view generator/metainfogenerator.cpp @ 258:1da8870e9a62 lifetime

branched for changes to object lifetime handling
author maxter
date Wed, 16 Sep 2009 14:16:33 +0000
parents 1349940724eb
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
** * Commercial Usage
* Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
* accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
* Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
* a written agreement between you and Nokia.
* GNU General Public License Usage
* Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
* Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
* the packaging of this file.  Please review the following information
* to ensure GNU General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
* and
*  In addition, as a special
* exception, Nokia gives you certain additional rights. These rights
* are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.2, included in
* the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
* Qt for Windows(R) Licensees
* As a special exception, Nokia, as the sole copyright holder for Qt
* Designer, grants users of the Qt/Eclipse Integration plug-in the
* right for the Qt/Eclipse Integration to link to functionality
* provided by Qt Designer and its related libraries.
* If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
* contact the sales department at

** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

#include "metainfogenerator.h"
#include "reporthandler.h"
#include "cppimplgenerator.h"
#include "fileout.h"

#include <QDir>
#include <QMetaType>

MetaInfoGenerator::MetaInfoGenerator(PriGenerator *pri):


QString MetaInfoGenerator::subDirectoryForPackage(const QString &package, OutputDirectoryType type) const
    switch (type) {
    case CppDirectory:
        return "cpp/" + QString(package).replace(".", "_") + "/";
    case JavaDirectory:
        return QString(package).replace(".", "/");
        return QString(); // kill nonsense warnings

QString MetaInfoGenerator::subDirectoryForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, OutputDirectoryType type) const
    return subDirectoryForPackage(cls->package(), type);

void MetaInfoGenerator::generate()

bool MetaInfoGenerator::shouldGenerate(const TypeEntry *entry) const
    return entry != 0 && !entry->isNamespace() && !entry->isEnum() && (entry->codeGeneration() & TypeEntry::GenerateCpp);

bool MetaInfoGenerator::shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const
    return (!cls->isInterface() && cls->typeEntry()->isValue() && !cls->isNamespace()
            && !cls->isAbstract() && (cls->typeEntry()->codeGeneration() & TypeEntry::GenerateCpp));

QString MetaInfoGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *) const
    return filenameStub() + ".cpp";

void MetaInfoGenerator::write(QTextStream &, const AbstractMetaClass *)
    // not used

bool MetaInfoGenerator::generated(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const
    return generatedMetaInfo(cls->package());

bool MetaInfoGenerator::generatedMetaInfo(const QString &package) const
    return (m_skip_list.value(package, 0x0) & GeneratedMetaInfo);

bool MetaInfoGenerator::generatedJavaClasses(const QString &package) const
    return (m_skip_list.value(package, 0x0) & GeneratedJavaClasses);

static void metainfo_write_name_list(QTextStream &s, const char *var_name, const QList<QString> &strs,
                                     int offset, int skip)
    s << "static const char *" << var_name << "[] = {" << endl;
    for (int i=offset; i<strs.size(); i += skip) {
        s << "    \"" << << "\"";
        if (i < strs.size() - 1)
            s << ",";
        s << endl;
    s << "};" << endl << endl;

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeEnums(QTextStream &s, const QString &package)
    TypeEntryHash entries = TypeDatabase::instance()->allEntries();
    TypeEntryHash::iterator it;

    QList<QString> strs;
    for (it=entries.begin(); it!=entries.end(); ++it) {
        QList<TypeEntry *> entries = it.value();
        foreach (TypeEntry *entry, entries) {
            if ((entry->isFlags() || entry->isEnum()) && entry->javaPackage() == package) {
                EnumTypeEntry *eentry = entry->isEnum() ? static_cast<EnumTypeEntry *>(entry) : static_cast<FlagsTypeEntry *>(entry)->originator();

                // The Qt flags names should map to the enum names, this is
                // required for the designer plugin to find the enum type of
                // a flags type since this functionality is not available in
                // Qt. This may be a little bit inconsistent, but it saves
                // us making yet another hash table for lookups. If it causes
                // problems, make a new one for this particular purpose.
                strs.append((eentry->javaPackage().isEmpty() ? QString() : eentry->javaPackage().replace('.', '/')  + "/")
                            + eentry->javaQualifier() + "$" + eentry->targetLangName());
                strs.append(entry->isFlags() ? static_cast<FlagsTypeEntry *>(entry)->originalName() : entry->qualifiedCppName());

    Q_ASSERT(strs.size() % 2 == 0);

    s << "static int enum_count = " << (strs.size() / 2) << ";" << endl;
    if (strs.size() > 0) {
        metainfo_write_name_list(s, "enumJavaNames", strs, 0, 2);
        metainfo_write_name_list(s, "enumCppNames", strs, 1, 2);
    } else {
        s << "static const char **enumCppNames = 0;" << endl
          << "static const char **enumJavaNames = 0;" << endl;

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeSignalsAndSlots(QTextStream &s, const QString &package)
    AbstractMetaClassList classes = this->classes();

    QList<QString> strs;
    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classes) {
        if (cls->package() == package) {
            AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = cls->functions();
            foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, functions) {
                if (f->implementingClass() == cls && (f->isSignal() || f->isSlot())) {

                    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = f->arguments();
                    int numOverloads = arguments.size();
                    for (int i=arguments.size()-1; i>=0; --i) {
                        if (>defaultValueExpression().isEmpty()) {
                            numOverloads = arguments.size() - i - 1;

                    for (int i=0; i<=numOverloads; ++i) {
                        Option option = Option(SkipAttributes | SkipReturnType | SkipName);
                        QString qtName;

                            QTextStream qtNameStream(&qtName);
                            CppGenerator::writeFunctionSignature(qtNameStream, f, 0, QString(),
                                Option(option | OriginalName | NormalizeAndFixTypeSignature | OriginalTypeDescription),
                                QString(), QStringList(), arguments.size() - i);
                        qtName = f->implementingClass()->qualifiedCppName() + "::" + qtName;
                        qtName = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(qtName.toLatin1().constData());

                        QString javaFunctionName = functionSignature(f, 0, 0, option, arguments.size() - (f->isSignal() ? 0 : i));
                        QString javaObjectName = f->isSignal()
                                                ? f->name()
                                                : javaFunctionName;

                        javaFunctionName = f->implementingClass()->fullName() + "." + javaFunctionName;
                        javaObjectName   = f->implementingClass()->fullName() + "." + javaObjectName;

                        QString javaSignature = "(";
                        for (int j=0; j < (arguments.size() - (f->isSignal() ? 0 : i)); ++j)  {
                            AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;
                            javaSignature += jni_signature(arg->type(), SlashesAndStuff);
                        javaSignature += ")" + jni_signature(f->type(), SlashesAndStuff);


    Q_ASSERT(strs.size() % 4 == 0);

    s << "static int sns_count = " << (strs.size() / 4) << ";" << endl;
    if (strs.size() > 0) {
        metainfo_write_name_list(s, "qtNames", strs, 0, 4);
        metainfo_write_name_list(s, "javaFunctionNames", strs, 1, 4);
        metainfo_write_name_list(s, "javaObjectNames", strs, 2, 4);
        metainfo_write_name_list(s, "javaSignatures", strs, 3, 4);
    } else {
        s << "static const char **qtNames = 0;" << endl
          << "static const char **javaFunctionNames = 0;" << endl
          << "static const char **javaObjectNames = 0;" << endl
          << "static const char **javaSignatures = 0;" << endl;

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeRegisterSignalsAndSlots(QTextStream &s)
    s << "    for (int i=0;i<sns_count; ++i) {" << endl
      << "        registerQtToJava(qtNames[i], javaFunctionNames[i]);" << endl
      << "        if (getQtName(javaObjectNames[i]).length() < QByteArray(qtNames[i]).size())" << endl
      << "            registerJavaToQt(javaObjectNames[i], qtNames[i]);" << endl
      << "        registerJavaSignature(qtNames[i], javaSignatures[i]);" << endl
      << "    }" << endl;

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeRegisterEnums(QTextStream &s)
    s << "    for (int i=0;i<enum_count; ++i) {" << endl
      << "        registerQtToJava(enumCppNames[i], enumJavaNames[i]);" << endl
      << "        registerJavaToQt(enumJavaNames[i], enumCppNames[i]);" << endl
      << "    }" << endl;

void MetaInfoGenerator::buildSkipList()
    AbstractMetaClassList classList = classes();
    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classList) {
        if (!m_skip_list.contains(cls->package()))
            m_skip_list[cls->package()] = 0x0;

        if (cls->typeEntry()->codeGeneration() & TypeEntry::GenerateCpp)
            m_skip_list[cls->package()] |= GeneratedMetaInfo;

        if (cls->typeEntry()->codeGeneration() & TypeEntry::GenerateTargetLang)
            m_skip_list[cls->package()] |= GeneratedJavaClasses;

QStringList MetaInfoGenerator::writePolymorphicHandler(QTextStream &s, const QString &package,
                                                       const AbstractMetaClassList &classes)
    QStringList handlers;
    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classes) {
        const ComplexTypeEntry *centry = cls->typeEntry();
        if (!centry->isPolymorphicBase())

        AbstractMetaClassList classList = this->classes();
        bool first = true;
        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *clazz, classList) {
            if (clazz->package() == package && clazz->inheritsFrom(cls)) {
                if (!clazz->typeEntry()->polymorphicIdValue().isEmpty()) {
                    // On first find, open the function
                    if (first) {
                        first = false;

                        QString handler = jni_signature(cls->fullName(), Underscores);

                        s << "static bool polymorphichandler_" << handler
                          << "(const void *ptr, char **class_name, char **package)" << endl
                          << "{" << endl
                          << "    Q_ASSERT(ptr != 0);" << endl
                          << "    " << cls->qualifiedCppName() << " *object = ("
                          << cls->qualifiedCppName() << " *)ptr;" << endl;

                    // For each, add case label
                    s << "    if ("
                      << clazz->typeEntry()->polymorphicIdValue().replace("%1", "object")
                      << ") {" << endl
                      << "        *class_name = \"" << clazz->name() << "\";" << endl
                      << "        *package    = \"" << clazz->package().replace(".", "/") << "/\";" << endl
                      << "        return true;" << endl
                      << "    }" << endl;
                } else {
                    QString warning = QString("class '%1' inherits from polymorphic class '%2', but has no polymorphic id set")


        // Close the function if it has been opened
        if (!first) {
            s << "    return false;" << endl
              << "}" << endl;

    return handlers;

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeNameLiteral(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry *entry, const QString &fileName)
    static QSet<QString> used;

    if (!used.contains(fileName + ":" + entry->name())) {
        s << "char __name_" << QString(entry->name()).replace(':', '_').replace(' ', '_') << "[] = \"" << entry->name() << "\";" << endl;
        used.insert(fileName + ":" + entry->name());

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeCppFile()
    TypeEntryHash entries = TypeDatabase::instance()->allEntries();
    TypeEntryHash::iterator it;

    AbstractMetaClassList classes_with_polymorphic_id;
    AbstractMetaClassList classList = classes();
    QHash<QString, FileOut *> fileHash;

    // Seems continue is not supported by our foreach loop, so
    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classList) {

        FileOut *f = fileHash.value(cls->package(), 0);
        if (f == 0 && generated(cls)) {
            f = new FileOut(outputDirectory() + "/" + subDirectoryForClass(cls, CppDirectory) + "/" + cppFilename());

            writeIncludeStatements(f->stream, classList, cls->package());
            f->stream << endl;

            // Write the generic destructors and constructors
            f->stream << "template <typename T, const char *NAME>" << endl
                        << "void genericDestructor(void *t)" << endl
                        << "{" << endl
                        << "    delete (T *) t;" << endl
                        << "    qtjambi_increase_destructorFunctionCalledCount(QString::fromLatin1(NAME));" << endl
                        << "}" << endl << endl
                        << "template <typename T>" << endl
                        << "void *genericConstructor(const void *t)" << endl
                        << "{" << endl
                        << "    if (!t)" << endl
                        << "        return new T;" << endl
                        << "    return new T(*reinterpret_cast<const T *>(t));" << endl
                        << "}" << endl;

            fileHash.insert(cls->package(), f);

            priGenerator->addSource(cls->package(), cppFilename());

        if (!(cls->attributes() & AbstractMetaAttributes::Fake)) {
            if (f != 0) {
                if (cls->typeEntry()->isObject()
                    && !cls->typeEntry()->isQObject()
                    && !cls->isInterface()) {
                    writeDestructors(f->stream, cls);
                writeCustomStructors(f->stream, cls->typeEntry());

            if (cls->typeEntry()->isPolymorphicBase())

        if (cls->typeEntry()->isValue() && shouldGenerate(cls->typeEntry()))
            writeNameLiteral(f->stream, cls->typeEntry(), f->name());

    QHash<QString, QStringList> handlers_to_register;
    foreach (QString package, fileHash.keys()) {
        FileOut *f = fileHash.value(package, 0);
        if (f != 0) {
            writeSignalsAndSlots(f->stream, package);
            writeEnums(f->stream, package);
            handlers_to_register[package] = writePolymorphicHandler(f->stream, package, classes_with_polymorphic_id);

    // Primitive types must be added to all packages, in case the other packages are
    // not referenced from the generated code.
    foreach (FileOut *f, fileHash.values()) {
        for (it=entries.begin(); it!=entries.end(); ++it) {
            QList<TypeEntry *> entries = it.value();
            foreach (TypeEntry *entry, entries) {
                if (shouldGenerate(entry) && entry->isPrimitive()) {
                    writeCustomStructors(f->stream, entry);
                    writeNameLiteral(f->stream, entry, f->name());

        // Initialization function: Registers meta types
        writeInitializationFunctionName(f->stream, fileHash.key(f, ""), true);
        f->stream << endl << "{" << endl;
        for (it=entries.begin(); it!=entries.end(); ++it) {
            QList<TypeEntry *> entries = it.value();
            foreach (TypeEntry *entry, entries) {
                if (entry &&
                    ( (shouldGenerate(entry) && entry->isPrimitive())
                    || entry->isString()
                    || entry->isChar())) {
                        writeInitialization(f->stream, entry, 0);

    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classList) {
        FileOut *f = fileHash.value(cls->package(), 0);

        if (f != 0) {
            writeInitialization(f->stream, cls->typeEntry(), cls, shouldGenerate(cls));

    foreach (QString package, fileHash.keys()) {
        FileOut *f = fileHash.value(package, 0);
        if (f != 0) {
            foreach (QString handler, handlers_to_register.value(package, QStringList())) {
                f->stream << "    qtjambi_register_polymorphic_id(\"" << handler << "\","
                         << "polymorphichandler_" << handler << ");" << endl;

            f->stream << "}" << endl << endl;
            if( f->done() )

            delete f;

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeHeaderFile()
    AbstractMetaClassList classList = classes();
    QHash<QString, bool> fileHash;

    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classList) {
        bool hasGenerated = fileHash.value(cls->package(), false);
        if (!hasGenerated && generated(cls)) {
            FileOut file(outputDirectory() + "/" + subDirectoryForClass(cls, CppDirectory) + "/" + headerFilename());
   << "#ifndef " << filenameStub().toUpper() << "_H" << endl;
   << "#define " << filenameStub().toUpper() << "_H" << endl << endl;
            writeInitializationFunctionName(, cls->package(), true);
   << ";" << endl << "#endif" << endl << endl;

            fileHash.insert(cls->package(), true);

            priGenerator->addHeader(cls->package(), headerFilename());

            if( file.done() )

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeCodeBlock(QTextStream &s, const QString &code)
    QStringList lines = code.split('\n');
    QString indent;
    foreach (QString str, lines) {
        s << "    " << indent << str.trimmed() << endl;
        if (!str.trimmed().endsWith(";") && !str.trimmed().isEmpty())
            indent = "    ";
            indent = "";

const AbstractMetaClass* MetaInfoGenerator::lookupClassWithPublicDestructor(const AbstractMetaClass *cls)
    while (cls != 0) {
        if (cls->hasPublicDestructor()) {
            return cls;
        } else {
            cls = cls->baseClass();
    return 0;

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeDestructors(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *cls)
    // We can only delete classes with public destructors
    const AbstractMetaClass *clsWithPublicDestructor = lookupClassWithPublicDestructor(cls);
    if(clsWithPublicDestructor != 0) {
        const ComplexTypeEntry *entry = cls->typeEntry();
        if ((entry->codeGeneration() & TypeEntry::GenerateCode) != 0) {
            s   << "void destructor_" << entry->javaPackage().replace(".", "_")  << "_"
                << entry->lookupName().replace(".", "_").replace("$", "_") << "(void *ptr)" << endl
                << "{" << endl
                << "    delete reinterpret_cast<" << clsWithPublicDestructor->qualifiedCppName() << " *>(ptr);" << endl;

            s   << "    qtjambi_increase_destructorFunctionCalledCount(QString::fromLatin1(\"" << cls->name() << "\"));" << endl;

            s   << "}" << endl << endl;

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeCustomStructors(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry *entry)
    if (!entry->preferredConversion())
        return ;

    CustomFunction customConstructor = entry->customConstructor();
    CustomFunction customDestructor = entry->customDestructor();

    if (! && ! {
        s << "// Custom constructor and destructor for " << entry->qualifiedCppName() << endl
          << "static void *" << << "("
          << "const " << entry->qualifiedCppName() << " *" << customConstructor.param_name
          << ")" << endl
          << "{" << endl;
        writeCodeBlock(s, customConstructor.code());
        s << "}" << endl << endl;

        s << "static void " << << "("
          << "const " << entry->qualifiedCppName() << " *" << customDestructor.param_name
          << ")" << endl
          << "{" << endl;
        writeCodeBlock(s, customDestructor.code());
        s << "}" << endl << endl;

static void generateInitializer(QTextStream &s, const QString &package, CodeSnip::Position pos)
    QList<CodeSnip> snips =
        ((TypeSystemTypeEntry *) TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(package))->snips;

    foreach (const CodeSnip &snip, snips)
        if (snip.position == pos)
            s << snip.code();

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeLibraryInitializers()
    // from cppimplgenerator.cpp
    extern QString jni_function_signature(QString package,
                                          QString class_name,
                                          const QString &function_name,
                                          const QString &return_type,
                                          const QString &mangled_arguments = QString(),
                                          uint options = CppImplGenerator::StandardJNISignature);

    // We need to generate a library initializer in Java for all packages
    // that have generated classes in Java, and in C++ for all packages
    // that have generated metainfo.

    QList<QString> known_packages = m_skip_list.keys();
    foreach (QString package, known_packages) {
        if (generatedMetaInfo(package)) { // write cpp file

            FileOut fileOut(outputDirectory() + "/" + subDirectoryForPackage(package, CppDirectory) + "/qtjambi_libraryinitializer.cpp");

            QString signature = jni_function_signature(package, "QtJambi_LibraryInitializer",
                                                   "__qt_initLibrary", "void");
            QTextStream &s =;
            s << "#include \"metainfo.h\"" << endl
              << "#include \"qtjambi_global.h\"" << endl << endl
              << signature << "(JNIEnv *, jclass)" << endl
              << "{" << endl
              << "    ";
            writeInitializationFunctionName(s, package, false);
            s << ";" << endl
              << "}" << endl << endl;

            priGenerator->addSource(package, "qtjambi_libraryinitializer.cpp");

            if( fileOut.done() )

        if (generatedJavaClasses(package)) {

            FileOut fileOut(outputDirectory() + "/" + subDirectoryForPackage(package, JavaDirectory) + "/");

            QTextStream &s =;
            s << "package " << package << ";" << endl << endl
              << "class QtJambi_LibraryInitializer" << endl
              << "{" << endl
              << "    static {" << endl;

            generateInitializer(s, package, CodeSnip::Beginning);

            s << "        qt.Utilities.loadJambiLibrary(\""
              << QString(package).replace(".", "_") << "\");" << endl;

            if (generatedMetaInfo(package))
              s << "        __qt_initLibrary();" << endl;

            generateInitializer(s, package, CodeSnip::End);

            s << "    }" << endl;

            if (generatedMetaInfo(package))
              s << "    private native static void __qt_initLibrary();" << endl;

            s << "    static void init() { };" << endl
              << "}" << endl << endl;

            if( fileOut.done() )

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeInclude(QTextStream &s, const Include &inc)
    if (

    s << "#include ";
    if (inc.type == Include::LocalPath)
        s << "\"" << << "\"";
        s << "<" << << ">";
    s << endl;

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeIncludeStatements(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClassList &classList,
                                               const QString &package)
    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::LocalPath, headerFilename()));
    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::IncludePath, "QMetaType"));
    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::IncludePath, "QString"));
    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::IncludePath, "QLatin1String"));
    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::IncludePath, "QHash"));
    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::IncludePath, "QReadWriteLock"));
    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::IncludePath, "QReadLocker"));
    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::IncludePath, "QWriteLocker"));
    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::IncludePath, "qtjambi_cache.h"));
    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::IncludePath, "qtjambi_core.h"));

    writeInclude(s, Include(Include::IncludePath, "qtjambidebugtools_p.h"));

    s << endl;

    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, classList) {
        if (generated(cls) && !cls->isInterface() && cls->package() == package) {
            const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = cls->typeEntry();

            Include inc = ctype->include();
            writeInclude(s, inc);

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeInitializationFunctionName(QTextStream &s, const QString &package, bool fullSignature)
    if (fullSignature)
        s << "void ";
    s << "__metainfo_init_" << QString(package).replace(".", "_") << "()";

void MetaInfoGenerator::writeInitialization(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry *entry, const AbstractMetaClass *cls,
                                            bool registerMetaType)
    if (entry->codeGeneration() == TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass)

    if (cls && cls->attributes() & AbstractMetaAttributes::Fake)

    QString constructorName = entry->customConstructor().name;
    QString destructorName = entry->customDestructor().name;

    if (constructorName.isEmpty())
        constructorName = "genericConstructor<" + entry->qualifiedCppName() + ">";

    if (destructorName.isEmpty())
        destructorName = "genericDestructor<" + entry->qualifiedCppName() + ", __name_" + entry->name() + ">";


    if (constructorName.isEmpty() != destructorName.isEmpty()) {
        ReportHandler::warning(QString("specify either no custom functions, or both "
                                       "constructor and destructor for type '%1'").arg(entry->name()));

    QString javaPackage = entry->javaPackage();

    QString javaName =  entry->lookupName();
        javaName.prepend(javaPackage.replace(".", "/") + "/");

    if (entry->isComplex()) {
        const ComplexTypeEntry *centry = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(entry);
        if (centry->typeFlags() & ComplexTypeEntry::DeleteInMainThread)
            s << "    registerDeletionPolicy(\"" << javaName << "\", DeletionPolicyDeleteInMainThread);" << endl;

    QString qtName = entry->qualifiedCppName();
    if ((!entry->isInterface())
        && (!entry->isPrimitive() || ((PrimitiveTypeEntry *) entry)->preferredTargetLangType()))
        s << "    registerQtToJava(\"" << qtName << "\", \"" << javaName << "\");" << endl;

    if (!entry->preferredConversion())
        return ;

    s << "    registerJavaToQt(\"" << javaName << "\", \"" << qtName << "\");" << endl;
    if (entry->isComplex() && entry->isObject() && !((ComplexTypeEntry *)entry)->isQObject() && !entry->isInterface()) {
        QString patchedName = QString(javaName).replace("/", "_").replace("$", "_");

            s << "    registerDestructor(\"" << javaName << "\", destructor_" << patchedName << ");" << endl;

    if (!registerMetaType)
        return ;

    int metaType = QMetaType::type(entry->name().toLocal8Bit().constData());
    if (metaType != QMetaType::Void)
        return ;

    if (!constructorName.isEmpty() && !destructorName.isEmpty()) {
        s << "    QMetaType::registerType(\"" << entry->qualifiedCppName() << "\"," << endl
          << "                            reinterpret_cast<QMetaType::Destructor>("
          << destructorName
          << ")," << endl
          << "                            reinterpret_cast<QMetaType::Constructor>("
          << constructorName
          << "));" << endl;
    } else {
        // Look for default constructor, required for qRegisterMetaType
        if (cls != 0) {
            AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = cls->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::WasPublic | AbstractMetaClass::Constructors);

            bool hasDefaultConstructor = false;
            foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, functions) {
                // Default constructor has to be present
                if (function->wasPublic() && function->actualMinimumArgumentCount() == 0)
                    hasDefaultConstructor = true;

            if (!hasDefaultConstructor) {
                ReportHandler::warning(QString("Value type '%1' is missing a default constructor. "
                                       "The resulting C++ code will not compile. If necessary, use <custom-constructor> and "
                                       "<custom-destructor> tags to provide the constructors.").arg(cls->fullName()));

        s << "    qRegisterMetaType<" << entry->qualifiedCppName() << ">(\"" << entry->qualifiedCppName() << "\");" << endl;
