view generator/cppgenerator.cpp @ 17:3925148ba2b6

author SokoL_SD
date Thu, 14 May 2009 17:21:12 +0000
parents e78566595089
children cf8a415f3f32
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
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* Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
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* Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
* the packaging of this file.  Please review the following information
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** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

#include "cppgenerator.h"
#include "reporthandler.h"

#include "metajava.h"

// ### There's a bug in Qt causing it to fail at normalizing signatures
// on the form FooBar<T> const&, which is the form the C++ parser uses
// for all types, so connections between Java and C++ with const& templates
// will fail. This is a work around which is only needed until that bug is fixed.
// Since Qt works correctly with const FooBar<T> &, we simply change the
// signature to that.
QString CppGenerator::fixNormalizedSignatureForQt(const QString &signature)
    QString ret = signature;
    if (signature.contains("<") && signature.endsWith("const&")) {
        ret = "const "
            + signature.mid(0, signature.size() - 6)
            + "&";
    return ret;

void CppGenerator::writeTypeInfo(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType *type, Option options)
    if ((options & OriginalTypeDescription) && !type->originalTypeDescription().isEmpty()) {
        QString originalTypeDescription = type->originalTypeDescription();

        if (options & NormalizeAndFixTypeSignature) {
            originalTypeDescription = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(originalTypeDescription.toLatin1().constData());
            originalTypeDescription = fixNormalizedSignatureForQt(originalTypeDescription);

        s << originalTypeDescription;

    if (type->isArray()) {
        writeTypeInfo(s, type->arrayElementType(), options);
        if (options & ArrayAsPointer) {
            s << "*";
        } else {
            s << "[" << type->arrayElementCount() << "]";

    const TypeEntry *te = type->typeEntry();

    if (type->isConstant() && !(options & ExcludeConst))
        s << "const ";

    if ((options & EnumAsInts) && (te->isEnum() || te->isFlags())) {
        s << "int";
    } else if (te->isFlags()) {
        s << ((FlagsTypeEntry *) te)->originalName();
    } else {
        if (options & VirtualDispatch && te->name() == "QModelIndex")
            s << "QModelIndexAccessor";
            s << fixCppTypeName(te->qualifiedCppName());

    if (type->instantiations().size() > 0
        && (!type->isContainer()
            || (static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(te))->type() != ContainerTypeEntry::StringListContainer)) {
        s << '<';
        QList<AbstractMetaType *> args = type->instantiations();
        bool nested_template = false;
        for (int i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) {
            if (i != 0)
                s << ", ";
            nested_template |=>isContainer();
        if (nested_template)
            s << ' ';
        s << '>';

    int actual_indirections = type->indirections();
    // for getting C++ elements from array we want pointers even if elements are
    // values because wrapper actually contains pointers
    if ((options & ForcePointer) && actual_indirections == 0
        && !type->isPrimitive() && !type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()
        && type->name() != "QModelIndex")
        actual_indirections = 1;

    s << QString(actual_indirections, '*');

    if (type->isReference() && !(options & ExcludeReference))
        s << "&";

    if (!(options & SkipName))
        s << ' ';

void CppGenerator::writeFunctionArguments(QTextStream &s,
                                          const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments,
                                          Option option,
                                          int numArguments)
    if (numArguments < 0) numArguments = arguments.size();

    for (int i=0; i<numArguments; ++i) {
        if (i != 0)
            s << ", ";
        AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;
        writeTypeInfo(s, arg->type(), option);
        if (!(option & SkipName))
            s << " " << arg->indexedName();
        if ((option & IncludeDefaultExpression) && !arg->originalDefaultValueExpression().isEmpty()) {
            s << " = ";

            QString expr = arg->originalDefaultValueExpression();
            if (arg->type()->typeEntry()->isEnum() && expr.indexOf("::") < 0)
                s << ((EnumTypeEntry *)arg->type()->typeEntry())->qualifier() << "::";

            s << expr;

 * Writes the function \a java_function signature to the textstream \a s.
 * The \a name_prefix can be used to give the function name a prefix,
 * like "__public_" or "__override_" and \a classname_prefix can
 * be used to give the class name a prefix.
 * The \a option flags can be used to tweak various parameters, such as
 * showing static, original vs renamed name, underscores for space etc.
 * The \a extra_arguments list is a list of extra arguments on the
 * form "bool static_call".

void CppGenerator::writeFunctionSignature(QTextStream &s,
                                          const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                          const AbstractMetaClass *implementor,
                                          const QString &name_prefix,
                                          Option option,
                                          const QString &classname_prefix,
                                          const QStringList &extra_arguments,
                                          int numArguments)
// ### remove the implementor
    AbstractMetaType *function_type = java_function->type();

    if (java_function->isStatic() && (option & ShowStatic))
        s << "static ";

    if ((option & SkipReturnType) == 0) {
        if (function_type) {
            writeTypeInfo(s, function_type, option);
            s << " ";
        } else if (!java_function->isConstructor()) {
            s << "void ";

    if (implementor) {
        if (classname_prefix.isEmpty())
            s << shellClassName(implementor) << "::";
            s << classname_prefix << implementor->name() << "::";

    QString function_name;
    if (option & OriginalName)
        function_name = java_function->originalName();
        function_name = java_function->name();

    if (option & UnderscoreSpaces)
        function_name = function_name.replace(' ', '_');

    if (java_function->isConstructor())
        function_name = shellClassName(java_function->ownerClass());

    s << name_prefix << function_name;

    if (java_function->attributes() & AbstractMetaAttributes::SetterFunction)
        s << "_setter";
    else if (java_function->attributes() & AbstractMetaAttributes::GetterFunction)
        s << "_getter";

    s << "(";
    const AbstractMetaClass *owner = java_function->ownerClass();

    bool has_d_ptr = java_function->isConstructor() && owner && (owner->hasVirtualFunctions()/* || owner->typeEntry()->isObject()*/ );
    const AbstractMetaArgumentList arg_list = java_function->arguments();
    if (has_d_ptr) {
        s << "void *d_ptr";
        if (arg_list.size() > 0)
            s << ", ";
    writeFunctionArguments(s, arg_list, option, numArguments);

    // The extra arguments...
    for (int i=0; i<extra_arguments.size(); ++i) {
        if (i > 0 || java_function->arguments().size() != 0)
            s << ", ";
        s <<;

    s << ")";
    if (java_function->isConstant())
        s << " const";