view qt/d1/qt/QtdObject.d @ 260:b5773ccab07d lifetime

author maxter
date Fri, 18 Sep 2009 18:52:03 +0000
parents 515d6e1c7b10
children 8f7bb7fc3123
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line source

*  Copyright: Copyright QtD Team, 2008-2009
*  License: <a href=">Boost License 1.0</a>
*  Authors: Max Samukha, Eldar Insafutdinov
*  Copyright QtD Team, 2008-2009
*  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
*  (See accompanying file boost-license-1.0.txt or copy at

module qt.QtdObject;

import qt.Signal;
import tango.core.Memory;
debug (QtdVerbose)

enum QtdObjectFlags : ubyte
    // The native object will not be deleted when the wrapper is deleted
    skipNativeDelete          = 0b0001,
    skipDDelete               = 0b0010,
    hasDId                    = 0b0100,
    stackAllocated            = 0b1000
    // The will be deleted when is goes out of scope. Implies skipNativeDelete
    scoped                    = 0x08

class MetaObject
    alias typeof(this) This;
        MetaObject _base;
        ClassInfo _classInfo;         
    //COMPILER BUG: not accessible from QMetaObject
        This _firstDerived;
        This _next;
    private void addDerived(This mo)
        mo._next = _firstDerived;
        _firstDerived = mo;
        Next sibling on this derivation level                
    final This next()
        return _next;
        Head of the linked list of derived classes    
    final This firstDerived()
        return _firstDerived;
    // NOTE: construction is split between this non-templated constructor and 'construct' function below.    
    this(This base)
        if (base)        
            _base = base;
    // TODO: can be removed when D acquires templated constructors
    void construct(T : Object)()
        _classInfo = T.classinfo;
    final This base()
        return _base;
    final ClassInfo classInfo()
        return _classInfo;

abstract class QtdMetaObjectBase : MetaObject
    QtdObjectBase function(void* nativeId, QtdObjectFlags flags) _createWrapper;
    this(QtdMetaObjectBase base)
    void construct(T : QtdObject, Concrete = T)()
        _createWrapper = &T.__createWrapper;

    Meta-object for polymorphic Qt classes.
final class QtdMetaObject : QtdMetaObjectBase
    alias typeof(this) This;
    private void* _typeId;    
    this(void* typeId, QtdMetaObject base)
        _typeId = typeId;
    QtdObject wrap(void* nativeId, void* typeId, QtdObjectFlags flags = QtdObjectFlags.skipNativeDelete)
        if (typeId == _typeId)
            if (auto p = nativeId in _nativeToDMap)
                return *p;
            for (auto mo = static_cast!(This)(_firstDerived); mo; mo = static_cast!(This)(mo._next))
                if (auto obj = mo.wrap(nativeId, typeId, flags))
                    return obj;
        return static_cast!(QtdObject)(_createWrapper(nativeId, flags));

abstract class QtdObjectBase
    alias typeof(this) This;
    void* __nativeId;
    QtdObjectFlags __flags;
    new (size_t size, QtdObjectFlags flags = QtdObjectFlags.none)
        return flags & QtdObjectFlags.stackAllocated ? __stackAlloc.alloc(size) :
            GC.malloc(size, GC.BlkAttr.FINALIZE);
    delete (void* p)
        if ((cast(This)p).__flags & QtdObjectFlags.stackAllocated)
    this(void* nativeId, QtdObjectFlags flags = QtdObjectFlags.none)
        __nativeId = nativeId;
        __flags = flags;
        debug(QtdVerbose) __print("D wrapper constructed");
        void __print(string msg)
            Stdout.formatln("{} (native: {}, D: {}, flags 0b{:b})", msg, __nativeId, cast(void*)this, __flags);
    protected void __deleteNative()
        assert(false, "Cannot delete native " 
            ~ " because it has no public destructor");
        debug(QtdVerbose) __print("In QtdObjectBase destructor");
        if (!(__flags & QtdObjectFlags.skipNativeDelete))
            __flags |= QtdObjectFlags.skipDDelete;
            debug(QtdVerbose) __print("About to call native delete");

// Base class for by-reference objects
abstract class QtdObject : QtdObjectBase
        typeof(this) __next, __prev;
        static typeof(this) __root;
        Use this method instead of 'is' operator to check if two D objects
        wrap the same native object.
    bool isSame(QtdObject other)
        return __nativeId == other.__nativeId;
    mixin SignalHandlerOps;

    this(void* nativeId, QtdObjectFlags flags)
        super (nativeId, flags);       
        if (!(flags & QtdObjectFlags.skipNativeDelete))
    final void __pin()
        debug(QtdVerbose) __print("Pinning");
        __next = __root;
        __root = this;
        if (__next)
            __next.__prev = this;        
    final void __unpin()
        debug(QtdVerbose) __print("Unpinning");
        if (__prev)
            __prev.__next = __next;
            __root = __next;
        if (__next)      
            __next.__prev = __prev;
    void __nativeOwnership(bool value)
        if (value)
            assert (!(__flags & QtdObjectFlags.skipNativeDelete));            
            __flags |= QtdObjectFlags.skipNativeDelete;
            assert (__flags & QtdObjectFlags.skipNativeDelete);            
            __flags = __flags &= ~QtdObjectFlags.skipNativeDelete;
        debug(QtdVerbose) __print("In QtdObject destructor");
        if (__prev || __root is this)

void dispose(QtdObjectBase obj)
    obj.__flags &= ~QtdObjectFlags.skipNativeDelete;
    delete obj;

// Called from shell destructors
extern(C) void qtd_delete_d_object(void* dId)
    auto obj = cast(QtdObject)dId;
    debug(QtdVerbose) obj.__print("In qtd_delete_d_object");
    if (!(obj.__flags & QtdObjectFlags.skipDDelete))
        // Avoid deleting native object twice
        obj.__flags |= QtdObjectFlags.skipNativeDelete;
        delete obj;