view examples/layouts/dynamiclayouts/dialog.d @ 282:256ab6cb8e85

Signals look-up andNew syntax for connect. The old one will not work from now on. This will allow for the signals overload. Although changes are done for both D1 and D2 versions, D1 won't work because of compiler bugs. I am tired of waiting for fixes.
author eldar
date Fri, 16 Oct 2009 02:43:59 +0000
parents 9fa74f0e3fb6
children 7a3c43424dca
line wrap: on
line source

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module dialog;

import qt.gui.QDialog;
import qt.gui.QGroupBox;
import qt.gui.QGridLayout;
import qt.gui.QLabel;
import qt.gui.QComboBox;
import qt.gui.QDialogButtonBox;
import qt.gui.QPushButton;
import qt.gui.QMessageBox;
import qt.gui.QSpinBox;
import qt.gui.QDial;
import qt.gui.QProgressBar;

class Dialog : public QDialog

	this(QWidget parent = null)

		mainLayout = new QGridLayout;
		mainLayout.addWidget(rotableGroupBox, 0, 0);
		mainLayout.addWidget(optionsGroupBox, 1, 0);
		mainLayout.addWidget(buttonBox, 2, 0);


		setWindowTitle(tr("Dynamic Layouts"));


	void buttonsOrientationChanged(int index)
		setMinimumSize(0, 0);

		Qt.Orientation orientation = cast(Qt.Orientation) buttonsOrientationComboBox.itemData(index).toInt();

		if (orientation == buttonBox.orientation())


		int spacing = mainLayout.spacing();

		QSize oldSizeHint = buttonBox.sizeHint() + QSize(spacing, spacing);
		QSize newSizeHint = buttonBox.sizeHint() + QSize(spacing, spacing);

		if (orientation == Qt_Orientation.Horizontal) {
			mainLayout.addWidget(buttonBox, 2, 0);
			resize(size() + QSize(-1 * oldSizeHint.width(), newSizeHint.height()));
		} else {
			mainLayout.addWidget(buttonBox, 0, 3, 2, 1);
			resize(size() + QSize(newSizeHint.width(), -1 * oldSizeHint.height()));


	void rotateWidgets()
		assert(rotableWidgets.length % 2 == 0);

		foreach (QWidget widget; rotableWidgets)

		rotableWidgets = rotableWidgets[1..$] ~ rotableWidgets[0];
		int n = rotableWidgets.length;
		for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; ++i) {
			rotableLayout.addWidget(rotableWidgets[n - i - 1], 0, i);
			rotableLayout.addWidget(rotableWidgets[i], 1, i);

	void help()
		QMessageBox.information(this, tr("Dynamic Layouts Help"),
			tr("This example shows how to change layouts dynamically."));

	void createRotableGroupBox()
		rotableGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Rotable Widgets"));

		auto a0 = new QSpinBox;
		auto a1 = new QSlider;
		auto a2 = new QDial;
		auto a3 = new QProgressBar;
		rotableWidgets ~= a0;
		rotableWidgets ~= a1;
		rotableWidgets ~= a2;
		rotableWidgets ~= a3;

		connect!("valueChanged")(a0, &a1.setValue);
		connect!("valueChanged")(a1, &a2.setValue);
		connect!("valueChanged")(a2, &a3.setValue);
		connect!("valueChanged")(a3, &a0.setValue);

		int n = rotableWidgets.length;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
			rotableWidgets[i].valueChanged.connect(&rotableWidgets[(i + 1) % n].setValue);

		rotableLayout = new QGridLayout;


	void createOptionsGroupBox()
		optionsGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Options"));

		buttonsOrientationLabel = new QLabel(tr("Orientation of buttons:"));

		buttonsOrientationComboBox = new QComboBox;
		buttonsOrientationComboBox.addItem(tr("Horizontal"), new QVariant(cast(ulong) Qt.Horizontal));
		buttonsOrientationComboBox.addItem(tr("Vertical"), new QVariant(cast(ulong) Qt.Vertical));

		connect!("currentIndexChanged")(buttonsOrientationComboBox, &this.buttonsOrientationChanged);

		optionsLayout = new QGridLayout;
		optionsLayout.addWidget(buttonsOrientationLabel, 0, 0);
		optionsLayout.addWidget(buttonsOrientationComboBox, 0, 1);
		optionsLayout.setColumnStretch(2, 1);

	void createButtonBox()
		buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox;

		closeButton = buttonBox.addButton(QDialogButtonBox.Close);
		helpButton = buttonBox.addButton(QDialogButtonBox.Help);
		rotateWidgetsButton = buttonBox.addButton(tr("Rotate &Widgets"), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole);

		connect!("clicked")(rotateWidgetsButton, &this.rotateWidgets);
		connect!("clicked")(closeButton, &this.close);
		connect!("clicked")(helpButton, &;

	QGroupBox rotableGroupBox;
	QWidget[] rotableWidgets;
	QGroupBox optionsGroupBox;
	QLabel buttonsOrientationLabel;
	QComboBox buttonsOrientationComboBox;

	QDialogButtonBox buttonBox;
	QPushButton closeButton;
	QPushButton helpButton;
	QPushButton rotateWidgetsButton;

	QGridLayout mainLayout;
	QGridLayout rotableLayout;
	QGridLayout optionsLayout;