view generator/ @ 160:624b4a58556e

fix sorting
author mandel
date Wed, 17 Jun 2009 17:42:02 +0000
parents e78566595089
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
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package generator;

import qt.QtBlockedSlot;
import qt.xmlpatterns.QAbstractXmlNodeModel;
import qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex;

class QXmlNodeModelIndex___ extends QXmlNodeModelIndex {
    public final QAbstractXmlNodeModel model() {
        return QAbstractXmlNodeModel.fromNativePointer(model_private());
}// class

class QXmlName___ extends QXmlName {

       * Constructs a <code>QXmlName</code> instance that inserts <code>localName</code>,
       * <code>namespaceURI</code> and <code>prefix</code> into <code>namePool</code> if they aren't
       * already there. The accessor functions <code>namespaceUri()</code>, <code>prefix()</code>,
       * <code>localName()</code>, and <code>toClarkName()</code> must be passed the <code>namePool</code>
       * used here, so the <code>namePool</code> must remain in scope while the
       * accessor functions might be used. However, two instances can
       * be compared with <code>==</code> or <code>!=</code> and copied without the
       * <code>namePool</code>.
       * The user guarantees that the string components are valid for a
       * <code>QName</code>. In particular, the local name, and the prefix (if present),
       * must be valid {@link <a href="">NCNames</a>}
       * The function <code>isNCName()</code> can be used to test validity
       * of these names. The namespace URI should be an absolute URI.
       * <code>QUrl.isRelative()</code> can be used to test whether the namespace URI
       * is relative or absolute. Finally, providing a prefix is not valid
       * when no namespace URI is provided.
       * <code>namePool</code> is not copied. Nor is the reference to it retained
       * in this instance. This constructor inserts the three strings
       * into <code>namePool</code>.
      public QXmlName(QXmlNamePool namePool, String localName, String namespaceURI, String prefix) {
          this(namePool.nativePointer(), localName, namespaceURI, prefix);

       * Equivalent to calling QXmlName(namePool, localName, namespaceURI, null);
      public QXmlName(QXmlNamePool namePool, String localName, String namespaceURI) {
          this(namePool, localName, namespaceURI, null);

       * Equivalent to calling QXmlName(namePool, localName, null, null)
      public QXmlName(QXmlNamePool namePool, String localName) {
          this(namePool, localName, null);

}// class

class QSimpleXmlNodeModel___ extends QSimpleXmlNodeModel {

     * Returns the name pool that is associated with this model. The implementation of <code>name()</code>
     * would use this to create names.
    public final QXmlNamePool namePool() {
        return QXmlNamePool.fromNativePointer(namePool_private());
}// class