diff mde/input/Input.d @ 32:316b0230a849

Lots more work on the GUI. Also renamed lots of files. Lots of changes to the GUI. Renderer is now used exclusively for rendering and WidgetDecoration is gone. Renamed lots of files to conform to case policies. committer: Diggory Hardy <diggory.hardy@gmail.com>
author Diggory Hardy <diggory.hardy@gmail.com>
date Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:05:56 +0100
children 6b4116e6355c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mde/input/Input.d	Wed Apr 30 18:05:56 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+Part of mde: a Modular D game-oriented Engine
+Copyright © 2007-2008 Diggory Hardy
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
+without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
+ * This module contains the interface to the input system; it should be the only module of the
+ * input package imported from outside this package.
+ */
+module mde.input.Input;
+// package imports
+import mde.input.Config;
+import mde.input.exception;
+// sdl imports
+import derelict.sdl.events;
+import derelict.sdl.types;	// only SDL_PRESSED
+import derelict.sdl.joystick;	// SDL_HAT_*
+import tango.util.log.Log : Log, Logger;
+/// Class encapsulating all input functionality.
+class Input
+    /// Typedef for all indexes (type is uint).
+    typedef uint				inputID;
+    alias void delegate(inputID, bool)		ButtonCallback;
+    alias void delegate(inputID, short)		AxisCallback;
+    alias void delegate(inputID, real,real)	RelMotionCallback;
+    alias void delegate(ushort, ushort, ubyte, bool)	MouseClickCallback;
+    /** Get key status at this ID.
+    *
+    * Returns: value (true = down, false = up) or false if no value at this ID. */
+    bool getButton (inputID id) {
+        bool* retp = id in button;
+        if (retp) return *retp;
+        else return false;
+    }
+    /** Get axis status at this ID.
+    *
+    * Returns: value (short; range -32767 .. 32767) or 0 if no value at this ID. */
+    short getAxis (inputID id) {
+        short* retp = id in axis;
+        if (retp) return *retp;
+        else return 0;
+    }
+    /** Get axis status at this ID.
+    *
+    * Returns: value (real; range roughly -1.0 .. 1.0) or 0 if no value at this ID. */
+    real getAxis1 (inputID id) {
+        short* retp = id in axis;
+        if (retp) return (*retp) * 3.0518509475997192e-05;
+        else return 0.0;
+    }
+    /** Get the relative motion of the mouse or a joystick ball (since last frameReset() call).
+    *
+    * Future: Converts to a real via sensitivity settings (defaults may be set and overriden per item).
+    *
+    * To avoid confusion over the ID here, the idea is for the input-layer upward to support
+    * multiple mice, in case future platforms do.
+    * Also joystick balls (supported by SDL) can be used in the same way as a mouse for relative
+    * positions.
+    */
+    void getRelMotion (inputID id, out real x = 0.0, out real y = 0.0) {
+        RelPair* rp = id in relMotion;
+        if (rp) {
+            x = rp.x;	y = rp.y;
+        }
+    }
+    /** Get mouse pointer position in screen coordinates.
+    *
+    * Window managers only support one mouse, so there will only be one screen coordinate.
+    * Unlike nearly everything else, this is not configurable.
+    */
+    void getMouseScreenPos (out uint x, out uint y) {
+        x = mouse_x;	y = mouse_y;
+    }
+    // /// Is this modifier on?
+    //bool modifierStatus (inputID id);
+    /** Adds a callback delegate for key events (both DOWN and UP) with this ID.
+    *
+    * Delegate receives event status.
+    */
+    void addButtonCallback (inputID id, ButtonCallback dg) {
+        buttonCallbacks[id] ~= dg;
+    }
+    /** Adds a callback delegate for axis events with this ID.
+    *
+    * Delegate receives event status (as per what getAxis returns).
+    */
+    void addAxisCallback (inputID id, AxisCallback dg) {
+        axisCallbacks[id] ~= dg;
+    }
+    /** Adds a callback delegate for mouse motion/joystick ball events with this ID.
+    *
+    * Delegate receives event status. As the name suggests, this is relative motion not screen
+    * position, with sensitivity adjustments applied.
+    *
+    * (A separate callback for mouse screen position changes is not
+    * necessary since this will be triggered by the same event - use mouseScreenPos from within the
+    * function to get new screen coordinates.)
+    */
+    void addRelMotionCallback (inputID id, RelMotionCallback dg) {
+        relMotionCallbacks[id] ~= dg;
+    }
+    /** Adds a callback delegate for all mouse clicks & releases.
+    *
+    * Delegate recieves x,y screen position (at time of click/release), button index (1 for left,
+    * 2 for middle, 3 for right, 4/5 for wheel, etc.), and whether the button was pressed or
+    * released (true if pressed).
+    *
+    * The point of this over a standard button callback is firstly to avoid mouse configuration for
+    * the GUI, and secondly to give the pointer position at the time of the event, not the time the
+    * callback gets called.
+    */
+    void addMouseClickCallback (MouseClickCallback dg) {
+        mouseClickCallbacks ~= dg;
+    }
+    /** Feed an SDL_Event struct (only uses if it's a key, mouse or joystick event).
+    *
+    * Other types of event functions may be added. Returns true if the event was used, false if not
+    * or no config was available. Hmm... doesn't seem very useful, but has practically no cost.
+    *
+    * May throw InputClassExceptions (on configuration errors). Catching the exception and continuing should
+    * be fine.
+    */
+    bool opCall (ref SDL_Event event) {
+        /* Non-config events.
+        *
+        * Mouse events don't need config for the GUI. Handle them first so that if no config exists
+        * some functionality at least is retained.
+        *
+        * Note that the mouse coordinates as reported by SDL put the top-left most pixel at 1,1.
+        * Internal coordinates put that pixel at 0,0 (see gui/GUI notes.txt).
+        */
+        switch (event.type) {
+            case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+            case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP:
+                foreach (dg; mouseClickCallbacks)
+                    dg (event.button.x - 1, event.button.y - 1,
+                        event.button.button, event.button.state == SDL_PRESSED);
+                break;
+            case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
+                mouse_x = event.motion.x - 1;
+                mouse_y = event.motion.y - 1;
+                break;
+            default:
+        }
+        /* No config available, so don't try to access it and segfault.
+        * Don't log a message because this function is called per-event (i.e. frequently).
+        * A message should already have been logged by loadConfig anyway.
+        */
+        if (!config) return false;
+        switch (event.type) {
+            // Keyboard events:
+            case SDL_KEYDOWN:
+            case SDL_KEYUP:
+                outQueue[]* p = (Config.B.SDLKEY | event.key.keysym.sym) in config.button;
+                if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) {
+                    bEvent (this, event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED, readOutQueue(q));
+                }
+                break;
+            // Mouse events:
+            case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+            case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP:
+                // Button events:
+                outQueue[]* p = (Config.B.MOUSE | event.button.button) in config.button;
+                if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) {
+                    bEvent (this, event.button.state == SDL_PRESSED, readOutQueue(q));
+                }
+                break;
+            case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
+                // Relative motion:
+                outQueue[]* p = (Config.M.WMMOUSE) in config.relMotion;
+                if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) {
+                    mEvent (this, event.motion.xrel, event.motion.yrel, readOutQueue(q));
+                }
+                break;
+            // Joystick events:
+            case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN:
+            case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP:
+                outQueue[]* p = (Config.B.JOYBUTTON | (event.jbutton.which << 12) | event.jbutton.button) in config.button;
+                if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) {
+                    bEvent (this, event.jbutton.state == SDL_PRESSED, readOutQueue(q));
+                }
+                break;
+            case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION:
+                outQueue[]* p = (Config.A.JOYAXIS | (event.jaxis.which << 12) | event.jaxis.axis) in config.axis;
+                if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) {
+                    aEvent (this, event.jaxis.value, readOutQueue(q));
+                }
+                break;
+            case SDL_JOYBALLMOTION:
+                outQueue[]* p = (Config.M.JOYBALL | (event.jball.which << 12) | event.jball.ball) in config.relMotion;
+                if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) {
+                    mEvent (this, event.jball.xrel, event.jball.yrel, readOutQueue(q));
+                }
+                break;
+            case SDL_JOYHATMOTION:
+                static ubyte[uint] oldJHatVals;		// necessary to store this to know which "axis" changed
+                uint index = (event.jhat.which << 12) | event.jhat.hat;
+                ubyte* oVal_p = index in oldJHatVals;
+                ubyte oldJHatVal = (oVal_p) ? *oVal_p : SDL_HAT_CENTERED;
+                // Carry out functionality for an axis.
+                void hatExamine (ubyte neg, ubyte pos, Config.B neg_b, Config.B pos_b, Config.A axis) {
+                    // Check if there's any change on this axis (if not, nothing to do):
+                    ubyte filter = neg | pos;
+                    if ((oldJHatVal & filter) != (event.jhat.value & filter)) {
+                        // Now we know this axis changed position, so can unset old value and set
+                        // new value (if not centre).
+                        // Cancel old button status:
+                        if (oldJHatVal & neg) {
+                            outQueue[]* p = (neg_b | index) in config.button;
+                            if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) bEvent (this, false, readOutQueue(q));
+                        } else if (oldJHatVal & pos) {
+                            outQueue[]* p = (pos_b | index) in config.button;
+                            if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) bEvent (this, false, readOutQueue(q));
+                        }
+                        // Set new button status and position:
+                        short position = 0;
+                        if (event.jhat.value & neg) {
+                            position = -32767;
+                            outQueue[]* p = (neg_b | index) in config.button;
+                            if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) bEvent (this, true, readOutQueue(q));
+                        } else if (event.jhat.value & pos) {
+                            position = 32767;
+                            outQueue[]* p = (pos_b | index) in config.button;
+                            if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) bEvent (this, true, readOutQueue(q));
+                        }
+                        // New axis event:
+                        outQueue[]* p = (axis | index) in config.axis;
+                        if (p) foreach (outQueue q; *p) aEvent (this, position, readOutQueue(q));
+                    }
+                }
+                // Now run the code for each axis:
+                hatExamine (SDL_HAT_UP, SDL_HAT_DOWN,
+                            Config.B.JOYHAT_U, Config.B.JOYHAT_D, Config.A.JOYHAT_UD);
+                hatExamine (SDL_HAT_LEFT, SDL_HAT_RIGHT,
+                            Config.B.JOYHAT_L, Config.B.JOYHAT_R, Config.A.JOYHAT_LR);
+                oldJHatVals[index] = event.jhat.value;
+                break;
+            // Other events:
+            default:
+                return false;	// event not used
+        }
+        return true;		// event used
+    }
+    /** Resets relative movement of mice / joystick balls to zero.
+    *
+    * Should be called once-per-frame if these are used, but must be called after their state has
+    * been read (e.g. just before updating the input).
+    */
+    void frameReset () {
+        foreach (rp; relMotion) {
+            rp.x = rp.y = 0.0;
+        }
+    }
+    /** Loads all configs, activating the requested id.
+    *
+    * Throws: ConfigLoadException if unable to load any configs or the requested config id wasn't
+    *   found.
+    */
+    void loadConfig (char[] profile = "Default") {
+        Config.load("input");	// FIXME: filename
+        Config* c_p = profile in Config.configs;
+        if (c_p) config = *c_p;
+        else {
+            throw new ConfigLoadException;
+            logger.error ("Config profile \""~profile~"\" not found: input won't work unless a valid profile is loaded!");
+        }
+    }
+    // Static constructor for event stream (fills es_*_fcts tables).
+    static this () {
+        es_b_fcts = [ ES_B.OUT : &es_b_out ];
+        es_a_fcts = [ ES_A.OUT : &es_a_out, ES_A.REVERSE : &es_a_reverse ];
+        es_m_fcts = [ ES_M.OUT : &es_m_out ];
+        logger = Log.getLogger ("mde.input.input.Input");
+    }
+    struct RelPair {	// for mouse/joystick ball motion
+        real x, y;
+        static RelPair opCall (real a, real b) {
+            RelPair ret;
+            ret.x = a;	ret.y = b;
+            return ret;
+        }
+    }
+    static Logger logger;
+    Config config;			// Configuration
+    bool[inputID] button;		// Table of button states
+    short[inputID] axis;		// Table of axes states
+    ushort mouse_x, mouse_y;		// Current screen coords of the window manager mouse
+    RelPair[inputID] relMotion;		// Table of relative mouse / joystick ball motions
+    // FIXME: currently no means of removal
+    ButtonCallback[][inputID]	buttonCallbacks;
+    AxisCallback[][inputID]	axisCallbacks;
+    RelMotionCallback[][inputID] relMotionCallbacks;
+    MouseClickCallback[]	mouseClickCallbacks;
+    //BEGIN Event stream functionality
+    /* This section contains functions called on an event, which may modify the event (adjuster
+    * functions), and finally output to one (or more) of the state tables (the event stream).
+    *
+    * Adjuster and other event functions should have a format to fit the ES_X_Func types, for X is B
+    * (button event), A (axis event) or M (mouse relative motion event or joystick ball event).
+    * Adjusters should call one of the xEvent() functions with their output and the remainder of
+    * the readOutQueue.
+    *
+    * To control which adjusters get called and pass parameters, a stack of sorts is used: outQueue.
+    */
+    //BEGIN ES Definitions
+    /* Note: We really want an array, not a stack. We cannot edit the lists, so we can either
+    * copy to a stack or just iterate through it as an array.
+    */
+    alias Config.outQueue outQueue;
+    struct readOutQueue {		// A convenient structure for reading an outQueue item by item.
+        private Config.outQueue _q;		// the queue, stored by reference to the original
+        private uint p = 0;		// current read position (start at beginning)
+        static readOutQueue opCall (Config.outQueue q) {	// Static constructor
+            readOutQueue ret;
+            ret._q = q;
+            return ret;
+        }
+        uint pop () {			// Get the next element and advance. Throws an exception if there isn't another.
+            if (p >= _q.length)
+                throw new InputClassException ("Input: Invalid configuration: incomplete config stack");
+            uint ret = _q[p];
+            ++p;
+            return ret;
+        }
+        debug uint next () {		// Get the next element. No checks; for debug use only.
+            return _q[p];
+        }
+    }
+    // These aliases are for pointers to the event functions.
+    // These need to use "this", but cannot be delegates because they musn't be bound to a
+    // particular instance of Input, hence this must be passed when called.
+    alias void function (Input, bool, readOutQueue) ES_B_Func;
+    alias void function (Input, short, readOutQueue) ES_A_Func;
+    alias void function (Input, short, short, readOutQueue) ES_M_Func;
+    /* These are the codes allowing the config to specify event functions.
+    *
+    * They are organised as defined in doc/input_ID_assignments.
+    */
+    enum ES_B : uint {
+        OUT	= 0x1000u,
+    }
+    enum ES_A : uint {
+        OUT	= 0x1000u,
+        REVERSE	= 0x2000u,
+    }
+    enum ES_M : uint {
+        OUT	= 0x1000u,
+    }
+    //END ES Definitions
+    // ES Data:
+    // These are the tables for looking up which event function to call.
+    static ES_B_Func[uint] es_b_fcts;
+    static ES_A_Func[uint] es_a_fcts;
+    static ES_M_Func[uint] es_m_fcts;
+    //BEGIN ES Functions
+    // These 3 functions pass an event to the appropriate event function (adjuster or output func).
+    // They are used to start and continue an event stream.
+    // They must be static to allow calling from event functions.
+    const EVCONF_ERR = "Invalid configuration: bad event function code";
+    static void bEvent (Input myThis, bool b, readOutQueue s)
+    {
+        ES_B_Func* func = (s.pop() in es_b_fcts);
+        if (func != null) (*func)(myThis, b, s);
+        else throw new InputClassException (EVCONF_ERR);
+    }
+    static void aEvent (Input myThis, short x, readOutQueue s)
+    {
+        ES_A_Func* func = (s.pop() in es_a_fcts);
+        if (func != null) (*func)(myThis, x, s);
+        else throw new InputClassException (EVCONF_ERR);
+    }
+    // Only handles relative output since position-on-screen is not stored with an ID:
+    static void mEvent (Input myThis, short x, short y, readOutQueue s)
+    {
+        ES_M_Func* func = (s.pop() in es_m_fcts);
+        if (func != null) (*func)(myThis, x, y, s);
+        else throw new InputClassException (EVCONF_ERR);
+    }
+    // The remaining functions are the stream functions, for adjusting and outputting an event.
+    // They need to work like non-static functions, but are called via a function pointer, hencne
+    // should be static with their first parameter being instead of this.
+    // Simple output function
+    static void es_b_out (Input myThis, bool b, readOutQueue s) {
+        inputID id = cast(inputID) s.pop();
+        myThis.button[id] = b;
+        ButtonCallback[]* cb_p = id in myThis.buttonCallbacks;
+        if (cb_p) foreach (cb; *cb_p) cb (id, b);
+    }
+    // Adjuster to check modifier keys
+    static void es_b_modifier (Input myThis, bool b, readOutQueue s);
+    // Simple output function
+    static void es_a_out (Input myThis, short x, readOutQueue s) {
+        inputID id = cast(inputID) s.pop();
+        myThis.axis[id] = x;
+        AxisCallback[]* cb_p = id in myThis.axisCallbacks;
+        if (cb_p) foreach (cb; *cb_p) cb (id, x);
+    }
+    // Just reverses an axis's value
+    static void es_a_reverse (Input myThis, short x, readOutQueue s) {
+        aEvent (myThis, -x, s);
+    }
+    // Simple output function
+    static void es_m_out (Input myThis, short x, short y, readOutQueue s) {
+        inputID id = cast(inputID) s.pop();
+        myThis.relMotion[id] = RelPair(x,y);
+        RelMotionCallback[]* cb_p = id in myThis.relMotionCallbacks;
+        if (cb_p) foreach (cb; *cb_p) cb (id, x,y);
+    }
+    //END ES Functions
+    //END Event stream functionality
+    /* This unittest covers input.config.Config and input.input.Input for some events of all types.
+    * It is not bullet-proof, and does not cover the steam-functions other than the direct output
+    * ones (largely because these may get added at any time and tested via input tests).
+    *
+    * What it does test:
+    *	Events of all types.
+    *	Callbacks of all types.
+    *	Status set from events for all types (button,axis,relMotion).
+    *
+    * It relies on config loaded from a file (dependant on where input bindings are loaded from;
+    * currently conf/input.mtt).
+    */
+    debug (mdeUnitTest) unittest {
+        Input ut = new Input();
+        ut.loadConfig ("UnitTest");
+        int[6] counters;	// counters for callbacks
+        // Should become: [2,2,0,2,1,1]
+        //BEGIN Set up some callbacks
+        ut.addButtonCallback (0x03F0, delegate void(inputID id, bool status) {
+            assert (status == !counters[0]);	// true first call, false next
+            counters[0] += 1;
+        });
+        ut.addButtonCallback (0x06F0, delegate void(inputID id, bool status) {
+            assert (status == !counters[1]);	// true first call, false next
+            counters[1] += 1;
+        });
+        ut.addButtonCallback (0x07F0, delegate void(inputID id, bool status) {
+            counters[2] += 1;
+        });
+        ut.addAxisCallback (0x22F0, delegate void(inputID id, short x) {
+            assert (x == (counters[3] ? 0 : 32767));
+            counters[3] += 1;
+        });
+        ut.addRelMotionCallback (0x11F0, delegate void(inputID id, real x, real y) {
+            assert (x == 14.0);
+            assert (y == -1.0);
+            counters[4] += 1;
+        });
+        ut.addMouseClickCallback (delegate void(ushort x, ushort y, ubyte b, bool s) {
+            assert (x == 291);
+            assert (y == 10010);
+            assert (b == 3);
+            assert (s == false);
+            counters[5] += 1;
+        });
+        //END Set up some callbacks
+        //BEGIN Post a lot of events
+        SDL_Event e;
+        // F11 down:
+        e.type = SDL_KEYDOWN;
+        e.key.state = SDL_PRESSED;
+        e.key.keysym.sym = 292;	// SDLK_F11
+        ut(e);
+        // Right mouse button up:
+        e.type = SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP;
+        e.button.button = 3;	// SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT
+        e.button.state = SDL_RELEASED;
+        e.button.x = 291;
+        e.button.y = 10010;
+        ut(e);
+        // Mouse motion:
+        e.type = SDL_MOUSEMOTION;
+        e.motion.x = 63;
+        e.motion.y = 44;
+        e.motion.xrel = 14;
+        e.motion.yrel = -1;
+        ut(e);
+        // Joystick 2 button 5 down:
+        e.type = SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN;
+        e.jbutton.which = 2;
+        e.jbutton.button = 5;
+        e.jbutton.state = SDL_PRESSED;
+        ut(e);
+        // Same button released:
+        e.jbutton.state = SDL_RELEASED;
+        ut(e);
+        // Joystick 1 axis 8 motion:
+        e.type = SDL_JOYAXISMOTION;
+        e.jaxis.which = 1;
+        e.jaxis.axis = 8;
+        e.jaxis.value = 32767;
+        ut(e);
+        // Joystick 22 ball 100 motion:
+        e.type = SDL_JOYBALLMOTION;
+        e.jball.which = 22;
+        e.jball.ball = 100;
+        e.jball.xrel = -21;
+        e.jball.yrel = 1024;
+        ut(e);
+        // Joystick 214 hat 12 DOWN-RIGHT:
+        e.type = SDL_JOYHATMOTION;
+        e.jhat.which = 214;
+        e.jhat.hat = 12;
+        e.jhat.value = SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN;
+        ut(e);
+        // Same hat LEFT:
+        e.jhat.value = SDL_HAT_LEFT;
+        ut(e);
+        //END Post a lot of events
+        //BEGIN Check states
+        assert (ut.getButton(0xF0) == true);
+        assert (ut.getButton(0x1F0) == false);
+        assert (ut.getButton(0x2F0) == false);
+        assert (ut.getButton(0x4F0) == false);
+        assert (ut.getButton(0x5F0) == true);
+        assert (ut.getButton(0x6F0) == false);
+        assert (ut.getButton(0x7F0) == false);
+        assert (ut.getAxis(0x20F0) == 32767);
+        assert (ut.getAxis(0x21F0) == -32767);
+        assert (ut.getAxis1(0x22F0) == 0.0);
+        real s,t;
+        ut.getRelMotion(0x10F0, s,t);
+        assert (s == 14.0);
+        assert (t == -1.0);
+        ut.getRelMotion(0x12F0, s,t);
+        assert (s == -21.0);
+        assert (t == 1024.0);
+        assert (counters == [2,2,0,2,1,1]);
+        //END Check states
+        logger.info ("Unittest complete.");
+    }