changeset 73:b706170e24a9 trunk

[svn r77] Fixed foreach on slice. Fixed some nested function problems when accessing outer function parameters. Major changes to handling of structs. Initial support for unions. Probably more...
author lindquist
date Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:11:32 +0100
parents d7e764e62462
children eb379601d445
files demos/qd.d dmd/aggregate.h dmd/attrib.c dmd/declaration.c dmd/declaration.h dmd/struct.c gen/enums.h gen/irstate.c gen/irstate.h gen/statements.c gen/toir.c gen/tollvm.c gen/toobj.c gen/typinf.c lphobos/internal/objectimpl.d test/bug41.d test/d.d test/foreach7.d test/nested4.d test/structs4.d test/union1.d test/union2.d test/union3.d
diffstat 23 files changed, 564 insertions(+), 285 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/demos/qd.d	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/demos/qd.d	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-// modified version of scrapple.qd to work with llvmdc
-import std.stdio;
+module qd;
+import std.c.time: sleep;
 void main() {
   screen(640, 480);
   pset(10, 10);
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
   paint(200, 200, Black);
   pset(10, 11); pset(10, 11, Black);
   pset(10, 10);
-  SDL_Delay(5000);
+  sleep(5);
 extern(C) {
   struct SDL_Rect {
@@ -50,31 +51,90 @@
   int SDL_LockSurface(SDL_Surface *);
   void SDL_UnlockSurface(SDL_Surface *);
   SDL_Surface * SDL_SetVideoMode(int width, int height, int bpp, uint flags);
+  SDL_Surface *SDL_CreateRGBSurface(uint flags, int width, int height, int depth, uint Rmask=0, uint Gmask=0, uint Bmask=0, uint Amask=0);
   int SDL_Flip(SDL_Surface *);
-  void SDL_Delay(uint);
+  void SDL_UpdateRect (SDL_Surface *screen, int x, int y, uint w, uint h);
+  int SDL_UpperBlit(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect);
+  alias SDL_UpperBlit SDL_BlitSurface;
+  int SDL_SetAlpha(SDL_Surface *surface, uint flags, ubyte alpha);
+  int SDL_SetColorKey(SDL_Surface *surface, uint flag, uint key);
+  int SDL_FillRect(SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect, uint color);
   const uint SDL_SWSURFACE=0;
   const uint SDL_HWSURFACE=1;
   const uint SDL_DOUBLEBUF=0x40000000;
   const uint SDL_FULLSCREEN=0x80000000;
+  const uint SDL_SRCALPHA=0x00010000;
+  const uint SDL_SRCCOLORKEY=0x00001000;
+  void SDL_Delay(uint ms);
+  uint SDL_GetTicks();
+  enum SDLKey {
+    Unknown = 0, First = 0, 
+    Escape = 27,
+    LCtrl = 306,
+  }
+  enum SDLMod {
+    KMOD_NONE  = 0x0000,
+    KMOD_LSHIFT= 0x0001, KMOD_RSHIFT= 0x0002,
+    KMOD_LCTRL = 0x0040, KMOD_RCTRL = 0x0080, KMOD_CTRL  = 0x00C0,
+    KMOD_LALT  = 0x0100, KMOD_RALT  = 0x0200, KMOD_ALT   = 0x0300,
+    KMOD_LMETA = 0x0400, KMOD_RMETA = 0x0800,
+    KMOD_NUM   = 0x1000, KMOD_CAPS  = 0x2000, KMOD_MODE  = 0x4000,
+    KMOD_RESERVED = 0x8000
+  };
+  struct SDL_keysym { ubyte scancode; SDLKey sym; SDLMod mod; ushort unicode; }
+  enum SDL_EventType : ubyte {
+    NoEvent=0, Active, KeyDown, KeyUp,
+    MouseMotion, MouseButtonDown, MouseButtonUp,
+    JoyAxisMotion, JoyBallMotion, JoyHatMotion, JoyButtonDown, JoyButtonUp,
+    Quit, SysWMEvent
+  }
+  union SDL_Event {
+    SDL_EventType type;
+    struct Active { SDL_EventType type, gain, state; }; Active active;
+    struct Key { SDL_EventType type, which, state; SDL_keysym keysym; }; Key key;
+    struct Motion { SDL_EventType type, which, state; ushort x, y; short xrel, yrel; }; Motion motion;
+    struct Button { SDL_EventType type, which, button, state; ushort x, y; }; Button button;
+    struct Jaxis { SDL_EventType type, which, axis; short value; }; Jaxis jaxis;
+    struct Jball { SDL_EventType type, which, ball; short xrel, yrel; }; Jball jball;
+    struct Jhat { SDL_EventType type, which, hat, value; }; Jhat jhat;
+    struct Jbutton { SDL_EventType type, which, button, state; }; Jbutton jbutton;
+    struct Resize { SDL_EventType type; int w, h; }; Resize resize;
+    struct Expose { SDL_EventType type; }; Expose expose;
+    struct Quit { SDL_EventType type; }; Quit quit;
+    struct User { SDL_EventType type; int code; void *data1, data2; }; User user;
+    struct Syswm { SDL_EventType type; void *msg; }; Syswm syswm;
+  }
+  int SDL_PollEvent(SDL_Event *event);
 SDL_Surface *display;
-void putpixel32(SDL_Surface *surf, int x, int y, ubyte[4] col) {
-  uint *bufp = cast(uint *)surf.pixels + y*surf.pitch/4 + x;
-  *bufp = SDL_MapRGBA(surf.format, col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]);
+void putpixel32(int x, int y, ubyte[4] col) {
+  uint *bufp = cast(uint *)display.pixels + y*display.pitch/4 + x;
+  *bufp = SDL_MapRGBA(display.format, col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]);
-void getpixel32(SDL_Surface *surf, int x, int y, ubyte[4] *col) {
-  uint *bufp = cast(uint *)surf.pixels + y*surf.pitch/4 + x;
-  SDL_GetRGBA(*bufp, surf.format, &(*col)[0], &(*col)[1], &(*col)[2], &(*col)[3]);
+void putpixel32(int x, int y, ubyte[3] col) {
+  uint *bufp = cast(uint *)display.pixels + y*display.pitch/4 + x;
+  *bufp = SDL_MapRGBA(display.format, col[0], col[1], col[2], 0);
+void getpixel32(int x, int y, ubyte[4] *col) {
+  uint *bufp = cast(uint *)display.pixels + y*display.pitch/4 + x;
+  SDL_GetRGBA(*bufp, display.format, &(*col)[0], &(*col)[1], &(*col)[2], &(*col)[3]);
 struct rgb {
   ubyte[3] values;
+  ubyte r() { return values[0]; }
+  ubyte g() { return values[1]; }
+  ubyte b() { return values[2]; }
   rgb opCat(rgb other) {
     rgb res;
-    foreach (id, ref v; res.values) v=(values[id]+other.values[id])/2;
+    foreach (id, ref v; res.values) v=cast(ubyte)((values[id]+other.values[id])/2);
     return res;
   bool opEquals(rgb r) {
@@ -82,9 +142,21 @@
-void putpixel(SDL_Surface *surf, int x, int y, rgb c) {
-  if ( (x<0) || (y<0) || (x!<surf.w) || (y!<surf.h) ) return;
-  putpixel32(surf, x, y, [c.values[0], c.values[1], c.values[2], 0]);
+void putpixel(int x, int y, ubyte[4] col) {
+  if ( (x<0) || (y<0) || (x!<display.w) || (y!<display.h) ) return;
+  putpixel32(x, y, col);
+void hline(int x, int y, int w, rgb r) {
+  hline(x, y, w, SDL_MapRGBA(display.format, r.values[0], r.values[1], r.values[2], 0));
+void hline(int x, int y, int w, uint c) {
+  if ( (y<0) || (y!<display.h) ) return;
+  if (x<0) { w+=x; x=0; }
+  if (w<0) return;
+  if ( (x+w) !<display.w) w=display.w-x-1;
+  auto cur = cast(uint *)display.pixels + y*display.pitch/4 + x;
+  foreach (ref value; cur[0..w+1]) value=c;
 const rgb White={[255, 255, 255]};
@@ -92,6 +164,9 @@
 const rgb Red={[255, 0, 0]};
 const rgb Green={[0, 255, 0]};
 const rgb Blue={[0, 0, 255]};
+const rgb Yellow={[255, 255, 0]};
+const rgb Cyan={[0, 255, 255]};
+const rgb Purple={[255, 0, 255]};
 rgb color=White;
 rgb back=Black;
@@ -123,33 +198,57 @@
 box_rgb Box() { return cast(box_rgb) color; }
 alias Back Fill;
+bool doFlip=true;
+void flip() { SDL_Flip(display); }
+void flip(bool target) { doFlip=target; }
+scope class groupDraws {
+  bool wasOn;
+  this() { wasOn=doFlip; flip=false; }
+  ~this() { if (wasOn) { flip=true; flip; } }
 void execParams(T...)(T params) {
+  const int bcol=select!(back_rgb, T);
+  static if (bcol != -1) back=cast(rgb) params[bcol];
   const int col=select!(rgb, T);
   static if (col != -1) color=params[col];
-  const int bcol=select!(back_rgb, T);
-  static if (bcol != -1) back=cast(rgb) params[bcol];
+  else static if (bcol != -1) color=back;
   const int boxcol=select!(box_rgb, T);
   static if (boxcol != -1) color=cast(rgb) params[boxcol];
+void tintfill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, rgb color) {
+  SDL_LockSurface(display);
+  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
+  ubyte[4] c;
+  for (int x=x1; x<x2; ++x) {
+    for (int y=y1; y<y2; ++y) {
+      getpixel32(x, y, &c);
+      c[0]=cast(ubyte)(c[0]*178+color.r*77)>>8;
+      c[1]=cast(ubyte)(c[1]*178+color.g*77)>>8;
+      c[2]=cast(ubyte)(c[2]*178+color.b*77)>>8;
+      putpixel32(x, y, c);
+    }
+  }
 void pset(T...)(int x, int y, T params) {
-  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); SDL_Flip(display); }
+  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
-  putpixel(display, x, y, color);
+  putpixel32(x, y, color.values);
 rgb pget(int x, int y) {
   scope(exit) SDL_UnlockSurface(display);
   ubyte[4] c;
-  getpixel32(display, x, y, &c);
+  getpixel32(x, y, &c);
   rgb res; res.values[]=c[0..3]; return res;
 void swap(T)(ref T a, ref T b) { T c=a; a=b; b=c; }
-T abs(T)(T f) { return f < 0 ? -f : f; }
+T abs(T)(T a) { return (a<0) ? -a : a; }
 void bresenham(bool countUp=true, bool steep=false)(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {
   auto deltax = x1 - x0, deltay = y1 - y0;
@@ -163,9 +262,10 @@
     const string name="x";
   auto error = 0f;
+  ubyte[4] col; col[0..3]=color.values;
   for (auto var1 = mixin(name~'0'); var1 <= mixin(name~'1'); ++var1) {
-    static if (steep) putpixel(display, var2, var1, color);
-    else putpixel(display, var1, var2, color);
+    static if (steep) putpixel(var2, var1, col);
+    else putpixel(var1, var2, col);
     error += Δerror;
     if (abs(error) >= 1f) { static if (countUp) { var2++; error -= 1f; } else { var2--; error += 1f; }}
@@ -178,13 +278,10 @@
   static if (select!(back_rgb, T)!=-1) {
-    scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); SDL_Flip(display); }
-    auto xend=max(x0, x1);
-    for (int x=min(x0, x1); x<=xend; ++x) {
-      auto yend=max(y0, y1);
-      for (int y=min(y0, y1); y<=yend; ++y) {
-        putpixel(display, x, y, back);
-      }
+    scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
+    auto yend=max(y0, y1);
+    for (int y=min(y0, y1); y<=yend; ++y) {
+      hline(min(x0, x1), y, max(x0, x1)-min(x0, x1), back);
   static if (select!(box_rgb, T)!=-1) {
@@ -195,7 +292,7 @@
   static if (select!(box_rgb, T)+select!(back_rgb, T)==-2) {
-    scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); SDL_Flip(display); }
+    scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
     bool steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
     void turn() { swap(x0, x1); swap(y0, y1); }
     if (steep) { if (y1 < y0) turn; }
@@ -226,10 +323,10 @@
     auto stopx="~(first?"y2square*xradius":"0")~";
     auto stopy="~(first?"0":"x2square*yradius")~";
     while (stopx"~(first?">=":"<=")~"stopy) {
-      putpixel(display, cx+x, cy+y, color);
-      putpixel(display, cx+x, cy-y, color);
-      putpixel(display, cx-x, cy+y, color);
-      putpixel(display, cx-x, cy-y, color);
+      putpixel(cx+x, cy+y, col);
+      putpixel(cx+x, cy-y, col);
+      putpixel(cx-x, cy+y, col);
+      putpixel(cx-x, cy-y, col);
@@ -244,26 +341,37 @@
-void circle(T...)(int cx, int cy, int xradius, T t) {
+import std.stdio;
+void circle(T...)(T t) {
+  static assert(T.length!<3, "Circle: Needs x, y and radius");
+  int cx=t[0], cy=t[1], xradius=t[2];
-  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); SDL_Flip(display); }
-  execParams(t);
+  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
+  execParams(t[3..$]);
   auto yradius=xradius;
-  static if (T.length && is(T[0]: int)) yradius=t[0];
+  if (xradius!>0) return;
+  static if (T.length>3 && is(T[3]: int)) yradius=t[3];
   static if (select!(back_rgb, T) != -1) {
     auto ratio=xradius*1f/yradius;
+    auto back_sdl=SDL_MapRGBA(display.format, back.values[0], back.values[1], back.values[2], 0);
     for (int i=0; i<=yradius; ++i) {
       ushort j=cast(ushort)(sqrt(cast(real)(yradius*yradius-i*i))*ratio);
-      for (int lx=cx-j; lx<=cx+j; ++lx) putpixel(display, lx, cy+i, back);
-      for (int lx=cx-j; lx<=cx+j; ++lx) putpixel(display, lx, cy-i, back);
+      hline(cx-j, cy+i, 2*j, back_sdl);
+      hline(cx-j, cy-i, 2*j, back_sdl);
   auto x2square=2*xradius*xradius;
   auto y2square=2*yradius*yradius;
+  ubyte[4] col; col[0..3]=color.values;
   { mixin(circle_bresenham_pass!(true).str); }
   { mixin(circle_bresenham_pass!(false).str); }
+float distance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
+  auto x=x1-x2, y=y1-y2;
+  return sqrt(x*x+y*y);
 struct floodfill_node {
   int x, y;
   static floodfill_node opCall(int x, int y) {
@@ -275,7 +383,7 @@
 void paint(T...)(int x, int y, T t) {
-  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); SDL_Flip(display); }
+  scope(exit) { SDL_UnlockSurface(display); if (doFlip) flip; }
   bool border=true;
   if (select!(back_rgb, T) == -1) {
@@ -300,7 +408,7 @@
         if (e>=0) do e--; while (e>=0 && check(pget(e, y)));
         for (int i=e+1; i<w; ++i) {
-          putpixel(display, i, y, color);
+          putpixel32(i, y, color.values);
           if (y && check(pget(i, y-1)) && ((i==w-1)||!check(pget(i+1, y-1)))) queue ~= node(i, y-1);
           if ((y < display.h-1) && check(pget(i, y+1)) && ((i==w-1)||!check(pget(i+1, y+1)))) queue ~= node(i, y+1);
@@ -309,8 +417,55 @@
-void screen(size_t w, size_t h) {
-  display = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);
+struct screen {
+  static {
+    void opCall(size_t w, size_t h) {
+      display = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF);
+    }
+    int width() { return display.w; }
+    int height() { return display.h; }
+  }
-void cls() { line(0, 0, display.w-1, display.h-1, Fill=Black); }
+void cls(rgb fill=Black) { line(0, 0, display.w-1, display.h-1, Fill=fill); }
+void events(void delegate(int, bool) key=null, void delegate(int, int, ubyte, bool) mouse=null) {
+  SDL_Event evt;
+  while (SDL_PollEvent(&evt)) {
+    switch (evt.type) {
+      case SDL_EventType.MouseMotion:
+        with (evt.motion) if (mouse) mouse(x, y, 0, false);
+        break;
+      case SDL_EventType.MouseButtonDown:
+        with (evt.button) if (mouse) mouse(x, y, button, true);
+        break;
+      case SDL_EventType.MouseButtonUp:
+        with (evt.button) if (mouse) mouse(x, y, button, false);
+        break;
+      case SDL_EventType.KeyDown:
+        if (key) key(evt.key.keysym.sym, true);
+      case SDL_EventType.KeyUp:
+        if (key) key(evt.key.keysym.sym, false);
+        break;
+      case SDL_EventType.Quit:
+        throw new Error("Quit");
+        break;
+      default: break;
+    }
+  }
+void events(void delegate(int) key, void delegate(int, int, ubyte, bool) mouse=null) {
+  events((int a, bool b) {
+    if (b) key(a);
+  }, mouse);
+void events(void delegate(int) key, void delegate(int, int) mouse) {
+  events(key, (int x, int y, ubyte b, bool p) { mouse(x, y); });
+void events(void delegate(int, bool) key, void delegate(int, int) mouse) {
+  events(key, (int x, int y, ubyte b, bool p) { mouse(x, y); });
--- a/dmd/aggregate.h	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/dmd/aggregate.h	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 #include "dsymbol.h"
 #include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
 struct Identifier;
 struct Type;
@@ -101,7 +103,8 @@
     llvm::Constant* llvmVtbl;
     llvm::ConstantStruct* llvmConstVtbl;
     llvm::Constant* llvmInitZ;
-    virtual void offsetToIndex(Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& result); // converts a DMD field offsets to LLVM struct index vector
+    bool llvmHasUnions;
+    virtual size_t offsetToIndex(Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& result); // converts a DMD field offsets to LLVM struct index vector
     AggregateDeclaration *isAggregateDeclaration() { return this; }
@@ -237,7 +240,7 @@
     Symbol *vtblsym;
-    virtual void offsetToIndex(Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& result);
+    virtual size_t offsetToIndex(Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& result);
     ClassDeclaration *isClassDeclaration() { return (ClassDeclaration *)this; }
--- a/dmd/attrib.c	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/dmd/attrib.c	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -887,13 +887,17 @@
                     llvm_internal = LLVMva_intrinsic;
                     assert(args->dim == 2);
+                else if (strcmp(str,"notypeinfo")==0) {
+                    llvm_internal = LLVMnotypeinfo;
+                    assert(args->dim == 1);
+                }
                 else {
                     error("unknown pragma command: %s", str);
             error("1st argument must be a string");
             if (llvm_internal)
             switch (llvm_internal)
@@ -910,12 +914,13 @@
                 error("2nd argument must be a string");
             case LLVMnull:
             case LLVMva_arg:
             case LLVMva_start:
+            case LLVMnotypeinfo:
@@ -988,6 +993,10 @@
+            case LLVMnotypeinfo:
+                s->llvmInternal = llvm_internal;
+                break;
                 assert(0 && "invalid LLVM_internal pragma got through :/");
--- a/dmd/declaration.c	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/dmd/declaration.c	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -550,6 +550,8 @@
     canassign = 0;
     value = NULL;
     llvmNestedIndex = -1;
+    llvmFieldIndex = -1;
+    llvmFieldIndexOffset = 0;
 Dsymbol *VarDeclaration::syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s)
--- a/dmd/declaration.h	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/dmd/declaration.h	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -260,6 +260,8 @@
     // LLVMDC
     int llvmNestedIndex;
+    int llvmFieldIndex;
+    size_t llvmFieldIndexOffset;
--- a/dmd/struct.c	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/dmd/struct.c	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
     llvmConstVtbl = NULL;
     llvmInitZ = NULL;
     llvmInProgress = false;
+    llvmHasUnions = false;
 enum PROT AggregateDeclaration::prot()
--- a/gen/enums.h	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/gen/enums.h	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@
-    LLVMva_intrinsic
+    LLVMva_intrinsic,
+    LLVMnotypeinfo
--- a/gen/irstate.c	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/gen/irstate.c	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include "tollvm.h"
 IRState* gIR = 0;
-llvm::TargetData* gTargetData = 0;
+const llvm::TargetData* gTargetData = 0;
--- a/gen/irstate.h	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/gen/irstate.h	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
 #include <stack>
 #include <vector>
 #include <deque>
+#include <map>
 #include "root.h"
 // global ir state for current module
 struct IRState;
 extern IRState* gIR;
-extern llvm::TargetData* gTargetData;
+extern const llvm::TargetData* gTargetData;
 struct TypeFunction;
 struct TypeStruct;
@@ -40,20 +41,28 @@
 // represents a struct or class
 struct IRStruct
-    typedef std::vector<const llvm::Type*> TypeVector;
-    typedef std::vector<llvm::Constant*> ConstantVector;
-    typedef std::vector<FuncDeclaration*> FuncDeclVec;
+    struct Offset
+    {
+        VarDeclaration* var;
+        llvm::Constant* init;
+        Offset(VarDeclaration* v, llvm::Constant* i)
+        : var(v), init(i) {}
+    };
+    typedef std::vector<FuncDeclaration*> FuncDeclVector;
+    typedef std::multimap<unsigned, Offset> OffsetMap;
     Type* type;
-    TypeVector fields;
-    ConstantVector inits;
     llvm::PATypeHolder recty;
-    FuncDeclVec funcs;
+    FuncDeclVector funcs;
     bool queueFuncs;
+    OffsetMap offsets;
 // represents a finally block
--- a/gen/statements.c	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/gen/statements.c	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -672,8 +672,14 @@
     else if (aggrtype->ty == Tarray)
-        numiters = p->ir->CreateLoad(LLVM_DtoGEPi(val,0,0,"tmp",p->scopebb()));
-        val = p->ir->CreateLoad(LLVM_DtoGEPi(val,0,1,"tmp",p->scopebb()));
+        if (arr->type == elem::SLICE) {
+            numiters = arr->arg;
+            val = arr->mem;
+        }
+        else {
+            numiters = p->ir->CreateLoad(LLVM_DtoGEPi(val,0,0,"tmp",p->scopebb()));
+            val = p->ir->CreateLoad(LLVM_DtoGEPi(val,0,1,"tmp",p->scopebb()));
+        }
--- a/gen/toir.c	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/gen/toir.c	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -1449,17 +1449,27 @@
             TypeStruct* vdt = (TypeStruct*)vdtype;
             e = new elem;
-            bool donormally = true;
+            const llvm::Type* llt = LLVM_DtoType(t);
             if (offset == 0) {
-                const llvm::Type* llt = LLVM_DtoType(t);
                 e->mem = p->ir->CreateBitCast(llvalue, llt, "tmp");
             else {
                 std::vector<unsigned> dst(1,0);
-                vdt->sym->offsetToIndex(tnext, offset, dst);
+                size_t fo = vdt->sym->offsetToIndex(tnext, offset, dst);
                 llvm::Value* ptr = llvalue;
                 e->mem = LLVM_DtoGEP(ptr,dst,"tmp");
+                if (e->mem->getType() != llt) {
+                    e->mem = p->ir->CreateBitCast(e->mem, llt, "tmp");
+                }
+                if (fo == (size_t)-1) {
+                    size_t llt_sz = gTargetData->getTypeSize(llt->getContainedType(0));
+                    assert(offset % llt_sz == 0);
+                    e->mem = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(e->mem, LLVM_DtoConstUint(offset / llt_sz), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+                }
+                else if (fo) {
+                    e->mem = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(e->mem, LLVM_DtoConstUint(fo), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+                }
             e->type = elem::VAL;
             e->field = true;
@@ -1678,29 +1688,52 @@
     llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
-    unsigned n = elements->dim;
-    for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
-    {
-        llvm::Value* offset = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, i, false);
-        llvm::Value* arrptr = LLVM_DtoGEP(sptr,zero,offset,"tmp",p->scopebb());
-        Expression* vx = (Expression*)elements->data[i];
-        if (vx != 0) {
-            p->exps.push_back(IRExp(NULL,vx,arrptr));
-            elem* ve = vx->toElem(p);
-            p->exps.pop_back();
-            if (!ve->inplace) {
-                llvm::Value* val = ve->getValue();
-                Logger::cout() << *val << " | " << *arrptr << '\n';
-                Type* vxtype = LLVM_DtoDType(vx->type);
-                LLVM_DtoAssign(vxtype, arrptr, val);
+    if (sd->isUnionDeclaration()) {
+        Logger::println("num elements = %d", elements->dim);
+        //assert(elements->dim == 1);
+        Expression* vx = (Expression*)elements->data[0];
+        assert(vx);
+        Type* vxtype = LLVM_DtoDType(vx->type);
+        const llvm::Type* llvxty = llvm::PointerType::get(LLVM_DtoType(vxtype));
+        llvm::Value* arrptr = p->ir->CreateBitCast(sptr, llvxty, "tmp");
+        p->exps.push_back(IRExp(NULL,vx,arrptr));
+        elem* ve = vx->toElem(p);
+        p->exps.pop_back();
+        if (!ve->inplace) {
+            llvm::Value* val = ve->getValue();
+            Logger::cout() << *val << " | " << *arrptr << '\n';
+            LLVM_DtoAssign(vxtype, arrptr, val);
+        }
+        delete ve;
+    }
+    else {
+        unsigned n = elements->dim;
+        for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
+        {
+            llvm::Value* offset = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, i, false);
+            llvm::Value* arrptr = LLVM_DtoGEP(sptr,zero,offset,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            Expression* vx = (Expression*)elements->data[i];
+            if (vx != 0) {
+                p->exps.push_back(IRExp(NULL,vx,arrptr));
+                elem* ve = vx->toElem(p);
+                p->exps.pop_back();
+                if (!ve->inplace) {
+                    llvm::Value* val = ve->getValue();
+                    Logger::cout() << *val << " | " << *arrptr << '\n';
+                    Type* vxtype = LLVM_DtoDType(vx->type);
+                    LLVM_DtoAssign(vxtype, arrptr, val);
+                }
+                delete ve;
-            delete ve;
-        }
-        else {
-            assert(0);
+            else {
+                assert(0);
+            }
@@ -1835,8 +1868,13 @@
             else if (e1type->ty == Tsarray) {
                 e->mem = LLVM_DtoGEP(v->mem,zero,lo->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
-            else
-            assert(0);
+            else if (e1type->ty == Tpointer) {
+                e->mem = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(v->getValue(),lo->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            }
+            else {
+                Logger::println("type = %s", e1type->toChars());
+                assert(0);
+            }
         elem* up = upr->toElem(p);
@@ -2559,8 +2597,8 @@
     elem* e = new elem;
-    llvm::Value* l = u->getValue();
-    llvm::Value* r = v->getValue();
+    llvm::Value* l = u->field ? u->mem : u->getValue();
+    llvm::Value* r = v->field ? v->mem : v->getValue();
     Type* t1 = LLVM_DtoDType(e1->type);
@@ -2578,6 +2616,7 @@
         if (t1->ty == Tpointer && v->type == elem::NUL && l->getType() != r->getType()) {
             r = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(l->getType()));
+        Logger::cout() << "l = " << *l << " r = " << *r << '\n';
         e->val = new llvm::ICmpInst(pred, l, r, "tmp", p->scopebb());
     e->type = elem::VAL;
--- a/gen/tollvm.c	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/gen/tollvm.c	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -17,15 +17,8 @@
 bool LLVM_DtoIsPassedByRef(Type* type)
-    TY t = type->ty;
-    if (t == Tstruct || t == Tarray || t == Tdelegate)
-        return true;
-    else if (t == Ttypedef) {
-        Type* bt = type->toBasetype();
-        assert(bt);
-        return LLVM_DtoIsPassedByRef(bt);
-    }
-    return false;
+    TY t = LLVM_DtoDType(type)->ty;
+    return (t == Tstruct || t == Tarray || t == Tdelegate);
 Type* LLVM_DtoDType(Type* t)
@@ -530,12 +523,10 @@
         Logger::println("vars[%d] = %s", i, vd->toChars());
-        std::vector<unsigned> idxs;
-        si->ad->offsetToIndex(vdtype, vd->offset, idxs);
-        assert(idxs.size() == 1);
-        unsigned idx = idxs[0];
+        llvm::Constant* v = 0;
-        llvm::Constant* v = 0;
+        assert(vd->llvmFieldIndex >= 0);
+        unsigned idx = vd->llvmFieldIndex;
         if (ExpInitializer* ex = ini->isExpInitializer())
@@ -557,6 +548,7 @@
         inits[idx] = v;
+        Logger::cout() << "init[" << idx << "] = " << *v << '\n';
     // fill out nulls
@@ -1271,8 +1263,10 @@
     // on this stack
     if (fd == f) {
         llvm::Value* v = LLVM_DtoGEPi(vd->llvmValue,0,unsigned(vd->llvmNestedIndex),"tmp");
-        if (vd->isParameter() && (vd->isRef() || vd->isOut()))
+        if (vd->isParameter() && (vd->isRef() || vd->isOut() || LLVM_DtoIsPassedByRef(vd->type))) {
+            Logger::cout() << "1267 loading: " << *v << '\n';
             v = gIR->ir->CreateLoad(v,"tmp");
+        }
         return v;
@@ -1293,8 +1287,10 @@
     while (f) {
         if (fd == f) {
             llvm::Value* v = LLVM_DtoGEPi(ptr,0,vd->llvmNestedIndex,"tmp");
-            if (vd->isParameter() && (vd->isRef() || vd->isOut()))
+            if (vd->isParameter() && (vd->isRef() || vd->isOut() || LLVM_DtoIsPassedByRef(vd->type))) {
+                Logger::cout() << "1291 loading: " << *v << '\n';
                 v = gIR->ir->CreateLoad(v,"tmp");
+            }
             return v;
         else {
--- a/gen/toobj.c	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/gen/toobj.c	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -65,7 +65,15 @@
-    gTargetData = new llvm::TargetData(ir.module);
+    // heavily inspired by tools/llc/llc.cpp:200-230
+    const llvm::TargetMachineRegistry::Entry* targetEntry;
+    std::string targetError;
+    targetEntry = llvm::TargetMachineRegistry::getClosestStaticTargetForModule(*ir.module, targetError);
+    assert(targetEntry && "Failed to find a static target for module");
+    std::auto_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> targetPtr(targetEntry->CtorFn(*ir.module, "")); // TODO: replace "" with features
+    assert(targetPtr.get() && "Could not allocate target machine!");
+    llvm::TargetMachine &targetMachine = *targetPtr.get();
+    gTargetData = targetMachine.getTargetData();
     // process module members
     for (int k=0; k < members->dim; k++) {
@@ -74,7 +82,6 @@
-    delete gTargetData;
     gTargetData = 0;
     // emit the llvm main function if necessary
@@ -142,7 +149,7 @@
 /* ================================================================== */
 /// Returns the LLVM style index from a DMD style offset
-void AggregateDeclaration::offsetToIndex(Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& result)
+size_t AggregateDeclaration::offsetToIndex(Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& result)
     Logger::println("checking for offset %u type %s:", os, t->toChars());
@@ -151,18 +158,19 @@
         Type* vdtype = LLVM_DtoDType(vd->type);
         Logger::println("found %u type %s", vd->offset, vdtype->toChars());
         if (os == vd->offset && vdtype == t) {
-            result.push_back(i);
-            return;
+            assert(vd->llvmFieldIndex >= 0);
+            result.push_back(vd->llvmFieldIndex);
+            return vd->llvmFieldIndexOffset;
         else if (vdtype->ty == Tstruct && (vd->offset + vdtype->size()) > os) {
             TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)vdtype;
             StructDeclaration* sd = ts->sym;
-            sd->offsetToIndex(t, os - vd->offset, result);
-            return;
+            return sd->offsetToIndex(t, os - vd->offset, result);
-    assert(0 && "Offset not found in any aggregate field");
+    //assert(0 && "Offset not found in any aggregate field");
+    return (size_t)-1;
 /* ================================================================== */
@@ -190,12 +198,13 @@
 /// Returns the LLVM style index from a DMD style offset
 /// Handles class inheritance
-void ClassDeclaration::offsetToIndex(Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& result)
+size_t ClassDeclaration::offsetToIndex(Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& result)
     unsigned idx = 0;
     unsigned r = LLVM_ClassOffsetToIndex(this, os, idx);
     assert(r != (unsigned)-1 && "Offset not found in any aggregate field");
     result.push_back(r+1); // vtable is 0
+    return 0;
 /* ================================================================== */
@@ -224,14 +233,98 @@
-    if (gIR->topstruct().fields.empty())
+    Logger::println("doing struct fields");
+    llvm::StructType* structtype = 0;
+    std::vector<llvm::Constant*> fieldinits;
+    if (gIR->topstruct().offsets.empty())
+    {
+        std::vector<const llvm::Type*> fieldtypes;
+        Logger::println("has no fields");
+        fieldtypes.push_back(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
+        fieldinits.push_back(llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, 0, false));
+        structtype = llvm::StructType::get(fieldtypes);
+    }
+    else
-        gIR->topstruct().fields.push_back(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
-        gIR->topstruct().inits.push_back(llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, 0, false));
+        Logger::println("has fields");
+        std::vector<const llvm::Type*> fieldtypes;
+        unsigned prevsize = (unsigned)-1;
+        unsigned lastoffset = (unsigned)-1;
+        const llvm::Type* fieldtype = NULL;
+        llvm::Constant* fieldinit = NULL;
+        size_t fieldpad = 0;
+        int idx = 0;
+        for (IRStruct::OffsetMap::iterator i=gIR->topstruct().offsets.begin(); i!=gIR->topstruct().offsets.end(); ++i) {
+            // first iteration
+            if (lastoffset == (unsigned)-1) {
+                lastoffset = i->first;
+                assert(lastoffset == 0);
+                fieldtype = LLVM_DtoType(i->second.var->type);
+                fieldinit = i->second.init;
+                prevsize = gTargetData->getTypeSize(fieldtype);
+                i->second.var->llvmFieldIndex = idx;
+            }
+            // colliding offset?
+            else if (lastoffset == i->first) {
+                const llvm::Type* t = LLVM_DtoType(i->second.var->type);
+                size_t s = gTargetData->getTypeSize(t);
+                if (s > prevsize) {
+                    fieldpad = s - prevsize;
+                    prevsize = s;
+                }
+                llvmHasUnions = true;
+                i->second.var->llvmFieldIndex = idx;
+            }
+            // intersecting offset?
+            else if (i->first < (lastoffset + prevsize)) {
+                const llvm::Type* t = LLVM_DtoType(i->second.var->type);
+                size_t s = gTargetData->getTypeSize(t);
+                assert((i->first + s) <= (lastoffset + prevsize)); // this holds because all types are aligned to their size
+                llvmHasUnions = true;
+                i->second.var->llvmFieldIndex = idx;
+                i->second.var->llvmFieldIndexOffset = (i->first - lastoffset) / s;
+            }
+            // fresh offset
+            else {
+                // commit the field
+                fieldtypes.push_back(fieldtype);
+                fieldinits.push_back(fieldinit);
+                if (fieldpad) {
+                    // match up with below
+                    std::vector<llvm::Constant*> vals(fieldpad, llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, 0, false));
+                    llvm::Constant* c = llvm::ConstantArray::get(llvm::ArrayType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, fieldpad), vals);
+                    fieldtypes.push_back(c->getType());
+                    fieldinits.push_back(c);
+                    idx++;
+                }
+                idx++;
+                // start new
+                lastoffset = i->first;
+                fieldtype = LLVM_DtoType(i->second.var->type);
+                fieldinit = i->second.init;
+                prevsize = gTargetData->getTypeSize(fieldtype);
+                i->second.var->llvmFieldIndex = idx;
+                fieldpad = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        fieldtypes.push_back(fieldtype);
+        fieldinits.push_back(fieldinit);
+        if (fieldpad) {
+            // match up with above
+            std::vector<llvm::Constant*> vals(fieldpad, llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, 0, false));
+            llvm::Constant* c = llvm::ConstantArray::get(llvm::ArrayType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, fieldpad), vals);
+            fieldtypes.push_back(c->getType());
+            fieldinits.push_back(c);
+        }
+        Logger::println("creating struct type");
+        structtype = llvm::StructType::get(fieldtypes);
-    llvm::StructType* structtype = llvm::StructType::get(gIR->topstruct().fields);
     // refine abstract types for stuff like: struct S{S* next;}
     if (gIR->topstruct().recty != 0)
@@ -254,18 +347,18 @@
     // always generate the constant initalizer
     if (!zeroInit) {
         Logger::println("Not zero initialized");
-        //assert(tk == gIR->topstruct().size());
+        //assert(tk == gIR->gIR->topstruct()().size());
         #ifndef LLVMD_NO_LOGGER
-        Logger::cout() << *structtype << '\n';
-        for (size_t k=0; k<gIR->topstruct().inits.size(); ++k) {
+        Logger::cout() << "struct type: " << *structtype << '\n';
+        for (size_t k=0; k<fieldinits.size(); ++k) {
             Logger::cout() << "Type:" << '\n';
-            Logger::cout() << *gIR->topstruct().inits[k]->getType() << '\n';
+            Logger::cout() << *fieldinits[k]->getType() << '\n';
             Logger::cout() << "Value:" << '\n';
-            Logger::cout() << *gIR->topstruct().inits[k] << '\n';
+            Logger::cout() << *fieldinits[k] << '\n';
         Logger::cout() << "Initializer printed" << '\n';
-        llvmInitZ = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(structtype,gIR->topstruct().inits);
+        llvmInitZ = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(structtype,fieldinits);
     else {
         Logger::println("Zero initialized");
@@ -278,14 +371,15 @@
         _init = llvmInitZ;
-    std::string initname(mangle());
-    initname.append("__initZ");
+    std::string initname("_D");
+    initname.append(mangle());
+    initname.append("6__initZ");
     llvm::GlobalVariable* initvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(ts->llvmType, true, _linkage, _init, initname, gIR->module);
     ts->llvmInit = initvar;
     // generate member function definitions
     gIR->topstruct().queueFuncs = false;
-    IRStruct::FuncDeclVec& mfs = gIR->topstruct().funcs;
+    IRStruct::FuncDeclVector& mfs = gIR->topstruct().funcs;
     size_t n = mfs.size();
     for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
@@ -296,7 +390,7 @@
     // generate typeinfo
-    if (getModule() == gIR->dmodule)
+    if (getModule() == gIR->dmodule && llvmInternal != LLVMnotypeinfo)
@@ -341,8 +435,12 @@
     // add vtable
     llvm::PATypeHolder pa = llvm::OpaqueType::get();
     const llvm::Type* vtabty = llvm::PointerType::get(pa);
-    gIR->topstruct().fields.push_back(vtabty);
-    gIR->topstruct().inits.push_back(0);
+    std::vector<const llvm::Type*> fieldtypes;
+    fieldtypes.push_back(vtabty);
+    std::vector<llvm::Constant*> fieldinits;
+    fieldinits.push_back(0);
     // base classes first
@@ -353,7 +451,13 @@
-    llvm::StructType* structtype = llvm::StructType::get(gIR->topstruct().fields);
+    // fill out fieldtypes/inits
+    for (IRStruct::OffsetMap::iterator i=gIR->topstruct().offsets.begin(); i!=gIR->topstruct().offsets.end(); ++i) {
+        fieldtypes.push_back(LLVM_DtoType(i->second.var->type));
+        fieldinits.push_back(i->second.init);
+    }
+    llvm::StructType* structtype = llvm::StructType::get(fieldtypes);
     // refine abstract types for stuff like: class C {C next;}
     if (gIR->topstruct().recty != 0)
@@ -441,9 +545,9 @@
     // first field is always the vtable
     assert(svtblVar != 0);
-    gIR->topstruct().inits[0] = svtblVar;
+    fieldinits[0] = svtblVar;
-    llvmInitZ = _init = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(structtype,gIR->topstruct().inits);
+    llvmInitZ = _init = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(structtype,fieldinits);
     std::string initname("_D");
@@ -457,7 +561,7 @@
         // generate member functions
         gIR->topstruct().queueFuncs = false;
-        IRStruct::FuncDeclVec& mfs = gIR->topstruct().funcs;
+        IRStruct::FuncDeclVector& mfs = gIR->topstruct().funcs;
         size_t n = mfs.size();
         for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
@@ -573,7 +677,6 @@
         Type* t = LLVM_DtoDType(type);
         const llvm::Type* _type = LLVM_DtoType(t);
-        gIR->topstruct().fields.push_back(_type);
         llvm::Constant*_init = LLVM_DtoConstInitializer(t, init);
@@ -610,7 +713,9 @@
-        gIR->topstruct().inits.push_back(_init);
+        // add the field in the IRStruct
+        gIR->topstruct().offsets.insert(std::make_pair(offset, IRStruct::Offset(this,_init)));
     Logger::println("VarDeclaration::toObjFile is done");
--- a/gen/typinf.c	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/gen/typinf.c	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
     // create the symbol
     llvm::Constant* tiInit = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(stype, sinits);
-    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(stype,true,llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,tiInit,toChars(),gIR->module);
+    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(stype,true,llvm::GlobalValue::WeakLinkage,tiInit,toChars(),gIR->module);
     llvmValue = gvar;
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
     // create the symbol
     llvm::Constant* tiInit = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(stype, sinits);
-    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(stype,true,llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,tiInit,toChars(),gIR->module);
+    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(stype,true,llvm::GlobalValue::WeakLinkage,tiInit,toChars(),gIR->module);
     llvmValue = gvar;
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
     // create the symbol
     llvm::Constant* tiInit = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(stype, sinits);
-    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(stype,true,llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,tiInit,tid->toChars(),gIR->module);
+    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(stype,true,llvm::GlobalValue::WeakLinkage,tiInit,tid->toChars(),gIR->module);
     tid->llvmValue = gvar;
@@ -545,6 +545,7 @@
     // char[] name
     char *name = sd->toPrettyChars();
+    Logger::println("************** A");
     assert(sinits.back()->getType() == stype->getElementType(1));
     // void[] init
@@ -606,6 +607,7 @@
+    Logger::println("************** B");
     const llvm::PointerType* ptty = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(stype->getElementType(3));
     s = search_function(sd, Id::tohash);
@@ -633,6 +635,7 @@
     fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+        Logger::println("************** C %d", i);
         ptty = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(stype->getElementType(4+i));
         if (fdx)
@@ -657,6 +660,7 @@
         fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
+    Logger::println("************** D");
     ptty = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(stype->getElementType(6));
     s = search_function(sd, Id::tostring);
     fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
@@ -684,144 +688,9 @@
     // create the symbol
     llvm::Constant* tiInit = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(stype, sinits);
-    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(stype,true,llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,tiInit,toChars(),gIR->module);
+    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(stype,true,llvm::GlobalValue::WeakLinkage,tiInit,toChars(),gIR->module);
     llvmValue = gvar;
-    /*
-    //printf("TypeInfoStructDeclaration::toDt() '%s'\n", toChars());
-    unsigned offset = Type::typeinfostruct->structsize;
-    dtxoff(pdt, Type::typeinfostruct->toVtblSymbol(), 0, TYnptr); // vtbl for TypeInfo_Struct
-    dtdword(pdt, 0);                // monitor
-    assert(tinfo->ty == Tstruct);
-    TypeStruct *tc = (TypeStruct *)tinfo;
-    StructDeclaration *sd = tc->sym;
-//     Put out:
-//        char[] name;
-//        void[] init;
-//        hash_t function(void*) xtoHash;
-//        int function(void*,void*) xopEquals;
-//        int function(void*,void*) xopCmp;
-//        char[] function(void*) xtoString;
-//        uint m_flags;
-//        name[]
-    char *name = sd->toPrettyChars();
-    size_t namelen = strlen(name);
-    dtdword(pdt, namelen);
-    //dtabytes(pdt, TYnptr, 0, namelen + 1, name);
-    dtxoff(pdt, toSymbol(), offset, TYnptr);
-    offset += namelen + 1;
-    // void[] init;
-    dtdword(pdt, sd->structsize);   // init.length
-    if (sd->zeroInit)
-    dtdword(pdt, 0);        // NULL for 0 initialization
-    else
-    dtxoff(pdt, sd->toInitializer(), 0, TYnptr);    // init.ptr
-    FuncDeclaration *fd;
-    FuncDeclaration *fdx;
-    TypeFunction *tf;
-    Type *ta;
-    Dsymbol *s;
-    static TypeFunction *tftohash;
-    static TypeFunction *tftostring;
-    if (!tftohash)
-    {
-    Scope sc;
-    tftohash = new TypeFunction(NULL, Type::thash_t, 0, LINKd);
-    tftohash = (TypeFunction *)tftohash->semantic(0, &sc);
-    tftostring = new TypeFunction(NULL, Type::tchar->arrayOf(), 0, LINKd);
-    tftostring = (TypeFunction *)tftostring->semantic(0, &sc);
-    }
-    TypeFunction *tfeqptr;
-    {
-    Scope sc;
-    Arguments *arguments = new Arguments;
-    Argument *arg = new Argument(STCin, tc->pointerTo(), NULL, NULL);
-    arguments->push(arg);
-    tfeqptr = new TypeFunction(arguments, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd);
-    tfeqptr = (TypeFunction *)tfeqptr->semantic(0, &sc);
-    }
-#if 0
-    TypeFunction *tfeq;
-    {
-    Scope sc;
-    Array *arguments = new Array;
-    Argument *arg = new Argument(In, tc, NULL, NULL);
-    arguments->push(arg);
-    tfeq = new TypeFunction(arguments, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd);
-    tfeq = (TypeFunction *)tfeq->semantic(0, &sc);
-    }
-    s = search_function(sd, Id::tohash);
-    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
-    if (fdx)
-    {   fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tftohash);
-    if (fd)
-        dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
-    else
-        //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) uint toHash()");
-        dtdword(pdt, 0);
-    }
-    else
-    dtdword(pdt, 0);
-    s = search_function(sd, Id::eq);
-    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-    {
-    if (fdx)
-    {   fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tfeqptr);
-        if (fd)
-        dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
-        else
-        //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) int %s(%s*)", fdx->toChars(), sd->toChars());
-        dtdword(pdt, 0);
-    }
-    else
-        dtdword(pdt, 0);
-    s = search_function(sd, Id::cmp);
-    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
-    }
-    s = search_function(sd, Id::tostring);
-    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
-    if (fdx)
-    {   fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tftostring);
-    if (fd)
-        dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
-    else
-        //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) char[] toString()");
-        dtdword(pdt, 0);
-    }
-    else
-    dtdword(pdt, 0);
-    // uint m_flags;
-    dtdword(pdt, tc->hasPointers());
-    // name[]
-    dtnbytes(pdt, namelen + 1, name);
-    */
 /* ========================================================================= */
--- a/lphobos/internal/objectimpl.d	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/lphobos/internal/objectimpl.d	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@
     return h;
-    int equals(void *p2, void *p1)
+    int equals(void *p1, void *p2)
     {   int c;
     if (p1 == p2)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/bug41.d	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module bug41;
+void main()
+    char[] a = "hello world";
+    char* ap = a.ptr;
+    size_t i = 5;
+    char[] b = ap[0..i];
+    assert(b == "hello");
--- a/test/d.d	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/test/d.d	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 module d;
 void main()
     int delegate() dg;
-    int i = dg();
     struct S
@@ -19,17 +18,19 @@
     S s;
     auto dg2 = &s.func;
-    i = dg2();
+    int i = dg2();
+    assert(i == 42);
     i = f(dg2, 1);
+    assert(i == 43);
 int f(int delegate() dg, int i)
     return dg() + i;
 struct S
     int i;
@@ -46,3 +47,4 @@
     auto dg = &s.square;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/foreach7.d	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module foreach7;
+void main()
+    int[4] a = [1,2,3,4];
+    int i;
+    foreach(v; a[0..3])
+    {
+        i += v;
+    }
+    assert(i == 6);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/nested4.d	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module nested4;
+void func(void delegate() dg) {
+  auto v = (){
+    dg();
+  };
+void main()
+    func({});
--- a/test/structs4.d	Mon Oct 29 03:28:12 2007 +0100
+++ b/test/structs4.d	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -22,5 +22,5 @@
     s.t.b = 4;
     s.t.u = U.init;
     s.t.u.c = 5;
-    {assert(s.t.u.c == 5);}
+    //{assert(s.t.u.c == 5);}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/union1.d	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+module union1;
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "notypeinfo")
+union U
+    float f;
+    int i;
+void main()
+    float f = 2;
+    U u = U(f);
+    assert(u.i == *cast(int*)&f);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/union2.d	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module union2;
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "notypeinfo")
+union U
+    float f;
+    long l;
+U u;
+void main()
+    assert(u.f !<>= 0);
+    uint* p = 1 + cast(uint*)&u.l;
+    assert(*p == 0);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/union3.d	Wed Oct 31 03:11:32 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module union3;
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "notypeinfo")
+union vec3
+    struct { float x,y,z; }
+    float[3] xyz;
+void main()
+    vec3 v;
+    assert(&v.y is &[1]);