view generator/parser/r++.macros @ 253:073b9153ed8a

Rev. 264 done right. Problems: - classwizard segfaults on exit due to a bug in signals/slots or runtime. - hellogl doesn't compile with dmd2 due to a bug in the compiler backend
author maxter
date Sun, 30 Aug 2009 09:59:12 +0000
parents e78566595089
line wrap: on
line source

#define __attribute__(a...)
#define __typeof__         __typeof

#define __extension
#define __extension__

#define __restrict
#define __restrict__

#define __volatile         volatile
#define __volatile__       volatile

#define __inline             inline
#define __inline__           inline

#define __const               const
#define __const__             const

#define __asm               asm
#define __asm__             asm

#define __GNUC__                 3
//#define __GNUC_MINOR__           4

#define __ROBC__                 0
#define __ROBC_MINOR__           1