view mde/gui/widget/AParentWidget.d @ 176:d5d5fe04ca6c

Fixes to CollapsibleWidget. Disabled AChildWidget.invariant.
author Diggory Hardy <>
date Sat, 12 Sep 2009 09:14:43 +0200
parents 3d58adc17d20
children af40e9679436
line wrap: on
line source

Part of mde: a Modular D game-oriented Engine
Copyright © 2007-2008 Diggory Hardy

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>. */

 * This module contains base widget classes for parent widgets.
 * Abstract widget classes have an 'A' prepended to the name, similar to the
 * 'I' convention for interfaces.
module mde.gui.widget.AParentWidget;

public import mde.gui.widget.AChildWidget;
import mde.gui.exception;
import mde.content.IContent;

debug {
    import tango.util.log.Log : Log, Logger;
    private Logger logger;
    static this () {
        logger = Log.getLogger ("mde.gui.widget.AParentWidget");

 * Abstract base widget classes to facilitate parent widgets.
 * To improve code sharing, there's no separate version for parents taking a
 * single subwidget.
 * Parent widgets probably need to overload these functions (from AChildWidget):
 * setup, saveChanges, setPosition, getWidget, draw, setWidth and setHeight.
abstract class AParentWidget : AChildWidget, IParentWidget
    protected this (IWidgetManager mgr, IParentWidget parent, widgetID id) {
        super (mgr, parent, id);
    override bool setup (uint n, uint flags) {
        debug (mdeWidgets) logger.trace ("AParentWidget.setup");
        bool c = false;
	foreach (w; subWidgets) {
            debug assert (w, "AParentWidget: w is null");
	    c |= w.setup (n,flags);
	return c;
    public override bool saveChanges () {
        bool c = false;
        foreach (w; subWidgets)
            c |= w.saveChanges;
        return c;
    size_t getWidgetIndex (IChildWidget widg) {
        foreach (i,w; subWidgets)
            if (w is widg)
                return i;
        throw new GuiException ("getWidgetIndex: widget not found (code error)");
    // Parents taking a content should override, only throwing if both the
    // widget id and the content are the same (as its id and content).
    public override void recursionCheck (widgetID wID, IContent c) {
        debug assert (id !is null && parent !is null, "recursionCheck called before parent and id set");
        if (wID is id)
            throw new WidgetRecursionException (wID);
        parent.recursionCheck (wID, c);
    public override IPopupParentWidget getParentIPPW () {
        return parent.getParentIPPW;
    // Most parent widgets need to implement these, although not all
    // They must at a minimum make sure widget's size is at least nmw by nmh.
    public  override void minWChange (IChildWidget widget, wdim nmw) {
	if (widget.width < nmw)
	    widget.setWidth (nmw, -1);
    public override void minHChange (IChildWidget widget, wdim nmh) {
	if (widget.height < nmh)
	    widget.setHeight (nmh, -1);
    debug public override void logWidgetSize () {
        foreach (widg; subWidgets)
    IChildWidget[] subWidgets;

 * Base code for implementing IPopupParentWidget.
 * The current intention is that an IPPW (excluding the widget manager) may
 * only have one popup; this class follows this intention.
abstract class APopupParentWidget : AParentWidget, IPopupParentWidget
    protected this (IWidgetManager mgr, IParentWidget parent, widgetID id) {
        super (mgr, parent, id);
        parentIPPW = parent.getParentIPPW;
    override IPopupParentWidget getParentIPPW () {
        return this;
    override void addChildIPPW (IPopupParentWidget ippw) {
        if (childIPPW)
        childIPPW = ippw;
    override bool removeChildIPPW (IPopupParentWidget ippw) {
        if (childIPPW !is ippw) return false;
        childIPPW = null;
        mAIPPW = MenuPosition.INACTIVE;
        return true;
    // If this function is overriden, you MUST still call it (super.removedIPPW)!
    // Or invariant will throw assert errors.
    override void removedIPPW () {
        if (childIPPW) {
            childIPPW = null;
        mAIPPW = MenuPosition.INACTIVE;
    override void menuActive (MenuPosition mA) {
        mAIPPW = mA;
        if (childIPPW)
            childIPPW.menuActive = mA;
    override MenuPosition menuActive () {
        return mAIPPW;
    override MenuPosition parentMenuActive () {
        return parentIPPW.menuActive;
    override void menuDone () {	// default actions, for popup menus:
        parentIPPW.removeChildIPPW (this);	// remove self
        parentIPPW.menuDone;			// and propegate
    override IChildWidget getPopupWidget (wdabs cx, wdabs cy, bool closePopup) {
        IChildWidget ret;
        if (childIPPW) {
            ret = childIPPW.getPopupWidget (cx, cy, closePopup);
            if (closePopup && ret is null) {
                removeChildIPPW (childIPPW);
        if (ret is null) {
            if (popup.onSelf (cx, cy))
            	ret = popup.getWidget (cx, cy);
            else if (onSelf (cx, cy))
                ret = getWidget (cx, cy);
        return ret;
    override void drawPopup () {
        if (childIPPW)
    debug invariant {
        // True as long as removedIPPW gets called:
	if (!parentIPPW.isChild (this)) {
            assert (childIPPW is null, "APPW: childIPPW");
            assert (mAIPPW is false, "APPW: mAIPPW");
    debug override bool isChild (IPopupParentWidget ippw) {
        return ippw is childIPPW;
    // How to activate a popup:
    /+void activatePopup (IChildWidget widget) {
        parentIPPW.addChildIPPW (this);
        popup = widget;
        mgr.positionPopup (this, popup);
    IPopupParentWidget parentIPPW;
    IPopupParentWidget childIPPW;
    IChildWidget popup;
    MenuPosition mAIPPW;

import mde.content.Content;
 * Not "really" a widget (zero size, no direct interaction), but a handler for
 * popup widgets.
 * Intended to manage a context menu for WidgetManager, and not to work quite
 * like a regular IPPW.
 * Doesn't implement all the IChildWidget methods that would be relevent,
 * because it's not used like a regular widget.
class PopupHandlerWidget : APopupParentWidget
    this (IWidgetManager mgr, IParentWidget parent, widgetID id, char[] subWidg, IContent c) {
	assert (parent is mgr);	// we're not meant to be used like a normal widget
        super (mgr, parent, id);
	popup = mgr.makeWidget (this, subWidg, c);
        subWidgets = [popup];
	w = mw = 0;
	h = mh = 0;
    /// Open a context menu
    void openMenu (IChildWidget underMouse, Content contextContent) {
	if (mAIPPW != MenuPosition.INACTIVE) return;	// already in use
	//NOTE: Disabled since it doesn't work correctly atm:
	//subWidgets[0].setContent = contextContent;
	parentIPPW.addChildIPPW (this);
	// For context menus, don't set parentIPPW.menuActive like for clicked menus:
	menuActive = mgr.positionPopup (underMouse, popup);