view generator/dgenerator.cpp @ 193:11d75aba2693

missing file for interview
author eldar
date Sun, 12 Jul 2009 23:01:50 +0000
parents 7dd099050621
children 438877e90dbe
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
** * Commercial Usage
* Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
* accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
* Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
* a written agreement between you and Nokia.
* GNU General Public License Usage
* Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
* Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
* the packaging of this file.  Please review the following information
* to ensure GNU General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
* and
*  In addition, as a special
* exception, Nokia gives you certain additional rights. These rights
* are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.2, included in
* the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
* Qt for Windows(R) Licensees
* As a special exception, Nokia, as the sole copyright holder for Qt
* Designer, grants users of the Qt/Eclipse Integration plug-in the
* right for the Qt/Eclipse Integration to link to functionality
* provided by Qt Designer and its related libraries.
* If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
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** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

#include "dgenerator.h"
#include "reporthandler.h"
#include "docparser.h"
#include "jumptable.h"
#include "fileout.h"

#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtCore/QRegExp>
#include <QDebug>

#include <iostream>

static Indentor INDENT;

    : m_doc_parser(0),
    excludedTypes << "long long" << "bool" << "int" << "QString" << "char" << "WId"
                  << "unsigned char" << "uint" << "double" << "short" << "float"
                  << "signed char" << "unsigned short" << "QBool" << "unsigned int"
                  << "Qt::HANDLE" << "QChar" << "java.lang.JObjectWrapper" << "void"
                  << "QLatin1String" << "unsigned long long" << "signed int"
                  << "signed short" << "Array" << "GLuint" << "GLenum" << "GLint"
                  << "unsigned long" << "ulong" << "long" << "QByteRef"
                  << "QStringList" << "QList" << "QVector" << "QPair"
                  << "QSet" << "QStringRef" << "quintptr";

QString DGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *d_class) const
    return QString("%1.d").arg(d_class->name());

void DGenerator::writeFieldAccessors(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaField *field)
    Q_ASSERT(field->isPublic() || field->isProtected());

    const AbstractMetaClass *declaringClass = field->enclosingClass();

    FieldModification mod = declaringClass->typeEntry()->fieldModification(field->name());

    // Set function
    if (mod.isWritable() && !field->type()->isConstant()) {
        const AbstractMetaFunction *setter = field->setter();
        if (declaringClass->hasFunction(setter)) {
            QString warning =
                QString("class '%1' already has setter '%2' for public field '%3'")
        } else {
            if (!notWrappedYet(setter)) // qtd2
                writeFunction(s, setter);

    // Get function
    const AbstractMetaFunction *getter = field->getter();
    if (mod.isReadable()) {
        if (declaringClass->hasFunction(getter)) {
            QString warning =
                QString("class '%1' already has getter '%2' for public field '%3'")
        } else {
            if (!notWrappedYet(getter)) // qtd2
                writeFunction(s, getter);

QString DGenerator::translateType(const AbstractMetaType *d_type, const AbstractMetaClass *context, Option option)
    QString s;

    if (context != 0 && d_type != 0 && context->typeEntry()->isGenericClass() && d_type->originalTemplateType() != 0)
        d_type = d_type->originalTemplateType();

    QString constPrefix, constPostfix;
    if (d_type && d_type->isConstant() && dVersion == 2) {
        constPrefix = "const(";
        constPostfix = ") ";

    if (!d_type) {
        s = "void";
    } else if (d_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() == "QChar") {
        s = "wchar" + QString(d_type->actualIndirections(), '*');
    } else if (d_type->typeEntry() && d_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() == "QString") {
        s = "string";
    } else if (d_type->isArray()) {
        s = translateType(d_type->arrayElementType(), context) + "[]";
    } else if (d_type->isEnum() /* qtd2 || d_type->isFlags() */) {
        if (( d_type->isEnum() && ((EnumTypeEntry *)d_type->typeEntry())->forceInteger() )
            || ( d_type->isFlags() && ((FlagsTypeEntry *)d_type->typeEntry())->forceInteger() ) ) {
            if (option & BoxedPrimitive)
                s = "java.lang.Integer";
                s = "int";
        } else {
            if (option & EnumAsInts)
                s = "int";
                s = d_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
    } else if (d_type->isFlags()) { // qtd2 begin
        if (d_type->isFlags() && ((FlagsTypeEntry *)d_type->typeEntry())->forceInteger()) {
            if (option & BoxedPrimitive)
                s = "java.lang.Integer";
                s = "int";
        } else
            s = "int";
    } else {
/* qtd        if (d_type->isPrimitive() && (option & BoxedPrimitive)) {
            s = static_cast<const PrimitiveTypeEntry *>(d_type->typeEntry())->javaObjectName();
        } else */ if (d_type->isVariant()) {
            s = "QVariant";
        } else if (d_type->isNativePointer()) {
            if (d_type->typeEntry()->isValue() && !d_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
                s = d_type->typeEntry()->lookupName();
            else if (d_type->typeEntry()->isEnum())
                s = "int" + QString(d_type->actualIndirections(), '*');
                s = constPrefix + d_type->typeEntry()->lookupName() + QString(d_type->actualIndirections(), '*') + constPostfix;
        } else if (d_type->isContainer()) {
            const ContainerTypeEntry* c_entry = static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry*>(d_type->typeEntry());

            if ((option & SkipTemplateParameters) == 0) {
                QList<AbstractMetaType *> args = d_type->instantiations();

                if (args.size() == 1) // QVector or QList
                    s = translateType(, context, BoxedPrimitive) + "[]";
                else if(args.size() == 2) { // all sorts of maps
                    s = translateType(, context, BoxedPrimitive); // value
                    bool isMultiMap = static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(d_type->typeEntry())->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::MultiMapContainer;
                    if (isMultiMap)
                        s += "[]";
                    s += "[" + translateType(, context, BoxedPrimitive) + "]";
                } else {
                    s = d_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();

                    for (int i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) {
                        if (i != 0)
                            s += ", ";
                        bool isMultiMap = static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(d_type->typeEntry())->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::MultiMapContainer
                                          && i == 1;
                        if (isMultiMap)
                            s += "java.util.List<";
                        s += translateType(, context, BoxedPrimitive);
                        if (isMultiMap)
                            s += ">";
                    s += '>';

        } else {
            const TypeEntry *type = d_type->typeEntry();
            if (type->designatedInterface())
                type = type->designatedInterface();
            if (type->isString())
                s = "string";
            else if (type->isObject()) {
                s = type->name();
            } else if (type->isValue()){
                s = constPrefix + type->lookupName() + constPostfix;
            } else {
                s = type->lookupName();

    return s;

QString DGenerator::argumentString(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                      const AbstractMetaArgument *d_argument,
                                      uint options)
    QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(d_argument->argumentIndex() + 1);
    QString arg;

    AbstractMetaType *type = d_argument->type();
    // if argument is "QString &" ref attribute needed
    if (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer() && type->typeEntry()->name() == "QString")
        arg = "ref ";

    if (modified_type.isEmpty())
        arg += translateType(d_argument->type(), d_function->implementingClass(), (Option) options);
        arg += modified_type.replace('$', '.');

    if ((options & SkipName) == 0) {
        arg += " ";
        arg += d_argument->argumentName();

    if (!d_argument->defaultValueExpression().isEmpty()) // qtd
        arg += " = " + d_argument->defaultValueExpression();

    return arg;

void DGenerator::writeArgument(QTextStream &s,
                                  const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                  const AbstractMetaArgument *d_argument,
                                  uint options)
    s << argumentString(d_function, d_argument, options);

void DGenerator::writeIntegerEnum(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *d_enum)
    const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values = d_enum->values();

    s << "    public static class " << d_enum->name() << "{" << endl;
    for (int i=0; i<values.size(); ++i) {
        AbstractMetaEnumValue *value =;

        if (d_enum->typeEntry()->isEnumValueRejected(value->name()))

        if (m_doc_parser)
            s << m_doc_parser->documentation(value);

        s << "        public static final int " << value->name() << " = " << value->value();
        s << ";";
        s << endl;

    s << "    } // end of enum " << d_enum->name() << endl << endl;

void DGenerator::writeEnumAlias(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *d_enum)
    // aliases for enums to be used in easier way like QFont.Bold instead of QFont.Weight.Bold
    s << QString("    alias %1 %2;").arg(d_enum->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName()).arg(d_enum->name()) << endl << endl;
    const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values = d_enum->values();
    for (int i=0; i<values.size(); ++i) {
        AbstractMetaEnumValue *enum_value =;

        if (d_enum->typeEntry()->isEnumValueRejected(enum_value->name()))

        s << QString("    alias %1.%2 %2;").arg(d_enum->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName()).arg(enum_value->name()) << endl;
    s << endl;

void DGenerator::writeEnum(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *d_enum)
    if (m_doc_parser) {
        s << m_doc_parser->documentation(d_enum);

    /* qtd

    if (d_enum->typeEntry()->forceInteger()) {
        writeIntegerEnum(s, d_enum);

    // Check if enums in QObjects are declared in the meta object. If not
    if (  (d_enum->enclosingClass()->isQObject() || d_enum->enclosingClass()->isQtNamespace())
        && !d_enum->hasQEnumsDeclaration()) {
        s << "    @QtBlockedEnum" << endl;
    // Generates Java 1.5 type enums
    s << "    public enum " << d_enum->enclosingClass()->name() << "_" << d_enum->name() << " {" << endl;
    const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values = d_enum->values();
    EnumTypeEntry *entry = d_enum->typeEntry();

    for (int i=0; i<values.size(); ++i) {
        AbstractMetaEnumValue *enum_value =;

        if (d_enum->typeEntry()->isEnumValueRejected(enum_value->name()))

        if (m_doc_parser)
            s << m_doc_parser->documentation(enum_value);

        s << "        " << enum_value->name() << " = " << enum_value->value();

        if (i != values.size() - 1) {
            AbstractMetaEnumValue *next_value =; // qtd
            if (!(d_enum->typeEntry()->isEnumValueRejected(next_value->name()) && i == values.size() - 2)) // qtd
                s << "," << endl;
/* qtd
    if (entry->isExtensible())
        s << "        CustomEnum = 0";
    s << endl << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl; // qtd

/* qtd    s << ";" << endl << endl;

    s << "        " << d_enum->name() << "(int value) { this.value = value; }" << endl
      << "        public int value() { return value; }" << endl
      << endl;

    // Write out the createQFlags() function if its a QFlags enum
    if (entry->flags()) {
        FlagsTypeEntry *flags_entry = entry->flags();
        s << "        public static " << flags_entry->targetLangName() << " createQFlags("
          << entry->targetLangName() << " ... values) {" << endl
          << "            return new " << flags_entry->targetLangName() << "(values);" << endl
          << "        }" << endl;

    // The resolve functions. The public one that returns the right
    // type and an internal one that has a generic signature. Makes it
    // easier to find the right one from JNI.
    s << "        public static " << d_enum->name() << " resolve(int value) {" << endl
      << "            return (" << d_enum->name() << ") resolve_internal(value);" << endl
      << "        }" << endl
      << "        private static Object resolve_internal(int value) {" << endl
      << "            switch (value) {" << endl;

    for (int i=0; i<values.size(); ++i) {
        AbstractMetaEnumValue *e =;

        if (d_enum->typeEntry()->isEnumValueRejected(e->name()))

        s << "            case " << e->value() << ": return " << e->name() << ";" << endl;

    s << "            }" << endl;

    if (entry->isExtensible()) {
        s << "            if (enumCache == null)" << endl
          << "                enumCache = new java.util.HashMap<Integer, " << d_enum->name()
          << ">();" << endl
          << "            " << d_enum->name() << " e = enumCache.get(value);" << endl
          << "            if (e == null) {" << endl
          << "                e = (" << d_enum->name() << ") qt.GeneratorUtilities.createExtendedEnum("
          << "value, CustomEnum.ordinal(), " << d_enum->name() << ".class,;"
          << endl
          << "                enumCache.put(value, e);" << endl
          << "            }" << endl
          << "            return e;" << endl;
    } else {
        s << "            throw new qt.QNoSuchEnumValueException(value);" << endl;

    s << "        }" << endl;

    s << "        private final int value;" << endl
      << endl;
    if (entry->isExtensible()) {
        s << "        private static java.util.HashMap<Integer, " << d_enum->name()
          << "> enumCache;";
    s << "    }" << endl;
    // Write out the QFlags if present...
/*    FlagsTypeEntry *flags_entry = entry->flags();
    if (flags_entry) {
        QString flagsName = flags_entry->targetLangName();
        s << INDENT << "alias QFlags!(" << d_enum->name() << ") " << flagsName << ";" << endl << endl;

void DGenerator::writePrivateNativeFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function)
    int exclude_attributes = AbstractMetaAttributes::Public | AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected;
    int include_attributes = 0;

    if (d_function->isEmptyFunction())
        exclude_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Native;
        include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Native;

//     if (!d_function->isConstructor())
//         include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Static;

    writeFunctionAttributes(s, d_function, include_attributes, exclude_attributes,
                            EnumAsInts | ExternC
                            | (d_function->isEmptyFunction()
                               || d_function->isNormal()
                               || d_function->isSignal() ? 0 : SkipReturnType));

    if (d_function->isConstructor())
        s << "void* ";

    s << d_function->marshalledName();
/* qtd
    s << "(";

    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();

    if (!d_function->isStatic() && !d_function->isConstructor())
        s << "void *__this__nativeId";
    for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
        const AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;

        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(i+1)) {
            if (i > 0 || (!d_function->isStatic() && !d_function->isConstructor()))
                s << ", ";

            if (!arg->type()->hasNativeId())
                writeArgument(s, d_function, arg, EnumAsInts);
                s << "void *" << arg->argumentName();
    s << ")";

    CppImplGenerator::writeFinalFunctionArguments(s, d_function, true); // qtd

    // Make sure people don't call the private functions
    // qtd remember name QNoImplementationException
    if (d_function->isEmptyFunction()) {
        s << endl
          << INDENT << "{" << endl
          << INDENT << "    throw new Exception(\"No Implementation Exception\");" << endl
          << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
    } else {
        s << ";" << endl;

static QString function_call_for_ownership(TypeSystem::Ownership owner)
    if (owner == TypeSystem::CppOwnership) {
        return "__set_native_ownership(true)";
    } else /* qtd 2 if (owner == TypeSystem::TargetLangOwnership) */ {
        return "__set_native_ownership(false)";
    }/* else if (owner == TypeSystem::DefaultOwnership) {
        return "__no_real_delete = false";

    } else {
        return "bogus()";

void DGenerator::writeOwnershipForContainer(QTextStream &s, TypeSystem::Ownership owner,
                                               AbstractMetaType *type, const QString &arg_name)

    s << INDENT << "for (" << type->instantiations().at(0)->fullName() << " i : "
                << arg_name << ")" << endl
      << INDENT << "    if (i != null) i." << function_call_for_ownership(owner) << ";" << endl;


void DGenerator::writeOwnershipForContainer(QTextStream &s, TypeSystem::Ownership owner,
                                               AbstractMetaArgument *arg)
    writeOwnershipForContainer(s, owner, arg->type(), arg->argumentName());

static FunctionModificationList get_function_modifications_for_class_hierarchy(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function)
    FunctionModificationList mods;
    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = d_function->implementingClass();
    while (cls != 0) {
        mods += d_function->modifications(cls);

        if (cls == cls->baseClass())
        cls = cls->baseClass();
    return mods;

void DGenerator::writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                      CodeSnip::Position position)
    FunctionModificationList mods = get_function_modifications_for_class_hierarchy(d_function);
    foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
        if (mod.snips.count() <= 0)
            continue ;

        foreach (CodeSnip snip, mod.snips) {
            if (snip.position != position)
                continue ;

            if (snip.language != TypeSystem::TargetLangCode)
                continue ;

            QString code;
            QTextStream tmpStream(&code);
            snip.formattedCode(tmpStream, INDENT);
            ArgumentMap map = snip.argumentMap;
            ArgumentMap::iterator it = map.begin();
            for (;it!=map.end();++it) {
                int pos = it.key() - 1;
                QString meta_name = it.value();

                if (pos >= 0 && pos < d_function->arguments().count()) {
                    code = code.replace(meta_name, d_function->arguments().at(pos)->argumentName());
                } else {
                    QString debug = QString("argument map specifies invalid argument index %1"
                                            "for function '%2'")
                                            .arg(pos + 1).arg(d_function->name());

            s << code << endl;

void DGenerator::writeJavaCallThroughContents(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function, uint attributes)
    writeInjectedCode(s, d_function, CodeSnip::Beginning);
/* qtd
    if (d_function->implementingClass()->isQObject()
        && !d_function->isStatic()
        && !d_function->isConstructor()
        && d_function->name() != QLatin1String("thread")
        && d_function->name() != QLatin1String("disposeLater")) {
        s << INDENT << "qt.GeneratorUtilities.threadCheck(this);" << endl;
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();

    if (!d_function->isConstructor()) {
        TypeSystem::Ownership owner = d_function->ownership(d_function->implementingClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, -1);
        if (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership)
            s << INDENT << "this." << function_call_for_ownership(owner) << ";" << endl;

    for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
        AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;

        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(i+1)) {
            TypeSystem::Ownership owner = d_function->ownership(d_function->implementingClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, i+1);
            if (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) {
                s << INDENT << "if (" << arg->argumentName() << " !is null) {" << endl;
                    Indentation indent(INDENT);
                    if (arg->type()->isContainer())
                        ;// qtd2 writeOwnershipForContainer(s, owner, arg);
                        s << INDENT << arg->argumentName() << "." << function_call_for_ownership(owner) << ";" << endl;
                s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
            if (type->isArray()) {
                s << INDENT << "if (" << arg->argumentName() << ".length != " << type->arrayElementCount() << ")" << endl
                  << INDENT << "    " << "throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Wrong number of elements in array. Found: \" + "
                  << arg->argumentName() << ".length + \", expected: " << type->arrayElementCount() << "\");"
                  << endl << endl;

            if (type->isEnum()) {
                EnumTypeEntry *et = (EnumTypeEntry *) type->typeEntry();
                if (et->forceInteger()) {
                    if (!et->lowerBound().isEmpty()) {
                        s << INDENT << "if (" << arg->argumentName() << " < " << et->lowerBound() << ")" << endl
                          << INDENT << "    throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Argument " << arg->argumentName()
                          << " is less than lowerbound " << et->lowerBound() << "\");" << endl;
                    if (!et->upperBound().isEmpty()) {
                        s << INDENT << "if (" << arg->argumentName() << " > " << et->upperBound() << ")" << endl
                          << INDENT << "    throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Argument " << arg->argumentName()
                          << " is greated than upperbound " << et->upperBound() << "\");" << endl;

/* qtd2
    if (!d_function->isConstructor() && !d_function->isStatic()) {
        s << INDENT << "if (nativeId() == 0)" << endl
          << INDENT << "    throw new QNoNativeResourcesException(\"Function call on incomplete object of type: \" +getClass().getName());" << endl;
    for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i) {
        if (d_function->nullPointersDisabled(d_function->implementingClass(), i + 1)) {
            s << INDENT << "/*if (" <<>argumentName() << " is null)" << endl
              << INDENT << "    throw new NullPointerException(\"Argument '" <<>argumentName() << "': null not expected.\"); */" << endl;

    QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts;
    for (int i=0; i<arguments.size() + 1; ++i) {
        referenceCounts = d_function->referenceCounts(d_function->implementingClass(),
                                                         i == 0 ? -1 : i);

        foreach (ReferenceCount refCount, referenceCounts)
            writeReferenceCount(s, refCount, i == 0 ? "this" :>argumentName());

    referenceCounts = d_function->referenceCounts(d_function->implementingClass(), 0);
    AbstractMetaType *return_type = d_function->type();
    QString new_return_type = QString(d_function->typeReplaced(0)).replace('$', '.');
    bool has_return_type = new_return_type != "void"
        && (!new_return_type.isEmpty() || return_type != 0);
// qtd    TypeSystem::Ownership owner = d_function->ownership(d_function->implementingClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, 0);

    bool has_code_injections_at_the_end = false;
    FunctionModificationList mods = get_function_modifications_for_class_hierarchy(d_function);
    foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
        foreach (CodeSnip snip, mod.snips) {
            if (snip.position == CodeSnip::End && snip.language == TypeSystem::TargetLangCode) {
                has_code_injections_at_the_end = true;

//    bool needs_return_variable = has_return_type
//        && (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership || referenceCounts.size() > 0 || has_code_injections_at_the_end);

    if(return_type) { // qtd
        if (return_type->isTargetLangString())
            s << INDENT << "string res;" << endl;

        if(return_type->name() == "QModelIndex")
            s << INDENT << "QModelIndex res;" << endl;
        else if (return_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
            s << INDENT << return_type->name() << " res;" << endl;

            s << INDENT << this->translateType(d_function->type(), d_function->ownerClass(), NoOption) << " res;" << endl;

    // returning string or a struct
    bool return_in_arg = return_type && (return_type->isTargetLangString() ||
                                         return_type->name() == "QModelIndex" ||
                                         return_type->isContainer() ||

    // bool flag showing if we return value immediately, without any conversions
    // which is commpon for primitive types, initially set up to return_in_arg, because in that case
    // we don't need type conversions
    bool returnImmediately = return_in_arg;

    s << INDENT;
    if ( (has_return_type && d_function->argumentReplaced(0).isEmpty() ) || d_function->isConstructor()) { //qtd
        if(d_function->type() && d_function->type()->isQObject()) { // qtd
            s << "void *__qt_return_value = ";
        } else if(return_in_arg) // qtd
        else if (d_function->isConstructor()) { // qtd
            s << "void* __qt_return_value = ";
        } else if (return_type && return_type->isValue() && !return_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()) {
            s << "void* __qt_return_value = ";
        } else if (return_type && return_type->isVariant()) {
            s << "void* __qt_return_value = ";
        } else if (return_type && ( return_type->isObject() ||
                  (return_type->isNativePointer() && return_type->typeEntry()->isValue()) ||
                   return_type->typeEntry()->isInterface()) ) {
            s << "void* __qt_return_value = ";
        } else if (return_type && return_type->isArray()) {
            s << return_type->arrayElementType()->name() + "* __qt_return_value = ";
        } else {
            returnImmediately = true;
            s << "return ";

        if (return_type && return_type->isTargetLangEnum()) {
            s << "cast(" << return_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName() << ") ";
        }/* qtd2 flags else if (return_type && return_type->isTargetLangFlags()) {
            s << "new " << return_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName() << "(";

    bool useJumpTable = d_function->jumpTableId() != -1;
    if (useJumpTable) {
        // The native function returns the correct type, we only have
        // java.lang.Object so we may have to cast...
        QString signature = JumpTablePreprocessor::signature(d_function);

//         printf("return: %s::%s return=%p, replace-value=%s, replace-type=%s signature: %s\n",
//                qPrintable(d_function->ownerClass()->name()),
//                qPrintable(d_function->signature()),
//                return_type,
//                qPrintable(d_function->argumentReplaced(0)),
//                qPrintable(new_return_type),
//                qPrintable(signature));

        if (has_return_type && == 'L') {
            if (new_return_type.length() > 0) {
//                 printf(" ---> replace-type: %s\n", qPrintable(new_return_type));
                s << "(" << new_return_type << ") ";
            } else if (d_function->argumentReplaced(0).isEmpty()) {
//                 printf(" ---> replace-value\n");
                s << "(" << translateType(return_type, d_function->implementingClass()) << ") ";

            s << "JTbl." << JumpTablePreprocessor::signature(d_function) << "("
          << d_function->jumpTableId() << ", ";

        // Constructors and static functions don't have native id, but
        // the functions expect them anyway, hence add '0'. Normal
        // functions get their native ids added just below...
        if (d_function->isConstructor() || d_function->isStatic())
            s << "0, ";

    } else {
/* qtd       if (attributes & SuperCall) {
            s << "super.";
        s << d_function->marshalledName() << "(";

    if (!d_function->isConstructor() && !d_function->isStatic()) {
        if(dVersion == 2 && d_function->isConstant())
            s << "(cast(" << d_function->ownerClass()->name() << ")this).nativeId";
            s << "nativeId";

    if (d_function->isConstructor() &&
        ( d_function->implementingClass()->hasVirtualFunctions()
        || d_function->implementingClass()->typeEntry()->isObject() ) ) { // qtd
        s << "cast(void*) this";
        if (arguments.count() > 0)
            s << ", ";

    if(return_in_arg) { // qtd
        if (!d_function->isStatic() && !d_function->isConstructor()) // qtd
            s << ", ";
        s << "&res";

    for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
        const AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;
        const AbstractMetaType *type = arg->type();
        const TypeEntry *te = type->typeEntry();

        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(i+1)) {
            if (i > 0 || (!d_function->isStatic() && !d_function->isConstructor()) || return_in_arg) // qtd
                s << ", ";

            // qtd
            QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(arg->argumentIndex() + 1);
            if (!modified_type.isEmpty())
                modified_type = modified_type.replace('$', '.');

            QString arg_name = arg->argumentName();

            if (type->isVariant())
                s << arg_name << " is null ? null : " << arg_name << ".nativeId";
            else if (te->designatedInterface())
                s << arg_name << " is null ? null : " << arg_name << ".__ptr_" << te->designatedInterface()->name();
            else if (modified_type == "string" /* && type->fullName() == "char" */) {
                s << "toStringz(" << arg_name << ")";
            } else if (type->isArray()) {
                s << arg_name << ".ptr";
            } else if(type->isContainer()) {
                const ContainerTypeEntry *cte =
                        static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(te);
                    s << QString("%1.ptr, %1.length").arg(arg_name);
            } else if (type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() == "QChar") {
                s << arg_name;
            } else if (type->isTargetLangString() || (te && te->qualifiedCppName() == "QString")) {
                s << arg_name;
            } else if (type->isTargetLangEnum() || type->isTargetLangFlags()) {
                s << arg_name;
// qtd                s << arg->argumentName() << ".value()";
            } else if (!type->hasNativeId() && !(te->isValue() && type->isNativePointer())) { // qtd2 hack for QStyleOption not being a nativeId based for some reason
                s << arg_name;
            } else if (te->isStructInD()) {
                s << arg_name;
            } else {
                bool force_abstract = te->isComplex() && (((static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(te))->typeFlags() & ComplexTypeEntry::ForceAbstract) != 0);
                if (!force_abstract) {
                    s << arg_name << " is null ? null : ";
                } // else if (value type is abstract) then we will get a null pointer exception, which is all right

                if(dVersion == 2 && type->isConstant())
                    s << "(cast(" << type->name() << ")" << arg_name << ").nativeId";
                    s << arg_name << ".nativeId";

    if (useJumpTable) {
        if ((!d_function->isConstructor() && !d_function->isStatic()) || arguments.size() > 0)
            s << ", ";

        if (d_function->isStatic())
            s << "null";
            s << "this";

    s << ")";

    if ( !d_function->argumentReplaced(0).isEmpty() ) {
        s << ";" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "return " << d_function->argumentReplaced(0) << ";" << endl;

// qtd2    if (return_type && (/* qtdreturn_type->isTargetLangEnum() ||*/ return_type->isTargetLangFlags()))
//        s << ")";

    s << ";" << endl;

/* qtd2
    if (needs_return_variable) {
        if (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) {
            s << INDENT << "if (__qt_return_value != null) {" << endl;
            if (return_type->isContainer())
                writeOwnershipForContainer(s, owner, return_type, "__qt_return_value");
                s << INDENT << "    __qt_return_value." << function_call_for_ownership(owner) << ";" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "return __qt_return_value;" << endl;
    if (d_function->isConstructor()) {
        TypeSystem::Ownership owner = d_function->ownership(d_function->implementingClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, -1);
        if (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership && d_function->isConstructor())
            s << INDENT << "this." << function_call_for_ownership(owner) << ";" << endl;

    // return value marschalling
    if(return_type) {
        if (!returnImmediately && !d_function->storeResult()) {
            s << INDENT;
            QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(0);
            if (modified_type.isEmpty())
                s << translateType(d_function->type(), d_function->implementingClass());
                s << modified_type.replace('$', '.');
            s << " __d_return_value = ";

        if ( ( has_return_type && d_function->argumentReplaced(0).isEmpty() )) // qtd
                s << "qtd_" << return_type->name() << "_from_ptr(__qt_return_value);" << endl;

        if (return_type->isValue() && !return_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
            s << "new " << return_type->name() << "(__qt_return_value, false);" << endl;

        if (return_type->isVariant())
            s << "new QVariant(__qt_return_value, false);" << endl;

        if (return_type->isNativePointer() && return_type->typeEntry()->isValue())
            s << "new " << return_type->name() << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl;

        if (return_type->isObject()) {
                s << INDENT << QString("__m_%1.nativeId = __qt_return_value;").arg(d_function->name()) << endl
                  << INDENT << QString("return __m_%1;").arg(d_function->name()) << endl;
                s << "qtd_" << return_type->name() << "_from_ptr(__qt_return_value);" << endl;
            s << endl;

        if (return_type->isArray()) {
            s << "__qt_return_value[0 .. " << return_type->arrayElementCount() << "];" << endl;

        foreach (ReferenceCount referenceCount, referenceCounts) {
            writeReferenceCount(s, referenceCount, "__d_return_value");

        if (!returnImmediately && !d_function->storeResult())
            s << INDENT << "return __d_return_value;" << endl;
    writeInjectedCode(s, d_function, CodeSnip::End);

    if(return_in_arg) // qtd
        s << INDENT << "return res;" << endl;

void DGenerator::retrieveModifications(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                          const AbstractMetaClass *d_class,
                                          uint *exclude_attributes,
                                          uint *include_attributes) const
    FunctionModificationList mods = d_function->modifications(d_class);
//     printf("name: %s has %d mods\n", qPrintable(d_function->signature()), mods.size());
    foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
        if (mod.isAccessModifier()) {
//             printf(" -> access mod to %x\n", mod.modifiers);
            *exclude_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Public
                                | AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected
                                | AbstractMetaAttributes::Private
                                | AbstractMetaAttributes::Friendly;

            if (mod.isPublic())
                *include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
            else if (mod.isProtected())
                *include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected;
            else if (mod.isPrivate())
                *include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Private;
            else if (mod.isFriendly())
                *include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Friendly;

        if (mod.isFinal()) {
            *include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang;
        } else if (mod.isNonFinal()) {
            *exclude_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang;

    *exclude_attributes &= ~(*include_attributes);

QString DGenerator::functionSignature(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                         uint included_attributes, uint excluded_attributes,
                                         Option option,
                                         int arg_count)
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
    int argument_count = arg_count < 0 ? arguments.size() : arg_count;

    QString result;
    QTextStream s(&result);
    QString functionName = d_function->isConstructor() ? "this" : d_function->name(); // qtd
    // The actual function
    if (!(d_function->isEmptyFunction() || d_function->isNormal() || d_function->isSignal()))
        option = Option(option | SkipReturnType);
    writeFunctionAttributes(s, d_function, included_attributes, excluded_attributes, option);

    s << functionName << "(";
    writeFunctionArguments(s, d_function, argument_count, option);
    s << ")";

    return result;

void DGenerator::setupForFunction(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                     uint *included_attributes,
                                     uint *excluded_attributes) const
    *excluded_attributes |= d_function->ownerClass()->isInterface() || d_function->isConstructor()
                            ? AbstractMetaAttributes::Native | AbstractMetaAttributes::Final
                            : 0;
    if (d_function->ownerClass()->isInterface())
        *excluded_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract;
    if (d_function->needsCallThrough())
        *excluded_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Native;

    const AbstractMetaClass *d_class = d_function->ownerClass();
    retrieveModifications(d_function, d_class, excluded_attributes, included_attributes);

void DGenerator::writeReferenceCount(QTextStream &s, const ReferenceCount &refCount,
                                        const QString &argumentName)
    if (refCount.action == ReferenceCount::Ignore)

    QString refCountVariableName = refCount.variableName;
    if (!refCount.declareVariable.isEmpty() && refCount.action != ReferenceCount::Set) {
        s << INDENT << "auto __rcTmp = " << refCountVariableName << ";" << endl;
        refCountVariableName = "__rcTmp";

    if (refCount.action != ReferenceCount::Set) {
        s << INDENT << "if (" << argumentName << " !is null";

        if (!refCount.conditional.isEmpty())
            s << " && " << refCount.conditional;

        s << ") {" << endl;
    } else {
         if (!refCount.conditional.isEmpty())
             s << INDENT << "if (" << refCount.conditional << ") ";
         s << INDENT << "{" << endl;

        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        switch (refCount.action) {
        case ReferenceCount::Add:
            s << INDENT << refCountVariableName << " ~= cast(Object) " << argumentName << ";" << endl;
        case ReferenceCount::AddAll:
            s << INDENT << refCountVariableName << " ~= " << argumentName << ";" << endl;
        case ReferenceCount::Remove:
            s << INDENT << "remove(" << refCountVariableName
              << ", cast(Object) " << argumentName << ");" << endl;
        case ReferenceCount::Set:
                if (refCount.declareVariable.isEmpty())
                    s << INDENT << refCount.variableName << " = cast(Object) " << argumentName << ";" << endl;
                    s << INDENT << refCountVariableName << " = cast(Object) " << argumentName << ";" << endl;
    s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

void DGenerator::writeFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                  uint included_attributes, uint excluded_attributes)
    s << endl;

    if (d_function->isModifiedRemoved(TypeSystem::TargetLangCode))
        return ;
    QString functionName = d_function->name();
    setupForFunction(d_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);

    if (!d_function->ownerClass()->isInterface()) {
// qtd2        writeEnumOverload(s, d_function, included_attributes, excluded_attributes);
// qtd        writeFunctionOverloads(s, d_function, included_attributes, excluded_attributes);
/* qtd
    static QRegExp regExp("^(insert|set|take|add|remove|install).*");

    if (regExp.exactMatch(d_function->name())) {
        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();

        const AbstractMetaClass *c = d_function->implementingClass();
        bool hasObjectTypeArgument = false;
        foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
            TypeSystem::Ownership d_ownership = d_function->ownership(c, TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, argument->argumentIndex()+1);
            TypeSystem::Ownership shell_ownership = d_function->ownership(c, TypeSystem::ShellCode, argument->argumentIndex()+1);

            if (argument->type()->typeEntry()->isObject()
                && d_ownership == TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership
                && shell_ownership == TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) {
                hasObjectTypeArgument = true;

        if (hasObjectTypeArgument
            && !d_function->isAbstract()
            && d_function->referenceCounts(d_function->implementingClass()).size() == 0) {

    if (m_doc_parser) {
        QString signature = functionSignature(d_function,
                                              included_attributes | NoBlockedSlot,
        s << m_doc_parser->documentationForFunction(signature) << endl;

    const QPropertySpec *spec = d_function->propertySpec();
    if (spec && d_function->modifiedName() == d_function->originalName()) {
        if (d_function->isPropertyReader()) {
            s << "    @qt.QtPropertyReader(name=\"" << spec->name() << "\")" << endl;
            if (!spec->designable().isEmpty())
                s << "    @qt.QtPropertyDesignable(\"" << spec->designable() << "\")" << endl;
        } else if (d_function->isPropertyWriter()) {
            s << "    @qt.QtPropertyWriter(name=\"" << spec->name() << "\")" << endl;
        } else if (d_function->isPropertyResetter()) {
            s << "    @qt.QtPropertyResetter(name=\"" << spec->name() << "\")"
              << endl;
    s << functionSignature(d_function, included_attributes, excluded_attributes);

    if (d_function->isConstructor()) {
        writeConstructorContents(s, d_function);
    } else if (d_function->needsCallThrough() || d_function->isStatic()) { // qtd
        if (d_function->isAbstract()) {
            s << ";" << endl;
        } else {
            s << " {" << endl;
                Indentation indent(INDENT);
                writeJavaCallThroughContents(s, d_function);
            s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

/* qtd
        if (d_function->jumpTableId() == -1) {
            writePrivateNativeFunction(s, d_function);
    } else {
        s << ";" << endl;

static void write_equals_parts(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst, char prefix, bool *first) {
    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, lst) {
        AbstractMetaArgument *arg = f->arguments().at(0);
        QString type = f->typeReplaced(1);
        if (type.isEmpty())
            type = arg->type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
        s << INDENT << (*first ? "if" : "else if") << " (other instanceof " << type << ")" << endl
          << INDENT << "    return ";
        if (prefix != 0) s << prefix;
        s << f->name() << "((" << type << ") other);" << endl;
        *first = false;

static void write_compareto_parts(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst, int value, bool *first) {
    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, lst) {
        AbstractMetaArgument *arg = f->arguments().at(0);
        QString type = f->typeReplaced(1);
        if (type.isEmpty())
            type = arg->type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
        s << INDENT << (*first ? "if" : "else if") << " (other instanceof " << type << ") {" << endl
          << INDENT << "    if (" << f->name() << "((" << type << ") other)) return " << value << ";" << endl
          << INDENT << "    else return " << -value << ";" << endl
          << INDENT << "}" << endl;
        *first = false;
    s << INDENT << "throw new ClassCastException();" << endl;

bool DGenerator::isComparable(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const
    AbstractMetaFunctionList eq_functions = cls->equalsFunctions();
    AbstractMetaFunctionList neq_functions = cls->notEqualsFunctions();

    // Write the comparable functions
    AbstractMetaFunctionList ge_functions = cls->greaterThanFunctions();
    AbstractMetaFunctionList geq_functions = cls->greaterThanEqFunctions();
    AbstractMetaFunctionList le_functions = cls->lessThanFunctions();
    AbstractMetaFunctionList leq_functions = cls->lessThanEqFunctions();

    bool hasEquals = eq_functions.size() || neq_functions.size();
    bool isComparable = hasEquals
                        ? ge_functions.size() || geq_functions.size() || le_functions.size() || leq_functions.size()
                        : geq_functions.size() == 1 && leq_functions.size() == 1;

    return isComparable;

void DGenerator::writeJavaLangObjectOverrideFunctions(QTextStream &s,
                                                         const AbstractMetaClass *cls)
    AbstractMetaFunctionList eq_functions = cls->equalsFunctions();
    AbstractMetaFunctionList neq_functions = cls->notEqualsFunctions();

    if (eq_functions.size() || neq_functions.size()) {
        s << endl
          << INDENT << "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")" << endl
          << INDENT << "@Override" << endl
          << INDENT << "public boolean equals(Object other) {" << endl;
        bool first = true;
        write_equals_parts(s, eq_functions, (char) 0, &first);
        write_equals_parts(s, neq_functions, '!', &first);
        s << INDENT << "    return false;" << endl
          << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

    // Write the comparable functions
    AbstractMetaFunctionList ge_functions = cls->greaterThanFunctions();
    AbstractMetaFunctionList geq_functions = cls->greaterThanEqFunctions();
    AbstractMetaFunctionList le_functions = cls->lessThanFunctions();
    AbstractMetaFunctionList leq_functions = cls->lessThanEqFunctions();

    bool hasEquals = eq_functions.size() || neq_functions.size();
    bool comparable = isComparable(cls);
    if (comparable) {
        s << INDENT << "public int compareTo(Object other) {" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            if (hasEquals) {
                s << INDENT << "if (equals(other)) return 0;" << endl;
                bool first = false;
                if (le_functions.size()) {
                    write_compareto_parts(s, le_functions, -1, &first);
                } else if (ge_functions.size()) {
                    write_compareto_parts(s, ge_functions, 1, &first);
                } else if (leq_functions.size()) {
                    write_compareto_parts(s, leq_functions, -1, &first);
                } else if (geq_functions.size()) {
                    write_compareto_parts(s, geq_functions, 1, &first);

            } else if (le_functions.size() == 1) {
                QString className = cls->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
                s << INDENT << "if (operator_less((" << className << ") other)) return -1;" << endl
                  << INDENT << "else if (((" << className << ") other).operator_less(this)) return 1;" << endl
                  << INDENT << "else return 0;" << endl;

            } else if (geq_functions.size() == 1 && leq_functions.size()) {
                QString className = cls->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
                s << INDENT << "boolean less = operator_less_or_equal((" << className << ") other);" << endl
                  << INDENT << "boolean greater = operator_greater_or_equal((" << className << ") other);" << endl
                  << INDENT << "if (less && greater) return 0;" << endl
                  << INDENT << "else if (less) return -1;" << endl
                  << INDENT << "else return 1;" << endl;

        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

    if (cls->hasHashFunction()) {
        AbstractMetaFunctionList hashcode_functions = cls->queryFunctionsByName("hashCode");
        bool found = false;
        foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, hashcode_functions) {
            if (function->actualMinimumArgumentCount() == 0) {
                found = true;

        if (!found) {
            s << endl
              << INDENT << "@Override" << endl
              << INDENT << "public int hashCode() {" << endl
              << INDENT << "    if (nativeId() == 0)" << endl
              << INDENT << "        throw new QNoNativeResourcesException(\"Function call on incomplete object of type: \" +getClass().getName());" << endl
              << INDENT << "    return __qt_hashCode(nativeId());" << endl
              << INDENT << "}" << endl
              << INDENT << "native int __qt_hashCode(long __this_nativeId);" << endl;

    // Qt has a standard toString() conversion in QVariant?
    QVariant::Type type = QVariant::nameToType(cls->qualifiedCppName().toLatin1());
    if (QVariant(type).canConvert(QVariant::String) &&  !cls->hasToStringCapability()) {
        AbstractMetaFunctionList tostring_functions = cls->queryFunctionsByName("toString");
        bool found = false;
        foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, tostring_functions) {
            if (function->actualMinimumArgumentCount() == 0) {
                found = true;

        if (!found) {
            s << endl
              << INDENT << "@Override" << endl
              << INDENT << "public String toString() {" << endl
              << INDENT << "    if (nativeId() == 0)" << endl
              << INDENT << "        throw new QNoNativeResourcesException(\"Function call on incomplete object of type: \" +getClass().getName());" << endl
              << INDENT << "    return __qt_toString(nativeId());" << endl
              << INDENT << "}" << endl
              << INDENT << "native String __qt_toString(long __this_nativeId);" << endl;

void DGenerator::writeEnumOverload(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                      uint include_attributes, uint exclude_attributes)
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();

    if ((d_function->implementingClass() != d_function->declaringClass())
        || ((!d_function->isNormal() && !d_function->isConstructor()) || d_function->isEmptyFunction() || d_function->isAbstract())) {
        return ;

    int option = 0;
    if (d_function->isConstructor())
        option = Option(option | SkipReturnType);
        include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang;

    int generate_enum_overload = -1;
    for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i)
        generate_enum_overload =>type()->isTargetLangFlags() ? i : -1;

    if (generate_enum_overload >= 0) {
        if (m_doc_parser) {
            // steal documentation from main function
            QString signature = functionSignature(d_function,
                                                  include_attributes | NoBlockedSlot,
            s << m_doc_parser->documentationForFunction(signature) << endl;

        s << endl;

        writeFunctionAttributes(s, d_function, include_attributes, exclude_attributes, option);
        s << d_function->name() << "(";
        if (generate_enum_overload > 0) {
            writeFunctionArguments(s, d_function, generate_enum_overload);
            s << ", ";

        // Write the ellipsis convenience argument
        AbstractMetaArgument *affected_arg =;
        EnumTypeEntry *originator = ((FlagsTypeEntry *)affected_arg->type()->typeEntry())->originator();

        s << originator->javaPackage() << "." << originator->javaQualifier() << "." << originator->targetLangName()
          << " ... " << affected_arg->argumentName() << ") {" << endl;

        s << "        ";
        QString new_return_type = d_function->typeReplaced(0);
        if (new_return_type != "void" && (!new_return_type.isEmpty() || d_function->type() != 0))
            s << "return ";

        if (d_function->isConstructor()) {
            s << "this";
        } else {
            if (d_function->isStatic())
                s << d_function->implementingClass()->fullName() << ".";
                s << "this.";
            s << d_function->name();

        s << "(";
        for (int i=0; i<generate_enum_overload; ++i) {
            s <<>argumentName() << ", ";
        s << "new " << affected_arg->type()->fullName() << "(" << affected_arg->argumentName() << "));" << endl
          << "    }" << endl;

void DGenerator::writeInstantiatedType(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType *abstractMetaType) const
    Q_ASSERT(abstractMetaType != 0);

    const TypeEntry *type = abstractMetaType->typeEntry();
    s << type->qualifiedTargetLangName();

    if (abstractMetaType->hasInstantiations()) {
        s << "<";
        QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations = abstractMetaType->instantiations();
        for(int i=0; i<instantiations.size(); ++i) {
            if (i > 0)
                s << ", ";

        s << ">";

void DGenerator::writeFunctionOverloads(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                           uint include_attributes, uint exclude_attributes)
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
    int argument_count = arguments.size();

    // We only create the overloads for the class that actually declares the function
    // unless this is an interface, in which case we create the overloads for all
    // classes that directly implement the interface.
    const AbstractMetaClass *decl_class = d_function->declaringClass();
    if (decl_class->isInterface()) {
        AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = d_function->implementingClass()->interfaces();
        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *iface, interfaces) {
            if (iface == decl_class) {
                decl_class = d_function->implementingClass();
    if (decl_class != d_function->implementingClass())

    // Figure out how many functions we need to write out,
    // One extra for each default argument.
    int overload_count = 0;
    uint excluded_attributes = AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract
                            | AbstractMetaAttributes::Native
                            | exclude_attributes;
    uint included_attributes = (d_function->isConstructor() ? 0 : AbstractMetaAttributes::Final) | include_attributes;

    for (int i=0; i<argument_count; ++i) {
        if (!>defaultValueExpression().isEmpty() && !d_function->argumentRemoved(i+1))
    Q_ASSERT(overload_count <= argument_count);
    for (int i=0; i<overload_count; ++i) {
        int used_arguments = argument_count - i - 1;

        QString signature = functionSignature(d_function, included_attributes,
                                              || d_function->isNormal()
                                              || d_function->isSignal() ? NoOption
                                                                           : SkipReturnType,

        s << endl;
        if (m_doc_parser) {
            s << m_doc_parser->documentationForFunction(signature) << endl;

        s << signature << " {\n        ";
        QString new_return_type = d_function->typeReplaced(0);
        if (new_return_type != "void" && (!new_return_type.isEmpty() || d_function->type()))
            s << "return ";
        if (d_function->isConstructor())
            s << "this";
            s << d_function->name();
        s << "(";

        int written_arguments = 0;
        for (int j=0; j<argument_count; ++j) {
            if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(j+1)) {
                if (written_arguments++ > 0)
                    s << ", ";

                if (j < used_arguments) {
                    s <<>argumentName();
                } else {
                    AbstractMetaType *arg_type = 0;
                    QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(j+1);
                    if (modified_type.isEmpty()) {
                        arg_type =>type();
                        if (arg_type->isNativePointer()) {
                            s << "(qt.QNativePointer)";
                        } else {
                            const AbstractMetaType *abstractMetaType =>type();
                            const TypeEntry *type = abstractMetaType->typeEntry();
                            if (type->designatedInterface())
                                type = type->designatedInterface();
                            if (!type->isEnum() && !type->isFlags()) {
                                s << "(";
                                writeInstantiatedType(s, abstractMetaType);
                                s << ")";
                    } else {
                        s << "(" << modified_type.replace('$', '.') << ")";

                    QString defaultExpr =>defaultValueExpression();

                    int pos = defaultExpr.indexOf(".");
                    if (pos > 0) {
                        QString someName = defaultExpr.left(pos);
                        ComplexTypeEntry *ctype =
                        QString replacement;
                        if (ctype != 0 && ctype->isVariant())
                            replacement = "qt.QVariant.";
                        else if (ctype != 0)
                            replacement = ctype->javaPackage() + "." + ctype->targetLangName() + ".";
                            replacement = someName + ".";
                        defaultExpr = defaultExpr.replace(someName + ".", replacement);

                    if (arg_type != 0 && arg_type->isFlags()) {
                        s << "new " << arg_type->fullName() << "(" << defaultExpr << ")";
                    } else {
                        s << defaultExpr;
        s << ");\n    }" << endl;

const TypeEntry* DGenerator::fixedTypeEntry(const TypeEntry *type)
    if (!type)
        return NULL;
    if (type->designatedInterface())
        return type;
    else if (type->isEnum()) {
        const EnumTypeEntry *te = static_cast<const EnumTypeEntry *>(type);
        TypeEntry *ownerTe = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(te->qualifier());
            typeEntriesEnums << ownerTe;
        return NULL;
//        return ownerTe;
    } else if (type->isFlags()) {
        const FlagsTypeEntry *te = static_cast<const FlagsTypeEntry *>(type);
        TypeEntry *ownerTe = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(te->qualifier());
        return NULL;
//        return ownerTe;
    } else //if (type->isObject())
        return type;
//    else return NULL;

void DGenerator::addInstantiations(const AbstractMetaType* d_type)
    if (d_type->isContainer()) {
        QList<AbstractMetaType *> args = d_type->instantiations();
        for (int i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) {
            const TypeEntry *type = fixedTypeEntry(>typeEntry());
            if (type)

void DGenerator::addTypeEntry(const AbstractMetaClass *d_class, const AbstractMetaFunction *function, QSet<const TypeEntry*> &typeEntries)
        // If a method in an interface class is modified to be private, this should
        // not be present in the interface at all, only in the implementation.
        if (d_class->isInterface()) {
            uint includedAttributes = 0;
            uint excludedAttributes = 0;
            retrieveModifications(function, d_class, &excludedAttributes, &includedAttributes);
            if (includedAttributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private)

        if (notWrappedYet(function)) // qtd2

        // return type for function
        if (function->type()) {
            const TypeEntry *type = fixedTypeEntry(function->type()->typeEntry());
            if (type)

        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = function->arguments();
        for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
            const AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;
            const TypeEntry *type = fixedTypeEntry(arg->type()->typeEntry());
            if (type)

void DGenerator::fillRequiredImports(const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    if (m_recursive < 2) {

    // import for base class
        typeEntries << d_class->baseClass()->typeEntry();

    AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = d_class->interfaces();
    if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
            AbstractMetaClass *iface =;
            InterfaceTypeEntry *te = (InterfaceTypeEntry*) iface->typeEntry();
            typeEntries << te->origin();

    AbstractMetaFunctionList d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();

    // in case of ConcreteWrapper - adding extra functions
    if (!d_class->isInterface() && d_class->isAbstract()) {
        AbstractMetaFunctionList functions_add = d_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::NormalFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::AbstractFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NonEmptyFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
        d_funcs << functions_add;

    for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
        AbstractMetaFunction *function =;
        addTypeEntry(d_class, function, typeEntries);

    // virtual dispatch
    AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualFunctions = d_class->virtualFunctions();
    for (int i=0; i<virtualFunctions.size(); ++i) {
        AbstractMetaFunction *function =;
        addTypeEntry(d_class, function, typeEntries);

    AbstractMetaFieldList fields = d_class->fields();
    foreach (const AbstractMetaField *field, fields) {
        if (field->wasPublic() || (field->wasProtected() && !d_class->isFinal())) {
            addTypeEntry(d_class, field->setter(), typeEntries);
            addTypeEntry(d_class, field->getter(), typeEntries);

    // signals
    AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs = d_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Signals
                                                                   | AbstractMetaClass::Visible
                                                                   | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
    for (int i=0; i<signal_funcs.size(); ++i)
        addTypeEntry(d_class,, typeEntries);

    if(d_class->isQObject() && d_class->name() != "QObject")
        typeEntries << TypeDatabase::instance()->findType("QObject");

    if(m_recursive == 1)

void DGenerator::writeImportString(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry* typeEntry)
/*    QString visibility = "private";
    if (typeEntry->isNamespace() || typeEntry->name() == "QObject")
        visibility = "public";
    if(d_class->baseClass() && d_class->baseClass()->typeEntry() == typeEntry)
        visibility = "public";*/
    QString visibility = "public";
    s << QString("%1 import ").arg(visibility) << typeEntry->javaPackage() << "." << typeEntry->targetLangName() << ";" << endl;

void DGenerator::writeRequiredImports(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    foreach (const TypeEntry *typeEntry, typeEntriesEnums) {
        if (!excludedTypes.contains(typeEntry->name()) && d_class->typeEntry() != typeEntry
            && typeEntry->javaQualifier() != typeEntry->name()
/*also*/            && !excludedTypes2.contains(typeEntry->name()))
            writeImportString(s, typeEntry);

    foreach (const TypeEntry *typeEntry, typeEntries) {
        if (!excludedTypes.contains(typeEntry->name()) && d_class->typeEntry() != typeEntry
            && typeEntry->javaQualifier() != typeEntry->name()
/*also*/            && !excludedTypes2.contains(typeEntry->name()))
            writeImportString(s, typeEntry);

void DGenerator::writeDestructor(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    if (!d_class->hasConstructors())

    s << endl;
    if (d_class->baseClassName().isEmpty()) {
        s << INDENT << "~this() { " << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);

            if(d_class->name() == "QObject")
                s << INDENT << "if(!__gc_managed)" << endl
                        << INDENT << "    remove(__gc_ref_list, this);" << endl
                        << INDENT << "if(!__no_real_delete && __gc_managed) {" << endl
                        << INDENT << "    __qobject_is_deleting = true;" << endl
                        << INDENT << "    scope(exit) __qobject_is_deleting = false;" << endl
                        << INDENT << "    __free_native_resources();" << endl
                        << INDENT << "}" << endl;
            if(d_class->name() == "QObject")
                s << INDENT << "if(!__no_real_delete) {" << endl
                  << INDENT << "    __qobject_is_deleting = true;" << endl
                  << INDENT << "    scope(exit) __qobject_is_deleting = false;" << endl
                  << INDENT << "    __free_native_resources();" << endl
                  << INDENT << "}" << endl;
                s << INDENT << "if(!__no_real_delete)" << endl
                  << INDENT << "    __free_native_resources();" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

    s << INDENT << "protected void __free_native_resources() {" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        s << INDENT << "qtd_" << d_class->name() << "_destructor(nativeId());" << endl;
    s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

void DGenerator::writeOwnershipMethods(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    s << INDENT << "void __set_native_ownership(bool ownership_)";
    if (d_class->isInterface() || d_class->isNamespace())
        s << ";";
    else {
        s << " {" << endl
          << INDENT << "    __no_real_delete = ownership_;" << endl
          << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

void DGenerator::writeSignalHandlers(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs = signalFunctions(d_class);

    //TODO: linkage trivia should be abstracted away
    QString attr;

    s << "// signal handlers" << endl;
    foreach(AbstractMetaFunction *signal, signal_funcs) {
        QString sigExternName = signalExternName(d_class, signal);

        s << "private " << attr << "extern(C) void " << sigExternName << "_connect(void* native_id);" << endl;
        s << "private " << attr << "extern(C) void " << sigExternName << "_disconnect(void* native_id);" << endl;
        QString extra_args;

        foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
            if(argument->type()->isContainer()) {
                QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
                const AbstractMetaType *arg_type = argument->type();
                QString type_string = translateType(argument->type(), signal->implementingClass(), BoxedPrimitive);
                extra_args += ", " + type_string + " " + arg_name;
        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = signal->arguments();

        s << "private extern(C) void " << sigExternName << "_handle(void* d_entity, void** args) {" << endl;
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << "auto d_object = cast(" << d_class->name() << ") d_entity;" << endl;
            int sz = arguments.count();

            for (int j=0; j<sz; ++j) {
                AbstractMetaArgument *argument =;
                QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
                AbstractMetaType *type = argument->type();
                // if has QString argument we have to pass char* and str.length to QString constructor

                QString arg_ptr = QString("args[%1]").arg(argument->argumentIndex() + 1);

                if (type->isContainer()) {
                    s << INDENT << translateType(type, signal->implementingClass(), BoxedPrimitive) << " " << arg_name << ";" << endl
                      << INDENT << fromCppContainerName(d_class, type) << "(" << arg_ptr << ", &" << arg_name << ");" << endl;
                } else if (type->isTargetLangString()) {
                    s << INDENT << "auto " << arg_name << "_ptr = " << arg_ptr << ";" << endl
                      << INDENT << "string " << arg_name << " = QString.toNativeString(" << arg_name << "_ptr);";
                } else if(type->isPrimitive() || type->isEnum() || type->isFlags() || type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()) {
                    QString type_name = argument->type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
                    if (type->isFlags())
                        type_name = "int";
                    s << INDENT << "auto " << arg_name << " = *(cast(" << type_name << "*)" << arg_ptr << ");";
                } else if(type->isObject() || type->isQObject()
                        || (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer())
                        || type->isValue()) {
                    QString type_name = type->name();
                    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(type->typeEntry());
                        type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
                    s << INDENT << "scope " << arg_name << " = new " << type_name
                                << "(cast(void*)(" << arg_ptr << "), true);" << endl
                                << INDENT << arg_name << ".__no_real_delete = true;";
                s << endl;
//            s << INDENT << "Stdout(\"" << d_class->name() << "\", \"" << signal->name() << "\").newline;" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "d_object." << signal->name() << ".emit(";
            for (int j = 0; j<sz; ++j) {
                AbstractMetaArgument *argument =;
                QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
                if (j != 0)
                    s << ", ";
                s << arg_name;

            s << ");" << endl;
        s << "}" << endl;

void DGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    ReportHandler::debugSparse("Generating class: " + d_class->fullName());

    bool fakeClass = d_class->attributes() & AbstractMetaAttributes::Fake;

    if (m_docs_enabled) {
        m_doc_parser = new DocParser(m_doc_directory + "/" + d_class->name().toLower() + ".jdoc");
    if (!m_isRecursive)
        s << "module " << d_class->package() << "." << d_class->name() <<";" << endl << endl;

    s << "// some type info" << endl;
    QString hasVirtuals = d_class->hasVirtualFunctions() ? "has" : "doesn't have";
    QString isFinal = d_class->isFinal() ? "is" : "is not";
    QString isNativeId = d_class->typeEntry()->isNativeIdBased() ? "is" : "is not";
    s << "// " << hasVirtuals << " virtual functions" << endl
      << "// " << isFinal << " final" << endl
      << "// " << isNativeId << " native id based" << endl << endl
      << "// " << d_class->generateShellClass() << " shell class" << endl
      << "// " << d_class->hasVirtualFunctions() << endl
      << "// " << d_class->hasProtectedFunctions() << endl
      << "// " << d_class->hasFieldAccessors() << endl
      << "// " << d_class->typeEntry()->isObject() << endl;

    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = d_class->typeEntry();
    if (!ctype->addedTo.isEmpty() && !m_isRecursive) {
        ComplexTypeEntry *ctype_parent = TypeDatabase::instance()->findComplexType(ctype->addedTo);
        s << "public import " << ctype_parent->javaPackage() << "." << ctype_parent->name() << ";" << endl;

    if(d_class->isInterface() && !m_isRecursive) {
        s << "public import " << ctype->javaPackage() << "." << ctype->qualifiedCppName() << ";" << endl;
    AbstractMetaClassList includedClassesList;

    /* m_recursive is increasing by 1 each time we fill the import for a class
       if it equals to 0 or 1 imports Set is cleared before a filling cycle - if there
       is only one class as usual or if there are many classes in module, but before
       filling for first class we need to clear Set. Wow :)
    if(ctype->includedClasses.size() > 0)
        m_recursive = 1;
        m_recursive = 0;

    foreach(QString child, ctype->includedClasses) {
        ComplexTypeEntry *ctype_child = TypeDatabase::instance()->findComplexType(child);
        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_classes) {
            if ( cls->name() == ctype_child->name() ) {
                includedClassesList << cls;
                excludedTypes2 << cls->name();

    QString interface;
        interface = d_class->typeEntry()->designatedInterface()->name();

    if(d_class->typeEntry()->designatedInterface()) {
        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_classes) {
            if ( cls->name() == interface ) {
                includedClassesList << cls;
                excludedTypes2 << cls->name();

    excludedTypes2 << d_class->name();
    if(ctype->includedClasses.size() > 0)
        m_recursive = 0;

    QList<Include> includes = d_class->typeEntry()->extraIncludes();
    foreach (const Include &inc, includes) {
        if (inc.type == Include::TargetLangImport) {
            s << inc.toString() << endl;

    if (!m_isRecursive) {
        s << "public import qt.QGlobal;" << endl
          << "public import qt.core.Qt;" << endl
          << "private import qt.QtDObject;" << endl
          << "private import qt.core.QString;" << endl
          << "private import qt.qtd.Array;" << endl;
        if (d_class->isQObject()) {
            s << "public import qt.Signal;" << endl;
            if (d_class->name() != "QObject")
                s << "public import qt.core.QObject;" << endl;

        // qtd2 hack!
        if (d_class->name() == "QCoreApplication")
            s << "private import qt.core.ArrayOps;" << endl;
        else if (d_class->name() == "QApplication")
            s << "private import qt.gui.ArrayOps;" << endl;

           we don't need to import ArrayOps2 for anything else than QObjects,
           for example if it is done in the namespaces, it may cause circular
           imports forward references and shit. If ArrayOps2 is expanded later
           for other usages - then restrict it just for namespaces/interfaces
            s << "private import " << d_class->package() << ".ArrayOps2;" << endl;

        if (!d_class->enums().isEmpty())
            s << "public import " << d_class->package() << "." << d_class->name() << "_enum;" << endl << endl;

        s << "// automatic imports-------------" << endl;
        writeRequiredImports(s, d_class);
        s << endl;
        if (dPhobos)
            s << "import std.stdio;" << endl
              << "import std.string;" << endl
              << "import std.utf;" << endl
              << "import core.memory;";
            s << "import;" << endl
              << "import tango.stdc.stringz;" << endl
              << "import tango.text.convert.Utf;" << endl
              << "import tango.core.Memory;";
        s << endl << endl << endl;

    if (m_doc_parser) {
        s << m_doc_parser->documentation(d_class) << endl << endl;

    // Enums aliases outside of the class - hack
    if (!d_class->enums().isEmpty()) {
        QString fileName = QString("%1_enum.d").arg(d_class->name());
        FileOut fileOut(outputDirectory() + "/" + subDirectoryForClass(d_class) + "/" + fileName); << "module " << d_class->package() << "." << d_class->name() << "_enum;" << endl << endl;
        foreach (AbstractMetaEnum *d_enum, d_class->enums())
            writeEnum(, d_enum);

    s << endl;

/* qtd    s << "@QtJambiGeneratedClass" << endl;

    if ((d_class->typeEntry()->typeFlags() & ComplexTypeEntry::Deprecated) != 0) {
        s << "@Deprecated" << endl;

    if (d_class->isInterface()) {
        s << "public interface ";
    } else {
        if (d_class->isPublic())
            s << "public ";
        // else friendly

        bool force_abstract = (d_class->typeEntry()->typeFlags() & ComplexTypeEntry::ForceAbstract) != 0;
        if (d_class->isFinal() && !force_abstract)
            s << "final ";
        if ((d_class->isAbstract() && !d_class->isNamespace()) || force_abstract)
            s << "abstract ";

        if (!d_class->typeEntry()->targetType().isEmpty()) {
            s << d_class->typeEntry()->targetType() << " ";
        } else if (d_class->isNamespace() && d_class->functionsInTargetLang().size() == 0) {
            s << "interface ";
        } else if (d_class->isNamespace()) {
            s << "class ";
        } else {
            s << "class ";


    const ComplexTypeEntry *type = d_class->typeEntry();

    s << d_class->name();

    if (type->isGenericClass()) {
        s << "<";
        QList<TypeEntry *> templateArguments = d_class->templateBaseClass()->templateArguments();
        for (int i=0; i<templateArguments.size(); ++i) {
            TypeEntry *templateArgument =;
            if (i > 0)
                s << ", ";
            s << templateArgument->name();
        s << ">";

    if (!d_class->isNamespace() && !d_class->isInterface()) {
        if (!d_class->baseClassName().isEmpty()) {
            s << " : " << d_class->baseClass()->name();
        } else {
            QString sc = type->defaultSuperclass();
            if ((sc != d_class->name()) && !sc.isEmpty())
                s << " : " << sc;
    }/* qtd else if (d_class->isInterface()) {
        s << " extends QtJambiInterface";

    // implementing interfaces...
    bool implements = false;
    AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = d_class->interfaces();
    if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
        if (!d_class->isInterface())
            s << ", ";
        else {
            implements = true;
            s << ": ";
        for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
            AbstractMetaClass *iface =;
            if (i) s << ", ";
            s << iface->name();
/* qtd
    if (isComparable(d_class)) {
        if (!implements) {
            implements = true;
            s << endl << "    implements ";
            s << "," << endl << "            ";
        s << "java.lang.Comparable<Object>";

    if (d_class->hasCloneOperator()) {
        if (!implements) {
            implements = true;
            s << endl << "    implements ";
            s << "," << endl << "            ";
        s << "java.lang.Cloneable";
    s << endl << "{" << endl;

    Indentation indent(INDENT);

    // Define variables for reference count mechanism
    if (!d_class->isInterface() && !d_class->isNamespace()) {
        QHash<QString, int> variables;
        foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, d_class->functions()) {
            QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts = function->referenceCounts(d_class);
            foreach (ReferenceCount refCount, referenceCounts) {
                variables[refCount.variableName] |= refCount.action
                                                    | refCount.access
                                                    | (refCount.threadSafe ? ReferenceCount::ThreadSafe : 0)
                                                    | (function->isStatic() ? ReferenceCount::Static : 0)
                                                    | (refCount.declareVariable.isEmpty() ? ReferenceCount::DeclareVariable : 0);

        foreach (QString variableName, variables.keys()) {
            int actions = variables.value(variableName) & ReferenceCount::ActionsMask;
//            bool threadSafe = variables.value(variableName) & ReferenceCount::ThreadSafe;
            bool isStatic = variables.value(variableName) & ReferenceCount::Static;
            bool declareVariable = variables.value(variableName) & ReferenceCount::DeclareVariable;
            int access = variables.value(variableName) & ReferenceCount::AccessMask;

            if (actions == ReferenceCount::Ignore || !declareVariable)

            if (((actions & ReferenceCount::Add) == 0) != ((actions & ReferenceCount::Remove) == 0)) {
                QString warn = QString("either add or remove specified for reference count variable '%1' in '%2' but not both")
            s << endl;
/* qtd
            if (TypeDatabase::instance()->includeEclipseWarnings())
                s << INDENT << "@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\")" << endl;
            if (actions != ReferenceCount::Set && actions != ReferenceCount::Ignore) { // qtd2

            s << INDENT;
            switch (access) {
            case ReferenceCount::Private:
                s << "package "; break; // qtd
            case ReferenceCount::Protected:
                s << "protected "; break;
            case ReferenceCount::Public:
                s << "public "; break;
                s << "protected"; // friendly

            } // qtd2

            if (isStatic)
                s << "static ";

            if (actions != ReferenceCount::Set && actions != ReferenceCount::Ignore) {
                s << "Object[] " << variableName << ";" << endl;
                if (threadSafe)
                    s << "java.util.Collections.synchronizedCollection(";
                s << "new java.util.ArrayList<Object>()";
                if (threadSafe)
                    s << ")";
                s << ";" << endl;*/
            } else if (actions != ReferenceCount::Ignore) {
/* qtd2               if (threadSafe)
                    s << "synchronized ";*/
                s << "Object " << variableName << " = null;" << endl;
        s << endl;

/* qtd2
    if (!d_class->isInterface() && (!d_class->isNamespace() || d_class->functionsInTargetLang().size() > 0)
        && (d_class->baseClass() == 0 || d_class->package() != d_class->baseClass()->package())) {
        s << endl
          << INDENT << "static {" << endl;

        if (d_class->isNamespace()) {
            s << INDENT << "    qt.QtJambi_LibraryInitializer.init();" << endl;

        s << INDENT << "    " << d_class->package() << ".QtJambi_LibraryInitializer.init();" << endl
          << INDENT << "}" << endl;

    // Enums aliaases
    foreach (AbstractMetaEnum *d_enum, d_class->enums())
        writeEnumAlias(s, d_enum);

    if (!d_class->enums().isEmpty() && !d_class->functions().isEmpty())
        s << endl;

    // Signals
    AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs;

    signal_funcs = signalFunctions(d_class);
    if (signal_funcs.size())
        writeSignalConnectors(s, d_class, signal_funcs);
        foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *signal, signal_funcs)
            if (d_class == signal->implementingClass())
                writeSignal(s, signal);

    // Class has subclasses but also only private constructors
    if (!d_class->isFinalInTargetLang() && d_class->isFinalInCpp()) {
        s << endl << INDENT << "/**" << endl
          << INDENT << " * This constructor is a place holder intended to prevent" << endl
          << INDENT << " * users from subclassing the class. Certain classes can" << endl
          << INDENT << " * unfortunately only be subclasses internally. The constructor" << endl
          << INDENT << " * will indiscriminately throw an exception if called. If the" << endl
          << INDENT << " * exception is ignored, any use of the constructed object will" << endl
          << INDENT << " * cause an exception to occur." << endl << endl
          << INDENT << " * @throws QClassCannotBeSubclassedException" << endl
          << INDENT << " **/" << endl
          << INDENT << "protected " << d_class->name() << "() throws QClassCannotBeSubclassedException {" << endl
          << INDENT << "    throw new QClassCannotBeSubclassedException(" << d_class->name() << ".class);" << endl
          << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
    s << "// Functions" << endl;

    // Functions
    AbstractMetaFunctionList d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();
    for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
        AbstractMetaFunction *function =;

        // If a method in an interface class is modified to be private, this should
        // not be present in the interface at all, only in the implementation.
        if (d_class->isInterface()) {
            uint includedAttributes = 0;
            uint excludedAttributes = 0;
            retrieveModifications(function, d_class, &excludedAttributes, &includedAttributes);
            if (includedAttributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private)

        if (!notWrappedYet(function)) // qtd2
            writeFunction(s, function);
//        s << function->minimalSignature() << endl;
        s << endl << INDENT << "public void* __ptr_" << d_class->name() << "();" << endl << endl;

    s << "// Field accessors" << endl;
    // Field accessors
    AbstractMetaFieldList fields = d_class->fields();
    foreach (const AbstractMetaField *field, fields) {
        if (field->wasPublic() || (field->wasProtected() && !d_class->isFinal()))
            writeFieldAccessors(s, field);

/* qtd

    // the static fromNativePointer function...
    if (!d_class->isNamespace() && !d_class->isInterface() && !fakeClass) {
        s << endl
          << INDENT << "public static native " << d_class->name() << " fromNativePointer("
          << "QNativePointer nativePointer);" << endl;

    if (d_class->isQObject()) {
        s << endl;
        if (TypeDatabase::instance()->includeEclipseWarnings())
            s << INDENT << "@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\")" << endl;

        s << INDENT << "private static native long originalMetaObject();" << endl;

    // The __qt_signalInitialization() function
    if (signal_funcs.size() > 0) {
        s << endl
          << INDENT << "@Override" << endl
          << INDENT << "@QtBlockedSlot protected boolean __qt_signalInitialization(String name) {" << endl
          << INDENT << "    return (__qt_signalInitialization(nativeId(), name)" << endl
          << INDENT << "            || super.__qt_signalInitialization(name));" << endl
          << INDENT << "}" << endl
          << endl
          << INDENT << "@QtBlockedSlot" << endl
          << INDENT << "private native boolean __qt_signalInitialization(long ptr, String name);" << endl;
    // Add dummy constructor for use when constructing subclasses
    if (!d_class->isNamespace() && !d_class->isInterface() && !fakeClass) {
        s << endl
          << INDENT << "public "
          << "this";

        if(d_class->name() == "QObject")
                Indentation indent(INDENT);
                s << "(void* native_id, bool gc_managed) {" << endl
/*                  << INDENT << "if(!gc_managed)" << endl
                  << INDENT << "    __gc_ref_list ~= this;" << endl
                  << INDENT << "__gc_managed = gc_managed;" << endl */
                  << INDENT << "super(native_id);" << endl;
        else {
            Indentation indent(INDENT);
                s << "(void* native_id, bool gc_managed) {" << endl
                  << INDENT << "super(native_id, gc_managed);" << endl;
                s << "(void* native_id, bool no_real_delete = false) {" << endl
                  << INDENT << "super(native_id, no_real_delete);" << endl;

        // customized store-result instances
        d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();
        for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
            AbstractMetaFunction *d_function =;
            uint included_attributes = 0;
            uint excluded_attributes = 0;
            setupForFunction(d_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
            uint attr = d_function->attributes() & (~excluded_attributes) | included_attributes;
            bool isStatic = (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static);

            if (!isStatic && (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract))

            if(d_function->storeResult()) {
                QString type_name = d_function->type()->name();
                const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
                    type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";

                s << INDENT << "    __m_" << d_function->name() << " = new "
                        << type_name << "(cast(void*)null);" << endl;
                if (d_function->type()->isQObject())
                    s << INDENT << "    __m_" << d_function->name() << ".__no_real_delete = true;" << endl;

        // pointers to native interface objects for classes that implement interfaces
        // initializing
        interfaces = d_class->interfaces();
        if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
            for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
                AbstractMetaClass *iface =;

                s << INDENT << "    __m_ptr_" << iface->name() << " = qtd_" << d_class->name() << "_cast_to_" << iface->qualifiedCppName()
                  << "(nativeId);" << endl;

        s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

/******************!!!DUBLICATE OF ABOVE!!!*********************/
        for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
            AbstractMetaFunction *d_function =;
            uint included_attributes = 0;
            uint excluded_attributes = 0;
            setupForFunction(d_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
            uint attr = d_function->attributes() & (~excluded_attributes) | included_attributes;
            bool isStatic = (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static);

            if (!isStatic && (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract))

            if(d_function->storeResult()) {
                QString type_name = d_function->type()->name();
                const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
                    type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";

                s << INDENT << type_name << " __m_" << d_function->name() << ";" << endl;

        // pointers to native interface objects for classes that implement interfaces
        // initializing
        interfaces = d_class->interfaces();
        if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
            for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
                AbstractMetaClass *iface =;

                s << INDENT << "private void* __m_ptr_" << iface->name() << ";" << endl
                  << INDENT << "public void* __ptr_" << iface->name() << "() { return __m_ptr_" << iface->name() << "; }" << endl << endl;

        writeDestructor(s, d_class);

/* qtd
    // Add a function that converts an array of the value type to a QNativePointer
    if (d_class->typeEntry()->isValue() && !fakeClass) {
        s << endl
          << INDENT << "public static native QNativePointer nativePointerArray(" << d_class->name()
          << " array[]);" << endl;

    // write the cast to this function....
    if (d_class->isInterface()) {
        s << endl
          << "    public long __qt_cast_to_"
          << static_cast<const InterfaceTypeEntry *>(type)->origin()->targetLangName()
          << "(long ptr);" << endl;
    } else {
        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, interfaces) {
            s << endl
              << "    @QtBlockedSlot public native long __qt_cast_to_"
              << static_cast<const InterfaceTypeEntry *>(cls->typeEntry())->origin()->targetLangName()
              << "(long ptr);" << endl;

/* qtd    writeJavaLangObjectOverrideFunctions(s, d_class);
    writeOwnershipMethods(s, d_class);
    s << "// Injected code in class" << endl;
    writeExtraFunctions(s, d_class);
// qtd2    writeToStringFunction(s, d_class);
/* qtd
    if (d_class->hasCloneOperator()) {
        writeCloneFunction(s, d_class);
    s << "}" << endl;

    /* ---------------- injected free code ----------------*/ 
    const ComplexTypeEntry *class_type = d_class->typeEntry(); 

    CodeSnipList code_snips = class_type->codeSnips(); 
    foreach (const CodeSnip &snip, code_snips) { 
        if (!d_class->isInterface() && snip.language == TypeSystem::TargetLangFreeCode) { 
            s << endl; 
            snip.formattedCode(s, INDENT); 
    /* --------------------------------------------------- */

    interfaces = d_class->interfaces();
    if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
            AbstractMetaClass *iface =;

            s << INDENT << "private static extern (C) void*" << "qtd_" << d_class->name() << "_cast_to_" << iface->qualifiedCppName()
                    << "(void* nativeId);" << endl;

    if (!d_class->isInterface() && d_class->isAbstract()) {
        s << endl;

        s << INDENT << "public class " << d_class->name() << "_ConcreteWrapper : " << d_class->name() << " {" << endl;

            Indentation indent(INDENT);
            s << INDENT << "public this(void* native_id, bool no_real_delete = true) {" << endl
                    << INDENT << "    super(native_id, no_real_delete);" << endl;

            d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();
            for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
                AbstractMetaFunction *d_function =;
                uint included_attributes = 0;
                uint excluded_attributes = 0;
                setupForFunction(d_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
                uint attr = d_function->attributes() & (~excluded_attributes) | included_attributes;
// qtd                bool isStatic = (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static);

                if(d_function->storeResult()) {
                    QString type_name = d_function->type()->name();
                    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
                        type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
                    s << INDENT << "    __m_" << d_function->name() << " = new "
                            << type_name << "(cast(void*)null);" << endl;
                    if (d_function->type()->isQObject())
                        s << INDENT << "    __m_" << d_function->name() << ".__no_real_delete = true;" << endl;

            s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

            for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
                AbstractMetaFunction *d_function =;
                uint included_attributes = 0;
                uint excluded_attributes = 0;
                setupForFunction(d_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
                uint attr = d_function->attributes() & (~excluded_attributes) | included_attributes;
// qtd                bool isStatic = (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static);

                if(d_function->storeResult()) {
                    QString type_name = d_function->type()->name();
                    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
                        type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";

                    s << INDENT << d_function->type()->name() << " __m_" << d_function->name() << ";" << endl;

            uint exclude_attributes = AbstractMetaAttributes::Native | AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract;
            uint include_attributes = 0;
            AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = d_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::NormalFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::AbstractFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NonEmptyFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
            foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function, functions) {
                retrieveModifications(d_function, d_class, &exclude_attributes, &include_attributes);
                if (notWrappedYet(d_function))
                /* qtd                s << endl
                  << INDENT << "@Override" << endl; */
                writeFunctionAttributes(s, d_function, include_attributes, exclude_attributes,
                                        d_function->isNormal() || d_function->isSignal() ? 0 : SkipReturnType);

                s << d_function->name() << "(";
                writeFunctionArguments(s, d_function, d_function->arguments().count());
                s << ") {" << endl;
                    Indentation indent(INDENT);
                    writeJavaCallThroughContents(s, d_function, SuperCall);
                s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
        s  << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

    if (d_class->generateShellClass()) { // qtd2
        if (d_class->hasVirtualFunctions()
            && (d_class->typeEntry()->isObject() || d_class->typeEntry()->isQObject()) )
        s << endl << "extern (C) void *__" << d_class->name() << "_entity(void *q_ptr);" << endl << endl;

    if (d_class->isQObject())
        writeQObjectFunctions(s, d_class);

//    if (d_class->needsConversionFunc)
        writeConversionFunction(s, d_class);

    if (d_class->hasConstructors())
        s << "extern (C) void qtd_" << d_class->name() << "_destructor(void *ptr);" << endl << endl;

    // qtd
    s << endl << "// C wrappers" << endl;
    d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();
    if (!d_class->isInterface())
        for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
            AbstractMetaFunction *function =;

            if (!notWrappedYet(function)) // qtd2
                if (function->jumpTableId() == -1)
                    writePrivateNativeFunction(s, function);

    s << "// Just the private functions for abstract functions implemeneted in superclasses" << endl;
    // Just the private functions for abstract functions implemeneted in superclasses
    if (!d_class->isInterface() && d_class->isAbstract()) {
        d_funcs = d_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::NormalFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::AbstractFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
        foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *d_function, d_funcs) {
            if (d_function->implementingClass() != d_class) {
                s << endl;
                writePrivateNativeFunction(s, d_function);

    foreach (const AbstractMetaField *field, fields) {
        if (field->wasPublic() || (field->wasProtected() && !d_class->isFinal()))
            writeNativeField(s, field);
    s << endl << endl;

    // qtd
    s << endl << "// Virtual Dispatch functions" << endl;
    AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualFunctions = d_class->virtualFunctions();
    for (int pos = 0; pos<virtualFunctions.size(); ++pos) {
        const AbstractMetaFunction *function =;
        if (!notWrappedYet(function)) // qtd2
            writeShellVirtualFunction(s, function, d_class, pos);

    //init callbacks from dll to D side
    if (cpp_shared) {
        bool shellClass = d_class->generateShellClass();
        if (shellClass && !d_class->isInterface()) {
            QString initArgs = "void* virtuals";
            if (d_class->isQObject())
                initArgs += ", void* signals, void* qobj_del";

            s << "private extern (C) void qtd_" << d_class->name()
              << QString("_initCallBacks(%1);").arg(initArgs) << endl << endl
              << "private bool init_flag_" << d_class->name() << " = false;" << endl
              << "void static_init_" << d_class->name() << "() {" << endl
              << INDENT << "init_flag_" << d_class->name() << " = true;" << endl << endl

              // virtual functions
              << INDENT << "void*[" << virtualFunctions.size() << "] virt_arr;" << endl;
            for (int pos = 0; pos<virtualFunctions.size(); ++pos) {
                const AbstractMetaFunction *function =;
                if (!notWrappedYet(function)) // qtd2
                    s << INDENT << "virt_arr[" << pos << "] = &" << function->marshalledName() << "_dispatch;" <<endl;
            if (virtualFunctions.size() == 0)
                initArgs = "null";
                initArgs = "virt_arr.ptr";

            // signals
            if (d_class->isQObject()) {
                AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs = signalFunctions(d_class);
                s << endl << INDENT << "void*[" << signal_funcs.size() << "] sign_arr;" << endl;
                for(int i = 0; i < signal_funcs.size(); i++) {
                    AbstractMetaFunction *signal =;
                    s << INDENT << "sign_arr[" << i << "] = &" << signalExternName(d_class, signal) << "_handle_in_d;" << endl;
                if(signal_funcs.size() == 0)
                    initArgs += ", null";
                    initArgs += ", sign_arr.ptr";

                // QObject_delete
                s << endl << INDENT << "void *qobj_del;" << endl
                  << INDENT << "qobj_del = &qtd_D_" << d_class->name() << "_delete;" << endl;
                initArgs += ", qobj_del";

            s << INDENT << "qtd_" << d_class->name() << QString("_initCallBacks(%1);").arg(initArgs) << endl
              << "}" << endl << endl;

    writeSignalHandlers(s, d_class);
    s << endl;

    if (m_docs_enabled) {
        delete m_doc_parser;
        m_doc_parser = 0;

    // qtd multiple classes
    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, includedClassesList) {
        m_isRecursive = true;
        write(s, cls);
        m_isRecursive = false;

void DGenerator::writeConversionFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = d_class->typeEntry();
    if(!ctype->isQObject() && !ctype->isObject())
    QString class_name = ctype->name();
    QString return_type_name = class_name;
        return_type_name = ctype->designatedInterface()->name();
    s << return_type_name << " qtd_" << class_name << "_from_ptr(void* __qt_return_value) {" << endl;

    if(ctype->isQObject()) {
        QString type_name = class_name;
            type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";

        s << INDENT << "if (__qt_return_value is null)" << endl
          << INDENT << "    return null;" << endl
          << INDENT << "void* d_obj = qtd_" << class_name << "_d_pointer(__qt_return_value);" << endl
          << INDENT << "if (d_obj is null) {" << endl
          << INDENT << "    auto new_obj = new " << type_name << "(__qt_return_value, false);" << endl
          << INDENT << "    qtd_" << class_name << "_create_link(new_obj.nativeId, cast(void*) new_obj);" << endl
          << INDENT << "    new_obj.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
          << INDENT << "    return new_obj;" << endl
          << INDENT << "} else" << endl
          << INDENT << "    return cast(" << class_name << ") d_obj;" << endl;
    } else if (ctype->isObject()) {
        QString type_name = class_name;
            type_name = ctype->targetLangName() + "_ConcreteWrapper";

        // if class has virtual functions then it has classname_entity function so
        // we can look for D Object pointer. otherwise create new wrapper
        if (d_class->hasVirtualFunctions()) {
            s << INDENT << "void* d_obj = __" << ctype->targetLangName() << "_entity(__qt_return_value);" << endl
              << INDENT << "if (d_obj !is null) {" << endl
              << INDENT << "    auto d_obj_ref = cast (Object) d_obj;" << endl
              << INDENT << "    return cast(" << return_type_name << ") d_obj_ref;" << endl
              << INDENT << "} else {" << endl
              << INDENT << "    auto return_value = new " << type_name << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl
              << INDENT << "    return_value.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
              << INDENT << "    return return_value;" << endl
              << INDENT << "}" << endl;
        } else {
            s << INDENT << "auto return_value = new " << type_name << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl
              << INDENT << "return_value.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
              << INDENT << "return return_value;" << endl;
    s << "}" << endl << endl;

void DGenerator::writeQObjectFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    s << "extern(C) void* qtd_" << d_class->name() << "_d_pointer(void *obj);" << endl
      << "extern(C) void qtd_" << d_class->name() << "_create_link(void *obj, void* d_obj);" << endl << endl;
    s << "private extern (C) void qtd_D_" << d_class->name() << "_delete(void *d_ptr) {" << endl
      << "    auto d_ref = cast(QObject) d_ptr;" << endl
      << "    d_ref.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
      << "    if(!d_ref.__qobject_is_deleting)"
      << "        delete d_ref;" << endl
      << "}" << endl << endl;

void DGenerator::writeMarshallFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)

void DGenerator::marshallFromCppToD(QTextStream &s, const ComplexTypeEntry* ctype)
    if(ctype->isQObject()) {
        QString type_name = ctype->name();
        s << "return qtd_" << type_name << "_from_ptr(__qt_return_value);" << endl;
    } else if (ctype->isValue() && !ctype->isStructInD()) {
        s << INDENT << "return new " << ctype->name() << "(__qt_return_value, false);" << endl;
    } else if (ctype->isVariant()) {
        s << INDENT << "return new QVariant(__qt_return_value, false);" << endl;
    } else if (ctype->name() == "QModelIndex" || ctype->isStructInD()) {
        s << INDENT << "return __qt_return_value;" << endl;
    } else if (ctype->isObject()) {
        QString type_name = ctype->name();
        s << "return qtd_" << type_name << "_from_ptr(__qt_return_value);" << endl;

void DGenerator::writeNativeField(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaField *field)
    Q_ASSERT(field->isPublic() || field->isProtected());

    const AbstractMetaClass *declaringClass = field->enclosingClass();

    FieldModification mod = declaringClass->typeEntry()->fieldModification(field->name());

    // Set function
    if (mod.isWritable() && !field->type()->isConstant()) {
        const AbstractMetaFunction *setter = field->setter();
        if (declaringClass->hasFunction(setter)) {
            QString warning =
                QString("class '%1' already has setter '%2' for public field '%3'")
        } else {
            if (!notWrappedYet(setter))
                writePrivateNativeFunction(s, setter);

    // Get function
    const AbstractMetaFunction *getter = field->getter();
    if (mod.isReadable()) {
        if (declaringClass->hasFunction(getter)) {
            QString warning =
                QString("class '%1' already has getter '%2' for public field '%3'")
        } else {
            if (!notWrappedYet(getter))
                writePrivateNativeFunction(s, getter);

void DGenerator::writeSignalConnectors(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class, AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs)
    s << INDENT << "private static SlotConnector[" << signal_funcs.size() << "] __slotConnectors;" << endl;
    s << INDENT << "private static SlotConnector[" << signal_funcs.size() << "] __slotDisconnectors;" << endl << endl;

    s << INDENT << "protected void onSignalHandlerCreated(ref SignalHandler sh) {" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        s << INDENT << "sh.firstSlotConnected = &onFirstSlot;" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "sh.lastSlotDisconnected = &onLastSlot;" << endl << endl;

        for(int i = 0; i < signal_funcs.size(); i++) {
            AbstractMetaFunction *signal =;
            QString sigExternName = signalExternName(d_class, signal);
            s << INDENT << "__slotConnectors[" << i << "] = &" << sigExternName << "_connect;" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "__slotDisconnectors[" << i << "] = &" << sigExternName << "_disconnect;" << endl;
    s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

    s << INDENT << "private final void onFirstSlot(int signalId) {" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        s << INDENT << "if (signalId < __slotConnectors.length) {" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "    __slotConnectors[signalId](nativeId);" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
    s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

    s << INDENT << "private final void onLastSlot(int signalId) {" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        s << INDENT << "if (signalId < __slotDisconnectors.length) {" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "    __slotDisconnectors[signalId](nativeId);" << endl;
        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
    s << INDENT << "}" << endl;

void DGenerator::writeSignal(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function)

    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
    int sz = arguments.count();

    s << INDENT << "mixin Signal!(\"" << d_function->name() << "\"";

    if (sz > 0) {
        for (int i=0; i<sz; ++i) {
                s << ", ";

            QString modifiedType = d_function->typeReplaced(i+1);

            if (modifiedType.isEmpty())
                s << translateType(>type(), d_function->implementingClass(), BoxedPrimitive);
                s << modifiedType;

    s << ");" << endl;

void DGenerator::writeShellVirtualFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                          const AbstractMetaClass *implementor, int id)

    s << "private extern(C) ";
    CppImplGenerator::writeVirtualDispatchFunction(s, d_function, true);
    s << "{" << endl;

    const AbstractMetaClass *own_class = d_function->ownerClass();

    s << INDENT << "auto d_object = cast(" << own_class->name() << ") d_entity;" << endl;

    // the function arguments
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments)
        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
            QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
            AbstractMetaType *type = argument->type();
            // if has QString argument we have to pass char* and str.length to QString constructor
                    s << INDENT << "auto " << arg_name << "_enum = cast("
                                << type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName() << ") " << arg_name << ";";
                else if (type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() == "QChar")
                    s << INDENT << "auto " << arg_name << "_d_ref = cast(wchar" << QString(type->actualIndirections(), '*')
                                << ") " << arg_name << ";";
                else if (type->isTargetLangString())
                    s << INDENT << "string " << arg_name << "_d_ref = toUTF8("
                                << arg_name << "[0.." << arg_name << "_size]);";
                else if (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer() && type->typeEntry()->name() == "QString") {
                    s << INDENT << "auto " << arg_name << "_d_qstr = QString(" << arg_name << ", true);" << endl
                      << INDENT << "string " << arg_name << "_d_ref = " << arg_name << "_d_qstr.toNativeString();";
                } else if(type->isVariant())
                    s << INDENT << "scope " << arg_name << "_d_ref = new QVariant(" << arg_name << ", true);";
                else if (type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
                else if (!type->hasNativeId() && !(type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer()))
                else if(type->isObject()
                    || (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer())
                    || type->isValue() || type->isVariant()) {
                    QString type_name = type->typeEntry()->name();
                    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(type->typeEntry());
                        type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
                    s << INDENT << "scope " << arg_name << "_d_ref = new " << type_name << "(" << arg_name << ", true);";
                else if (type->isQObject()) {
                    QString type_name = type->name();
                    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(type->typeEntry());
                        type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";

                    s << INDENT << "scope " << arg_name << "_so = new StackObject!(" << type_name << ");" << endl
                      << INDENT << "auto " << arg_name << "_d_ref = " << arg_name << "_so(" << arg_name <<", true);" << endl
                      << INDENT << arg_name << "_d_ref.__no_real_delete = true;";
                    s << INDENT << "scope " << arg_name << "_d_ref = new " << type_name << "(" << arg_name <<", true);" << endl
                      << INDENT << arg_name << "_d_ref.__no_real_delete = true;";
                s << endl;

    s << INDENT;
    AbstractMetaType *return_type = d_function->type();
    QString new_return_type = QString(d_function->typeReplaced(0)).replace('$', '.');
    bool has_return_type = new_return_type != "void"
        && (!new_return_type.isEmpty() || return_type != 0);
    if(has_return_type) {
        AbstractMetaType *f_type = d_function->type();
        if(f_type && (f_type->isObject() || f_type->isQObject() || f_type->isVariant() ||
                      (f_type->isValue() && !f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())))
            QString f_type_name = f_type->name();
                f_type_name = f_type->typeEntry()->designatedInterface()->name();
            s << f_type_name << " ret_value = ";
        else if (f_type && f_type->isTargetLangString())
            s << "string _d_str = ";
        else if (f_type && (f_type->name() == "QModelIndex" || f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()))
            s << "*__d_return_value = ";
            s << "auto return_value = ";
    s << "d_object." << d_function->name() << "(";

    uint nativeArgCount = 0;
    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments)
        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
            QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
            const AbstractMetaType *type = argument->type();

            if (nativeArgCount > 0)
                s << "," << " ";

            QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(argument->argumentIndex() + 1);
            if (!modified_type.isEmpty())
                modified_type = modified_type.replace('$', '.');

            if (modified_type == "string" /* && type->fullName() == "char" */)
                s << "fromStringz(" << arg_name << ")";
            else {
                   || (type->isReference() && type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()))
                    s << "*";
                s << arg_name;
            if (type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()) ;
            else if (type->isQObject() || type->isObject()
                || (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer())
                || type->isValue()
                || type->isTargetLangString() || type->isVariant())
                s << "_d_ref";
            else if(type->isEnum())
                s << "_enum";

    s << ");" << endl;

    // check for arguments that may return value
    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments)
        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
            QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
            AbstractMetaType *type = argument->type();

            if (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer() && type->typeEntry()->name() == "QString")
                s << INDENT << arg_name << "_d_qstr.assign(" << arg_name << "_d_ref);" << endl;

    if(has_return_type) {
        AbstractMetaType *f_type = d_function->type();
        if(f_type) {
            if(f_type->isObject() || f_type->isQObject() || f_type->isVariant() ||
               (f_type->isValue() && !f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())) {
                QString native_id = "nativeId";
                if (f_type->typeEntry()->designatedInterface())
                    native_id =  "__ptr_" + f_type->typeEntry()->designatedInterface()->name();
                s << INDENT << "return ret_value is null? null : ret_value." << native_id << ";" << endl;
            } else if (f_type->isTargetLangString())
                s << INDENT << "*ret_str = _d_str;" << endl;
            else if (f_type->isContainer())
                s << INDENT << "*__d_arr_ptr = return_value.ptr;" << endl
                  << INDENT << "*__d_arr_size = return_value.length;" << endl;
            else if (f_type->name() == "QModelIndex" || f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
                s << INDENT << "return return_value;" << endl;
        } else
            s << INDENT << "return return_value;" << endl;


    s << "}" << endl << endl;

void DGenerator::generate()
    // qtd
    // code for including classses in 1 module for avoiding circular imports
    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_classes) {
        const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = cls->typeEntry();

        if (!cls->isInterface() && cls->isAbstract()) {
            ComplexTypeEntry *ctype_m = (ComplexTypeEntry *)ctype;

        foreach(QString child, ctype->includedClasses) {
            ComplexTypeEntry *ctype_child = TypeDatabase::instance()->findComplexType(child);
            ctype_child->addedTo = cls->name();

        foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, cls->functions())
/* we don't need this anymore
        // generate QObject conversion functions only those that are required
        AbstractMetaFunctionList d_funcs = cls->functionsInTargetLang();
        for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
            AbstractMetaType *f_type =>type();
            if (!f_type)
            if (f_type->isQObject() || f_type->isObject()) {
                const ComplexTypeEntry* cte = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(f_type->typeEntry());
                AbstractMetaClass* d_class = ClassFromEntry::get(cte);
                if (d_class)
                    d_class->needsConversionFunc = true;


        const AbstractMetaClass *last_class = 0;
        QFile file("mjb_nativepointer_api.log");
        if ( {
            QTextStream s(&file);

            AbstractMetaFunctionList nativepointer_functions;
            for (int i=0; i<m_nativepointer_functions.size(); ++i) {
                AbstractMetaFunction *f = const_cast<AbstractMetaFunction *>(m_nativepointer_functions[i]);
                if (f->ownerClass() == f->declaringClass() || f->isFinal())

            s << "Number of public or protected functions with QNativePointer API: " << nativepointer_functions.size() << endl;
            foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *f, nativepointer_functions) {
                if (last_class != f->ownerClass()) {
                    last_class = f->ownerClass();
                    s << endl << endl<< "Class " << last_class->name() << ":" << endl;
                    s << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                    << endl;

                s << f->minimalSignature() << endl;

            m_nativepointer_functions.clear();        }

        const AbstractMetaClass *last_class = 0;
        QFile file("mjb_object_type_usage.log");
        if ( {
            QTextStream s(&file);

            AbstractMetaFunctionList resettable_object_functions;
            for (int i=0; i<m_resettable_object_functions.size(); ++i) {
                AbstractMetaFunction *f = const_cast<AbstractMetaFunction *>(m_resettable_object_functions[i]);
                if (f->ownerClass() == f->declaringClass() || f->isFinal())

            s << "Number of public or protected functions that return a non-QObject object type, or that are virtual and take a non-QObject object type argument: " << resettable_object_functions.size() << endl;
            foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *f, resettable_object_functions) {
                if (last_class != f->ownerClass()) {
                    last_class = f->ownerClass();
                    s << endl << endl<< "Class " << last_class->name() << ":" << endl;
                    s << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                    << endl;

                s << f->minimalSignature() << endl;

            m_resettable_object_functions.clear();        }

        QFile file("mjb_reference_count_candidates.log");
        if ( {
            QTextStream s(&file);

            s << "The following functions have a signature pattern which may imply that" << endl
              << "they need to apply reference counting to their arguments ("
              << m_reference_count_candidate_functions.size() << " functions) : " << endl;

              foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *f, m_reference_count_candidate_functions) {
                  s << f->implementingClass()->fullName() << " : " << f->minimalSignature() << endl;

void DGenerator::writeFunctionAttributes(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                            uint included_attributes, uint excluded_attributes,
                                            uint options)
    uint attr = d_function->attributes() & (~excluded_attributes) | included_attributes;

    if ((attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Public) || (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected)) {

        // Does the function use native pointer API?
        bool nativePointer = d_function->type() && d_function->type()->isNativePointer()
                             && d_function->typeReplaced(0).isEmpty();

        // Does the function need to be considered for resetting the Java objects after use?
        bool resettableObject = false;

        if (!nativePointer
            && d_function->type()
            && d_function->type()->hasInstantiations()
            && d_function->typeReplaced(0).isEmpty()) {

            QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations = d_function->type()->instantiations();

            foreach (const AbstractMetaType *type, instantiations) {
                if (type && type->isNativePointer()) {
                    nativePointer = true;


        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
        if (!nativePointer || (!resettableObject && !d_function->isFinal())) {
            foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
                if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex()+1)
                    && d_function->typeReplaced(argument->argumentIndex()+1).isEmpty()) {

                    if (argument->type()->isNativePointer()) {

                        nativePointer = true;
                        if (resettableObject) break ;

                    } else if (!d_function->isFinalInTargetLang()
                                && argument->type()->isObject()
                                && !argument->type()->isQObject()
                                && !d_function->resetObjectAfterUse(argument->argumentIndex()+1)
                                && d_function->ownership(d_function->declaringClass(), TypeSystem::ShellCode, argument->argumentIndex()+1) == TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) {

                        resettableObject = true;
                        if (nativePointer) break ;

                    } else if (argument->type()->hasInstantiations()) {

                        QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations = argument->type()->instantiations();
                        foreach (AbstractMetaType *type, instantiations) {
                            if (type && type->isNativePointer()) {
                                nativePointer = true;
                                if (resettableObject) break;
                            } else if (!d_function->isFinal()
                                       && type
                                       && type->isObject()
                                       && !type->isQObject()
                                       && !d_function->resetObjectAfterUse(argument->argumentIndex()+1)) {
                                resettableObject = true;
                                if (nativePointer) break ;

                        if (nativePointer && resettableObject)


        if (nativePointer && !m_nativepointer_functions.contains(d_function))
        if (resettableObject && !m_resettable_object_functions.contains(d_function))

    if ((options & SkipAttributes) == 0) {
        if (d_function->isEmptyFunction()
            || d_function->isDeprecated()) s << INDENT << "deprecated ";
        bool needsSuppressUnusedWarning = TypeDatabase::instance()->includeEclipseWarnings()
                                          && d_function->isSignal()
                                          && (((excluded_attributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private) == 0)
                                               && (d_function->isPrivate()
                                                   || ((included_attributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private) != 0)));

        if (needsSuppressUnusedWarning && d_function->needsSuppressUncheckedWarning()) {
            s << INDENT<< "@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"unused\"})" << endl;
        } else if (d_function->needsSuppressUncheckedWarning()) {
            s << INDENT<< "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")" << endl;
        } else if (needsSuppressUnusedWarning) {
            s << INDENT<< "@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\")" << endl;

        if (!(attr & NoBlockedSlot)
            && !d_function->isConstructor()
            && !d_function->isSlot()
            && !d_function->isSignal()
            && !d_function->isStatic()
            && !(included_attributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static))
            s << INDENT << "@QtBlockedSlot" << endl;
        if (!(options & ExternC))
            s << INDENT;

        if (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Public) s << "public ";
        else if (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected) s << "protected ";
        else if (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private) s << "private ";
        else if (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Native) s << "private extern(C) ";
        bool isStatic = (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static);

        if (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Native) ;
        else if (!isStatic && (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang)) s << "final ";
        else if (!isStatic && (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract)) s << "abstract ";

        if (isStatic && !(options & ExternC)) s << "static ";

    if ((options & SkipReturnType) == 0) {
        QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(0);
        if (options & ExternC) {
            uint options = 0x0004; // qtd externC
            s << CppImplGenerator::jniReturnName(d_function, options, true) << " ";
        else if (modified_type.isEmpty())
            s << translateType(d_function->type(), d_function->implementingClass(), (Option) options);
            s << modified_type.replace('$', '.');
        s << " ";


void DGenerator::writeConstructorContents(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function)
    // Write constructor
    s << " {" << endl;
        Indentation indent(INDENT);
        bool shellClass = d_function->ownerClass()->generateShellClass();
        if (cpp_shared) {
            if (shellClass && !d_function->ownerClass()->isInterface())
                s << INDENT << "if (!init_flag_" << d_function->ownerClass()->name() << ")" << endl
                  << INDENT << "    static_init_" << d_function->ownerClass()->name() << "();" << endl << endl;
        writeJavaCallThroughContents(s, d_function);

        // Write out expense checks if present...
        const AbstractMetaClass *d_class = d_function->implementingClass();
        const ComplexTypeEntry *te = d_class->typeEntry();
        if (te->expensePolicy().isValid()) {
            s << endl;
            const ExpensePolicy &ep = te->expensePolicy();
            s << INDENT << "qt.GeneratorUtilities.countExpense(" << d_class->fullName()
              << ".class, " << ep.cost << ", " << ep.limit << ");" << endl;

        foreach (CodeSnip snip, te->codeSnips()) {
            if (snip.language == TypeSystem::Constructors) {
                snip.formattedCode(s, INDENT);

            bool hasParentArg = false;
            AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
            int arg_index = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
                const AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;
                if (arg->argumentName().contains("parent", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
                    arg_index = i;
                    hasParentArg = true;

            const AbstractMetaArgument *arg =;
//            QString ctor_call = d_function->implementingClass()->name() == "QObject"? "this" : "super";
            QString ctor_call = "this";
            if (hasParentArg) {
                s << INDENT << "bool gc_managed = " << arg->argumentName() << " is null ? true : false;" << endl
                  << INDENT << ctor_call << "(__qt_return_value, gc_managed);" << endl;
            } else {
                s << INDENT << ctor_call << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl;

            // creating a link object associated with the current QObject for signal handling and metadata
            s << INDENT << "qtd_" << d_function->ownerClass()->name() << "_create_link(this.nativeId, cast(void*) this);" << endl;
            s << INDENT << "this(__qt_return_value);" << endl;
    s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;

/* qtd    // Write native constructor
    if (d_function->jumpTableId() == -1)
        writePrivateNativeFunction(s, d_function);

void DGenerator::writeFunctionArguments(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
                                           int argument_count, uint options)
    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();

    if (argument_count == -1)
        argument_count = arguments.size();

    for (int i=0; i<argument_count; ++i) {
        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(i+1)) {
            if (i != 0)
                s << ", ";
            writeArgument(s, d_function,, options);

void DGenerator::writeExtraFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    const ComplexTypeEntry *class_type = d_class->typeEntry();

    CodeSnipList code_snips = class_type->codeSnips();
    foreach (const CodeSnip &snip, code_snips) {
        if ((!d_class->isInterface() && snip.language == TypeSystem::TargetLangCode)
            || (d_class->isInterface() && snip.language == TypeSystem::Interface)) {
            s << endl;
            snip.formattedCode(s, INDENT);

void DGenerator::writeToStringFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    bool generate = d_class->hasToStringCapability() && !d_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction();
    bool core = d_class->package() == QLatin1String("qt.core");
    bool qevent = false;

    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = d_class;
    while (cls) {
        if (cls->name() == "QEvent") {
            qevent = true;
        cls = cls->baseClass();

    if (generate || qevent) {

        if (qevent && core) {
            s << endl
              << "    @Override" << endl
              << "    public String toString() {" << endl
              << "        return getClass().getSimpleName() + \"(type=\" + type().name() + \")\";" << endl
              << "    }" << endl;
        } else {
            s << endl
              << "    @Override" << endl
              << "    public String toString() {" << endl
              << "        if (nativeId() == 0)" << endl
              << "            throw new QNoNativeResourcesException(\"Function call on incomplete object of type: \" +getClass().getName());" << endl
              << "        return __qt_toString(nativeId());" << endl
              << "    }" << endl
              << "    native String __qt_toString(long __this_nativeId);" << endl;

void DGenerator::writeCloneFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
    s << endl
      << "    @Override" << endl
      << "    public " << d_class->name() << " clone() {" << endl
      << "        if (nativeId() == 0)" << endl
      << "            throw new QNoNativeResourcesException(\"Function call on incomplete object of type: \" +getClass().getName());" << endl
      << "        return __qt_clone(nativeId());" << endl
      << "    }" << endl
      << "    native " << d_class->name() << " __qt_clone(long __this_nativeId);" << endl;

ClassFromEntry* ClassFromEntry::m_instance = NULL;


AbstractMetaClass* ClassFromEntry::get(const TypeEntry *ctype)
        return NULL;

    return m_instance->classFromEntry[ctype];

void ClassFromEntry::construct(const AbstractMetaClassList &classes)
    if(!m_instance) {
        m_instance = new ClassFromEntry;

void ClassFromEntry::buildHash()
    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_classes) {
        const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = cls->typeEntry();
        classFromEntry[ctype] = cls;

void ClassFromEntry::print(QTextStream &s)
    s << "_fuck_" << m_instance->m_classes.size();
    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_instance->m_classes) {
        s << cls->name() << endl;