view generator/containergenerator.cpp @ 282:256ab6cb8e85

Signals look-up andNew syntax for connect. The old one will not work from now on. This will allow for the signals overload. Although changes are done for both D1 and D2 versions, D1 won't work because of compiler bugs. I am tired of waiting for fixes.
author eldar
date Fri, 16 Oct 2009 02:43:59 +0000
parents 49bfc86ff583
children 08c1ca7975ab
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
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* Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
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** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

#include "containergenerator.h"
#include "cppimplgenerator.h"
#include "fileout.h"

static Indentor INDENT;

ContainerGenerator::ContainerGenerator(CppImplGenerator *cpp_impl_generator):
        DGenerator(), m_cpp_impl_generator(cpp_impl_generator)


    // qtd2
    excludedTypes << "QFuture";

QString ContainerGenerator::subDirectoryForPackage(const QString &package, OutputDirectoryType type) const
    switch (type) {
    case CppDirectory:
        return "cpp/" + QString(package).replace(".", "_") + "/";
    case DDirectory:
        return QString(package).replace(".", "/");
    case HDirectory:
        return "include/";
        return QString(); // kill nonsense warnings

void ContainerGenerator::write(QTextStream &, const AbstractMetaClass *)
    // not used

void ContainerGenerator::addTypeEntry(const TypeEntry* te)
    if (!excludedTypes.contains(te->name()))
        containerTypes << te;

void ContainerGenerator::processType(AbstractMetaType *d_type)
    if (d_type->isContainer()) {
        QList<AbstractMetaType *> args = d_type->instantiations();

        if (args.size() == 1) // QVector or QList
            if (>typeEntry()->isComplex()
                && !>isContainer()
                && !>isTargetLangString())
                addTypeEntry(>typeEntry()); // qMakePair(>typeEntry(), m_class);

void ContainerGenerator::processFunction(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function)
    if (notWrappedYet(d_function)) // qtd2

    if (d_function->type()) {
        AbstractMetaType *d_type = d_function->type();
        if (d_type->isContainer()) {

    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
    for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
        const AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;

void ContainerGenerator::buildTypeList()
    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *d_class, classes()) {
m_class = d_class;
        AbstractMetaFunctionList d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();
        for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
            AbstractMetaFunction *function =;

            // If a method in an interface class is modified to be private, this should
            // not be present in the interface at all, only in the implementation.
            if (d_class->isInterface()) {
                uint includedAttributes = 0;
                uint excludedAttributes = 0;
                retrieveModifications(function, d_class, &excludedAttributes, &includedAttributes);
                if (includedAttributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private)


        AbstractMetaFieldList fields = d_class->fields();
        foreach (const AbstractMetaField *field, fields) {
            if (field->wasPublic() || (field->wasProtected() && !d_class->isFinal())) {

        AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs = signalFunctions(d_class);
        for(int i = 0; i < signal_funcs.size(); i++) {
            AbstractMetaFunction *signal =;

            AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = signal->arguments();
            foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
                if(argument->type()->isContainer()) {
                    bool inList = false;
                    foreach(AbstractMetaType* type, signalEntries[d_class->package()]) {
                        const TypeEntry *teInList = type->instantiations().first()->typeEntry();
                        const TypeEntry *te = argument->type()->instantiations().first()->typeEntry();

                        if ((te == teInList) && (argument->type()->typeEntry() == type->typeEntry()))
                            inList = true;
                    if (!inList)
                        (signalEntries[d_class->package()]) << argument->type();
//                    (signalEntries[d_class->package()])[argument->type()->instantiations().first()->typeEntry()] = argument->type();

void ContainerGenerator::generate()

    writeFile(cppFilename(), CppDirectory, &ContainerGenerator::writeCppContent); // cpp file
    writeFile("ArrayOps_%1.h", HDirectory, &ContainerGenerator::writeHeaderContent); // header file
    writeFile(dFilename(), DDirectory, &ContainerGenerator::writeDContent); // d file
    writeFile("ArrayOps2.d", DDirectory, &ContainerGenerator::writeDContent2); // d file

void ContainerGenerator::writeFile(const QString& fileName, OutputDirectoryType dirType, WriteOut writeOut)
    AbstractMetaClassList classList = classes();
    QHash<QString, FileOut *> fileHash;

    // Seems continue is not supported by our foreach loop, so
    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classList) {

        FileOut *f = fileHash.value(cls->package(), 0);
        if (f == 0) {
            f = new FileOut(outputDirectory() + "/" + subDirectoryForPackage(cls->package(), dirType) + "/" +
                    fileName.arg(cls->package().replace(".", "_")));

            (this->*writeOut)(f->stream, cls);

            fileHash.insert(cls->package(), f);

//            QString pro_file_name = cls->package().replace(".", "_") + "/" + cls->package().replace(".", "_") + ".pri";
//            priGenerator->addSource(pro_file_name, cppFilename());

    foreach (QString package, fileHash.keys()) {
        FileOut *f = fileHash.value(package, 0);
        if (f != 0) {
            if( f->done() )

            delete f;

void ContainerGenerator::writeCppContent(QTextStream &s, AbstractMetaClass *cls)
    QString package = cls->package().replace(".", "_");

    s << "// stuff for passing D function pointers" << endl << endl
      << "#include \"qtd_masterinclude.h\"" << endl << endl
      << "#include \"qtd_core.h\"" << endl
      << "#include \"ArrayOps_" << package << ".h\"" << endl
      << "#include \"ArrayOps_qt_core.h\"" << endl
      << "#include \"ArrayOpsPrimitive.h\"" << endl << endl
      << "#ifdef CPP_SHARED" << endl << endl;

    foreach (const TypeEntry *te, containerTypes) {
        if (te->javaPackage() == cls->package()) {
            const ComplexTypeEntry *centry = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(te);
            QString cls_name = centry->name();

            s << "QTD_EXPORT_VAR(" << all_name << ")" << endl
              << "QTD_EXPORT_VAR(" << ass_name << ")" << endl
              << "QTD_EXPORT_VAR(" << get_name << ")" << endl << endl;

    s << endl
      << "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC void qtd_" << cls->package().replace(".", "_") << "_ArrayOps_initCallBacks(pfunc_abstr *callbacks)" << endl
      << "{" << endl;

    int num_funcs = 0;
    foreach (const TypeEntry *te, containerTypes) {
        if (te->javaPackage() == cls->package()) {
            const ComplexTypeEntry *centry = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(te);
            QString cls_name = centry->name();

            s << "    QTD_EXPORT_VAR_SET(" << all_name << ", callbacks[" << num_funcs + 0 << "]);" << endl
              << "    QTD_EXPORT_VAR_SET(" << ass_name << ", callbacks[" << num_funcs + 1 << "]);" << endl
              << "    QTD_EXPORT_VAR_SET(" << get_name << ", callbacks[" << num_funcs + 2 << "]);" << endl << endl;

            num_funcs += NUM_ARRAY_FUNCS;
    s << "}" << endl
      << "#endif" << endl;
    QMap<const TypeEntry*, AbstractMetaType*> typeList = signalEntries[cls->package()];

    QMapIterator<const TypeEntry*, AbstractMetaType*> i(typeList);
    while (i.hasNext()) {;
        s << "// " << i.key()->targetLangName() << endl
          << "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC void qtd_" << package << "_" << i.key()->targetLangName() << "_to_d_array(void *cpp_ptr, DArray* __d_container) {" << endl;

        AbstractMetaType *arg_type = i.value();
        m_cpp_impl_generator->writeTypeInfo(s, arg_type, NoOption);
        s << "container = (*reinterpret_cast< ";
        m_cpp_impl_generator->writeTypeInfo(s, arg_type, ExcludeReference);
        s << "(*)>(cpp_ptr));" << endl;

        m_cpp_impl_generator->writeQtToJavaContainer(s, arg_type, "container", "__d_container", 0, -1);
        s << "}" << endl;

    s << "// signal conversion functions" << endl;

    foreach(AbstractMetaType* arg_type, signalEntries[cls->package()]) {
        const TypeEntry *te = arg_type->instantiations().first()->typeEntry();
        s << "// " << te->targetLangName() << endl
          << "extern \"C\" DLL_PUBLIC void " << cppContainerConversionName(cls, arg_type, FromCpp) << "(void *cpp_ptr, DArray* __d_container) {" << endl;

        m_cpp_impl_generator->writeTypeInfo(s, arg_type, NoOption);
        s << "container = (*reinterpret_cast< ";
        m_cpp_impl_generator->writeTypeInfo(s, arg_type, ExcludeReference);
        s << "(*)>(cpp_ptr));" << endl;

        m_cpp_impl_generator->writeQtToJavaContainer(s, arg_type, "container", "__d_container", 0, -1);
        s << "}" << endl;

void ContainerGenerator::writeHeaderContent(QTextStream &s, AbstractMetaClass *cls)
    QString file_upper = "ArrayOps_" + QString(cls->package()).replace(".", "_") + "_h";
    file_upper = file_upper.toUpper();
    s << "#ifndef " << file_upper << endl
      << "#define " << file_upper << endl << endl
      << "#include <cstring>" << endl
      << "#include \"qtd_core.h\"" << endl << endl;

    foreach (const TypeEntry *te, containerTypes) {
        if (te->javaPackage() == cls->package()) {
            const ComplexTypeEntry *typeEntry = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(te);
            s << "// " << typeEntry->name() << endl; // " in " << it.second->name() << endl;

            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            writeHeaderArrayFunctions(s, typeEntry);

    s << "#endif // " << file_upper << endl;

void ContainerGenerator::setFuncNames(const QString& cls_name)
    all_name = QString("qtd_allocate_%1_array").arg(cls_name);
    ass_name = QString("qtd_assign_%1_array_element").arg(cls_name);
    get_name = QString("qtd_get_%1_from_array").arg(cls_name);

void ContainerGenerator::writeHeaderArrayFunctions(QTextStream &s, const ComplexTypeEntry *centry)
    QString cls_name = centry->name();
    bool d_export = true;
    QString d_type, cpp_type, cpp_type_assign;

    if (centry->name() == "QModelIndex") {
        cpp_type = "QModelIndexAccessor*";
    } else if (centry->isStructInD()) {
        cpp_type = centry->qualifiedCppName() + "*";
    } else if (centry->isObject() || centry->isQObject() || centry->isValue() || centry->isInterface() || centry->isVariant()) {
        cpp_type = "void*";


    s << "QTD_EXPORT(void, " << all_name << ", (void* arr, size_t len))" << endl
      << "QTD_EXPORT(void, " << ass_name << ", (void* arr, size_t pos, " << cpp_type << " elem))" << endl
      << "QTD_EXPORT(void, " << get_name << ", (void* arr, size_t pos, " << cpp_type << " elem))" << endl;

    s << "#ifdef CPP_SHARED" << endl
      << "#define " << all_name << " qtd_get_" << all_name << "()" << endl
      << "#define " << ass_name << " qtd_get_" << ass_name << "()" << endl
      << "#define " << get_name << " qtd_get_" << get_name << "()" << endl
      << "#endif" << endl;

    s << endl;

void ContainerGenerator::writeDContent(QTextStream &s, AbstractMetaClass *cls)
    s << "module " << cls->package() << ".ArrayOps;" << endl << endl;

    int num_funcs = 0;
    foreach (const TypeEntry *te, containerTypes) {
        if (te->javaPackage() == cls->package()) {
            const ComplexTypeEntry *typeEntry = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(te);
            s << "// " << typeEntry->name() << endl;
            writeImportString(s, typeEntry);
            s << endl;

            Indentation indent(INDENT);

            writeArrayFunctions(s, typeEntry);
            s << endl;
            num_funcs += NUM_ARRAY_FUNCS;
    if (num_funcs == 0)

    s << "version (cpp_shared) {" << endl
      << "    private extern (C) void qtd_" << cls->package().replace(".", "_") << "_ArrayOps_initCallBacks(void* callbacks);" << endl << endl
      << "    static this() {" << endl
      << "        void*[" << num_funcs << "] callbacks; " << endl << endl;

    num_funcs = 0;
    foreach (const TypeEntry *te, containerTypes) {
        if (te->javaPackage() == cls->package()) {
            const ComplexTypeEntry *centry = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(te);

            QString cls_name = centry->name();

            s << "        callbacks[" << num_funcs + 0 << "] = &" << all_name << ";" << endl
              << "        callbacks[" << num_funcs + 1 << "] = &" << ass_name << ";" << endl
              << "        callbacks[" << num_funcs + 2 << "] = &" << get_name << ";" << endl;

            s << endl;
            num_funcs += NUM_ARRAY_FUNCS;
    s << "        qtd_" << cls->package().replace(".", "_") << "_ArrayOps_initCallBacks(callbacks.ptr);" << endl
      << "    }" << endl
      << "}" << endl;


void ContainerGenerator::writeDContent2(QTextStream &s, AbstractMetaClass *cls)
    s << "module " << cls->package() << ".ArrayOps2;" << endl << endl
	  << "import qt.QGlobal;" << endl << endl;

    foreach(AbstractMetaType* arg_type, signalEntries[cls->package()]) {
        const TypeEntry *te = arg_type->instantiations().first()->typeEntry();
        if(!te->isPrimitive() && !te->isString())
            writeImportString(s, te);
        s << "extern (C) void " << cppContainerConversionName(cls, arg_type, FromCpp) << "(void *cpp_ptr, " << te->targetLangName() << "[]* __d_container);" << endl;

void ContainerGenerator::writeNotice(QTextStream &s)
    s << "/****************************************************************************" << endl
      << "**" << endl
      << "** This is a generated file, please don't touch." << endl
      << "**" << endl
      << "****************************************************************************/" << endl << endl;

void ContainerGenerator::writeArrayFunctions(QTextStream &s, const ComplexTypeEntry *centry)
    QString cls_name = centry->name();
    QString type_name = cls_name;

    bool d_export = true;
    QString d_type, cpp_type, cpp_assign_type, convert, nativeId;

    convert = "qtd_" + cls_name + "_cpp_to_d(elem)";
    nativeId = "";

    if (centry->name() == "QModelIndex") {
        cpp_type = "QModelIndexAccessor*";
        cpp_assign_type = cpp_type;
        d_type = cpp_type;
        convert = "*elem";
    } else if (centry->isStructInD()) {
        cpp_type = centry->qualifiedCppName() + "*";
        cpp_assign_type = cpp_type;
        d_type = cpp_type;
        convert = "*elem";
    } else if (centry->isObject() || centry->isQObject() || centry->isValue() || centry->isInterface() || centry->isVariant()) {
        cpp_type = "void*";
        cpp_assign_type = cpp_type + "*";
        d_type = cls_name;
        if (centry->designatedInterface())
            d_type = centry->designatedInterface()->name();
        nativeId = ".__nativeId";

    if (centry->designatedInterface()) {
        type_name = centry->designatedInterface()->name();
        nativeId = ".__ptr_" + type_name;

    s << "private extern(C) void qtd_allocate_" << cls_name << "_array(" << type_name << "[]* arr, size_t len)" << endl
      << "{" << endl
      << INDENT << "*arr = new " << type_name << "[len];" << endl
      << "}" << endl << endl;

    s << "private extern(C) void qtd_assign_" << cls_name << "_array_element(" << type_name << "[]* arr, size_t pos, " << cpp_type << " elem)" << endl
      << "{" << endl
      << INDENT << "(*arr)[pos] = " << convert << ";" << endl
      << "}" << endl << endl

      << "private extern(C) void qtd_get_" << cls_name << "_from_array(" << type_name << "* arr, size_t pos, " << cpp_assign_type << " elem)" << endl
      << "{" << endl
      << INDENT << "*elem = arr[pos]" << nativeId << ";" << endl
      << "}" << endl << endl

      << "package " << d_type << " qtd_" << cls_name << "_cpp_to_d(" << cpp_type << " ret)" << endl
      << "{" << endl;

    marshallFromCppToD(s, centry);

    s << "}" << endl;