diff generator/dgenerator.cpp @ 1:e78566595089

initial import
author mandel
date Mon, 11 May 2009 16:01:50 +0000
children 5015aede8edd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/generator/dgenerator.cpp	Mon May 11 16:01:50 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3316 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
+** * Commercial Usage
+* Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
+* accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
+* Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+* a written agreement between you and Nokia.
+* GNU General Public License Usage
+* Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+* General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+* Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
+* the packaging of this file.  Please review the following information
+* to ensure GNU General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+* http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/info/GPLv2.html and
+* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.  In addition, as a special
+* exception, Nokia gives you certain additional rights. These rights
+* are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.2, included in
+* the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+* Qt for Windows(R) Licensees
+* As a special exception, Nokia, as the sole copyright holder for Qt
+* Designer, grants users of the Qt/Eclipse Integration plug-in the
+* right for the Qt/Eclipse Integration to link to functionality
+* provided by Qt Designer and its related libraries.
+* If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+* contact the sales department at qt-sales@nokia.com.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "dgenerator.h"
+#include "reporthandler.h"
+#include "docparser.h"
+#include "jumptable.h"
+#include "cppimplgenerator.h"
+#include "fileout.h"
+#include <QtCore/QDir>
+#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+#include <QtCore/QVariant>
+#include <QtCore/QRegExp>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <iostream>
+static Indentor INDENT;
+    : m_doc_parser(0),
+      m_docs_enabled(false),
+      m_native_jump_table(false),
+      m_recursive(0),
+      m_isRecursive(false)
+    excludedTypes << "long long" << "bool" << "int" << "QString" << "char" << "WId"
+                  << "unsigned char" << "uint" << "double" << "short" << "float"
+                  << "signed char" << "unsigned short" << "QBool" << "unsigned int"
+                  << "Qt::HANDLE" << "QChar" << "java.lang.JObjectWrapper" << "void"
+                  << "QLatin1String" << "unsigned long long" << "signed int"
+                  << "signed short" << "Array" << "GLuint" << "GLenum" << "GLint"
+                  << "unsigned long" << "ulong" << "long" << "QByteRef"
+                  << "QStringList" << "QList" << "QVector" << "QPair";
+QString DGenerator::fileNameForClass(const AbstractMetaClass *d_class) const
+    return QString("%1.d").arg(d_class->name());
+void DGenerator::writeFieldAccessors(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaField *field)
+    Q_ASSERT(field->isPublic() || field->isProtected());
+    const AbstractMetaClass *declaringClass = field->enclosingClass();
+    FieldModification mod = declaringClass->typeEntry()->fieldModification(field->name());
+    // Set function
+    if (mod.isWritable() && !field->type()->isConstant()) {
+        const AbstractMetaFunction *setter = field->setter();
+        if (declaringClass->hasFunction(setter)) {
+            QString warning =
+                QString("class '%1' already has setter '%2' for public field '%3'")
+                .arg(declaringClass->name()).arg(setter->name()).arg(field->name());
+            ReportHandler::warning(warning);
+        } else {
+            if (!notWrappedYet(setter)) // qtd2
+                writeFunction(s, setter);
+        }
+    }
+    // Get function
+    const AbstractMetaFunction *getter = field->getter();
+    if (mod.isReadable()) {
+        if (declaringClass->hasFunction(getter)) {
+            QString warning =
+                QString("class '%1' already has getter '%2' for public field '%3'")
+                .arg(declaringClass->name()).arg(getter->name()).arg(field->name());
+            ReportHandler::warning(warning);
+        } else {
+            if (!notWrappedYet(getter)) // qtd2
+                writeFunction(s, getter);
+        }
+    }
+QString DGenerator::translateType(const AbstractMetaType *d_type, const AbstractMetaClass *context, Option option)
+    QString s;
+    if (context != 0 && d_type != 0 && context->typeEntry()->isGenericClass() && d_type->originalTemplateType() != 0)
+        d_type = d_type->originalTemplateType();
+    if (!d_type) {
+        s = "void";
+    } else if (d_type->typeEntry() && d_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() == "QString") {
+        s = "string";
+    } else if (d_type->isArray()) {
+        s = translateType(d_type->arrayElementType(), context) + "[]";
+    } else if (d_type->isEnum() /* qtd2 || d_type->isFlags() */) {
+        if (( d_type->isEnum() && ((EnumTypeEntry *)d_type->typeEntry())->forceInteger() )
+            || ( d_type->isFlags() && ((FlagsTypeEntry *)d_type->typeEntry())->forceInteger() ) ) {
+            if (option & BoxedPrimitive)
+                s = "java.lang.Integer";
+            else
+                s = "int";
+        } else {
+            if (option & EnumAsInts)
+                s = "int";
+            else
+                s = d_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+        }
+    } else if (d_type->isFlags()) { // qtd2 begin
+        if (d_type->isFlags() && ((FlagsTypeEntry *)d_type->typeEntry())->forceInteger()) {
+            if (option & BoxedPrimitive)
+                s = "java.lang.Integer";
+            else
+                s = "int";
+        } else
+            s = "int";
+    } else {
+/* qtd        if (d_type->isPrimitive() && (option & BoxedPrimitive)) {
+            s = static_cast<const PrimitiveTypeEntry *>(d_type->typeEntry())->javaObjectName();
+        } else */ if (d_type->isVariant()) {
+            s = "QVariant";
+        } else if (d_type->isNativePointer()) {
+            if (d_type->typeEntry()->isValue() && !d_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
+                s = d_type->typeEntry()->lookupName();
+            else if (d_type->typeEntry()->isEnum())
+                s = "int" + QString(d_type->actualIndirections(), '*');
+            else
+                s = d_type->typeEntry()->lookupName() + QString(d_type->actualIndirections(), '*');
+        } else if (d_type->isContainer()) {
+            const ContainerTypeEntry* c_entry = static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry*>(d_type->typeEntry());
+            Q_ASSERT(c_entry);
+            if ((option & SkipTemplateParameters) == 0) {
+                QList<AbstractMetaType *> args = d_type->instantiations();
+                if (args.size() == 1) // QVector or QList
+                    s = translateType(args.at(0), context, BoxedPrimitive) + "[]";
+                else if(args.size() == 2) { // all sorts of maps
+                    s = translateType(args.at(1), context, BoxedPrimitive); // value
+                    bool isMultiMap = static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(d_type->typeEntry())->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::MultiMapContainer;
+                    if (isMultiMap)
+                        s += "[]";
+                    s += "[" + translateType(args.at(0), context, BoxedPrimitive) + "]";
+                } else {
+                    s = d_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+                    for (int i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) {
+                        if (i != 0)
+                            s += ", ";
+                        bool isMultiMap = static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(d_type->typeEntry())->type() == ContainerTypeEntry::MultiMapContainer
+                                          && i == 1;
+                        if (isMultiMap)
+                            s += "java.util.List<";
+                        s += translateType(args.at(i), context, BoxedPrimitive);
+                        if (isMultiMap)
+                            s += ">";
+                    }
+                    s += '>';
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            const TypeEntry *type = d_type->typeEntry();
+            if (type->designatedInterface())
+                type = type->designatedInterface();
+            if (type->isString())
+                s = "string";
+            else if (type->isObject()){
+                s = type->name();
+            } else {
+                s = type->lookupName();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return s;
+QString DGenerator::argumentString(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                      const AbstractMetaArgument *d_argument,
+                                      uint options)
+    QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(d_argument->argumentIndex() + 1);
+    QString arg;
+    AbstractMetaType *type = d_argument->type();
+    // if argument is "QString &" ref attribute needed
+    if (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer() && type->typeEntry()->name() == "QString")
+        arg = "ref ";
+    if (modified_type.isEmpty())
+        arg += translateType(d_argument->type(), d_function->implementingClass(), (Option) options);
+    else
+        arg += modified_type.replace('$', '.');
+    if ((options & SkipName) == 0) {
+        arg += " ";
+        arg += d_argument->argumentName();
+    }
+    if (!d_argument->defaultValueExpression().isEmpty()) // qtd
+        arg += " = " + d_argument->defaultValueExpression();
+    return arg;
+void DGenerator::writeArgument(QTextStream &s,
+                                  const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                  const AbstractMetaArgument *d_argument,
+                                  uint options)
+    s << argumentString(d_function, d_argument, options);
+void DGenerator::writeIntegerEnum(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *d_enum)
+    const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values = d_enum->values();
+    s << "    public static class " << d_enum->name() << "{" << endl;
+    for (int i=0; i<values.size(); ++i) {
+        AbstractMetaEnumValue *value = values.at(i);
+        if (d_enum->typeEntry()->isEnumValueRejected(value->name()))
+            continue;
+        if (m_doc_parser)
+            s << m_doc_parser->documentation(value);
+        s << "        public static final int " << value->name() << " = " << value->value();
+        s << ";";
+        s << endl;
+    }
+    s << "    } // end of enum " << d_enum->name() << endl << endl;
+void DGenerator::writeEnumAlias(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *d_enum)
+    // aliases for enums to be used in easier way like QFont.Bold instead of QFont.Weight.Bold
+    s << QString("    alias %1 %2;").arg(d_enum->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName()).arg(d_enum->name()) << endl << endl;
+    const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values = d_enum->values();
+    for (int i=0; i<values.size(); ++i) {
+        AbstractMetaEnumValue *enum_value = values.at(i);
+        if (d_enum->typeEntry()->isEnumValueRejected(enum_value->name()))
+            continue;
+        s << QString("    alias %1.%2 %2;").arg(d_enum->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName()).arg(enum_value->name()) << endl;
+    }
+    s << endl;
+void DGenerator::writeEnum(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaEnum *d_enum)
+    if (m_doc_parser) {
+        s << m_doc_parser->documentation(d_enum);
+    }
+    /* qtd
+    if (d_enum->typeEntry()->forceInteger()) {
+        writeIntegerEnum(s, d_enum);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Check if enums in QObjects are declared in the meta object. If not
+    if (  (d_enum->enclosingClass()->isQObject() || d_enum->enclosingClass()->isQtNamespace())
+        && !d_enum->hasQEnumsDeclaration()) {
+        s << "    @QtBlockedEnum" << endl;
+    }
+    // Generates Java 1.5 type enums
+    s << "    public enum " << d_enum->enclosingClass()->name() << "_" << d_enum->name() << " {" << endl;
+    const AbstractMetaEnumValueList &values = d_enum->values();
+    EnumTypeEntry *entry = d_enum->typeEntry();
+    for (int i=0; i<values.size(); ++i) {
+        AbstractMetaEnumValue *enum_value = values.at(i);
+        if (d_enum->typeEntry()->isEnumValueRejected(enum_value->name()))
+            continue;
+        if (m_doc_parser)
+            s << m_doc_parser->documentation(enum_value);
+        s << "        " << enum_value->name() << " = " << enum_value->value();
+        if (i != values.size() - 1) {
+            AbstractMetaEnumValue *next_value = values.at(i+1); // qtd
+            if (!(d_enum->typeEntry()->isEnumValueRejected(next_value->name()) && i == values.size() - 2)) // qtd
+                s << "," << endl;
+        }
+    }
+/* qtd
+    if (entry->isExtensible())
+        s << "        CustomEnum = 0";
+    s << endl << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl; // qtd
+/* qtd    s << ";" << endl << endl;
+    s << "        " << d_enum->name() << "(int value) { this.value = value; }" << endl
+      << "        public int value() { return value; }" << endl
+      << endl;
+    // Write out the createQFlags() function if its a QFlags enum
+    if (entry->flags()) {
+        FlagsTypeEntry *flags_entry = entry->flags();
+        s << "        public static " << flags_entry->targetLangName() << " createQFlags("
+          << entry->targetLangName() << " ... values) {" << endl
+          << "            return new " << flags_entry->targetLangName() << "(values);" << endl
+          << "        }" << endl;
+    }
+    // The resolve functions. The public one that returns the right
+    // type and an internal one that has a generic signature. Makes it
+    // easier to find the right one from JNI.
+    s << "        public static " << d_enum->name() << " resolve(int value) {" << endl
+      << "            return (" << d_enum->name() << ") resolve_internal(value);" << endl
+      << "        }" << endl
+      << "        private static Object resolve_internal(int value) {" << endl
+      << "            switch (value) {" << endl;
+    for (int i=0; i<values.size(); ++i) {
+        AbstractMetaEnumValue *e = values.at(i);
+        if (d_enum->typeEntry()->isEnumValueRejected(e->name()))
+            continue;
+        s << "            case " << e->value() << ": return " << e->name() << ";" << endl;
+    }
+    s << "            }" << endl;
+    if (entry->isExtensible()) {
+        s << "            if (enumCache == null)" << endl
+          << "                enumCache = new java.util.HashMap<Integer, " << d_enum->name()
+          << ">();" << endl
+          << "            " << d_enum->name() << " e = enumCache.get(value);" << endl
+          << "            if (e == null) {" << endl
+          << "                e = (" << d_enum->name() << ") qt.GeneratorUtilities.createExtendedEnum("
+          << "value, CustomEnum.ordinal(), " << d_enum->name() << ".class, CustomEnum.name());"
+          << endl
+          << "                enumCache.put(value, e);" << endl
+          << "            }" << endl
+          << "            return e;" << endl;
+    } else {
+        s << "            throw new qt.QNoSuchEnumValueException(value);" << endl;
+    }
+    s << "        }" << endl;
+    s << "        private final int value;" << endl
+      << endl;
+    if (entry->isExtensible()) {
+        s << "        private static java.util.HashMap<Integer, " << d_enum->name()
+          << "> enumCache;";
+    }
+    s << "    }" << endl;
+    // Write out the QFlags if present...
+/*    FlagsTypeEntry *flags_entry = entry->flags();
+    if (flags_entry) {
+        QString flagsName = flags_entry->targetLangName();
+        s << INDENT << "alias QFlags!(" << d_enum->name() << ") " << flagsName << ";" << endl << endl;
+    }*/
+void DGenerator::writePrivateNativeFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function)
+    int exclude_attributes = AbstractMetaAttributes::Public | AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected;
+    int include_attributes = 0;
+    if (d_function->isEmptyFunction())
+        exclude_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Native;
+    else
+        include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Native;
+//     if (!d_function->isConstructor())
+//         include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Static;
+    writeFunctionAttributes(s, d_function, include_attributes, exclude_attributes,
+                            EnumAsInts | ExternC
+                            | (d_function->isEmptyFunction()
+                               || d_function->isNormal()
+                               || d_function->isSignal() ? 0 : SkipReturnType));
+    if (d_function->isConstructor())
+        s << "void* ";
+    s << d_function->marshalledName();
+/* qtd
+    s << "(";
+    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+    if (!d_function->isStatic() && !d_function->isConstructor())
+        s << "void *__this__nativeId";
+    for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
+        const AbstractMetaArgument *arg = arguments.at(i);
+        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(i+1)) {
+            if (i > 0 || (!d_function->isStatic() && !d_function->isConstructor()))
+                s << ", ";
+            if (!arg->type()->hasNativeId())
+                writeArgument(s, d_function, arg, EnumAsInts);
+            else
+                s << "void *" << arg->argumentName();
+        }
+    }
+    s << ")";
+    CppImplGenerator::writeFinalFunctionArguments(s, d_function, true); // qtd
+    // Make sure people don't call the private functions
+    if (d_function->isEmptyFunction()) {
+        s << endl
+          << INDENT << "{" << endl
+          << INDENT << "// qtd2    throw new qt.QNoImplementationException();" << endl
+          << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+    } else {
+        s << ";" << endl;
+    }
+static QString function_call_for_ownership(TypeSystem::Ownership owner)
+    if (owner == TypeSystem::CppOwnership) {
+        return "__set_native_ownership(true)";
+    } else /* qtd 2 if (owner == TypeSystem::TargetLangOwnership) */ {
+        return "__set_native_ownership(false)";
+    }/* else if (owner == TypeSystem::DefaultOwnership) {
+        return "__no_real_delete = false";
+    } else {
+        Q_ASSERT(false);
+        return "bogus()";
+    }*/
+void DGenerator::writeOwnershipForContainer(QTextStream &s, TypeSystem::Ownership owner,
+                                               AbstractMetaType *type, const QString &arg_name)
+    Q_ASSERT(type->isContainer());
+    s << INDENT << "for (" << type->instantiations().at(0)->fullName() << " i : "
+                << arg_name << ")" << endl
+      << INDENT << "    if (i != null) i." << function_call_for_ownership(owner) << ";" << endl;
+void DGenerator::writeOwnershipForContainer(QTextStream &s, TypeSystem::Ownership owner,
+                                               AbstractMetaArgument *arg)
+    writeOwnershipForContainer(s, owner, arg->type(), arg->argumentName());
+static FunctionModificationList get_function_modifications_for_class_hierarchy(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function)
+    FunctionModificationList mods;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = d_function->implementingClass();
+    while (cls != 0) {
+        mods += d_function->modifications(cls);
+        if (cls == cls->baseClass())
+            break;
+        cls = cls->baseClass();
+    }
+    return mods;
+void DGenerator::writeInjectedCode(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                      CodeSnip::Position position)
+    FunctionModificationList mods = get_function_modifications_for_class_hierarchy(d_function);
+    foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
+        if (mod.snips.count() <= 0)
+            continue ;
+        foreach (CodeSnip snip, mod.snips) {
+            if (snip.position != position)
+                continue ;
+            if (snip.language != TypeSystem::TargetLangCode)
+                continue ;
+            QString code;
+            QTextStream tmpStream(&code);
+            snip.formattedCode(tmpStream, INDENT);
+            ArgumentMap map = snip.argumentMap;
+            ArgumentMap::iterator it = map.begin();
+            for (;it!=map.end();++it) {
+                int pos = it.key() - 1;
+                QString meta_name = it.value();
+                if (pos >= 0 && pos < d_function->arguments().count()) {
+                    code = code.replace(meta_name, d_function->arguments().at(pos)->argumentName());
+                } else {
+                    QString debug = QString("argument map specifies invalid argument index %1"
+                                            "for function '%2'")
+                                            .arg(pos + 1).arg(d_function->name());
+                    ReportHandler::warning(debug);
+                }
+            }
+            s << code << endl;
+        }
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeJavaCallThroughContents(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function, uint attributes)
+    Q_UNUSED(attributes);
+    writeInjectedCode(s, d_function, CodeSnip::Beginning);
+/* qtd
+    if (d_function->implementingClass()->isQObject()
+        && !d_function->isStatic()
+        && !d_function->isConstructor()
+        && d_function->name() != QLatin1String("thread")
+        && d_function->name() != QLatin1String("disposeLater")) {
+        s << INDENT << "qt.GeneratorUtilities.threadCheck(this);" << endl;
+    }
+    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+    if (!d_function->isConstructor()) {
+        TypeSystem::Ownership owner = d_function->ownership(d_function->implementingClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, -1);
+        if (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership)
+            s << INDENT << "this." << function_call_for_ownership(owner) << ";" << endl;
+    }
+    for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
+        AbstractMetaArgument *arg = arguments.at(i);
+        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(i+1)) {
+            TypeSystem::Ownership owner = d_function->ownership(d_function->implementingClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, i+1);
+            if (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) {
+                s << INDENT << "if (" << arg->argumentName() << " !is null) {" << endl;
+                {
+                    Indentation indent(INDENT);
+                    if (arg->type()->isContainer())
+                        ;// qtd2 writeOwnershipForContainer(s, owner, arg);
+                    else
+                        s << INDENT << arg->argumentName() << "." << function_call_for_ownership(owner) << ";" << endl;
+                }
+                s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+            }
+            if (type->isArray()) {
+                s << INDENT << "if (" << arg->argumentName() << ".length != " << type->arrayElementCount() << ")" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "    " << "throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Wrong number of elements in array. Found: \" + "
+                  << arg->argumentName() << ".length + \", expected: " << type->arrayElementCount() << "\");"
+                  << endl << endl;
+            }
+            if (type->isEnum()) {
+                EnumTypeEntry *et = (EnumTypeEntry *) type->typeEntry();
+                if (et->forceInteger()) {
+                    if (!et->lowerBound().isEmpty()) {
+                        s << INDENT << "if (" << arg->argumentName() << " < " << et->lowerBound() << ")" << endl
+                          << INDENT << "    throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Argument " << arg->argumentName()
+                          << " is less than lowerbound " << et->lowerBound() << "\");" << endl;
+                    }
+                    if (!et->upperBound().isEmpty()) {
+                        s << INDENT << "if (" << arg->argumentName() << " > " << et->upperBound() << ")" << endl
+                          << INDENT << "    throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Argument " << arg->argumentName()
+                          << " is greated than upperbound " << et->upperBound() << "\");" << endl;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            */
+        }
+    }
+/* qtd2
+    if (!d_function->isConstructor() && !d_function->isStatic()) {
+        s << INDENT << "if (nativeId() == 0)" << endl
+          << INDENT << "    throw new QNoNativeResourcesException(\"Function call on incomplete object of type: \" +getClass().getName());" << endl;
+    }
+    for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i) {
+        if (d_function->nullPointersDisabled(d_function->implementingClass(), i + 1)) {
+            s << INDENT << "/*if (" << arguments.at(i)->argumentName() << " is null)" << endl
+              << INDENT << "    throw new NullPointerException(\"Argument '" << arguments.at(i)->argumentName() << "': null not expected.\"); */" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts;
+    for (int i=0; i<arguments.size() + 1; ++i) {
+        referenceCounts = d_function->referenceCounts(d_function->implementingClass(),
+                                                         i == 0 ? -1 : i);
+        foreach (ReferenceCount refCount, referenceCounts)
+            writeReferenceCount(s, refCount, i == 0 ? "this" : arguments.at(i-1)->argumentName());
+    }
+    referenceCounts = d_function->referenceCounts(d_function->implementingClass(), 0);
+    AbstractMetaType *return_type = d_function->type();
+    QString new_return_type = QString(d_function->typeReplaced(0)).replace('$', '.');
+    bool has_return_type = new_return_type != "void"
+        && (!new_return_type.isEmpty() || return_type != 0);
+// qtd    TypeSystem::Ownership owner = d_function->ownership(d_function->implementingClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, 0);
+    bool has_code_injections_at_the_end = false;
+    FunctionModificationList mods = get_function_modifications_for_class_hierarchy(d_function);
+    foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
+        foreach (CodeSnip snip, mod.snips) {
+            if (snip.position == CodeSnip::End && snip.language == TypeSystem::TargetLangCode) {
+                has_code_injections_at_the_end = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+//    bool needs_return_variable = has_return_type
+//        && (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership || referenceCounts.size() > 0 || has_code_injections_at_the_end);
+    if(d_function->type()) { // qtd
+        if (d_function->type()->isTargetLangString())
+            s << INDENT << "string res;" << endl;
+        if(d_function->type()->name() == "QModelIndex")
+            s << INDENT << "QModelIndex res;" << endl;
+        if(d_function->type()->isContainer())
+            s << INDENT << this->translateType(d_function->type(), d_function->ownerClass(), NoOption) << " res;" << endl;
+    }
+    s << INDENT;
+    if ( (has_return_type && d_function->argumentReplaced(0).isEmpty() ) || d_function->isConstructor()) { //qtd
+        if(d_function->type() && d_function->type()->isQObject()) { // qtd
+            s << "void *__qt_return_value = ";
+        } else if(d_function->type() && (d_function->type()->isTargetLangString() ||
+                                         d_function->type()->name() == "QModelIndex" ||
+                                         d_function->type()->isContainer())) // qtd
+            ;
+/* qtd2 not sure        else if (needs_return_variable) {
+            if (new_return_type.isEmpty())
+                s << translateType(return_type, d_function->implementingClass());
+            else
+                s << new_return_type;
+            s << " __qt_return_value = ";
+        }*/ else if (d_function->isConstructor()) { // qtd
+            s << "void* __qt_return_value = ";
+        } else if (d_function->type() && d_function->type()->isValue()  && !d_function->type()->typeEntry()->isStructInD()) {
+            s << "void* __qt_return_value = ";
+        } else if (d_function->type() && d_function->type()->isVariant())
+            s << "void* __qt_return_value = ";
+        else if ( d_function->type() && ( d_function->type()->isObject() ||
+                   (d_function->type()->isNativePointer() && d_function->type()->typeEntry()->isValue()) ||
+                    d_function->type()->typeEntry()->isInterface()) ) {
+            s << "void* __qt_return_value = ";
+        } else {
+            s << "return ";
+        }
+        if (return_type && return_type->isTargetLangEnum()) {
+            s << "cast(" << return_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName() << ") ";
+        }/* qtd2 flags else if (return_type && return_type->isTargetLangFlags()) {
+            s << "new " << return_type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName() << "(";
+        }*/
+    }
+    bool useJumpTable = d_function->jumpTableId() != -1;
+    if (useJumpTable) {
+        // The native function returns the correct type, we only have
+        // java.lang.Object so we may have to cast...
+        QString signature = JumpTablePreprocessor::signature(d_function);
+//         printf("return: %s::%s return=%p, replace-value=%s, replace-type=%s signature: %s\n",
+//                qPrintable(d_function->ownerClass()->name()),
+//                qPrintable(d_function->signature()),
+//                return_type,
+//                qPrintable(d_function->argumentReplaced(0)),
+//                qPrintable(new_return_type),
+//                qPrintable(signature));
+        if (has_return_type && signature.at(0) == 'L') {
+            if (new_return_type.length() > 0) {
+//                 printf(" ---> replace-type: %s\n", qPrintable(new_return_type));
+                s << "(" << new_return_type << ") ";
+            } else if (d_function->argumentReplaced(0).isEmpty()) {
+//                 printf(" ---> replace-value\n");
+                s << "(" << translateType(return_type, d_function->implementingClass()) << ") ";
+            }
+        }
+            s << "JTbl." << JumpTablePreprocessor::signature(d_function) << "("
+          << d_function->jumpTableId() << ", ";
+        // Constructors and static functions don't have native id, but
+        // the functions expect them anyway, hence add '0'. Normal
+        // functions get their native ids added just below...
+        if (d_function->isConstructor() || d_function->isStatic())
+            s << "0, ";
+    } else {
+/* qtd       if (attributes & SuperCall) {
+            s << "super.";
+        }*/
+        s << d_function->marshalledName() << "(";
+    }
+    if (!d_function->isConstructor() && !d_function->isStatic())
+        s << "nativeId";
+    if (d_function->isConstructor() &&
+        ( d_function->implementingClass()->hasVirtualFunctions()
+        || d_function->implementingClass()->typeEntry()->isObject() ) ) { // qtd
+        s << "cast(void*) this";
+        if (arguments.count() > 0)
+            s << ", ";
+    }
+    //returning string or a struct
+    bool return_in_arg = d_function->type() && (d_function->type()->isTargetLangString() ||
+                                                d_function->type()->name() == "QModelIndex" ||
+                                                d_function->type()->isContainer());
+    if(return_in_arg) { // qtd
+        if (!d_function->isStatic() && !d_function->isConstructor()) // qtd
+            s << ", ";
+        s << "&res";
+    }
+    for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
+        const AbstractMetaArgument *arg = arguments.at(i);
+        const AbstractMetaType *type = arg->type();
+        const TypeEntry *te = type->typeEntry();
+        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(i+1)) {
+            if (i > 0 || (!d_function->isStatic() && !d_function->isConstructor()) || return_in_arg) // qtd
+                s << ", ";
+            // qtd
+            QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(arg->argumentIndex() + 1);
+            if (!modified_type.isEmpty())
+                modified_type = modified_type.replace('$', '.');
+            QString arg_name = arg->argumentName();
+            if (type->isVariant())
+                s << arg_name << " is null ? null : " << arg_name << ".nativeId";
+            else if (te->designatedInterface())
+                s << arg_name << " is null ? null : " << arg_name << ".__ptr_" << te->designatedInterface()->name();
+            else if (modified_type == "string" /* && type->fullName() == "char" */) {
+                s << "toStringz(" << arg_name << ")";
+            } else if(type->isContainer()) {
+                const ContainerTypeEntry *cte =
+                        static_cast<const ContainerTypeEntry *>(te);
+                if(isLinearContainer(cte))
+                    s << QString("%1.ptr, %1.length").arg(arg_name);
+            } else if (type->isTargetLangString() || (te && te->qualifiedCppName() == "QString"))
+                s << QString("%1.ptr, %1.length").arg(arg_name);
+            else if (type->isTargetLangEnum() || type->isTargetLangFlags()) {
+                s << arg_name;
+// qtd                s << arg->argumentName() << ".value()";
+            } else if (!type->hasNativeId() && !(te->isValue() && type->isNativePointer())) { // qtd2 hack for QStyleOption not being a nativeId based for some reason
+                s << arg_name;
+            } else if (te->isStructInD()) {
+                s << arg_name;
+            } else {
+                bool force_abstract = te->isComplex() && (((static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(te))->typeFlags() & ComplexTypeEntry::ForceAbstract) != 0);
+                if (!force_abstract) {
+                    s << arg_name << " is null ? null : ";
+                } // else if (value type is abstract) then we will get a null pointer exception, which is all right
+                s << arg_name << ".nativeId";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (useJumpTable) {
+        if ((!d_function->isConstructor() && !d_function->isStatic()) || arguments.size() > 0)
+            s << ", ";
+        if (d_function->isStatic())
+            s << "null";
+        else
+            s << "this";
+    }
+    s << ")";
+    if ( !d_function->argumentReplaced(0).isEmpty() ) {
+        s << ";" << endl;
+        s << INDENT << "return " << d_function->argumentReplaced(0) << ";" << endl;
+        return;
+    }
+// qtd2    if (return_type && (/* qtdreturn_type->isTargetLangEnum() ||*/ return_type->isTargetLangFlags()))
+//        s << ")";
+    foreach (ReferenceCount referenceCount, referenceCounts) {
+        writeReferenceCount(s, referenceCount, "__qt_return_value");
+    }
+    s << ";" << endl;
+    // return value marschalling
+    if(d_function->type()) {
+        if ( ( has_return_type && d_function->argumentReplaced(0).isEmpty() )/* || d_function->isConstructor()*/) // qtd
+            if(d_function->type()->isQObject()) {
+            QString type_name = d_function->type()->name();
+            const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
+            if(ctype->isAbstract())
+                type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+            s << INDENT << "if (__qt_return_value is null)" << endl
+                    << INDENT << "    return null;" << endl
+                    << INDENT << "void* d_obj = __QObject_entity(__qt_return_value);" << endl
+                    << INDENT << "if (d_obj is null) {" << endl
+                    << INDENT << "    auto new_obj = new " << type_name << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl
+                    << INDENT << "    new_obj.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
+                    << INDENT << "    return new_obj;" << endl
+                    << INDENT << "} else" << endl
+                    << INDENT << "    return cast(" << d_function->type()->name() << ") d_obj;" << endl;
+        }
+        if (d_function->type()->isValue() && !d_function->type()->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
+            s << INDENT << "return new " << d_function->type()->name() << "(__qt_return_value, false);" << endl;
+        if (d_function->type()->isVariant())
+            s << INDENT << "return new QVariant(__qt_return_value, false);" << endl;
+        if (d_function->type()->isNativePointer() && d_function->type()->typeEntry()->isValue())
+            s << INDENT << "return new " << d_function->type()->name() << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl;
+        if (d_function->type()->isObject()) {
+            if(d_function->storeResult())
+                s << INDENT << QString("__m_%1.nativeId = __qt_return_value;").arg(d_function->name()) << endl
+                        << INDENT << QString("return __m_%1;").arg(d_function->name()) << endl;
+            else {
+                QString type_name = d_function->type()->name();
+                const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
+                if(ctype->isAbstract())
+                    type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+                QString return_type_name = d_function->type()->name();
+                if(d_function->type()->typeEntry()->designatedInterface())
+                    return_type_name = d_function->type()->typeEntry()->designatedInterface()->name();
+                AbstractMetaClass *classForTypeEntry = NULL;
+                // search in AbstractMetaClass list for return type
+                // find a better way to perform TypeEntry -> AbstractMetaClass lookup, maybe create hash before generation
+                // qtd2
+                /*foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_classes) {
+                    if ( cls->name() == d_function->type()->name() )
+                        classForTypeEntry = cls;
+                }*/
+                classForTypeEntry = ClassFromEntry::get(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
+                // if class has virtual functions then it has classname_entity function so
+                // we can look for D Object pointer. otherwise create new wrapper
+                if (classForTypeEntry != NULL && classForTypeEntry->hasVirtualFunctions()) {
+                    s << INDENT << "void* d_obj = __" << d_function->type()->name() << "_entity(__qt_return_value);" << endl
+                            << INDENT << "if (d_obj !is null) {" << endl
+                            << INDENT << "    auto d_obj_ref = cast (Object) d_obj;" << endl
+                            << INDENT << "    return cast(" << return_type_name << ") d_obj_ref;" << endl
+                            << INDENT << "} else {" << endl
+                            << INDENT << "    auto return_value = new " << type_name << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl
+                            << INDENT << "    return_value.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
+                            << INDENT << "    return return_value;" << endl
+                            << INDENT << "}";
+                } else {
+                    s << INDENT << "auto return_value = new " << type_name << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl
+                            << INDENT << "return_value.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
+                            << INDENT << "return return_value;" << endl;
+                }
+            }
+            s << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    writeInjectedCode(s, d_function, CodeSnip::End);
+/* qtd2
+    if (needs_return_variable) {
+        if (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) {
+            s << INDENT << "if (__qt_return_value != null) {" << endl;
+            if (return_type->isContainer())
+                writeOwnershipForContainer(s, owner, return_type, "__qt_return_value");
+            else
+                s << INDENT << "    __qt_return_value." << function_call_for_ownership(owner) << ";" << endl;
+            s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+        }
+        s << INDENT << "return __qt_return_value;" << endl;
+    }
+    if (d_function->isConstructor()) {
+        TypeSystem::Ownership owner = d_function->ownership(d_function->implementingClass(), TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, -1);
+        if (owner != TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership && d_function->isConstructor())
+            s << INDENT << "this." << function_call_for_ownership(owner) << ";" << endl;
+    }
+    if(return_in_arg) // qtd
+        s << INDENT << "return res;" << endl;
+void DGenerator::retrieveModifications(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                          const AbstractMetaClass *d_class,
+                                          uint *exclude_attributes,
+                                          uint *include_attributes) const
+    FunctionModificationList mods = d_function->modifications(d_class);
+//     printf("name: %s has %d mods\n", qPrintable(d_function->signature()), mods.size());
+    foreach (FunctionModification mod, mods) {
+        if (mod.isAccessModifier()) {
+//             printf(" -> access mod to %x\n", mod.modifiers);
+            *exclude_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Public
+                                | AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected
+                                | AbstractMetaAttributes::Private
+                                | AbstractMetaAttributes::Friendly;
+            if (mod.isPublic())
+                *include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Public;
+            else if (mod.isProtected())
+                *include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected;
+            else if (mod.isPrivate())
+                *include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Private;
+            else if (mod.isFriendly())
+                *include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Friendly;
+        }
+        if (mod.isFinal()) {
+            *include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang;
+        } else if (mod.isNonFinal()) {
+            *exclude_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang;
+        }
+    }
+    *exclude_attributes &= ~(*include_attributes);
+QString DGenerator::functionSignature(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                         uint included_attributes, uint excluded_attributes,
+                                         Option option,
+                                         int arg_count)
+    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+    int argument_count = arg_count < 0 ? arguments.size() : arg_count;
+    QString result;
+    QTextStream s(&result);
+    QString functionName = d_function->isConstructor() ? "this" : d_function->name(); // qtd
+    // The actual function
+    if (!(d_function->isEmptyFunction() || d_function->isNormal() || d_function->isSignal()))
+        option = Option(option | SkipReturnType);
+    writeFunctionAttributes(s, d_function, included_attributes, excluded_attributes, option);
+    s << functionName << "(";
+    writeFunctionArguments(s, d_function, argument_count, option);
+    s << ")";
+    return result;
+void DGenerator::setupForFunction(const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                     uint *included_attributes,
+                                     uint *excluded_attributes) const
+    *excluded_attributes |= d_function->ownerClass()->isInterface() || d_function->isConstructor()
+                            ? AbstractMetaAttributes::Native | AbstractMetaAttributes::Final
+                            : 0;
+    if (d_function->ownerClass()->isInterface())
+        *excluded_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract;
+    if (d_function->needsCallThrough())
+        *excluded_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::Native;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *d_class = d_function->ownerClass();
+    retrieveModifications(d_function, d_class, excluded_attributes, included_attributes);
+void DGenerator::writeReferenceCount(QTextStream &s, const ReferenceCount &refCount,
+                                        const QString &argumentName)
+    if (refCount.action == ReferenceCount::Ignore)
+        return;
+    QString refCountVariableName = refCount.variableName;
+    if (!refCount.declareVariable.isEmpty() && refCount.action != ReferenceCount::Set) {
+        s << INDENT << "auto __rcTmp = " << refCountVariableName << ";" << endl;
+        refCountVariableName = "__rcTmp";
+    }
+    if (refCount.action != ReferenceCount::Set) {
+        s << INDENT << "if (" << argumentName << " !is null";
+        if (!refCount.conditional.isEmpty())
+            s << " && " << refCount.conditional;
+        s << ") {" << endl;
+    } else {
+         if (!refCount.conditional.isEmpty())
+             s << INDENT << "if (" << refCount.conditional << ") ";
+         s << INDENT << "{" << endl;
+    }
+    {
+        Indentation indent(INDENT);
+        switch (refCount.action) {
+        case ReferenceCount::Add:
+        case ReferenceCount::AddAll:
+            s << INDENT << refCountVariableName << " ~= " << argumentName << ";" << endl;
+            break;
+        case ReferenceCount::Remove:
+            s << INDENT << "remove(" << refCountVariableName
+              << ", " << argumentName << ");" << endl;
+            break;
+        case ReferenceCount::Set:
+            {
+                if (refCount.declareVariable.isEmpty())
+                    s << INDENT << refCount.variableName << " = cast(Object) " << argumentName << ";" << endl;
+                else
+                    s << INDENT << refCountVariableName << " = cast(Object) " << argumentName << ";" << endl;
+            }
+        default:
+            break;
+        };
+    }
+    s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+void DGenerator::writeFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                  uint included_attributes, uint excluded_attributes)
+    s << endl;
+    if (d_function->isModifiedRemoved(TypeSystem::TargetLangCode))
+        return ;
+    QString functionName = d_function->name();
+    setupForFunction(d_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
+    if (!d_function->ownerClass()->isInterface()) {
+// qtd2        writeEnumOverload(s, d_function, included_attributes, excluded_attributes);
+// qtd        writeFunctionOverloads(s, d_function, included_attributes, excluded_attributes);
+    }
+/* qtd
+    static QRegExp regExp("^(insert|set|take|add|remove|install).*");
+    if (regExp.exactMatch(d_function->name())) {
+        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+        const AbstractMetaClass *c = d_function->implementingClass();
+        bool hasObjectTypeArgument = false;
+        foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
+            TypeSystem::Ownership d_ownership = d_function->ownership(c, TypeSystem::TargetLangCode, argument->argumentIndex()+1);
+            TypeSystem::Ownership shell_ownership = d_function->ownership(c, TypeSystem::ShellCode, argument->argumentIndex()+1);
+            if (argument->type()->typeEntry()->isObject()
+                && d_ownership == TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership
+                && shell_ownership == TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) {
+                hasObjectTypeArgument = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (hasObjectTypeArgument
+            && !d_function->isAbstract()
+            && d_function->referenceCounts(d_function->implementingClass()).size() == 0) {
+            m_reference_count_candidate_functions.append(d_function);
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_doc_parser) {
+        QString signature = functionSignature(d_function,
+                                              included_attributes | NoBlockedSlot,
+                                              excluded_attributes);
+        s << m_doc_parser->documentationForFunction(signature) << endl;
+    }
+    const QPropertySpec *spec = d_function->propertySpec();
+    if (spec && d_function->modifiedName() == d_function->originalName()) {
+        if (d_function->isPropertyReader()) {
+            s << "    @qt.QtPropertyReader(name=\"" << spec->name() << "\")" << endl;
+            if (!spec->designable().isEmpty())
+                s << "    @qt.QtPropertyDesignable(\"" << spec->designable() << "\")" << endl;
+        } else if (d_function->isPropertyWriter()) {
+            s << "    @qt.QtPropertyWriter(name=\"" << spec->name() << "\")" << endl;
+        } else if (d_function->isPropertyResetter()) {
+            s << "    @qt.QtPropertyResetter(name=\"" << spec->name() << "\")"
+              << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    s << functionSignature(d_function, included_attributes, excluded_attributes);
+    if (d_function->isConstructor()) {
+        writeConstructorContents(s, d_function);
+    } else if (d_function->needsCallThrough() || d_function->isStatic()) { // qtd
+        if (d_function->isAbstract()) {
+            s << ";" << endl;
+        } else {
+            s << " {" << endl;
+            {
+                Indentation indent(INDENT);
+                writeJavaCallThroughContents(s, d_function);
+            }
+            s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+        }
+/* qtd
+        if (d_function->jumpTableId() == -1) {
+            writePrivateNativeFunction(s, d_function);
+        }
+    } else {
+        s << ";" << endl;
+    }
+static void write_equals_parts(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst, char prefix, bool *first) {
+    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, lst) {
+        AbstractMetaArgument *arg = f->arguments().at(0);
+        QString type = f->typeReplaced(1);
+        if (type.isEmpty())
+            type = arg->type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+        s << INDENT << (*first ? "if" : "else if") << " (other instanceof " << type << ")" << endl
+          << INDENT << "    return ";
+        if (prefix != 0) s << prefix;
+        s << f->name() << "((" << type << ") other);" << endl;
+        *first = false;
+    }
+static void write_compareto_parts(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst, int value, bool *first) {
+    foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *f, lst) {
+        AbstractMetaArgument *arg = f->arguments().at(0);
+        QString type = f->typeReplaced(1);
+        if (type.isEmpty())
+            type = arg->type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+        s << INDENT << (*first ? "if" : "else if") << " (other instanceof " << type << ") {" << endl
+          << INDENT << "    if (" << f->name() << "((" << type << ") other)) return " << value << ";" << endl
+          << INDENT << "    else return " << -value << ";" << endl
+          << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+        *first = false;
+    }
+    s << INDENT << "throw new ClassCastException();" << endl;
+bool DGenerator::isComparable(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) const
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList eq_functions = cls->equalsFunctions();
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList neq_functions = cls->notEqualsFunctions();
+    // Write the comparable functions
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList ge_functions = cls->greaterThanFunctions();
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList geq_functions = cls->greaterThanEqFunctions();
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList le_functions = cls->lessThanFunctions();
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList leq_functions = cls->lessThanEqFunctions();
+    bool hasEquals = eq_functions.size() || neq_functions.size();
+    bool isComparable = hasEquals
+                        ? ge_functions.size() || geq_functions.size() || le_functions.size() || leq_functions.size()
+                        : geq_functions.size() == 1 && leq_functions.size() == 1;
+    return isComparable;
+void DGenerator::writeJavaLangObjectOverrideFunctions(QTextStream &s,
+                                                         const AbstractMetaClass *cls)
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList eq_functions = cls->equalsFunctions();
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList neq_functions = cls->notEqualsFunctions();
+    if (eq_functions.size() || neq_functions.size()) {
+        s << endl
+          << INDENT << "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")" << endl
+          << INDENT << "@Override" << endl
+          << INDENT << "public boolean equals(Object other) {" << endl;
+        bool first = true;
+        write_equals_parts(s, eq_functions, (char) 0, &first);
+        write_equals_parts(s, neq_functions, '!', &first);
+        s << INDENT << "    return false;" << endl
+          << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+    }
+    // Write the comparable functions
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList ge_functions = cls->greaterThanFunctions();
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList geq_functions = cls->greaterThanEqFunctions();
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList le_functions = cls->lessThanFunctions();
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList leq_functions = cls->lessThanEqFunctions();
+    bool hasEquals = eq_functions.size() || neq_functions.size();
+    bool comparable = isComparable(cls);
+    if (comparable) {
+        s << INDENT << "public int compareTo(Object other) {" << endl;
+        {
+            Indentation indent(INDENT);
+            if (hasEquals) {
+                s << INDENT << "if (equals(other)) return 0;" << endl;
+                bool first = false;
+                if (le_functions.size()) {
+                    write_compareto_parts(s, le_functions, -1, &first);
+                } else if (ge_functions.size()) {
+                    write_compareto_parts(s, ge_functions, 1, &first);
+                } else if (leq_functions.size()) {
+                    write_compareto_parts(s, leq_functions, -1, &first);
+                } else if (geq_functions.size()) {
+                    write_compareto_parts(s, geq_functions, 1, &first);
+                }
+            } else if (le_functions.size() == 1) {
+                QString className = cls->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+                s << INDENT << "if (operator_less((" << className << ") other)) return -1;" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "else if (((" << className << ") other).operator_less(this)) return 1;" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "else return 0;" << endl;
+            } else if (geq_functions.size() == 1 && leq_functions.size()) {
+                QString className = cls->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+                s << INDENT << "boolean less = operator_less_or_equal((" << className << ") other);" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "boolean greater = operator_greater_or_equal((" << className << ") other);" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "if (less && greater) return 0;" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "else if (less) return -1;" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "else return 1;" << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+    }
+    if (cls->hasHashFunction()) {
+        AbstractMetaFunctionList hashcode_functions = cls->queryFunctionsByName("hashCode");
+        bool found = false;
+        foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, hashcode_functions) {
+            if (function->actualMinimumArgumentCount() == 0) {
+                found = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!found) {
+            s << endl
+              << INDENT << "@Override" << endl
+              << INDENT << "public int hashCode() {" << endl
+              << INDENT << "    if (nativeId() == 0)" << endl
+              << INDENT << "        throw new QNoNativeResourcesException(\"Function call on incomplete object of type: \" +getClass().getName());" << endl
+              << INDENT << "    return __qt_hashCode(nativeId());" << endl
+              << INDENT << "}" << endl
+              << INDENT << "native int __qt_hashCode(long __this_nativeId);" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    // Qt has a standard toString() conversion in QVariant?
+    QVariant::Type type = QVariant::nameToType(cls->qualifiedCppName().toLatin1());
+    if (QVariant(type).canConvert(QVariant::String) &&  !cls->hasToStringCapability()) {
+        AbstractMetaFunctionList tostring_functions = cls->queryFunctionsByName("toString");
+        bool found = false;
+        foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *function, tostring_functions) {
+            if (function->actualMinimumArgumentCount() == 0) {
+                found = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!found) {
+            s << endl
+              << INDENT << "@Override" << endl
+              << INDENT << "public String toString() {" << endl
+              << INDENT << "    if (nativeId() == 0)" << endl
+              << INDENT << "        throw new QNoNativeResourcesException(\"Function call on incomplete object of type: \" +getClass().getName());" << endl
+              << INDENT << "    return __qt_toString(nativeId());" << endl
+              << INDENT << "}" << endl
+              << INDENT << "native String __qt_toString(long __this_nativeId);" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeEnumOverload(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                      uint include_attributes, uint exclude_attributes)
+    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+    if ((d_function->implementingClass() != d_function->declaringClass())
+        || ((!d_function->isNormal() && !d_function->isConstructor()) || d_function->isEmptyFunction() || d_function->isAbstract())) {
+        return ;
+    }
+    int option = 0;
+    if (d_function->isConstructor())
+        option = Option(option | SkipReturnType);
+    else
+        include_attributes |= AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang;
+    int generate_enum_overload = -1;
+    for (int i=0; i<arguments.size(); ++i)
+        generate_enum_overload = arguments.at(i)->type()->isTargetLangFlags() ? i : -1;
+    if (generate_enum_overload >= 0) {
+        if (m_doc_parser) {
+            // steal documentation from main function
+            QString signature = functionSignature(d_function,
+                                                  include_attributes | NoBlockedSlot,
+                                                  exclude_attributes);
+            s << m_doc_parser->documentationForFunction(signature) << endl;
+        }
+        s << endl;
+        writeFunctionAttributes(s, d_function, include_attributes, exclude_attributes, option);
+        s << d_function->name() << "(";
+        if (generate_enum_overload > 0) {
+            writeFunctionArguments(s, d_function, generate_enum_overload);
+            s << ", ";
+        }
+        // Write the ellipsis convenience argument
+        AbstractMetaArgument *affected_arg = arguments.at(generate_enum_overload);
+        EnumTypeEntry *originator = ((FlagsTypeEntry *)affected_arg->type()->typeEntry())->originator();
+        s << originator->javaPackage() << "." << originator->javaQualifier() << "." << originator->targetLangName()
+          << " ... " << affected_arg->argumentName() << ") {" << endl;
+        s << "        ";
+        QString new_return_type = d_function->typeReplaced(0);
+        if (new_return_type != "void" && (!new_return_type.isEmpty() || d_function->type() != 0))
+            s << "return ";
+        if (d_function->isConstructor()) {
+            s << "this";
+        } else {
+            if (d_function->isStatic())
+                s << d_function->implementingClass()->fullName() << ".";
+            else
+                s << "this.";
+            s << d_function->name();
+        }
+        s << "(";
+        for (int i=0; i<generate_enum_overload; ++i) {
+            s << arguments.at(i)->argumentName() << ", ";
+        }
+        s << "new " << affected_arg->type()->fullName() << "(" << affected_arg->argumentName() << "));" << endl
+          << "    }" << endl;
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeInstantiatedType(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaType *abstractMetaType) const
+    Q_ASSERT(abstractMetaType != 0);
+    const TypeEntry *type = abstractMetaType->typeEntry();
+    s << type->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+    if (abstractMetaType->hasInstantiations()) {
+        s << "<";
+        QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations = abstractMetaType->instantiations();
+        for(int i=0; i<instantiations.size(); ++i) {
+            if (i > 0)
+                s << ", ";
+            writeInstantiatedType(s, instantiations.at(i));
+        }
+        s << ">";
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeFunctionOverloads(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                           uint include_attributes, uint exclude_attributes)
+    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+    int argument_count = arguments.size();
+    // We only create the overloads for the class that actually declares the function
+    // unless this is an interface, in which case we create the overloads for all
+    // classes that directly implement the interface.
+    const AbstractMetaClass *decl_class = d_function->declaringClass();
+    if (decl_class->isInterface()) {
+        AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = d_function->implementingClass()->interfaces();
+        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *iface, interfaces) {
+            if (iface == decl_class) {
+                decl_class = d_function->implementingClass();
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (decl_class != d_function->implementingClass())
+        return;
+    // Figure out how many functions we need to write out,
+    // One extra for each default argument.
+    int overload_count = 0;
+    uint excluded_attributes = AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract
+                            | AbstractMetaAttributes::Native
+                            | exclude_attributes;
+    uint included_attributes = (d_function->isConstructor() ? 0 : AbstractMetaAttributes::Final) | include_attributes;
+    for (int i=0; i<argument_count; ++i) {
+        if (!arguments.at(i)->defaultValueExpression().isEmpty() && !d_function->argumentRemoved(i+1))
+            ++overload_count;
+    }
+    Q_ASSERT(overload_count <= argument_count);
+    for (int i=0; i<overload_count; ++i) {
+        int used_arguments = argument_count - i - 1;
+        QString signature = functionSignature(d_function, included_attributes,
+                                              excluded_attributes,
+                                              d_function->isEmptyFunction()
+                                              || d_function->isNormal()
+                                              || d_function->isSignal() ? NoOption
+                                                                           : SkipReturnType,
+                                              used_arguments);
+        s << endl;
+        if (m_doc_parser) {
+            s << m_doc_parser->documentationForFunction(signature) << endl;
+        }
+        s << signature << " {\n        ";
+        QString new_return_type = d_function->typeReplaced(0);
+        if (new_return_type != "void" && (!new_return_type.isEmpty() || d_function->type()))
+            s << "return ";
+        if (d_function->isConstructor())
+            s << "this";
+        else
+            s << d_function->name();
+        s << "(";
+        int written_arguments = 0;
+        for (int j=0; j<argument_count; ++j) {
+            if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(j+1)) {
+                if (written_arguments++ > 0)
+                    s << ", ";
+                if (j < used_arguments) {
+                    s << arguments.at(j)->argumentName();
+                } else {
+                    AbstractMetaType *arg_type = 0;
+                    QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(j+1);
+                    if (modified_type.isEmpty()) {
+                        arg_type = arguments.at(j)->type();
+                        if (arg_type->isNativePointer()) {
+                            s << "(qt.QNativePointer)";
+                        } else {
+                            const AbstractMetaType *abstractMetaType = arguments.at(j)->type();
+                            const TypeEntry *type = abstractMetaType->typeEntry();
+                            if (type->designatedInterface())
+                                type = type->designatedInterface();
+                            if (!type->isEnum() && !type->isFlags()) {
+                                s << "(";
+                                writeInstantiatedType(s, abstractMetaType);
+                                s << ")";
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        s << "(" << modified_type.replace('$', '.') << ")";
+                    }
+                    QString defaultExpr = arguments.at(j)->defaultValueExpression();
+                    int pos = defaultExpr.indexOf(".");
+                    if (pos > 0) {
+                        QString someName = defaultExpr.left(pos);
+                        ComplexTypeEntry *ctype =
+                            TypeDatabase::instance()->findComplexType(someName);
+                        QString replacement;
+                        if (ctype != 0 && ctype->isVariant())
+                            replacement = "qt.QVariant.";
+                        else if (ctype != 0)
+                            replacement = ctype->javaPackage() + "." + ctype->targetLangName() + ".";
+                        else
+                            replacement = someName + ".";
+                        defaultExpr = defaultExpr.replace(someName + ".", replacement);
+                    }
+                    if (arg_type != 0 && arg_type->isFlags()) {
+                        s << "new " << arg_type->fullName() << "(" << defaultExpr << ")";
+                    } else {
+                        s << defaultExpr;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        s << ");\n    }" << endl;
+    }
+const TypeEntry* DGenerator::fixedTypeEntry(const TypeEntry *type)
+    if (!type)
+        return NULL;
+    if (type->designatedInterface())
+        return type;
+    else if (type->isEnum()) {
+        const EnumTypeEntry *te = static_cast<const EnumTypeEntry *>(type);
+        TypeEntry *ownerTe = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(te->qualifier());
+        typeEntriesEnums << ownerTe;
+        return NULL;
+//        return ownerTe;
+    } else if (type->isFlags()) {
+        const FlagsTypeEntry *te = static_cast<const FlagsTypeEntry *>(type);
+        TypeEntry *ownerTe = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(te->qualifier());
+        return NULL;
+//        return ownerTe;
+    } else //if (type->isObject())
+        return type;
+//    else return NULL;
+void DGenerator::addInstantiations(const AbstractMetaType* d_type)
+    if (d_type->isContainer()) {
+        QList<AbstractMetaType *> args = d_type->instantiations();
+        for (int i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) {
+            const TypeEntry *type = fixedTypeEntry(args.at(i)->typeEntry());
+            if (type)
+                typeEntries.insert(type);
+        }
+    }
+void DGenerator::addTypeEntry(const AbstractMetaClass *d_class, const AbstractMetaFunction *function, QSet<const TypeEntry*> &typeEntries)
+        // If a method in an interface class is modified to be private, this should
+        // not be present in the interface at all, only in the implementation.
+        if (d_class->isInterface()) {
+            uint includedAttributes = 0;
+            uint excludedAttributes = 0;
+            retrieveModifications(function, d_class, &excludedAttributes, &includedAttributes);
+            if (includedAttributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private)
+                return;
+        }
+        if (notWrappedYet(function)) // qtd2
+            return;
+        // return type for function
+        if (function->type()) {
+            addInstantiations(function->type());
+            const TypeEntry *type = fixedTypeEntry(function->type()->typeEntry());
+            if (type)
+                typeEntries.insert(type);
+        }
+        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = function->arguments();
+        for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
+            const AbstractMetaArgument *arg = arguments.at(i);
+            addInstantiations(arg->type());
+            const TypeEntry *type = fixedTypeEntry(arg->type()->typeEntry());
+            if (type)
+                typeEntries.insert(type);
+        }
+void DGenerator::fillRequiredImports(const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
+    if (m_recursive < 2) {
+        typeEntries.clear();
+        typeEntriesEnums.clear();
+    }
+    // import for base class
+    if(d_class->baseClass())
+        typeEntries << d_class->baseClass()->typeEntry();
+    //interfaces
+    AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = d_class->interfaces();
+    if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
+        for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
+            AbstractMetaClass *iface = interfaces.at(i);
+            InterfaceTypeEntry *te = (InterfaceTypeEntry*) iface->typeEntry();
+            typeEntries << te->origin();
+        }
+    }
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();
+    // in case of ConcreteWrapper - adding extra functions
+    if (!d_class->isInterface() && d_class->isAbstract()) {
+        AbstractMetaFunctionList functions_add = d_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::NormalFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::AbstractFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NonEmptyFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+        d_funcs << functions_add;
+    }
+    for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
+        AbstractMetaFunction *function = d_funcs.at(i);
+        addTypeEntry(d_class, function, typeEntries);
+    }
+    // virtual dispatch
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualFunctions = d_class->virtualFunctions();
+    for (int i=0; i<virtualFunctions.size(); ++i) {
+        AbstractMetaFunction *function = virtualFunctions.at(i);
+        addTypeEntry(d_class, function, typeEntries);
+    }
+    AbstractMetaFieldList fields = d_class->fields();
+    foreach (const AbstractMetaField *field, fields) {
+        if (field->wasPublic() || (field->wasProtected() && !d_class->isFinal())) {
+            addTypeEntry(d_class, field->setter(), typeEntries);
+            addTypeEntry(d_class, field->getter(), typeEntries);
+        }
+    }
+    // signals
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs = d_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::Signals
+                                                                   | AbstractMetaClass::Visible
+                                                                   | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+    for (int i=0; i<signal_funcs.size(); ++i)
+        addTypeEntry(d_class, signal_funcs.at(i), typeEntries);
+    if(d_class->isQObject() && d_class->name() != "QObject")
+        typeEntries << TypeDatabase::instance()->findType("QObject");
+    if(m_recursive == 1)
+        m_recursive++;
+void DGenerator::writeImportString(QTextStream &s, const TypeEntry* typeEntry)
+/*    QString visibility = "private";
+    if (typeEntry->isNamespace() || typeEntry->name() == "QObject")
+        visibility = "public";
+    if(d_class->baseClass() && d_class->baseClass()->typeEntry() == typeEntry)
+        visibility = "public";*/
+    QString visibility = "public";
+    s << QString("%1 import ").arg(visibility) << typeEntry->javaPackage() << "." << typeEntry->name() << ";" << endl;
+void DGenerator::writeRequiredImports(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
+    foreach (const TypeEntry *typeEntry, typeEntriesEnums) {
+        if (!excludedTypes.contains(typeEntry->name()) && d_class->typeEntry() != typeEntry
+            && typeEntry->javaQualifier() != typeEntry->name()
+/*also*/            && !excludedTypes2.contains(typeEntry->name()))
+            writeImportString(s, typeEntry);
+    }
+    foreach (const TypeEntry *typeEntry, typeEntries) {
+        if (!excludedTypes.contains(typeEntry->name()) && d_class->typeEntry() != typeEntry
+            && typeEntry->javaQualifier() != typeEntry->name()
+/*also*/            && !excludedTypes2.contains(typeEntry->name()))
+            writeImportString(s, typeEntry);
+    }
+    excludedTypes2.clear();
+void DGenerator::writeDestructor(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
+    if (!d_class->hasConstructors())
+        return;
+    s << endl;
+    if (d_class->baseClassName().isEmpty()) {
+        s << INDENT << "~this() { " << endl;
+        {
+            Indentation indent(INDENT);
+            if(d_class->name() == "QObject")
+                s << INDENT << "if(!__gc_managed)" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "    remove(__gc_ref_list, this);" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "if(!__no_real_delete && __gc_managed)" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "    __free_native_resources();" << endl;
+            else
+                s << INDENT << "if(!__no_real_delete)" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "    __free_native_resources();" << endl;
+        }
+        s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+    }
+    s << INDENT << "protected void __free_native_resources() {" << endl;
+    {
+        Indentation indent(INDENT);
+        s << INDENT << "qtd_" << d_class->name() << "_destructor(nativeId());" << endl;
+    }
+    s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+void DGenerator::writeOwnershipMethods(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
+    s << INDENT << "void __set_native_ownership(bool ownership_)";
+    if (d_class->isInterface() || d_class->isNamespace())
+        s << ";";
+    else {
+        s << " {" << endl
+          << INDENT << "    __no_real_delete = ownership_;" << endl
+          << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeSignalHandlers(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs = signalFunctions(d_class);
+    //TODO: linkage trivia should be abstracted away
+    QString attr;
+    s << "// signal handlers" << endl;
+    foreach(AbstractMetaFunction *signal, signal_funcs) {
+        QString sigExternName = signalExternName(d_class, signal);
+        s << "private " << attr << "extern(C) void " << sigExternName << "_connect(void* native_id);" << endl;
+        s << "private " << attr << "extern(C) void " << sigExternName << "_disconnect(void* native_id);" << endl;
+        QString extra_args;
+        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = signal->arguments();
+        foreach (AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
+            if(argument->type()->isContainer()) {
+                QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
+                const AbstractMetaType *arg_type = argument->type();
+                QString type_string = translateType(argument->type(), signal->implementingClass(), BoxedPrimitive);
+                extra_args += ", " + type_string + " " + arg_name;
+            }
+        }
+        s << "private extern(C) void " << sigExternName << "_handle_in_d(void* d_entity, void** args" << extra_args<< ") {" << endl;
+        {
+            Indentation indent(INDENT);
+            s << INDENT << "auto d_object = cast(" << d_class->name() << ") d_entity;" << endl;
+            int sz = arguments.count();
+            for (int j=0; j<sz; ++j) {
+                AbstractMetaArgument *argument = arguments.at(j);
+                QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
+                AbstractMetaType *type = argument->type();
+                // if has QString argument we have to pass char* and str.length to QString constructor
+                QString arg_ptr = QString("args[%1]").arg(argument->argumentIndex() + 1);
+                if (type->isTargetLangString())
+                    s << INDENT << "auto " << arg_name << "_ptr = " << arg_ptr << ";" << endl
+                      << INDENT << "string " << arg_name << " = QString.toNativeString(" << arg_name << "_ptr);";
+                else if(type->isPrimitive() || type->isEnum() || type->isFlags() || type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()) {
+                    QString type_name = argument->type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName();
+                    if (type->isFlags())
+                        type_name = "int";
+                    s << INDENT << "auto " << arg_name << " = *(cast(" << type_name << "*)" << arg_ptr << ");";
+                } else if(type->isObject() || type->isQObject()
+                        || (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer())
+                        || type->isValue()) {
+                        QString type_name = type->name();
+                        const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(type->typeEntry());
+                        if(ctype->isAbstract())
+                            type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+                        s << INDENT << "scope " << arg_name << " = new " << type_name
+                                    << "(cast(void*)(" << arg_ptr << "), true);" << endl
+                          << INDENT << arg_name << ".__no_real_delete = true;";
+                    }
+                s << endl;
+            }
+//            s << INDENT << "Stdout(\"" << d_class->name() << "\", \"" << signal->name() << "\").newline;" << endl;
+            s << INDENT << "d_object." << signal->name() << ".emit(";
+            for (int j = 0; j<sz; ++j) {
+                AbstractMetaArgument *argument = arguments.at(j);
+                QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
+                if (j != 0)
+                    s << ", ";
+                s << arg_name;
+            }
+            s << ");" << endl;
+        }
+        s << "}" << endl;
+    }
+void DGenerator::write(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
+    ReportHandler::debugSparse("Generating class: " + d_class->fullName());
+    bool fakeClass = d_class->attributes() & AbstractMetaAttributes::Fake;
+    if (m_docs_enabled) {
+        m_doc_parser = new DocParser(m_doc_directory + "/" + d_class->name().toLower() + ".jdoc");
+    }
+    if (!m_isRecursive)
+        s << "module " << d_class->package() << "." << d_class->name() <<";" << endl << endl;
+    s << "// some type info" << endl;
+    QString hasVirtuals = d_class->hasVirtualFunctions() ? "has" : "doesn't have";
+    QString isFinal = d_class->isFinal() ? "is" : "is not";
+    QString isNativeId = d_class->typeEntry()->isNativeIdBased() ? "is" : "is not";
+    s << "// " << hasVirtuals << " virtual functions" << endl
+      << "// " << isFinal << " final" << endl
+      << "// " << isNativeId << " native id based" << endl << endl
+      << "// " << d_class->generateShellClass() << " shell class" << endl
+      << "// " << d_class->hasVirtualFunctions() << endl
+      << "// " << d_class->hasProtectedFunctions() << endl
+      << "// " << d_class->hasFieldAccessors() << endl
+      << "// " << d_class->typeEntry()->isObject() << endl;
+    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = d_class->typeEntry();
+    if (!ctype->addedTo.isEmpty() && !m_isRecursive) {
+        ComplexTypeEntry *ctype_parent = TypeDatabase::instance()->findComplexType(ctype->addedTo);
+        s << "public import " << ctype_parent->javaPackage() << "." << ctype_parent->name() << ";" << endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    if(d_class->isInterface() && !m_isRecursive) {
+        s << "public import " << ctype->javaPackage() << "." << ctype->qualifiedCppName() << ";" << endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    AbstractMetaClassList includedClassesList;
+    /* m_recursive is increasing by 1 each time we fill the import for a class
+       if it equals to 0 or 1 imports Set is cleared before a filling cycle - if there
+       is only one class as usual or if there are many classes in module, but before
+       filling for first class we need to clear Set. Wow :)
+       */
+    if(ctype->includedClasses.size() > 0)
+        m_recursive = 1;
+    else
+        m_recursive = 0;
+    foreach(QString child, ctype->includedClasses) {
+        ComplexTypeEntry *ctype_child = TypeDatabase::instance()->findComplexType(child);
+        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_classes) {
+            if ( cls->name() == ctype_child->name() ) {
+                includedClassesList << cls;
+                fillRequiredImports(cls);
+                excludedTypes2 << cls->name();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    QString interface;
+    if(d_class->typeEntry()->designatedInterface())
+        interface = d_class->typeEntry()->designatedInterface()->name();
+    if(d_class->typeEntry()->designatedInterface()) {
+        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_classes) {
+            if ( cls->name() == interface ) {
+                includedClassesList << cls;
+                fillRequiredImports(cls);
+                excludedTypes2 << cls->name();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fillRequiredImports(d_class);
+    excludedTypes2 << d_class->name();
+    if(ctype->includedClasses.size() > 0)
+        m_recursive = 0;
+    QList<Include> includes = d_class->typeEntry()->extraIncludes();
+    foreach (const Include &inc, includes) {
+        if (inc.type == Include::TargetLangImport) {
+            s << inc.toString() << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!m_isRecursive) {
+        s << "public import qt.QGlobal;" << endl
+          << "public import qt.core.Qt;" << endl
+          << "import qt.QtDObject;" << endl
+          << "import qt.core.QString;" << endl
+          << "import qt.qtd.Array;" << endl;
+        if (d_class->isQObject()) {
+            s << "public import qt.Signal;" << endl;
+            if (d_class->name() != "QObject")
+                s << "public import qt.core.QObject;" << endl;
+        }
+        // qtd2 hack!
+        if (d_class->name() == "QCoreApplication")
+            s << "private import qt.core.ArrayOps;" << endl;
+        else if (d_class->name() == "QApplication")
+            s << "private import qt.gui.ArrayOps;" << endl;
+        if (!d_class->enums().isEmpty())
+            s << "public import " << d_class->package() << "." << d_class->name() << "_enum;" << endl << endl;
+        s << "// automatic imports-------------" << endl;
+        writeRequiredImports(s, d_class);
+        s << endl;
+        if (dPhobos)
+        {
+            s << "import std.stdio;" << endl
+              << "import std.string;" << endl
+              << "import std.utf;" << endl
+              << "import core.memory;";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            s << "import tango.io.Stdout;" << endl
+              << "import tango.stdc.stringz;" << endl
+              << "import tango.text.convert.Utf;" << endl
+              << "import tango.core.Memory;";
+        }
+        s << endl << endl << endl;
+    }
+    if (m_doc_parser) {
+        s << m_doc_parser->documentation(d_class) << endl << endl;
+    }
+/* qtd    s << "@QtJambiGeneratedClass" << endl;
+    if ((d_class->typeEntry()->typeFlags() & ComplexTypeEntry::Deprecated) != 0) {
+        s << "@Deprecated" << endl;
+    }
+    // Enums aliases outside of the class - hack
+    if (!d_class->enums().isEmpty()) {
+        QString fileName = QString("%1_enum.d").arg(d_class->name());
+        FileOut fileOut(outputDirectory() + "/" + subDirectoryForClass(d_class) + "/" + fileName);
+        fileOut.stream << "module " << d_class->package() << "." << d_class->name() << "_enum;" << endl << endl;
+        foreach (AbstractMetaEnum *d_enum, d_class->enums())
+            writeEnum(fileOut.stream, d_enum);
+    }
+    s << endl;
+    if (d_class->isInterface()) {
+        s << "public interface ";
+    } else {
+        if (d_class->isPublic())
+            s << "public ";
+        // else friendly
+        bool force_abstract = (d_class->typeEntry()->typeFlags() & ComplexTypeEntry::ForceAbstract) != 0;
+        if (d_class->isFinal() && !force_abstract)
+            s << "final ";
+        if ((d_class->isAbstract() && !d_class->isNamespace()) || force_abstract)
+            s << "abstract ";
+        if (!d_class->typeEntry()->targetType().isEmpty()) {
+            s << d_class->typeEntry()->targetType() << " ";
+        } else if (d_class->isNamespace() && d_class->functionsInTargetLang().size() == 0) {
+            s << "interface ";
+        } else if (d_class->isNamespace()) {
+            s << "class ";
+        } else {
+            s << "class ";
+        }
+    }
+    const ComplexTypeEntry *type = d_class->typeEntry();
+    s << d_class->name();
+    if (type->isGenericClass()) {
+        s << "<";
+        QList<TypeEntry *> templateArguments = d_class->templateBaseClass()->templateArguments();
+        for (int i=0; i<templateArguments.size(); ++i) {
+            TypeEntry *templateArgument = templateArguments.at(i);
+            if (i > 0)
+                s << ", ";
+            s << templateArgument->name();
+        }
+        s << ">";
+    }
+    if (!d_class->isNamespace() && !d_class->isInterface()) {
+        if (!d_class->baseClassName().isEmpty()) {
+            s << " : " << d_class->baseClass()->name();
+        } else {
+            QString sc = type->defaultSuperclass();
+            if ((sc != d_class->name()) && !sc.isEmpty())
+                s << " : " << sc;
+        }
+    }/* qtd else if (d_class->isInterface()) {
+        s << " extends QtJambiInterface";
+    }*/
+    // implementing interfaces...
+    bool implements = false;
+    AbstractMetaClassList interfaces = d_class->interfaces();
+    if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
+        if (!d_class->isInterface())
+            s << ", ";
+        else {
+            implements = true;
+            s << ": ";
+        }
+        for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
+            AbstractMetaClass *iface = interfaces.at(i);
+            if (i) s << ", ";
+            s << iface->name();
+        }
+    }
+/* qtd
+    if (isComparable(d_class)) {
+        if (!implements) {
+            implements = true;
+            s << endl << "    implements ";
+        }
+        else
+            s << "," << endl << "            ";
+        s << "java.lang.Comparable<Object>";
+    }
+    if (d_class->hasCloneOperator()) {
+        if (!implements) {
+            implements = true;
+            s << endl << "    implements ";
+        }
+        else
+            s << "," << endl << "            ";
+        s << "java.lang.Cloneable";
+    }
+    s << endl << "{" << endl;
+    Indentation indent(INDENT);
+    // Define variables for reference count mechanism
+    if (!d_class->isInterface() && !d_class->isNamespace()) {
+        QHash<QString, int> variables;
+        foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, d_class->functions()) {
+            QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts = function->referenceCounts(d_class);
+            foreach (ReferenceCount refCount, referenceCounts) {
+                variables[refCount.variableName] |= refCount.action
+                                                    | refCount.access
+                                                    | (refCount.threadSafe ? ReferenceCount::ThreadSafe : 0)
+                                                    | (function->isStatic() ? ReferenceCount::Static : 0)
+                                                    | (refCount.declareVariable.isEmpty() ? ReferenceCount::DeclareVariable : 0);
+            }
+        }
+        foreach (QString variableName, variables.keys()) {
+            int actions = variables.value(variableName) & ReferenceCount::ActionsMask;
+//            bool threadSafe = variables.value(variableName) & ReferenceCount::ThreadSafe;
+            bool isStatic = variables.value(variableName) & ReferenceCount::Static;
+            bool declareVariable = variables.value(variableName) & ReferenceCount::DeclareVariable;
+            int access = variables.value(variableName) & ReferenceCount::AccessMask;
+            if (actions == ReferenceCount::Ignore || !declareVariable)
+                continue;
+            if (((actions & ReferenceCount::Add) == 0) != ((actions & ReferenceCount::Remove) == 0)) {
+                QString warn = QString("either add or remove specified for reference count variable '%1' in '%2' but not both")
+                    .arg(variableName).arg(d_class->fullName());
+                ReportHandler::warning(warn);
+            }
+            s << endl;
+/* qtd
+            if (TypeDatabase::instance()->includeEclipseWarnings())
+                s << INDENT << "@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\")" << endl;
+            if (actions != ReferenceCount::Set && actions != ReferenceCount::Ignore) { // qtd2
+            s << INDENT;
+            switch (access) {
+            case ReferenceCount::Private:
+                s << "package "; break; // qtd
+            case ReferenceCount::Protected:
+                s << "protected "; break;
+            case ReferenceCount::Public:
+                s << "public "; break;
+            default:
+                s << "protected"; // friendly
+            }
+            if (isStatic)
+                s << "static ";
+            } // qtd2
+            if (actions != ReferenceCount::Set && actions != ReferenceCount::Ignore) {
+                s << "Object[] " << variableName << ";" << endl;
+                if (threadSafe)
+                    s << "java.util.Collections.synchronizedCollection(";
+                s << "new java.util.ArrayList<Object>()";
+                if (threadSafe)
+                    s << ")";
+                s << ";" << endl;*/
+            } else if (actions != ReferenceCount::Ignore) {
+/* qtd2               if (threadSafe)
+                    s << "synchronized ";*/
+                s << "Object " << variableName << " = null;" << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        s << endl;
+    }
+/* qtd2
+    if (!d_class->isInterface() && (!d_class->isNamespace() || d_class->functionsInTargetLang().size() > 0)
+        && (d_class->baseClass() == 0 || d_class->package() != d_class->baseClass()->package())) {
+        s << endl
+          << INDENT << "static {" << endl;
+        if (d_class->isNamespace()) {
+            s << INDENT << "    qt.QtJambi_LibraryInitializer.init();" << endl;
+        }
+        s << INDENT << "    " << d_class->package() << ".QtJambi_LibraryInitializer.init();" << endl
+          << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+    }
+    // Enums aliaases
+    foreach (AbstractMetaEnum *d_enum, d_class->enums())
+        writeEnumAlias(s, d_enum);
+    if (!d_class->enums().isEmpty() && !d_class->functions().isEmpty())
+        s << endl;
+    // Signals
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs;
+    signal_funcs = signalFunctions(d_class);
+    if (signal_funcs.size())
+    {
+        writeSignalConnectors(s, d_class, signal_funcs);
+        foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *signal, signal_funcs)
+        {
+            if (d_class == signal->implementingClass())
+                writeSignal(s, signal);
+        }
+    }
+    // Class has subclasses but also only private constructors
+    if (!d_class->isFinalInTargetLang() && d_class->isFinalInCpp()) {
+        s << endl << INDENT << "/**" << endl
+          << INDENT << " * This constructor is a place holder intended to prevent" << endl
+          << INDENT << " * users from subclassing the class. Certain classes can" << endl
+          << INDENT << " * unfortunately only be subclasses internally. The constructor" << endl
+          << INDENT << " * will indiscriminately throw an exception if called. If the" << endl
+          << INDENT << " * exception is ignored, any use of the constructed object will" << endl
+          << INDENT << " * cause an exception to occur." << endl << endl
+          << INDENT << " * @throws QClassCannotBeSubclassedException" << endl
+          << INDENT << " **/" << endl
+          << INDENT << "protected " << d_class->name() << "() throws QClassCannotBeSubclassedException {" << endl
+          << INDENT << "    throw new QClassCannotBeSubclassedException(" << d_class->name() << ".class);" << endl
+          << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+    }
+    s << "// Functions" << endl;
+    // Functions
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();
+    for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
+        AbstractMetaFunction *function = d_funcs.at(i);
+        // If a method in an interface class is modified to be private, this should
+        // not be present in the interface at all, only in the implementation.
+        if (d_class->isInterface()) {
+            uint includedAttributes = 0;
+            uint excludedAttributes = 0;
+            retrieveModifications(function, d_class, &excludedAttributes, &includedAttributes);
+            if (includedAttributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private)
+                continue;
+        }
+        if (!notWrappedYet(function)) // qtd2
+            writeFunction(s, function);
+//        s << function->minimalSignature() << endl;
+    }
+    if(d_class->isInterface())
+        s << endl << INDENT << "public void* __ptr_" << d_class->name() << "();" << endl << endl;
+    s << "// Field accessors" << endl;
+    // Field accessors
+    AbstractMetaFieldList fields = d_class->fields();
+    foreach (const AbstractMetaField *field, fields) {
+        if (field->wasPublic() || (field->wasProtected() && !d_class->isFinal()))
+            writeFieldAccessors(s, field);
+    }
+/* qtd
+    // the static fromNativePointer function...
+    if (!d_class->isNamespace() && !d_class->isInterface() && !fakeClass) {
+        s << endl
+          << INDENT << "public static native " << d_class->name() << " fromNativePointer("
+          << "QNativePointer nativePointer);" << endl;
+    }
+    if (d_class->isQObject()) {
+        s << endl;
+        if (TypeDatabase::instance()->includeEclipseWarnings())
+            s << INDENT << "@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\")" << endl;
+        s << INDENT << "private static native long originalMetaObject();" << endl;
+    }
+    // The __qt_signalInitialization() function
+    if (signal_funcs.size() > 0) {
+        s << endl
+          << INDENT << "@Override" << endl
+          << INDENT << "@QtBlockedSlot protected boolean __qt_signalInitialization(String name) {" << endl
+          << INDENT << "    return (__qt_signalInitialization(nativeId(), name)" << endl
+          << INDENT << "            || super.__qt_signalInitialization(name));" << endl
+          << INDENT << "}" << endl
+          << endl
+          << INDENT << "@QtBlockedSlot" << endl
+          << INDENT << "private native boolean __qt_signalInitialization(long ptr, String name);" << endl;
+    }
+    // Add dummy constructor for use when constructing subclasses
+    if (!d_class->isNamespace() && !d_class->isInterface() && !fakeClass) {
+        s << endl
+          << INDENT << "public "
+          << "this";
+        if(d_class->name() == "QObject")
+        {
+            {
+                Indentation indent(INDENT);
+                s << "(void* native_id, bool gc_managed) {" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "if(!gc_managed)" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "    __gc_ref_list ~= this;" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "__gc_managed = gc_managed;" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "super(native_id);" << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            Indentation indent(INDENT);
+            if(d_class->isQObject())
+                s << "(void* native_id, bool gc_managed) {" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "super(native_id, gc_managed);" << endl;
+            else
+                s << "(void* native_id, bool no_real_delete = false) {" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "super(native_id, no_real_delete);" << endl;
+        }
+        // customized store-result instances
+        d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();
+        for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
+            AbstractMetaFunction *d_function = d_funcs.at(i);
+            uint included_attributes = 0;
+            uint excluded_attributes = 0;
+            setupForFunction(d_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
+            uint attr = d_function->attributes() & (~excluded_attributes) | included_attributes;
+            bool isStatic = (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static);
+            if (!isStatic && (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract))
+                continue;
+            if(d_function->storeResult()) {
+                QString type_name = d_function->type()->name();
+                const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
+                if(ctype->isAbstract())
+                    type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+                s << INDENT << "    __m_" << d_function->name() << " = new "
+                        << type_name << "(cast(void*)null);" << endl;
+                if (d_function->type()->isQObject())
+                    s << INDENT << "    __m_" << d_function->name() << ".__no_real_delete = true;" << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        // pointers to native interface objects for classes that implement interfaces
+        // initializing
+        interfaces = d_class->interfaces();
+        if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
+            for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
+                AbstractMetaClass *iface = interfaces.at(i);
+                s << INDENT << "    __m_ptr_" << iface->name() << " = qtd_" << d_class->name() << "_cast_to_" << iface->qualifiedCppName()
+                  << "(nativeId);" << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+/******************!!!DUBLICATE OF ABOVE!!!*********************/
+        for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
+            AbstractMetaFunction *d_function = d_funcs.at(i);
+            uint included_attributes = 0;
+            uint excluded_attributes = 0;
+            setupForFunction(d_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
+            uint attr = d_function->attributes() & (~excluded_attributes) | included_attributes;
+            bool isStatic = (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static);
+            if (!isStatic && (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract))
+                continue;
+            if(d_function->storeResult()) {
+                QString type_name = d_function->type()->name();
+                const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
+                if(ctype->isAbstract())
+                    type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+                s << INDENT << type_name << " __m_" << d_function->name() << ";" << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        // pointers to native interface objects for classes that implement interfaces
+        // initializing
+        interfaces = d_class->interfaces();
+        if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
+            for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
+                AbstractMetaClass *iface = interfaces.at(i);
+                s << INDENT << "private void* __m_ptr_" << iface->name() << ";" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "public void* __ptr_" << iface->name() << "() { return __m_ptr_" << iface->name() << "; }" << endl << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        writeDestructor(s, d_class);
+    }
+/* qtd
+    // Add a function that converts an array of the value type to a QNativePointer
+    if (d_class->typeEntry()->isValue() && !fakeClass) {
+        s << endl
+          << INDENT << "public static native QNativePointer nativePointerArray(" << d_class->name()
+          << " array[]);" << endl;
+    }
+    // write the cast to this function....
+    if (d_class->isInterface()) {
+        s << endl
+          << "    public long __qt_cast_to_"
+          << static_cast<const InterfaceTypeEntry *>(type)->origin()->targetLangName()
+          << "(long ptr);" << endl;
+    } else {
+        foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, interfaces) {
+            s << endl
+              << "    @QtBlockedSlot public native long __qt_cast_to_"
+              << static_cast<const InterfaceTypeEntry *>(cls->typeEntry())->origin()->targetLangName()
+              << "(long ptr);" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+/* qtd    writeJavaLangObjectOverrideFunctions(s, d_class);
+    writeOwnershipMethods(s, d_class);
+    s << "// Injected code in class" << endl;
+    writeExtraFunctions(s, d_class);
+// qtd2    writeToStringFunction(s, d_class);
+/* qtd
+    if (d_class->hasCloneOperator()) {
+        writeCloneFunction(s, d_class);
+    }
+    s << "}" << endl;
+    interfaces = d_class->interfaces();
+    if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
+        for (int i=0; i<interfaces.size(); ++i) {
+            AbstractMetaClass *iface = interfaces.at(i);
+            s << INDENT << "private static extern (C) void*" << "qtd_" << d_class->name() << "_cast_to_" << iface->qualifiedCppName()
+                    << "(void* nativeId);" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!d_class->isInterface() && d_class->isAbstract()) {
+        s << endl;
+/* qtd
+        if (TypeDatabase::instance()->includeEclipseWarnings())
+            s << INDENT << "@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\")" << endl;
+        s << INDENT << "public class " << d_class->name() << "_ConcreteWrapper : " << d_class->name() << " {" << endl;
+        {
+            Indentation indent(INDENT);
+            s << INDENT << "public this(void* native_id, bool no_real_delete = true) {" << endl
+                    << INDENT << "    super(native_id, no_real_delete);" << endl;
+            /******************!!!DUBLICATE!!!*********************/
+            d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();
+            for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
+                AbstractMetaFunction *d_function = d_funcs.at(i);
+                uint included_attributes = 0;
+                uint excluded_attributes = 0;
+                setupForFunction(d_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
+                uint attr = d_function->attributes() & (~excluded_attributes) | included_attributes;
+// qtd                bool isStatic = (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static);
+                if(d_function->storeResult()) {
+                    QString type_name = d_function->type()->name();
+                    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
+                    if(ctype->isAbstract())
+                        type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+                    s << INDENT << "    __m_" << d_function->name() << " = new "
+                            << type_name << "(cast(void*)null);" << endl;
+                    if (d_function->type()->isQObject())
+                        s << INDENT << "    __m_" << d_function->name() << ".__no_real_delete = true;" << endl;
+                }
+            }
+            s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+            for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
+                AbstractMetaFunction *d_function = d_funcs.at(i);
+                uint included_attributes = 0;
+                uint excluded_attributes = 0;
+                setupForFunction(d_function, &included_attributes, &excluded_attributes);
+                uint attr = d_function->attributes() & (~excluded_attributes) | included_attributes;
+// qtd                bool isStatic = (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static);
+                if(d_function->storeResult()) {
+                    QString type_name = d_function->type()->name();
+                    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(d_function->type()->typeEntry());
+                    if(ctype->isAbstract())
+                        type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+                    s << INDENT << d_function->type()->name() << " __m_" << d_function->name() << ";" << endl;
+                }
+            }
+            /***************************************************************/
+            uint exclude_attributes = AbstractMetaAttributes::Native | AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract;
+            uint include_attributes = 0;
+            AbstractMetaFunctionList functions = d_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::NormalFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::AbstractFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NonEmptyFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+            foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function, functions) {
+                retrieveModifications(d_function, d_class, &exclude_attributes, &include_attributes);
+                if (notWrappedYet(d_function))
+                    continue;
+                /* qtd                s << endl
+                  << INDENT << "@Override" << endl; */
+                writeFunctionAttributes(s, d_function, include_attributes, exclude_attributes,
+                                        d_function->isNormal() || d_function->isSignal() ? 0 : SkipReturnType);
+                s << d_function->name() << "(";
+                writeFunctionArguments(s, d_function, d_function->arguments().count());
+                s << ") {" << endl;
+                {
+                    Indentation indent(INDENT);
+                    writeJavaCallThroughContents(s, d_function, SuperCall);
+                }
+                s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        s  << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+    }
+    if (d_class->generateShellClass()) { // qtd2
+        if (d_class->hasVirtualFunctions()
+            && (d_class->typeEntry()->isObject() || d_class->typeEntry()->isQObject()) )
+        s << endl << "extern (C) void *__" << d_class->name() << "_entity(void *q_ptr);" << endl << endl;
+    }
+    if (d_class->isQObject()) {
+        s<< "private extern (C) void qtd_D_" << d_class->name() << "_delete(void *d_ptr) {" << endl
+          << "    auto d_ref = cast(QObject) d_ptr;" << endl
+          << "    d_ref.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
+          << "    delete d_ref;" << endl
+          << "}" << endl;
+    }
+    if (d_class->hasConstructors())
+        s << "extern (C) void qtd_" << d_class->name() << "_destructor(void *ptr);" << endl << endl;
+    // qtd
+    s << endl << "// C wrappers" << endl;
+    d_funcs = d_class->functionsInTargetLang();
+    if (!d_class->isInterface())
+        for (int i=0; i<d_funcs.size(); ++i) {
+            AbstractMetaFunction *function = d_funcs.at(i);
+            if (!notWrappedYet(function)) // qtd2
+                if (function->jumpTableId() == -1)
+                    writePrivateNativeFunction(s, function);
+        }
+    s << "// Just the private functions for abstract functions implemeneted in superclasses" << endl;
+    // Just the private functions for abstract functions implemeneted in superclasses
+    if (!d_class->isInterface() && d_class->isAbstract()) {
+        d_funcs = d_class->queryFunctions(AbstractMetaClass::NormalFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::AbstractFunctions | AbstractMetaClass::NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+        foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *d_function, d_funcs) {
+            if (d_function->implementingClass() != d_class) {
+                s << endl;
+                writePrivateNativeFunction(s, d_function);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    foreach (const AbstractMetaField *field, fields) {
+        if (field->wasPublic() || (field->wasProtected() && !d_class->isFinal()))
+            writeNativeField(s, field);
+    }
+    s << endl << endl;
+    // qtd
+    s << endl << "// Virtual Dispatch functions" << endl;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualFunctions = d_class->virtualFunctions();
+    for (int pos = 0; pos<virtualFunctions.size(); ++pos) {
+        const AbstractMetaFunction *function = virtualFunctions.at(pos);
+        if (!notWrappedYet(function)) // qtd2
+            writeShellVirtualFunction(s, function, d_class, pos);
+    }
+    //init callbacks from dll to D side
+    if (cpp_shared) {
+        bool shellClass = d_class->generateShellClass();
+        if (shellClass && !d_class->isInterface()) {
+            QString initArgs = "void* virtuals";
+            if (d_class->isQObject())
+                initArgs += ", void* signals, void* qobj_del";
+            s << "private extern (C) void qtd_" << d_class->name()
+              << QString("_initCallBacks(%1);").arg(initArgs) << endl << endl
+              << "private bool init_flag_" << d_class->name() << " = false;" << endl
+              << "void static_init_" << d_class->name() << "() {" << endl
+              << INDENT << "init_flag_" << d_class->name() << " = true;" << endl << endl
+              // virtual functions
+              << INDENT << "void*[" << virtualFunctions.size() << "] virt_arr;" << endl;
+            for (int pos = 0; pos<virtualFunctions.size(); ++pos) {
+                const AbstractMetaFunction *function = virtualFunctions.at(pos);
+                if (!notWrappedYet(function)) // qtd2
+                    s << INDENT << "virt_arr[" << pos << "] = &" << function->marshalledName() << "_dispatch;" <<endl;
+            }
+            if (virtualFunctions.size() == 0)
+                initArgs = "null";
+            else
+                initArgs = "virt_arr.ptr";
+            // signals
+            if (d_class->isQObject()) {
+                AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs = signalFunctions(d_class);
+                s << endl << INDENT << "void*[" << signal_funcs.size() << "] sign_arr;" << endl;
+                for(int i = 0; i < signal_funcs.size(); i++) {
+                    AbstractMetaFunction *signal = signal_funcs.at(i);
+                    s << INDENT << "sign_arr[" << i << "] = &" << signalExternName(d_class, signal) << "_handle_in_d;" << endl;
+                }
+                if(signal_funcs.size() == 0)
+                    initArgs += ", null";
+                else
+                    initArgs += ", sign_arr.ptr";
+                // QObject_delete
+                s << endl << INDENT << "void *qobj_del;" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "qobj_del = &qtd_D_" << d_class->name() << "_delete;" << endl;
+                initArgs += ", qobj_del";
+            }
+            s << INDENT << "qtd_" << d_class->name() << QString("_initCallBacks(%1);").arg(initArgs) << endl
+              << "}" << endl << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    writeSignalHandlers(s, d_class);
+    s << endl;
+    if (m_docs_enabled) {
+        delete m_doc_parser;
+        m_doc_parser = 0;
+    }
+    // qtd multiple classes
+    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, includedClassesList) {
+        m_isRecursive = true;
+        write(s, cls);
+        m_isRecursive = false;
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeMarshallFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
+void DGenerator::marshallFromCppToD(QTextStream &s, const ComplexTypeEntry* ctype)
+    if(ctype->isQObject()) {
+        QString type_name = ctype->name();
+        if(ctype->isAbstract())
+            type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+        s << INDENT << "if (__qt_return_value is null)" << endl
+                << INDENT << "    return null;" << endl
+                << INDENT << "void* d_obj = __QObject_entity(__qt_return_value);" << endl
+                << INDENT << "if (d_obj is null) {" << endl
+                << INDENT << "    auto new_obj = new " << type_name << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl
+                << INDENT << "    new_obj.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
+                << INDENT << "    return new_obj;" << endl
+                << INDENT << "} else" << endl
+                << INDENT << "    return cast(" << ctype->name() << ") d_obj;" << endl;
+    } else if (ctype->isValue() && !ctype->isStructInD())
+        s << INDENT << "return new " << ctype->name() << "(__qt_return_value, false);" << endl;
+    else if (ctype->isVariant())
+        s << INDENT << "return new QVariant(__qt_return_value, false);" << endl;
+    else if (ctype->name() == "QModelIndex" || ctype->isStructInD())
+        s << INDENT << "return __qt_return_value;" << endl;
+    else if (ctype->isObject()) {
+        QString type_name = ctype->name();
+        if(ctype->isAbstract())
+            type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+        QString return_type_name = ctype->name();
+        if(ctype->designatedInterface())
+            return_type_name = ctype->designatedInterface()->name();
+        AbstractMetaClass *d_class = NULL;
+        d_class = ClassFromEntry::get(ctype);
+        // if class has virtual functions then it has classname_entity function so
+        // we can look for D Object pointer. otherwise create new wrapper
+        if (d_class != NULL && d_class->hasVirtualFunctions()) {
+            s << INDENT << "void* d_obj = __" << ctype->name() << "_entity(__qt_return_value);" << endl
+              << INDENT << "if (d_obj !is null) {" << endl
+              << INDENT << "    auto d_obj_ref = cast (Object) d_obj;" << endl
+              << INDENT << "    return cast(" << return_type_name << ") d_obj_ref;" << endl
+              << INDENT << "} else {" << endl
+              << INDENT << "    auto return_value = new " << type_name << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl
+              << INDENT << "    return_value.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
+              << INDENT << "    return return_value;" << endl
+              << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+        } else {
+            s << INDENT << "auto return_value = new " << type_name << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl
+              << INDENT << "return_value.__no_real_delete = true;" << endl
+              << INDENT << "return return_value;" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeNativeField(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaField *field)
+    Q_ASSERT(field->isPublic() || field->isProtected());
+    const AbstractMetaClass *declaringClass = field->enclosingClass();
+    FieldModification mod = declaringClass->typeEntry()->fieldModification(field->name());
+    // Set function
+    if (mod.isWritable() && !field->type()->isConstant()) {
+        const AbstractMetaFunction *setter = field->setter();
+        if (declaringClass->hasFunction(setter)) {
+            QString warning =
+                QString("class '%1' already has setter '%2' for public field '%3'")
+                .arg(declaringClass->name()).arg(setter->name()).arg(field->name());
+            ReportHandler::warning(warning);
+        } else {
+            if (!notWrappedYet(setter))
+                writePrivateNativeFunction(s, setter);
+        }
+    }
+    // Get function
+    const AbstractMetaFunction *getter = field->getter();
+    if (mod.isReadable()) {
+        if (declaringClass->hasFunction(getter)) {
+            QString warning =
+                QString("class '%1' already has getter '%2' for public field '%3'")
+                .arg(declaringClass->name()).arg(getter->name()).arg(field->name());
+            ReportHandler::warning(warning);
+        } else {
+            if (!notWrappedYet(getter))
+                writePrivateNativeFunction(s, getter);
+        }
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeSignalConnectors(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class, AbstractMetaFunctionList signal_funcs)
+    s << INDENT << "private static SlotConnector[" << signal_funcs.size() << "] __slotConnectors;" << endl;
+    s << INDENT << "private static SlotConnector[" << signal_funcs.size() << "] __slotDisconnectors;" << endl << endl;
+    s << INDENT << "protected void onSignalHandlerCreated(ref SignalHandler sh) {" << endl;
+    {
+        Indentation indent(INDENT);
+        s << INDENT << "sh.firstSlotConnected = &onFirstSlot;" << endl;
+        s << INDENT << "sh.lastSlotDisconnected = &onLastSlot;" << endl << endl;
+        for(int i = 0; i < signal_funcs.size(); i++) {
+            AbstractMetaFunction *signal = signal_funcs.at(i);
+            QString sigExternName = signalExternName(d_class, signal);
+            s << INDENT << "__slotConnectors[" << i << "] = &" << sigExternName << "_connect;" << endl;
+            s << INDENT << "__slotDisconnectors[" << i << "] = &" << sigExternName << "_disconnect;" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+    s << INDENT << "private final void onFirstSlot(int signalId) {" << endl;
+    {
+        Indentation indent(INDENT);
+        s << INDENT << "if (signalId < __slotConnectors.length) {" << endl;
+        s << INDENT << "    __slotConnectors[signalId](nativeId);" << endl;
+        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+    }
+    s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+    s << INDENT << "private final void onLastSlot(int signalId) {" << endl;
+    {
+        Indentation indent(INDENT);
+        s << INDENT << "if (signalId < __slotDisconnectors.length) {" << endl;
+        s << INDENT << "    __slotDisconnectors[signalId](nativeId);" << endl;
+        s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+    }
+    s << INDENT << "}" << endl;
+void DGenerator::writeSignal(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function)
+    Q_ASSERT(d_function->isSignal());
+    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+    int sz = arguments.count();
+    s << INDENT << "mixin Signal!(\"" << d_function->name() << "\"";
+    if (sz > 0) {
+        for (int i=0; i<sz; ++i) {
+                s << ", ";
+            QString modifiedType = d_function->typeReplaced(i+1);
+            if (modifiedType.isEmpty())
+                s << translateType(arguments.at(i)->type(), d_function->implementingClass(), BoxedPrimitive);
+            else
+                s << modifiedType;
+        }
+    }
+    s << ");" << endl;
+void DGenerator::writeShellVirtualFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                          const AbstractMetaClass *implementor, int id)
+    Q_UNUSED(id);
+    Q_UNUSED(implementor);
+    s << "private extern(C) ";
+    CppImplGenerator::writeVirtualDispatchFunction(s, d_function, true);
+    s << "{" << endl;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *own_class = d_function->ownerClass();
+    s << INDENT << "auto d_object = cast(" << own_class->name() << ") d_entity;" << endl;
+    // the function arguments
+    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments)
+        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
+            QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
+            AbstractMetaType *type = argument->type();
+            // if has QString argument we have to pass char* and str.length to QString constructor
+            {
+                if(type->isEnum())
+                    s << INDENT << "auto " << arg_name << "_enum = cast("
+                                << type->typeEntry()->qualifiedTargetLangName() << ") " << arg_name << ";";
+                else if (type->isTargetLangString())
+                    s << INDENT << "string " << arg_name << "_d_ref = toString("
+                                << arg_name << "[0.." << arg_name << "_size]);";
+                else if (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer() && type->typeEntry()->name() == "QString") {
+                    s << INDENT << "scope " << arg_name << "_d_qstr = new QString(" << arg_name << ", true);" << endl
+                      << INDENT << "string " << arg_name << "_d_ref = " << arg_name << "_d_qstr.toNativeString();";
+                } else if(type->isVariant())
+                    s << INDENT << "scope " << arg_name << "_d_ref = new QVariant(" << arg_name << ", true);";
+                else if (type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())
+                    continue;
+                else if (!type->hasNativeId() && !(type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer()))
+                    continue;
+                else if(type->isObject()
+                    || (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer())
+                    || type->isValue() || type->isVariant()) {
+                    QString type_name = type->typeEntry()->name();
+                    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(type->typeEntry());
+                    if(ctype->isAbstract())
+                        type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+                    s << INDENT << "scope " << arg_name << "_d_ref = new " << type_name << "(" << arg_name << ", true);";
+                }
+                else if (type->isQObject()) {
+                    QString type_name = type->name();
+                    const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast<const ComplexTypeEntry *>(type->typeEntry());
+                    if(ctype->isAbstract())
+                        type_name = type_name + "_ConcreteWrapper";
+                    s << INDENT << "scope " << arg_name << "_d_ref = new " << type_name << "(" << arg_name <<", true);" << endl
+                      << INDENT << arg_name << "_d_ref.__no_real_delete = true;";
+                }
+                s << endl;
+            }
+    }
+    s << INDENT;
+    AbstractMetaType *return_type = d_function->type();
+    QString new_return_type = QString(d_function->typeReplaced(0)).replace('$', '.');
+    bool has_return_type = new_return_type != "void"
+        && (!new_return_type.isEmpty() || return_type != 0);
+    if(has_return_type) {
+        AbstractMetaType *f_type = d_function->type();
+        if(f_type && (f_type->isObject() || f_type->isQObject() || f_type->isVariant() ||
+                      (f_type->isValue() && !f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())))
+        {
+            QString f_type_name = f_type->name();
+            if(f_type->typeEntry()->designatedInterface())
+                f_type_name = f_type->typeEntry()->designatedInterface()->name();
+            s << f_type_name << " ret_value = ";
+        }
+        else if (f_type && f_type->isTargetLangString())
+            s << "string _d_str = ";
+        else if (f_type && f_type->name() == "QModelIndex")
+            s << "*__d_return_value = ";
+        else
+            s << "auto return_value = ";
+    }
+    s << "d_object." << d_function->name() << "(";
+    uint nativeArgCount = 0;
+    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments)
+        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
+            QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
+            const AbstractMetaType *type = argument->type();
+            if (nativeArgCount > 0)
+                s << "," << " ";
+            QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(argument->argumentIndex() + 1);
+            if (!modified_type.isEmpty())
+                modified_type = modified_type.replace('$', '.');
+            if (modified_type == "string" /* && type->fullName() == "char" */)
+                s << "fromStringz(" << arg_name << ")";
+            else {
+                if(type->isContainer()
+                   || (type->isReference() && type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()))
+                    s << "*";
+                s << arg_name;
+            }
+            if (type->typeEntry()->isStructInD()) ;
+            else if (type->isQObject() || type->isObject()
+                || (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer())
+                || type->isValue()
+                || type->isTargetLangString() || type->isVariant())
+                s << "_d_ref";
+            else if(type->isEnum())
+                s << "_enum";
+            nativeArgCount++;
+        }
+    s << ");" << endl;
+    // check for arguments that may return value
+    foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments)
+        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex() + 1)) {
+            QString arg_name = argument->indexedName();
+            AbstractMetaType *type = argument->type();
+            if (type->typeEntry()->isValue() && type->isNativePointer() && type->typeEntry()->name() == "QString")
+                s << INDENT << arg_name << "_d_qstr.assign(" << arg_name << "_d_ref);" << endl;
+        }
+    if(has_return_type) {
+        AbstractMetaType *f_type = d_function->type();
+        if(f_type) {
+            if(f_type->isObject() || f_type->isQObject() || f_type->isVariant() ||
+               (f_type->isValue() && !f_type->typeEntry()->isStructInD())) {
+                QString native_id = "nativeId";
+                if (f_type->typeEntry()->designatedInterface())
+                    native_id =  "__ptr_" + f_type->typeEntry()->designatedInterface()->name();
+                s << INDENT << "return ret_value is null? null : ret_value." << native_id << ";" << endl;
+            } else if (f_type->isTargetLangString())
+                s << INDENT << "ret_str = _d_str.ptr;" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "ret_str_size = _d_str.length;" << endl;
+            else if (f_type->isContainer())
+                s << INDENT << "*__d_arr_ptr = return_value.ptr;" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "*__d_arr_size = return_value.length;" << endl;
+//                  << INDENT << "addReference(return_value.ptr);" << endl;
+            else if (f_type->name() == "QModelIndex")
+                ;
+            else
+                s << INDENT << "return return_value;" << endl;
+        } else
+            s << INDENT << "return return_value;" << endl;
+    }
+    s << "}" << endl << endl;
+void DGenerator::generate()
+    // qtd
+    // code for including classses in 1 module for avoiding circular imports
+    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_classes) {
+        const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = cls->typeEntry();
+        if (!cls->isInterface() && cls->isAbstract()) {
+            ComplexTypeEntry *ctype_m = (ComplexTypeEntry *)ctype;
+            ctype_m->setAbstract(true);
+        }
+        foreach(QString child, ctype->includedClasses) {
+            ComplexTypeEntry *ctype_child = TypeDatabase::instance()->findComplexType(child);
+            ctype_child->addedTo = cls->name();
+        }
+        foreach (AbstractMetaFunction *function, cls->functions())
+            function->checkStoreResult();
+    }
+    Generator::generate();
+    {
+        const AbstractMetaClass *last_class = 0;
+        QFile file("mjb_nativepointer_api.log");
+        if (file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
+            QTextStream s(&file);
+            AbstractMetaFunctionList nativepointer_functions;
+            for (int i=0; i<m_nativepointer_functions.size(); ++i) {
+                AbstractMetaFunction *f = const_cast<AbstractMetaFunction *>(m_nativepointer_functions[i]);
+                if (f->ownerClass() == f->declaringClass() || f->isFinal())
+                    nativepointer_functions.append(f);
+            }
+            s << "Number of public or protected functions with QNativePointer API: " << nativepointer_functions.size() << endl;
+            foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *f, nativepointer_functions) {
+                if (last_class != f->ownerClass()) {
+                    last_class = f->ownerClass();
+                    s << endl << endl<< "Class " << last_class->name() << ":" << endl;
+                    s << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+                    << endl;
+                }
+                s << f->minimalSignature() << endl;
+            }
+            m_nativepointer_functions.clear();        }
+    }
+    {
+        const AbstractMetaClass *last_class = 0;
+        QFile file("mjb_object_type_usage.log");
+        if (file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
+            QTextStream s(&file);
+            AbstractMetaFunctionList resettable_object_functions;
+            for (int i=0; i<m_resettable_object_functions.size(); ++i) {
+                AbstractMetaFunction *f = const_cast<AbstractMetaFunction *>(m_resettable_object_functions[i]);
+                if (f->ownerClass() == f->declaringClass() || f->isFinal())
+                    resettable_object_functions.append(f);
+            }
+            s << "Number of public or protected functions that return a non-QObject object type, or that are virtual and take a non-QObject object type argument: " << resettable_object_functions.size() << endl;
+            foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *f, resettable_object_functions) {
+                if (last_class != f->ownerClass()) {
+                    last_class = f->ownerClass();
+                    s << endl << endl<< "Class " << last_class->name() << ":" << endl;
+                    s << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+                    << endl;
+                }
+                s << f->minimalSignature() << endl;
+            }
+            m_resettable_object_functions.clear();        }
+    }
+    {
+        QFile file("mjb_reference_count_candidates.log");
+        if (file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
+            QTextStream s(&file);
+            s << "The following functions have a signature pattern which may imply that" << endl
+              << "they need to apply reference counting to their arguments ("
+              << m_reference_count_candidate_functions.size() << " functions) : " << endl;
+              foreach (const AbstractMetaFunction *f, m_reference_count_candidate_functions) {
+                  s << f->implementingClass()->fullName() << " : " << f->minimalSignature() << endl;
+              }
+        }
+        file.close();
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeFunctionAttributes(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                            uint included_attributes, uint excluded_attributes,
+                                            uint options)
+    uint attr = d_function->attributes() & (~excluded_attributes) | included_attributes;
+    if ((attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Public) || (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected)) {
+        // Does the function use native pointer API?
+        bool nativePointer = d_function->type() && d_function->type()->isNativePointer()
+                             && d_function->typeReplaced(0).isEmpty();
+        // Does the function need to be considered for resetting the Java objects after use?
+        bool resettableObject = false;
+        if (!nativePointer
+            && d_function->type()
+            && d_function->type()->hasInstantiations()
+            && d_function->typeReplaced(0).isEmpty()) {
+            QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations = d_function->type()->instantiations();
+            foreach (const AbstractMetaType *type, instantiations) {
+                if (type && type->isNativePointer()) {
+                    nativePointer = true;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+        if (!nativePointer || (!resettableObject && !d_function->isFinal())) {
+            foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *argument, arguments) {
+                if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(argument->argumentIndex()+1)
+                    && d_function->typeReplaced(argument->argumentIndex()+1).isEmpty()) {
+                    if (argument->type()->isNativePointer()) {
+                        nativePointer = true;
+                        if (resettableObject) break ;
+                    } else if (!d_function->isFinalInTargetLang()
+                                && argument->type()->isObject()
+                                && !argument->type()->isQObject()
+                                && !d_function->resetObjectAfterUse(argument->argumentIndex()+1)
+                                && d_function->ownership(d_function->declaringClass(), TypeSystem::ShellCode, argument->argumentIndex()+1) == TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) {
+                        resettableObject = true;
+                        if (nativePointer) break ;
+                    } else if (argument->type()->hasInstantiations()) {
+                        QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations = argument->type()->instantiations();
+                        foreach (AbstractMetaType *type, instantiations) {
+                            if (type && type->isNativePointer()) {
+                                nativePointer = true;
+                                if (resettableObject) break;
+                            } else if (!d_function->isFinal()
+                                       && type
+                                       && type->isObject()
+                                       && !type->isQObject()
+                                       && !d_function->resetObjectAfterUse(argument->argumentIndex()+1)) {
+                                resettableObject = true;
+                                if (nativePointer) break ;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (nativePointer && resettableObject)
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (nativePointer && !m_nativepointer_functions.contains(d_function))
+            m_nativepointer_functions.append(d_function);
+        if (resettableObject && !m_resettable_object_functions.contains(d_function))
+            m_resettable_object_functions.append(d_function);
+    }
+    if ((options & SkipAttributes) == 0) {
+        if (d_function->isEmptyFunction()
+            || d_function->isDeprecated()) s << INDENT << "deprecated ";
+        bool needsSuppressUnusedWarning = TypeDatabase::instance()->includeEclipseWarnings()
+                                          && d_function->isSignal()
+                                          && (((excluded_attributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private) == 0)
+                                               && (d_function->isPrivate()
+                                                   || ((included_attributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private) != 0)));
+        if (needsSuppressUnusedWarning && d_function->needsSuppressUncheckedWarning()) {
+            s << INDENT<< "@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"unused\"})" << endl;
+        } else if (d_function->needsSuppressUncheckedWarning()) {
+            s << INDENT<< "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")" << endl;
+        } else if (needsSuppressUnusedWarning) {
+            s << INDENT<< "@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\")" << endl;
+        }
+        if (!(attr & NoBlockedSlot)
+            && !d_function->isConstructor()
+            && !d_function->isSlot()
+            && !d_function->isSignal()
+            && !d_function->isStatic()
+            && !(included_attributes & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static))
+            s << INDENT << "@QtBlockedSlot" << endl;
+        if (!(options & ExternC))
+            s << INDENT;
+        if (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Public) s << "public ";
+        else if (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Protected) s << "protected ";
+        else if (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Private) s << "private ";
+        else if (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Native) s << "private extern(C) ";
+        bool isStatic = (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Static);
+        if (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Native) ;
+        else if (!isStatic && (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::FinalInTargetLang)) s << "final ";
+        else if (!isStatic && (attr & AbstractMetaAttributes::Abstract)) s << "abstract ";
+        if (isStatic && !(options & ExternC)) s << "static ";
+    }
+    if ((options & SkipReturnType) == 0) {
+        QString modified_type = d_function->typeReplaced(0);
+        if (options & ExternC) {
+            uint options = 0x0004; // qtd externC
+            s << CppImplGenerator::jniReturnName(d_function, options, true) << " ";
+        }
+        else if (modified_type.isEmpty())
+            s << translateType(d_function->type(), d_function->implementingClass(), (Option) options);
+        else
+            s << modified_type.replace('$', '.');
+        s << " ";
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeConstructorContents(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function)
+    // Write constructor
+    s << " {" << endl;
+    {
+        Indentation indent(INDENT);
+        bool shellClass = d_function->ownerClass()->generateShellClass();
+        if (cpp_shared) {
+            if (shellClass && !d_function->ownerClass()->isInterface())
+                s << INDENT << "if (!init_flag_" << d_function->ownerClass()->name() << ")" << endl
+                  << INDENT << "    static_init_" << d_function->ownerClass()->name() << "();" << endl << endl;
+        }
+        writeJavaCallThroughContents(s, d_function);
+        // Write out expense checks if present...
+        const AbstractMetaClass *d_class = d_function->implementingClass();
+        const ComplexTypeEntry *te = d_class->typeEntry();
+        if (te->expensePolicy().isValid()) {
+            s << endl;
+            const ExpensePolicy &ep = te->expensePolicy();
+            s << INDENT << "qt.GeneratorUtilities.countExpense(" << d_class->fullName()
+              << ".class, " << ep.cost << ", " << ep.limit << ");" << endl;
+        }
+        foreach (CodeSnip snip, te->codeSnips()) {
+            if (snip.language == TypeSystem::Constructors) {
+                snip.formattedCode(s, INDENT);
+            }
+        }
+        if(d_function->implementingClass()->isQObject())
+        {
+            bool hasParentArg = false;
+            AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+            for (int i=0; i<arguments.count(); ++i) {
+                const AbstractMetaArgument *arg = arguments.at(i);
+                if (arg->argumentName() == "parent_")
+                    hasParentArg = true;
+            }
+//            QString ctor_call = d_function->implementingClass()->name() == "QObject"? "this" : "super";
+            QString ctor_call = "this";
+            if (hasParentArg) {
+                s << INDENT << "bool gc_managed = parent_ is null ? true : false;" << endl
+                  << INDENT << ctor_call << "(__qt_return_value, gc_managed);" << endl;
+            } else {
+                s << INDENT << ctor_call << "(__qt_return_value, true);" << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+            s << INDENT << "super(__qt_return_value);" << endl;
+    }
+    s << INDENT << "}" << endl << endl;
+/* qtd    // Write native constructor
+    if (d_function->jumpTableId() == -1)
+        writePrivateNativeFunction(s, d_function);
+void DGenerator::writeFunctionArguments(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaFunction *d_function,
+                                           int argument_count, uint options)
+    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments = d_function->arguments();
+    if (argument_count == -1)
+        argument_count = arguments.size();
+    for (int i=0; i<argument_count; ++i) {
+        if (!d_function->argumentRemoved(i+1)) {
+            if (i != 0)
+                s << ", ";
+            writeArgument(s, d_function, arguments.at(i), options);
+        }
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeExtraFunctions(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
+    const ComplexTypeEntry *class_type = d_class->typeEntry();
+    Q_ASSERT(class_type);
+    CodeSnipList code_snips = class_type->codeSnips();
+    foreach (const CodeSnip &snip, code_snips) {
+        if ((!d_class->isInterface() && snip.language == TypeSystem::TargetLangCode)
+            || (d_class->isInterface() && snip.language == TypeSystem::Interface)) {
+            s << endl;
+            snip.formattedCode(s, INDENT);
+        }
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeToStringFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
+    bool generate = d_class->hasToStringCapability() && !d_class->hasDefaultToStringFunction();
+    bool core = d_class->package() == QLatin1String("qt.core");
+    bool qevent = false;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *cls = d_class;
+    while (cls) {
+        if (cls->name() == "QEvent") {
+            qevent = true;
+            break;
+        }
+        cls = cls->baseClass();
+    }
+    if (generate || qevent) {
+        if (qevent && core) {
+            s << endl
+              << "    @Override" << endl
+              << "    public String toString() {" << endl
+              << "        return getClass().getSimpleName() + \"(type=\" + type().name() + \")\";" << endl
+              << "    }" << endl;
+        } else {
+            s << endl
+              << "    @Override" << endl
+              << "    public String toString() {" << endl
+              << "        if (nativeId() == 0)" << endl
+              << "            throw new QNoNativeResourcesException(\"Function call on incomplete object of type: \" +getClass().getName());" << endl
+              << "        return __qt_toString(nativeId());" << endl
+              << "    }" << endl
+              << "    native String __qt_toString(long __this_nativeId);" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+void DGenerator::writeCloneFunction(QTextStream &s, const AbstractMetaClass *d_class)
+    s << endl
+      << "    @Override" << endl
+      << "    public " << d_class->name() << " clone() {" << endl
+      << "        if (nativeId() == 0)" << endl
+      << "            throw new QNoNativeResourcesException(\"Function call on incomplete object of type: \" +getClass().getName());" << endl
+      << "        return __qt_clone(nativeId());" << endl
+      << "    }" << endl
+      << "    native " << d_class->name() << " __qt_clone(long __this_nativeId);" << endl;
+ClassFromEntry* ClassFromEntry::m_instance = NULL;
+    foreach (AbstractMetaClass *cls, m_classes) {
+        const ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = cls->typeEntry();
+        classFromEntry[ctype] = cls;
+    }
+AbstractMetaClass* ClassFromEntry::get(const TypeEntry *ctype)
+    if(!m_instance)
+        m_instance = new ClassFromEntry;
+    return m_instance->classFromEntry[ctype];