view generator/ @ 17:3925148ba2b6

author SokoL_SD
date Thu, 14 May 2009 17:21:12 +0000
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children a5cba313c924
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** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
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package generator;

import qt.*;

class QHostInfo___ extends QHostInfo {
     * Looks up the IP address(es) associated with host name <code>name</code>,
     * and returns an ID for the lookup. When the result of the lookup is ready,
     * the specified method in <code>receiver</code> is called with a
     * <code>QHostInfo</code> argument. The <code>QHostInfo</code> object can
     * then be inspected to get the results of the lookup.
     * @param name The host name.
     * @param receiver The object on which the method will be called.
     * @param methodName The name of a method which takes a single <code>QHostInfo</code> argument.
    public static int lookupHost(String name, qt.core.QObject receiver, String methodName)
        methodName = qt.internal.QtJambiInternal.SlotPrefix + methodName + "(QHostInfo)";
        return lookupHost(name, receiver, qt.QNativePointer.createCharPointer(methodName));

     * Looks up the IP address(es) associated with host name <code>name</code>,
     * and returns an ID for the lookup. When the result of the lookup is ready,
     * the specified signal is emitted with a <code>QHostInfo</code> argument.
     * The <code>QHostInfo</code> object can then be inspected to get the results
     * of the lookup.
     * @param name The host name.
     * @param signal The signal to emit. Must take a single <code>QHostInfo</code>
     *               argument, and must be contained in a <code>QObject</code>
     *               subclass.
    public static int lookupHost(String name, qt.QSignalEmitter.Signal1<QHostInfo> signal)
        if (!(signal.containingObject() instanceof qt.core.QObject)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only signals contained in QObject subclasses are supported. "
                                             + "Signal's class is '" + signal.containingObject().getClass() + "'.");

        String methodName = qt.internal.QtJambiInternal.SignalPrefix + + "(QHostInfo)";
        return lookupHost(name, (qt.core.QObject)signal.containingObject(),
}// class

class QAbstractSocket___ extends QAbstractSocket {

    public Signal2<QNetworkProxy, QAuthenticator> proxyAuthenticationRequired = new Signal2<QNetworkProxy, QAuthenticator>();
    private boolean inEmission = false;

    private void emitProxyAuthenticationRequiredPrivate(QNetworkProxy proxy, QAuthenticator authenticator) {
        if (!inEmission) {
            inEmission = true;
            proxyAuthenticationRequiredPrivate.emit(proxy, authenticator.nativePointer());
            inEmission = false;

    private void emitProxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy proxy, QNativePointer authenticator) {
        if (!inEmission) {
            inEmission = true;
            proxyAuthenticationRequired.emit(proxy, QAuthenticator.fromNativePointer(authenticator));
            inEmission = false;

    public final void connectToHost(String host, int port, qt.core.QIODevice.OpenMode mode) {
        connectToHost(host, (char) port, mode);

    public final void connectToHost(String host, int port, qt.core.QIODevice.OpenModeFlag ... mode) {
        connectToHost(host, (char) port, mode);

    public final void connectToHost(String host, int port) {
        connectToHost(host, (char) port);

    public final void connectToHost(QHostAddress host, int port, qt.core.QIODevice.OpenMode mode) {
        connectToHost(host, (char) port, mode);

    public final void connectToHost(QHostAddress host, int port, qt.core.QIODevice.OpenModeFlag ... mode) {
        connectToHost(host, (char) port, mode);

    public final void connectToHost(QHostAddress host, int port)
        connectToHost(host, (char) port);

    protected void connectToHostImplementation(String host, int port, qt.core.QIODevice.OpenMode mode) {
        connectToHostImplementation(host, (char) port, mode);

    protected void connectToHostImplementation(String host, int port, qt.core.QIODevice.OpenModeFlag ... mode) {
        connectToHostImplementation(host, (char) port, mode);

    protected void connectToHostImplementation(String host, int port) {
        connectToHostImplementation(host, (char) port);

    public final int localPort()
        return localPort_private();

    public final int peerPort() {
        return peerPort_private();

    protected final void setLocalPort(int port) {
        setLocalPort((char) port);

    protected final void setPeerPort(int port) {
        setPeerPort((char) port);

}// class

class QSslSocket___ extends QSslSocket {

    protected void connectToHostImplementation(String host, int port, qt.core.QIODevice.OpenMode mode) {
        connectToHostImplementation(host, (char) port, mode);

    protected void connectToHostImplementation(String host, int port, qt.core.QIODevice.OpenModeFlag ... mode) {
        connectToHostImplementation(host, (char) port, mode);

    protected void connectToHostImplementation(String host, int port) {
        connectToHostImplementation(host, (char) port);
}// class

class QHttp___ extends QHttp {

    public Signal2<QNetworkProxy, QAuthenticator> proxyAuthenticationRequired = new Signal2<QNetworkProxy, QAuthenticator>();
    private boolean inEmission = false;

    private void emitProxyAuthenticationRequiredPrivate(QNetworkProxy proxy, QAuthenticator authenticator) {
        if (!inEmission) {
            inEmission = true;
            proxyAuthenticationRequiredPrivate.emit(proxy, authenticator.nativePointer());
            inEmission = false;

    private void emitProxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy proxy, QNativePointer authenticator) {
        if (!inEmission) {
            inEmission = true;
            proxyAuthenticationRequired.emit(proxy, QAuthenticator.fromNativePointer(authenticator));
            inEmission = false;

    public Signal3<String, Integer, QAuthenticator> authenticationRequired = new Signal3<String, Integer, QAuthenticator>();
    private boolean inEmissionAuthenticationRequired = false;

    private void emitAuthenticationRequiredPrivate(String hostName, int port, QAuthenticator authenticator) {
        if (!inEmissionAuthenticationRequired) {
            inEmissionAuthenticationRequired = true;
            authenticationRequiredPrivate.emit(hostName, (char) port, authenticator.nativePointer());
            inEmissionAuthenticationRequired = false;

    private void emitAuthenticationRequired(String hostName, char port, QNativePointer authenticator) {
        if (!inEmissionAuthenticationRequired) {
            inEmissionAuthenticationRequired = true;
            authenticationRequired.emit(hostName, (int) port, QAuthenticator.fromNativePointer(authenticator));
            inEmissionAuthenticationRequired = false;

    public QHttp(String hostname) {
        this(hostname, (char) 80);

    public QHttp(String hostname, int port) {
        this(hostname, (char) port);

    public QHttp(String hostname, int port, qt.core.QObject parent) {
        this(hostname, (char) port, parent);

    public QHttp(java.lang.String hostname, mode) {
        this(hostname, mode, '\0');

    public QHttp(String hostname, QHttp.ConnectionMode mode, int port) {
        this(hostname, mode, (char) port);

    public QHttp(String hostname, QHttp.ConnectionMode mode, int port, qt.core.QObject parent) {
        this(hostname, mode, (char) port, parent);

    public final int setHost(String hostName, QHttp.ConnectionMode mode) {
        return setHost(hostName, mode, '\0');

    public final int setHost(String hostname, QHttp.ConnectionMode mode, int port) {
        return setHost(hostname, mode, (char) port);

    public final int setHost(String hostname) {
        return setHost(hostname, (char) 80);

    public final int setHost(String hostname, int port) {
        return setHost(hostname, (char) port);

}// class

class QTcpServer___ extends QTcpServer {

    public final boolean listen(QHostAddress address, int port) {
        return listen(address, (char) port);

    public final boolean listen(QHostAddress address) {
        return listen(address, '\0');

    public final boolean listen() {
        return listen(new;

    public final int serverPort() {
        return serverPort_private();

    public enum Result {
        Success, Failure, TimedOut

    public final Result waitForNewConnection(int msec) {
        QNativePointer np = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Boolean);
        boolean success = waitForNewConnection(msec, np);

        return (np.booleanValue() ? Result.TimedOut : (success ? Result.Success : Result.Failure));

    public final Result waitForNewConnection() {
        return waitForNewConnection(0);

}// class

class QUdpSocket___ extends QUdpSocket {

    public final boolean bind(QHostAddress address, int port) {
        return bind_private(address, (char) port);

    public final boolean bind() {
        return bind_private();

    public final boolean bind(int port) {
        return bind_private((char) port);

    public final boolean bind(QHostAddress address, int port, BindFlag ... mode) {
        return bind_private(address, (char) port, mode);

    public final boolean bind(QHostAddress address, int port, BindMode mode) {
        return bind_private(address, (char) port, mode);

    public final boolean bind(int port, BindFlag ... mode) {
        return bind_private((char) port, mode);

    public final boolean bind(int port, BindMode mode) {
        return bind_private((char) port, mode);

    public static class HostInfo {
        public HostInfo() {
            address = new QHostAddress();
            port = 0;

        public QHostAddress address;
        public int port;

    public final int readDatagram(byte data[], HostInfo info) {
        QNativePointer np = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Byte, data.length);
        QNativePointer address = info != null && info.address != null ? info.address.nativePointer() : null;
        QNativePointer port = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Char);

        int len = (int) readDatagram(np, data.length, address, port);
        if (info != null)
            info.port = port.charValue();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
            data[i] = np.byteAt(i);

        return len;

    public final int readDatagram(byte data[]) {
        return readDatagram(data, null);

    public final int writeDatagram(byte data[], QHostAddress address, int port) {
        QNativePointer np = qt.internal.QtJambiInternal.byteArrayToNativePointer(data);
        return (int) writeDatagram(np, data.length, address, (char) port);

    public final int writeDatagram(qt.core.QByteArray data, QHostAddress address, int port) {
        return (int) writeDatagram(data, address, (char) port);

}// class

class QNetworkProxy___ extends QNetworkProxy {

    public QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy.ProxyType type) {
        this(type, null, '\0');

    public QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy.ProxyType type, String host) {
        this(type, host, '\0');

    public QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy.ProxyType type, String host, int port) {
        this(type, host, (char) port);

    public QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy.ProxyType type, String host, int port, String username) {
        this(type, host, (char) port, username);

    public QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy.ProxyType type, String host, int port, String username, String password) {
        this(type, host, (char) port, username, password);

    public final void setPort(int port) {
        setPort((char) port);

    public final int port() {
        return port_private();

}// class

class QNetworkAccessManager___ extends QNetworkAccessManager {
    public Signal2<QNetworkProxy, QAuthenticator> proxyAuthenticationRequired = new Signal2<QNetworkProxy, QAuthenticator>();
    private boolean inEmission = false;

    private void emitProxyAuthenticationRequiredPrivate(QNetworkProxy proxy, QAuthenticator authenticator)
        if (!inEmission)
            inEmission = true;
            proxyAuthenticationRequiredPrivate.emit(proxy, authenticator.nativePointer());
            inEmission = false;

    private void emitProxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy proxy, QNativePointer authenticator)
        if (!inEmission)
            inEmission = true;
            proxyAuthenticationRequired.emit(proxy, QAuthenticator.fromNativePointer(authenticator));
            inEmission = false;

    public Signal2<QNetworkReply, QAuthenticator> authenticationRequired = new Signal2<QNetworkReply, QAuthenticator>();
    private boolean inEmissionAuthenticationRequired = false;

    private void emitAuthenticationRequiredPrivate(QNetworkReply reply, QAuthenticator authenticator)
        if (!inEmissionAuthenticationRequired)
            inEmissionAuthenticationRequired = true;
            authenticationRequiredPrivate.emit(reply, authenticator.nativePointer());
            inEmissionAuthenticationRequired = false;

    private void emitAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkReply reply, QNativePointer authenticator)
        if (!inEmissionAuthenticationRequired)
            inEmissionAuthenticationRequired = true;
            authenticationRequired.emit(reply, QAuthenticator.fromNativePointer(authenticator));
            inEmissionAuthenticationRequired = false;

}// class

class QLocalServer___ extends QLocalServer {

    public enum Result {
        Success, Failure, TimedOut

    public final Result waitForNewConnection(int msec) {
        QNativePointer np = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Boolean);
        boolean success = waitForNewConnection(msec, np);

        return (np.booleanValue() ? Result.TimedOut : (success ? Result.Success : Result.Failure));

    public final Result waitForNewConnection() {
        return waitForNewConnection(0);

}// class