view generator/metainfogenerator.h @ 393:1049b01aebd2

Fixed generator segfaults on OS X 10.6. Regarding the change to dgenerator.cpp, I am not actually sure if 0 is the correct value to pass, but it seems to work and the code which had been there before was just plain incorrect ? it read past the list boundaries.
author David Nadlinger <>
date Sat, 28 Aug 2010 02:55:55 +0200
parents e78566595089
line wrap: on
line source

** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
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#include "generator.h"
#include "dgenerator.h"
#include "cppgenerator.h"

class MetaInfoGenerator : public DGenerator
    MetaInfoGenerator(PriGenerator *pri);

    enum GenerationFlags {
        GeneratedJavaClasses = 0x1,
        GeneratedMetaInfo = 0x2

    enum OutputDirectoryType {


    virtual void generate();
    virtual QString fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *java_class) const;
    virtual void write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *java_class);

    void setFilenameStub(const QString &stub) { m_filenameStub = stub; }
    QString filenameStub() const { return m_filenameStub; }

    QString headerFilename() const { return filenameStub() + ".h"; }
    QString cppFilename() const { return filenameStub() + ".cpp"; }

    virtual QString subDirectoryForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *, OutputDirectoryType type) const;
    virtual QString subDirectoryForPackage(const QString &package, OutputDirectoryType type) const;
    virtual bool shouldGenerate(const AbstractMetaClass *) const;

    bool generated(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const;
    bool generatedJavaClasses(const QString &package) const;
    bool generatedMetaInfo(const QString &package) const;

    void writeCppFile();
    void writeHeaderFile();
    void writeLibraryInitializers();
    void writeInclude(QTextStream &s, const Include &inc);
    void writeIncludeStatements(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClassList &classList, const QString &package);
    void writeInitializationFunctionName(QTextStream &s, const QString &package, bool fullSignature);
    void writeInitialization(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry *entry, const AbstractMetaClass *cls, bool registerMetaType = true);
    void writeCustomStructors(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry *entry);
    void writeDestructors(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *cls);
    void writeCodeBlock(QTextStream &s, const QString &code);
    void writeSignalsAndSlots(QTextStream &s, const QString &package);
    void writeEnums(QTextStream &s, const QString &package);
    void writeRegisterSignalsAndSlots(QTextStream &s);
    void writeRegisterEnums(QTextStream &s);
    QStringList writePolymorphicHandler(QTextStream &s, const QString &package, const AbstractMetaClassList &clss);
    bool shouldGenerate(const TypeEntry *entry) const;
    void buildSkipList();

    void writeNameLiteral(QTextStream &, const TypeEntry *, const QString &fileName);

    QHash<QString, int> m_skip_list;
    QString m_filenameStub;

    QHash<OutputDirectoryType, QString> m_out_dir;

    const AbstractMetaClass* lookupClassWithPublicDestructor(const AbstractMetaClass *cls);

    PriGenerator *priGenerator;