view generator/ @ 282:256ab6cb8e85

Signals look-up andNew syntax for connect. The old one will not work from now on. This will allow for the signals overload. Although changes are done for both D1 and D2 versions, D1 won't work because of compiler bugs. I am tired of waiting for fixes.
author eldar
date Fri, 16 Oct 2009 02:43:59 +0000
parents e78566595089
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
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package generator;

import qt.QtBlockedSlot;
import qt.xmlpatterns.QAbstractXmlNodeModel;
import qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex;

class QXmlNodeModelIndex___ extends QXmlNodeModelIndex {
    public final QAbstractXmlNodeModel model() {
        return QAbstractXmlNodeModel.fromNativePointer(model_private());
}// class

class QXmlName___ extends QXmlName {

       * Constructs a <code>QXmlName</code> instance that inserts <code>localName</code>,
       * <code>namespaceURI</code> and <code>prefix</code> into <code>namePool</code> if they aren't
       * already there. The accessor functions <code>namespaceUri()</code>, <code>prefix()</code>,
       * <code>localName()</code>, and <code>toClarkName()</code> must be passed the <code>namePool</code>
       * used here, so the <code>namePool</code> must remain in scope while the
       * accessor functions might be used. However, two instances can
       * be compared with <code>==</code> or <code>!=</code> and copied without the
       * <code>namePool</code>.
       * The user guarantees that the string components are valid for a
       * <code>QName</code>. In particular, the local name, and the prefix (if present),
       * must be valid {@link <a href="">NCNames</a>}
       * The function <code>isNCName()</code> can be used to test validity
       * of these names. The namespace URI should be an absolute URI.
       * <code>QUrl.isRelative()</code> can be used to test whether the namespace URI
       * is relative or absolute. Finally, providing a prefix is not valid
       * when no namespace URI is provided.
       * <code>namePool</code> is not copied. Nor is the reference to it retained
       * in this instance. This constructor inserts the three strings
       * into <code>namePool</code>.
      public QXmlName(QXmlNamePool namePool, String localName, String namespaceURI, String prefix) {
          this(namePool.nativePointer(), localName, namespaceURI, prefix);

       * Equivalent to calling QXmlName(namePool, localName, namespaceURI, null);
      public QXmlName(QXmlNamePool namePool, String localName, String namespaceURI) {
          this(namePool, localName, namespaceURI, null);

       * Equivalent to calling QXmlName(namePool, localName, null, null)
      public QXmlName(QXmlNamePool namePool, String localName) {
          this(namePool, localName, null);

}// class

class QSimpleXmlNodeModel___ extends QSimpleXmlNodeModel {

     * Returns the name pool that is associated with this model. The implementation of <code>name()</code>
     * would use this to create names.
    public final QXmlNamePool namePool() {
        return QXmlNamePool.fromNativePointer(namePool_private());
}// class