view generator/qdocgenerator.cpp @ 160:624b4a58556e

fix sorting
author mandel
date Wed, 17 Jun 2009 17:42:02 +0000
parents e78566595089
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
** * Commercial Usage
* Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
* accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
* Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
* a written agreement between you and Nokia.
* GNU General Public License Usage
* Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
* Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
* the packaging of this file.  Please review the following information
* to ensure GNU General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
* and
*  In addition, as a special
* exception, Nokia gives you certain additional rights. These rights
* are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.2, included in
* the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
* Qt for Windows(R) Licensees
* As a special exception, Nokia, as the sole copyright holder for Qt
* Designer, grants users of the Qt/Eclipse Integration plug-in the
* right for the Qt/Eclipse Integration to link to functionality
* provided by Qt Designer and its related libraries.
* If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
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** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

#include "qdocgenerator.h"

#include "reporthandler.h"
#include "typesystem.h"

#include <QtCore/QDir>

QDocGenerator::QDocGenerator() { }

QString QDocGenerator::subDirectoryForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *) const
    return "doc/japi";

QString QDocGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *) const
    return "qdoc.japi";

void QDocGenerator::generate()
    QDir dir(outputDirectory() + "/" + subDirectoryForClass(0));

    QFile f(dir.absoluteFilePath(fileNameForClass(0)));
    if (! {
        ReportHandler::warning(QString("failed to open file '%1' for writing")

        QTextStream s(&f);
        s << "<japi>" << endl;

        AbstractMetaClassList clazzes = classes();
        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, clazzes) {
            if (shouldGenerate(cls)) {
                write(s, cls);

        s << "</japi>" << endl;

// copy-paste from linguist/shared/metatranslator.cpp
static QString numericEntity( int ch )
    return QString( ch <= 0x20 ? "<byte value=\"x%1\"/>" : "&#x%1;" )
           .arg( ch, 0, 16 );

static QString protect( const QByteArray& str )
    QString result;
    int len = (int) str.length();
    for ( int k = 0; k < len; k++ ) {
        switch( str[k] ) {
        case '\"':
            result += QString( "&quot;" );
        case '&':
            result += QString( "&amp;" );
        case '>':
            result += QString( "&gt;" );
        case '<':
            result += QString( "&lt;" );
        case '\'':
            result += QString( "&apos;" );
            if ( (uchar) str[k] < 0x20 && str[k] != '\n' )
                result += numericEntity( (uchar) str[k] );
                result += str[k];
    return result;

void QDocGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function)
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();
    int argument_count = arguments.size();

    int overload_count = 0;

    for (int i=0; i<argument_count; ++i) {
        if (!>defaultValueExpression().isEmpty())

    for (int i=0; i<=overload_count; ++i) {
        writeOverload(s, java_function, argument_count - i);

void QDocGenerator::writeOverload(QTextStream &s,
                                  const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                  int arg_count)
    if (java_function->isModifiedRemoved(TypeSystem::TargetLangCode))

    uint included_attributes = NoBlockedSlot;
    uint excluded_attributes = 0;
    setupForFunction(java_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);

    if (arg_count < java_function->arguments().size()) {
        // see DGenerator::writeFunctionOverloads()
        if (!java_function->isConstructor())
            included_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Final;
        excluded_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract | AbstractMetaAttributes::Native;

    QString signature = functionSignature(java_function,

    s << "<method java=\"" << protect(signature.toUtf8()) << "\"" << endl
      << "        cpp=\"" << protect(java_function->signature().toUtf8()) << "\"" << endl;

    FunctionModificationList mods = java_function->modifications(java_function->implementingClass());
    QList<ArgumentModification> argumentMods;
    foreach (const FunctionModification &m, mods) {
        if (!m.association.isEmpty())
            s << "        association=\"" << m.association << "\"" << endl;
        if (m.modifiers & Modification::AccessModifierMask)
            s << "        access-change=\"" << m.accessModifierString() << "\"" << endl;
        if (m.modifiers & Modification::Rename)
            s << "        renamed=\"" << m.renamedToName << "\"" << endl;
        if (m.modifiers & (Modification::FinalMask)) {
            s << "        final=\"" << ((m.modifiers & Modification::Final) ? "final" : "non-final")
              << "\"" << endl;
        if (m.modifiers & Modification::Deprecated)
            s << "        deprecated=\"yes\"" << endl;
        if (m.removal)
            s << "        removal=\"" << m.removal << "\"" << endl;

        argumentMods << m.argument_mods;

    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();
    bool wroteOwnershipStolen = false;
    foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
        if (java_function->disabledGarbageCollection(java_function->implementingClass(),
                                                     argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
            if (!wroteOwnershipStolen) {
                s << endl << "    steals-ownership-of=\"";
                wroteOwnershipStolen = true;
            } else {
                s << ",";
            s << protect(argument->argumentName().toUtf8());
    if (wroteOwnershipStolen)
        s << "\"";

    s << ">" << endl;

    if (argumentMods.size()) {

        foreach (const ArgumentModification &m, argumentMods) {
            s << "    <argument index=\"" << m.index << "\"" << endl;
            if (m.removed_default_expression)
                s << "              remove-default-expression=\"yes\"" << endl;
            if (m.removed)
                s << "              removed=\"yes\"" << endl;
            if (m.no_null_pointers)
                s << "              no-null=\"yes\"" << endl;
            if (!m.modified_type.isEmpty())
          s << "              modified-type=\"" << protect(m.modified_type.toLatin1()) << "\"" << endl;
            if (!m.replaced_default_expression.isEmpty()) {
                s << "              default-expression=\"" << m.replaced_default_expression
                  << "\"" << endl;
            if (!m.referenceCounts.isEmpty())
                s << "              reference-counted=\"...\"" << endl;
        s << "/>" << endl;

    s << "</method>" << endl;

void QDocGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnumValue *java_enum_value)
    s << "<enum-value java=\"" << protect(java_enum_value->name().toUtf8()) << "\"" << endl
      << "            cpp=\"" << protect(java_enum_value->name().toUtf8()) << "\"" << endl
      << "            value=\"" << java_enum_value->value() << "\"/>" << endl;

void QDocGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *java_enum)
    s << "<enum java=\"" << protect(java_enum->name().toUtf8()) << "\"" << endl
      << "      cpp=\"" << protect(java_enum->name().toUtf8()) << "\"" << endl;

    if (java_enum->typeEntry()->flags()) {
        s << "      flags=\"" << protect(java_enum->typeEntry()->flags()->targetLangName().toUtf8())
          << "\"" << endl;

    s << "      >" << endl;
    AbstractMetaEnumValueList values = java_enum->values();
    foreach (AbstractMetaEnumValue *value, values) {
        write(s, value);
    s << "</enum>" << endl;

void QDocGenerator::writeSignal(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function)
    s << "<signal java=\""
      << protect(java_function->targetLangSignature().toUtf8()) << "\" cpp=\""
      << protect(java_function->signature().toUtf8()) << "\"/>" << endl;

void QDocGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaField *java_field)
    uint included_attributes = NoBlockedSlot;
    uint excluded_attributes = 0;
    setupForFunction(java_field->getter(), &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
    s << "<variablegetter java=\"" << protect(functionSignature(java_field->getter(), included_attributes, excluded_attributes).toUtf8())
      << "\"" << endl
      << "    cpp=\"" << protect(java_field->name().toUtf8()) << "\" />" << endl;

    included_attributes = NoBlockedSlot;
    excluded_attributes = 0;
    setupForFunction(java_field->setter(), &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
    s << "<variablesetter java=\"" << protect(functionSignature(java_field->setter(), included_attributes, excluded_attributes).toUtf8())
      << "\"" << endl
      << "    cpp=\"" << protect(java_field->name().toUtf8()) << "\" />" << endl;

void QDocGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    s << "<class" << endl
      << "   java=\"" << protect(java_class->name().toUtf8()) << "\"" << endl
      << "   cpp=\"" << protect(java_class->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName().toUtf8()) << "\"" << endl
      << "   java-extends=\"" << protect(java_class->baseClass() ? java_class->baseClass()->name().toUtf8() : "") << "\"" << endl
      << "   package=\"" << protect(java_class->package().toUtf8()) << "\"" << endl;

    AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = java_class->interfaces();
    if (interfaces.count() > 0) {
        s << "   javaimplements=\"";
        for (int i=0; i<interfaces.count(); ++i) {
            const AbstractMetaClass *interfaze =;
            if (i > 0)
                s << ",";
            s << protect(interfaze->name().toUtf8());
        s << "\"" << endl;

    s << "   type=\"";
    if (java_class->isInterface())
        s << "interface";
    else if (java_class->typeEntry()->isValue())
        s << "value";
        s << "object";
    s << "\">" << endl;

    // Write signals
    AbstractMetaFunctionList sigs = java_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Signals);
    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, sigs)
        writeSignal(s, f);

    // Write functions
    AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = java_class->functionsInTargetLang();
    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, functions) {
        write(s, f);

    // Write enums
    AbstractMetaEnumList enums = java_class->enums();
    foreach (AbstractMetaEnum *e, enums) {
        write(s, e);

    // Write setters and getters
    AbstractMetaFieldList fields = java_class->fields();
    foreach (AbstractMetaField *f, fields) {
        write(s, f);

    s << "</class>" << endl;