view @ 1508:e1e93343fc11

Move function codegen data from IrFunction to new FuncGen. This change reduces memory consumption significantly by releasing the memory held by the STL containers that are now inside FuncGen.
author Christian Kamm <kamm incasoftware de>
date Sat, 20 Jun 2009 19:11:44 +0200
parents 230765fc82f4
line wrap: on
line source


use strict;
use warnings;
use File::stat;
use Time::localtime;

my $llvm_src = `perl @LLVM_CONFIG@ --src-root`;

my $svn_info = `LC_ALL=C svn info $llvm_src 2>/dev/null`;

my $extra_includes = "";
my $llvm_rev_str;
my $llvm_rev_nr;
my $llvm_date = "";

if ($svn_info =~ /^URL:.*\/trunk\s*$/m && $svn_info =~ /^Last Changed Rev:\s*(\d+)\s*/m) {
    $llvm_rev_str = qq!"LLVM trunk rev. $1"!;
    $llvm_rev_nr = $1;
} else {
    # Either non-trunk or 'svn info' didn't report "Last Changed Rev".
    $extra_includes = qq!#include "llvm/Config/config.h"!;
    $llvm_rev_str = "PACKAGE_STRING";
    # Assume latest release, so < any version we should be testing for.
    $llvm_rev_nr = 0;

# Use SVN date even if non-trunk:
if ($svn_info =~ /^Last Changed Date: ([^(]*?)\s*(\(|$)/m) {
    $llvm_date = qq!" ($1)"!;
} else {
    # Otherwise, try to get it from the libdir
    my $llvm_lib = `perl @LLVM_CONFIG@ --libdir`;
    $llvm_lib =~ s/\s+$//;
    if (-d $llvm_lib) {
        my $mod_time = ctime(stat($llvm_lib)->mtime);
        $llvm_date = qq!" ($mod_time)"!;

my $ldc_rev = `hg -R@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@ log -r qparent --template '{rev}:{node|short} ({date|isodate})' 2>/dev/null || hg -R@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@ tip --template '{rev}:{node|short} ({date|isodate})'`;

my $out = qq!#ifndef LDC_VERSIONS_H

// LLVM version string, for use in -version output
#define LLVM_REV_STR $llvm_rev_str$llvm_date
// LDC version string, for use in -version output
#define LDC_REV "rev. $ldc_rev"

#endif // LDC_VERSIONS_H\n!;

my $revh;
my $old = "";
open $revh, "revisions.h" and $old = join "", <$revh>;

if ($old ne $out) {
	open $revh, ">revisions.h" or die "cannot create revisions.h: $!";
	print $revh $out;
	close $revh;

# Allow the user to manually define it on the command line...
$out = qq@#ifndef LLVM_REV

// LLVM svn revision number, used to adapt to changes in LLVM
// (Is 0 if LLVM is not an SVN trunk version)
#define LLVM_REV $llvm_rev_nr

#endif // LLVM_REV

#error "You need to add '-DLLVM_REV=<your-llvm-rev>' to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS in the cmake configuration"
#elif LLVM_REV < 67588
#error "Please update to a more recent LLVM version"

$old = "";
open $revh, "llvm-version.h" and $old = join "", <$revh>;

if ($old ne $out) {
	open $revh, ">llvm-version.h" or die "cannot create llvm-version.h: $!";
	print $revh $out;
	close $revh;