view tango/tango/util/collection/LinkMap.d @ 373:d1574e142e93 trunk

[svn r394] Fixed the new DtoNullValue function
author lindquist
date Tue, 15 Jul 2008 15:16:56 +0200
parents 1700239cab2e
line wrap: on
line source

 File: LinkMap.d

 Originally written by Doug Lea and released into the public domain. 
 Thanks for the assistance and support of Sun Microsystems Labs, Agorics 
 Inc, Loral, and everyone contributing, testing, and using this code.

 Date     Who                What
 24Sep95   Create from tango.util.collection.d  working file
 13Oct95  dl                 Changed protection statuses
 21Oct95  dl                 Fixed error in remove


module tango.util.collection.LinkMap;

private import tango.core.Exception;

private import,

private import  tango.util.collection.model.View,

private import  tango.util.collection.impl.LLCell,

 * Linked lists of (key, element) pairs
 * author: Doug Lea
public class LinkMap(K, T) : MapCollection!(K, T) // , IReadable, IWritable
        alias LLCell!(T)               LLCellT;
        alias LLPair!(K, T)            LLPairT;

        alias MapCollection!(K, T).remove     remove;
        alias MapCollection!(K, T) .removeAll  removeAll;

        // instance variables

         * The head of the list. Null if empty

        package LLPairT list;

        // constructors

         * Make an empty list

        public this ()
                this(null, null, 0);

         * Make an empty list with the supplied element screener

        public this (Predicate screener)
                this(screener, null, 0);

         * Special version of constructor needed by clone()
        protected this (Predicate s, LLPairT l, int c)
                list = l;
                count = c;

         * Make an independent copy of the list. Does not clone elements

        public LinkMap duplicate()
                if (list is null)
                    return new LinkMap (screener, null, 0);
                   return new LinkMap (screener, cast(LLPairT)(list.copyList()), count);

        // Collection methods

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.contains.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.contains
        public final bool contains(T element)
                if (!isValidArg(element) || list is null)
                     return false;

                return list.find(element) !is null;

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.instances.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.instances
        public final uint instances(T element)
                if (!isValidArg(element) || list is null)
                     return 0;

                return list.count(element);

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.elements.
         * Time complexity: O(1).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.elements
        public final GuardIterator!(T) elements()
                return keys();


                Implements tango.util.collection.model.View.View.opApply
                Time complexity: O(n)
                See_Also: tango.util.collection.model.View.View.opApply
        int opApply (int delegate (inout T value) dg)
                auto scope iterator = new MapIterator!(K, T)(this);
                return iterator.opApply (dg);


                Implements tango.util.collection.MapView.opApply
                Time complexity: O(n)
                See_Also: tango.util.collection.MapView.opApply
        int opApply (int delegate (inout K key, inout T value) dg)
                auto scope iterator = new MapIterator!(K, T)(this);
                return iterator.opApply (dg);

        // Map methods

         * Implements tango.util.collection.Map.containsKey.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.Map.containsKey
        public final bool containsKey(K key)
                if (!isValidKey(key) || list is null)
                     return false;

                return list.findKey(key) !is null;

         * Implements tango.util.collection.Map.containsPair
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.Map.containsPair
        public final bool containsPair(K key, T element)
                if (!isValidKey(key) || !isValidArg(element) || list is null)
                    return false;
                return list.find(key, element) !is null;

         * Implements tango.util.collection.Map.keys.
         * Time complexity: O(1).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.Map.keys
        public final PairIterator!(K, T) keys()
                return new MapIterator!(K, T)(this);

         * Implements tango.util.collection.Map.get.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.Map.get
        public final T get(K key)
                if (list !is null)
                   auto p = list.findKey(key);
                   if (p !is null)
                       return p.element();
                throw new NoSuchElementException("no matching Key");

         * Return the element associated with Key key. 
         * Params:
         *   key = a key
         * Returns: whether the key is contained or not

        public final bool get(K key, inout T element)
                if (list !is null)
                   auto p = list.findKey(key);
                   if (p !is null)
                      element = p.element();
                      return true;
                return false;

         * Implements tango.util.collection.Map.keyOf.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.Map.keyOf
        public final bool keyOf(inout K key, T value)
                if (!isValidArg(value) || count is 0)
                     return false;

                auto p = (cast(LLPairT)(list.find(value)));
                if (p is null)
                    return false;

                key = p.key();
                return true;

        // MutableCollection methods

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.clear.
         * Time complexity: O(1).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.clear
        public final void clear()
                list = null;

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.replaceOneOf
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.replaceOneOf
        public final void replace (T oldElement, T newElement)
                replace_(oldElement, newElement, false);

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.replaceAllOf.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.replaceAllOf
        public final void replaceAll(T oldElement, T newElement)
                replace_(oldElement, newElement, true);

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.removeAll.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.removeAll
        public final void removeAll(T element)
                remove_(element, true);

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.removeOneOf.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.removeOneOf
        public final void remove(T element)
                remove_(element, false);

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.take.
         * Time complexity: O(1).
         * takes the first element on the list
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.Collection.Collection.take
        public final T take()
                if (list !is null)
                   auto v = list.element();
                   list = cast(LLPairT)(;
                   return v;
                return T.init; // not reached

        // MutableMap methods

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.MapCollection.MapCollection.add.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.MapCollection.MapCollection.add
        public final void add (K key, T element)

                if (list !is null)
                   auto p = list.findKey(key);
                   if (p !is null)
                      if (p.element() != (element))
                      return ;
                list = new LLPairT(key, element, list);

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.MapCollection.MapCollection.remove.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.MapCollection.MapCollection.remove
        public final void removeKey (K key)
                if (!isValidKey(key) || list is null)
                    return ;

                auto p = list;
                auto trail = p;

                while (p !is null)
                      auto n = cast(LLPairT)(;
                      if (p.key() == (key))
                         if (p is list)
                             list = n;
                         return ;
                         trail = p;
                         p = n;

         * Implements tango.util.collection.impl.MapCollection.MapCollection.replaceElement.
         * Time complexity: O(n).
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.impl.MapCollection.MapCollection.replaceElement
        public final void replacePair (K key, T oldElement, T newElement)
                if (!isValidKey(key) || !isValidArg(oldElement) || list is null)
                     return ;

                auto p = list.find(key, oldElement);
                if (p !is null)

        private final void remove_(T element, bool allOccurrences)
                if (!isValidArg(element) || count is 0)
                     return ;

                auto p = list;
                auto trail = p;

                while (p !is null)
                      auto n = cast(LLPairT)(;
                      if (p.element() == (element))
                         if (p is list)
                            list = n;
                            trail = n;

                         if (!allOccurrences || count is 0)
                              return ;
                            p = n;
                         trail = p;
                         p = n;

         * Helper for replace

        private final void replace_(T oldElement, T newElement, bool allOccurrences)
                if (list is null || !isValidArg(oldElement) || oldElement == (newElement))
                    return ;

                auto p = list.find(oldElement);
                while (p !is null)
                      if (!allOccurrences)
                           return ;
                      p = p.find(oldElement);

        // ImplementationCheckable methods

         * Implements tango.util.collection.model.View.View.checkImplementation.
         * See_Also: tango.util.collection.model.View.View.checkImplementation
        public override void checkImplementation()

                assert(((count is 0) is (list is null)));
                assert((list is null || list._length() is count));

                for (auto p = list; p !is null; p = cast(LLPairT)(
                    assert(instances(p.element()) >= 1);
                    assert(containsPair(p.key(), p.element()));


                opApply() has migrated here to mitigate the virtual call
                on method get()

        private static class MapIterator(K, V) : AbstractMapIterator!(K, V)
                private LLPairT pair;
                public this (LinkMap map)
                        super (map);
                        pair = map.list;

                public final V get(inout K key)
                        if (pair)
                            key = pair.key;
                        return get();

                public final V get()
                        auto v = pair.element();
                        pair = cast(LLPairT);
                        return v;

                int opApply (int delegate (inout V value) dg)
                        int result;

                        for (auto i=remaining(); i--;)
                            auto value = get();
                            if ((result = dg(value)) != 0)
                        return result;

                int opApply (int delegate (inout K key, inout V value) dg)
                        K   key;
                        int result;

                        for (auto i=remaining(); i--;)
                            auto value = get(key);
                            if ((result = dg(key, value)) != 0)
                        return result;

        void main()
                auto map = new LinkMap!(Object, double);

                foreach (key, value; map.keys) {typeof(key) x; x = key;}

                foreach (value; map.keys) {}

                foreach (value; map.elements) {}

                auto keys = map.keys();
                while (keys.more)
                       auto v = keys.get();

                foreach (value; map) {}
                foreach (key, value; map) {}
