view qt/core/QMetaObject.d @ 248:7664de4a55e5

Fixed #23. QtD_QObjectEntity is not created dynamically for shell classes any more. Class initialization is now performed by static constructors. When wrapping QObjects returned from functions, their run-time types are now taken into account. QObjects are allocated on GC heap, a doubly-linked list is used to prevent them from been collected (arguably a better solution than allocating on C heap and adding GC ranges) Minor changes (including unnecessary).
author maxter
date Thu, 20 Aug 2009 14:47:17 +0000
line wrap: on
line source

module qt.core.QMetaObject;

import qt.QGlobal;
import qt.core.QObject;
import qt.QtdObject;

final class QMetaObject
        void* _nativeId;
        QMetaObject _base; // super class
        QMetaObject _firstDerived; // head of the linked list of derived classes
        QMetaObject _next; // next sibling on this derivation level
        ClassInfo _classInfo;

        QObject function(void* nativeId) _createWrapper;
    private void addDerived(QMetaObject mo)
        mo._next = _firstDerived;
        _firstDerived = mo;
    // NOTE: construction is split between this non-templated constructor and 'construct' function below.
    this(void* nativeId, QMetaObject base)
        _nativeId = nativeId;
        if (base)
            _base = base;
    // TODO: remove when D acquires templated constructors       
    void construct(T : QObject, Concrete = T)()
        _classInfo = T.classinfo;
        static QObject createWrapper(void* nativeId)
            T obj = new Concrete(nativeId, QtdObjectFlags.nativeOwnership);
            // TODO: this probably should be moved to QObject constructor
            qtd_create_qobject_entity(nativeId, cast(void*)obj);
            return obj;

        _createWrapper = &createWrapper;        
    QMetaObject base()
        return _base;
    void* nativeId()
        return _nativeId;

    ClassInfo classInfo()
        return _classInfo;
    private QObject lookupDerived(void*[] moIds, void* nativeObjId)
        assert (moIds.length >= 1);
        for (auto mo = _firstDerived; mo !is null; mo = mo._next)
            if (mo._nativeId == moIds[0])
                if (moIds.length == 1) // exact match found
                    return mo._createWrapper(nativeObjId);
                else // look deeper
                    return mo.lookupDerived(moIds[1..$], nativeObjId);
        // no initialized wrapper that matches the native object.
        // use the base class wrapper
        return _createWrapper(nativeObjId);
    QObject getObject(void* nativeObjId)
        QObject result;
        if (nativeObjId)
            result = cast(QObject)qtd_get_d_qobject(nativeObjId);            
            if (!result)
                auto moId = qtd_QObject_metaObject(nativeObjId);
                if (_nativeId == moId)
                     result = _createWrapper(nativeObjId);
                    // get native metaobjects for the entire derivation lattice
                    // up to, but not including, the current metaobject.
                    size_t moCount = 1;
                    for (void* tmp = moId;;)
                        tmp = qtd_QMetaObject_superClass(tmp);                        
                        if (tmp == _nativeId)                        
                    void*[] moIds = (cast(void**)alloca(moCount * (void*).sizeof))[0..moCount];

                    moIds[--moCount] = moId;
                    while (moCount > 0)
                        moIds[--moCount] = moId = qtd_QMetaObject_superClass(moId);
                    result = lookupDerived(moIds, nativeObjId);                    

        return result;

extern(C) void* qtd_QMetaObject_superClass(void* nativeId);