view qt/d2/qt/core/QLine.d @ 253:073b9153ed8a

Rev. 264 done right. Problems: - classwizard segfaults on exit due to a bug in signals/slots or runtime. - hellogl doesn't compile with dmd2 due to a bug in the compiler backend
author maxter
date Sun, 30 Aug 2009 09:59:12 +0000
parents 37eed70de029
children 34a37904ff77
line wrap: on
line source

module qt.core.QLine;

public import qt.QGlobal;
public import qt.core.Qt;
public import qt.core.QPoint;
public import qt.core.QDataStream;

public struct QLine
    public static QLine opCall() {
        QLine ln;
        ln.pt1 = QPoint();
        ln.pt2 = QPoint();
        return ln;

    public this(QPoint pt1_, QPoint pt2_) {
        pt1 = pt1_;
        pt2 = pt2_;

    public this(int x1pos, int y1pos, int x2pos, int y2pos) {
        pt1 = QPoint(x1pos, y1pos);
        pt2 = QPoint(x2pos, y2pos);
    bool isNull() // const
        return pt1 == pt2;
    int x1() // const
        return pt1.x();
    int y1() // const
        return pt1.y();
    int x2() // const
        return pt2.x();
    int y2() // const
        return pt2.y();
    QPoint p1() // const
        return pt1;
    QPoint p2() // const
        return pt2;
    int dx() // const
        return pt2.x() - pt1.x();
    int dy() // const
        return pt2.y() - pt1.y();
    void translate(ref QPoint point)
        pt1 += point;
        pt2 += point;
    void translate(int adx, int ady)
        translate(QPoint(adx, ady));
    QLine translated(ref QPoint p) // const
        return QLine(pt1 + p, pt2 + p);
    QLine translated(int adx, int ady) // const
        return translated(QPoint(adx, ady));

    void p1(ref QPoint aP1)
        pt1 = aP1;

    void p2(ref QPoint aP2)
        pt2 = aP2;

    void setP1(ref QPoint aP1) // for convenience
        pt1 = aP1;
    void setP2(ref QPoint aP2) // for convenience
        pt2 = aP2;
    void setPoints(ref QPoint aP1, ref QPoint aP2)
        pt1 = aP1;
        pt2 = aP2;
    void setLine(int aX1, int aY1, int aX2, int aY2)
        pt1 = QPoint(aX1, aY1);
        pt2 = QPoint(aX2, aY2);
    bool opEquals(ref QLine d) // const
        return pt1 == d.pt1 && pt2 == d.pt2;

    public final void writeTo(QDataStream arg__1) {
        qtd_QLine_writeTo_QDataStream(&this, arg__1 is null ? null : arg__1.nativeId);

    public final void readFrom(QDataStream arg__1) {
        qtd_QLine_readFrom_QDataStream(&this, arg__1 is null ? null : arg__1.nativeId);

    QPoint pt1, pt2;

public enum QLineF_IntersectType {
    NoIntersection = 0,
    BoundedIntersection = 1,
    UnboundedIntersection = 2

public struct QLineF
    alias QLineF_IntersectType IntersectType;
    alias QLineF_IntersectType.NoIntersection NoIntersection;
    alias QLineF_IntersectType.BoundedIntersection BoundedIntersection;
    alias QLineF_IntersectType.UnboundedIntersection UnboundedIntersection;
    public static QLineF opCall() {
        QLineF ln;
        ln.pt1 = QPointF();
        ln.pt2 = QPointF();
        return ln;
    public this(QPointF apt1, QPointF apt2) {
        pt1 = apt1;
        pt2 = apt2;
    public this(qreal x1pos, qreal y1pos, qreal x2pos, qreal y2pos) {
        pt1 = QPointF(x1pos, y1pos);
        pt2 = QPointF(x2pos, y2pos);
    public this(QLine line){ 
        pt1 = QPointF(line.p1());
        pt2 = QPointF(line.p2());
    public final bool isNull() // const
        return qtd_QLineF_isNull(&this);
    qreal x1() // const
        return pt1.x();
    qreal y1() // const
        return pt1.y();
    qreal x2() // const
        return pt2.x();
    qreal y2() // const
        return pt2.y();
    QPointF p1() // const
        return pt1;
    QPointF p2() // const
        return pt2;
    qreal dx() // const
        return pt2.x() - pt1.x();
    qreal dy() // const
        return pt2.y() - pt1.y();
    QLineF normalVector() // const
        return QLineF(p1(), p1() + QPointF(dy(), -dx()));
    void translate(ref QPointF point)
        pt1 += point;
        pt2 += point;
    void translate(qreal adx, qreal ady)
        this.translate(QPointF(adx, ady));
    QLineF translated(ref QPointF p) // const
        return QLineF(pt1 + p, pt2 + p);
    QLineF translated(qreal adx, qreal ady) // const
        return translated(QPointF(adx, ady));
    void setLength(qreal len)
        if (isNull())
        QLineF v = unitVector();
        pt2 = QPointF(pt1.x() + v.dx() * len, pt1.y() + v.dy() * len);
    void length(qreal len)
        if (isNull())
        QLineF v = unitVector();
        pt2 = QPointF(pt1.x() + v.dx() * len, pt1.y() + v.dy() * len);
    QPointF pointAt(qreal t) // const
        qreal vx = pt2.x() - pt1.x();
        qreal vy = pt2.y() - pt1.y();
        return QPointF(pt1.x() + vx * t, pt1.y() + vy * t);
    QLine toLine() // const
        return QLine(pt1.toPoint(), pt2.toPoint());
    void setP1(ref QPointF aP1)
        pt1 = aP1;
    void setP2(ref QPointF aP2)
        pt2 = aP2;
    void p1(ref QPointF aP1)
        pt1 = aP1;
    void p2(ref QPointF aP2)
        pt2 = aP2;
    void setPoints(ref QPointF aP1, ref QPointF aP2)
        pt1 = aP1;
        pt2 = aP2;
    void setLine(qreal aX1, qreal aY1, qreal aX2, qreal aY2)
        pt1 = QPointF(aX1, aY1);
        pt2 = QPointF(aX2, aY2);
    bool opEquals(ref QLineF d) // const
        return pt1 == d.pt1 && pt2 == d.pt2;
    public final double angle() {
        return qtd_QLineF_angle(&this);
    public final double angle(ref QLineF l) {
        return qtd_QLineF_angle_QLineF(&this, &l);
    public final double angleTo(ref QLineF l) {
        return qtd_QLineF_angleTo_QLineF(&this, &l);
    // ### Qt 5: rename intersects() or intersection() and rename IntersectType IntersectionType
    private final QLineF_IntersectType intersect(ref QLineF l, QPointF* intersectionPoint) {
        return cast(QLineF_IntersectType) qtd_QLineF_intersect_QLineF_nativepointerQPointF(&this, &l, intersectionPoint);
    public final double length() {
        return qtd_QLineF_length(&this);
    public final void writeTo(QDataStream arg__1) {
        qtd_QLineF_writeTo_QDataStream(&this, arg__1 is null ? null : arg__1.nativeId);
    public final void readFrom(QDataStream arg__1) {
        qtd_QLineF_readFrom_QDataStream(&this, arg__1 is null ? null : arg__1.nativeId);
    public final void setAngle(double angle) {
        qtd_QLineF_setAngle_double(&this, angle);
    public final QLineF unitVector() {
        return qtd_QLineF_unitVector(&this);
    public static QLineF fromPolar(double length, double angle) {
        return qtd_QLineF_fromPolar_double_double(length, angle);
        QPointF pt1, pt2;

// C wrappers
// QLine
private extern(C) void  qtd_QLine_writeTo_QDataStream(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* arg__1);
private extern(C) void  qtd_QLine_readFrom_QDataStream(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* arg__1);

// QLineF
private extern(C) bool  qtd_QLineF_isNull(void* __this_nativeId);
private extern(C) double  qtd_QLineF_angle(void* __this_nativeId);
private extern(C) double  qtd_QLineF_angle_QLineF(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* l0);
private extern(C) double  qtd_QLineF_angleTo_QLineF(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* l0);
private extern(C) int  qtd_QLineF_intersect_QLineF_nativepointerQPointF(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* l0,
 void* intersectionPoint1);
private extern(C) double  qtd_QLineF_length(void* __this_nativeId);
private extern(C) void  qtd_QLineF_writeTo_QDataStream(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* arg__1);
private extern(C) void  qtd_QLineF_readFrom_QDataStream(void* __this_nativeId,
 void* arg__1);
private extern(C) void  qtd_QLineF_setAngle_double(void* __this_nativeId,
 double angle0);

private extern(C) QLineF  qtd_QLineF_unitVector(void* __this_nativeId);
private extern(C) QLineF  qtd_QLineF_fromPolar_double_double(double length0,
 double angle1);