view d2/qt/core/QMetaObject.d @ 315:2049c3abd348 lifetime

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author maxter <>
date Wed, 23 Dec 2009 23:54:39 +0200
parents 80b52f5e97b6
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module qt.core.QMetaObject;


    Meta-object for QObject classes.
final class QMetaObject : QtdMetaObjectBase
    alias typeof(this) This;
    this(void* nativeId, QtdMetaObjectBase base, CreateWrapper createWrapper)
        super(nativeId, base, createWrapper);
    private QMetaObject lookupDerived(void*[] moIds)
        assert (moIds.length >= 1);
        for (auto mo = static_cast!(This)(firstDerived); mo !is null; mo = static_cast!(This)(
            if (mo.nativeId == moIds[0])
                if (moIds.length == 1) // exact match found
                    return mo;
                else // look deeper
                    return mo.lookupDerived(moIds[1..$]);
        // no initialized wrapper that matches the native object.
        // use the base class wrapper
        return this;
    QObject wrap(void* nativeObjId, QtdObjectFlags flags = QtdObjectFlags.none)
        QObject result;
        if (nativeObjId)
            result = cast(QObject)qtd_get_d_qobject(nativeObjId);            
            if (!result)
                auto moId = qtd_QObject_typeId(nativeObjId);
                if (nativeId == moId)
                     result = static_cast!(QObject)(_createWrapper(nativeObjId, flags));
                    // get native metaobjects for the entire derivation lattice
                    // up to, but not including, the current metaobject.
                    size_t moCount = 1;
                    for (void* tmp = moId;;)
                        tmp = qtd_QMetaObject_superClass(tmp);                        
                        if (!tmp)
                            return null;
                        if (tmp == nativeId)                        
                    void*[] moIds = (cast(void**)alloca(moCount * (void*).sizeof))[0..moCount];

                    moIds[--moCount] = moId;
                    while (moCount > 0)
                        moIds[--moCount] = moId = qtd_QMetaObject_superClass(moId);
                    auto mo = lookupDerived(moIds);
                    result = static_cast!(QObject)(mo._createWrapper(nativeObjId, flags));

        return result;

extern(C) void* qtd_QMetaObject_superClass(void* nativeId);