view generator/ @ 55:63c31e221118

CMake: Add forgotten files to install.
author SokoL_SD
date Mon, 18 May 2009 19:03:06 +0000
parents 5917a613d118
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.
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package generator;

import com.trolltech.qt.*;
import com.trolltech.qt.xml.*;

class QDomDocument___ extends QDomDocument {

    public class Result {
        private Result(boolean success, QNativePointer errorMessage, QNativePointer errorLine, QNativePointer errorColumn) {
            this.success = success;
            this.errorMessage = errorMessage.stringValue();
            this.errorLine = errorLine.intValue();
            this.errorColumn = errorColumn.intValue();

        public boolean success;
        public String errorMessage;
        public int errorLine;
        public int errorColumn;


    public final Result setContent(QXmlInputSource source, boolean namespaceProcessing)
        QNativePointer errorStr = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.String);
        QNativePointer errorLine = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer errorColumn = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);

        boolean success = setContent(source, namespaceProcessing, errorStr, errorLine, errorColumn);

        return new Result(success, errorStr, errorLine, errorColumn);

}// class

class QXmlNamespaceSupport___ extends QXmlNamespaceSupport {

    public static class ProcessedName {
        public ProcessedName(String nsuri, String localName) {
            this.nsuri = nsuri;
            this.localName = localName;

        public String nsuri;
        public String localName;

    public final ProcessedName processName(String qname, boolean isAttribute) {
        QNativePointer nsUri = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.String);
        QNativePointer localName = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.String);
        processName(qname, isAttribute, nsUri, localName);

        return new ProcessedName(nsUri.stringValue(), localName.stringValue());

    public static class SplitName {
        public SplitName(String prefix, String localname) {
            this.prefix = prefix;
            this.localname = localname;

        public String prefix;
        public String localname;

    public final SplitName splitName(String qname) {
        QNativePointer prefix = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.String);
        QNativePointer localName = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.String);
        splitName(qname, prefix, localName);

        return new SplitName(prefix.stringValue(), localName.stringValue());

}// class

class QXmlStreamWriter___ extends QXmlStreamWriter {

    public QXmlStreamWriter(com.trolltech.qt.core.QByteArray array) {
        __rcDevice = array;

    public final void setCodec(String codecName) {
        __rcCodec = null;

}// class

interface QXmlEntityResolver___ extends QXmlEntityResolver {

    public static class ResolvedEntity {

        public boolean error;
        public QXmlInputSource inputSource;

        public ResolvedEntity(boolean error, QXmlInputSource inputSource) {

            this.error = error;
            this.inputSource = inputSource;



}// class