip_char_literal skip_char_literal;
  pp_skip_argument skip_argument;
  pp_skip_comment_or_divop skip_comment_or_divop;
  pp_skip_blanks skip_blanks;
  pp_skip_whitespaces skip_whitespaces;

  std::string const *resolve_formal (pp_fast_string const *__name)
    assert (__name != 0);

    if (! frame)
      return 0;

    assert (frame->expanding_macro != 0);

    std::vector<pp_fast_string const *> const formals = frame->expanding_macro->formals;
    for (std::size_t index = 0; index < formals.size(); ++index)
        pp_fast_string const *formal = formals[index];

        if (*formal != *__name)

        else if (frame->actuals && index < frame->actuals->size())
          return &(*frame->actuals)[index];

          assert (0); // internal error?

    return 0;

public: // attributes
  int lines;
  int generated_lines;

  pp_macro_expander (pp_environment &__env, pp_frame *__frame = 0):
    env (__env), frame (__frame), lines (0), generated_lines (0) {}

  template <typename _InputIterator, typename _OutputIterator>
  _InputIterator operator () (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, _OutputIterator __result)
    generated_lines = 0;
    __first = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
    lines = skip_blanks.lines;

    while (__first != __last)
        if (*__first == '\n')
            *__result++ = *__first;

            __first = skip_blanks (++__first, __last);
            lines += skip_blanks.lines;

            if (__first != __last && *__first == '#')
        else if (*__first == '#')
            __first = skip_blanks (++__first, __last);
            lines += skip_blanks.lines;

            _InputIterator end_id = skip_identifier (__first, __last);

            // ### rewrite: not safe
            char name_buffer[512], *cp = name_buffer;
            std::copy (__first, end_id, cp);
            std::size_t name_size = end_id - __first;
            name_buffer[name_size] = '\0';

            pp_fast_string fast_name (name_buffer, name_size);

            if (std::string const *actual = resolve_formal (&fast_name))
                *__result++ = '\"';

                for (std::string::const_iterator it = skip_whitespaces (actual->begin (), actual->end ());
                    it != actual->end (); ++it)
                    if (*it == '"')
                        *__result++ = '\\';
                        *__result++ = *it;

                    else if (*it == '\n')
                        *__result++ = '"';
                        *__result++ = '\n';
                        *__result++ = '"';

                      *__result++ = *it;

                *__result++ = '\"';
                __first = end_id;
              *__result++ = '#'; // ### warning message?
        else if (*__first == '\"')
            _InputIterator next_pos = skip_string_literal (__first, __last);
            lines += skip_string_literal.lines;
            std::copy (__first, next_pos, __result);
            __first = next_pos;
        else if (*__first == '\'')
            _InputIterator next_pos = skip_char_literal (__first, __last);
            lines += skip_char_literal.lines;
            std::copy (__first, next_pos, __result);
            __first = next_pos;
        else if (_PP_internal::comment_p (__first, __last))
            __first = skip_comment_or_divop (__first, __last);
            int n = skip_comment_or_divop.lines;
            lines += n;

            while (n-- > 0)
              *__result++ = '\n';
        else if (pp_isspace (*__first))
            for (; __first != __last; ++__first)
                if (*__first == '\n' || !pp_isspace (*__first))

            *__result = ' ';
        else if (pp_isdigit (*__first))
            _InputIterator next_pos = skip_number (__first, __last);
            lines += skip_number.lines;
            std::copy (__first, next_pos, __result);
            __first = next_pos;
        else if (pp_isalpha (*__first) || *__first == '_')
            _InputIterator name_begin = __first;
            _InputIterator name_end = skip_identifier (__first, __last);
            __first = name_end; // advance

            // search for the paste token
            _InputIterator next = skip_blanks (__first, __last);
            if (next != __last && *next == '#')
                if (next != __last && *next == '#')
                  __first = skip_blanks(++next, __last);

            // ### rewrite: not safe

            std::ptrdiff_t name_size;
#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
             std::distance (name_begin, name_end, name_size);
            name_size = std::distance (name_begin, name_end);
            assert (name_size >= 0 && name_size < 512);

            char name_buffer[512], *cp = name_buffer;
            std::size_t __size = name_end - name_begin;
            std::copy (name_begin, name_end, cp);
            name_buffer[__size] = '\0';

            pp_fast_string fast_name (name_buffer, name_size);

            if (std::string const *actual = resolve_formal (&fast_name))
                std::copy (actual->begin (), actual->end (), __result);

            static bool hide_next = false; // ### remove me

            pp_macro *macro = env.resolve (name_buffer, name_size);
            if (! macro || macro->hidden || hide_next)
                hide_next = ! strcmp (name_buffer, "defined");

                if (__size == 8 && name_buffer [0] == '_' && name_buffer [1] == '_')
                    if (! strcmp (name_buffer, "__LINE__"))
                        char buf [16];
                        char *end = buf + pp_snprintf (buf, 16, "%d", env.current_line + lines);

                        std::copy (&buf [0], end, __result);

                    else if (! strcmp (name_buffer, "__FILE__"))
                        __result++ = '"';
                        std::copy (env.current_file.begin (), env.current_file.end (), __result); // ### quote
                        __result++ = '"';

                std::copy (name_begin, name_end, __result);

            if (! macro->function_like)
                pp_macro *m = 0;

                if (macro->definition)
                    macro->hidden = true;

                    std::string __tmp;
                    __tmp.reserve (256);

                    pp_macro_expander expand_macro (env);
                    expand_macro (macro->definition->begin (), macro->definition->end (), std::back_inserter (__tmp));
                    generated_lines += expand_macro.lines;

                    if (! __tmp.empty ())
                        std::string::iterator __begin_id = skip_whitespaces (__tmp.begin (), __tmp.end ());
                        std::string::iterator __end_id = skip_identifier (__begin_id, __tmp.end ());

                        if (__end_id == __tmp.end ())
                            std::string __id;
                            __id.assign (__begin_id, __end_id);

                            std::size_t x;
#if defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
                            std::distance (__begin_id, __end_id, x);
                            x = std::distance (__begin_id, __end_id);
                            m = env.resolve (__id.c_str (), x);

                        if (! m)
                          std::copy (__tmp.begin (), __tmp.end (), __result);

                    macro->hidden = false;

                if (! m)

                macro = m;

            // function like macro
            _InputIterator arg_it = skip_whitespaces (__first, __last);

            if (arg_it == __last || *arg_it != '(')
                std::copy (name_begin, name_end, __result);
                lines += skip_whitespaces.lines;
                __first = arg_it;

            std::vector<std::string> actuals;
            actuals.reserve (5);
            ++arg_it; // skip '('

            pp_macro_expander expand_actual (env, frame);

            _InputIterator arg_end = skip_argument_variadics (actuals, macro, arg_it, __last);
            if (arg_it != arg_end)
                std::string actual (arg_it, arg_end);
                actuals.resize (actuals.size() + 1);
                actuals.back ().reserve (255);
                expand_actual (actual.begin (), actual.end(), std::back_inserter (actuals.back()));
                arg_it = arg_end;

            while (arg_it != __last && *arg_end == ',')
                ++arg_it; // skip ','

                arg_end = skip_argument_variadics (actuals, macro, arg_it, __last);
                std::string actual (arg_it, arg_end);
                actuals.resize (actuals.size() + 1);
                actuals.back ().reserve (255);
                expand_actual (actual.begin (), actual.end(), std::back_inserter (actuals.back()));
                arg_it = arg_end;

              assert (arg_it != __last && *arg_it == ')');

              ++arg_it; // skip ')'
              __first = arg_it;

#if 0 // ### enable me
              assert ((macro->variadics && macro->formals.size () >= actuals.size ())
                          || macro->formals.size() == actuals.size());

              pp_frame frame (macro, &actuals);
              pp_macro_expander expand_macro (env, &frame);
              macro->hidden = true;
              expand_macro (macro->definition->begin (), macro->definition->end (), __result);
              macro->hidden = false;
              generated_lines += expand_macro.lines;
          *__result++ = *__first++;

    return __first;

  template <typename _InputIterator>
  _InputIterator skip_argument_variadics (std::vector<std::string> const &__actuals, pp_macro *__macro,
                                          _InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
    _InputIterator arg_end = skip_argument (__first, __last);

    while (__macro->variadics && __first != arg_end && arg_end != __last && *arg_end == ','
        && (__actuals.size () + 1) == __macro->formals.size ())
        arg_end = skip_argument (++arg_end, __last);

    return arg_end;

} // namespace rpp


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