view orange/util/CTFE.d @ 46:d6fbd0b3586e

Issue 8: Wrong results for array of arrays. (Temporary fix).
author Jacob Carlborg <>
date Tue, 09 Aug 2011 11:38:50 +0200
parents 511d1ef4e299
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010 Jacob Carlborg.
 * Authors: Jacob Carlborg
 * Version: Initial created: Jan 26, 2010
 * License: $(LINK2, Boost Software License 1.0)
module orange.util.CTFE;

import orange.core.string;
import orange.util.Traits;

template format (ARGS...)
	static if (ARGS.length == 0)
		const format = "";
		static if (is(typeof(ARGS[0]) : string))
			const format = ARGS[0] ~ format!(ARGS[1 .. $]);
			const format = toString_!(ARGS[0]) ~ format!(ARGS[1 .. $]);

	template toString_ (T)
		const toString_ = T.stringof;

	template toString_ (int i)
		const toString_ = itoa!(i);

	template toString_ (long l)
		const toString_ = itoa!(l);

	template toString_ (bool b)
		const toString_ = b ? "true" : "false";

	template toString_ (float f)
		const toString_ = "";
	template toString_ (alias a)
		const toString_ = a.stringof;

 * Compile-time function to get the index of the give element.
 * Performs a linear scan, returning the index of the first occurrence 
 * of the specified element in the array, or U.max if the array does 
 * not contain the element.
 * Params:
 *     arr = the array to get the index of the element from
 *     element = the element to find
 * Returns: the index of the element or size_t.max if the element was not found.
size_t indexOf (T) (T[] arr, T element)
	static if (is(T == char) || is(T == wchar) || is(T == dchar))
		foreach (i, e ; arr)
			if (e == element)
				return i;
		foreach (i, e ; arr)
			if (e == element)
				return i;
	return size_t.max;

 * Returns true if the given array contains the given element,
 * otherwise false.
 * Params:
 *     arr = the array to search in for the element
 *     element = the element to search for
 * Returns: true if the array contains the element, otherwise false
bool contains (T) (T[] arr, T element)
	return indexOf(arr, element) != size_t.max;

 * CTFE, splits the given string on the given pattern
 * Params:
 *     str = the string to split 
 *     splitChar = the character to split on
 * Returns: an array of strings containing the splited string
T[][] split (T) (T[] str, T splitChar = ',')
	T[][] arr;
	size_t x;
	foreach (i, c ; str)
		if (splitChar == c)
			if (str[x] == splitChar)
			arr ~= str[x .. i];
			x = i;
	if (str[x] == splitChar)
	arr ~= str[x .. $];
	return arr;

template decimalDigit (int n)	// [3]
	const decimalDigit = "0123456789"[n .. n + 1];

template itoa (long n)
	static if (n < 0)
		const itoa = "-" ~ itoa!(-n); 
	else static if (n < 10)
		const itoa = decimalDigit!(n); 
		const itoa = itoa!(n / 10L) ~ decimalDigit!(n % 10L); 