view generator/parser/binder.h @ 37:8022ef40f110

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author eldar
date Sat, 16 May 2009 21:33:50 +0000
parents e78566595089
children 09a0f1d048f2
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** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
** Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi <>
** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
** * Commercial Usage
* Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
* accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
* Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
* a written agreement between you and Nokia.
* GNU General Public License Usage
* Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
* Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
* the packaging of this file.  Please review the following information
* to ensure GNU General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
* and
*  In addition, as a special
* exception, Nokia gives you certain additional rights. These rights
* are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.2, included in
* the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
* Qt for Windows(R) Licensees
* As a special exception, Nokia, as the sole copyright holder for Qt
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** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

#ifndef BINDER_H
#define BINDER_H

#include "default_visitor.h"
#include "codemodel.h"
#include "type_compiler.h"
#include "name_compiler.h"
#include "declarator_compiler.h"

class TokenStream;
class LocationManager;
class Control;
struct NameSymbol;

typedef void (*MessageHandler)(const std::string &s);

class Binder: protected DefaultVisitor
  Binder(CodeModel *__model, LocationManager &__location, Control *__control = 0);
  virtual ~Binder();

  inline TokenStream *tokenStream() const { return _M_token_stream; }
  inline CodeModel *model() const { return _M_model; }
  ScopeModelItem currentScope();

  FileModelItem run(AST *node);

// utils
  TypeInfo qualifyType(const TypeInfo &type, const QStringList &context) const;

  static void installMessageHandler(MessageHandler handler);

  virtual void visitAccessSpecifier(AccessSpecifierAST *);
  virtual void visitClassSpecifier(ClassSpecifierAST *);
  virtual void visitEnumSpecifier(EnumSpecifierAST *);
  virtual void visitEnumerator(EnumeratorAST *);
  virtual void visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinitionAST *);
  virtual void visitLinkageSpecification(LinkageSpecificationAST *);
  virtual void visitNamespace(NamespaceAST *);
  virtual void visitSimpleDeclaration(SimpleDeclarationAST *);
  virtual void visitTemplateDeclaration(TemplateDeclarationAST *);
  virtual void visitTypedef(TypedefAST *);
  virtual void visitUsing(UsingAST *);
  virtual void visitUsingDirective(UsingDirectiveAST *);
  virtual void visitQProperty(QPropertyAST *);
  virtual void visitForwardDeclarationSpecifier(ForwardDeclarationSpecifierAST *);
  virtual void visitQEnums(QEnumsAST *);


  int decode_token(std::size_t index) const;
  const NameSymbol *decode_symbol(std::size_t index) const;
  CodeModel::AccessPolicy decode_access_policy(std::size_t index) const;
  CodeModel::ClassType decode_class_type(std::size_t index) const;

  CodeModel::FunctionType changeCurrentFunctionType(CodeModel::FunctionType functionType);
  CodeModel::AccessPolicy changeCurrentAccess(CodeModel::AccessPolicy accessPolicy);
  NamespaceModelItem changeCurrentNamespace(NamespaceModelItem item);
  ClassModelItem changeCurrentClass(ClassModelItem item);
  FunctionDefinitionModelItem changeCurrentFunction(FunctionDefinitionModelItem item);
  TemplateParameterList changeTemplateParameters(TemplateParameterList templateParameters);

  void declare_symbol(SimpleDeclarationAST *node, InitDeclaratorAST *init_declarator);

  void applyStorageSpecifiers(const ListNode<std::size_t> *storage_specifiers, MemberModelItem item);
  void applyFunctionSpecifiers(const ListNode<std::size_t> *it, FunctionModelItem item);

  void updateItemPosition(CodeModelItem item, AST *node);

  CodeModel *_M_model;
  LocationManager &_M_location;
  TokenStream *_M_token_stream;
  Control *_M_control;

  CodeModel::FunctionType _M_current_function_type;
  CodeModel::AccessPolicy _M_current_access;
  FileModelItem _M_current_file;
  NamespaceModelItem _M_current_namespace;
  ClassModelItem _M_current_class;
  FunctionDefinitionModelItem _M_current_function;
  EnumModelItem _M_current_enum;
  QStringList _M_context;
  TemplateParameterList _M_current_template_parameters; // ### check me
  QHash<QString, QString> _M_qualified_types;
  QHash<QString, int> _M_anonymous_enums;

    static MessageHandler _M_message_handler;

  TypeCompiler type_cc;
  NameCompiler name_cc;
  DeclaratorCompiler decl_cc;

#endif // BINDER_H

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