diff demos/browser/browsermainwindow.d @ 45:71b382c10ef6

add coarse and incomplete QT browser port
author mandel
date Sun, 17 May 2009 18:49:59 +0000
children 7bfd46c330dc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/demos/browser/browsermainwindow.d	Sun May 17 18:49:59 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1073 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the demonstration applications of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial Usage
+** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and Nokia.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain
+** additional rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL
+** Exception version 1.0, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this
+** package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
+** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** contact the sales department at qt-sales@nokia.com.
+import QtGui.QMainWindow;
+import QtGui.QIcon;
+import QtCore.QUrl;
+import browsermainwindow;
+import autosaver;
+import bookmarks;
+import browserapplication;
+import chasewidget;
+import downloadmanager;
+import history;
+import settings;
+import tabwidget;
+import toolbarsearch;
+import ui_passworddialog;
+import webview;
+import QtCore.QSettings;
+import QtGui.QDesktopWidget;
+import QtGui.QFileDialog;
+import QtGui.QPlainTextEdit;
+import QtGui.QPrintDialog;
+import QtGui.QPrintPreviewDialog;
+import QtGui.QPrinter;
+import QtGui.QMenuBar;
+import QtGui.QMessageBox;
+import QtGui.QStatusBar;
+import QtGui.QToolBar;
+import QtGui.QInputDialog;
+import QtWebKit.QWebFrame;
+import QtWebKit.QWebHistory;
+import QtCore.QDebug;
+class AutoSaver;
+class BookmarksToolBar;
+class ChaseWidget;
+class QWebFrame;
+class TabWidget;
+class ToolbarSearch;
+class WebView;
+    The MainWindow of the Browser Application.
+    Handles the tab widget and all the actions
+ */
+class BrowserMainWindow : public QMainWindow {
+static const qint32 BrowserMainWindowMagic = 0xba;
+    this(QWidget *parent = null, Qt.WindowFlags flags = 0);
+	super(parent, flags);
+	m_tabWidget = new TabWidget(this);
+	m_autoSaver = new AutoSaver(this);
+	m_historyBack = 0;
+	m_historyForward = 0;
+	m_stop = 0;
+	m_reload = 0;
+    setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
+    statusBar().setSizeGripEnabled(true);
+    setupMenu();
+    setupToolBar();
+    QWidget *centralWidget = new QWidget(this);
+    BookmarksModel *boomarksModel = BrowserApplication::bookmarksManager().bookmarksModel();
+    m_bookmarksToolbar = new BookmarksToolBar(boomarksModel, this);
+    connect(m_bookmarksToolbar, SIGNAL(openUrl(const QUrl&)),
+            m_tabWidget, SLOT(loadUrlInCurrentTab(const QUrl&)));
+    connect(m_bookmarksToolbar.toggleViewAction(), SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+            this, SLOT(updateBookmarksToolbarActionText(bool)));
+    QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
+    layout.setSpacing(0);
+    layout.setMargin(0);
+    layout.addWidget(m_bookmarksToolbar);
+    layout.addWidget(new QWidget); // <- OS X tab widget style bug
+} else {
+    addToolBarBreak();
+    addToolBar(m_bookmarksToolbar);
+    layout.addWidget(m_tabWidget);
+    centralWidget.setLayout(layout);
+	setCentralWidget(centralWidget);
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(loadPage(const QString &)),
+        this, SLOT(loadPage(const QString &)));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(setCurrentTitle(const QString &)),
+        this, SLOT(slotUpdateWindowTitle(const QString &)));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(showStatusBarMessage(const QString&)),
+            statusBar(), SLOT(showMessage(const QString&)));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(linkHovered(const QString&)),
+            statusBar(), SLOT(showMessage(const QString&)));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)),
+            this, SLOT(slotLoadProgress(int)));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabsChanged()),
+            m_autoSaver, SLOT(changeOccurred()));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(geometryChangeRequested(const QRect &)),
+            this, SLOT(geometryChangeRequested(const QRect &)));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(printRequested(QWebFrame *)),
+            this, SLOT(printRequested(QWebFrame *)));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(menuBarVisibilityChangeRequested(bool)),
+            menuBar(), SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(statusBarVisibilityChangeRequested(bool)),
+            statusBar(), SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(toolBarVisibilityChangeRequested(bool)),
+            m_navigationBar, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(toolBarVisibilityChangeRequested(bool)),
+            m_bookmarksToolbar, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
+version(Q_WS_MAC) {
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(lastTabClosed()),
+            this, SLOT(close()));
+} else {
+    connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(lastTabClosed()),
+            m_tabWidget, SLOT(newTab()));
+    slotUpdateWindowTitle();
+    loadDefaultState();
+    m_tabWidget.newTab();
+    int size = m_tabWidget.lineEditStack().sizeHint().height();
+    m_navigationBar.setIconSize(QSize(size, size));
+   ~this()
+    m_autoSaver.changeOccurred();
+    m_autoSaver.saveIfNeccessary();
+QSize sizeHint()
+    QRect desktopRect = QApplication::desktop().screenGeometry();
+    QSize size = desktopRect.size() * qreal(0.9);
+    return size;
+static QUrl guessUrlFromString(const QString &string)
+    QString urlStr = string.trimmed();
+    QRegExp test(QLatin1String("^[a-zA-Z]+\\:.*"));
+    // Check if it looks like a qualified URL. Try parsing it and see.
+    bool hasSchema = test.exactMatch(urlStr);
+    if (hasSchema) {
+        QUrl url = QUrl::fromEncoded(urlStr.toUtf8(), QUrl::TolerantMode);
+        if (url.isValid())
+            return url;
+    }
+    // Might be a file.
+    if (QFile::exists(urlStr)) {
+        QFileInfo info(urlStr);
+        return QUrl::fromLocalFile(info.absoluteFilePath());
+    }
+    // Might be a shorturl - try to detect the schema.
+    if (!hasSchema) {
+        int dotIndex = urlStr.indexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
+        if (dotIndex != -1) {
+            QString prefix = urlStr.left(dotIndex).toLower();
+            QByteArray schema = (prefix == QLatin1String("ftp")) ? prefix.toLatin1() : "http";
+            QUrl url =
+                QUrl::fromEncoded(schema + "://" + urlStr.toUtf8(), QUrl::TolerantMode);
+            if (url.isValid())
+                return url;
+        }
+    }
+    // Fall back to QUrl's own tolerant parser.
+    QUrl url = QUrl::fromEncoded(string.toUtf8(), QUrl::TolerantMode);
+    // finally for cases where the user just types in a hostname add http
+    if (url.scheme().isEmpty())
+        url = QUrl::fromEncoded("http://" + string.toUtf8(), QUrl::TolerantMode);
+    return url;
+TabWidget* tabWidget()
+    return m_tabWidget;
+WebView* currentTab()
+    return m_tabWidget.currentWebView();
+QByteArray saveState(bool withTabs)
+    int version = 2;
+    QByteArray data;
+    QDataStream stream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+    stream << qint32(BrowserMainWindowMagic);
+    stream << qint32(version);
+    stream << size();
+    stream << !m_navigationBar.isHidden();
+    stream << !m_bookmarksToolbar.isHidden();
+    stream << !statusBar().isHidden();
+    if (withTabs)
+        stream << tabWidget().saveState();
+    else
+        stream << QByteArray();
+    return data;
+    bool restoreState(const QByteArray &state)
+    int version = 2;
+    QByteArray sd = state;
+    QDataStream stream(&sd, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+    if (stream.atEnd())
+        return false;
+    qint32 marker;
+    qint32 v;
+    stream >> marker;
+    stream >> v;
+    if (marker != BrowserMainWindowMagic || v != version)
+        return false;
+    QSize size;
+    bool showToolbar;
+    bool showBookmarksBar;
+    bool showStatusbar;
+    QByteArray tabState;
+    stream >> size;
+    stream >> showToolbar;
+    stream >> showBookmarksBar;
+    stream >> showStatusbar;
+    stream >> tabState;
+    resize(size);
+    m_navigationBar.setVisible(showToolbar);
+    updateToolbarActionText(showToolbar);
+    m_bookmarksToolbar.setVisible(showBookmarksBar);
+    updateBookmarksToolbarActionText(showBookmarksBar);
+    statusBar().setVisible(showStatusbar);
+    updateStatusbarActionText(showStatusbar);
+    if (!tabWidget().restoreState(tabState))
+        return false;
+    return true;
+public slots:
+void loadPage(const QString &page)
+    QUrl url = guessUrlFromString(page);
+    loadUrl(url);
+void slotHome()
+    QSettings settings;
+    settings.beginGroup(QLatin1String("MainWindow"));
+    QString home = settings.value(QLatin1String("home"), QLatin1String("http://qtsoftware.com/")).toString();
+    loadPage(home);
+    void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event);
+    if (m_tabWidget.count() > 1) {
+        int ret = QMessageBox.warning(this, QString(),
+                           tr("Are you sure you want to close the window?"
+                              "  There are %1 tab open").arg(m_tabWidget.count()),
+                           QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No,
+                           QMessageBox.No);
+        if (ret == QMessageBox.No) {
+            event.ignore();
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    event.accept();
+    deleteLater();
+private slots:
+void save()
+    BrowserApplication::instance().saveSession();
+    QSettings settings;
+    settings.beginGroup(QLatin1String("BrowserMainWindow"));
+    QByteArray data = saveState(false);
+    settings.setValue(QLatin1String("defaultState"), data);
+    settings.endGroup();
+void slotLoadProgress(int progress)
+    if (progress < 100 && progress > 0) {
+        m_chaseWidget.setAnimated(true);
+        disconnect(m_stopReload, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_reload, SLOT(trigger()));
+        if (m_stopIcon.isNull())
+            m_stopIcon = style().standardIcon(QStyle::SP_BrowserStop);
+        m_stopReload.setIcon(m_stopIcon);
+        connect(m_stopReload, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_stop, SLOT(trigger()));
+        m_stopReload.setToolTip(tr("Stop loading the current page"));
+    } else {
+        m_chaseWidget.setAnimated(false);
+        disconnect(m_stopReload, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_stop, SLOT(trigger()));
+        m_stopReload.setIcon(m_reloadIcon);
+        connect(m_stopReload, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_reload, SLOT(trigger()));
+        m_stopReload.setToolTip(tr("Reload the current page"));
+    }
+    void slotUpdateStatusbar(const QString &string);
+    statusBar().showMessage(string, 2000);
+    void slotUpdateWindowTitle(const QString &title = QString())
+    if (title.isEmpty()) {
+        setWindowTitle(tr("Qt Demo Browser"));
+    } else {
+        setWindowTitle(title);
+} else {
+        setWindowTitle(tr("%1 - Qt Demo Browser", "Page title and Browser name").arg(title));
+    }
+    void loadUrl(const QUrl &url);
+    if (!currentTab() || !url.isValid())
+        return;
+    m_tabWidget.currentLineEdit().setText(QString::fromUtf8(url.toEncoded()));
+    m_tabWidget.loadUrlInCurrentTab(url);
+    void slotPreferences()
+    SettingsDialog *s = new SettingsDialog(this);
+    s.show();
+void slotFileNew()
+    BrowserApplication::instance().newMainWindow();
+    BrowserMainWindow *mw = BrowserApplication::instance().mainWindow();
+    mw.slotHome();
+void slotFileOpen()
+    QString file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Web Resource"), QString(),
+            tr("Web Resources (*.html *.htm *.svg *.png *.gif *.svgz);;All files (*.*)"));
+    if (file.isEmpty())
+        return;
+    loadPage(file);
+    void slotFilePrintPreview();
+	{
+    if (!currentTab())
+        return;
+    QPrintPreviewDialog *dialog = new QPrintPreviewDialog(this);
+    connect(dialog, SIGNAL(paintRequested(QPrinter *)),
+            currentTab(), SLOT(print(QPrinter *)));
+    dialog.exec();
+    void slotFilePrint()
+    if (!currentTab())
+        return;
+    printRequested(currentTab().page().mainFrame());
+    void slotPrivateBrowsing()
+    QWebSettings *settings = QWebSettings::globalSettings();
+    bool pb = settings.testAttribute(QWebSettings::PrivateBrowsingEnabled);
+    if (!pb) {
+        QString title = tr("Are you sure you want to turn on private browsing?");
+        QString text = tr("<b>%1</b><br><br>When private browsing in turned on,"
+            " webpages are not added to the history,"
+            " items are automatically removed from the Downloads window," \
+            " new cookies are not stored, current cookies can't be accessed," \
+            " site icons wont be stored, session wont be saved, " \
+            " and searches are not addded to the pop-up menu in the Google search box." \
+            "  Until you close the window, you can still click the Back and Forward buttons" \
+            " to return to the webpages you have opened.").arg(title);
+        QMessageBox.StandardButton button = QMessageBox.question(this, QString(), text,
+                               QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel,
+                               QMessageBox.Ok);
+        if (button == QMessageBox.Ok) {
+            settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings::PrivateBrowsingEnabled, true);
+        }
+    } else {
+        settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings::PrivateBrowsingEnabled, false);
+        QList<BrowserMainWindow*> windows = BrowserApplication::instance().mainWindows();
+        for (int i = 0; i < windows.count(); ++i) {
+            BrowserMainWindow *window = windows.at(i);
+            window.m_lastSearch = QString::null;
+            window.tabWidget().clear();
+        }
+    }
+    void slotFileSaveAs()
+    BrowserApplication::downloadManager().download(currentTab().url(), true);
+    void slotEditFind()
+    if (!currentTab())
+        return;
+    bool ok;
+    QString search = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Find"),
+                                          tr("Text:"), QLineEdit::Normal,
+                                          m_lastSearch, &ok);
+    if (ok && !search.isEmpty()) {
+        m_lastSearch = search;
+        if (!currentTab().findText(m_lastSearch))
+            slotUpdateStatusbar(tr("\"%1\" not found.").arg(m_lastSearch));
+    }
+void slotEditFindNext()
+    if (!currentTab() && !m_lastSearch.isEmpty())
+        return;
+    currentTab().findText(m_lastSearch);
+void slotEditFindPrevious()
+    if (!currentTab() && !m_lastSearch.isEmpty())
+        return;
+    currentTab().findText(m_lastSearch, QWebPage::FindBackward);
+    void slotShowBookmarksDialog();
+    BookmarksDialog *dialog = new BookmarksDialog(this);
+    connect(dialog, SIGNAL(openUrl(const QUrl&)),
+            m_tabWidget, SLOT(loadUrlInCurrentTab(const QUrl&)));
+    dialog.show();
+void slotAddBookmark()
+    WebView *webView = currentTab();
+    QString url = webView.url().toString();
+    QString title = webView.title();
+    AddBookmarkDialog dialog(url, title);
+    dialog.exec();
+void slotViewZoomIn()
+    if (!currentTab())
+        return;
+    currentTab().setZoomFactor(currentTab().zoomFactor() + 0.1);
+void BslotViewZoomOut()
+    if (!currentTab())
+        return;
+    currentTab().setZoomFactor(currentTab().zoomFactor() - 0.1);
+void slotViewResetZoom()
+    if (!currentTab())
+        return;
+    currentTab().setZoomFactor(1.0);
+void slotViewZoomTextOnly(bool enable)
+    if (!currentTab())
+        return;
+    currentTab().page().settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings::ZoomTextOnly, enable);
+    void slotViewToolbar()
+    if (m_navigationBar.isVisible()) {
+        updateToolbarActionText(false);
+        m_navigationBar.close();
+    } else {
+        updateToolbarActionText(true);
+        m_navigationBar.show();
+    }
+    m_autoSaver.changeOccurred();
+    void slotViewBookmarksBar()
+    if (m_bookmarksToolbar.isVisible()) {
+        updateBookmarksToolbarActionText(false);
+        m_bookmarksToolbar.close();
+    } else {
+        updateBookmarksToolbarActionText(true);
+        m_bookmarksToolbar.show();
+    }
+    m_autoSaver.changeOccurred();
+    void slotViewStatusbar()
+    if (statusBar().isVisible()) {
+        updateStatusbarActionText(false);
+        statusBar().close();
+    } else {
+        updateStatusbarActionText(true);
+        statusBar().show();
+    }
+    m_autoSaver.changeOccurred();
+void slotViewPageSource()
+    if (!currentTab())
+        return;
+    QString markup = currentTab().page().mainFrame().toHtml();
+    QPlainTextEdit *view = new QPlainTextEdit(markup);
+    view.setWindowTitle(tr("Page Source of %1").arg(currentTab().title()));
+    view.setMinimumWidth(640);
+    view.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose);
+    view.show();
+void slotViewFullScreen(bool makeFullScreen)
+    if (makeFullScreen) {
+        showFullScreen();
+    } else {
+        if (isMinimized())
+            showMinimized();
+        else if (isMaximized())
+            showMaximized();
+        else showNormal();
+    }
+void slotWebSearch()
+    m_toolbarSearch.lineEdit().selectAll();
+    m_toolbarSearch.lineEdit().setFocus();
+    void slotToggleInspector(bool enable);
+    QWebSettings::globalSettings().setAttribute(QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, enable);
+    if (enable) {
+        int result = QMessageBox.question(this, tr("Web Inspector"),
+                                           tr("The web inspector will only work correctly for pages that were loaded after enabling.\n"
+                                           "Do you want to reload all pages?"),
+                                           QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No);
+        if (result == QMessageBox.Yes) {
+            m_tabWidget.reloadAllTabs();
+        }
+    }
+    void slotAboutApplication()
+    QMessageBox.about(this, tr("About"), tr(
+        "Version %1"
+        "<p>This demo demonstrates Qt's "
+        "webkit facilities in action, providing an example "
+        "browser for you to experiment with.<p>"
+        "<p>QtWebKit is based on the Open Source WebKit Project developed at <a href=\"http://webkit.org/\">http://webkit.org/</a>."
+        ).arg(QCoreApplication::applicationVersion()));
+    void slotDownloadManager()
+    BrowserApplication::downloadManager().show();
+    void slotSelectLineEdit();
+    m_tabWidget.currentLineEdit().selectAll();
+    m_tabWidget.currentLineEdit().setFocus();
+    void slotAboutToShowBackMenu();
+    m_historyBackMenu.clear();
+    if (!currentTab())
+        return;
+    QWebHistory *history = currentTab().history();
+    int historyCount = history.count();
+    for (int i = history.backItems(historyCount).count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+        QWebHistoryItem item = history.backItems(history.count()).at(i);
+        QAction *action = new QAction(this);
+        action.setData(-1*(historyCount-i-1));
+        QIcon icon = BrowserApplication::instance().icon(item.url());
+        action.setIcon(icon);
+        action.setText(item.title());
+        m_historyBackMenu.addAction(action);
+    }
+    void slotAboutToShowForwardMenu();
+    m_historyForwardMenu.clear();
+    if (!currentTab())
+        return;
+    QWebHistory *history = currentTab().history();
+    int historyCount = history.count();
+    for (int i = 0; i < history.forwardItems(history.count()).count(); ++i) {
+        QWebHistoryItem item = history.forwardItems(historyCount).at(i);
+        QAction *action = new QAction(this);
+        action.setData(historyCount-i);
+        QIcon icon = BrowserApplication::instance().icon(item.url());
+        action.setIcon(icon);
+        action.setText(item.title());
+        m_historyForwardMenu.addAction(action);
+    }
+    void slotAboutToShowWindowMenu()
+    m_windowMenu.clear();
+    m_windowMenu.addAction(m_tabWidget.nextTabAction());
+    m_windowMenu.addAction(m_tabWidget.previousTabAction());
+    m_windowMenu.addSeparator();
+    m_windowMenu.addAction(tr("Downloads"), this, SLOT(slotDownloadManager()), QKeySequence(tr("Alt+Ctrl+L", "Download Manager")));
+    m_windowMenu.addSeparator();
+    QList<BrowserMainWindow*> windows = BrowserApplication::instance().mainWindows();
+    for (int i = 0; i < windows.count(); ++i) {
+        BrowserMainWindow *window = windows.at(i);
+        QAction *action = m_windowMenu.addAction(window.windowTitle(), this, SLOT(slotShowWindow()));
+        action.setData(i);
+        action.setCheckable(true);
+        if (window == this)
+            action.setChecked(true);
+    }
+    void slotOpenActionUrl(QAction *action)
+    int offset = action.data().toInt();
+    QWebHistory *history = currentTab().history();
+    if (offset < 0)
+        history.goToItem(history.backItems(-1*offset).first()); // back
+    else if (offset > 0)
+        history.goToItem(history.forwardItems(history.count() - offset + 1).back()); // forward
+ }
+    void slotShowWindow()
+    if (QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender())) {
+        QVariant v = action.data();
+        if (v.canConvert<int>()) {
+            int offset = qvariant_cast<int>(v);
+            QList<BrowserMainWindow*> windows = BrowserApplication::instance().mainWindows();
+            windows.at(offset).activateWindow();
+            windows.at(offset).currentTab().setFocus();
+        }
+    }
+void slotSwapFocus()
+    if (currentTab().hasFocus())
+        m_tabWidget.currentLineEdit().setFocus();
+    else
+        currentTab().setFocus();
+void printRequested(QWebFrame *frame)
+	version(QT_NO_PRINTER)
+	{
+		QPrinter printer;
+		QPrintDialog *dialog = new QPrintDialog(&printer, this);
+		dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Print Document"));
+		if (dialog.exec() != QDialog::Accepted)
+			return;
+		frame.print(&printer);
+	}
+    void geometryChangeRequested(const QRect &geometry)
+    setGeometry(geometry);
+    void updateToolbarActionText(bool visible)
+    m_viewToolbar.setText(!visible ? tr("Show Toolbar") : tr("Hide Toolbar"));
+    void updateBookmarksToolbarActionText(bool visible)
+    m_viewBookmarkBar.setText(!visible ? tr("Show Bookmarks bar") : tr("Hide Bookmarks bar"));
+void loadDefaultState()
+    QSettings settings;
+    settings.beginGroup(QLatin1String("BrowserMainWindow"));
+    QByteArray data = settings.value(QLatin1String("defaultState")).toByteArray();
+    restoreState(data);
+    settings.endGroup();
+    void setupMenu();
+    new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_F6), this, SLOT(slotSwapFocus()));
+    // File
+    QMenu *fileMenu = menuBar().addMenu(tr("&File"));
+    fileMenu.addAction(tr("&New Window"), this, SLOT(slotFileNew()), QKeySequence::New);
+    fileMenu.addAction(m_tabWidget.newTabAction());
+    fileMenu.addAction(tr("&Open File..."), this, SLOT(slotFileOpen()), QKeySequence::Open);
+    fileMenu.addAction(tr("Open &Location..."), this,
+                SLOT(slotSelectLineEdit()), QKeySequence(Qt.ControlModifier + Qt.Key_L));
+    fileMenu.addSeparator();
+    fileMenu.addAction(m_tabWidget.closeTabAction());
+    fileMenu.addSeparator();
+    fileMenu.addAction(tr("&Save As..."), this,
+                SLOT(slotFileSaveAs()), QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Save));
+    fileMenu.addSeparator();
+    BookmarksManager *bookmarksManager = BrowserApplication::bookmarksManager();
+    fileMenu.addAction(tr("&Import Bookmarks..."), bookmarksManager, SLOT(importBookmarks()));
+    fileMenu.addAction(tr("&Export Bookmarks..."), bookmarksManager, SLOT(exportBookmarks()));
+    fileMenu.addSeparator();
+    fileMenu.addAction(tr("P&rint Preview..."), this, SLOT(slotFilePrintPreview()));
+    fileMenu.addAction(tr("&Print..."), this, SLOT(slotFilePrint()), QKeySequence::Print);
+    fileMenu.addSeparator();
+    QAction *action = fileMenu.addAction(tr("Private &Browsing..."), this, SLOT(slotPrivateBrowsing()));
+    action.setCheckable(true);
+    fileMenu.addSeparator();
+version(Q_WS_MAC) {
+    fileMenu.addAction(tr("&Quit"), BrowserApplication::instance(), SLOT(quitBrowser()), QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_Q));
+} else {
+    fileMenu.addAction(tr("&Quit"), this, SLOT(close()), QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_Q));
+    // Edit
+    QMenu *editMenu = menuBar().addMenu(tr("&Edit"));
+    QAction *m_undo = editMenu.addAction(tr("&Undo"));
+    m_undo.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Undo);
+    m_tabWidget.addWebAction(m_undo, QWebPage::Undo);
+    QAction *m_redo = editMenu.addAction(tr("&Redo"));
+    m_redo.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Redo);
+    m_tabWidget.addWebAction(m_redo, QWebPage::Redo);
+    editMenu.addSeparator();
+    QAction *m_cut = editMenu.addAction(tr("Cu&t"));
+    m_cut.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Cut);
+    m_tabWidget.addWebAction(m_cut, QWebPage::Cut);
+    QAction *m_copy = editMenu.addAction(tr("&Copy"));
+    m_copy.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Copy);
+    m_tabWidget.addWebAction(m_copy, QWebPage::Copy);
+    QAction *m_paste = editMenu.addAction(tr("&Paste"));
+    m_paste.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Paste);
+    m_tabWidget.addWebAction(m_paste, QWebPage::Paste);
+    editMenu.addSeparator();
+    QAction *m_find = editMenu.addAction(tr("&Find"));
+    m_find.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Find);
+    connect(m_find, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotEditFind()));
+    new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Key_Slash), this, SLOT(slotEditFind()));
+    QAction *m_findNext = editMenu.addAction(tr("&Find Next"));
+    m_findNext.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::FindNext);
+    connect(m_findNext, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotEditFindNext()));
+    QAction *m_findPrevious = editMenu.addAction(tr("&Find Previous"));
+    m_findPrevious.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::FindPrevious);
+    connect(m_findPrevious, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotEditFindPrevious()));
+    editMenu.addSeparator();
+    editMenu.addAction(tr("&Preferences"), this, SLOT(slotPreferences()), tr("Ctrl+,"));
+    // View
+    QMenu *viewMenu = menuBar().addMenu(tr("&View"));
+    m_viewBookmarkBar = new QAction(this);
+    updateBookmarksToolbarActionText(true);
+    m_viewBookmarkBar.setShortcut(tr("Shift+Ctrl+B"));
+    connect(m_viewBookmarkBar, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotViewBookmarksBar()));
+    viewMenu.addAction(m_viewBookmarkBar);
+    m_viewToolbar = new QAction(this);
+    updateToolbarActionText(true);
+    m_viewToolbar.setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+|"));
+    connect(m_viewToolbar, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotViewToolbar()));
+    viewMenu.addAction(m_viewToolbar);
+    m_viewStatusbar = new QAction(this);
+    updateStatusbarActionText(true);
+    m_viewStatusbar.setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+/"));
+    connect(m_viewStatusbar, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotViewStatusbar()));
+    viewMenu.addAction(m_viewStatusbar);
+    viewMenu.addSeparator();
+    m_stop = viewMenu.addAction(tr("&Stop"));
+    QList<QKeySequence> shortcuts;
+    shortcuts.append(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_Period));
+    shortcuts.append(Qt.Key_Escape);
+    m_stop.setShortcuts(shortcuts);
+    m_tabWidget.addWebAction(m_stop, QWebPage::Stop);
+    m_reload = viewMenu.addAction(tr("Reload Page"));
+    m_reload.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Refresh);
+    m_tabWidget.addWebAction(m_reload, QWebPage::Reload);
+    viewMenu.addAction(tr("Zoom &In"), this, SLOT(slotViewZoomIn()), QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_Plus));
+    viewMenu.addAction(tr("Zoom &Out"), this, SLOT(slotViewZoomOut()), QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_Minus));
+    viewMenu.addAction(tr("Reset &Zoom"), this, SLOT(slotViewResetZoom()), QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_0));
+    QAction *zoomTextOnlyAction = viewMenu.addAction(tr("Zoom &Text Only"));
+    connect(zoomTextOnlyAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotViewZoomTextOnly(bool)));
+    zoomTextOnlyAction.setCheckable(true);
+    zoomTextOnlyAction.setChecked(false);
+    viewMenu.addSeparator();
+    viewMenu.addAction(tr("Page S&ource"), this, SLOT(slotViewPageSource()), tr("Ctrl+Alt+U"));
+    QAction *a = viewMenu.addAction(tr("&Full Screen"), this, SLOT(slotViewFullScreen(bool)),  Qt.Key_F11);
+    a.setCheckable(true);
+    // History
+    HistoryMenu *historyMenu = new HistoryMenu(this);
+    connect(historyMenu, SIGNAL(openUrl(const QUrl&)),
+            m_tabWidget, SLOT(loadUrlInCurrentTab(const QUrl&)));
+    connect(historyMenu, SIGNAL(hovered(const QString&)), this,
+            SLOT(slotUpdateStatusbar(const QString&)));
+    historyMenu.setTitle(tr("Hi&story"));
+    menuBar().addMenu(historyMenu);
+    QList<QAction*> historyActions;
+    m_historyBack = new QAction(tr("Back"), this);
+    m_tabWidget.addWebAction(m_historyBack, QWebPage::Back);
+    m_historyBack.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Back);
+    m_historyBack.setIconVisibleInMenu(false);
+    m_historyForward = new QAction(tr("Forward"), this);
+    m_tabWidget.addWebAction(m_historyForward, QWebPage::Forward);
+    m_historyForward.setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Forward);
+    m_historyForward.setIconVisibleInMenu(false);
+    QAction *m_historyHome = new QAction(tr("Home"), this);
+    connect(m_historyHome, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotHome()));
+    m_historyHome.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.SHIFT | Qt.Key_H));
+    m_restoreLastSession = new QAction(tr("Restore Last Session"), this);
+    connect(m_restoreLastSession, SIGNAL(triggered()), BrowserApplication::instance(), SLOT(restoreLastSession()));
+    m_restoreLastSession.setEnabled(BrowserApplication::instance().canRestoreSession());
+    historyActions.append(m_historyBack);
+    historyActions.append(m_historyForward);
+    historyActions.append(m_historyHome);
+    historyActions.append(m_tabWidget.recentlyClosedTabsAction());
+    historyActions.append(m_restoreLastSession);
+    historyMenu.setInitialActions(historyActions);
+    // Bookmarks
+    BookmarksMenu *bookmarksMenu = new BookmarksMenu(this);
+    connect(bookmarksMenu, SIGNAL(openUrl(const QUrl&)),
+            m_tabWidget, SLOT(loadUrlInCurrentTab(const QUrl&)));
+    connect(bookmarksMenu, SIGNAL(hovered(const QString&)),
+            this, SLOT(slotUpdateStatusbar(const QString&)));
+    bookmarksMenu.setTitle(tr("&Bookmarks"));
+    menuBar().addMenu(bookmarksMenu);
+    QList<QAction*> bookmarksActions;
+    QAction *showAllBookmarksAction = new QAction(tr("Show All Bookmarks"), this);
+    connect(showAllBookmarksAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotShowBookmarksDialog()));
+    m_addBookmark = new QAction(QIcon(QLatin1String(":addbookmark.png")), tr("Add Bookmark..."), this);
+    m_addBookmark.setIconVisibleInMenu(false);
+    connect(m_addBookmark, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAddBookmark()));
+    m_addBookmark.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | Qt.Key_D));
+    bookmarksActions.append(showAllBookmarksAction);
+    bookmarksActions.append(m_addBookmark);
+    bookmarksMenu.setInitialActions(bookmarksActions);
+    // Window
+    m_windowMenu = menuBar().addMenu(tr("&Window"));
+    connect(m_windowMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),
+            this, SLOT(slotAboutToShowWindowMenu()));
+    slotAboutToShowWindowMenu();
+    QMenu *toolsMenu = menuBar().addMenu(tr("&Tools"));
+    toolsMenu.addAction(tr("Web &Search"), this, SLOT(slotWebSearch()), QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+K", "Web Search")));
+#ifndef Q_CC_MINGW
+    a = toolsMenu.addAction(tr("Enable Web &Inspector"), this, SLOT(slotToggleInspector(bool)));
+    a.setCheckable(true);
+    QMenu *helpMenu = menuBar().addMenu(tr("&Help"));
+    helpMenu.addAction(tr("About &Qt"), qApp, SLOT(aboutQt()));
+    helpMenu.addAction(tr("About &Demo Browser"), this, SLOT(slotAboutApplication()));
+    void setupToolBar()
+    setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(true);
+    m_navigationBar = addToolBar(tr("Navigation"));
+    connect(m_navigationBar.toggleViewAction(), SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+            this, SLOT(updateToolbarActionText(bool)));
+    m_historyBack.setIcon(style().standardIcon(QStyle::SP_ArrowBack, 0, this));
+    m_historyBackMenu = new QMenu(this);
+    m_historyBack.setMenu(m_historyBackMenu);
+    connect(m_historyBackMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),
+            this, SLOT(slotAboutToShowBackMenu()));
+    connect(m_historyBackMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)),
+            this, SLOT(slotOpenActionUrl(QAction *)));
+    m_navigationBar.addAction(m_historyBack);
+    m_historyForward.setIcon(style().standardIcon(QStyle::SP_ArrowForward, 0, this));
+    m_historyForwardMenu = new QMenu(this);
+    connect(m_historyForwardMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),
+            this, SLOT(slotAboutToShowForwardMenu()));
+    connect(m_historyForwardMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)),
+            this, SLOT(slotOpenActionUrl(QAction *)));
+    m_historyForward.setMenu(m_historyForwardMenu);
+    m_navigationBar.addAction(m_historyForward);
+    m_stopReload = new QAction(this);
+    m_reloadIcon = style().standardIcon(QStyle::SP_BrowserReload);
+    m_stopReload.setIcon(m_reloadIcon);
+    m_navigationBar.addAction(m_stopReload);
+    m_navigationBar.addWidget(m_tabWidget.lineEditStack());
+    m_toolbarSearch = new ToolbarSearch(m_navigationBar);
+    m_navigationBar.addWidget(m_toolbarSearch);
+    connect(m_toolbarSearch, SIGNAL(search(const QUrl&)), SLOT(loadUrl(const QUrl&)));
+    m_chaseWidget = new ChaseWidget(this);
+    m_navigationBar.addWidget(m_chaseWidget);
+    void updateStatusbarActionText(bool visible)
+    m_viewStatusbar.setText(!visible ? tr("Show Status Bar") : tr("Hide Status Bar"));
+    QToolBar *m_navigationBar;
+    ToolbarSearch *m_toolbarSearch;
+    BookmarksToolBar *m_bookmarksToolbar;
+    ChaseWidget *m_chaseWidget;
+    TabWidget *m_tabWidget;
+    AutoSaver *m_autoSaver;
+    QAction *m_historyBack;
+    QMenu *m_historyBackMenu;
+    QAction *m_historyForward;
+    QMenu *m_historyForwardMenu;
+    QMenu *m_windowMenu;
+    QAction *m_stop;
+    QAction *m_reload;
+    QAction *m_stopReload;
+    QAction *m_viewToolbar;
+    QAction *m_viewBookmarkBar;
+    QAction *m_viewStatusbar;
+    QAction *m_restoreLastSession;
+    QAction *m_addBookmark;
+    QIcon m_reloadIcon;
+    QIcon m_stopIcon;
+    QString m_lastSearch;