view mde/gui/widget/Floating.d @ 117:aba2dd815a1f

Some tweaks to popup events and widgets. Moved gui.mtt to guiDemo.mtt Changed handling of clicks with popups. Made some of the popup widgets use usual from widget data construction.
author Diggory Hardy <>
date Fri, 26 Dec 2008 12:07:38 +0000
parents b16a534f5302
children 5b37d0400732
line wrap: on
line source

Part of mde: a Modular D game-oriented Engine
Copyright © 2007-2008 Diggory Hardy

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>. */

/** The Window class. Becoming a widget. */
module mde.gui.widget.Floating;

import mde.gui.widget.Widget;
import mde.gui.exception;

import tango.util.log.Log : Log, Logger;

private Logger logger;
static this () {
    logger = Log.getLogger ("mde.gui.widget.Floating");

/** An area to contain floating widgets.
 * The position of each sub-widget is set from dimension data, but not the size.
 * Rationale: parents' need to set subwidgets' positions when its position is set, so it needs to
 * know their positions.
 * Data: Each string item is interpreted as a subwidget widgetID.
 * Ints supplied may consist of just the widget type or
 * additionally an (x,y) coordinate for each subwidget (all x coords first, then all y coords).
class FloatingAreaWidget : AParentWidget
    this (IWidgetManager mgr, widgetID id, WidgetData data) {
        if (data.ints.length != 1 + data.strings.length)
            throw new WidgetDataException (this);
        subWidgets.length = data.strings.length;        // widgets created from string data
        sWOrder.length = subWidgets.length;
        sWData.length = subWidgets.length;
        foreach (i,s; data.strings) {
            subWidgets[i] = mgr.makeWidget (s);
            sWOrder[i] = i;
            sWData[i].borderType = cast(BTYPE) data.ints[i+1];
        wdim[] dd = mgr.dimData (id);
        if (dd.length == subWidgets.length * 4) {
            foreach (i, ref d; sWData)
                (&d.x)[0..4] = dd[i*4..i*4+4];
        super (mgr, id, data);
    override bool setup (uint n, uint flags) {
        foreach (i, ref d; sWData) with (d) {
            auto widg = subWidgets[i];
	    if (!widg.setup (n, flags) && n != 0 && !(flags & 1))
		continue;	// no changes; skip the rest
	    d.border = mgr.renderer.getBorder (borderType, widg.isWSizable, widg.isHSizable);
            mw = widg.minWidth  + border.x1 + border.x2;
            mh = widg.minHeight + border.y1 + border.y2;
	    if (w < mw || !widg.isWSizable) w = mw;
	    if (h < mh || !widg.isHSizable) h = mh;
            widg.setWidth  (w - border.x1 - border.x2, -1);
            widg.setHeight (h - border.y1 - border.y2, -1);
	return false;	// floating area size is not changed
    override bool saveChanges () {
        wdim[] dd = new wdim[sWData.length*4];
        foreach (i, ref d; sWData) {
            subWidgets[i].saveChanges ();
            dd[4*i..4*i+4] = (&d.x)[0..4];
        mgr.setDimData (id, dd);  // save positions
        return true;
    override void setWidth (wdim nw, int) {
        w = nw;
        // check all floating widgets are visible
        foreach (i, ref d; sWData) with (d) {
            if (x + w > this.w)
                x = (w > this.w) ? 0 : this.w - w;
    override void setHeight (wdim nh, int) {
        h = nh;
        foreach (i, ref d; sWData) with (d) {
            if (y + h > this.h)
                y = (h > this.h) ? 0 : this.h - h;
    override bool isWSizable () {    return true;    }
    override bool isHSizable () {    return true;    }
    override void setPosition (wdim nx, wdim ny) {
        x = nx;
        y = ny;
        size_t n = subWidgets.length;
        foreach (i, ref d; sWData)
            subWidgets[i].setPosition (x + d.x + d.border.x1, y + d.y + d.border.y1);
    override void draw () {
        mgr.renderer.restrict (x,y, w,h);
        foreach (i; sWOrder)
            with (sWData[i]) {
                mgr.renderer.drawWindow (&border, this.x + x, this.y + y, w, h);
    override IChildWidget getWidget (wdim cx, wdim cy) {
        debug scope (failure)
            logger.warn ("getWidget: failure; values: click, pos, width - {}, {}, {} - {}, {}, {}", cx, x, w, cy, y, h);
        debug assert (cx >= x && cx < x + w && cy >= y && cy < y + h, "getWidget: not on widget (code error)");
        foreach_reverse (j,i; sWOrder) with (sWData[i]) {
            wdim lx = cx - (this.x + x);
            wdim ly = cy - (this.y + y);
            if (lx >= 0 && lx < w &&
                ly >= 0 && ly < h)
                sWOrder[j..$-1] = sWOrder[j+1..$].dup;
                sWOrder[$-1] = i;
                if (lx >= border.x1 && lx < w-border.x2 &&
                    ly >= border.y1 && ly < h-border.y2)
                    return subWidgets[i].getWidget (cx,cy);
                event = i;
                return this;
        event = size_t.max;
        return this;    // no match
    override int clickEvent (wdabs cx, wdabs cy, ubyte b, bool state) {
        if (event > subWidgets.length) return 0;
        if (b == 1 && state == true) {
            active = event;
            with (sWData[active]) {
                resizeType = border.getResize (cx - this.x - x, cy - this.y - y, w,h);
                alias border.RESIZE RESIZE;
                if (resizeType != RESIZE.NONE) {
                    // Set x/yDrag (unfortunately these need to be different for each edge)
                    if (resizeType & RESIZE.X1)
                        xDrag = w + cx;
                    else if (resizeType & RESIZE.X2)
                        xDrag = w - cx;
                    if (resizeType & RESIZE.Y1)
                        yDrag = h + cy;
                    else if (resizeType & RESIZE.Y2)
                        yDrag = h - cy;
                    mgr.addClickCallback (&endCallback);
                    mgr.addMotionCallback (&resizeCallback);
                } else if (borderType & BTYPE.MOVE) {   // window is being moved
                    xDrag = cx - x;
                    yDrag = cy - y;
                    mgr.addClickCallback (&endCallback);
                    mgr.addMotionCallback (&moveCallback);
	return 0;
    void moveCallback (wdabs cx, wdabs cy) {
        with (sWData[active]) {
                x = cx-xDrag;
                y = cy-yDrag;
                if (x < 0)
                    x = 0;
                else if (x + w > this.w)
                    x = (w > this.w) ? 0 : this.w - w;
                if (y < 0)
                    y = 0;
                else if (y + h > this.h)
                    y = (h > this.h) ? 0 : this.h - h;
                subWidgets[active].setPosition (this.x + x + border.x1, this.y + y + border.y1);
    void resizeCallback (wdabs cx, wdabs cy) {
        with (sWData[active]) {
            if (resizeType & RESIZE.X1) {
                wdim ow = w;
                w = xDrag - cx;
                if (w < mw) w = mw;
                x += ow - w;
                subWidgets[active].setWidth  (w - border.x1 - border.x2, 1);
            else if (resizeType & RESIZE.X2) {
                w = xDrag + cx;
                if (w < mw) w = mw;
                subWidgets[active].setWidth  (w - border.x1 - border.x2, -1);
            if (resizeType & RESIZE.Y1) {
                wdim oh = h;
                h = yDrag - cy;
                if (h < mh) h = mh;
                y += oh - h;
                subWidgets[active].setHeight (h - border.y1 - border.y2, 1);
            else if (resizeType & RESIZE.Y2) {
                h = yDrag + cy;
                if (h < mh) h = mh;
                subWidgets[active].setHeight (h - border.y1 - border.y2, -1);
            // Reposition widget and sub-widgets:
            subWidgets[active].setPosition (this.x + x + border.x1, this.y + y + border.y1);
    bool endCallback (wdabs, wdabs, ubyte b, bool state) {
        if (b == 1 && state == false) { // end of a move/resize
            mgr.removeCallbacks (cast(void*) this);
            return true;    // we've handled the up-click
        return false;       // we haven't handled it
    struct SWData {     // NOTE: x,y,w,h must be first elements; search (&d.x)
        wdim x,y;       // position (corner of border)
        wdim w,h;       // size (including border)
        wdim mw,mh;
        BTYPE borderType;       // what type of border to put around the widget
        IRenderer.Border border;
    static assert (SWData.alignof == 4); // assumptions for optimization; search (&d.x)
    SWData[] sWData;
    size_t[] sWOrder;   // indexes for draw order (top widget at end of list)
    // Click/drag information:
    alias IRenderer.Border.BTYPE BTYPE;
    alias IRenderer.Border.RESIZE RESIZE;
    size_t event  = size_t.max; // Border with last click/release: size_t.max: main area (no subwidget), i: subwidget[i]
    size_t active = size_t.max; // Like event, but refers to widget being moved/resized
    wdim xDrag, yDrag;          // where a drag starts relative to x and y
    RESIZE resizeType;          // Type of current resize