view tango/tango/io/vfs/FileFolder.d @ 373:d1574e142e93 trunk

[svn r394] Fixed the new DtoNullValue function
author lindquist
date Tue, 15 Jul 2008 15:16:56 +0200
parents 1700239cab2e
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2007 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Oct 2007: Initial version

        author:         Kris



private import,

private import tango.util.PathUtil;

private import tango.core.Exception;

private import;

private import;


        Represents a physical folder in a file system. Use one of these
        to address specific paths (sub-trees) within the file system.


class FileFolder : VfsFolder
        private FilePath        path;
        private VfsStats        stats;


                Create a file folder with the given name and path. The
                name itself should not include '.' or '/' characters, 
                though the path can point at whatever it pleases. 

                Option 'create' will create the folder when set true, 
                and open an existing folder otherwise


        this (char[] path, bool create=false)
                this.path = open (FilePath(path), create);


                create a FileFolder as a Group member


        private this (FilePath path)
                this.path = path;


                explicitly create() or open() a named folder


        private this (FileFolder parent, char[] name, bool create=false)
                assert (parent);
                this.path = open (parent.path.dup.append(name), create);


                Return a short name


        final char[] name ()


                Return a long name


        final char[] toString ()
                return path.toString;


                A folder is being added or removed from the hierarchy. Use 
                this to test for validity (or whatever) and throw exceptions 
                as necessary

                Here we test for folder overlap, and bail-out when found.


        final void verify (VfsFolder folder, bool mounting)
                if (mounting && cast(FileFolder) folder)
                   auto src = FilePath.padded(this.toString);
                   auto dst = FilePath.padded(folder.toString);

                   auto len = src.length;
                   if (len > dst.length)
                       len = dst.length;

                   if (src[0..len] == dst[0..len])
                       error ("folders '"~dst~"' and '"~src~"' overlap");


                Return a contained file representation 


        final VfsFile file (char[] name)
                return (new FileHost).set (path.toString, name);


                Return a contained folder representation 


        final VfsFolderEntry folder (char[] path)
                return new FolderHost (this, path);


                Remove the folder subtree


        final VfsFolder clear ()
                return this;


                Is folder writable?


        final bool writable ()
                return path.isWritable;


                Returns content information about this folder


        final VfsFolders self ()
                return new FolderGroup (this, false);


                Returns a subtree of folders matching the given name


        final VfsFolders tree ()
                return new FolderGroup (this, true);


                Iterate over the set of immediate child folders. This is 
                useful for reflecting the hierarchy


        final int opApply (int delegate(inout VfsFolder) dg)
                int result;

                foreach (folder; folders(true))  
                        VfsFolder x = folder;  
                        if ((result = dg(x)) != 0)
                return result;


                Close and/or synchronize changes made to this folder. Each
                driver should take advantage of this as appropriate, perhaps
                combining multiple files together, or possibly copying to a 
                remote location


        VfsFolder close (bool commit = true)
                return this;

                Sweep owned folders 


        private final FileFolder[] folders (bool collect)
                FileFolder[] folders;

                stats = stats.init;
                foreach (info; path)
                         if (info.folder)
                            if (collect)
                                folders ~= new FileFolder (FilePath.from (info));
                            stats.bytes += info.bytes; 

                return folders;         


                Sweep owned files


        private final FilePath[] files (ref VfsStats stats, VfsFilter filter = null)
                FilePath[] files;

                foreach (info; path)
                         if (info.folder is false)
                             if (filter is null || filter(cast(VfsInfo) &info))
                                files ~= FilePath.from (info);
                                stats.bytes += info.bytes; 

                return files;         


                Throw an exception


        private final char[] error (char[] msg)
                throw new VfsException (msg);


                Create or open the given path, and detect path errors


        private final FilePath open (FilePath path, bool create)
                if (path.exists)
                   if (path.isFolder is false)
                       error (" :: path exists but not as a folder: "~path.toString);
                   if (create)
                      error (" :: path does not exist: "~path.toString);
                return path;


        Represents a group of files (need this declared here to avoid
        a bunch of bizarre compiler warnings)


class FileGroup : VfsFiles
        private FilePath[]      group;
        private VfsStats        stats;



        this (FolderGroup host, VfsFilter filter)
                foreach (folder; host.members)
                         group ~= folder.files (stats, filter);


                Iterate over the set of contained VfsFile instances


        final int opApply (int delegate(inout VfsFile) dg)
                int  result;
                auto host = new FileHost;

                foreach (file; group)    
                        host.path = file;
                        VfsFile x = host;
                        if ((result = dg(x)) != 0)
                return result;


                Return the total number of entries 


        final uint files ()
                return group.length;


                Return the total size of all files 


        final ulong bytes ()
                return stats.bytes;


        A set of folders representing a selection. This is where file 
        selection is made, and pattern-matched folder subsets can be
        extracted. You need one of these to expose statistics (such as
        file or folder count) of a selected folder group 


private class FolderGroup : VfsFolders
        private FileFolder[] members;           // folders in group


                Create a subset group


        private this () {}


                Create a folder group including the provided folder and
                (optionally) all child folders


        private this (FileFolder root, bool recurse)
                members = root ~ scan (root, recurse);   


                Iterate over the set of contained VfsFolder instances


        final int opApply (int delegate(inout VfsFolder) dg)
                int  result;

                foreach (folder; members)  
                        VfsFolder x = folder;  
                        if ((result = dg(x)) != 0)
                return result;


                Return the number of files in this group


        final uint files ()
                uint files;
                foreach (folder; members)
                         files += folder.stats.files;
                return files;


                Return the total size of all files in this group


        final ulong bytes ()
                ulong bytes;

                foreach (folder; members)
                         bytes += folder.stats.bytes;
                return bytes;


                Return the number of folders in this group


        final uint folders ()
                return members.length;


                Return the total number of entries in this group


        final uint entries ()
                return files + folders;


                Return a subset of folders matching the given pattern


        final VfsFolders subset (char[] pattern)
                auto set = new FolderGroup;

                foreach (folder; members)    
                         if (patternMatch (, pattern))
                             set.members ~= folder; 
                return set;


                Return a set of files matching the given pattern


        final FileGroup catalog (char[] pattern)
                bool foo (VfsInfo info)
                        return patternMatch (, pattern);

                return catalog (&foo);


                Returns a set of files conforming to the given filter


        final FileGroup catalog (VfsFilter filter = null)
                return new FileGroup (this, filter);


                Internal routine to traverse the folder tree


        private final FileFolder[] scan (FileFolder root, bool recurse) 
                auto folders = root.folders (recurse);
                if (recurse)
                    foreach (child; folders)
                             folders ~= scan (child, recurse);
                return folders;


        A host for folders, currently used to harbor create() and open() 
        methods only


private class FolderHost : VfsFolderEntry
        private char[]          path;
        private FileFolder      parent;



        private this (FileFolder parent, char[] path)
                this.path = path;
                this.parent = parent;



        final VfsFolder create ()
                return new FileFolder (parent, path, true);



        final VfsFolder open ()
                return new FileFolder (parent, path, false);


                Test to see if a folder exists


        bool exists ()
                try {
                    return true;
                    } catch (IOException x) {}
                return false;


        Represents things you can do with a file 


private class FileHost : VfsFile
        private FilePath path;



        private this (char[] path = null)
                this.path = FilePath (path);


                Return a short name


        final char[] name()
                return path.file;


                Return a long name


        final char[] toString ()
                return path.toString;


                Does this file exist?


        final bool exists()
                return path.exists;


                Return the file size


        final ulong size()
                return path.fileSize;


                Create a new file instance


        final VfsFile create ()
                path.createFile ();
                return this;


                Create a new file instance and populate with stream


        final VfsFile create (InputStream input)
                return this;


                Create and copy the given source


        VfsFile copy (VfsFile source)
                auto input = source.input;
                scope (exit) input.close;
                return create (input);


                Create and copy the given source, and remove the source


        final VfsFile move (VfsFile source)
                copy (source);
                return this;


                Return the input stream. Don't forget to close it


        final InputStream input ()
                return new FileConduit (path.dup);


                Return the output stream. Don't forget to close it


        final OutputStream output ()
                return new FileConduit (path.dup, FileConduit.WriteExisting);


                Remove this file


        final VfsFile remove ()
                return this;


                Duplicate this entry


        final VfsFile dup()
                return new FileHost (path.toString);



        private VfsFile set (char[] folder, char[] name)
                return this;

debug (FileFolder)




void main()
        auto root = new FileFolder ("d:/d/import/temp", true);
        root.file("test.txt").create(new Buffer("hello"));
        Stdout.formatln ("test.txt.length = {}", root.file("test.txt").size);
        root = new FileFolder ("c:/");

        auto set = root.self;

        Stdout.formatln ("self.files = {}", set.files);
        Stdout.formatln ("self.bytes = {}", set.bytes);
        Stdout.formatln ("self.folders = {}", set.folders);
        Stdout.formatln ("self.entries = {}", set.entries);

        set = root.tree;
        Stdout.formatln ("tree.files = {}", set.files);
        Stdout.formatln ("tree.bytes = {}", set.bytes);
        Stdout.formatln ("tree.folders = {}", set.folders);
        Stdout.formatln ("tree.entries = {}", set.entries);

        //foreach (folder; set)
        //         Stdout.formatln ("tree.folder '{}' has {} files",, folder.self.files);

        auto cat = set.catalog ("s*");
        Stdout.formatln ("cat.files = {}", cat.files);
        Stdout.formatln ("cat.bytes = {}", cat.bytes);
        //foreach (file; cat)
        //         Stdout.formatln (" '{}' '{}'",, file.toString);