view mde/gui/widget/AParentWidget.d @ 161:e3fe6acc16fb

Replaced WidgetManager's click and motion callbacks with a drag event system. This is less flexible, but much closer to what is required (and is simpler and less open to bugs through unintended use). The widget under the mouse is now passed (although could just as easily have been before).
author Diggory Hardy <>
date Thu, 21 May 2009 22:15:40 +0200
parents c67d074a7111
children 7f7b2011b759
line wrap: on
line source

Part of mde: a Modular D game-oriented Engine
Copyright © 2007-2008 Diggory Hardy

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>. */

 * This module contains base widget classes for parent widgets.
 * Abstract widget classes have an 'A' prepended to the name, similar to the
 * 'I' convention for interfaces.
module mde.gui.widget.AParentWidget;

public import mde.gui.widget.AChildWidget;
import mde.gui.exception;
import mde.content.IContent;

debug {
    import tango.util.log.Log : Log, Logger;
    private Logger logger;
    static this () {
        logger = Log.getLogger ("mde.gui.widget.AParentWidget");

 * Abstract base widget classes to facilitate parent widgets.
 * To improve code sharing, there's no separate version for parents taking a
 * single subwidget.
 * Parent widgets probably need to overload these functions (from AChildWidget):
 * setup, saveChanges, setPosition, getWidget, draw, setWidth and setHeight.
abstract class AParentWidget : AChildWidget, IParentWidget
    protected this (IWidgetManager mgr, IParentWidget parent, widgetID id) {
        super (mgr, parent, id);
    override bool setup (uint n, uint flags) {
        debug (mdeWidgets) logger.trace ("AParentWidget.setup");
        bool c = false;
	foreach (w; subWidgets) {
            debug assert (w, "AParentWidget: w is null");
	    c |= w.setup (n,flags);
	return c;
    override bool saveChanges () {
        bool c = false;
        foreach (w; subWidgets)
            c |= w.saveChanges;
        return c;
    size_t getWidgetIndex (IChildWidget widg) {
        foreach (i,w; subWidgets)
            if (w is widg)
                return i;
        throw new GuiException ("getWidgetIndex: widget not found (code error)");
    // Parents taking a content should override, only throwing if both the
    // widget id and the content are the same (as its it and content).
    override void recursionCheck (widgetID wID, IContent c) {
        debug assert (id !is null && parent !is null, "recursionCheck called before parent and id set");
        if (wID is id)
            throw new WidgetRecursionException (wID);
        parent.recursionCheck (wID, c);
    IPopupParentWidget getParentIPPW () {
        return parent.getParentIPPW;
    // Most parent widgets need to implement these, although not all
    void minWChange (IChildWidget widget, wdim mw) {}
    void minHChange (IChildWidget widget, wdim mh) {}
    debug override void logWidgetSize () {
        foreach (widg; subWidgets)
    IChildWidget[] subWidgets;

 * Base code for implementing IPopupParentWidget.
 * The current intention is that an IPPW (excluding the widget manager) may
 * only have one popup; this class follows this intention.
abstract class APopupParentWidget : AParentWidget, IPopupParentWidget
    protected this (IWidgetManager mgr, IParentWidget parent, widgetID id) {
        super (mgr, parent, id);
        parentIPPW = parent.getParentIPPW;
    override IPopupParentWidget getParentIPPW () {
        return this;
    override void addChildIPPW (IPopupParentWidget ippw) {
        if (childIPPW)
        childIPPW = ippw;
    override bool removeChildIPPW (IPopupParentWidget ippw) {
        if (childIPPW !is ippw) return false;
        childIPPW = null;
        mAIPPW = MenuPosition.INACTIVE;
        return true;
    // If this function is overriden, you MUST still call it (super.removedIPPW)!
    // Or invariant will throw assert errors.
    override void removedIPPW () {
        if (childIPPW) {
            childIPPW = null;
        mAIPPW = MenuPosition.INACTIVE;
    override void menuActive (MenuPosition mA) {
        mAIPPW = mA;
        if (childIPPW)
            childIPPW.menuActive = mA;
    override MenuPosition menuActive () {
        return mAIPPW;
    override MenuPosition parentMenuActive () {
        return parentIPPW.menuActive;
    override void menuDone () {	// default actions, for popup menus:
        parentIPPW.removeChildIPPW (this);	// remove self
        parentIPPW.menuDone;			// and propegate
    override IChildWidget getPopupWidget (wdabs cx, wdabs cy, bool closePopup) {
        IChildWidget ret;
        if (childIPPW) {
            ret = childIPPW.getPopupWidget (cx, cy, closePopup);
            if (closePopup && ret is null) {
                menuActive = MenuPosition.INACTIVE;
                removeChildIPPW (childIPPW);
        if (ret is null) {
            if (popup.onSelf (cx, cy))
            	ret = popup.getWidget (cx, cy);
            else if (onSelf (cx, cy))
                ret = getWidget (cx, cy);
        return ret;
    override void drawPopup () {
        if (childIPPW)
    debug invariant () {
        // True as long as removedIPPW gets called:
        if (!parentIPPW.isChild (this)) {
            assert (childIPPW is null, "APPW: childIPPW");
            assert (mAIPPW is false, "APPW: mAIPPW");
    // How to activate a popup:
    /+void activatePopup (IChildWidget widget) {
        parentIPPW.addChildIPPW (this);
        popup = widget;
        mgr.positionPopup (this, popup);
    debug override bool isChild (IPopupParentWidget ippw) {
        return ippw is childIPPW;
    IPopupParentWidget parentIPPW;
    IPopupParentWidget childIPPW;
    IChildWidget popup;
    MenuPosition mAIPPW;