view qt/qtd/MetaMarshall.d @ 323:7a3c43424dca signals

make all examples compile with new signals/slots
author eldar_ins@eldar-laptop
date Mon, 28 Dec 2009 16:28:55 +0500
parents 894d40eb89b6
children 4e31cbd9e20c
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line source

module qt.qtd.MetaMarshall;

import std.traits;

import qt.qtd.Meta;

template isQObjectType(T) // is a QObject type that belongs to the library
    enum isQObjectType = is(T.__isQObjectType);

template isObjectType(T) // is a Qt Object type that belongs to the library
    enum isObjectType = is(T.__isObjectType);

template isValueType(T) // is a Qt Value type that belongs to the library
    enum isValueType = is(T.__isValueType);

template isNativeType(T) // type that doesn't require conversion i.e. is the same in C++ and D
    enum isNativeType = isNumeric!T || is(T == bool) || is(T == struct);

template isStringType(T) // string type
    enum isStringType = is(T == string);

template isQList(T)
    enum isQList = ctfeStartsWith(Unqual!(T).stringof, "QList!");

// converts an argumnent from C++ to D in qt_metacall
string metaCallArgument(T)(string ptr)
    static if (isQObjectType!T || isObjectType!T)
        return T.stringof ~ ".__getObject(*cast(void**)(" ~ ptr ~ "))";
    else static if (isValueType!T)
        return "new " ~ T.stringof ~ "(" ~ T.stringof ~ ".__constructNativeCopy(" ~ ptr ~ "))";
    else static if (isNativeType!T)
        return "*(cast(" ~ T.stringof ~ "*)" ~ ptr ~ ")";
    else static if (isStringType!T)
        return "QStringUtil.toNativeString(" ~ ptr ~ ")";
        return "*(cast(" ~ T.stringof ~ "*)" ~ ptr ~ ")";
        //res = T.stringof;

// converts a D argument type to C++ for registering in Qt meta system
string qtDeclArg(T)()
    static if (isQObjectType!T || isObjectType!T)
        return T.stringof ~ "*";
    else static if (isValueType!T)
        return T.stringof;
    else static if (isStringType!T)
        return "QString";
    else static if (isQList!T)
        alias templateParam!T ElementType;
        static if (is(ElementType == string))
            return "QStringList";
            return "QList<" ~ qtDeclArg!(templateParam!T)() ~ ">";
    else static if (isNativeType!T)
        return Unqual!T.stringof;
        return T.stringof;

// converts an argument from D to C++ in a signal emitter
string convertSignalArgument(T)(string arg)
    static if (isQObjectType!T || isObjectType!T)
        return arg ~ " ? " "&" ~ arg ~ ".__nativeId : cast(void**) &" ~ arg; // since it is a pointer type check arg for null
    else static if (isValueType!T)
        return arg ~ ".__nativeId";
    else static if (isStringType!T)
        return "&_qt" ~ arg;
    else static if (isNativeType!T)
        return "&" ~ arg;
        return "&" ~ arg;

string prepareSignalArguments(Args...)()
    string res;
    foreach(i, _; Args)
        static if (isStringType!(Args[i]))
            res ~= "auto _qt_t" ~ __toString(i) ~ " = QString(_t" ~ __toString(i) ~ ");\n";
    return res;