view qt/qtd/Meta.d @ 319:894d40eb89b6 signals

new signals and slots syntax. have to use prefixes now: signal_fooed and slot_onFooed
author eldar_ins@eldar-laptop
date Fri, 25 Dec 2009 21:48:32 +0500
children 5c6455c4889b
line wrap: on
line source

module qt.qtd.Meta;

import std.traits;
import std.typetuple;

// Various compile time utilities

public bool ctfeStartsWith(T)(T[] source, T[] pattern)
    return source.length >= pattern.length && source[0 .. pattern.length] == pattern[];

// compile-time toString, maybe to!string is already working in CT
string __toString(long v)
    if (v == 0)
        return "0";

    string ret;

    bool neg;
    if (v < 0)
        neg = true;
        v = -v;

    while (v != 0)
        ret = cast(char)(v % 10 + '0') ~ ret;
        v = cast(long)(v / 10);

    if (neg)
        ret = "-" ~ ret;

    return ret;

// returns the type of a template parameter if there is one
template templateParam(U : V!(U), alias V)
    alias U templateParam;

// to workaround buggy foreach, returns a tuple of Ts of size I
template Repeat(T, int I)
    static if (!I) alias TypeTuple!() Repeat;
    else alias TypeTuple!(T, Repeat!(T, I - 1)) Repeat;

//returns number of required function arguments, optional arguments excluded
int requiredArgCount(alias fn)() {
    alias ParameterTypeTuple!(typeof(&fn)) P;
    P p;
    static if (P.length == 0)
        return 0;
    foreach(i, _; P)
        static if (!__traits(compiles, fn(p[0..$-i-1])))
            return p.length - i;
    return 0;