diff d2/qtd/meta/Runtime.d @ 351:59d847a814e3

added meta subdir
author Max Samukha <maxter@spambox.com>
date Thu, 20 May 2010 15:54:06 +0300
children a084e2df3776
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/d2/qtd/meta/Runtime.d	Thu May 20 15:54:06 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+    Copyright: Copyright Max Samukha, 2010
+    Authors: Max Samukha
+    License: Boost Software License 1.0
+module qtd.meta.Runtime;
+//TODO: Probably replace switch dispatch with pointer dispatch
+//and leave switch dispatch only in C interface
+    qtd.meta.Compiletime,
+    std.typetuple,
+    std.conv,
+    std.variant,
+    core.sync.rwmutex;
+private __gshared ReadWriteMutex lock;
+shared static this()
+    lock = new ReadWriteMutex;
+    IDs of the built-in basic types.
+enum BasicTypeId
+    ///
+    void_,
+    ///
+    bool_,
+    ///
+    byte_,
+    ///
+    ubyte_,
+    ///
+    short_,
+    ///
+    ushort_,
+    ///
+    int_,
+    ///
+    uint_,
+    ///
+    long_,
+    ///
+    ulong_,
+    ///
+    cent_,
+    ///
+    ucent_,
+    ///
+    float_,
+    ///
+    double_,
+    ///
+    real_,
+    ///
+    ifloat_,
+    ///
+    idouble_,
+    ///
+    ireal_,
+    ///
+    cfloat_,
+    ///
+    cdouble_,
+    ///
+    creal_,
+    ///
+    char_,
+    ///
+    wchar_,
+    ///
+    dchar_
+    Thrown on meta-system errors.
+class MetaException : Exception
+    this(string msg)
+    {
+        super(msg);
+    }
+abstract class Meta
+    alias typeof(this) This;
+    string name;
+    MetaAttribute[] attributes;
+    Meta[] members;
+    template createImpl(M : This)
+    {
+        static M createImpl(alias symbol)()
+        {
+            auto m = new M;
+            m.construct!symbol;
+            return m;
+        }
+    }
+    private void createAttrs(alias symbol)()
+    {
+        alias GetAttributes!symbol attrs;
+        enum len = attrs.length; // COMPILER BUG
+        foreach (i, _; Repeat!(void, len))
+        {
+            alias TypeTuple!(attrs[i].tuple) attr;
+            // if the third element of the attribute data is a MetaAttribute subclass,
+            // use that to create the attribute instance.
+            static if (attr.length > 2 && (is(attr[2] : MetaAttribute)))
+            {
+                alias attr[2] MA;
+                alias TypeTuple!(attr[0..2], attr[3..$]) args;
+                attributes ~= MA /*COMPILER BUG: tuple element as tuple*/[0].create!args();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    protected void construct(alias symbol)()
+    {
+        createAttrs!symbol;
+    }
+    Base class for run time attributes.
+ */
+abstract class MetaAttribute
+    alias typeof(this) This;
+    string name;
+    AttributeOptions options;
+    This create(string name, AttributeOptions opts, A...)()
+    {
+        auto ma = new This;
+        ma.construct!(name, opts, A)();
+        return ma;
+    }
+    void construct(string name, AttributeOptions opts)()
+    {
+        this.name = name;
+        options = opts;
+    }
+abstract class MetaType : Meta
+abstract class MetaAggregate : MetaType
+class MetaClass : MetaAggregate
+    alias typeof(this) This;
+    alias createImpl!This create;
+class MetaStruct : MetaAggregate
+    alias typeof(this) This;
+    alias createImpl!This create;
+auto meta(alias symbol, M : Meta)()
+    __gshared static M m;
+    {
+        lock.reader.lock;
+        scope(exit)
+            lock.reader.unlock;
+        if (m)
+            return m;
+    }
+    lock.writer.lock;
+    scope(exit)
+        lock.writer.unlock;
+    if (!m)
+        m = M.create!symbol;
+    return m;
+// only classes and structs for now
+auto meta(T)()
+    static if (is(typeof(T.staticMetaObject)))
+        return T.staticMetaObject;
+    else static if (is(T == class))
+        return meta!(T, MetaClass);
+    else static if (is(T == struct))
+        return meta!(T, MetaStruct);
+    else
+        static assert(false, "No meta object for symbol " ~ T.stringof);
+    A run time attribute implementation that stores the attribute data in an
+    array of variants.
+ */
+class MetaVariantAttribute : MetaAttribute
+    Variant[] values;
+    private this()
+    {
+    }
+    static MetaVariantAttribute create(string category, AttributeOptions opts, A...)()
+    {
+        auto ret = new MetaVariantAttribute;
+        ret.construct!(category, opts)();
+        foreach(i, _; A)
+        {
+            static if (__traits(compiles, { ret.values ~= Variant(A[i]); } ))
+                ret.values ~= Variant(A[i]);
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
+    A run time attribute implementation that stores the attribute data in an
+    assiciative array of variants.
+ */
+class MetaVariantDictAttribute : MetaAttribute
+    Variant[string] values;
+    alias typeof(this) This;
+    private this()
+    {
+    }
+    static This create(string category, AttributeOptions opts, A...)()
+    {
+        auto ret = new This;
+        ret.construct!(category, opts)();
+        foreach(i, _; A)
+        {
+            static if (i % 2 == 0 && __traits(compiles, { ret.values[A[i]] = Variant(A[i + 1]); } ))
+                ret.values[A[i]] = Variant(A[i + 1]); // PHOBOS BUG: phobos asserts on this
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
+version (QtdUnittest)
+    unittest
+    {
+        static void foo() {}
+        static class C
+        {
+            mixin InnerAttribute!("variantAttribute", MetaVariantAttribute, "22", foo, 33);
+            mixin InnerAttribute!("variantDictAttribute", MetaVariantDictAttribute,
+                //"a", "33", // PHOBOS BUG: variant is unusable with AAs
+                "b", foo
+                //"c", 44
+                );
+        }
+        auto attrs = meta!(C).attributes;
+        assert(attrs.length == 2);
+        auto attr = cast(MetaVariantAttribute)attrs[0];
+        assert(attr.name == "variantAttribute");
+        assert(attr.values[0] == "22");
+        assert(attr.values[1] == 33);
+        auto attr2 = cast(MetaVariantDictAttribute) attrs[1];
+        assert(attr2.name == "variantDictAttribute");
+        //assert(attr2.values["a"] == "33");
+        //assert(attr2.values["c"] == 44);
+    }
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