view qt/d1/qt/core/QRectF.d @ 282:256ab6cb8e85

Signals look-up andNew syntax for connect. The old one will not work from now on. This will allow for the signals overload. Although changes are done for both D1 and D2 versions, D1 won't work because of compiler bugs. I am tired of waiting for fixes.
author eldar
date Fri, 16 Oct 2009 02:43:59 +0000
parents 34a37904ff77
line wrap: on
line source

module qt.core.QRectF;

public import qt.QGlobal;
public import qt.core.Qt;
public import qt.core.QPointF;
public import qt.core.QRect;
public import qt.core.QSizeF;
public import qt.core.QDataStream;

public struct QRectF

    public static QRectF opCall()
        QRectF rt;
        rt.xp = rt.yp = 0.;
        rt.w = rt.h = 0.;
        return rt;

    public static QRectF opCall(qreal aleft, qreal atop, qreal awidth, qreal aheight)
        QRectF rt;
        rt.xp = aleft;
        rt.yp = atop;
        rt.w = awidth;
        rt.h = aheight;
        return rt;

    public static QRectF opCall(in QPointF atopLeft, in QSizeF asize)
        QRectF rt;
        rt.xp = atopLeft.x();
        rt.yp = atopLeft.y();
        rt.w = asize.width();
        rt.h = asize.height();
        return rt;

    public static QRectF opCall(in QPointF atopLeft, in QPointF abottomRight)
        QRectF rt;
        rt.xp = atopLeft.x();
        rt.yp = atopLeft.y();
        rt.w = abottomRight.x() - rt.xp;
        rt.h = abottomRight.y() - rt.yp;
        return rt;

    public static QRectF opCall(in QRect r)
        QRectF rt;
        rt.xp = r.x();
        rt.yp = r.y();
        rt.w = r.width();
        rt.h = r.height();
        return rt;

    bool isNull() // conts
    { return qIsNull(w) && qIsNull(h); }

    bool isEmpty() // conts
    { return w <= 0. || h <= 0.; }

    bool isValid() // conts
    { return w > 0. && h > 0.; }

    qreal x() // conts
    { return xp; }

    qreal y() // conts
    { return yp; }

    qreal left() // const
    { return xp; }

    qreal top() // const
    { return yp; }

    qreal right() // const
    { return xp + w; }

    qreal bottom() // const
    { return yp + h; }

    QPointF topLeft() // const
    { return QPointF(xp, yp); }

    QPointF bottomRight() // const
    { return QPointF(xp+w, yp+h); }

    QPointF topRight() // const
    { return QPointF(xp+w, yp); }

    QPointF bottomLeft() // const
    { return QPointF(xp, yp+h); }

    void setLeft(qreal pos) { qreal diff = pos - xp; xp += diff; w -= diff; }

    void setRight(qreal pos) { w = pos - xp; }

    void setTop(qreal pos) { qreal diff = pos - yp; yp += diff; h -= diff; }

    void setBottom(qreal pos) { h = pos - yp; }

    void setTopLeft(in QPointF p) { setLeft(p.x()); setTop(p.y()); }

    void setTopRight(in QPointF p) { setRight(p.x()); setTop(p.y()); }

    void setBottomLeft(in QPointF p) { setLeft(p.x()); setBottom(p.y()); }

    void setBottomRight(in QPointF p) { setRight(p.x()); setBottom(p.y()); }

    QPointF center() // conts
    { return QPointF(xp + w/2, yp + h/2); }

    void moveLeft(qreal pos) { xp = pos; }

    void moveTop(qreal pos) { yp = pos; }

    void moveRight(qreal pos) { xp = pos - w; }

    void moveBottom(qreal pos) { yp = pos - h; }

    void moveTopLeft(in QPointF p) { moveLeft(p.x()); moveTop(p.y()); }

    void moveTopRight(in QPointF p) { moveRight(p.x()); moveTop(p.y()); }

    void moveBottomLeft(in QPointF p) { moveLeft(p.x()); moveBottom(p.y()); }

    void moveBottomRight(in QPointF p) { moveRight(p.x()); moveBottom(p.y()); }

    void moveCenter(in QPointF p) { xp = p.x() - w/2; yp = p.y() - h/2; }

    qreal width() // conts
    { return w; }

    qreal height() // conts
    { return h; }

    QSizeF size() // conts
    { return QSizeF(w, h); }

    void translate(qreal dx, qreal dy)
        xp += dx;
        yp += dy;

    void translate(in QPointF p)
        xp += p.x();
        yp += p.y();

    void moveTo(qreal ax, qreal ay)
        xp = ax;
        yp = ay;

    void moveTo(in QPointF p)
        xp = p.x();
        yp = p.y();

    QRectF translated(qreal dx, qreal dy) // conts
    { return QRectF(xp + dx, yp + dy, w, h); }

    QRectF translated(in QPointF p) // conts
    { return QRectF(xp + p.x(), yp + p.y(), w, h); }

    void getRect(qreal *ax, qreal *ay, qreal *aaw, qreal *aah) // conts
        *ax = this.xp;
        *ay = this.yp;
        *aaw = this.w;
        *aah = this.h;

    void setRect(qreal ax, qreal ay, qreal aaw, qreal aah)
        this.xp = ax;
        this.yp = ay;
        this.w = aaw;
        this.h = aah;

    void getCoords(qreal *xp1, qreal *yp1, qreal *xp2, qreal *yp2) // conts
        *xp1 = xp;
        *yp1 = yp;
        *xp2 = xp + w;
        *yp2 = yp + h;

    void setCoords(qreal xp1, qreal yp1, qreal xp2, qreal yp2)
        xp = xp1;
        yp = yp1;
        w = xp2 - xp1;
        h = yp2 - yp1;

    void adjust(qreal xp1, qreal yp1, qreal xp2, qreal yp2)
    { xp += xp1; yp += yp1; w += xp2 - xp1; h += yp2 - yp1; }

    QRectF adjusted(qreal xp1, qreal yp1, qreal xp2, qreal yp2) // conts
    { return QRectF(xp + xp1, yp + yp1, w + xp2 - xp1, h + yp2 - yp1); }

    void setWidth(qreal aw) // for convenience
    { this.w = aw; }

    void setHeight(qreal ah) // for convenience
    { this.h = ah; }

    void setSize(in QSizeF s) // for convenience
        w = s.width();
        h = s.height();

    void width(qreal aw)
    { this.w = aw; }

    void height(qreal ah)
    { this.h = ah; }

    void size(in QSizeF s)
        w = s.width();
        h = s.height();

    bool contains(qreal ax, qreal ay) // conts
        return contains(QPointF(ax, ay));

    QRectF opOrAssign(in QRectF r)
        *this = *this | r;
        return *this;

    QRectF opAndAssign(in QRectF r)
        *this = *this & r;
        return *this;

    QRectF intersected(in QRectF r) // conts
        return *this & r;

    QRectF united(in QRectF r) // conts
        return *this | r;

    bool opEquals(in QRectF r)
        return qFuzzyCompare(xp, r.xp) && qFuzzyCompare(yp, r.yp)
            && qFuzzyCompare(w, r.w) && qFuzzyCompare(h, r.h);

    QRect toRect() // conts
        return QRect(qRound(xp), qRound(yp), qRound(w), qRound(h));

    public final bool contains(QPointF p) {
        return qtd_QRectF_contains_QPointF(this, &p);

    public final bool contains(QRectF r) {
        return qtd_QRectF_contains_QRectF(this, &r);

    public final bool intersects(QRectF r) {
        return qtd_QRectF_intersects_QRectF(this, &r);

    public final QRectF normalized() {
        return qtd_QRectF_normalized(this);

    public final QRectF opAnd(in QRectF r) {
        return qtd_QRectF_operator_and_QRectF(this, &r);

    public final void writeTo(QDataStream arg__1) {
        qtd_QRectF_writeTo_QDataStream(this, arg__1 is null ? null : arg__1.__nativeId);

    public final void readFrom(QDataStream arg__1) {
        qtd_QRectF_readFrom_QDataStream(this, arg__1 is null ? null : arg__1.__nativeId);

    public final QRectF opOr(in QRectF r) {
        return qtd_QRectF_operator_or_QRectF(this, &r);

    public final QRect toAlignedRect() // const
        return qtd_QRectF_toAlignedRect(this);

    qreal xp;
    qreal yp;
    qreal w;
    qreal h;

// C wrappers
private extern(C) bool  qtd_QRectF_contains_QPointF(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* p0);
private extern(C) bool  qtd_QRectF_contains_QRectF(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* r0);
private extern(C) bool  qtd_QRectF_intersects_QRectF(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* r0);
private extern(C) QRectF  qtd_QRectF_normalized(void* __this_nativeId);
private extern(C) QRectF  qtd_QRectF_operator_and_QRectF(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* r0);
private extern(C) void  qtd_QRectF_writeTo_QDataStream(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* arg__1);
private extern(C) void  qtd_QRectF_readFrom_QDataStream(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* arg__1);
private extern(C) QRectF  qtd_QRectF_operator_or_QRectF(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* r0);
private extern(C) QRect  qtd_QRectF_toAlignedRect(void* __this_nativeId);