view mde/file/paths.d @ 134:7ababdf97748

Moved mde.setup.paths to mde.file.paths and paths.mdeReader to mde.file.mergetag.Reader.MTMultiReader.
author Diggory Hardy <>
date Thu, 29 Jan 2009 14:59:45 +0000
parents mde/setup/paths.d@1b1e2297e2fc
children bc697a218716
line wrap: on
line source

Part of mde: a Modular D game-oriented Engine
Copyright © 2007-2008 Diggory Hardy

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>. */

/** Resource paths module.
 * Internally, most mde code using files doesn't use absolute paths but paths
 * relative to mde directory. Further, mergetag files are usually not read
 * just from one file, but are the result of merging multiple files from the
 * same relative paths in different directories, including the root data
 * directory, possibly a directory in /etc, a directory for files specific to
 * the user accont, and possibly other directories.
 * This module transforms relative paths to absolute paths, allowing for
 * multiple files to be read and merged.
 * The base paths from which relative files are read are slit into two groups:
 * data paths, and conf paths (usually the conf paths refer to a "conf"
 * directory within the data paths). */
/* Implementation note:
* All paths are stored internally as strings, rather than as an instance of FilePath/FilePath once
* the FilePath has served its immediate purpose, since it's more convenient and creating new
* FilePaths for adjusted paths should be no slower than mutating existing ones. */
module mde.file.paths;

import mde.exception;
import mde.file.mergetag.Reader;
import mde.file.mergetag.Writer;
import mde.file.mergetag.DataSet;
import mde.file.mergetag.exception;

version (linux) {
    import tango.util.container.SortedMap;
    import tango.sys.Environment;
} else version (Windows)
    import tango.sys.win32.SpecialPath;

debug {
    import tango.util.log.Log : Log, Logger;
    private Logger logger;
    static this() {
	logger = Log.getLogger ("mde.file.paths");

/** Order to read files in.

/** This struct has one instance for each "directory".
* It is the only item within this module that you should need to interact with.
* In the case of confDir, the user path is guaranteed to exist (as highest priority path). */
struct mdeDirectory
    /** Creates an MT reader for each file.
    * Params:
    *   file      = The file path and name relative to the mdeDirectory, without a suffix
    *               (e.g. "options")
    *   readOrder = Read the highest priority or lowest priority files first? For correct merging,
    *               this should be LOW_HIGH when newly-read items override old ones (as is the case
    *               with DefaultData) and HIGH_LOW when the first-read items survive. Thus override
    *               order needs to be the same for each section, except the header which is always
    *               read with LOW_HIGH order.
    *               Alternately, for files which shouldn't be
    *               merged where only the highest priority file should be read, pass HIGH_ONLY.
    *   ds        = The dataset, as for mergetag. Note: all actual readers share one dataset.
    *   rdHeader  = Read the headers for each file and merge if rdHeader == true.
    IReader makeMTReader (char[] file, PRIORITY readOrder, DataSet ds = null, bool rdHeader = false)
        FilePath[] files = getFiles (file, readOrder);
        if (files is null)
            throw new NoFileException ("Unable to find the file: "~file~"[.mtt|mtb]");
        return new MTMultiReader (files, ds, rdHeader);
    /** Creates an MT writer for file deciding on the best path to use.
    * Params:
    *   file      = The file path and name relative to the mdeDirectory, without a suffix
    *               (e.g. "options")
    *   ds        = The dataset, as for mergetag.
    IWriter makeMTWriter (char[] file, DataSet ds = null)
        // FIXME: use highest priority writable path
        return makeWriter (paths[pathsLen-1] ~ file, ds, WriterMethod.Text);
    /** Returns a string listing the file name or names (if readOrder is not HIGH_ONLY and multiple
      * matches are found), or "no file found". Intended for user output only. */
    char[] getFileName (char[] file, PRIORITY readOrder)
        FilePath[] files = getFiles (file, readOrder);
        if (files is null)
            return "no file found";
        char[] ret = files[0].toString;
        foreach (f; files[1..$])
            ret ~= ", " ~ f.toString;
        return ret;
    /// Print all paths found.
    static void printPaths () {
        Cout ("Data paths found:");
        Cout ("\nConf paths found:");
        Cout ("\nLog file directory:\n\t")(logDir);
	version (Windows) {
	    Cout ("\nFont directory:\n\t")(fontDir).newline;
	} else version (linux) {
	    Cout ("\nFont files found:");
	    foreach (f,p; fontFiles)
		Cout ("\n\t")(f)("\t")(p[0..$-1]);
    FilePath[] getFiles (char[] filename, PRIORITY readOrder)
        FilePath[] ret;
        if (readOrder == PRIORITY.LOW_HIGH) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < pathsLen; ++i) {
                FilePath file = findFile (paths[i]~filename);
                if (file !is null)
                    ret ~= file;
        } else {
            assert (readOrder == PRIORITY.HIGH_LOW ||
                    readOrder == PRIORITY.HIGH_ONLY );
            for (int i = pathsLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                FilePath file = findFile (paths[i]~filename);
                if (file !is null)
                    ret ~= file;
                if (readOrder == PRIORITY.HIGH_ONLY) break;
        return ret;
    // Unconditionally add a path
    void addPath (char[] path) {
	assert (pathsLen < MAX_PATHS);
        paths[pathsLen++] = path~'/';
    // Test a path and add if is a folder.
    bool tryPath (char[] path, bool create = false) {
	assert (pathsLen < MAX_PATHS);
	FilePath fp = FilePath (path);
        if (fp.exists && fp.isFolder) {
            paths[pathsLen++] = path~'/';
            return true;
        } else if (create) {
            try {
                paths[pathsLen++] = fp.toString~'/';
                return true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // No logging avaiable yet: Use Stdout/Cout
                Cout ("Creating path "~path~" failed:" ~ e.msg).newline;
        return false;
    void coutPaths () {
        if (pathsLen) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < pathsLen; ++i)
                Cout ("\n\t" ~ paths[i]);
        } else
            Cout ("[none]");
    // Use a static array to store all possible paths with separate length counters.
    // Lowest priority paths are first.
    char[][MAX_PATHS] paths;
    ubyte pathsLen = 0;

/** These are the actual instances, one for each of the data and conf "directories". */
mdeDirectory dataDir, confDir;
char[] logDir;		/// Directory for log files

//BEGIN Path resolution
/** Find at least one path for each required directory. */
debug (mdeUnitTest) {
    /** In unittest mode, add paths unittest/data and unittest/conf before init runs. */
    static this () {
	dataDir.tryPath ("unittest/data");
	confDir.tryPath ("unittest/conf");
	if (!(dataDir.pathsLen && confDir.pathsLen))
	    throw new mdeException ("Fatal: unittest/data and unittest/conf don't both exist");
	// Don't bother with real paths or logDir or font dir(s) for unittest.
version (linux) {
    SortedMap!(char[],char[]) fontFiles;	// key is file name, value is CString path
    /** Get the actual path of a font file, or throw NoFileException if not found.
     * Returns a C string (null terminated). */
    char[] getFontPath (char[] file) {
	char[] ret;
	if (fontFiles.get (file, ret))
	    return ret;
	throw new NoFileException ("Unable to find font file: "~file);
    // base-path not used on posix
    void resolvePaths (char[] base = "data") {
        // Home directory:
        char[] HOME = Environment.get("HOME", ".");
        // Base paths:
        // Static data (must exist):
        FilePath staticPath =
                findPath (false, "/usr/share/games/mde", "/usr/local/share/games/mde", base);
        // Config (can just use defaults if necessary, so long as we can save afterwards):
        FilePath userPath = findPath (true, HOME~"/.config/mde", HOME~"/.mde");
        // Static data paths:
        dataDir.addPath (staticPath.toString);      // we know this is valid anyway
        dataDir.tryPath (userPath.toString ~ "/data");
        if (extraDataPath) dataDir.tryPath (extraDataPath);
        if (!dataDir.pathsLen) throw new mdeException ("Fatal: no data path found!");
        // Configuration paths:
        confDir.tryPath (staticPath.toString ~ "/conf");
        confDir.tryPath ("/etc/mde");
        confDir.tryPath (userPath.toString ~ "/conf", true);
        if (extraConfPath) confDir.tryPath (extraConfPath);
        if (!confDir.pathsLen) throw new mdeException ("Fatal: no conf path found!");
        // Logging path:
        logDir = userPath.toString;
	// Font paths:
	auto fs = new FileScan;
	// Scan for directories containing truetype and type1 fonts:
        fs.sweep ("/usr/share/fonts", delegate bool(FilePath fp, bool isDir)
	    {	return isDir || fp.suffix == ".ttf" || fp.suffix == ".pfb";	},
	fontFiles = new SortedMap!(char[],char[]);
	foreach (fp; fs.files)
	    fontFiles.add (fp.file, fp.cString);	// both strings should be slices of same memory
} else version (Windows) {
    char[] fontDir;
    /** Get the actual path of a font file, or throw NoFileException if not found.
     * Returns a C string (null terminated). */
    char[] getFontPath (char[] file) {
	FilePath path = new FilePath (fontDir~file);
	if (path.exists && !path.isFolder)
	    return path.cString;
	throw new NoFileException ("Unable to find font file: "~file);
    void resolvePaths (char[] base = "./") {
        //FIXME: Get base path from registry
        // Base paths:
        FilePath installPath = findPath (false, base);
        FilePath staticPath = findPath (false, installPath.toString);
	FilePath userPath = findPath (true, getSpecialPath(CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA) ~ "/mde");
        // Static data paths:
        dataDir.addPath (staticPath.toString);   // we know this is valid anyway
	dataDir.tryPath (userPath.toString ~ "/data");
        if (extraDataPath) dataDir.tryPath (extraDataPath);
        if (!dataDir.pathsLen) throw new mdeException ("Fatal: no data path found!");
        // Configuration paths:
        confDir.tryPath (staticPath.toString ~ "/conf");
        confDir.tryPath (installPath.append("user").toString);
        confDir.tryPath (userPath.toString ~ "/conf", true);
        if (extraConfPath) confDir.tryPath (extraConfPath);
        if (!confDir.pathsLen) throw new mdeException ("Fatal: no conf path found!");
        // Logging path:
        logDir = userPath.toString;
	// Font path:
	fontDir = getSpecialPath (CSIDL_FONTS) ~ "/";	// append separator
} else {
    static assert (false, "Platform is not linux or Windows: no support for paths on this platform yet!");

/// For command line args: these paths are added if non-null, with highest priority.
char[] extraDataPath, extraConfPath;

private {
    class PathException : mdeException {
        this(char[] msg) {
            super (msg);
    // The maximum number of paths for any one "directory".
    const MAX_PATHS = 4;
    static assert (MTMultiReader.MAX_READERS == MAX_PATHS, "MAX_PATHS not all equal");
    /* Try each path in succession, returning the first to exist and be a folder.
     * If none are valid and create is true, will try creating each in turn.
     * If still none are valid, throws. */
    FilePath findPath (bool create, char[][] paths ...) {
        FilePath[] fps;
        fps.length = paths.length;
        foreach (i,path; paths) {
            FilePath pv = new FilePath (path);
            if (pv.exists && pv.isFolder) return pv;    // got a valid path
            fps[i] = pv;
        if (create) {   // try to create a folder, using each path in turn until succesful
            foreach (fp; fps) {
                try {
                    return fp.create;
                catch (Exception e) {}
    // no valid path...
        char[] msg = "Unable to find"~(create ? " or create" : "")~" a required path! The following were tried:";
        foreach (path; paths) msg ~= "  \"" ~ path ~ '\"';
        throw new PathException (msg);
//END Path resolution

/// Thrown when makeMTReader couldn't find a file.
class NoFileException : MTFileIOException {
    this (char[] msg) {