view d2/qtd/Core.d @ 370:7fd4b69378bf

move cpp part of QtD into shared libs on linux to reduce binaries size
author Eldar Insafutdinov
date Sun, 04 Jul 2010 14:17:49 +0100
parents 49d0a43433e7
children a032df77b6ab
line wrap: on
line source

module qtd.Core;


T static_cast(T, U)(U obj)
    return cast(T)cast(void*)obj;

enum qtdExtern = "extern (C)";

extern(C) alias void function() VoidFunc;
extern(C) void qtd_initCore();

immutable Object qtdMoLock;

static this()
    qtdMoLock = cast(immutable)new Object;

    Defines a function that can be called from QtD C++ libraries.
    The function will be automatically
    registered with the DLL at program startup.
string qtdExport(string retType, string name, string args, string funcBody)
    string ret;
    version (cpp_shared) // TODO: cpp_shared implies Windows, which is not correct
        // TODO: hackery to workaround a dmd/optlink bug corrupting symbol names
        // when a direct function pointer export is used
        ret ~= format_ctfe(
            "    ${4} ${0} qtd_export_${1}(${2}) { ${3} }\n"
            "    ${4} export void qtd_set_${1}(VoidFunc func);\n"
            "    static this() { qtd_set_${1}(cast(VoidFunc)&qtd_export_${1}); }\n",
            retType, name, args, funcBody, qtdExtern);
        ret = format_ctfe(
            "${4} ${0} qtd_${1}(${2}) { ${3} }\n",
            retType, name, args, funcBody, qtdExtern);

    return ret;