view generator/cppimplgenerator.cpp @ 282:256ab6cb8e85

Signals look-up andNew syntax for connect. The old one will not work from now on. This will allow for the signals overload. Although changes are done for both D1 and D2 versions, D1 won't work because of compiler bugs. I am tired of waiting for fixes.
author eldar
date Fri, 16 Oct 2009 02:43:59 +0000
parents 7243f9ed2307
children f9559a957be9
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
** * Commercial Usage
* Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
* accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
* Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
* a written agreement between you and Nokia.
* GNU General Public License Usage
* Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
* Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
* the packaging of this file.  Please review the following information
* to ensure GNU General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
* and
*  In addition, as a special
* exception, Nokia gives you certain additional rights. These rights
* are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.2, included in
* the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
* Qt for Windows(R) Licensees
* As a special exception, Nokia, as the sole copyright holder for Qt
* Designer, grants users of the Qt/Eclipse Integration plug-in the
* right for the Qt/Eclipse Integration to link to functionality
* provided by Qt Designer and its related libraries.
* If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
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** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

#include "cppimplgenerator.h"
#include "dgenerator.h"
#include "reporthandler.h"

#include <QDir>
#include <QtDebug>
#include <QVariant>
#include <iostream>

static Indentor INDENT;

QString jni_signature(const AbstractMetaFunction *function, JNISignatureFormat format)
    QString returned = "(";
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = function->arguments();
    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
        if (!function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
            QString modified_type = function->typeReplaced(argument->argumentIndex()+1);

            if (modified_type.isEmpty())
                returned += jni_signature(argument->type(), format);
                returned += jni_signature(modified_type, format);

    returned += ")";

    QString modified_type = function->typeReplaced(0);
    if (modified_type.isEmpty())
        returned += jni_signature(function->type(), format);
        returned += jni_signature(modified_type, format);

    return returned;

QString jni_signature(const QString &_full_name, JNISignatureFormat format)
    QString signature;
    QString full_name = _full_name;

    if (full_name.endsWith("[]")) {
        signature = "[";

    int start = 0, end = -1;
    while ( (start = full_name.indexOf("<")) >= 0 && (end = full_name.indexOf(">")) >= 0 ) {
        full_name.remove(start, end - start + 1);

    static QHash<QString, QString> table;
    if (table.isEmpty()) {
        table["boolean"] = "Z";
        table["byte"] = "B";
        table["char"] = "C";
        table["short"] = "S";
        table["int"] = "I";
        table["long"] = "J";
        table["float"] = "F";
        table["double"] = "D";

    if (format == Underscores)
        signature.replace("[", "_3");

    if (table.contains(full_name)) {
        signature += table[full_name];
    } else if (format == Underscores) {
        signature.replace("[", "_3");
        signature += "L";
        signature += QString(full_name).replace("_", "_1").replace('.', '_').replace("$", "_00024");
        signature += "_2";
    } else {
        signature += "L";
        signature += QString(full_name).replace('.', '/');
        signature += ";";

    return signature;

QString jni_signature(const AbstractMetaType *java_type, JNISignatureFormat format)
    if (!java_type)
        return "V";

    if (java_type->isArray()) {
        return "_3" + jni_signature(java_type->arrayElementType(), format);
    } else if (java_type->isNativePointer()) {
        if (format == Underscores)
            return "Lcom_trolltech_qt_QNativePointer_2";
            return "Lcom/trolltech/qt/QNativePointer;";
    } else if (java_type->isIntegerEnum() || java_type->isIntegerFlags()
               || (format == Underscores && (java_type->isEnum() || java_type->isFlags()))) {
        return "I";
    } else if (java_type->isThread()) {
        if (format == Underscores)
            return "Ljava_lang_Thread_2";
            return "Ljava/lang/Thread;";

    QString name = java_type->name();
    if (java_type->isObject()) {
        if (const InterfaceTypeEntry *ie
            = static_cast<const ObjectTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry())->designatedInterface())
            name = ie->targetLangName();
    } else if (java_type->isTargetLangEnum()) {
        const EnumTypeEntry *et = static_cast<const EnumTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry());
        name = et->javaQualifier() + "$" + et->targetLangName();

    } else if (java_type->isTargetLangFlags()) {
        const FlagsTypeEntry *ft = static_cast<const FlagsTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry());
        name = ft->originator()->javaQualifier() + "$" + ft->targetLangName();

    return jni_signature( (java_type->package().isEmpty() ? QString() : java_type->package() + ".") + name, format);

static QHash<QString, QString> table;
QString default_return_statement_qt(const AbstractMetaType *java_type, Generator::Option options = Generator::NoOption)
    QString returnStr = ((options & Generator::NoReturnStatement) == 0 ? "return" : "");
    if (!java_type)
        return returnStr;

    if (table.isEmpty()) {
        table["bool"] = "false";
        table["byte"] = "0";
        table["char"] = "0";
        table["short"] = "0";
        table["int"] = "0";
        table["long"] = "0";
        table["float"] = "0f";
        table["double"] = "0.0";
        table["java.lang.Object"] = "0";

    QString signature = table.value(java_type->typeEntry()->targetLangName());

    if (!signature.isEmpty())
        return returnStr + " " + signature;

    if (java_type->isJObjectWrapper())
        return returnStr + " JObjectWrapper()";
    if (java_type->isVariant())
        return returnStr + " QVariant()";
    if (java_type->isTargetLangString())
        return returnStr + " QString()";
    if (java_type->isTargetLangChar())
        return returnStr + " QChar()";
    else if (java_type->isEnum())
        return returnStr + " " + java_type->typeEntry()->name() + "(0)";
    else if (java_type->isContainer() && ((ContainerTypeEntry *)java_type->typeEntry())->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::StringListContainer)
        return returnStr + " " + java_type->typeEntry()->name() + "()";
    else if (java_type->isValue() || java_type->isContainer())
        return returnStr + " " + java_type->cppSignature() + "()";
        return returnStr + " 0";

QString default_return_statement_java(const AbstractMetaType *java_type)
    if (!java_type)
        return "return";
    if (java_type->isArray())
        return "return null";

    if (table.isEmpty()) {
        table["boolean"] = "false";
        table["byte"] = "0";
        table["char"] = "0";
        table["short"] = "0";
        table["int"] = "0";
        table["long"] = "0";
        table["float"] = "0f";
        table["double"] = "0.0";
        table["java.lang.Object"] = "0";

    QString signature = table.value(java_type->typeEntry()->targetLangName());
    if (!signature.isEmpty())
        return "return " + signature;

    return "return 0";

/* Used to decide how which of the Call[Xxx]Method functions to call
QByteArray jniTypeName(const QString &name) {
    static QHash<QString, const char *> table;
    if (table.isEmpty()) {
        table["jboolean"] = "Boolean";
        table["jbyte"] = "Byte";
        table["jchar"] = "Char";
        table["jshort"] = "Short";
        table["jint"] = "Int";
        table["jlong"] = "Long";
        table["jfloat"] = "Float";
        table["jdouble"] = "Double";
        table["jobject"] = "Object";

    return table[name];

QByteArray jniName(const QString &name) {
    TypeEntry *entry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(name);
    if (entry)
        return entry->name().toLatin1();
        return "void *";

QString CppImplGenerator::jniReturnName(const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function, uint options, bool d_export)
    AbstractMetaType *f_type = java_function->type();

    QString return_type = translateType(f_type, EnumAsInts, d_export);
    QString new_return_type = java_function->typeReplaced(0);
    if (!new_return_type.isEmpty()) {
        if(f_type && f_type->isPrimitive()) {
            if (d_export)
                return_type = new_return_type;
        } else
            return_type = jniName(new_return_type);

    // qtd
    if (f_type) {
        if (f_type->name() == "QModelIndex" || f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
            return_type = "void";
        else if (f_type->isObject() || f_type->isReference() || f_type->isValue() || f_type->isQObject())
            return_type = "void*";
        if (f_type->isVariant())
            return_type = "void*";

    if (options & CppImplGenerator::ExternC && java_function->isConstructor())
        return_type = "void*";
    if (options & CppImplGenerator::ExternC && f_type)
        if (f_type->isTargetLangString() || f_type->typeEntry()->isContainer())
            return_type = "void";
    // qtd end

    return return_type;

QString CppImplGenerator::jniReturnType(const AbstractMetaType *f_type, uint options)
    QString return_type = translateType(f_type, EnumAsInts);

    // qtd
    if (f_type) {
        if (f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
            return_type = f_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName();
        else if (f_type->isObject() || f_type->isReference() || f_type->isValue() || f_type->isQObject())
            return_type = "void*";
        if (f_type->isVariant())
            return_type = "void*";

    if (options & CppImplGenerator::ExternC && f_type)
        if (f_type->isTargetLangString())
            return_type = "void";
    // qtd end
    return return_type;

QByteArray jniTypeName(const AbstractMetaType *java_type)
    if (!java_type) {
        return "Void";
    } else if (java_type->isTargetLangChar()) {
        return "Char";
    } else if (java_type->isPrimitive()) {
        return jniTypeName(java_type->typeEntry()->jniName());
    } else if (java_type->isIntegerEnum() || java_type->isIntegerFlags()) {
        return "Int";
    } else {
        return "Object";

QByteArray newXxxArray(const AbstractMetaType *java_type)
    return "New" + jniTypeName(java_type) + "Array";

QByteArray setXxxArrayElement(const AbstractMetaType *java_type)
    return "Set" + jniTypeName(java_type) + "ArrayElement";

QByteArray getXxxArrayElement(const AbstractMetaType *java_type)
    return "Get" + jniTypeName(java_type) + "ArrayElement";

QByteArray getXxxArrayRegion(const AbstractMetaType *java_type)
    return "Get" + jniTypeName(java_type) + "ArrayRegion";

QByteArray setXxxArrayRegion(const AbstractMetaType *java_type)
    return "Set" + jniTypeName(java_type) + "ArrayRegion";

QByteArray callXxxMethod(const AbstractMetaType *java_type)
    return "Call" + jniTypeName(java_type) + "Method";

QByteArray callXxxMethod(const QString &name) {
    TypeEntry *entry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(name);
    if (entry && entry->isPrimitive())
        return "Call" + jniTypeName(entry->jniName()) + "Method";
        return "CallObjectMethod";

QString jni_function_signature(QString package, QString class_name,
                               const QString &function_name,
                               const QString &return_type,
                               const QString &mangled_arguments = QString(),
                               uint options = CppImplGenerator::StandardJNISignature)
    QString s;

    if (options & CppImplGenerator::ExternC)
        s += "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC ";
/* qtd
    if (options & CppImplGenerator::JNIExport)
        s += "Q_DECL_EXPORT ";
    if (options & CppImplGenerator::ReturnType)
        s += return_type + " ";
        s += "void ";
/* qtd
    if (options & CppImplGenerator::JNIExport)

    s += "Java_";

    s += package.replace(".", "_"); // qtd .replace("_", "_1")
    s += '_';
    s += class_name; // qtd .replace("_", "_1");
    s += '_';
    s += QString(function_name); //.replace("_", "_1");
//    s += mangled_arguments;

/* qtd
    if (options & CppImplGenerator::JNIExport)
        s += ")";
    return s;

QString CppImplGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *java_class) const
    return QString("%1_shell.cpp").arg(java_class->name());

void CppImplGenerator::writeSignalFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *signal, const AbstractMetaClass *cls,
                                           int pos)
    writeFunctionSignature(s, signal, cls, signalWrapperPrefix(),
                           Option(OriginalName | OriginalTypeDescription),
    s << endl << "{" << endl;
        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = signal->arguments();
        Indentation indent(INDENT);

        if (arguments.size() > 0)
            s << INDENT << "jvalue arguments[" << arguments.size() << "];" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "jvalue *arguments = 0;" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "JNIEnv *__jni_env = qtjambi_current_environment();" << endl
          << INDENT << "__jni_env->PushLocalFrame(100);" << endl;

        for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i) {
            const AbstractMetaArgument *argument =;
                          "__java_" + argument->indexedName(),
                          argument->argumentIndex() + 1,
            s << INDENT << "arguments[" << i << "].l = __java_" << argument->indexedName() << ";" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "qtjambi_call_java_signal(__jni_env, m_signals[" << pos << "], arguments);"
                    << endl;

        s << INDENT << "__jni_env->PopLocalFrame(0);" << endl;

        if (signal->type() != 0)
            s << INDENT << default_return_statement_qt(signal->type()) << ";" << endl;
    s << "}" << endl << endl;

    if (signal->implementingClass() == signal->ownerClass())
        writeFinalFunction(s, signal, cls);

bool CppImplGenerator::hasCustomDestructor(const AbstractMetaClass *java_class) const
    return !java_class->isQObject() && !java_class->typeEntry()->isValue();

void CppImplGenerator::writeInterfaceCasts(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
        // pointers to native interface objects for classes that implement interfaces
        // initializing
        AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = java_class->interfaces();
        if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
            for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
                AbstractMetaClass *iface =;

                // in case of renamed class
                InterfaceTypeEntry *ite = static_cast<InterfaceTypeEntry*>(iface->typeEntry());
                QString real_name = ite->origin()->qualifiedCppName();

                s << "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC " << real_name << "* qtd_" << java_class->name() << "_cast_to_" << iface->qualifiedCppName()
                  << "(" << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << " *ptr)" << endl << "{" << endl;
                Indentation indent(INDENT);
                s << INDENT << "return dynamic_cast<" << real_name << "*>(ptr);" << endl;
                s << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeInitCallbacks(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    QString initArgs = "pfunc_abstr *virts";
    if (java_class->isQObject())
        initArgs += ", pfunc_abstr *sigs, pfunc_abstr qobj_del";

    s << "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC void qtd_" << java_class->name()
      << QString("_initCallBacks(%1) {").arg(initArgs) << endl;

    // virtual functions handlers
    AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualFunctions = java_class->virtualFunctions();
    for (int pos = 0; pos<virtualFunctions.size(); ++pos) {
        const AbstractMetaFunction *function =;
        if (!notWrappedYet(function)) { // qtd2
            s << "    " << function->marshalledName() << "_dispatch = "
                 "(pf" << function->marshalledName() << "_dispatch) virts[" << pos << "];" << endl;

    // D-side signal callbacks
    AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs = signalFunctions(java_class);
    for(int i = 0; i < signal_funcs.size(); i++)
        s << "    emit_callbacks_" << java_class->name() << "[" << i << "] = (EmitCallback)"
             "sigs[" << i << "];" << endl;

    s << "}" << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)

    bool shellClass = java_class->generateShellClass();

    // Includes
    writeExtraIncludes(s, java_class);
    bool shellInclude = (java_class->generateShellClass()
        || java_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Signals | AbstractMetaClass::Visible | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromShell).size() > 0);

    // need to include QPainter for all widgets...
        const AbstractMetaClass *qwidget = java_class;
        while (qwidget && qwidget->name() != "QWidget") {
            qwidget = qwidget->baseClass();
        if (qwidget)
            s << "#include <QPainter>" << endl << endl;
    s << "#include <qtjambidebugtools_p.h>" << endl << endl;
    if (shellInclude)
        s << "#include \"" << java_class->name() << "_shell" << ".h\"" << endl;
/* qtd
    if (java_class->isQObject())
        s << "#include <qtdynamicmetaobject.h>" << endl;
    if (java_class->isQObject())
        s << "#include <QObjectEntity.h>" << endl;

    s << "#include <iostream>" << endl;

    Include inc = java_class->typeEntry()->include();
    if (! {
        s << "#include ";
        if (inc.type == Include::IncludePath)
            s << "<";
            s << "\"";
        s <<;
        if (inc.type == Include::IncludePath)
            s << ">";
            s << "\"";
        s << endl;
    s << endl; // qtd
    s << "#include \"qtd_core.h\"" << endl
      << "#include \"ArrayOpsPrimitive.h\"" << endl
      << "#include \"ArrayOps_qt_core.h\"" << endl;

    // qtd2 hack!!
    if (java_class->package() == "qt.svg")
        s << "#include \"ArrayOps_qt_gui.h\"" << endl;

    QString pkg_name = QString(java_class->package()).replace(".", "_");
    s << QString("#include \"ArrayOps_%1.h\"").arg(pkg_name) << endl;

    s << endl;

    writeInterfaceCasts(s, java_class);

    /* qtd2
    writeShellSignatures(s, java_class);

    writeDefaultConstructedValues(s, java_class);

    if (hasCustomDestructor(java_class)) */
    if (!java_class->isQObject())
        writeFinalDestructor(s, java_class);

    if (java_class->isQObject())
        writeSignalsHandling(s, java_class);

    if (shellClass) {
        foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, java_class->functions()) {
            if (function->isConstructor() && !function->isPrivate())
                writeShellConstructor(s, function);
        writeShellDestructor(s, java_class);

        if (!java_class->isQObject() && java_class->hasVirtualFunctions())
            writeQtdEntityFunction(s, java_class);

        if (java_class->isQObject())
            writeQObjectFunctions(s, java_class);

        // Virtual overrides
        s << "// Virtual overrides" << endl;
        AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualFunctions = java_class->virtualFunctions();
        for (int pos = 0; pos<virtualFunctions.size(); ++pos) {
            const AbstractMetaFunction *function =;
            // qtd            writeShellFunction(s, function, java_class, pos);
            writeShellVirtualFunction(s, function, java_class, pos);

        if (cpp_shared)
            writeInitCallbacks(s, java_class);

        // Functions in shell class
        s << "// Functions in shell class" << endl;
        AbstractMetaFunctionList shellFunctions = java_class->nonVirtualShellFunctions();
        for (int i=0; i<shellFunctions.size(); ++i) {
            const AbstractMetaFunction *function =;
            writeShellFunction(s, function, java_class, -1);

        // Write public overrides for functions that are protected in the base class
        // so they can be accessed from the native callback
        s << "// public overrides for functions that are protected in the base class" << endl;
        AbstractMetaFunctionList public_override_functions = java_class->publicOverrideFunctions();
        foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, public_override_functions) {
            writePublicFunctionOverride(s, function, java_class);

        // Write virtual function overries used to decide on static/virtual calls
        s << "// Write virtual function overries used to decide on static/virtual calls" << endl;
        AbstractMetaFunctionList virtual_functions = java_class->virtualOverrideFunctions();
        foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, virtual_functions) {
            writeVirtualFunctionOverride(s, function, java_class);

    writeExtraFunctions(s, java_class);
/* qtd2
    writeToStringFunction(s, java_class);

    if (java_class->hasCloneOperator()) {
        writeCloneFunction(s, java_class);
    // Signals emitters
    AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_functions = signalFunctions(java_class, false);
    for (int i=0; i<signal_functions.size(); ++i)
        const AbstractMetaFunction *function =;
            writeFinalFunction(s,, java_class);
    s << "// ---externC---" << endl;

    // Native callbacks (all java functions require native callbacks)
    AbstractMetaFunctionList class_funcs = java_class->functionsInTargetLang();
    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, class_funcs) {
        if (!function->isEmptyFunction())
            writeFinalFunction(s, function, java_class);
    s << "// ---externC---end" << endl;

    class_funcs = java_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::NormalFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::AbstractFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, class_funcs) {
        if (function->implementingClass() != java_class) {
            writeFinalFunction(s, function, java_class);

    // Field accessors
    s << "// Field accessors" << endl;
    foreach (AbstractMetaField *field, java_class->fields()) {
        if (field->wasPublic() || (field->wasProtected() && !java_class->isFinal()))
            writeFieldAccessors(s, field);
    s << "// writeFromNativeFunction" << endl;
    writeFromNativeFunction(s, java_class);

    if (java_class->isQObject())
        writeOriginalMetaObjectFunction(s, java_class);

    if (java_class->typeEntry()->isValue())
        writeFromArrayFunction(s, java_class);

    // generate the __qt_cast_to_Xxx functions
    if (!java_class->isNamespace() && !java_class->isInterface()) {
        AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = java_class->interfaces();
        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *iface, interfaces)
            writeInterfaceCastFunction(s, java_class, iface);

    writeSignalInitialization(s, java_class);
// qtd    writeJavaLangObjectOverrideFunctions(s, java_class);

    if (java_class->isQObject())
        s << endl << endl
          << "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC void* qtd_" << java_class->name() << "_staticMetaObject() {" << endl
          << "    return (void*)&" << java_class->name() << "::staticMetaObject;" << endl
          << "}" << endl;

    s << endl << endl;

    priGenerator->addSource(java_class->package(), fileNameForClass(java_class));

void CppImplGenerator::writeVirtualDispatchFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *function, bool d_export)
            uint options2 = ReturnType | ExternC;
            QString return_type = jniReturnName(function, options2);
            QString f_name = function->marshalledName() + "_dispatch";

                s << "extern \"C\" ";

            if (!cpp_shared || d_export) {
                s << return_type << " " << f_name;
                writeVirtualDispatchArguments(s, function, d_export);
                    s << ";";
            } else if (cpp_shared) {
                s << "typedef " << return_type << " " << "(*pf" << f_name << ")";
                writeVirtualDispatchArguments(s, function, false);
                s << ";" << endl
                  << "pf" << f_name << " " << f_name << ";";

            s << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeShellVirtualFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *function,
                                          const AbstractMetaClass *implementor, int id)
            // ----------------------------

            AbstractMetaType *f_type = function->type();
            QString new_return_type = function->typeReplaced(0);
            bool has_function_type = ((f_type != 0
                                      || !new_return_type.isEmpty())
                                      && new_return_type != "void");

            writeVirtualDispatchFunction(s, function);

            writeFunctionSignature(s, function, implementor, QString(), OriginalName);

            s << endl
              << "{" << endl;

            Option options = NoOption;

            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            //bool static_call = !(options & VirtualCall);
//s << "std::cout << \"entering " << function->marshalledName() << " \\n\"; " << endl;

            if (f_type) {
                if (f_type->isTargetLangString())
                      s << INDENT << "DArray ret_str;" << endl;

                if (f_type->name() == "QModelIndex")
                    s << INDENT << "QModelIndexAccessor __d_return_value;" << endl;
                else if (f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
                    s << INDENT << f_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() << " __d_return_value;" << endl;

                if (f_type->isContainer())
                    s << INDENT << "void* __d_return_value;" << endl
                      << INDENT << "size_t __d_return_value_size;" << endl;

            AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = function->arguments();
            foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
                if (!function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex()+1)) {
                    if (!argument->type()->isPrimitive()
                        || !function->conversionRule(TypeSystem::NativeCode, argument->argumentIndex()+1).isEmpty()) {
                        if(argument->type()->isContainer()) {
                            QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
                            s << INDENT << QString("DArray %1_arr;").arg(arg_name) << endl
                              << INDENT << QString("DArray *__d_%1 = &%1_arr;").arg(arg_name);

                                        "__d_" + arg_name,
                                        argument->argumentIndex() + 1,

            if ((options & NoReturnStatement) == 0)
                s << INDENT;
            /* qtd if (function->isAbstract() && static_call) {
                s << default_return_statement_qt(function->type(), options) << ";" << endl;
            } else */
                if (f_type) {
                    if (f_type->isTargetLangString() || f_type->isContainer())
                    else if ((f_type->isValue() && !f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()) ||
                            f_type->isVariant() )
                        s << f_type->name() << " *__qt_return_value = (" << f_type->name() << "*) ";
                    else if (f_type->isObject() || f_type->isQObject())
                        s << "return (" << f_type->name() <<"*) ";
                    else if (f_type->name() == "QModelIndex" || f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
                    else if ((options & NoReturnStatement) == 0)
                        s << "return ";

                    if (f_type->isEnum() || f_type->isFlags())
                        s << "(" << f_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() <<") ";

                s << function->marshalledName() << "_dispatch("
                  << "this->dId";

                if (f_type) {
                    if (f_type->isTargetLangString())
                        s << ", &ret_str";
                    if (f_type->name() == "QModelIndex" || f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
                        s << ", &__d_return_value";
                    if (f_type->isContainer())
                        s << ", &__d_return_value, &__d_return_value_size";

                if (function->arguments().size() > 0)
                    s << ", ";
                writeFunctionCallArguments(s, function, QString(), Option(options | ForceEnumCast | SkipRemovedArguments | ExcludeConst | VirtualDispatch));

                s << ");" << endl;

//s << "std::cout << \"leaving " << function->marshalledName() << " \\n\"; " << endl;

                if (f_type) {
                    if (f_type->name() == "QModelIndex") {
                        s << INDENT << "QModelIndex __qt_return_value = qtd_to_QModelIndex( __d_return_value );" << endl;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
s << "qtd_dummy();" << endl; // hack!!!
                        s << INDENT << "return __qt_return_value;" << endl;
                    } else if (f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
                        s << INDENT << "return __d_return_value;" << endl;

                    if (f_type->isContainer()) {
                        writeJavaToQt(s, f_type, "__qt_return_value", "__d_return_value",
                                      function, 0, GlobalRefJObject);
                        s << INDENT << "return __qt_return_value;" << endl;

                    if (f_type->isTargetLangString())
                        s << INDENT << "return " << "QString::fromUtf8((const char*) ret_str.ptr, ret_str.length);" << endl;

                    if ( ( f_type->isValue() && !f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD() ) || f_type->isVariant() )
                        s << INDENT << "return " << f_type->name() << "(*__qt_return_value);" << endl; //" __qt_return_value = ";

            s << "}" << endl << endl;
            // ----------------------------

void CppImplGenerator::writeVirtualDispatchArguments(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function, bool d_export)
    uint nativeArgCount = 0;
    AbstractMetaType *ret_type = d_function->type();

    s << "(void *d_entity";

    if (ret_type) {
        if (ret_type->isTargetLangString()) {
            if (d_export)
                s << ", string* ret_str";
                s << ", DArray* ret_str";
        if (ret_type->name() == "QModelIndex")
            s << ", QModelIndexAccessor *__d_return_value";
        else if(ret_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
            s << ", " << ret_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() << " *__d_return_value";

        if (ret_type->isContainer())
            s << ", void** __d_arr_ptr, size_t* __d_arr_size";

    if (d_function->arguments().size() > 0)
        s << ", ";

    // the function arguments
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
            if (nativeArgCount > 0)
                s << "," << " ";

            AbstractMetaType *d_type = argument->type();
            QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();

            if (d_type->name() == "QModelIndex")
                s << "QModelIndexAccessor" << QString(d_type->actualIndirections(), '*') << " " << arg_name;
            else if (d_type->isContainer()) {
                if (d_export) {
                    s << DGenerator::translateType(d_type, d_function->ownerClass(), NoOption) << "* ";
                } else
                    s << "DArray* ";
                s << arg_name;
            } else if (d_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
                s << d_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() << QString(d_type->actualIndirections(), '*')
                  << " " << arg_name;
            else if (d_type->isTargetLangString()) {
                if (d_export)
                    s << "wchar* ";
                    s << "const unsigned short* ";
                s << QString("%1, int %1_size").arg(arg_name);
            } else {
                     s << "void*";
                else if (!d_type->hasNativeId())
                   const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_type->typeEntry());
                   if(d_type->typeEntry()->isObject() && ctype->isAbstract() && d_export)
                        QString d_name = d_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName();
                        s << d_name + "_ConcreteWrapper" + QString(d_type->indirections(),'*');
                        s << translateType(d_type, EnumAsInts, d_export);
                    s << "void*";
                s << " " << argument->indexedName();
    s << ")";

void CppImplGenerator::writeJavaLangObjectOverrideFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *cls)
    if (cls->hasHashFunction()) {
        AbstractMetaFunctionList hashcode_functions = cls->queryFunctionsByName("hashCode");
        bool found = false;
        foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, hashcode_functions) {
            if (function->actualMinimumArgumentCount() == 0) {
                found = true;

        if (!found) {
            s << endl
              << INDENT << jni_function_signature(cls->package(), cls->name(), "__qt_hashCode", "jint")
              << "(JNIEnv *__jni_env, jobject, jlong __this_nativeId)" << endl
              << INDENT << "{" << endl;
                Indentation indent(INDENT);
                s << INDENT << "Q_UNUSED(__jni_env);" << endl
                  << INDENT << cls->qualifiedCppName() << " *__qt_this = ("
                  << cls->qualifiedCppName() << " *) qtjambi_from_jlong(__this_nativeId);" << endl
                  << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_EXCEPTION_CHECK(__jni_env);" << endl
                  << INDENT << "Q_ASSERT(__qt_this);" << endl
                  << INDENT << "return qHash(*__qt_this);" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

    // Qt has a standard toString() conversion in QVariant?
    QVariant::Type type = QVariant::nameToType(cls->qualifiedCppName().toLatin1());
    if (QVariant(type).canConvert(QVariant::String) && !cls->hasToStringCapability()) {
        AbstractMetaFunctionList tostring_functions = cls->queryFunctionsByName("toString");
        bool found = false;
        foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, tostring_functions) {
            if (function->actualMinimumArgumentCount() == 0) {
                found = true;

        if (!found) {
            s << endl
              << INDENT << jni_function_signature(cls->package(), cls->name(), "__qt_toString", "jstring")
              << "(JNIEnv *__jni_env, jobject, jlong __this_nativeId)" << endl
              << INDENT << "{" << endl;
                Indentation indent(INDENT);
                s << INDENT << cls->qualifiedCppName() << " *__qt_this = ("
                  << cls->qualifiedCppName() << " *) qtjambi_from_jlong(__this_nativeId);" << endl
                  << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_EXCEPTION_CHECK(__jni_env);" << endl
                  << INDENT << "Q_ASSERT(__qt_this);" << endl
                  << INDENT << "return qtjambi_from_qstring(__jni_env, QVariant(*__qt_this).toString());" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeExtraFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    const ComplexTypeEntry *class_type = java_class->typeEntry();

    CodeSnipList code_snips = class_type->codeSnips();
    foreach (const CodeSnip &snip, code_snips) {
        if (snip.language == TypeSystem::ShellCode || snip.language == TypeSystem::NativeCode) {
            snip.formattedCode(s, INDENT) << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeToStringFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    FunctionModelItem fun = java_class->hasToStringCapability();
    bool core = java_class->package() == QLatin1String("qt.core");
    bool qevent = false;

    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = java_class;
    while (cls) {
        if (cls->name() == "QEvent") {
            qevent = true;
            fun = cls->hasToStringCapability();
        cls = cls->baseClass();

    if (!java_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction() && fun && !(qevent && core)) {

        int indirections = fun->arguments().at(1)->type().indirections();
        QString deref = QLatin1String(indirections == 0 ? "*" : "");

        s << endl;
        s << "#include <QDebug>" << endl;
        s << jni_function_signature(java_class->package(), java_class->name(), "__qt_toString", "jstring")
          << "(JNIEnv *__jni_env, jobject, jlong __this_nativeId)" << endl
          << INDENT << "{" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << " *__qt_this = ("
              << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << " *) qtjambi_from_jlong(__this_nativeId);" << endl
              << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_EXCEPTION_CHECK(__jni_env);" << endl
              << INDENT << "Q_ASSERT(__qt_this);" << endl

              << INDENT << "QString res;" << endl
              << INDENT << "QDebug d(&res);" << endl
              << INDENT << "d << " << deref << "__qt_this;" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "return qtjambi_from_qstring(__jni_env, res);" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeCloneFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    s << endl
      << jni_function_signature(java_class->package(), java_class->name(), "__qt_clone", "jobject") << endl
      << "(JNIEnv *__jni_env, jobject, jlong __this_nativeId)" << endl
      << INDENT << "{" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        s << INDENT << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << " *__qt_this = ("

          << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << " *) qtjambi_from_jlong(__this_nativeId);" << endl
          << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_EXCEPTION_CHECK(__jni_env);" << endl
          << INDENT << "Q_ASSERT(__qt_this);" << endl
          << INDENT << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << " *res = __qt_this;" << endl
          << INDENT << "return qtjambi_from_object(__jni_env, res, \"" << java_class->name() << "\", \"" << java_class->package().replace(".", "/") << "/\", true);" << endl;
    s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeShellSignatures(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    bool has_constructors = java_class->hasConstructors();

    // Write the function names...
    if (has_constructors && java_class->hasVirtualFunctions()) {
        AbstractMetaFunctionList virtual_functions = java_class->virtualFunctions();
            Indentation indent(INDENT);

            int pos = -1;
            foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, virtual_functions) {

                if (pos == 0)
                    s << "static const char *qtjambi_method_names[] = {";
                    s << ",";
                s << endl
                  << "/* " << QString("%1").arg(QString::number(pos), 3) << " */ "
                  << "\"" << function->name() << "\"";
            if (pos >= 0)
                s << endl << "};" << endl << endl;
                s << "static const char **qtjambi_method_names = 0;" << endl;

        // Write the function signatures
            Indentation indent(INDENT);

            int pos = -1;
            foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, virtual_functions) {

                if (pos == 0)
                    s << "static const char *qtjambi_method_signatures[] = {";
                    s << ",";
                s << endl
                  << "/* " << QString("%1").arg(QString::number(pos), 3) << " */ "
                  << "\""
                  << jni_signature(function, SlashesAndStuff)
                  << "\"";
            if (pos >= 0)
                s << endl << "};" << endl;
                s << "static const char **qtjambi_method_signatures = 0;" << endl;
            s << "static const int qtjambi_method_count = " << QString::number(pos + 1) << ";" << endl
              << endl;

    if (has_constructors && java_class->hasInconsistentFunctions()) {
        AbstractMetaFunctionList inconsistents = java_class->cppInconsistentFunctions();
        // Write the inconsistent function names...
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << "static const char *qtjambi_inconsistent_names[] = {";
            for (int i=0; i<inconsistents.size(); ++i) {
                if (i != 0)
                    s << ",";
                s << endl << INDENT << "\"" <<>name() << "\"";
            s << endl << "};" << endl << endl;

        // Write the function signatures
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << "static const char *qtjambi_inconsistent_signatures[] = {";
            for (int i=0; i<inconsistents.size(); ++i) {
                const AbstractMetaFunction *function =;

                if (i != 0)
                    s << ",";
                s << endl << INDENT << "\""
                  << jni_signature(function, SlashesAndStuff)
                  << "\"";
            s << endl << "};" << endl << endl;
        s << "static const int qtjambi_inconsistent_count = " << inconsistents.size() << ";" << endl
          << endl;

    AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_functions = java_class->cppSignalFunctions();
    if (signal_functions.size()) {
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        s << "static const char *qtjambi_signal_names[] = {";
        for (int i=0; i<signal_functions.size(); ++i) {
            if (i != 0)
                s << ",";

            const AbstractMetaFunction *f =;

            QString signalName = f->name();

            s << endl << INDENT << "\"" << signalName << "\"";
        s << endl << "};" << endl << endl;

        s << "static const int qtjambi_signal_argumentcounts[] = {";
        for (int i=0; i<signal_functions.size(); ++i) {
            if (i != 0)
                s << ",";
            s << endl << INDENT <<>arguments().count();
        s << endl << "};" << endl << endl;
        s << "static const int qtjambi_signal_count = " << signal_functions.size() << ";" << endl
          << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeQObjectEntity(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    QString entityName = java_class->name() + "Entity";
    QString className = java_class->name();

    s << "class " << entityName << " : public QObject, public QtD_QObjectEntity" << endl
      << "{" << endl
      << "public:" << endl
      << "    Q_OBJECT_CHECK" << endl
      << "    virtual int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void **);" << endl << endl

      << "    " << entityName << "(QObject *qObject, void *dId) : QObject(), QtD_QObjectEntity(qObject, dId) {}" << endl
      << "};" << endl << endl;

    // QObject_Link::qt_metacall()
    s << "int " << entityName << "::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)" << endl
      << "{" << endl      
      << "    _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);" << endl
      << "    if (_id < 0 || _c != QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod)" << endl
      << "        return _id;" << endl
//      << "    Q_ASSERT(_id < 2);" << endl      
      << "    emit_callbacks_" << java_class->name() << "[_id](dId, _a);" << endl      
      << "    return -1;" << endl
      << "}" << endl << endl;

    s << "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC void qtd_" << className << "_createEntity(void *nativeId, void* dId)" << endl
      << "{" << endl
      << "    new " << entityName << "((QObject*)nativeId, dId);" << endl
      << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeQObjectFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    // QObject::metaObject()
/*    s << "const QMetaObject *" << shellClassName(java_class) << "::metaObject() const" << endl
      << "{" << endl
      << "  if (m_meta_object == 0) {" << endl
      << "      JNIEnv *__jni_env = qtjambi_current_environment();" << endl
      << "      jobject __obj = m_link != 0 ? m_link->javaObject(__jni_env) : 0;" << endl
      << "      if (__obj == 0) return " << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::metaObject();" << endl
      << "      else m_meta_object = qtjambi_metaobject_for_class(__jni_env, __jni_env->GetObjectClass(__obj), " << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::metaObject());" << endl;

    AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualFunctions = java_class->virtualFunctions();
    for (int pos=0; pos<virtualFunctions.size(); ++pos) {
        const AbstractMetaFunction *virtualFunction =;
        if (virtualFunction->isVirtualSlot()) {
            QStringList introspectionCompatibleSignatures = virtualFunction->introspectionCompatibleSignatures();
            foreach (QString introspectionCompatibleSignature, introspectionCompatibleSignatures) {
                s << "      {" << endl
                  << "          int idx = "
                  << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::metaObject()->indexOfMethod(\""
                  << introspectionCompatibleSignature << "\");" << endl;

                s << "          if (idx >= 0) m_map.insert(idx, " << pos << ");" << endl
                  << "      }" << endl;


    s << "  }" << endl
      << "  return m_meta_object;" << endl
      << "}" << endl << endl;

    // QObject::qt_metacast()
    s << "void *" << shellClassName(java_class) << "::qt_metacast(const char *_clname)" << endl
      << "{" << endl
      << "  if (!_clname) return 0;" << endl
      << "  if (!strcmp(_clname, \"" << shellClassName(java_class) << "\"))" << endl
      << "     return static_cast<void*>(const_cast<" << shellClassName(java_class) << "*>(this));" << endl
      << "  return " << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::qt_metacast(_clname);" << endl
      << "}" << endl << endl;
    s << "int " << shellClassName(java_class) << "::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)" << endl
      << "{" << endl;

    s << "    _id = " << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);" << endl    
      << "    if (_id < 0 || _c != QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod)" << endl
      << "        return _id;" << endl      
      << "    emit_callbacks_" << java_class->name() << "[_id](this->dId, _a);" << endl      
      << "    return -1;" << endl
      << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeSignalEmitter(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class, AbstractMetaFunction *function)

    if (function->isModifiedRemoved(TypeSystem::NativeCode))

    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = d_class ? d_class : function->ownerClass();

    QString function_signature = cls->name() + "::" + function->signature();

    s << "// " << function_signature << endl;

    const QString qt_object_name = function->isStatic() ? shellClassName(cls) : "__qt_this";

    // we are not wrapping some functions depending on arguments because API is not yet full
    if (notWrappedYet(function))

    // function signature...
    bool callThrough = function->needsCallThrough();
 //   uint options = m_native_jump_table ? ReturnType | ExternC : StandardJNISignature;
    writeFunctionName(s, function, cls, ExternC);
    s << endl;
    writeFinalFunctionArguments(s, function);
    s << endl << "{" << endl;
    Indentation indent(INDENT);

    writeFinalFunctionSetup(s, function, qt_object_name, cls);

    s << "void *args[] = {NULL";
    // create an array of pointers to args
/*    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();
    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
        s << ", ";
        if (!argument->type()->isPrimitive()
            || !java_function->conversionRule(TypeSystem::NativeCode, argument->argumentIndex() + 1).isEmpty()) {
                // s << &qt_arg + n
    s << endl << "}";
    s << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeSignalsHandling(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    s << "extern \"C\" typedef void (*EmitCallback)(void*, void**);" << endl;
    AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs = signalFunctions(java_class);

    if (cpp_shared)
	if(signal_funcs.size() > 0)
	    s << "EmitCallback emit_callbacks_" << java_class->name() << "[" << signal_funcs.size() << "];" << endl;
	    s << "EmitCallback emit_callbacks_" << java_class->name() << "[1];" << endl; // Hack for msvc.
    else {
        // D-side signal callbacks
        for(int i = 0; i < signal_funcs.size(); i++) {
            AbstractMetaFunction *signal =;
            s << "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC void " << signalExternName(java_class, signal) << "_handle(void* d_entity, void** args);" << endl;

	if(signal_funcs.size() > 0)
	    s << "EmitCallback emit_callbacks_" << java_class->name() << "[" << signal_funcs.size() << "] = {" << endl;
	    s << "EmitCallback emit_callbacks_" << java_class->name() << "[1] = {" << endl; // Hack for msvc.
        for(int i = 0; i < signal_funcs.size(); i++) {
            AbstractMetaFunction *signal =;
            s << endl;
            if (i != 0)
                s << ", ";
            s << "&" << signalExternName(java_class, signal) << "_handle";
        s << endl << "};" << endl << endl;

    writeQObjectEntity(s, java_class);

void CppImplGenerator::writeShellConstructor(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function)
    if (java_function->isModifiedRemoved(TypeSystem::ShellCode))

    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = java_function->ownerClass();
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();

    writeFunctionSignature(s, java_function, cls);

    s << endl;
    s << "    : " << cls->qualifiedCppName() << "(";
    for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i) {
        s <<>indexedName();
        if (i != arguments.size() - 1)
            s << ", ";
    s << ")";
    if (cls->isQObject())
        s << "," << endl << "      QtD_QObjectEntity(this, d_ptr)";
    else if (cls->hasVirtualFunctions())
        s << "," << endl << "      QtD_Entity(d_ptr)";
/* qtd        s << "    m_meta_object(0)," << endl;
    s << "      m_vtable(0)," << endl
      << "      m_link(0)" << endl;
    s << endl;
    s << "{" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);

        writeCodeInjections(s, java_function, cls, CodeSnip::Beginning, TypeSystem::ShellCode);
        writeCodeInjections(s, java_function, cls, CodeSnip::End, TypeSystem::ShellCode);
    s << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeShellDestructor(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    s << shellClassName(java_class) << "::~"
      << shellClassName(java_class) << "()" << endl
      << "{" << endl;
        //s << "    std::cout << \"In shell destructor of " << java_class->name() << ", nativeId: \" << this << std::endl;";  
        if (java_class->isQObject())
            s << "    destroyEntity(this);";
    s << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeCodeInjections(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                           const AbstractMetaClass *implementor, CodeSnip::Position position,
                                           TypeSystem::Language language)

    FunctionModificationList mods;
    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = implementor;
    while (cls != 0) {
        mods += java_function->modifications(cls);

        if (cls == cls->baseClass())
        cls = cls->baseClass();

    foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
        if (mod.snips.count() <= 0)
            continue ;

        foreach (CodeSnip snip, mod.snips) {
            if (snip.position != position)
                continue ;

            if ((snip.language & language) == false)
                continue ;

            if (position == CodeSnip::End)
                s << endl;

            QString code;
            QTextStream tmpStream(&code);
            snip.formattedCode(tmpStream, INDENT);
            ArgumentMap map = snip.argumentMap;
            ArgumentMap::iterator it = map.begin();
            for (;it!=map.end();++it) {
                int pos = it.key() - 1;
                QString meta_name = it.value();

                if (pos >= 0 && pos < java_function->arguments().count()) {
                    code = code.replace(meta_name, java_function->arguments().at(pos)->indexedName());
                } else {
                    QString debug = QString("argument map specifies invalid argument index %1"
                                            "for function '%2'")
                                            .arg(pos + 1).arg(java_function->name());

            s << code;
            if (position == CodeSnip::Beginning)
                s << endl;

static QString function_call_for_ownership(TypeSystem::Ownership owner, const QString &var_name)
    if (owner == TypeSystem::CppOwnership) {
        return "setCppOwnership(__jni_env, " + var_name + ")";
    } else if (owner == TypeSystem::TargetLangOwnership) {
        return "setJavaOwnership(__jni_env, " + var_name + ")";
    } else if (owner == TypeSystem::DefaultOwnership) {
        return "setDefaultOwnership(__jni_env, " + var_name + ")";
    } else {
        return "bogus()";

void CppImplGenerator::writeOwnership(QTextStream &s,
                                      const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                      const QString &var_name,
                                      int var_index,
                                      const AbstractMetaClass *implementor)
    TypeSystem::Ownership owner = TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership;
    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = implementor;
    while (cls != 0 && owner == TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) {
        owner = java_function->ownership(cls, TypeSystem::ShellCode, var_index);
        cls = cls->baseClass();

    if (owner == TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership)

    if (var_index != -1) {
        s << INDENT << "if (" << var_name << " != 0) {" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << "QtJambiLink *__link = QtJambiLink::findLink(__jni_env, "
                        << var_name << ");" << endl
            << INDENT << "Q_ASSERT(__link != 0);" << endl;

            s << INDENT << "__link->" << function_call_for_ownership(owner, var_name) << ";" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
    } else {
        s << INDENT << "if (m_link) {" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << "m_link->" << function_call_for_ownership(owner, "m_link->javaObject(__jni_env)") << ";" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;


void CppImplGenerator::writeShellFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                          const AbstractMetaClass *implementor, int id)
    writeFunctionSignature(s, java_function, implementor, QString(), OriginalName);

    s << endl
      << "{" << endl;

    Indentation indent(INDENT);

    QString java_function_signature = java_function->signature();
/*    s << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE(\"(shell) entering: " << implementor->name() << "::"
      << java_function_signature << "\");" << endl;
    writeCodeInjections(s, java_function, implementor, CodeSnip::Beginning, TypeSystem::ShellCode);

    //     s << "    printf(\"%s : %s\\n\", \"" << java_function->enclosingClass()->name() << "\""
    //       << ", \"" << java_function->name() << "\");" << endl;

    if (!java_function->isFinalInCpp() || java_function->isVirtualSlot()) {
        s << INDENT << "jmethodID method_id = m_vtable->method(" << id << ");" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "if (method_id) {" << endl;

            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << "JNIEnv *__jni_env = qtjambi_current_environment();" << endl;

            // This nasty case comes up when we're shutting down while receiving virtual
            // calls.. With these checks we safly abort...
            s << INDENT << "if (!__jni_env) {" << endl
              << "    ";
            writeBaseClassFunctionCall(s, java_function, implementor);
            if (!java_function->type()) {
                s << INDENT << "    return;" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

            // otherwise, continue with the function call...
            s << INDENT << "__jni_env->PushLocalFrame(100);" << endl;

            AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();
            AbstractMetaArgumentList argumentsToReset;
            foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
                if (!java_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex()+1)) {
                    if (!argument->type()->isPrimitive()
                        || !java_function->conversionRule(TypeSystem::NativeCode, argument->argumentIndex()+1).isEmpty()) {
                                    "__java_" + argument->indexedName(),
                                    argument->argumentIndex() + 1);

                    if (java_function->resetObjectAfterUse(argument->argumentIndex()+1))

            for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i)
                writeOwnership(s, java_function, "__java_" +>indexedName(), i+1, implementor);

            AbstractMetaType *function_type = java_function->type();
            QString new_return_type = java_function->typeReplaced(0);
            bool has_function_type = ((function_type != 0
                                      || !new_return_type.isEmpty())
                                      && new_return_type != "void");

            s << INDENT;
            if (has_function_type) {
                if (new_return_type.isEmpty()) {
                    s << translateType(function_type);
                } else {
                    s << jniName(new_return_type);
                s << " " << "__d_return_value = ";

            s << "__jni_env->";
            if (new_return_type.isEmpty()) {
                s << callXxxMethod(java_function->type());
            } else if (!has_function_type) {
                s << "CallVoidMethod";
            } else {
                s << callXxxMethod(new_return_type);

            s << "(m_link->javaObject(__jni_env), method_id";
            if (arguments.size() > 0)
                s << ", ";
            writeFunctionCallArguments(s, java_function, "__java_", Option(NoCasts | SkipRemovedArguments));
            s << ");" << endl
              << INDENT << "qtjambi_exception_check(__jni_env);" << endl;

            if (has_function_type) {
                writeJavaToQt(s, function_type, "__qt_return_value", "__d_return_value",
                              java_function, 0, GlobalRefJObject);

                if (java_function->nullPointersDisabled()) {
                    s << INDENT << "if (__d_return_value == 0) {" << endl;
                        Indentation indent(INDENT);
                        s << INDENT << "fprintf(stderr, \"QtJambi: Unexpected null pointer returned from override of '" << java_function->name() << "' in class '%s'\\n\"," << endl
                          << INDENT << "        qPrintable(qtjambi_object_class_name(__jni_env, m_link->javaObject(__jni_env))));" << endl;
                        s << INDENT << "__qt_return_value = ";
                        QString defaultValue = java_function->nullPointerDefaultValue();
                        if (!defaultValue.isEmpty())
                            s << defaultValue << ";";
                            writeBaseClassFunctionCall(s, java_function, implementor, NoReturnStatement);
                        s << endl;

                    s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
            } else if (!java_function->conversionRule(TypeSystem::ShellCode, 0).isEmpty()) {
                writeConversionRule(s, TypeSystem::ShellCode, java_function, 0, "<invalid>", "<invalid>");

            writeOwnership(s, java_function, "this", -1, implementor);
            writeOwnership(s, java_function, "__d_return_value", 0, implementor);

            foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argumentToReset, argumentsToReset) {

                QString argumentName = "__java_" + argumentToReset->indexedName();

                s << INDENT;
                if (argumentToReset->type()->isContainer())
                    s << "qtjambi_invalidate_collection(";
                    s << "qtjambi_invalidate_object(";

                s << "__jni_env, " << argumentName << ");" << endl;

            s << INDENT << "__jni_env->PopLocalFrame(0);" << endl;

            s << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE(\"(shell) -> leaving: "  << implementor->name()
              << "::" << java_function_signature << "\");" << endl;

            if (function_type)
                s << INDENT << "return __qt_return_value;" << endl;


        s << INDENT << "} else {" << endl;

            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE(\"(shell) -> super() and leaving: "
              << implementor->name() << "::" << java_function_signature << "\");" << endl;
            writeBaseClassFunctionCall(s, java_function, implementor);

        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

        writeCodeInjections(s, java_function, implementor, CodeSnip::End, TypeSystem::ShellCode);

        // A little trick to close open painters on a widget
        if (java_function->name() == "paintEvent") {
            s << INDENT << "JNIEnv *env = qtjambi_current_environment();" << endl
              << INDENT << "qtjambi_end_paint(env, m_link->javaObject(env));" << endl;

    } else {
        if(java_function->isRemovedFrom(implementor, TypeSystem::TargetLangCode)){
            // Avoid compiler warnings for unused parameters
            AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();

            foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
                s << INDENT << "Q_UNUSED(" << argument->indexedName() << ")" << endl;
        writeBaseClassFunctionCall(s, java_function, implementor);
        writeCodeInjections(s, java_function, implementor, CodeSnip::End, TypeSystem::ShellCode);

    s << "}" << endl << endl;


// ### kill implementor

void CppImplGenerator::writePublicFunctionOverride(QTextStream &s,
                                                   const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                                   const AbstractMetaClass *implementor)
             & (AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected
                | AbstractMetaAttributes::Final));

    // The write a public override version of this function to be used by native functions
    writeFunctionSignature(s, java_function, implementor, "__public_",
                           Option(EnumAsInts | UnderscoreSpaces
                           | (java_function->isAbstract() ? SkipName : NoOption)));
    s << endl
      << "{" << endl;
    Indentation indent(INDENT);
    writeBaseClassFunctionCall(s, java_function, implementor);
    s << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeQtdEntityFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    s << "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC void *__" << java_class->name() << "_entity(void *q_ptr)" << endl;
    s << "{" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << "QtD_Entity* a = dynamic_cast<QtD_Entity*>((" << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << "*)q_ptr);" << endl
              << INDENT << "if (a != NULL)" << endl
              << INDENT << "    return a->dId;" << endl
              << INDENT << "else" << endl
              << INDENT << "    return NULL;" << endl;
    s << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeVirtualFunctionOverride(QTextStream &s,
                                                    const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                                    const AbstractMetaClass *implementor)

    Option options = Option(EnumAsInts | UnderscoreSpaces);

    // The write a public override version of this function to be used by native functions
    writeFunctionSignature(s, java_function, implementor, "__override_",
                           QString(), // the class prefix
                           QStringList() << "bool static_call");
    s << endl
      << "{" << endl;
    Indentation indent(INDENT);
    s << INDENT << "if (static_call) {" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        writeBaseClassFunctionCall(s, java_function, implementor);
    s << INDENT << "} else {" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        writeBaseClassFunctionCall(s, java_function, implementor, VirtualCall);

    s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
    s << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeBaseClassFunctionCall(QTextStream &s,
                                                  const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                                  const AbstractMetaClass *,
                                                  Option options)
    bool static_call = !(options & VirtualCall);
    if ((options & NoReturnStatement) == 0)
        s << INDENT;
    if (java_function->isAbstract() && static_call) {
        s << default_return_statement_qt(java_function->type(), options) << ";" << endl;
    } else {
        if (java_function->type() && (options & NoReturnStatement) == 0)
            s << "return ";
        if (static_call) {
            const AbstractMetaClass *implementor = java_function->implementingClass();
            if (java_function->isInterfaceFunction())
                implementor = java_function->interfaceClass()->primaryInterfaceImplementor();
            s << implementor->qualifiedCppName() << "::";
        s << java_function->originalName() << "(";
        writeFunctionCallArguments(s, java_function, QString(), Option(options | ForceEnumCast));
        s << ");" << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeFunctionName(QTextStream &s,
                                         const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                         const AbstractMetaClass *java_class,
                                         uint options)
    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = java_class ? java_class : java_function->ownerClass();
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();

    // Function signature
    QString return_type = jniReturnName(java_function, options);

    QString function_name;

    bool callThrough = java_function->needsCallThrough();
/* qtd    if (!callThrough)
        function_name = java_function->name();
    else */
    function_name = java_function->marshalledName();

    QString args = "__";

    if (callThrough && !java_function->isStatic() && !java_function->isConstructor())
        args += "J";

    if (!arguments.isEmpty()) {
        foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
            if (!java_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
                if (!argument->type()->hasNativeId()) {
                    QString modified_type = java_function->typeReplaced(argument->argumentIndex()+1);
                    if (modified_type.isEmpty())
                        args += jni_signature(argument->type(), Underscores);
                        args += jni_signature(modified_type, Underscores);
                } else {
                    args += "J";

    s << jni_function_signature(cls->package(), cls->name(), function_name,
                                return_type, args, options);


void CppImplGenerator::writeFinalFunctionArguments(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function, bool d_export)
    bool callThrough = java_function->needsCallThrough();
    s << "(";
/* qtd
      << "JNIEnv *__jni_env," << endl;
    if (!java_function->isConstructor()) {
        if (java_function->isStatic())
            s << " jclass";
            s << " jobject";
    } else
        s << " jobject " << java_object_name;
    uint nativeArgCount = 0;
    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = java_function->ownerClass();
    if (java_function->isConstructor() &&
        ( cls->hasVirtualFunctions()
        || cls->typeEntry()->isObject() ) )
        s << "void *d_ptr";

    // passing pointer to C++ object
    bool hasNativeId = (callThrough && !java_function->isStatic() && !java_function->isConstructor());
    if (hasNativeId) {
        if (nativeArgCount > 0)
            s << "," << endl << " ";
        /* qtd << "," << endl */ s << "void* __this_nativeId";

    AbstractMetaType *f_type = java_function->type();

    // return values as strings, arrays or QModelIndex'es we return as arguments
    bool return_arg = false;
    if (f_type) {
        if (f_type->isTargetLangString() ||
            f_type->isContainer() ||
            f_type->name() == "QModelIndex" ||
            return_arg = true;

        if (return_arg && nativeArgCount > 0)
                s << "," << endl << " ";

        if (f_type->isTargetLangString() || f_type->isContainer())
            s << "void*";
        else if (f_type->name() == "QModelIndex")
            s << "QModelIndexAccessor*";
        else if (f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
            s << f_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() << " *";

        if(return_arg) {
            s << " __d_return_value";

    // the function arguments
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();
    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
        if (!java_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
            AbstractMetaType *d_type = argument->type();
            const TypeEntry *te = d_type->typeEntry();

            QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();

            if (nativeArgCount > 0)
                s << "," << endl << " ";

            // if QString argument we have to pass DArray
            if ((te && te->qualifiedCppName() == "QString") || d_type->isTargetLangString()) {
                if (d_export)
                    s << "string " << arg_name;
                    s << "DArray " << arg_name;
            } else if (d_type->isContainer()) {
                const ContainerTypeEntry *cte =
                        static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(te);
                    s << QString("void *%1, size_t %1_size").arg(arg_name);
            } else {
                if (!d_type->hasNativeId()) {
                    if(d_type->isVariant()) {
                        if (d_export) s << "void*";
                        else s << "QVariant*";
                    } else
                        s << translateType(argument->type(), EnumAsInts, d_export);
                else if (d_type->name() == "QModelIndex") {
                    if(d_export && dVersion == 2 && d_type->isConstant())
                        s << "const(QModelIndexAccessor)";
                        s << "QModelIndexAccessor";
                } else if (te->isStructInD())
                    s << te->qualifiedCppName();
                    s << "void*";

                s << " " << arg_name;
    s << ")";

    Generates type conversion from Java -> Qt for all the arguments
    that are to be to be passed to the function
void CppImplGenerator::writeFinalFunctionSetup(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                               const QString &qt_object_name,
                                               const AbstractMetaClass *cls)

    // Translate each of the function arguments into qt types
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();
    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
        if (!argument->type()->isPrimitive()
            || !java_function->conversionRule(TypeSystem::NativeCode, argument->argumentIndex() + 1).isEmpty()) {
                            "__qt_" + argument->indexedName(),
                            argument->argumentIndex() + 1,
                            Option(UseNativeIds | EnumAsInts));

    // Extract the qt equivalent to the this pointer and name it "qt_object_name"
    if (!java_function->isStatic() && !java_function->isConstructor()) {
// qtd2        QString className = java_function->isFinalOverload() ? cls->name() : shellClassName(cls);
        QString className = java_function->isFinalOverload() ? cls->name() : shellClassName(cls);
        s << INDENT
          << className << " *" << qt_object_name
          << " = (" << className << " *) __this_nativeId;"
          << endl;
//          << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_EXCEPTION_CHECK(__jni_env);" << endl
// qtd          << INDENT << "Q_ASSERT(" << qt_object_name << ");" << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeFinalFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                          const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)

    if (java_function->isModifiedRemoved(TypeSystem::NativeCode))

    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = java_class ? java_class : java_function->ownerClass();

    QString java_function_signature = cls->name() + "::" + java_function->signature();

    s << "// " << java_function_signature << endl;

    const AbstractMetaType *function_type = java_function->type();
    QString new_return_type = java_function->typeReplaced(0);
    bool has_function_type = new_return_type != "void"
                             && (!new_return_type.isEmpty() || function_type != 0)
                         && java_function->argumentReplaced(0).isEmpty();

    const QString qt_object_name = java_function->isStatic() ? shellClassName(cls) : "__qt_this";
    const QString java_object_name = java_function->isStatic() ? "__jni_class" : "__jni_object";

    // we are not wrapping some functions depending on arguments because API is not yet full
    if (notWrappedYet(java_function))

    // function signature...
    bool callThrough = java_function->needsCallThrough();
    uint options = m_native_jump_table ? ReturnType | ExternC : StandardJNISignature;
    writeFunctionName(s, java_function, cls, options);
    s << endl;
    writeFinalFunctionArguments(s, java_function);
    s << endl << "{" << endl;
    Indentation indent(INDENT);

// qtd2    s << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE(\"(native) entering: " << java_function_signature << "\");" << endl;
    bool hasNativeId = (callThrough && !java_function->isStatic() && !java_function->isConstructor());
/*    if (hasNativeId)
        s << INDENT << "Q_UNUSED(__this_nativeId)" << endl;
    // Avoid compiler warnings when the variables are unused
        s << INDENT << "Q_UNUSED(__jni_env)" << endl;

        if (java_function->isConstructor())
            s << INDENT << "Q_UNUSED(" << java_object_name << ")" << endl;

        bool hasNativeId = (callThrough && !java_function->isStatic() && !java_function->isConstructor());
        if (hasNativeId)
            s << INDENT << "Q_UNUSED(__this_nativeId)" << endl;

    if (cls->isFinal() && (!java_function->isAbstract() || !java_function->isFinalInTargetLang()) && !java_function->wasPublic()) {
        QString debug = QString("protected function '%1' in final class '%2'")
        // Avoid compiler warnings for unused parameters
        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();

        foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
            s << INDENT << "Q_UNUSED(" << argument->indexedName() << ")" << endl;
        s << INDENT << default_return_statement_qt(java_function->type()) << "";
    } else {
        writeFinalFunctionSetup(s, java_function, qt_object_name, cls);

        writeCodeInjections(s, java_function, java_function->implementingClass(), CodeSnip::Beginning, TypeSystem::NativeCode);

        if (java_function->isConstructor()) {
            writeFinalConstructor(s, java_function, qt_object_name, java_object_name);
        } else {

            QString function_prefix = "";
            QStringList extra_param;
            Option option = NoOption;

            bool hasShell = cls->generateShellClass();

            if (java_function->isFinalOverload()) {
                // no prefix
            } else if (java_function->isFinalInCpp() && !java_function->wasPublic() && hasShell) {
                function_prefix = "__public_";
            } else if (!java_function->isFinalInCpp() && !java_function->isStatic() && hasShell) {
                function_prefix = "__override_";
                s << INDENT
                  << "bool __do_static_call = __this_nativeId ? ";
                if (java_class->isQObject())
                    s << "QtD_QObjectEntity::getQObjectEntity((QObject*)__this_nativeId) : false;" << endl;
                    s << "__" << java_class->name() << "_entity(__this_nativeId) : false;" << endl;
            } else {
                option = OriginalName;

            // Call the Qt function on the java object
            s << "    ";
            if (has_function_type) {
                const QString qt_return_value = "__qt_return_value";
                const QString java_return_value = "__d_return_value";
                if (function_type) {
                    writeTypeInfo(s, function_type, EnumAsInts);
                    s << " " << qt_return_value
                      << " = ";

                writeFunctionCall(s, qt_object_name, java_function, function_prefix, option,
                s << endl;

                writeRefArguments(s, java_function);

                writeQtToJava(s, function_type, qt_return_value, java_return_value,
                              java_function, 0, EnumAsInts);

// qtd                s << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_DEBUG_TRACE(\"(native) -> leaving: "
//                  << java_function_signature << "\");";

                if (function_type && function_type->name() != "QModelIndex") {
                        ; //s << endl << INDENT << "return " << qt_return_value << ";";
                    else if (!function_type->isTargetLangString() && !function_type->isContainer())
                        s << endl << INDENT << "return " << java_return_value << ";";

            } else {
                writeFunctionCall(s, qt_object_name, java_function, function_prefix, option,
                writeRefArguments(s, java_function);
    if(!java_function->argumentReplaced(0).isEmpty()) {
    s << INDENT << "return 0;" << endl;

    s << endl << "}";
    s << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeRefArguments(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function)
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();
    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
        AbstractMetaType *d_type = argument->type();
        const TypeEntry *te = d_type->typeEntry();
        if ((te && d_type->isNativePointer() && te->name() == "QString"))
            s << QString("    qtd_toUtf8(__qt_%1.utf16(), __qt_%1.size(), &%1);").arg(argument->indexedName()) << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeAssignment(QTextStream &s, const QString &destName, const QString &srcName,
                                       const AbstractMetaType *java_type)
    if (java_type->isArray()) {
        for (int i=0; i<java_type->arrayElementCount(); ++i) {
            writeAssignment(s, destName + "[" + QString::number(i) + "]",
                srcName + "[" + QString::number(i) + "]", java_type->arrayElementType());
    } else {
        s << INDENT << destName << " = " << srcName << ";" << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeFieldAccessors(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaField *java_field)
    Q_ASSERT(java_field->isPublic() || java_field->isProtected());

    const AbstractMetaFunction *setter = java_field->setter();
    const AbstractMetaFunction *getter = java_field->getter();

    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = java_field->enclosingClass();
    FieldModification mod = cls->typeEntry()->fieldModification(java_field->name());


    if (mod.isReadable()) {
        // Getter
        if (getter->wasProtected()) {
            writeFunctionSignature(s, getter, getter->ownerClass());
            s << endl
              << "{" << endl;
                Indentation indent(INDENT);
                s << INDENT << "return " << java_field->name() << ";" << endl;
            s << "}" << endl << endl;

        writeFunctionName(s, getter, getter->ownerClass());
        s << endl;
        writeFinalFunctionArguments(s, getter);
        s << "{" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);

            writeFinalFunctionSetup(s, getter, "__qt_object", getter->ownerClass());

            const QString java_return_value = "__d_return_value";
            QString qt_return_value;
            if (setter->isStatic())
                qt_return_value = shellClassName(setter->ownerClass()) + "::";
                qt_return_value = "__qt_object->";

            // To avoid "taking address of tmp"
            s << INDENT;
            writeTypeInfo(s, getter->type(), Option(ArrayAsPointer));
            QString tmp_name = "__tmp_" + getter->name();
            s << tmp_name << " = ";

            if (getter->wasPublic())
                qt_return_value += java_field->name();
                qt_return_value += getter->name() + "_getter()";
            s << qt_return_value << ";" << endl;

            writeQtToJava(s, getter->type(), tmp_name, java_return_value, 0, -1, EnumAsInts);
            if (getter->type()->isTargetLangString() || getter->type()->name() == "QModelIndex")
            else if(getter->type()->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
                ; //s << INDENT << "return " << tmp_name << ";" << endl;
                s << INDENT << "return " << java_return_value << ";" << endl;
        s << "}" << endl << endl;


    // Setter
    if (mod.isWritable() && !java_field->type()->isConstant()) {
        // Write public override for protected fields
        if (setter->wasProtected()) {
            writeFunctionSignature(s, setter, setter->ownerClass());
            s << endl
              << "{" << endl;
                Indentation indent(INDENT);

                Q_ASSERT(setter->arguments().count() > 0);
                const AbstractMetaArgument *argument = setter->arguments().at(0);

                QString thisRef = java_field->isStatic()
                    ? setter->ownerClass()->qualifiedCppName() + QString("::")
                    : QString("this->");
                writeAssignment(s, thisRef + java_field->name(), argument->indexedName(), argument->type());
            s << "}" << endl << endl;

        writeFunctionName(s, setter, setter->ownerClass());
        s << endl;
        writeFinalFunctionArguments(s, setter);
        s  << "{" << endl;

            Indentation indent(INDENT);

            writeFinalFunctionSetup(s, setter, "__qt_object", setter->ownerClass());

            Q_ASSERT(setter->arguments().count() == 1);
            const AbstractMetaArgument *argument = setter->arguments().at(0);

            QString dest;
            if (setter->isStatic())
                dest = shellClassName(setter->ownerClass()) + "::";
                dest = "__qt_object->";

            QString src;
            if (!argument->type()->isPrimitive() && !argument->type()->typeEntry()->isStructInD()) {
                src = "__qt_" + argument->indexedName();
            } else if (argument->type()->name() == "QModelIndex") {
                src = "qtd_to_QModelIndex(" + argument->indexedName() + ")";
            } else
                src = argument->indexedName();

            if (setter->wasPublic())
                writeAssignment(s, dest + java_field->name(), src, argument->type());
                s << INDENT << dest << setter->name() << "_setter(" << src << ");" << endl;
        s << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeFinalDestructor(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *cls)
    if (cls->hasConstructors()) {
        s << INDENT << "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC void qtd_" << cls->name() << "_destructor(void *ptr)" << endl
          << INDENT << "{" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "delete (" << shellClassName(cls) << " *)ptr;" << endl;

        s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeFinalConstructor(QTextStream &s,
                                         const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                         const QString &qt_object_name,
                                         const QString &java_object_name)
    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = java_function->ownerClass();
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();
    QString className = cls->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName();

    bool hasShellClass = cls->generateShellClass();

    s << INDENT << shellClassName(cls) << " *" << qt_object_name
      << " = new " << shellClassName(cls)
      << "(";
    writeFunctionCallArguments(s, java_function, "__qt_");
    s << ");" << endl;
    s << INDENT << "return (void *) " << qt_object_name << ";" << endl; // qtd

/* qtd    s << INDENT << "QtJambiLink *__qt_java_link = ";
    if (cls->isQObject()) {
        s << "qtjambi_construct_qobject(__jni_env, " << java_object_name << ", "
          << qt_object_name << ")";
    } else {
        s << "qtjambi_construct_object(__jni_env, " << java_object_name << ", " << qt_object_name;
        if (cls->typeEntry()->isValue())
            s << ", \"" << className << "\")";
        else // non-QObject, object type
            s << ", QMetaType::Void, QLatin1String(\"" << cls->fullName().replace(".", "/") << "\"), true)";
    s << ";" << endl
      << INDENT << "if (!__qt_java_link) {" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        s << INDENT << "qWarning(\"object construction failed for type: "
          << className << "\");" << endl
          << INDENT << "return;" << endl;
    s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

    if (cls->isQObject()) {
        // Make sure all qobjects created by Java are owned by java only if
        // parent object has not been set.
        // All other objects will default to split ownership.
        s << INDENT << "if(!__qt_this->QObject::parent()){" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "    __qt_java_link->setJavaOwnership(__jni_env, " << java_object_name << ");" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
    } else {
        // All non-qobjects created by Java are owned by java
        s << INDENT << "__qt_java_link->setJavaOwnership(__jni_env, " << java_object_name << ");" << endl;

    if (hasCustomDestructor(cls)) {
        s << INDENT << "__qt_java_link->setDestructorFunction(qtjambi_destructor);" << endl;

    if (cls->typeEntry()->typeFlags() & ComplexTypeEntry::DeleteInMainThread)
        s << INDENT << "__qt_java_link->setDeleteInMainThread(true);" << endl;

    if (!cls->hasVirtualFunctions() && !cls->hasInconsistentFunctions() && !cls->typeEntry()->isObject())

    if (hasShellClass) {
        // Set up the link object
        s << INDENT << qt_object_name << "->m_link = __qt_java_link;" << endl;

        // Make sure the user data in the QObject has bindings to the qobject's meta object
        // (this has to be done after the link is set, so that the fake meta object
        //  can access the java object, for which it gets a reference in the link)
        if (cls->isQObject())
            s << INDENT << qt_object_name << "->m_link->setMetaObject(" << qt_object_name << "->metaObject());" << endl;

        s << INDENT << qt_object_name << "->m_link->setCreatedByJava(true);" << endl;

        AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = cls->interfaces();
        if (interfaces.size() + (cls->baseClass() != 0 ? 1 : 0) > 1)  {
            if (cls->baseClass() != 0)
                interfaces += cls->baseClass();
            foreach (AbstractMetaClass *iface, interfaces) {
                AbstractMetaClass *impl = iface->isInterface() ? iface->primaryInterfaceImplementor() : iface;
                s << INDENT << qt_object_name << "->m_link->registerSubObject((" << impl->qualifiedCppName() << " *) " << qt_object_name << ");" << endl;

    if (!cls->hasVirtualFunctions() && !cls->hasInconsistentFunctions())

    // Set up the vtable
    s << INDENT;
    QString space(24, ' ');
    if (hasShellClass)
        s << qt_object_name << "->m_vtable = ";
    s << "qtjambi_setup_vtable(__jni_env, " << endl << space << "__jni_object, " << endl;

    if (cls->hasInconsistentFunctions()) {
        s << space << "qtjambi_inconsistent_count, " << endl
          << space << "qtjambi_inconsistent_names, " << endl
          << space << "qtjambi_inconsistent_signatures, " << endl;
    } else {
        s << space << "0, 0, 0, // no inconsistent functions" << endl;

    if (cls->hasVirtualFunctions()) {
        s << space << "qtjambi_method_count, " << endl
          << space << "qtjambi_method_names, " << endl
          << space << "qtjambi_method_signatures" << endl;
    } else {
        s << space << "0, 0, 0 // no virtual functions" << endl;

    s << space << ");" << endl; */

void CppImplGenerator::writeSignalInitialization(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    if (!java_class->isQObject()
        || java_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Signals | AbstractMetaClass::Visible | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang).size() == 0) {
        return ;

    s << jni_function_signature(java_class->package(), java_class->name(), "__qt_signalInitialization", "jboolean")
      << endl << "(JNIEnv *__jni_env, jobject java_object, jlong ptr, jstring java_signal_name)" << endl
      << "{" << endl
      << "   QtJambiLink *link = (QtJambiLink *) ptr;" << endl
      << "   if (link == 0)" << endl
      << "       return true;" << endl << endl
      << "   QObject *qt_this = link->qobject();" << endl
      << "   Q_ASSERT(qt_this);" << endl << endl
      << "   QtJambi_SignalWrapper_" << java_class->name() << " *qt_wrapper = "
      << "   (QtJambi_SignalWrapper_" << java_class->name() << " *) link->signalWrapper();" << endl
      << "   if (qt_wrapper == 0) {" << endl
      << "       qt_wrapper = new QtJambi_SignalWrapper_" << java_class->name() << ";" << endl
      << "       link->setSignalWrapper(qt_wrapper);" << endl
      << "       qt_wrapper->link = link;" << endl << endl
      << "       qtjambi_resolve_signals(__jni_env," << endl
      << "                               java_object," << endl
      << "                               qt_wrapper->m_signals," << endl
      << "                               qtjambi_signal_count," << endl
      << "                               (char **) qtjambi_signal_names," << endl
      << "                               (int *) qtjambi_signal_argumentcounts);" << endl
      << "   }" << endl
      << "   QString signal_name = qtjambi_to_qstring(__jni_env, java_signal_name);" << endl
      << "   return qtjambi_connect_cpp_to_java(__jni_env," << endl
      << "                                      signal_name," << endl
      << "                                      qt_this," << endl
      << "                                      qt_wrapper," << endl
      << "                                      QLatin1String(\"" << java_class->fullName() << "\")," << endl
      << "                                      QLatin1String(\"" << signalWrapperPrefix() << "\"));" << endl
      << "}";

QString CppImplGenerator::fromObject(const TypeEntry *entry,
                                     const QString &var_name)
    QString returned;
    QString package = entry->javaPackage();
    const ComplexTypeEntry *centry = entry->isComplex()
                                     ? static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(entry)
                                     : 0;

    if (centry == 0 || centry->polymorphicIdValue().isEmpty()) {
/* qtd        returned = "qtjambi_from_object(__jni_env, " + var_name + ", \""
                   + entry->lookupName()
                   + "\", \"" + QString(package).replace(".", "/") + "/\", true);";
            returned = var_name + ";";
            returned = "new " + entry->lookupName() + "(" + var_name +");";
    } else {
        AbstractMetaClass *cls = classes().findClass(centry->qualifiedCppName());
        if (!cls) {
            qFatal("CppImplGenerator::fromObject(): class '%s' could not be resolved...",

        while (cls != 0 && !cls->typeEntry()->isPolymorphicBase())
            cls = cls->baseClass();

        QString full_name;
        if (cls != 0) {
            full_name = cls->fullName();
        } else {
            ReportHandler::warning(QString("class '%1' has polymorphic id but does not inherit a polymorphic class")
/* qtd
        returned = "qtjambi_from_object(__jni_env, " + var_name + ", \""
                   + centry->lookupName()
                   + "\", \"" + QString(package).replace(".", "/") + "/\","
                   + "\"" + jni_signature(full_name, Underscores) + "\", true); // fucking complex";
            returned = var_name + "; // complex entry";
            returned = "new " + centry->lookupName() + "(" + var_name +");  // complex entry";

    return returned;

void CppImplGenerator::writeOriginalMetaObjectFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)

    s << jni_function_signature(java_class->package(),

    s << endl
      << "(JNIEnv *," << endl
      << " jclass)" << endl
      << "{" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        s << INDENT << "return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(&" << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << "::staticMetaObject);" << endl;
    s << "}" << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeFromNativeFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    s << jni_function_signature(java_class->package(),
    s << endl
      << "(JNIEnv *__jni_env," << endl
      << " jclass," << endl
      << " jobject nativePointer)" << endl
      << "{" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        s << INDENT << "void *ptr = qtjambi_to_cpointer(__jni_env, nativePointer, 1);" << endl
            << INDENT << "return " << fromObject(java_class->typeEntry(), "ptr") << endl
          << "}" << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeFromArrayFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    s << jni_function_signature(java_class->package(),
    s << endl
      << "(JNIEnv *__jni_env," << endl
      << " jclass," << endl
      << " jobjectArray array)" << endl
      << "{" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        s << INDENT << "return qtjambi_array_to_nativepointer(__jni_env, " << endl
          << INDENT << "                                     array, " << endl
          << INDENT << "                                     sizeof("
                    << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << "));" << endl;
    s << "}" << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeInterfaceCastFunction(QTextStream &s,
                                                  const AbstractMetaClass *java_class,
                                                  const AbstractMetaClass *interface)
    const InterfaceTypeEntry *ie = static_cast<const InterfaceTypeEntry *>(interface->typeEntry());
    QString interface_name = ie->origin()->targetLangName();

    s << endl
      << jni_function_signature(java_class->package(),

    s << endl
      << "(JNIEnv *," << endl
      << " jobject," << endl
      << " jlong ptr)" << endl
      << "{" << endl
      << "    return (jlong) (" << interface->primaryInterfaceImplementor()->qualifiedCppName() << " *) "
      << "(" << java_class->qualifiedCppName() << " *) ptr;" << endl
      << "}" << endl;

bool CppImplGenerator::writeConversionRule(QTextStream &s,
                                           TypeSystem::Language target_language,
                                           const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                           int argument_index,
                                           const QString &qt_name,
                                           const QString &java_name)
    if (argument_index < 0 || java_function == 0)
        return false;

    QString conversion_rule = java_function->conversionRule(target_language, argument_index);

    if (!conversion_rule.isEmpty()) {
        QString qt_name_var;
        QString java_name_var;

        if ((argument_index == 0 && target_language == TypeSystem::NativeCode)
             || (argument_index != 0 && target_language == TypeSystem::ShellCode)) {
            qt_name_var = "%in";
            java_name_var = "%out";
        } else {
            qt_name_var = "%out";
            java_name_var = "%in";

        conversion_rule  = conversion_rule.replace(qt_name_var, qt_name)
                                          .replace(java_name_var, java_name);

        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();
        for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i) {
            conversion_rule = conversion_rule.replace("%" + QString::number(i+1),

        QStringList lines = conversion_rule.split("\n");
        foreach (QString line, lines) {
            s << INDENT << line.trimmed() << endl;

        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

void CppImplGenerator::writeJavaToQt(QTextStream &s,
                                     const AbstractMetaClass *java_class,
                                     const AbstractMetaType *function_return_type,
                                     const QString &qt_name,
                                     const QString &java_name,
                                     const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                     int argument_index)
    // Conversion to C++: Shell code for return values, native code for arguments
    TypeSystem::Language lang = argument_index == 0 ? TypeSystem::ShellCode : TypeSystem::NativeCode;
    if (writeConversionRule(s, lang, java_function, argument_index, qt_name, java_name))

    s << INDENT << shellClassName(java_class) << " *" << qt_name << " = ("
      << shellClassName(java_class) << " *) ";
    if (java_class->isQObject())
        s << "qtjambi_to_qobject";
        s << "qtjambi_to_object";
    s << "(__jni_env, " << java_name << ");" << endl;
    if (java_class->isQObject()) {
        // ### throw exceptions when objects are null...
        s << INDENT << "if (!" << qt_name << ") "
          << default_return_statement_java(function_return_type) << ";"  << endl << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeJavaToQt(QTextStream &s,
                                     const AbstractMetaType *java_type,
                                     const QString &qt_name,
                                     const QString &java_name,
                                     const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                     int argument_index,
                                     Option options)
    // Conversion to C++: Shell code for return values, native code for arguments
    TypeSystem::Language lang = argument_index == 0 ? TypeSystem::ShellCode : TypeSystem::NativeCode;
    if (java_function && writeConversionRule(s, lang, java_function, argument_index, qt_name, java_name))

    if (java_type == 0) {
        QString warn = QString("no conversion possible for argument '%1' in function '%2::%3' for "
                               "language '%4'")
    if (java_type->name() == "QModelIndex") {
        s << INDENT << "QModelIndex " << qt_name << " = qtd_to_QModelIndex("
                << java_name << ");" << endl;
    } else if (java_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()) {
        // empty
    } else if (java_type->typeEntry() && java_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() == "QString") {
        s << INDENT << "QString " << qt_name
          << " = " << QString("QString::fromUtf8((const char *)%1.ptr, %1.length);").arg(java_name) << endl;
    } else if (java_type->isJObjectWrapper()) {
        s << INDENT << "JObjectWrapper " << qt_name
          << " = qtjambi_to_jobjectwrapper(__jni_env, " << java_name << ");" << endl;
    } else if (java_type->isVariant()) {
        s << INDENT << "QVariant " << qt_name
          << " = " << java_name << " == NULL ? QVariant() : QVariant(*" << java_name << ");" << endl;
    } else if (java_type->isArray() && java_type->arrayElementType()->isPrimitive()) {
        AbstractMetaType *elementType = java_type->arrayElementType();

        // ### Don't assert on wrong array lengths
//        s << INDENT << "Q_ASSERT(__jni_env->GetArrayLength((jarray) " << java_name << ") == " << java_type->arrayElementCount() << ");" << endl;
        s << INDENT;
        writeTypeInfo(s, elementType);
        s << " *" << qt_name << " = (";
        writeTypeInfo(s, elementType);
        s << "*) " << java_name << ";" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "__jni_env->" << getXxxArrayRegion(elementType) << "( (" << translateType(java_type, options)
          << ")" << java_name << ", 0, " << java_type->arrayElementCount() << ", "
          << "(" << translateType(elementType, options) << " *" << ")"
          << qt_name << ");" << endl;
    } else if (java_type->isArray()) {
        AbstractMetaType *elementType = java_type->arrayElementType();

        s << INDENT << "Q_ASSERT(__jni_env->GetArrayLength((jarray) " << java_name << ") == " << java_type->arrayElementCount() << ");" << endl;
        writeTypeInfo(s, elementType);
        s << "[" << java_type->arrayElementCount() << "]" << qt_name << ";" << endl;

        for (int i=0; i<java_type->arrayElementCount(); ++i) {
            writeJavaToQt(s, elementType, qt_name + "[" + QString::number(i) + "]",
                "__jni_env->GetObjectArrayElement(" + java_name + ", " + QString::number(i) + ")", 0, -1, options);

    } else if (java_type->isTargetLangString()) {
        s << INDENT << "QString " << qt_name
          << " = " << "QString::fromUtf8(" << java_name << ", " << java_name << "_size);" << endl;
// qtd          << " =  qtjambi_to_qstring(__jni_env, (jstring) " << java_name << ");" << endl;

    } else if (java_type->isTargetLangChar()) {
        s << INDENT << "QChar " << qt_name
          << " = (ushort)" << java_name << ";" << endl;

    } else if (java_type->isEnum() || java_type->isFlags()) {

        bool written = false;
        if (java_type->isEnum()) {
            AbstractMetaEnum *java_enum =
                m_classes.findEnum(static_cast<const EnumTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry()));
            if (java_enum && !java_enum->isPublic()) {

                s << INDENT << "int " << qt_name << " = ";
                written = true;

        if (!written) {
            QString qualified_name = java_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName();
            s << INDENT << qualified_name << " " << qt_name
              << " = (" << qualified_name << ") ";

        if ((options & EnumAsInts) == 0 && (java_type->isTargetLangEnum() || java_type->isTargetLangFlags())) {
            s << java_name << ";" << endl;

        } else if (options & BoxedPrimitive) {
            const PrimitiveTypeEntry *pentry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findTargetLangPrimitiveType("int");

            s << java_name << ";" << endl;

        } else {
            s << java_name << ';' << endl;

    } else if (java_type->isContainer()) {
        writeJavaToQtContainer(s, java_type, qt_name, java_name, 0, -1);

    } else if (java_type->isThread()) {
        s << INDENT << "QThread *" << qt_name << " = qtjambi_to_thread(__jni_env, " << java_name
          << ");" << endl;

    } else if (java_type->typeEntry()->isCustom()) {
        const CustomTypeEntry *custom_type =
            static_cast<const CustomTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry());
        s << INDENT;
        custom_type->generateCppJavaToQt(s, java_type, "__jni_env", qt_name, java_name);
        s << ";" << endl;

    } else {

        const TypeEntry *type = java_type->typeEntry();
        QString class_name = type->name();
        QString qualified_class_name = fixCppTypeName(type->qualifiedCppName());

        // Declaration and the c-cast
        s << INDENT;
        writeTypeInfo(s, java_type);
        s << ' ' << qt_name << " = (";
        writeTypeInfo(s, java_type);
        s << ") ";

        if (java_type->isPrimitive()) {
            if (options & BoxedPrimitive) {
                const PrimitiveTypeEntry *pentry = static_cast<const PrimitiveTypeEntry *>(type);
//std::cout << "---error_here " << type->targetLangName().toStdString() << " \n";
//std::cout << "----func_here " << java_function->marshalledName().toStdString() << " \n";

                if (!pentry->preferredConversion())
                    pentry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findTargetLangPrimitiveType(pentry->targetLangName());

                s << java_name << ";" << endl;

            } else if ((options & GlobalRefJObject) && type->jniName() == QLatin1String("jobject")) {
                s << "__jni_env->NewGlobalRef(" << java_name << ");" << endl;
            } else {
                s << java_name << ';' << endl;

#if 0
        } else if (java_type->isEnum()) {
            s << "qtjambi_to_enum(__jni_env, " << java_name << ");" << endl;

        } else if ((java_type->isQObject() || java_type->isObject())
                   && static_cast<const ObjectTypeEntry *>(type)->designatedInterface()) {
/* qtd           const InterfaceTypeEntry *ie =
                static_cast<const ObjectTypeEntry *>(type)->designatedInterface();
            s << "qtjambi_to_interface(__jni_env, ";

            // This cast is only valid if we're dealing with a native id
            if ((options & UseNativeIds) == UseNativeIds)
                s << "(QtJambiLink *)";
            s << java_name << ";" << endl;
/* qtd
            s << "\"" << ie->targetLangName() << "\", \""
              << ie->javaPackage().replace(".", "/") << "/\", "
              << "\"__qt_cast_to_" << type->targetLangName() << "\");" << endl;
        } else if (java_type->isObject() || java_type->isQObject() || java_type->isNativePointer()) {
            if (java_type->isReference()) {
                s << "* (" << qualified_class_name << " "
                  << QString(java_type->actualIndirections(), '*') << ") ";

            if (java_type->isNativePointer()) {
/* qtd                s << "qtjambi_to_cpointer("
                << "__jni_env, "
                << java_name << ", "
                << java_type->actualIndirections() << ");" << endl; */
                s << java_name << ";" << endl; // qtd
            }/* qtd else if (java_type->isQObject()) {
                if ((options & UseNativeIds) == 0)
                    s << "qtjambi_to_qobject(__jni_env, ";
                    s << "qtjambi_from_jlong(";
                s << java_name;
                s << ");" << endl;
            }*/ else {
/* qtd                if ((options & UseNativeIds) == 0)
                    s << "qtjambi_to_object(__jni_env, ";
                    s << "qtjambi_from_jlong(";
*/                s << java_name;
                s << ";" << endl; // +
// qtd                s << ");" << endl;

        } else {
            // Return values...
            if (argument_index == 0) {
                s << "(" << java_name << " != 0 ? *(" << qualified_class_name << " *)";
/* qtd                if ((options & UseNativeIds) == 0)
                    s << "qtjambi_to_object(__jni_env, ";
                    s << "qtjambi_from_jlong(";
*/                s << java_name;
                s << " : " << qualified_class_name << "());" << endl;
            } else {
                s << "*"
                  << "(" << qualified_class_name << " *)";
                bool null_check = false;
/* qtd               if ((options & UseNativeIds) == 0) {
                    s << "qtjambi_to_object(__jni_env, ";
                } else if (hasDefaultConstructor(java_type)) {
                    null_check = true;
                    s << "(" << java_name << " != 0 ? qtjambi_from_jlong(";
                } else {
                    s << "qtjambi_from_jlong(";
*/                s << java_name;
// qtd                s << ")";

                if (null_check)
                    s << " : default_" << QString(qualified_class_name).replace("::", "_") << "())";
                s << ";" << endl;

// qtd    s << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_EXCEPTION_CHECK(__jni_env);" << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeQtToJava(QTextStream &s,
                                     const AbstractMetaType *java_type,
                                     const QString &qt_name,
                                     const QString &java_name,
                                     const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                     int argument_index,
                                     Option option)

    // Conversion to Java: Native code for return values, shell code for arguments
    TypeSystem::Language lang = argument_index == 0 ? TypeSystem::NativeCode : TypeSystem::ShellCode;
/* qtd    if (java_function && writeConversionRule(s, lang, java_function, argument_index, qt_name, java_name))
    if (java_type == 0) {
        QString warn = QString("no conversion possible for argument '%1' in function '%2::%3' for "
                               "language '%4'")

    if (java_type->name() == "QModelIndex") {
        QString prefix = "*";
        if (option & BoxedPrimitive)
            s << INDENT << "QModelIndexAccessor tmp_index = qtd_from_QModelIndex(" << qt_name << ");" << endl
                    << INDENT << "QModelIndexAccessor *" << java_name << " = &tmp_index;" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "*" << java_name << " = qtd_from_QModelIndex(" << qt_name << ");" << endl;

    } else if (java_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()) {
        if (option & BoxedPrimitive) {
            s << INDENT << java_type->typeEntry()->name() << " *" << java_name << " = ("
              << java_type->typeEntry()->name() << " *) &" << qt_name << ";" << endl;
        } else {
            s << INDENT << "*" << java_name << " = " << qt_name << ";" << endl;
    } else if (java_type->isArray() && java_type->arrayElementType()->isPrimitive()) {
        AbstractMetaType *elementType = java_type->arrayElementType();
/* qtd
        s << INDENT << translateType(java_type, option) << " " << java_name << " = __jni_env->" << newXxxArray(elementType)
          << "(" << java_type->arrayElementCount() << ");" << endl;

        s << INDENT << "__jni_env->" << setXxxArrayRegion(elementType) << "("
          << "(" << translateType(java_type, option) << ")" << java_name
          << ", 0, " << java_type->arrayElementCount() << ", "
          << "(" << translateType(elementType, option) << " *" << ")"
          << qt_name << ");" << endl;
        s << INDENT << translateType(java_type, option) << " " << java_name << " = " << qt_name << ";" <<endl;
    } else if (java_type->isArray()) {
        AbstractMetaType *elementType = java_type->arrayElementType();

        s << INDENT << "jobject " << java_name << " = __jni_env->NewObjectArray("
          << java_type->arrayElementCount() << ");" << endl;

        s << "jobject __qt_element = 0;";

        for (int i=0; i<java_type->arrayElementCount(); ++i) {
            writeQtToJava(s, elementType, qt_name + "[" + QString::number(i) + "]",
                "__qt_element", 0, -1, option);
            s << "__jni_env->SetObjectArrayElement((jobjectArray) " << java_name << ", "
              << i << ", __qt_element);" << endl;

    } else if (java_type->isPrimitive()) {
        const PrimitiveTypeEntry *type =
                static_cast<const PrimitiveTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry());

        QString ret_val;
        if (java_function)
            ret_val = jniReturnName(java_function);
            ret_val = fixCppTypeName(java_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName());
        s << INDENT << ret_val <<  " " << java_name << " = " << qt_name << ";" << endl;
    } else if (java_type->isJObjectWrapper()) {
        s << INDENT << "jobject " << java_name << " = qtjambi_from_jobjectwrapper(__jni_env, "
          << qt_name << ");" << endl;
    } else if (java_type->isVariant()) {
        s << INDENT << "QVariant *" << java_name
          << " = new QVariant(" << qt_name << ");" << endl;
    } else if (java_type->isTargetLangString()) {
        if(java_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() == "QStringRef") {
            s << INDENT << "const QString *str_ref = " << qt_name << ".string();" << endl
              << INDENT << "if(str_ref)" << endl
              << INDENT << "    qtd_toUtf8(str_ref->utf16(), str_ref->size(), " << java_name << ");" << endl
              << INDENT << "else {" << endl
              << INDENT << "    QString empty_str;" << endl
              << INDENT << "    qtd_toUtf8(empty_str.utf16(), empty_str.size(), " << java_name << ");" << endl
              << INDENT << "}" << endl;
        } else {
            s << INDENT << QString("qtd_toUtf8(%1.utf16(), %1.size(), %2);").arg(qt_name, java_name) << endl;
    } else if (java_type->isTargetLangChar()) {
        s << INDENT << "jchar " << java_name << " = " << qt_name << ".unicode();" << endl;

    } else if (java_type->isIntegerEnum() || java_type->isIntegerFlags()
               || ((option & EnumAsInts) && (java_type->isEnum() || java_type->isFlags()))) {
//     } else if (java_type->isEnum() || java_type->isFlags()) {

//         if (option & EnumAsInts) {
//             qDebug() << java_type->name() << "should be int...";
//         }

/*        if (option & BoxedPrimitive) {
            s << INDENT << "jobject " << java_name << " = qtjambi_from_int(__jni_env, "
            << qt_name << ");" << endl;
        } else */{
            s << INDENT << "int " << java_name << " = " << qt_name << ";" << endl;

    } else if (java_type->isTargetLangEnum()) {
        Q_ASSERT((option & EnumAsInts) == 0);
        const EnumTypeEntry *et = static_cast<const EnumTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry());
        s << INDENT << "int " << java_name << " = " << qt_name << ";" << endl;

    } else if (java_type->isTargetLangFlags()) {
        Q_ASSERT((option & EnumAsInts) == 0);
        const FlagsTypeEntry *ft = static_cast<const FlagsTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry());
        s << INDENT << "jobject " << java_name << " = qtjambi_from_flags(__jni_env, "
          << qt_name << ", \"" << ft->javaPackage().replace('.', '/') << '/'
          << ft->originator()->javaQualifier() << '$' << ft->targetLangName() << "\");" << endl;

    } else if (java_type->isContainer()) {
        writeQtToJavaContainer(s, java_type, qt_name, java_name, 0, -1);

    } else if (java_type->isThread()) {
        s << INDENT << "jobject " << java_name << " = qtjambi_from_thread(__jni_env, " << qt_name
          << ");" << endl;

    } else if (!java_type->isNativePointer() && java_type->typeEntry()->isCustom()) {
        s << INDENT;
        static_cast<const CustomTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry())
            ->generateCppQtToJava(s, java_type, "__jni_env", qt_name, java_name);
        s << ";" << endl;

    } else {
        QString return_type;
        if (java_function)
            return_type = jniReturnName(java_function);
        else {
            return_type = jniReturnType(java_type);
            return_type = fixCppTypeName(return_type);
//            return_type = fixCppTypeName(java_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName());
/*        if( (java_type->isValue() && !java_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
            || java_type->isObject() )
            s << INDENT << return_type << " *" << java_name << " = (" << return_type << "*) ";
            s << INDENT << return_type << " " << java_name << " = (" << return_type << ") ";

        if (java_type->isQObject()) {
/* qtd            s << "qtjambi_from_qobject(__jni_env, " << "(QObject *) ";

            if (java_type->isReference() && java_type->indirections() == 0)
                s << "&";

            s << qt_name
              << ", \"" << java_type->typeEntry()->lookupName() << "\""
              << ", \"" << java_type->package().replace(".", "/") << "/\""
              << ");" << endl;
            s << qt_name << ";" << endl;

#if 0
        } else if (java_type->isEnum()) {

            const EnumTypeEntry *et = static_cast<const EnumTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry());
            s << "qtjambi_from_enum(__jni_env, " << qt_name << ", \""
              << et->javaQualifier() << "$" << et->targetLangName() << "\");" << endl;
        } else if (java_type->isNativePointer()) {
/* qtd            s << "qtjambi_from_cpointer(__jni_env, ";
            if (java_type->isReference())
                s << "&";
            s << qt_name << ", " << nativePointerType(java_type) << ", "
              << java_type->actualIndirections() << ");" << endl;
            if (java_type->isReference())
                s << "&";
            s << qt_name << ";" << "// qtjambi_from_cpointer" << endl;
        } else if (java_type->isValue()) {
// qtd            s << fromObject(java_type->typeEntry(), "&" + qt_name) << endl;
            s << "new " << java_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() << "(" << qt_name << ");" << endl;
        } else {
// qtd            s << fromObject(java_type->typeEntry(),
// qtd                            (java_type->isReference() ? "&" : "") + qt_name) << endl;
            s << qt_name << ";" << endl;


QString CppImplGenerator::getTypeName(const TypeEntry *entry, Option option)
    if(entry->isEnum() && (option & EnumAsInts))
        return "int";

    return entry->lookupName();

void CppImplGenerator::writeQtToJavaContainer(QTextStream &s,
                                              const AbstractMetaType *java_type,
                                              const QString &qt_name,
                                              const QString &java_name,
                                              const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                              int argument_index)
    // Language for conversion to Java: Native code for return values and Shell code for arguments
    TypeSystem::Language lang = argument_index == 0 ? TypeSystem::NativeCode : TypeSystem::ShellCode;
    if (java_function && writeConversionRule(s, lang, java_function, argument_index, qt_name, java_name))

    if (java_type == 0) {
        QString warn = QString("no conversion possible for argument '%1' in function '%2::%3' for "
                               "language '%4'")

    const ContainerTypeEntry *type =
        static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry());

    if (type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::ListContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::VectorContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::StringListContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::LinkedListContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::StackContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::SetContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::QueueContainer) {

        Q_ASSERT(java_type->instantiations().size() == 1);
        AbstractMetaType *targ = java_type->instantiations().first();

        QString cls_name = getTypeName(targ->typeEntry(), EnumAsInts);

        s << endl
//          << INDENT << "{" << endl // qtd2 hack, additional scope for avoiding duplicating of "i"
          << INDENT;

        switch (type->type()) {
        case ContainerTypeEntry::LinkedListContainer:
        case ContainerTypeEntry::QueueContainer:
            s << "qtjambi_linkedlist_new(__jni_env)";
        case ContainerTypeEntry::StackContainer:
            s << "qtjambi_stack_new(__jni_env)";
        case ContainerTypeEntry::SetContainer:
            s << "qtjambi_hashset_new(__jni_env)";
            s << "qtd_allocate_" << cls_name
              << "_array(" << java_name << ", " << qt_name << ".size())";

        s << ";" << endl
          << INDENT;

        writeTypeInfo(s, java_type, ForceValueType);
        QString index = "i_" + qt_name;
        s << "::const_iterator " << qt_name << "_end_it = " << qt_name << ".constEnd();" << endl
          << INDENT << QString("int %0 = 0;").arg(index) << endl
          << INDENT;
        s << "for (";
        writeTypeInfo(s, java_type, ForceValueType);
        s << "::const_iterator " << qt_name << "_it = " << qt_name << ".constBegin(); "
          << qt_name << "_it != " << qt_name << "_end_it; ++" << qt_name << "_it) {" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT;
            writeTypeInfo(s, targ);
            s << " __qt_tmp = *" << qt_name << "_it;" << endl;

                s << INDENT << "void *__java_tmp = qtd_string_from_array(" << java_name << ", " << index << ");" << endl;

            writeQtToJava(s, targ, "__qt_tmp", "__java_tmp", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);

            s << INDENT << "qtd_assign_" << cls_name << "_array_element(" << java_name << ", " << index << ", __java_tmp);" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "++" << index << ";" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
//          << INDENT << "}" << endl;

    } else if (type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::PairContainer) {
        QList<AbstractMetaType *> args = java_type->instantiations();
        Q_ASSERT(args.size() == 2);

        s << INDENT << "jobject " << java_name << ";" << endl
          << INDENT << "{" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            writeQtToJava(s,, qt_name + ".first", "__java_tmp_first", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);
            writeQtToJava(s,, qt_name + ".second", "__java_tmp_second", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);
            s << INDENT << java_name << " = qtjambi_pair_new(__jni_env, "
              << "__java_tmp_first, __java_tmp_second);" << endl;

        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

    } else if (type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::MultiMapContainer) {

        Q_ASSERT(java_type->instantiations().size() == 2);
        AbstractMetaType *targ_key = java_type->instantiations().at(0);
        AbstractMetaType *targ_val = java_type->instantiations().at(1);

        s << endl
          << INDENT << "jobject " << java_name << " = qtjambi_treemap_new(__jni_env, " << qt_name << ".keys().size());" << endl
          << INDENT << "QList<";
        writeTypeInfo(s, targ_key);
        s << "> __qt_keys = " << qt_name << ".keys();" << endl
          << INDENT << "for (int i=0; i<__qt_keys.size(); ++i) {" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);

            s << INDENT;
            writeTypeInfo(s, targ_key);
            s << " __qt_tmp_key =;" << endl;
            writeQtToJava(s, targ_key, "__qt_tmp_key", "__java_tmp_key", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);

            s << INDENT << "QList<";
            writeTypeInfo(s, targ_val);
            s << "> __qt_values = " << qt_name << ".values(__qt_tmp_key);" << endl
              << INDENT << "jobject __java_value_list = qtjambi_arraylist_new(__jni_env, __qt_values.size());" << endl
              << INDENT << "for (int j=0; j<__qt_values.size(); ++j) {" << endl;
                Indentation indent(INDENT);

                s << INDENT;
                writeTypeInfo(s, targ_val);
                s << " __qt_tmp_val =;" << endl;
                writeQtToJava(s, targ_val, "__qt_tmp_val", "__java_tmp_val", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);

                s << INDENT << "qtjambi_collection_add(__jni_env, __java_value_list, __java_tmp_val);" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "}" << endl
              << INDENT << "qtjambi_map_put(__jni_env, " << java_name << ", __java_tmp_key, __java_value_list);" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

    } else if (type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::MapContainer
               || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::HashContainer) {
        QString constructor = type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::MapContainer
                              ? "qtjambi_treemap_new"
                              : "qtjambi_hashmap_new";

        Q_ASSERT(java_type->instantiations().size() == 2);
        AbstractMetaType *targ_key = java_type->instantiations().at(0);
        AbstractMetaType *targ_val = java_type->instantiations().at(1);

        s << endl
          << INDENT << "jobject " << java_name << " = " << constructor << "(__jni_env, " << qt_name
          << ".size());" << endl
          << INDENT;
        writeTypeInfo(s, java_type, Option(ExcludeReference | ExcludeConst));
        s << "::const_iterator it;" << endl
          << INDENT << "for (it=" << qt_name << ".constBegin(); it!=" << qt_name << ".constEnd(); ++it) {" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT;
            writeTypeInfo(s, targ_key);
            s << " __qt_tmp_key = it.key();" << endl
              << INDENT;
            writeTypeInfo(s, targ_val);
            s << " __qt_tmp_val = it.value();" << endl;
            writeQtToJava(s, targ_key, "__qt_tmp_key", "__java_tmp_key", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);
            writeQtToJava(s, targ_val, "__qt_tmp_val", "__java_tmp_val", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);
            s << INDENT << "qtjambi_map_put(__jni_env, " << java_name
              << ", __java_tmp_key, __java_tmp_val);" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

    } else {
        ReportHandler::warning(QString("unable to generate container type %1, type=%2")

// qtd    s << INDENT << "QTJAMBI_EXCEPTION_CHECK(__jni_env);" << endl;

void CppImplGenerator::writeJavaToQtContainer(QTextStream &s,
                                              const AbstractMetaType *java_type,
                                              const QString &qt_name,
                                              const QString &java_name,
                                              const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                              int argument_index)
    // Conversion to C++: Shell code for return value, native code for arguments
    TypeSystem::Language lang = argument_index == 0 ? TypeSystem::ShellCode : TypeSystem::NativeCode;
    if (java_function && writeConversionRule(s, lang, java_function, argument_index, qt_name, java_name))

    if (java_type == 0) {
        QString warn = QString("no conversion possible for argument '%1' in function '%2::%3' for "
                               "language '%4'")

    const ContainerTypeEntry *type =
        static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(java_type->typeEntry());

    if (type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::ListContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::VectorContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::StringListContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::LinkedListContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::StackContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::SetContainer
        || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::QueueContainer) {
        Q_ASSERT(java_type->instantiations().size() == 1);
        AbstractMetaType *targ = java_type->instantiations().first();
        QString elem_type = getTypeName(targ->typeEntry(), EnumAsInts);

        s << INDENT;
        writeTypeInfo(s, java_type, ForceValueType);
        s << qt_name << ";" << endl;

// qtd       s << INDENT << "if (" << java_name << " != 0) {" << endl;
/* qtd           Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << "jobjectArray __qt__array = qtjambi_collection_toArray(__jni_env, "
              << java_name << ");" << endl
              << INDENT << "jsize __qt__size = __jni_env->GetArrayLength(__qt__array);" << endl;
            if (type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::VectorContainer
                || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::StackContainer)
                s << INDENT << qt_name << ".reserve(" << java_name << "_size);" << endl;

            s << INDENT << "for (int i=0; i<" << java_name << "_size; ++i) {" << endl;
                Indentation indent(INDENT);
                    s << INDENT << "DArray __d_element;" << endl
                      << INDENT << "qtd_get_string_from_array(" << java_name << ", i, &__d_element);" << endl;
                else {
                    s << INDENT;
                    writeTypeInfo(s, targ, Option(VirtualDispatch | ForcePointer | EnumAsInts));
                    QString cast_string = "";
                    const TypeEntry* centry = targ->typeEntry();
                    if (centry->isComplex() && (centry->isObject() || centry->isValue() || centry->isInterface()))
                        cast_string = "(void**)";
                    s << "__d_element;" << endl
                      << INDENT << "qtd_get_" << elem_type << "_from_array(" << java_name << ", i, &__d_element);" << endl;
/* qtd                   s << INDENT << "jobject __d_element = "
                      << "__jni_env->GetObjectArrayElement(__qt__array, i);" << endl;*/
                writeJavaToQt(s, targ, "__qt_element", "__d_element", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);
                QString cont_element = "__qt_element";
                if(targ->typeEntry()->isStructInD() && targ->name() != "QModelIndex")
                    cont_element = "__d_element";
                s << INDENT << qt_name << " << " << cont_element << ";" << endl;
// qtd            s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
    } else if (type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::PairContainer) {
        QList<AbstractMetaType *> targs = java_type->instantiations();
        Q_ASSERT(targs.size() == 2);

        s << INDENT;
        writeTypeInfo(s, java_type, ForceValueType);
        s << " " << qt_name << ";" << endl
          << INDENT << "if (" << java_name << " != 0) {" << endl;
            // separate scope required just in case function takes two QPair's.
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << "jobject __java_first = qtjambi_pair_get(__jni_env, "
              << java_name << ", 0);" << endl;
            writeJavaToQt(s,, "__qt_first", "__java_first", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);

            s << INDENT << "jobject __java_second = qtjambi_pair_get(__jni_env, "
              << java_name << ", 1);" << endl;
            writeJavaToQt(s,, "__qt_second", "__java_second", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);

            s << INDENT << qt_name << ".first = __qt_first;" << endl
              << INDENT << qt_name << ".second = __qt_second;" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
    } else if (type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::MapContainer
               || type->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::HashContainer) {
        Q_ASSERT(java_type->instantiations().size() == 2);
        AbstractMetaType *targ_key = java_type->instantiations().at(0);
        AbstractMetaType *targ_val = java_type->instantiations().at(1);

        s << INDENT;
        writeTypeInfo(s, java_type, ForceValueType);
        s << qt_name << ";" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "if (" << java_name << " != 0) {" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << "int __qt_list_size = qtjambi_map_size(__jni_env, " << java_name
              << ");" << endl
              << INDENT
              << "jobjectArray __java_entry_set = qtjambi_map_entryset_array(__jni_env, " << java_name
              << ");" << endl;

            s << INDENT << "for (int i=0; i<__qt_list_size; ++i) {" << endl;
                Indentation indent(INDENT);
                s << INDENT
                  << "QPair<jobject, jobject> __java_entry = "
                  << "qtjambi_entryset_array_get(__jni_env, __java_entry_set, i);"
                  << endl
                  << INDENT << "jobject __java_key = __java_entry.first;" << endl
                  << INDENT << "jobject __java_val = __java_entry.second;" << endl;
                writeJavaToQt(s, targ_key, "__qt_key", "__java_key", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);
                writeJavaToQt(s, targ_val, "__qt_val", "__java_val", 0, -1, BoxedPrimitive);
                s << INDENT << qt_name << ".insert(__qt_key, __qt_val);" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

    } else {
        ReportHandler::warning(QString("unable to generate container type %1, %2")


void CppImplGenerator::writeFunctionCall(QTextStream &s, const QString &object_name,
                                         const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                         const QString &prefix,
                                         Option option,
                                         const QStringList &extra_arguments)
    QString function_name = option & OriginalName ? java_function->originalName() : java_function->name();

    AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = java_function->implementingClass()->interfaces();

    QString classPrefix;
    if (prefix.isEmpty()
        && !java_function->implementingClass()->interfaces().isEmpty()
        && !java_function->implementingClass()->inheritsFrom(java_function->declaringClass())) {
        classPrefix = java_function->declaringClass()->qualifiedCppName() + "::";

    if (java_function->isInGlobalScope()) {

        // Global scope stream operators need the arguments to be reordered (this ref at end)
        // so we special case them in order to simplify this code
        bool stream_operator = java_function->originalName() == "operator<<"
                               || java_function->originalName() == "operator>>";

        if (java_function->type() == 0)
            s << "if (" << object_name << " != 0) ";
            s << "(" << object_name << " != 0) ? ";
        s << "::" << prefix << function_name << "(";
        if (!stream_operator)
            s << "*" << object_name << ", ";
        writeFunctionCallArguments(s, java_function, "__qt_");
        if (stream_operator)
            s << ", *" << object_name;
        s << ")";
        if (java_function->type() != 0)
            s << " : " << default_return_statement_qt(java_function->type(), Generator::Option(option | Generator::NoReturnStatement));
        s << ";";
    } else {
        s << object_name << (java_function->isStatic() ? QLatin1String("::") : QLatin1String("->") + classPrefix)
          << prefix << function_name << "(";
        writeFunctionCallArguments(s, java_function, "__qt_");

        // The extra arguments...
        for (int i=0; i<extra_arguments.size(); ++i) {
            if (i > 0 || java_function->arguments().size() != 0)
                s << ", ";
            s <<;

        s << ");";

    s << endl;


void CppImplGenerator::writeFunctionCallArguments(QTextStream &s,
                                                  const AbstractMetaFunction *java_function,
                                                  const QString &prefix,
                                                  Option options)
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = java_function->arguments();

    int written_arguments = 0;
    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = java_function->ownerClass();
    if (java_function->isConstructor() && cls->hasVirtualFunctions()) {
        s << "d_ptr";
    for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i) {
        const AbstractMetaArgument *argument =;
        AbstractMetaType *a_type = argument->type();

        if ((options & SkipRemovedArguments) == SkipRemovedArguments
            && java_function->argumentRemoved(i+1)) {

        if (written_arguments++ > 0) {
            s << ", ";

        bool enum_as_int = (options & EnumAsInts) && (argument->type()->typeEntry()->isEnum()
                                                      || argument->type()->typeEntry()->isFlags());
        if (a_type->isEnum()) {
            AbstractMetaEnum *java_enum =
                m_classes.findEnum(static_cast<const EnumTypeEntry *>(argument->type()->typeEntry()));
            if (java_enum == 0) {
                ReportHandler::warning(QString("enum not found: '%1'")
            } else {
                enum_as_int |= !java_enum->isPublic();

        if ( (options & VirtualDispatch)
             && a_type->isContainer()) {
            s << "__d_" << argument->indexedName();

        if ((!(options & NoCasts) && !enum_as_int) || ((options & ForceEnumCast) && a_type->isEnum())) {

            // If the type in the signature is specified without template instantiation, but the
            // class is actually a template class, then we have troubles.
            AbstractMetaClass *cls = classes().findClass(argument->type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName());

            if ( (options & VirtualDispatch) && !a_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()
                  && ( a_type->isValue()
                       || (a_type->isReference() && (a_type->typeEntry()->isValue() || a_type->typeEntry()->isObject() || a_type->typeEntry()->isPrimitive()) && !a_type->isTargetLangString())
                       ) )
                s << "&";

            if( (options & VirtualDispatch) && a_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD() && a_type->isReference())
                s << "&";

            if ( (options & VirtualDispatch)
                 && ( a_type->isTargetLangString() || a_type->name() == "QModelIndex" ) )
            else if (cls == 0 || cls->templateArguments().size() == a_type->instantiations().size()) {
                s << "(";
                writeTypeInfo(s, a_type, options);
                s << ")";

        if (a_type->isNativePointer() && a_type->typeEntry()->name() == "QString" && !a_type->isReference())
            s << "&";

        if ( ( !a_type->isPrimitive()
            || !java_function->conversionRule(TypeSystem::NativeCode, argument->argumentIndex()+1).isEmpty() )
             && (!a_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD() || a_type->name() == "QModelIndex") ) {
            s << prefix;

        if (options & VirtualDispatch) {
            if( argument->type()->isTargetLangString())
                s << argument->indexedName() << ".utf16(), " << argument->indexedName() << ".size()";
            else if (argument->type()->name() == "QModelIndex")
                s << "qtd_from_QModelIndex(" << argument->indexedName() << ")";
                s << argument->indexedName();
        } else
            s << argument->indexedName();

QString CppImplGenerator::translateType(const AbstractMetaType *java_type, Option option, bool d_export)
    if (!java_type)
        return "void";

    const TypeEntry *type = java_type->typeEntry();
    QString class_name = type->name();
    QString qualified_class_name = fixCppTypeName(type->qualifiedCppName());
    QString d_name = qualified_class_name;
    if (d_export)
        d_name = type->lookupName();

    if (java_type->isPrimitive()
        || java_type->isTargetLangString()
        || java_type->isVariant()
        || java_type->isJObjectWrapper()
        || java_type->isTargetLangChar()) {
        return d_name;
    } else if (java_type->isArray()) {
        if (d_export)
            return java_type->arrayElementType()->name() + "*";
            return java_type->arrayElementType()->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() + "*";
    } else if (java_type->isIntegerEnum() || java_type->isIntegerFlags()
        || ((option & EnumAsInts) && (java_type->isEnum() || java_type->isFlags()))) {
        return "int";
    } else if (java_type->isReference()) {
        if (java_type->typeEntry()->isValue())
            return "void*";
            return d_name + " "+ QString(java_type->actualIndirections(), '*');
    } else if (java_type->isNativePointer()) {
        if (java_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD() && dVersion == 2 && java_type->isConstant() && d_export)
            return "const(" + d_name + QString(java_type->indirections()-1, '*') + ")*";
        else if (java_type->typeEntry()->isValue())
            return "void*";
        else if (java_type->typeEntry()->isEnum() && d_export)
            return "int" + QString(java_type->indirections(), '*');
        else {
            if (java_type->isConstant() && dVersion == 2 && d_export)
                return "const (" + d_name + QString(java_type->indirections(), '*') + ")";
                return d_name + QString(java_type->indirections(), '*');
    } else {
        return d_name + QString(java_type->indirections(), '*');

void CppImplGenerator::writeExtraIncludes(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class)
    IncludeList includes = java_class->typeEntry()->extraIncludes();
    qSort(includes.begin(), includes.end());

    int used = 0;
    foreach (const Include &i, includes) {
        if (i.type != Include::TargetLangImport) {
            s << i.toString() << endl;

    if (used)
        s << endl;


void CppImplGenerator::writeDefaultConstructedValues_helper(QSet<QString> &values,
                                                            const AbstractMetaFunction *func)
    foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *arg, func->arguments()) {
        AbstractMetaType *type = arg->type();
        if (func->typeReplaced(arg->argumentIndex()+1).isEmpty() && type->isValue() && hasDefaultConstructor(type))
            values << type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName();

void CppImplGenerator::writeDefaultConstructedValues(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class) {

    QSet<QString> values;

    // Class functions, more or less copied from the logic in write(Class) above...
    AbstractMetaFunctionList class_funcs;

    // Add normal final functions
    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, java_class->functionsInTargetLang()) {
        if (!function->isEmptyFunction())
            class_funcs << function;

    // Add abstract functions, I think...
    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, java_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::NormalFunctions
                                                                        | AbstractMetaClass::AbstractFunctions
                                                                        | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang)) {
        if (function->implementingClass() != java_class)
            class_funcs << function;

    // Signals (their c++ wrapper calls actually...)
    class_funcs += java_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Signals);

    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, class_funcs) {
        writeDefaultConstructedValues_helper(values, f);

    foreach (AbstractMetaField *field, java_class->fields()) {
        writeDefaultConstructedValues_helper(values, field->setter());

    if (!values.isEmpty()) {
        s << endl << endl
          << "// Default constructed values used throughout final functions..." << endl;
        for (QSet<QString>::const_iterator it = values.constBegin(); it != values.constEnd(); ++it) {
            s << "Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(" << *it << ", default_" << QString(*it).replace("::", "_")
              << ");" << endl;
        s << endl << endl;