view examples/widgets/calculator/calculator.d @ 282:256ab6cb8e85

Signals look-up andNew syntax for connect. The old one will not work from now on. This will allow for the signals overload. Although changes are done for both D1 and D2 versions, D1 won't work because of compiler bugs. I am tired of waiting for fixes.
author eldar
date Fri, 16 Oct 2009 02:43:59 +0000
parents 8aaa84d48451
children 7a3c43424dca
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** This file is part of the example classes of the Qt Toolkit.
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module calculator;

import button;
import qt.gui.QDialog;
import qt.gui.QGridLayout;
import qt.gui.QLineEdit;
import qt.gui.QFont;

import std.math; 
import std.conv;
import std.string; 

class Calculator : public QDialog
        this(QWidget parent = null)

                sumInMemory = 0.0;
                sumSoFar = 0.0;
                factorSoFar = 0.0;
                waitingForOperand = true;

                display = new QLineEdit("0");

		auto font = new QFont(display.font());
                font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + 8);

                for (int i = 0; i < NumDigitButtons; ++i) {
                        digitButtons[i] = createButton(format("%d", i), &digitClicked);

                Button pointButton = createButton(tr("."), &pointClicked);
                Button changeSignButton = createButton(tr("+/-"), &changeSignClicked);

                Button backspaceButton = createButton(tr("Backspace"), &backspaceClicked);
                Button clearButton = createButton(tr("Clear"), &clear);
                Button clearAllButton = createButton(tr("Clear All"), &clearAll);

                Button clearMemoryButton = createButton(tr("MC"), &clearMemory);
                Button readMemoryButton = createButton(tr("MR"), &readMemory);
                Button setMemoryButton = createButton(tr("MS"), &setMemory);
                Button addToMemoryButton = createButton(tr("M+"), &addToMemory);

                Button divisionButton = createButton(tr("/"), &multiplicativeOperatorClicked);
                Button timesButton = createButton(tr("*"), &multiplicativeOperatorClicked);
                Button minusButton = createButton(tr("-"), &additiveOperatorClicked);
                Button plusButton = createButton(tr("+"), &additiveOperatorClicked);

                Button squareRootButton = createButton(tr("Sqrt"), &unaryOperatorClicked);
                Button powerButton = createButton(tr("x^2"), &unaryOperatorClicked);
                Button reciprocalButton = createButton(tr("1/x"), &unaryOperatorClicked);
                Button equalButton = createButton(tr("="), &equalClicked);

                QGridLayout mainLayout = new QGridLayout();


                mainLayout.addWidget(display, 0, 0, 1, 6);
                mainLayout.addWidget(backspaceButton, 1, 0, 1, 2);
                mainLayout.addWidget(clearButton, 1, 2, 1, 2);
                mainLayout.addWidget(clearAllButton, 1, 4, 1, 2);

                mainLayout.addWidget(clearMemoryButton, 2, 0);
                mainLayout.addWidget(readMemoryButton, 3, 0);
                mainLayout.addWidget(setMemoryButton, 4, 0);
                mainLayout.addWidget(addToMemoryButton, 5, 0);

                for (int i = 1; i < NumDigitButtons; ++i) {
                        int row = ((9 - i) / 3) + 2;
                        int column = ((i - 1) % 3) + 1;
                        mainLayout.addWidget(digitButtons[i], row, column);

                mainLayout.addWidget(digitButtons[0], 5, 1);
                mainLayout.addWidget(pointButton, 5, 2);
                mainLayout.addWidget(changeSignButton, 5, 3);

                mainLayout.addWidget(divisionButton, 2, 4);
                mainLayout.addWidget(timesButton, 3, 4);
                mainLayout.addWidget(minusButton, 4, 4);
                mainLayout.addWidget(plusButton, 5, 4);

                mainLayout.addWidget(squareRootButton, 2, 5);
                mainLayout.addWidget(powerButton, 3, 5);
                mainLayout.addWidget(reciprocalButton, 4, 5);
                mainLayout.addWidget(equalButton, 5, 5);


//private slots:
        void digitClicked()
                Button clickedButton = cast(Button) signalSender();
                int digitValue = to!int(clickedButton.text);
                if (display.text() == "0" && digitValue == 0.0)

                if (waitingForOperand) {
                        waitingForOperand = false;
                display.setText(display.text() ~ format("%g", digitValue));

        void unaryOperatorClicked()
                Button clickedButton = cast(Button) signalSender();
                string clickedOperator = clickedButton.text();
                double operand = to!float(display.text);
                double result = 0.0;

                if (clickedOperator == tr("Sqrt")) {
                        if (operand < 0.0) {
                        result = sqrt(operand);
                } else if (clickedOperator == tr("x^2")) {
                        result = pow(operand, 2.0);
                } else if (clickedOperator == tr("1/x")) {
                        if (operand == 0.0) {
                        result = 1.0 / operand;
                display.setText(format("%g", result));
                waitingForOperand = true;

        void additiveOperatorClicked()
                Button clickedButton = cast(Button) signalSender();
                string clickedOperator = clickedButton.text();
                double operand = to!float(display.text);

                if (pendingMultiplicativeOperator.length) {
                        if (!calculate(operand, pendingMultiplicativeOperator)) {
                        display.setText(format("%g", factorSoFar));
                        operand = factorSoFar;
                        factorSoFar = 0.0;
                        pendingMultiplicativeOperator = null;

                if (pendingAdditiveOperator.length) {
                        if (!calculate(operand, pendingAdditiveOperator)) {
                        display.setText(format("%g", sumSoFar));
                } else {
                        sumSoFar = operand;

                pendingAdditiveOperator = clickedOperator;
                waitingForOperand = true;

        void multiplicativeOperatorClicked()
                Button clickedButton = cast(Button) signalSender();
                string clickedOperator = clickedButton.text();
                double operand = to!float(display.text);

                if (pendingMultiplicativeOperator.length) {
                        if (!calculate(operand, pendingMultiplicativeOperator)) {
                        display.setText(format("%g", factorSoFar));
                } else {
                        factorSoFar = operand;

                pendingMultiplicativeOperator = clickedOperator;
                waitingForOperand = true;

        void equalClicked()
                double operand = to!float(display.text);

                if (pendingMultiplicativeOperator.length) {
                        if (!calculate(operand, pendingMultiplicativeOperator)) {
                        operand = factorSoFar;
                        factorSoFar = 0.0;
                        pendingMultiplicativeOperator = null;
                if (pendingAdditiveOperator.length) {
                        if (!calculate(operand, pendingAdditiveOperator)) {
                        pendingAdditiveOperator = null;
                } else {
                        sumSoFar = operand;

                display.setText(format("%g", sumSoFar));
                sumSoFar = 0.0;
                waitingForOperand = true;

        void pointClicked()
                string text = display.text;

                if (waitingForOperand)

                if (indexOf(text, '.') >= text.length)
                        display.setText(text ~ tr("."));
                waitingForOperand = false;

        void changeSignClicked()
                string text = display.text();
                double value = to!float(text);

                if (value > 0.0) {
                        text = "-" ~ text;
                } else if (value < 0.0) {
                        text = text[1..$];

        void backspaceClicked()
                if (waitingForOperand)

                string text = display.text();
                text = text[0..$-1];
                if (text.length == 0) {
                        text = "0";
                        waitingForOperand = true;

        void clear()
                if (waitingForOperand)

                waitingForOperand = true;

        void clearAll()
                sumSoFar = 0.0;
                factorSoFar = 0.0;
                pendingAdditiveOperator = null;
                pendingMultiplicativeOperator = null;
                waitingForOperand = true;

        void clearMemory()
                sumInMemory = 0.0;

        void readMemory()
                display.setText(format("%g", sumInMemory));
                waitingForOperand = true;

        void setMemory()
                sumInMemory = to!float(display.text);

        void addToMemory()
                sumInMemory += to!float(display.text);


        Button createButton(string text, void delegate() member)
                Button button = new Button(text);
                connect!("clicked")(button, member);
                return button;

        void abortOperation()

        bool calculate(double rightOperand, string pendingOperator)
                if (pendingOperator == tr("+")) {
                        sumSoFar += rightOperand;
                } else if (pendingOperator == tr("-")) {
                        sumSoFar -= rightOperand;
                } else if (pendingOperator == tr("*")) {
                        factorSoFar *= rightOperand;
                } else if (pendingOperator == tr("/")) {
                        if (rightOperand == 0.0)
                                return false;
                        factorSoFar /= rightOperand;
                return true;

        double sumInMemory;
        double sumSoFar;
        double factorSoFar;
        string pendingAdditiveOperator;
        string pendingMultiplicativeOperator;
        bool waitingForOperand;

        QLineEdit display;

        enum { NumDigitButtons = 10 };
        Button[NumDigitButtons] digitButtons;