view generator/ @ 282:256ab6cb8e85

Signals look-up andNew syntax for connect. The old one will not work from now on. This will allow for the signals overload. Although changes are done for both D1 and D2 versions, D1 won't work because of compiler bugs. I am tired of waiting for fixes.
author eldar
date Fri, 16 Oct 2009 02:43:59 +0000
parents 34a37904ff77
children adae77fdc1ea 80b52f5e97b6
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
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* General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
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* to ensure GNU General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
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*  In addition, as a special
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* are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.2, included in
* the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
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* If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
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** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

package generator;

import qt.QNativePointer;
import qt.QtBlockedSlot;
import qt.core.QPoint;
import qt.core.QPointF;
import qt.gui.*;

class QIconEngineV2___ extends QIconEngineV2 {
    public QIconEngineV2 clone() {
        return null;
}// class

class QTransform___ extends QTransform {

    public final QTransform multiply(double d) {
        return this;

    public final QTransform multiply(QTransform matrix) {
        return this;

    public final QTransform add(double d) {
        return this;

    public final QTransform divide(double d) {
        return this;

    public final QTransform subtract(double d) {
        return this;

     * Returns an inverted copy of this transformation.
     * @return The inverse of the transformation.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             If this transformation is not invertible.
/*    public final QTransform inverted() {
        QNativePointer ok = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Boolean);
        QTransform returned = inverted(ok);
        if (!ok.booleanValue())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transformation is not invertible");
        return returned;
     * Creates a transformation mapping one arbitrary quad into another.
     * @return The transformation.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             If this transformation is not possible.
  /*  public static final QTransform quadToQuad(QPolygonF from, QPolygonF to) {
        QTransform res = new QTransform();
        QNativePointer resPointer = res.nativePointer();
        if (quadToQuadPrivate(from, to, resPointer)) {
            return res;
        } else
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transformation is not possible");
     * Creates a transformation that maps a quad to a unit square.
     * @return The transformation.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If this transformation is not possible.
/*    public static final QTransform quadToSquare(QPolygonF quad) {
        QTransform res = new QTransform();
        QNativePointer resPointer = res.nativePointer();
        if (quadToSquarePrivate(quad, resPointer)) {
            return res;
        } else
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transformation is not possible");
     * Creates a transformation that maps a unit square to a the given quad.
     * @return The transformation.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             If this transformation is not possible.
/*    public static final QTransform squareToQuad(QPolygonF quad) {
        QTransform res = new QTransform();
        QNativePointer resPointer = res.nativePointer();
        if (squareToQuadPrivate(quad, resPointer)) {
            return res;
        } else
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transformation is not possible");
}// class

class QBitmap___ extends QBitmap {
    public QBitmap(String fileName, String format) {
        this(fileName, format == null ? null : qt.QNativePointer.createCharPointer(format));

    public QBitmap(String fileName) {
        this(fileName, (String) null);

    public static QBitmap fromData(qt.core.QSize size, byte bits[], QImage.Format monoFormat) {
        return fromData(size, qt.internal.QtJambiInternal.byteArrayToNativePointer(bits), monoFormat);

    public static QBitmap fromData(qt.core.QSize size, byte bits[]) {
        return fromData(size, bits, QImage.Format.Format_MonoLSB);
}// class

class QPolygon___ extends QPolygon {
    private native void add_private(long nid, int x, int y);

    public final QPolygon add(int x, int y) {
        add_private(__nativeId(), x, y);
        return this;

    public final QPolygon add(QPoint pt) {
        add_private(__nativeId(), pt.x(), pt.y());
        return this;

    public final QPolygon add(QPolygon p) {
        int size = p.size();
        long nid = __nativeId();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            QPoint pt =;
            add_private(nid, pt.x(), pt.y());
        return this;
}// class

class QPolygonF___ extends QPolygonF {
    private native void add_private(long nid, double x, double y);

    public final QPolygonF add(double x, double y) {
        add_private(__nativeId(), x, y);
        return this;

    public final QPolygonF add(QPointF pt) {
        add_private(__nativeId(), pt.x(), pt.y());
        return this;

    public final QPolygonF add(QPolygonF p) {
        int size = p.size();
        long nid = __nativeId();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            QPointF pt =;
            add_private(nid, pt.x(), pt.y());
        return this;
}// class

class QTreeWidgetItemIterator___ extends QTreeWidgetItemIterator {
    public final QTreeWidgetItemIterator opAddAssign(int i) {
        return operator_add_assign(i);

    public final QTreeWidgetItemIterator opSubAssign(int i) {
        return operator_subtract_assign(i);

    public final QTreeWidgetItemIterator next() {
        return operator_increment();

    public final QTreeWidgetItemIterator previous() {
        return operator_decrement();

    public final QTreeWidgetItem current() {
        return operator_multiply();
}// class

class QTextCursor___ extends QTextCursor {
/*    public final QTableArea selectedTableCells() {
        QNativePointer firstRow = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer numRows = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer firstColumn = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer numColumns = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);

        selectedTableCells(firstRow, numRows, firstColumn, numColumns);

        return new QTableArea(firstRow.intValue(), firstColumn.intValue(), numRows.intValue(), numColumns.intValue());
}// class

class QComboBox___ extends QComboBox {

}// class

class QMatrix___ extends QMatrix {
     * Returns an inverted copy of this matrix.
     * @return The inverse of the matrix.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             If this matrix is not invertible.
/*    public final QMatrix inverted() {
        QNativePointer ok = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Boolean);
        QMatrix returned = inverted(ok);
        if (!ok.booleanValue())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is not invertible");
        return returned;

    public final QMatrix multiply(QMatrix other) {
        return this;

    public final QMatrix multiplied(QMatrix other) {
        return operator_multiply(other);
}// class

class QImage___ extends QImage {
    private import qt.qtd.Str;

    public this(string[] xpm) {
    public final byte[] copyOfBytes() {
        QNativePointer bits = bits();
        byte bytes[] = new byte[numBytes()];
        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i)
            bytes[i] = bits.byteAt(i);
        return bytes;
    public this(ubyte[] data, int width, int height, Format format) {
        this(data.ptr, width, height, format);

    public this(string fileName, string format = null) {
        this(fileName, format == null ? null : toStringz(format));
}// class

class QPen___ extends QPen {
    public QPen(QColor color, double width, qt.core.Qt.PenStyle s, qt.core.Qt.PenCapStyle c, qt.core.Qt.PenJoinStyle j) {
        this(new QBrush(color), width, s, c, j);

    public QPen(QColor color, double width, qt.core.Qt.PenStyle s, qt.core.Qt.PenCapStyle c) {
        this(new QBrush(color), width, s, c);

    public QPen(QColor color, double width, qt.core.Qt.PenStyle s) {
        this(new QBrush(color), width, s);

    public QPen(QColor color, double width) {
        this(new QBrush(color), width);

    public static final QPen NoPen = new QPen(qt.core.Qt.PenStyle.NoPen);
}// class

class QColor___ extends QColor {
	static this() {
		White = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.white);
		Black = new QColor(;
		Red = new QColor(;
		DarkRed = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.darkRed);
		Green = new QColor(;
		DarkGreen = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.darkGreen);
		Blue = new QColor(;
		DarkBlue = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.darkBlue);
		Cyan = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.cyan);
		DarkCyan = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.darkCyan);
		Magenta = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.magenta);
		DarkMagenta = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.darkMagenta);
		Yellow = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.yellow);
		DarkYellow = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.darkYellow);
		Gray = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.gray);
		DarkGray = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.darkGray);
		LightGray = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.lightGray);
		Transparent = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.transparent);
		Color0 = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.color0);
		Color1 = new QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.color1);    
    public static const QColor White;
    public static const QColor Black;
    public static const QColor Red;
    public static const QColor DarkRed;
    public static const QColor Green;
    public static const QColor DarkGreen;
    public static const QColor Blue;
    public static const QColor DarkBlue;
    public static const QColor Cyan;
    public static const QColor DarkCyan;
    public static const QColor Magenta;
    public static const QColor DarkMagenta;
    public static const QColor Yellow;
    public static const QColor DarkYellow;
    public static const QColor Gray;
    public static const QColor DarkGray;
    public static const QColor LightGray;
    public static const QColor Transparent;
    public static const QColor Color0;
    public static const QColor Color1;

}// class

class QTextLine___ extends QTextLine {

    public final void draw(QPainter painter, QPointF position) {
        draw(painter, position, null);

}// class

class QKeySequence___ extends QKeySequence {
    public final int toInt() {
        return operator_cast_int();

    public final int at(int i) {
        return operator_subscript(i);
}// class

class QPicture___ extends QPicture {
    public final boolean load(QIODevice dev) {
        return load(dev, (QNativePointer) null);

    public final boolean load(String fileName) {
        return load(fileName, (qt.QNativePointer) null);

    public final boolean save(QIODevice dev) {
        return save(dev, (qt.QNativePointer) null);

    public final boolean save(String fileName) {
        return save(fileName, (qt.QNativePointer) null);

    public final byte[] data() {
        QNativePointer npData = data_private();
        if (npData == null)
            return null;
        byte returned[] = new byte[size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < returned.length; ++i)
            returned[i] = npData.byteAt(i);
        return returned;
}// class

class QRegion___ extends QRegion {
    public void setRects(qt.core.QRect[] rects) {
        setRects(qt.core.QRect.nativePointerArray(rects), rects.length);
}// class

class QPolygon___ extends QPolygon {

}// class

class QPolygonF___ extends QPolygonF {

}// class

class QTextFrame_iterator___ extends QTextFrame_iterator {

    public final void opPostInc() {

    public final void opPostDec() {

}// class

class QTextBlock_iterator___ extends QTextBlock_iterator {

    public final void opPostInc() {

    public final void opPostDec() {

}// class

class QPixmap___ extends QPixmap {

	private import qt.qtd.Str;

    public this(string[] xpm) {
    public this(string fileName, string format = null, int flags = Qt.ImageConversionFlag.AutoColor) {
        this(fileName, toStringz(format), flags);
        public this(string fileName, string format = null, Qt.ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt.ImageConversionFlag.AutoColor) {
        this(fileName, toStringz(format), flags);

        public final bool load(string fileName, string format, int flags = Qt.ImageConversionFlag.AutoColor) {
        return load(fileName, toStringz(format), flags);
        public final bool load(string fileName, string format = null, Qt.ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt.ImageConversionFlag.AutoColor) {
        return load(fileName, toStringz(format), flags);
    public final bool loadFromData(ubyte[] data, string format, int flags = Qt.ImageConversionFlag.AutoColor) {
        return loadFromData(data.ptr, data.length, toStringz(format), flags);

    public final bool loadFromData(ubyte[] data, string format = null, Qt.ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt.ImageConversionFlag.AutoColor) {
        return loadFromData(qdata.ptr, data.length, toStringz(format), flags);

    public final bool loadFromData(QByteArray data, string format, int flags = Qt.ImageConversionFlag.AutoColor) {
        return loadFromData(data, toStringz(format), flags);
/*	public final bool loadFromData(QByteArray data, string format = null, Qt.ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt.ImageConversionFlag.AutoColor) {
        return loadFromData(data, toStringz(format), flags);

    public final bool save(string fileName, string format, int quality = -1) {
        return private_save(fileName, toStringz(format), quality);

    public final bool save(QIODevice dev, string format, int quality = -1) {
        return private_save(dev, toStringz(format), quality);
}// class

class QItemSelection___ extends QItemSelection {

    public static void split(QItemSelectionRange range, QItemSelectionRange other, QItemSelection result) {
        qt.QNativePointer np = result.nativePointer();
        split(range, other, np);

}// class

class QPainterPath_Element___ extends QPainterPath_Element {
    public final qt.core.QPointF toPoint() {
        return operator_cast_QPointF();
}// class

class QBrush___ extends QBrush {
    public static final QBrush NoBrush = new QBrush(qt.core.Qt.BrushStyle.NoBrush);
}// class

class QAbstractItemView___ extends QAbstractItemView {

    private QAbstractItemDelegate[int] __rcDelegatesForColumns;
    private QAbstractItemDelegate[int] __rcDelegatesForRows;

}// class

class QAccessibleTableInterface___ extends QAccessibleTableInterface {

    public static class CellAtIndex extends QTableArea {
        public CellAtIndex(int row, int column, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, boolean isSelected) {
            super(row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan);
            this.isSelected = isSelected;

        public boolean isSelected;

}// class

class QAccessibleInterface___ extends QAccessibleInterface {

    public static class Target {
        public Target(int childIndex, QAccessibleInterface target) {
            this.childIndex = childIndex;
   = target;

        public QAccessibleInterface target;
        public int childIndex;

}// class

class QDesktopServices___ extends QDesktopServices {
    private static UrlHandler[string] __rcUrlHandlers;
    public static void setUrlHandler(string scheme, void delegate(QUrl) dg) {
        UrlHandler receiver = dg !is null ? new UrlHandler(dg) : null;

        if (receiver is null)
            __rcUrlHandlers[scheme] = receiver;
        setUrlHandler(scheme, receiver, "handleUrl");
}// class

class QWizardPage___ extends QWizardPage {

    protected final void registerField(string name, QWidget widget, string property = null) {
        registerField(name, widget, property is null ? null : toStringz(property), null);

     * Creates a field called <code>name</code> associated with the given
     * property of the given widget. From then on, that property becomes
     * accessible using <code>field()</code> and <code>setField()</code>.
     * Fields are global to the entire wizard and make it easy for any single
     * page to access information stored by another page, without having to put
     * all the logic in <code>QWizard</code> or having the pages know
     * explicitly about each other. If name ends with an asterisk (*), the field
     * is a mandatory field. When a page has mandatory fields, the Next and/or
     * Finish buttons are enabled only when all mandatory fields are filled.
     * This requires a <code>changedSignal</code> to be specified, to tell
     * QWizard to recheck the value stored by the mandatory field.
     * QWizard knows the most common Qt widgets. For these (or their
     * subclasses), you don't need to specify a <code>property</code> or a
     * <code>changedSignal</code>. The table below lists these widgets:
     * <code>QAbstractButton</code> (for which the relevant property is the
     * <code>checked</code> property), <code>QAbstractSlider</code> (the
     * <code>value</code> property), <code>QComboBox</code> (<code>currentIndex</code>
     * property), <code>QDateTimeEdit</code>(<code>dateTime</code>
     * property), <code>QLineEdit</code>(<code>text</code> property),
     * <code>QListWidget</code>(<code>currentRow</code> property), or
     * <code>QSpinBox</code>(<code>value</code> property).
     * @param name
     *            The name which will be used to access the field. Names ending
     *            with an asterisk signify mandatory fields.
     * @param widget
     *            The widget whose property will be accessed using this field.
     * @param property
     *            The name of the property associated with the field.
     * @param changedSignal
     *            The name of a signal which is emitted when the associated
     *            property's value changes.
     * @see qt.gui.QWizardPage#field
     * @see qt.gui.QWizardPage#setField
/*    protected final void registerField(String name, QWidget widget, String property, String changedSignal) {
        String signalSignature = qt.internal.MetaObjectTools.cppSignalSignature(widget, changedSignal);
        if (signalSignature.length() == 0)
            throw new QNoSuchSignalException("Signal '" + changedSignal
                    + "' does not exist or has argument types that cannot be converted to Qt Jambi or java.lang types.");
        registerField(name, widget, qt.QNativePointer.createCharPointer(property), qt.QNativePointer
                .createCharPointer(qt.internal.QtJambiInternal.SignalPrefix + signalSignature));
}// class

class QFontDialog___ extends QFontDialog {

    public static final class Result {
        public Result(QFont font, boolean ok) {
            this.font = font;
            this.ok = ok;

        public QFont font;
        public boolean ok;

}// class

class QMenu___ extends QMenu {
    protected final void initStyleOption(qt.gui.QStyleOptionMenuItem option, QAction action) {
        initStyleOption(option.nativePointer(), action);
    alias QWidget.addAction addAction;
}// class

class QMenuBar___ extends QMenuBar {
    alias QWidget.addAction addAction;

}// class

class QToolBar___ extends QToolBar {
	protected final void initStyleOption(qt.gui.QStyleOptionMenuItem option, QAction action) {
   initStyleOption(option.nativePointer(), action);
	alias QWidget.addAction addAction;
}// class

class QPixmapCache___ extends QPixmapCache {

    public static boolean find(String key, QPixmap pm) {
        return find(key, pm.nativePointer());

}// class

class QShortcut___ extends QShortcut {

    public this(QKeySequence key, QWidget parent, Qt.ShortcutContext context = Qt.WindowShortcut) {
        this(key, parent, null, null, context);

}// class

class QValidator___ extends QValidator {

    public static class QValidationData {
        public QValidationData(String input, int pos) {
            string = input;
            position = pos;

        public String string;
        public int position;

}// class

class QAbstractButton___ extends QAbstractButton {

     * Sets the shortcut to the key sequence for the given key string. For
     * example "Ctrl+O" gives CTRL+'O'. The strings "Ctrl", "Shift", "Alt" and
     * "Meta" are recognized, as well as their translated equivalents in the
     * "QShortcut" context (using QObject::tr()). Up to four key codes may be
     * entered by separating them with commas, e.g. "Alt+X,Ctrl+S,Q".
     * @param key
     *            The description of the key sequence. Typically used with tr()
     *            so key sequences can be locale aware.
    public final void setShortcut(string key) {
        setShortcut(new QKeySequence(key));

     * Sets the shortcut to the key sequence for the given key. The result will
     * depend on the currently running platform. The key sequence will be based
     * on the first element in the list of key bindings for the key.
     * @param key
     *            The key for which to select a key sequence
    public final void setShortcut(QKeySequence.StandardKey key) {
        setShortcut(new QKeySequence(key));

}// class

class QStyle___ extends QStyle {
    public final int combinedLayoutSpacing(QSizePolicy.ControlTypes controls1, QSizePolicy.ControlTypes controls2,
            qt.core.Qt.Orientation orientation, QStyleOption option, QWidget widget) {
        return combinedLayoutSpacing(controls1, controls2, orientation, option == null ? null : option.nativePointer(), widget);

    public final int combinedLayoutSpacing(QSizePolicy.ControlTypes controls1, QSizePolicy.ControlTypes controls2,
            qt.core.Qt.Orientation orientation, QStyleOption option) {
        return combinedLayoutSpacing(controls1, controls2, orientation, option, null);

    public final int combinedLayoutSpacing(QSizePolicy.ControlTypes controls1, QSizePolicy.ControlTypes controls2,
            qt.core.Qt.Orientation orientation) {
        return combinedLayoutSpacing(controls1, controls2, orientation, null);

    public final int layoutSpacing(QSizePolicy.ControlType control1, QSizePolicy.ControlType control2, qt.core.Qt.Orientation orientation,
            QStyleOption option, QWidget widget) {
        return layoutSpacing(control1, control2, orientation, option == null ? null : option.nativePointer(), widget);

    public final int layoutSpacing(QSizePolicy.ControlType control1, QSizePolicy.ControlType control2, qt.core.Qt.Orientation orientation,
            QStyleOption option) {
        return layoutSpacing(control1, control2, orientation, option, null);

    public final int layoutSpacing(QSizePolicy.ControlType control1, QSizePolicy.ControlType control2, qt.core.Qt.Orientation orientation) {
        return layoutSpacing(control1, control2, orientation, null);
}// class

class QLayout___ extends QLayout {
    public final QContentsMargins getContentsMargins() {
        QNativePointer left = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer top = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer right = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer bottom = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);

        getContentsMargins(left, top, right, bottom);
        return new QContentsMargins(left.intValue(), top.intValue(), right.intValue(), bottom.intValue());

    public final void setContentsMargins(QContentsMargins margins) {
        setContentsMargins(margins.left,, margins.right, margins.bottom);
}// class

class QGridLayout___ extends QGridLayout {
    public final QTableArea getItemPosition(int index) {
        QNativePointer row = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer column = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer rowSpan = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer columnSpan = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);

        getItemPosition(index, row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan);

        return new QTableArea(row.intValue(), column.intValue(), rowSpan.intValue(), columnSpan.intValue());
}// class

class QWidget___ extends QWidget {
    private native static void __qt_QMessageBox_setWindowTitle(long native_id, String windowTitle);

    private native static void __qt_QMessageBox_setWindowModality(long native_id, int modality);

    public final QContentsMargins getContentsMargins() {
        QNativePointer left = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer top = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer right = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        QNativePointer bottom = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Int);

        getContentsMargins(left, top, right, bottom);
        return new QContentsMargins(left.intValue(), top.intValue(), right.intValue(), bottom.intValue());

    public final void setContentsMargins(QContentsMargins margins) {
        setContentsMargins(margins.left,, margins.right, margins.bottom);
}// class

class QFileDialog___ extends QFileDialog {
    public static string getOpenFileName(QWidget _parent, string caption = null, string dir = null, string filter = null) {
        string res;
        string _selectedFilter = "";
        qtd_QFileDialog_getOpenFileName_QWidget_string_string_string_nativepointerstring_Options(&res, _parent is null ? null : _parent.__nativeId, caption, dir, filter, _selectedFilter, 0);
        return res;
    public static string getSaveFileName(QWidget _parent, string caption = null, string dir = null, string filter = null) {
        string res;
        string _selectedFilter = "";
        qtd_QFileDialog_getSaveFileName_QWidget_string_string_string_nativepointerstring_Options(&res, _parent is null ? null : _parent.__nativeId, caption, dir, filter, _selectedFilter, 0);
        return res;
    public static class Filter {
        public this(string filter) {
            this.filter = filter;

        public string filter;
        public string selectedFilter = "";

}// class

class QTabBar___ extends QTabBar {

    public final void initStyleOption(QStyleOptionTab option, int tabIndex) {
        initStyleOption(option.nativePointer(), tabIndex);

}// class

class QClipboard___ extends QClipboard {
    public static class Text {
        public String text;
        public String subtype;

    public final Text text(String subtype, Mode mode) {
        QNativePointer np = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.String);
        np.setStringValue(subtype != null ? subtype : "");

        Text returned = new Text();
        returned.text = text(np, mode);
        returned.subtype = np.stringValue();
        return returned;

    public final Text text(String subtype) {
        return text(subtype, Mode.Clipboard);
}// class

class QAbstractScrollArea___ extends QAbstractScrollArea {
    public QPaintEngine paintEngine() {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot open a painter directly on a QAbstractScrollArea, open QPainter on its viewport instead...");
}// class

class QTextDocument___ extends QTextDocument {

    public final void redo(QTextCursor cursor) {

    public final void undo(QTextCursor cursor) {

}// class

class QSplitter___ extends QSplitter {

    public struct Range {
		public static Range opCall(int min, int max) {
            Range rng;
			rng.minimum = min;
            rng.maximum = max;
			return rng;

        public int minimum;
        public int maximum;

    public final Range getRange(int index) {
        int* min;
        int* max;

        getRange(index, min, max);

        return Range(*min, *max);

}// class

class QAction___ extends QAction {
        public final void setShortcut(string key) {
		setShortcut(new QKeySequence(key));
    private QActionGroup __rcActionGroup = null;
     * Sets the shortcut to the key sequence for the given key string. For
     * example "Ctrl+O" gives CTRL+'O'. The strings "Ctrl", "Shift", "Alt" and
     * "Meta" are recognized, as well as their translated equivalents in the
     * "QShortcut" context (using QObject::tr()). Up to four key codes may be
     * entered by separating them with commas, e.g. "Alt+X,Ctrl+S,Q".
     * @param key
     *            The description of the key sequence. Typically used with tr()
     *            so key sequences can be locale aware.
/*    public final void setShortcut(String key) {
        setShortcut(new QKeySequence(key));
     * Sets the shortcut to the key sequence for the given key. The result will
     * depend on the currently running platform. The key sequence will be based
     * on the first element in the list of key bindings for the key.
     * @param key
     *            The key for which to select a key sequence
/*    public final void setShortcut(QKeySequence.StandardKey key) {
        setShortcut(new QKeySequence(key));

    public final void setIcon(QPixmap pm) {
        setIcon(new QIcon(pm));
}// class

class QPainter___ extends QPainter {

    public final void setBrush(QColor color) {
        setBrush(new QBrush(color));

    public final void setBrush(QGradient gradient) {
        setBrush(new QBrush(gradient));

    public final void setBrush(QPixmap pm) {
        setBrush(new QBrush(pm));
    public final void drawConvexPolygon(in QPoint[] points) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawConvexPolygon_nativepointerQPoint_int(__nativeId, points.ptr, points.length);
    public final void drawConvexPolygon(in QPointF[] points) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawConvexPolygon_nativepointerQPointF_int(__nativeId, points.ptr, points.length);
    public final void drawLines(in QLine[] lines) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawLines_nativepointerQLine_int(__nativeId, lines.ptr, lines.length);

    public final void drawLines(in QLineF[] lines) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawLines_nativepointerQLineF_int(__nativeId, lines.ptr, lines.length);
    public final void drawPolygon(in QPoint[] points, Qt_FillRule fillRule = Qt_FillRule.OddEvenFill) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawPolygon_nativepointerQPoint_int_FillRule(__nativeId, points.ptr, points.length, fillRule);

    public final void drawPolygon(in QPointF[] points, Qt_FillRule fillRule = Qt_FillRule.OddEvenFill) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawPolygon_nativepointerQPointF_int_FillRule(__nativeId, points.ptr, points.length, fillRule);

    public final void drawPolyline(in QPoint[] points) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawPolyline_nativepointerQPoint_int(__nativeId, points.ptr, points.length);

    public final void drawPolyline(in QPointF[] points) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawPolyline_nativepointerQPointF_int(__nativeId, points.ptr, points.length);
    public final void drawPoints(in QPoint[] points) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawPoints_nativepointerQPoint_int(__nativeId, points.ptr, points.length);

    public final void drawPoints(in QPointF[] points) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawPoints_nativepointerQPointF_int(__nativeId, points.ptr, points.length);
    public final void drawRects(in QRect[] rects) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawRects_nativepointerQRect_int(__nativeId, rects.ptr, rects.length);

    public final void drawRects(in QRectF[] rects) {
        qtd_QPainter_drawRects_nativepointerQRectF_int(__nativeId, rects.ptr, rects.length);
    public static QPaintDeviceInterface redirected(QPaintDeviceInterface device, qt.core.QPoint offset) {
        return redirected(device, offset == null ? null : offset.nativePointer());

    public QPainter(QWidget widget) {

    public boolean begin(QWidget widget) { // can't be final because of QStylePainter
        return qt.QtJambiGuiInternal.beginPaint(widget, this);

    private static java.util.Stack<QPaintDeviceInterface> __rcRedirections = new java.util.Stack<QPaintDeviceInterface>();
}// class

class QApplication___ extends QApplication {

    this(string[] args)
//        if (m_instance != null)
//            throw new RuntimeException("QCoreApplication can only be initialized once");
		argc = args.length;
		argv = toStringzArray(args);
		this(&argc, argv);

//        m_instance.aboutToQuit.connect(m_instance, "disposeOfMyself()");
	private int argc;
	private char **argv;

	/*    public static QApplication instance() {
        if (type() != Type.Tty)
            return (QApplication) qt.core.QCoreApplication.instance();
        return null;

    public QApplication(String args[]) {
        this(argc(args), argv(args));

    public static void setFont(QFont font, string className = null) {
        setFont_private(font, className !is null ? toStringz(className) : null);

    public static void setPalette(QPalette palette, string className = null) {
        setPalette_private(palette, className !is null ? toStringz(className) : null);
    public static QCursor overrideCursor() {
        QNativePointer np = overrideCursor_private();
        return np == null ? null : QCursor.fromNativePointer(np);
}// class

class QFormLayout___ extends QFormLayout {

     * Retrieves the row and role (column) of the item at the specified index.
     * If index is out of bounds, -1 is returned in place of the row.
     * @param index The index of the item for which to retrieve the position.
     * @return A pair of an int (row of item) and an ItemRole (role of the item.)
/*    @QtBlockedSlot
    public final qt.QPair<Integer, ItemRole> getItemPosition(int index) {
       qt.QNativePointer row = new qt.QNativePointer(qt.QNativePointer.Type.Int);
       qt.QNativePointer role = new qt.QNativePointer(qt.QNativePointer.Type.Int);

       getItemPosition(index, row, role);

       return new qt.QPair<Integer, ItemRole>(row.intValue(), ItemRole.resolve(role.intValue()));
     * Retrieves the row and role (column) of the specified child layout.
     * If the layout is not in the form layout, -1 is returned in place of the row.
     * @param layout The layout for which to retrieve the position.
     * @return A pair of an int (row of item) and an ItemRole (role of the item.)
/*    @QtBlockedSlot
    public final qt.QPair<Integer, ItemRole> getLayoutPosition(QLayout layout) {
        qt.QNativePointer row = new qt.QNativePointer(qt.QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        qt.QNativePointer role = new qt.QNativePointer(qt.QNativePointer.Type.Int);

        getLayoutPosition(layout, row, role);

        return new qt.QPair<Integer, ItemRole>(row.intValue(), ItemRole.resolve(role.intValue()));
     * Retrieves the row and role (column) of the specified widget in the layout.
     * If the widget is not in the form layout, -1 is returned in place of the row.
     * @param widget The widget for which to retrieve the position.
     * @return A pair of an int (row of item) and an ItemRole (role of the item.)
/*    @QtBlockedSlot
    public final qt.QPair<Integer, ItemRole> getWidgetPosition(QWidget widget) {
        qt.QNativePointer row = new qt.QNativePointer(qt.QNativePointer.Type.Int);
        qt.QNativePointer role = new qt.QNativePointer(qt.QNativePointer.Type.Int);

        getWidgetPosition(widget, row, role);

        return new qt.QPair<Integer, ItemRole>(row.intValue(), ItemRole.resolve(role.intValue()));
     * Sets the item in the given row for the given role to item, extending the layout with empty rows if necessary.
     * If the cell is already occupied, the item is not inserted and a IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
/*    @QtBlockedSlot
    public final void setItem(int row, ItemRole role, QLayoutItem item) {
        if (itemAt(row, role) == null)
            setItem_private(row, role, item);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cell in form layout is already occupied");
}// class

class Subclass_of_QGraphicsLayoutItem___ extends QGraphicsLayoutItem {
    public final QMarginsF getContentsMargins() {
        QNativePointer left = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);
        QNativePointer top = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);
        QNativePointer right = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);
        QNativePointer bottom = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);

        getContentsMargins(left, top, right, bottom);
        return new QMarginsF(left.doubleValue(), top.doubleValue(), right.doubleValue(), bottom.doubleValue());
}// class

class QGraphicsWidget___ extends QGraphicsWidget {

     * Gets the widget's window frame margins.
     * @returns An object containing the margins in left, right, top and bottom coordinates.
    public final QMarginsF getWindowFrameMargins() {
        QNativePointer left = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);
        QNativePointer top = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);
        QNativePointer right = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);
        QNativePointer bottom = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);

        getWindowFrameMargins(left, top, right, bottom);
        return new QMarginsF(left.doubleValue(), top.doubleValue(), right.doubleValue(), bottom.doubleValue());

}// class

class QPrinter___ extends QPrinter {

     * Returns the page margins for this printer.
     * The unit of the returned margins are specified with the unit parameter.
     * This function was introduced in Qt 4.4.
     * @param unit Specifies the unit of the returned margins.
     * @return The page margins for this printer.
/*    public final QMarginsF getPageMargins(QPrinter.Unit unit) {
        QNativePointer left = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);
        QNativePointer top = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);
        QNativePointer right = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);
        QNativePointer bottom = new QNativePointer(QNativePointer.Type.Double);

        getPageMargins(left, top, right, bottom, unit);
        return new QMarginsF(left.doubleValue(), top.doubleValue(), right.doubleValue(), bottom.doubleValue());

}// class

class QListWidget___ extends QListWidget {

     * Inserts items with the text labels at the end of the list widget.
     * @param labels The collection of labels for the new items.
    public final void addItems(string[] labels) {
        foreach (label; labels)

     * This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
     * Inserts an item with the text label in the list widget at the position given by row.
     * @param row The position in which to insert the new item.
     * @param label The text of the new item.
    public final void insertItem(int row, string label) {
        insertItem(row, new QListWidgetItem(label, this));

     * Inserts items from the list of labels into the list, starting at the given row.
     * @param row The position in which to insert the new items.
     * @param labels The collection of labels for the new items.
    public final void insertItems(int row, string[] labels) {
		foreach (label; labels)
            insertItem(row++, label);
}// class

class QGraphicsScene___ extends QGraphicsScene {
     * Equivalent to addEllipse(rect, null, null)
    /*public final QGraphicsEllipseItem addEllipse(qt.core.QRectF rect)
        return addEllipse(rect, null);

     * Equivalent to addEllipse(rect, pen, null)
   /* public final QGraphicsEllipseItem addEllipse(qt.core.QRectF rect, QPen pen)
        return addEllipse(rect, pen, null);

     * Creates and adds an ellipse item to the scene, and returns the item
     * reference. The geometry of the ellipse is defined by rect, and its pen
     * and brush are initialized to pen and brush.
     * Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its
     * position is initialized to (0, 0).
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem::isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed() once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param rect The bounding rectangle of the ellipse.
     * @param pen The pen for the resulting QGraphicsEllipseItem.
     * @param brush The brush for the resulting QGraphicsEllipseItem.
     * @return The resulting item.
   /* public final QGraphicsEllipseItem addEllipse(qt.core.QRectF rect, QPen pen, QBrush brush)
        return addEllipse(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), pen, brush);

     * Equivalent to addEllipse(x, y, w, h, null, null)
   /* public final QGraphicsEllipseItem addEllipse(double x, double y, double w, double h) {
        return addEllipse(x, y, w, h, null);

     * Equivalent to addEllipse(x, y, w, h, pen, null)
   /* public final QGraphicsEllipseItem addEllipse(double x, double y, double w, double h, QPen pen)
        return addEllipse(x, y, w, h, pen, null);

     * Creates and adds an ellipse item to the scene, and returns the item
     * reference. The geometry of the ellipse is defined by x, y, w, h, and its pen
     * and brush are initialized to pen and brush.
     * Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its
     * position is initialized to (0, 0).
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem.isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param x The left horizontal coordinate of the ellipse's bounding rectangle.
     * @param y The top vertical coordinate of the ellipse's bounding rectangle.
     * @param w The width of the ellipse's bounding rectangle.
     * @param h The height of the ellipse's bounding rectangle.
     * @param pen The pen for the resulting QGraphicsEllipseItem.
     * @param brush The brush for the resulting QGraphicsEllipseItem.
     * @return The resulting item.
   /* public final QGraphicsEllipseItem addEllipse(double x, double y, double w, double h, QPen pen, QBrush brush)
        QGraphicsEllipseItem item = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(x, y, w, h);


        return item;

     * Equivalent to addLine(line, null)
   /* public final QGraphicsLineItem addLine(QLineF line) {
        return addLine(line, null);

     * Creates and adds a line item to the scene, and returns the item
     * reference. The geometry of the line is defined by line, and its pen
     * is initialized to pen.
     * Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its
     * position is initialized to (0, 0).
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem.isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param line The definition of the line.
     * @param pen The pen with which to draw the line.
     * @return The resulting item.
   /* public final QGraphicsLineItem addLine(QLineF line, QPen pen)
        return addLine(line.x1(), line.y1(), line.x2(), line.y2(), pen);

     * Equivalent to addLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, null)
  /*  public final QGraphicsLineItem addLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
        return addLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, null);

     * Creates and adds a line item to the scene, and returns the item
     * reference. The geometry of the line is defined by x1, y1, x2, y2, and its pen
     * is initialized to pen.
     * Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its
     * position is initialized to (0, 0).
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem.isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param x1 The first horizontal coordinate of the line.
     * @param y1 The first vertical coordinate of the line.
     * @param x2 The second horizontal coordinate of the line.
     * @param y2 The second vertical coordinate of the line.
     * @param pen The pen with which to draw the line.
     * @return The resulting item.
  /*  public final QGraphicsLineItem addLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, QPen pen)
        QGraphicsLineItem item = new QGraphicsLineItem(x1, y1, x2, y2);


        return item;

     * Equivalent to addPath(path, null, null)
    /*public final QGraphicsPathItem addPath(QPainterPath path) {
        return addPath(path, null);

     * Equivalent to addPath(path, pen, null)
    /*public final QGraphicsPathItem addPath(QPainterPath path, QPen pen)
        return addPath(path, pen, null);
     * Creates and adds a path item to the scene, and returns the item
     * reference. The geometry of the path is defined by path, and its pen and
     * brush are initialized to pen and brush.
     * Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its
     * position is initialized to (0, 0).
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem.isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param path The definition of the path.
     * @param pen The pen for drawing the path.
     * @param brush The brush for drawing the path.
     * @return The resulting item.
   /* public final QGraphicsPathItem addPath(QPainterPath path, QPen pen, QBrush brush)
        QGraphicsPathItem item = new QGraphicsPathItem(path);


        return item;

     * Creates and adds a pixmap item to the scene, and returns the item
     * reference. The pixmap is defined by pixmap.
     * Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its
     * position is initialized to (0, 0).
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem.isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param pixmap The pixmap for which to create a graphics item.
     * @return The resulting item.
   /* public final QGraphicsPixmapItem addPixmap(QPixmap pixmap)
        QGraphicsPixmapItem item = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap);


        return item;

     * Equivalent to addPolygon(polygon, null, null)
  /*  public final QGraphicsPolygonItem addPolygon(QPolygonF polygon) {
        return addPolygon(polygon, null);

     * Equivalent to addPolygon(polygon, pen, null)
   /* public final QGraphicsPolygonItem addPolygon(QPolygonF polygon, QPen pen) {
        return addPolygon(polygon, pen, null);

     * Creates and adds a polygon item to the scene, and returns the item
     * reference. The polygon is defined by polygon, and its pen and
     * brush are initialized to pen and brush.
     * Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its
     * position is initialized to (0, 0).
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem.isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param polygon The definition of the polygon.
     * @param pen The pen with which to draw the polygon.
     * @param brush The brush with which to draw the polygon.
     * @return The resulting item.
  /*  public final QGraphicsPolygonItem addPolygon(QPolygonF polygon, QPen pen, QBrush brush)
        QGraphicsPolygonItem item = new QGraphicsPolygonItem(polygon);


        return item;

     * Equivalent to addRect(rect, null, null)
  /*  public final QGraphicsRectItem addRect(qt.core.QRectF rect) {
        return addRect(rect, null);

     * Equivalent to addRect(rect, pen, null)
   /* public final QGraphicsRectItem addRect(qt.core.QRectF rect, QPen pen)
        return addRect(rect, pen, null);

     * Creates and adds a rectangle item to the scene, and returns the item
     * reference. The geometry of the rectangle is defined by rect, and its pen
     * and brush are initialized to pen and brush.
     * Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its
     * position is initialized to (0, 0). For example, if a QRect(50, 50, 100,
     * 100) is added, its top-left corner will be at (50, 50) relative to the
     * origin in the item's coordinate system.
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem.isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param rect The definition of the rectangle.
     * @param pen The pen with which to draw the rectangle.
     * @param brush The brush with which to draw the rectangle.
     * @return The resulting item.
  /*  public final QGraphicsRectItem addRect(qt.core.QRectF rect, QPen pen, QBrush brush)
        return addRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), pen, brush);

     * Equivalent to addRect(x, y, w, h, null, null)
  /*  public final QGraphicsRectItem addRect(double x, double y, double w, double h) {
        return addRect(x, y, w, h, null);

     * Equivalent to addRect(x, y, w, h, pen, null)
   /* public final QGraphicsRectItem addRect(double x, double y, double w, double h, QPen pen) {
        return addRect(x, y, w, h, pen, null);

     * Creates and adds a rectangle item to the scene, and returns the item
     * reference. The geometry of the rectangle is defined by x, y, w, h, and its pen
     * and brush are initialized to pen and brush.
     * Note that the item's geometry is provided in item coordinates, and its
     * position is initialized to (0, 0).
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem.isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param x The left horizontal coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param y The top vertical coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param w The width of the rectangle.
     * @param h The height of the rectangle.
     * @param pen The pen with which to draw the rectangle.
     * @param brush The brush with which to draw the rectangle.
     * @return The resulting item.
   /* public final QGraphicsRectItem addRect(double x, double y, double w, double h, QPen pen, QBrush brush)
        QGraphicsRectItem item = new QGraphicsRectItem(x, y, w, h);


        return item;

     * Equivalent to addSimpleText(text, null)
    /*public final QGraphicsSimpleTextItem addSimpleText(String text) {
        return addSimpleText(text, null);

     * Creates and adds a QGraphicsSimpleTextItem to the scene, and returns the
     * item reference. The text string is initialized to text, and its font is
     * initialized to font.
     * The item's position is initialized to (0, 0).
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem.isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param text The text to add to the scene.
     * @param font The font to use for displaying the text.
     * @return The resulting item.
   /* public final QGraphicsSimpleTextItem addSimpleText(String text, QFont font)
        QGraphicsSimpleTextItem item = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(text);


        return item;

     * Equivalent to addText(text, null)
   /* public final QGraphicsTextItem addText(String text) {
        return addText(text, null);

     * Creates and adds a text item to the scene, and returns the item
     * reference. The text string is initialized to text, and its font
     * is initialized to font.
     * The item's position is initialized to (0, 0).
     * If the item is visible (i.e., QGraphicsItem.isVisible() returns true),
     * QGraphicsScene will emit changed once control goes back to the event
     * loop.
     * @param text The text to add to the scene.
     * @param font The font to use for displaying the text.
     * @return The resulting item.
   /* public final QGraphicsTextItem addText(String text, QFont font)
        QGraphicsTextItem item = new QGraphicsTextItem(text);


        return item;

}// class

class QInputDialog___ extends QInputDialog {
    public static double getDouble(QWidget _parent, string title, string label, double value = 0, double minValue = -2147483647, double maxValue = 2147483647, int decimals = 1, ref bool ok = false, int flags = 0) {
        return qtd_QInputDialog_getDouble_private_QWidget_string_string_double_double_double_int_nativepointerbool_WindowFlags(_parent is null ? null : _parent.__nativeId, title, label, value, minValue, maxValue, decimals, &ok, flags);
    static if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 5, 0))
	public static int getInt(QWidget _parent, string title, string label, int value = 0, int minValue = -2147483647, int maxValue = 2147483647, int step = 1, ref bool ok = false, int flags = 0) {
            return qtd_QInputDialog_getInt_private_QWidget_string_string_int_int_int_int_nativepointerbool_WindowFlags(_parent is null ? null : _parent.__nativeId, title, label, value, minValue, maxValue, step, &ok, flags);

    public static string getItem(QWidget _parent, string title, string label, string[] items, int current = 0, bool editable = true, ref bool ok = false, int flags = 0) {
        string res;
        qtd_QInputDialog_getItem_private_QWidget_string_string_List_int_bool_nativepointerbool_WindowFlags(&res, _parent is null ? null : _parent.__nativeId, title, label, items.ptr, items.length, current, editable, &ok, flags);
        return res;

    public static string getText(QWidget _parent, string title, string label, QLineEdit_EchoMode echo = QLineEdit_EchoMode.Normal, string text = null, ref bool ok = false, int flags = 0) {
        string res;
        qtd_QInputDialog_getText_private_QWidget_string_string_EchoMode_string_nativepointerbool_WindowFlags(&res, _parent is null ? null : _parent.__nativeId, title, label, echo, text, &ok, flags);
        return res;
}// class

class QFont___ extends QFont {
	void opAssign(in QFont arg__1)  {
            this.__nativeId = qtd_QFont_QFont_QFont(arg__1 is null ? null : (cast(QFont)arg__1).__nativeId);
}// class"