diff generator/abstractmetalang.h @ 1:e78566595089

initial import
author mandel
date Mon, 11 May 2009 16:01:50 +0000
children eb3b5bbffc8f
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/generator/abstractmetalang.h	Mon May 11 16:01:50 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,968 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of Qt Jambi.
+** * Commercial Usage
+* Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
+* accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
+* Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+* a written agreement between you and Nokia.
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+* Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+* General Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+* Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
+* the packaging of this file.  Please review the following information
+* to ensure GNU General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+* http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/info/GPLv2.html and
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+* exception, Nokia gives you certain additional rights. These rights
+* are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version 1.2, included in
+* the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+* Qt for Windows(R) Licensees
+* As a special exception, Nokia, as the sole copyright holder for Qt
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+* right for the Qt/Eclipse Integration to link to functionality
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+* If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+* contact the sales department at qt-sales@nokia.com.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+#include "codemodel.h"
+#include "typesystem.h"
+#include <QHash>
+#include <QSet>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QTextStream>
+class AbstractMeta;
+class AbstractMetaClass;
+class AbstractMetaField;
+class AbstractMetaFunction;
+class AbstractMetaType;
+class AbstractMetaVariable;
+class AbstractMetaArgument;
+class AbstractMetaEnumValue;
+class AbstractMetaEnum;
+class QPropertySpec;
+typedef QList<AbstractMetaField *> AbstractMetaFieldList;
+typedef QList<AbstractMetaArgument *> AbstractMetaArgumentList;
+typedef QList<AbstractMetaFunction *> AbstractMetaFunctionList;
+class AbstractMetaClassList : public  QList<AbstractMetaClass *>
+    AbstractMetaClass *findClass(const QString &name) const;
+    AbstractMetaEnumValue *findEnumValue(const QString &string) const;
+    AbstractMetaEnum *findEnum(const EnumTypeEntry *entry) const;
+class AbstractMetaAttributes
+    AbstractMetaAttributes() : m_attributes(0) { };
+    enum Attribute {
+        None                        = 0x00000000,
+        Private                     = 0x00000001,
+        Protected                   = 0x00000002,
+        Public                      = 0x00000004,
+        Friendly                    = 0x00000008,
+        Visibility                  = 0x0000000f,
+        Native                      = 0x00000010,
+        Abstract                    = 0x00000020,
+        Static                      = 0x00000040,
+        FinalInTargetLang           = 0x00000080,
+        FinalInCpp                  = 0x00000100,
+        ForceShellImplementation    = 0x00000200,
+        GetterFunction              = 0x00000400,
+        SetterFunction              = 0x00000800,
+        FinalOverload               = 0x00001000,
+        InterfaceFunction           = 0x00002000,
+        PropertyReader              = 0x00004000,
+        PropertyWriter              = 0x00008000,
+        PropertyResetter            = 0x00010000,
+        Fake                        = 0x00020000,
+        Invokable                   = 0x00040000,
+        Final                       = FinalInTargetLang | FinalInCpp
+    };
+    uint attributes() const { return m_attributes; }
+    void setAttributes(uint attributes) { m_attributes = attributes; }
+    uint originalAttributes() const { return m_originalAttributes; }
+    void setOriginalAttributes(uint attributes) { m_originalAttributes = attributes; }
+    uint visibility() const { return m_attributes & Visibility; }
+    void setVisibility(uint visi) { m_attributes = (m_attributes & ~Visibility) | visi; }
+    void operator+=(Attribute attribute) { m_attributes |= attribute; }
+    void operator-=(Attribute attribute) { m_attributes &= ~attribute; }
+    bool isNative() const { return m_attributes & Native; }
+    bool isFinal() const { return (m_attributes & Final) == Final; }
+    bool isFinalInTargetLang() const { return m_attributes & FinalInTargetLang; }
+    bool isFinalInCpp() const { return m_attributes & FinalInCpp; }
+    bool isAbstract() const { return m_attributes & Abstract; }
+    bool isStatic() const { return m_attributes & Static; }
+    bool isForcedShellImplementation() const { return m_attributes & ForceShellImplementation; }
+    bool isInterfaceFunction() const { return m_attributes & InterfaceFunction; }
+    bool isFinalOverload() const { return m_attributes & FinalOverload; }
+    bool isInvokable() const { return m_attributes & Invokable; }
+    bool isPropertyReader() const { return m_attributes & PropertyReader; }
+    bool isPropertyWriter() const { return m_attributes & PropertyWriter; }
+    bool isPropertyResetter() const { return m_attributes & PropertyResetter; }
+    bool isPrivate() const { return m_attributes & Private; }
+    bool isProtected() const { return m_attributes & Protected; }
+    bool isPublic() const { return m_attributes & Public; }
+    bool isFriendly() const { return m_attributes & Friendly; }
+    bool wasPrivate() const { return m_originalAttributes & Private; }
+    bool wasProtected() const { return m_originalAttributes & Protected; }
+    bool wasPublic() const { return m_originalAttributes & Public; }
+    bool wasFriendly() const { return m_originalAttributes & Friendly; }
+    uint m_attributes;
+    uint m_originalAttributes;
+class AbstractMetaType
+    enum TypeUsagePattern {
+        InvalidPattern,
+        PrimitivePattern,
+        FlagsPattern,
+        EnumPattern,
+        ValuePattern,
+        StringPattern,
+        CharPattern,
+        ObjectPattern,
+        QObjectPattern,
+        NativePointerPattern,
+        ContainerPattern,
+        VariantPattern,
+        JObjectWrapperPattern,
+        ArrayPattern,
+        ThreadPattern
+    };
+    AbstractMetaType() :
+        m_type_entry(0),
+        m_array_element_count(0),
+        m_array_element_type(0),
+        m_original_template_type(0),
+        m_pattern(InvalidPattern),
+        m_constant(false),
+        m_reference(false),
+        m_cpp_instantiation(true),
+        m_indirections(0),
+        m_reserved(0)
+    {
+    }
+    QString package() const { return m_type_entry->javaPackage(); }
+    QString name() const { return m_type_entry->targetLangName(); }
+    QString fullName() const { return m_type_entry->qualifiedTargetLangName(); }
+    void setTypeUsagePattern(TypeUsagePattern pattern) { m_pattern = pattern; }
+    TypeUsagePattern typeUsagePattern() const { return m_pattern; }
+    // true when use pattern is container
+    bool hasInstantiations() const { return !m_instantiations.isEmpty(); }
+    void addInstantiation(AbstractMetaType *inst) { m_instantiations << inst; }
+    void setInstantiations(const QList<AbstractMetaType *> &insts) { m_instantiations = insts; }
+    QList<AbstractMetaType *> instantiations() const { return m_instantiations; }
+    void setInstantiationInCpp(bool incpp) { m_cpp_instantiation = incpp; }
+    bool hasInstantiationInCpp() const { return hasInstantiations() && m_cpp_instantiation; }
+    QString minimalSignature() const;
+    // true when the type is a QtJambiObject subclass
+    bool hasNativeId() const;
+    // returns true if the typs is used as a non complex primitive, no & or *'s
+    bool isPrimitive() const { return m_pattern == PrimitivePattern; }
+    // returns true if the type is used as an enum
+    bool isEnum() const { return m_pattern == EnumPattern; }
+    // returns true if the type is used as a QObject *
+    bool isQObject() const { return m_pattern == QObjectPattern; }
+    // returns true if the type is used as an object, e.g. Xxx *
+    bool isObject() const { return m_pattern == ObjectPattern; }
+    // returns true if the type is used as an array, e.g. Xxx[42]
+    bool isArray() const { return m_pattern == ArrayPattern; }
+    // returns true if the type is used as a value type (X or const X &)
+    bool isValue() const { return m_pattern == ValuePattern; }
+    // returns true for more complex types...
+    bool isNativePointer() const { return m_pattern == NativePointerPattern; }
+    // returns true if the type was originally a QString or const QString & or equivalent for QLatin1String
+    bool isTargetLangString() const { return m_pattern == StringPattern; }
+    // returns true if the type was originally a QChar or const QChar &
+    bool isTargetLangChar() const { return m_pattern == CharPattern; }
+    // return true if the type was originally a QVariant or const QVariant &
+    bool isVariant() const { return m_pattern == VariantPattern; }
+    // return true if the type was originally a JObjectWrapper or const JObjectWrapper &
+    bool isJObjectWrapper() const { return m_pattern == JObjectWrapperPattern; }
+    // returns true if the type was used as a container
+    bool isContainer() const { return m_pattern == ContainerPattern; }
+    // returns true if the type was used as a flag
+    bool isFlags() const { return m_pattern == FlagsPattern; }
+    // returns true if the type was used as a thread
+    bool isThread() const { return m_pattern == ThreadPattern; }
+    bool isConstant() const { return m_constant; }
+    void setConstant(bool constant) { m_constant = constant; }
+    bool isReference() const { return m_reference; }
+    void setReference(bool ref) { m_reference = ref; }
+    // Returns true if the type is to be implemented using Java enums, e.g. not plain ints.
+    bool isTargetLangEnum() const { return isEnum() && !((EnumTypeEntry *) typeEntry())->forceInteger(); }
+    bool isIntegerEnum() const { return isEnum() && !isTargetLangEnum(); }
+    // Returns true if the type is to be implemented using Java QFlags, e.g. not plain ints.
+    bool isTargetLangFlags() const {
+        return isFlags() && !((FlagsTypeEntry *) typeEntry())->forceInteger(); }
+    bool isIntegerFlags() const { return isFlags() && !isTargetLangFlags(); }
+    int actualIndirections() const { return m_indirections + (isReference() ? 1 : 0); }
+    int indirections() const { return m_indirections; }
+    void setIndirections(int indirections) { m_indirections = indirections; }
+    void setArrayElementCount(int n) { m_array_element_count = n; }
+    int arrayElementCount() const { return m_array_element_count; }
+    AbstractMetaType *arrayElementType() const { return m_array_element_type; }
+    void setArrayElementType(AbstractMetaType *t) { m_array_element_type = t; }
+    QString cppSignature() const;
+    AbstractMetaType *copy() const;
+    const TypeEntry *typeEntry() const { return m_type_entry; }
+    void setTypeEntry(const TypeEntry *type) { m_type_entry = type; }
+    void setOriginalTypeDescription(const QString &otd) { m_original_type_description = otd; }
+    QString originalTypeDescription() const { return m_original_type_description; }
+    void setOriginalTemplateType(const AbstractMetaType *type) { m_original_template_type = type; }
+    const AbstractMetaType *originalTemplateType() const { return m_original_template_type; }
+    const TypeEntry *m_type_entry;
+    QList <AbstractMetaType *> m_instantiations;
+    QString m_package;
+    QString m_original_type_description;
+    int m_array_element_count;
+    AbstractMetaType *m_array_element_type;
+    const AbstractMetaType *m_original_template_type;
+    TypeUsagePattern m_pattern;
+    uint m_constant : 1;
+    uint m_reference : 1;
+    uint m_cpp_instantiation : 1;
+    int m_indirections : 4;
+    uint m_reserved : 25; // unused
+class AbstractMetaVariable
+    AbstractMetaVariable() : m_type(0) { }
+    AbstractMetaType *type() const { return m_type; }
+    void setType(AbstractMetaType *type) { m_type = type; }
+    QString name() const { return m_name; }
+    void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+    QString m_name;
+    AbstractMetaType *m_type;
+class AbstractMetaArgument : public AbstractMetaVariable
+    AbstractMetaArgument() : m_argument_index(0) { };
+    QString defaultValueExpression() const { return m_expression; }
+    void setDefaultValueExpression(const QString &expr) { m_expression = expr; }
+    QString originalDefaultValueExpression() const { return m_original_expression; }
+    void setOriginalDefaultValueExpression(const QString &expr) { m_original_expression = expr; }
+    QString toString() const { return type()->name() + " " + AbstractMetaVariable::name() +
+                                           (m_expression.isEmpty() ? "" :  " = " + m_expression); }
+    int argumentIndex() const { return m_argument_index; }
+    void setArgumentIndex(int argIndex) { m_argument_index = argIndex; }
+    QString argumentName() const;
+    QString indexedName() const;
+    AbstractMetaArgument *copy() const;
+    // Just to force people to call argumentName() And indexedName();
+    QString name() const;
+    QString m_expression;
+    QString m_original_expression;
+    int m_argument_index;
+class AbstractMetaField : public AbstractMetaVariable, public AbstractMetaAttributes
+    AbstractMetaField();
+    ~AbstractMetaField();
+    const AbstractMetaClass *enclosingClass() const { return m_class; }
+    void setEnclosingClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_class = cls; }
+    const AbstractMetaFunction *getter() const;
+    const AbstractMetaFunction *setter() const;
+    FieldModificationList modifications() const;
+    AbstractMetaField *copy() const;
+    mutable AbstractMetaFunction *m_getter;
+    mutable AbstractMetaFunction *m_setter;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *m_class;
+class AbstractMetaFunction : public AbstractMetaAttributes
+    enum FunctionType {
+        ConstructorFunction,
+        DestructorFunction,
+        NormalFunction,
+        SignalFunction,
+        EmptyFunction,
+        SlotFunction,
+        GlobalScopeFunction
+    };
+    enum CompareResult {
+        EqualName                   = 0x00000001,
+        EqualArguments              = 0x00000002,
+        EqualAttributes             = 0x00000004,
+        EqualImplementor            = 0x00000008,
+        EqualReturnType             = 0x00000010,
+        EqualDefaultValueOverload   = 0x00000020,
+        EqualModifiedName           = 0x00000040,
+        NameLessThan                = 0x00001000,
+        PrettySimilar               = EqualName | EqualArguments,
+        Equal                       = 0x0000001f,
+        NotEqual                    = 0x00001000
+    };
+    AbstractMetaFunction()
+        : m_function_type(NormalFunction),
+          m_type(0),
+          m_class(0),
+          m_implementing_class(0),
+          m_declaring_class(0),
+          m_interface_class(0),
+          m_property_spec(0),
+          m_constant(false),
+          m_invalid(false),
+          m_jumptable_id(-1),
+          // qtd
+          m_store_result(0)
+    {
+    }
+    ~AbstractMetaFunction();
+    QString name() const { return m_name; }
+    void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+    QString originalName() const { return m_original_name.isEmpty() ? name() : m_original_name; }
+    void setOriginalName(const QString &name) { m_original_name = name; }
+    QString modifiedName() const;
+    QString minimalSignature() const;
+    QStringList possibleIntrospectionCompatibleSignatures() const;
+    QString marshalledName(bool classIsOwner = true) const;
+    // true if one or more of the arguments are of QtJambiObject subclasses
+    bool argumentsHaveNativeId() const
+    {
+        foreach (const AbstractMetaArgument *arg, m_arguments) {
+            if (arg->type()->hasNativeId())
+                return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    bool isModifiedRemoved(int types = TypeSystem::All) const;
+    AbstractMetaType *type() const { return m_type; }
+    void setType(AbstractMetaType *type) { m_type = type; }
+    // The class that has this function as a member.
+    const AbstractMetaClass *ownerClass() const { return m_class; }
+    void setOwnerClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_class = cls; }
+    // The first class in a hierarchy that declares the function
+    const AbstractMetaClass *declaringClass() const { return m_declaring_class; }
+    void setDeclaringClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_declaring_class = cls; }
+    // The class that actually implements this function
+    const AbstractMetaClass *implementingClass() const { return m_implementing_class; }
+    void setImplementingClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_implementing_class = cls; }
+    bool needsCallThrough() const;
+    AbstractMetaArgumentList arguments() const { return m_arguments; }
+    void setArguments(const AbstractMetaArgumentList &arguments) { m_arguments = arguments; }
+    void addArgument(AbstractMetaArgument *argument) { m_arguments << argument; }
+    int actualMinimumArgumentCount() const;
+    void setInvalid(bool on) { m_invalid = on; }
+    bool isInvalid() const { return m_invalid; }
+    bool isDeprecated() const;
+    bool isDestructor() const { return functionType() == DestructorFunction; }
+    bool isConstructor() const { return functionType() == ConstructorFunction; }
+    bool isNormal() const { return functionType() == NormalFunction || isSlot() || isInGlobalScope(); }
+    bool isInGlobalScope() const { return functionType() == GlobalScopeFunction; }
+    bool isSignal() const { return functionType() == SignalFunction; }
+    bool isSlot() const { return functionType() == SlotFunction; }
+    bool isEmptyFunction() const { return functionType() == EmptyFunction; }
+    FunctionType functionType() const { return m_function_type; }
+    void setFunctionType(FunctionType type) { m_function_type = type; }
+    QStringList introspectionCompatibleSignatures(const QStringList &resolvedArguments = QStringList()) const;
+    QString signature() const;
+    QString targetLangSignature(bool minimal = false) const;
+    bool shouldReturnThisObject() const { return QLatin1String("this") == argumentReplaced(0); }
+    bool isConstant() const { return m_constant; }
+    void setConstant(bool constant) { m_constant = constant; }
+    QString toString() const { return m_name; }
+    uint compareTo(const AbstractMetaFunction *other) const;
+    bool operator <(const AbstractMetaFunction &a) const;
+    AbstractMetaFunction *copy() const;
+    QString replacedDefaultExpression(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int idx) const;
+    bool removedDefaultExpression(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int idx) const;
+    QString conversionRule(TypeSystem::Language language, int idx) const;
+    QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int idx = -2) const;
+    bool nullPointersDisabled(const AbstractMetaClass *cls = 0, int argument_idx = 0) const;
+    QString nullPointerDefaultValue(const AbstractMetaClass *cls = 0, int argument_idx = 0) const;
+    bool resetObjectAfterUse(int argument_idx) const;
+    // Returns whether garbage collection is disabled for the argument in any context
+    bool disabledGarbageCollection(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, int key) const;
+    // Returns the ownership rules for the given argument in the given context
+    TypeSystem::Ownership ownership(const AbstractMetaClass *cls, TypeSystem::Language language, int idx) const;
+    bool isVirtualSlot() const;
+    QString typeReplaced(int argument_index) const;
+    bool isRemovedFromAllLanguages(const AbstractMetaClass *) const;
+    bool isRemovedFrom(const AbstractMetaClass *, TypeSystem::Language language) const;
+    bool argumentRemoved(int) const;
+    QString argumentReplaced(int key) const;
+    bool needsSuppressUncheckedWarning() const;
+    bool hasModifications(const AbstractMetaClass *implementor) const;
+    FunctionModificationList modifications(const AbstractMetaClass *implementor) const;
+    // If this function stems from an interface, this returns the
+    // interface that declares it.
+    const AbstractMetaClass *interfaceClass() const { return m_interface_class; }
+    void setInterfaceClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cl) { m_interface_class = cl; }
+    void setPropertySpec(QPropertySpec *spec) { m_property_spec = spec; }
+    QPropertySpec *propertySpec() const { return m_property_spec; }
+    int jumpTableId() const { return m_jumptable_id; }
+    void setJumpTableId(int id) { m_jumptable_id = id; }
+    // qtd
+    bool storeResult() const;
+    void checkStoreResult();
+    int m_store_result;
+    QString m_name;
+    QString m_original_name;
+    mutable QString m_cached_minimal_signature;
+    mutable QString m_cached_modified_name;
+    FunctionType m_function_type;
+    AbstractMetaType *m_type;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *m_class;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *m_implementing_class;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *m_declaring_class;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *m_interface_class;
+    QPropertySpec *m_property_spec;
+    AbstractMetaArgumentList m_arguments;
+    uint m_constant                 : 1;
+    uint m_invalid                  : 1;
+    int m_jumptable_id;
+class AbstractMetaEnumValue
+    AbstractMetaEnumValue()
+        : m_value_set(false), m_value(0)
+    {
+    }
+    int value() const { return m_value; }
+    void setValue(int value) { m_value_set = true; m_value = value; }
+    QString stringValue() const { return m_string_value; }
+    void setStringValue(const QString &v) { m_string_value = v; }
+    QString name() const { return m_name; }
+    void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+    bool isValueSet() const { return m_value_set; }
+    QString m_name;
+    QString m_string_value;
+    bool m_value_set;
+    int m_value;
+class AbstractMetaEnumValueList : public QList<AbstractMetaEnumValue *>
+    AbstractMetaEnumValue *find(const QString &name) const;
+class AbstractMetaEnum : public AbstractMetaAttributes
+    AbstractMetaEnum() : m_type_entry(0), m_class(0), m_has_qenums_declaration(false) {}
+    AbstractMetaEnumValueList values() const { return m_enum_values; }
+    void addEnumValue(AbstractMetaEnumValue *enumValue) { m_enum_values << enumValue; }
+    QString name() const { return m_type_entry->targetLangName(); }
+    QString qualifier() const { return m_type_entry->javaQualifier(); }
+    QString package() const { return m_type_entry->javaPackage(); }
+    QString fullName() const { return package() + "." + qualifier()  + "." + name(); }
+    // Has the enum been declared inside a Q_ENUMS() macro in its enclosing class?
+    void setHasQEnumsDeclaration(bool on) { m_has_qenums_declaration = on; }
+    bool hasQEnumsDeclaration() const { return m_has_qenums_declaration; }
+    EnumTypeEntry *typeEntry() const { return m_type_entry; }
+    void setTypeEntry(EnumTypeEntry *entry) { m_type_entry = entry; }
+    AbstractMetaClass *enclosingClass() const { return m_class; }
+    void setEnclosingClass(AbstractMetaClass *c) { m_class = c; }
+    AbstractMetaEnumValueList m_enum_values;
+    EnumTypeEntry *m_type_entry;
+    AbstractMetaClass *m_class;
+    uint m_has_qenums_declaration : 1;
+    uint m_reserved : 31;
+typedef QList<AbstractMetaEnum *> AbstractMetaEnumList;
+class AbstractMetaClass : public AbstractMetaAttributes
+    enum FunctionQueryOption {
+        Constructors            = 0x000001,   // Only constructors
+        //Destructors             = 0x000002,   // Only destructors. Not included in class.
+        VirtualFunctions        = 0x000004,   // Only virtual functions (virtual in both TargetLang and C++)
+        FinalInTargetLangFunctions    = 0x000008,   // Only functions that are non-virtual in TargetLang
+        FinalInCppFunctions     = 0x000010,   // Only functions that are non-virtual in C++
+        ClassImplements         = 0x000020,   // Only functions implemented by the current class
+        Inconsistent            = 0x000040,   // Only inconsistent functions (inconsistent virtualness in TargetLang/C++)
+        StaticFunctions         = 0x000080,   // Only static functions
+        Signals                 = 0x000100,   // Only signals
+        NormalFunctions         = 0x000200,   // Only functions that aren't signals
+        Visible                 = 0x000400,   // Only public and protected functions
+        ForcedShellFunctions    = 0x000800,   // Only functions that are overridden to be implemented in the shell class
+        WasPublic               = 0x001000,   // Only functions that were originally public
+        WasProtected            = 0x002000,   // Only functions that were originally protected
+        NonStaticFunctions      = 0x004000,   // No static functions
+        Empty                   = 0x008000,   // Empty overrides of abstract functions
+        Invisible               = 0x010000,   // Only private functions
+        VirtualInCppFunctions   = 0x020000,   // Only functions that are virtual in C++
+        NonEmptyFunctions       = 0x040000,   // Only functions with JNI implementations
+        VirtualInTargetLangFunctions  = 0x080000,   // Only functions which are virtual in TargetLang
+        AbstractFunctions       = 0x100000,   // Only abstract functions
+        WasVisible              = 0x200000,   // Only functions that were public or protected in the original code
+        NotRemovedFromTargetLang      = 0x400000,   // Only functions that have not been removed from TargetLang
+        NotRemovedFromShell     = 0x800000,    // Only functions that have not been removed from the shell class
+        VirtualSlots           = 0x1000000     // Only functions that are set as virtual slots in the type system
+    };
+    AbstractMetaClass()
+        : m_namespace(false),
+          m_qobject(false),
+          m_has_virtuals(false),
+          m_has_nonpublic(false),
+          m_has_virtual_slots(false),
+          m_has_nonprivateconstructor(false),
+          m_functions_fixed(false),
+          m_has_public_destructor(true),
+          m_force_shell_class(false),
+          m_has_hash_function(false),
+          m_has_equals_operator(false),
+          m_has_clone_operator(false),
+          m_is_type_alias(false),
+          m_enclosing_class(0),
+          m_base_class(0),
+          m_template_base_class(0),
+          m_extracted_interface(0),
+          m_primary_interface_implementor(0),
+          m_type_entry(0),
+          m_qDebug_stream_function(0)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual ~AbstractMetaClass();
+    AbstractMetaClass *extractInterface();
+    void fixFunctions();
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList functions() const { return m_functions; }
+    void setFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &functions);
+    void addFunction(AbstractMetaFunction *function);
+    bool hasFunction(const AbstractMetaFunction *f) const;
+    bool hasFunction(const QString &str) const;
+    bool hasSignal(const AbstractMetaFunction *f) const;
+    bool hasConstructors() const;
+    void addDefaultConstructor();
+    bool hasNonPrivateConstructor() const { return m_has_nonprivateconstructor; }
+    void setHasNonPrivateConstructor(bool on) { m_has_nonprivateconstructor = on; }
+    bool hasPublicDestructor() const { return m_has_public_destructor; }
+    void setHasPublicDestructor(bool on) { m_has_public_destructor = on; }
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList queryFunctionsByName(const QString &name) const;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList queryFunctions(uint query) const;
+    inline AbstractMetaFunctionList allVirtualFunctions() const;
+    inline AbstractMetaFunctionList allFinalFunctions() const;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList functionsInTargetLang() const;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList functionsInShellClass() const;
+    inline AbstractMetaFunctionList cppInconsistentFunctions() const;
+    inline AbstractMetaFunctionList cppSignalFunctions() const;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList publicOverrideFunctions() const;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualOverrideFunctions() const;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList virtualFunctions() const;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList nonVirtualShellFunctions() const;
+    AbstractMetaFieldList fields() const { return m_fields; }
+    void setFields(const AbstractMetaFieldList &fields) { m_fields = fields; }
+    void addField(AbstractMetaField *field) { m_fields << field; }
+    AbstractMetaEnumList enums() const { return m_enums; }
+    void setEnums(const AbstractMetaEnumList &enums) { m_enums = enums; }
+    void addEnum(AbstractMetaEnum *e) { m_enums << e; }
+    AbstractMetaEnum *findEnum(const QString &enumName);
+    AbstractMetaEnum *findEnumForValue(const QString &enumName);
+    AbstractMetaEnumValue *findEnumValue(const QString &enumName, AbstractMetaEnum *meta_enum);
+    AbstractMetaClassList interfaces() const { return m_interfaces; }
+    void addInterface(AbstractMetaClass *interface);
+    void setInterfaces(const AbstractMetaClassList &interface);
+    QString fullName() const { return package() + "." + name(); }
+    QString name() const;
+    QString baseClassName() const { return m_base_class ? m_base_class->name() : QString(); }
+    AbstractMetaClass *baseClass() const { return m_base_class; }
+    void setBaseClass(AbstractMetaClass *base_class) { m_base_class = base_class; }
+    const AbstractMetaClass *enclosingClass() const { return m_enclosing_class; }
+    void setEnclosingClass(AbstractMetaClass *cl) { m_enclosing_class = cl; }
+    QString package() const { return m_type_entry->javaPackage(); }
+    bool isInterface() const { return m_type_entry->isInterface(); }
+    bool isNamespace() const { return m_type_entry->isNamespace(); }
+    bool isQObject() const { return m_type_entry->isQObject(); }
+    bool isQtNamespace() const { return isNamespace() && name() == "Qt"; }
+    QString qualifiedCppName() const { return m_type_entry->qualifiedCppName(); }
+    bool hasInconsistentFunctions() const;
+    bool hasSignals() const;
+    bool inheritsFrom(const AbstractMetaClass *other) const;
+    void setForceShellClass(bool on) { m_force_shell_class = on; }
+    bool generateShellClass() const;
+    bool hasVirtualSlots() const { return m_has_virtual_slots; }
+    bool hasVirtualFunctions() const { return !isFinal() && m_has_virtuals; }
+    bool hasProtectedFunctions() const;
+    QList<TypeEntry *> templateArguments() const { return m_template_args; }
+    void setTemplateArguments(const QList<TypeEntry *> &args) { m_template_args = args; }
+    bool hasFieldAccessors() const;
+    // only valid during metajavabuilder's run
+    QStringList baseClassNames() const { return m_base_class_names; }
+    void setBaseClassNames(const QStringList &names) { m_base_class_names = names; }
+    AbstractMetaClass *primaryInterfaceImplementor() const { return m_primary_interface_implementor; }
+    void setPrimaryInterfaceImplementor(AbstractMetaClass *cl) { m_primary_interface_implementor = cl; }
+    const ComplexTypeEntry *typeEntry() const { return m_type_entry; }
+    ComplexTypeEntry *typeEntry() { return m_type_entry; }
+    void setTypeEntry(ComplexTypeEntry *type) { m_type_entry = type; }
+    void setHasHashFunction(bool on) { m_has_hash_function = on; }
+    bool hasHashFunction() const { return m_has_hash_function; }
+    void setToStringCapability(FunctionModelItem fun) { m_qDebug_stream_function= fun; }
+    FunctionModelItem hasToStringCapability() const { return m_qDebug_stream_function; }
+    virtual bool hasDefaultToStringFunction() const;
+    void setHasEqualsOperator(bool on) { m_has_equals_operator = on; }
+    bool hasEqualsOperator() const { return m_has_equals_operator; }
+    void setHasCloneOperator(bool on) { m_has_clone_operator = on; }
+    bool hasCloneOperator() const { return m_has_clone_operator; }
+    void addPropertySpec(QPropertySpec *spec) { m_property_specs << spec; }
+    QList<QPropertySpec *> propertySpecs() const { return m_property_specs; }
+    QPropertySpec *propertySpecForRead(const QString &name) const;
+    QPropertySpec *propertySpecForWrite(const QString &name) const;
+    QPropertySpec *propertySpecForReset(const QString &name) const;
+    QList<ReferenceCount> referenceCounts() const;
+    void setEqualsFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_equals_functions = lst; }
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList equalsFunctions() const { return m_equals_functions; }
+    void setNotEqualsFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_nequals_functions = lst; }
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList notEqualsFunctions() const { return m_nequals_functions; }
+    void setLessThanFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_less_than_functions = lst; }
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList lessThanFunctions() const { return m_less_than_functions; }
+    void setGreaterThanFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_greater_than_functions = lst; }
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList greaterThanFunctions() const { return m_greater_than_functions; }
+    void setLessThanEqFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_less_than_eq_functions = lst; }
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList lessThanEqFunctions() const { return m_less_than_eq_functions; }
+    void setGreaterThanEqFunctions(const AbstractMetaFunctionList &lst) { m_greater_than_eq_functions = lst; }
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList greaterThanEqFunctions() const { return m_greater_than_eq_functions; }
+    void sortFunctions();
+    const AbstractMetaClass *templateBaseClass() const { return m_template_base_class; }
+    void setTemplateBaseClass(const AbstractMetaClass *cls) { m_template_base_class = cls; }
+    void setTypeAlias(bool typeAlias) { m_is_type_alias = typeAlias; }
+    bool isTypeAlias() const { return m_is_type_alias; }
+    uint m_namespace : 1;
+    uint m_qobject : 1;
+    uint m_has_virtuals : 1;
+    uint m_has_nonpublic : 1;
+    uint m_has_virtual_slots : 1;
+    uint m_has_nonprivateconstructor : 1;
+    uint m_functions_fixed : 1;
+    uint m_has_public_destructor : 1;
+    uint m_force_shell_class : 1;
+    uint m_has_hash_function : 1;
+    uint m_has_equals_operator : 1;
+    uint m_has_clone_operator :1;
+    uint m_is_type_alias : 1;
+    uint m_reserved : 19;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *m_enclosing_class;
+    AbstractMetaClass *m_base_class;
+    const AbstractMetaClass *m_template_base_class;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList m_functions;
+    AbstractMetaFieldList m_fields;
+    AbstractMetaEnumList m_enums;
+    AbstractMetaClassList m_interfaces;
+    AbstractMetaClass *m_extracted_interface;
+    AbstractMetaClass *m_primary_interface_implementor;
+    QList<QPropertySpec *> m_property_specs;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList m_equals_functions;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList m_nequals_functions;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList m_less_than_functions;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList m_greater_than_functions;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList m_less_than_eq_functions;
+    AbstractMetaFunctionList m_greater_than_eq_functions;
+    QStringList m_base_class_names;
+    QList<TypeEntry *> m_template_args;
+    ComplexTypeEntry *m_type_entry;
+    FunctionModelItem m_qDebug_stream_function;
+    // qtd2 hack
+    friend class DGenerator;
+class QPropertySpec {
+    QPropertySpec(const TypeEntry *type)
+        : m_type(type),
+          m_index(-1)
+    {
+    }
+    const TypeEntry *type() const { return m_type; }
+    QString name() const { return m_name; }
+    void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+    QString read() const { return m_read; }
+    void setRead(const QString &read) { m_read = read; }
+    QString write() const { return m_write; }
+    void setWrite(const QString &write) { m_write = write; }
+    QString designable() const { return m_designable; }
+    void setDesignable(const QString &designable) { m_designable = designable; }
+    QString reset() const { return m_reset; }
+    void setReset(const QString &reset) { m_reset = reset; }
+    int index() const { return m_index; }
+    void setIndex(int index) { m_index = index; }
+    QString m_name;
+    QString m_read;
+    QString m_write;
+    QString m_designable;
+    QString m_reset;
+    const TypeEntry *m_type;
+    int m_index;
+// qtd
+class ArgumentReplace
+    QHash<QString, QString> data;
+    static ArgumentReplace *m_instance;
+    ArgumentReplace();
+    static void init();
+    static QString translate(QString arg);
+inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::allVirtualFunctions() const
+    return queryFunctions(VirtualFunctions
+                          | NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::allFinalFunctions() const
+    return queryFunctions(FinalInTargetLangFunctions
+                          | FinalInCppFunctions
+                          | NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::cppInconsistentFunctions() const
+    return queryFunctions(Inconsistent
+                          | NormalFunctions
+                          | Visible
+                          | NotRemovedFromTargetLang);
+inline AbstractMetaFunctionList AbstractMetaClass::cppSignalFunctions() const
+    return queryFunctions(Signals
+                          | Visible
+                          | NotRemovedFromTargetLang);