view gen/tollvm.h @ 86:fd32135dca3e trunk

[svn r90] Major updates to the gen directory. Redesigned the 'elem' struct. Much more... !!! Lots of bugfixes. Added support for special foreach on strings. Added std.array, std.utf, std.ctype and std.uni to phobos. Changed all the .c files in the gen dir to .cpp (it *is* C++ after all)
author lindquist
date Sat, 03 Nov 2007 14:44:58 +0100
parents f869c636a113
children 058d3925950e
line wrap: on
line source


// D -> LLVM helpers

struct StructInitializer;
struct DValue;

const llvm::Type* DtoType(Type* t);
bool DtoIsPassedByRef(Type* type);
Type* DtoDType(Type* t);

const llvm::Type* DtoStructType(Type* t);
llvm::Value* DtoStructZeroInit(llvm::Value* v);
llvm::Value* DtoStructCopy(llvm::Value* dst, llvm::Value* src);
llvm::Constant* DtoConstStructInitializer(StructInitializer* si);

const llvm::FunctionType* DtoFunctionType(Type* t, const llvm::Type* thistype, bool ismain = false);
const llvm::FunctionType* DtoFunctionType(FuncDeclaration* fdecl);
llvm::Function* DtoDeclareFunction(FuncDeclaration* fdecl);

const llvm::StructType* DtoDelegateType(Type* t);
llvm::Value* DtoNullDelegate(llvm::Value* v);
llvm::Value* DtoDelegateCopy(llvm::Value* dst, llvm::Value* src);
llvm::Value* DtoCompareDelegate(TOK op, llvm::Value* lhs, llvm::Value* rhs);

llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes DtoLinkage(PROT prot, uint stc);
unsigned DtoCallingConv(LINK l);

llvm::Value* DtoPointedType(llvm::Value* ptr, llvm::Value* val);
llvm::Value* DtoBoolean(llvm::Value* val);

const llvm::Type* DtoSize_t();

void DtoMain();

void DtoCallClassDtors(TypeClass* tc, llvm::Value* instance);
void DtoInitClass(TypeClass* tc, llvm::Value* dst);

llvm::Constant* DtoConstInitializer(Type* type, Initializer* init);
elem* DtoInitializer(Initializer* init);

llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemSet32();
llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemSet64();
llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemCpy32();
llvm::Function* LLVM_DeclareMemCpy64();

llvm::Value* DtoGEP(llvm::Value* ptr, llvm::Value* i0, llvm::Value* i1, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);
llvm::Value* DtoGEP(llvm::Value* ptr, const std::vector<unsigned>& src, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);
llvm::Value* DtoGEPi(llvm::Value* ptr, unsigned i0, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);
llvm::Value* DtoGEPi(llvm::Value* ptr, unsigned i0, unsigned i1, const std::string& var, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);

llvm::Value* DtoRealloc(llvm::Value* ptr, const llvm::Type* ty);
llvm::Value* DtoRealloc(llvm::Value* ptr, llvm::Value* len);

void DtoAssert(llvm::Value* cond, llvm::Value* loc, llvm::Value* msg);

llvm::Value* DtoArgument(const llvm::Type* paramtype, Argument* fnarg, Expression* argexp);

llvm::Value* DtoNestedVariable(VarDeclaration* vd);

llvm::ConstantInt* DtoConstSize_t(size_t);
llvm::ConstantInt* DtoConstUint(unsigned i);
llvm::ConstantInt* DtoConstInt(int i);
llvm::Constant* DtoConstString(const char*);
llvm::Constant* DtoConstStringPtr(const char* str, const char* section = 0);
llvm::Constant* DtoConstBool(bool);

llvm::Value* DtoIndexStruct(llvm::Value* ptr, StructDeclaration* sd, Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& idxs);

bool DtoIsTemplateInstance(Dsymbol* s);

// llvm wrappers
void DtoMemCpy(llvm::Value* dst, llvm::Value* src, llvm::Value* nbytes);
bool DtoCanLoad(llvm::Value* ptr);
llvm::Value* DtoLoad(llvm::Value* src);
void DtoStore(llvm::Value* src, llvm::Value* dst);
llvm::Value* DtoBitCast(llvm::Value* v, const llvm::Type* t);

// basic operations
void DtoAssign(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);

// binary operations
DValue* DtoBinAdd(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinSub(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinMul(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinDiv(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);
DValue* DtoBinRem(DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs);

#include "enums.h"