view gen/complex.cpp @ 1508:e1e93343fc11

Move function codegen data from IrFunction to new FuncGen. This change reduces memory consumption significantly by releasing the memory held by the STL containers that are now inside FuncGen.
author Christian Kamm <kamm incasoftware de>
date Sat, 20 Jun 2009 19:11:44 +0200
parents cc5fee7836dc
children ad7f2f1862d6
line wrap: on
line source

#include "gen/llvm.h"

#include "mtype.h"
#include "declaration.h"

#include "gen/complex.h"
#include "gen/tollvm.h"
#include "gen/llvmhelpers.h"
#include "gen/irstate.h"
#include "gen/dvalue.h"
#include "gen/logger.h"


const llvm::StructType* DtoComplexType(Type* type)
    Type* t = type->toBasetype();
    const LLType* base = DtoComplexBaseType(t);
    return llvm::StructType::get(base, base, NULL);

const LLType* DtoComplexBaseType(Type* t)
    TY ty = t->toBasetype()->ty;
    const LLType* base;
    if (ty == Tcomplex32) {
        return LLType::FloatTy;
    else if (ty == Tcomplex64) {
        return LLType::DoubleTy;
    else if (ty == Tcomplex80) {
        if ((global.params.cpu == ARCHx86) || (global.params.cpu == ARCHx86_64))
            return LLType::X86_FP80Ty;
            return LLType::DoubleTy;
    else {


LLConstant* DtoConstComplex(Type* _ty, long double re, long double im)
    TY ty = _ty->toBasetype()->ty;

    llvm::ConstantFP* fre;
    llvm::ConstantFP* fim;

    Type* base = 0;

    if (ty == Tcomplex32) {
        base = Type::tfloat32;
    else if (ty == Tcomplex64) {
        base = Type::tfloat64;
    else if (ty == Tcomplex80) {
        base = Type::tfloat80;

    std::vector<LLConstant*> inits;
    inits.push_back(DtoConstFP(base, re));
    inits.push_back(DtoConstFP(base, im));

    return llvm::ConstantStruct::get(DtoComplexType(_ty), inits);


LLValue* DtoRealPart(DValue* val)
    return gIR->ir->CreateExtractElement(val->getRVal(), DtoConstUint(0), "tmp");


LLValue* DtoImagPart(DValue* val)
    return gIR->ir->CreateExtractElement(val->getRVal(), DtoConstUint(1), "tmp");


DValue* DtoComplex(Loc& loc, Type* to, DValue* val)
    const LLType* complexTy = DtoType(to);

    Type* baserety;
    Type* baseimty;
    TY ty = to->toBasetype()->ty;
    if (ty == Tcomplex32) {
        baserety = Type::tfloat32;
        baseimty = Type::timaginary32;
    } else if (ty == Tcomplex64) {
        baserety = Type::tfloat64;
        baseimty = Type::timaginary64;
    } else if (ty == Tcomplex80) {
        baserety = Type::tfloat80;
        baseimty = Type::timaginary80;
    else {

    LLValue *re, *im;
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, to, val, re, im);

        re = LLConstant::getNullValue(DtoType(baserety));
        im = LLConstant::getNullValue(DtoType(baseimty));

    LLValue* res = DtoAggrPair(complexTy, re, im);

    return new DImValue(to, res);


void DtoComplexSet(LLValue* c, LLValue* re, LLValue* im)
    DtoStore(re, DtoGEPi(c,0,0,"tmp"));
    DtoStore(im, DtoGEPi(c,0,1,"tmp"));


void DtoGetComplexParts(Loc& loc, Type* to, DValue* val, LLValue*& re, LLValue*& im)
    const LLType* base = DtoComplexBaseType(to);

    Type* baserety;
    Type* baseimty;
    TY ty = to->toBasetype()->ty;
    if (ty == Tcomplex32) {
        baserety = Type::tfloat32;
        baseimty = Type::timaginary32;
    } else if (ty == Tcomplex64) {
        baserety = Type::tfloat64;
        baseimty = Type::timaginary64;
    } else if (ty == Tcomplex80) {
        baserety = Type::tfloat80;
        baseimty = Type::timaginary80;
    else {

    Type* t = val->getType()->toBasetype();

    if (t->iscomplex()) {
        DValue* v = DtoCastComplex(loc, val, to);
        if (to->iscomplex()) {
            re = gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(v->getRVal(), 0, ".re_part");
            im = gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(v->getRVal(), 1, ".im_part");
        } else
            DtoGetComplexParts(loc, to, v, re, im);
    else if (t->isimaginary()) {
        re = NULL;
        im = DtoCastFloat(loc, val, baseimty)->getRVal();
    else if (t->isfloating()) {
        re = DtoCastFloat(loc, val, baserety)->getRVal();
        im = NULL;
    else if (t->isintegral()) {
        re = DtoCastInt(loc, val, baserety)->getRVal();
        im = NULL;
    else {


DValue* DtoComplexAdd(Loc& loc, Type* type, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs)
    llvm::Value *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im, *res_re, *res_im;

    // lhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
    // rhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

    // add up
    if(lhs_re && rhs_re)
        res_re = gIR->ir->CreateAdd(lhs_re, rhs_re, "tmp");
    else if(lhs_re)
        res_re = lhs_re;
    else // either rhs_re or no re at all (then use any)
        res_re = rhs_re;
    if(lhs_im && rhs_im)
        res_im = gIR->ir->CreateAdd(lhs_im, rhs_im, "tmp");
    else if(lhs_im)
        res_im = lhs_im;
    else // either rhs_im or no im at all (then use any)
        res_im = rhs_im;

    LLValue* res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), res_re, res_im);
    return new DImValue(type, res);


DValue* DtoComplexSub(Loc& loc, Type* type, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs)
    llvm::Value *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im, *res_re, *res_im;

    // lhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
    // rhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

    // add up
    if(lhs_re && rhs_re)
        res_re = gIR->ir->CreateSub(lhs_re, rhs_re, "tmp");
    else if(lhs_re)
        res_re = lhs_re;
    else // either rhs_re or no re at all (then use any)
        res_re = gIR->ir->CreateNeg(rhs_re, "neg");
    if(lhs_im && rhs_im)
        res_im = gIR->ir->CreateSub(lhs_im, rhs_im, "tmp");
    else if(lhs_im)
        res_im = lhs_im;
    else // either rhs_im or no im at all (then use any)
        res_im = gIR->ir->CreateNeg(rhs_im, "neg");

    LLValue* res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), res_re, res_im);
    return new DImValue(type, res);


DValue* DtoComplexMul(Loc& loc, Type* type, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs)
    llvm::Value *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im, *res_re, *res_im;

    // lhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
    // rhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

    // mul up
    llvm::Value *rere = NULL;
    llvm::Value *reim = NULL;
    llvm::Value *imre = NULL;
    llvm::Value *imim = NULL;

    if(lhs_re && rhs_re)
        rere = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_re, rhs_re, "rere_mul");
    if(lhs_re && rhs_im)
        reim = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_re, rhs_im, "reim_mul");
    if(lhs_im && rhs_re)
        imre = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_im, rhs_re, "imre_mul");
    if(lhs_im && rhs_im)
        imim = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_im, rhs_im, "imim_mul");

    if(rere && imim)
        res_re = gIR->ir->CreateSub(rere, imim, "rere_imim_sub");
    else if(rere)
        res_re = rere;
    else if(imim)
        res_re = gIR->ir->CreateNeg(imim, "imim_neg");
        res_re = lhs_re ? rhs_re : lhs_re; // null!

    if(reim && imre)
        res_im = gIR->ir->CreateAdd(reim, imre, "reim_imre_add");
    else if(reim)
        res_im = reim;
    else if(imre)
        res_im = imre;
        res_im = lhs_re ? rhs_im : lhs_re; // null!

    LLValue* res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), res_re, res_im);
    return new DImValue(type, res);


DValue* DtoComplexDiv(Loc& loc, Type* type, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs)
    llvm::Value *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im, *res_re, *res_im;

    // lhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
    // rhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

    // if divisor is only real, division is simple
    if(rhs_re && !rhs_im) {
            res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(lhs_re, rhs_re, "re_divby_re");
            res_re = lhs_re;
            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(lhs_im, rhs_re, "im_divby_re");
            res_im = lhs_im;
    // if divisor is only imaginary, division is simple too
    else if(!rhs_re && rhs_im) {
            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateNeg(gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(lhs_re, rhs_im, "re_divby_im"), "neg");
            res_im = lhs_re;
            res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(lhs_im, rhs_im, "im_divby_im");
            res_re = lhs_im;
    // full division
    else {
        llvm::Value *tmp1, *tmp2, *denom;

        if(lhs_re && lhs_im) {
            tmp1 = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_re, rhs_re, "rere");
            tmp2 = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_im, rhs_im, "imim");
            res_re = gIR->ir->CreateAdd(tmp1, tmp2, "rere_plus_imim");

            tmp1 = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_re, rhs_im, "reim");
            tmp2 = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_im, rhs_re, "imre");
            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateSub(tmp2, tmp1, "imre_sub_reim");
        else if(lhs_re) {
            res_re = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_re, rhs_re, "rere");

            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_re, rhs_im, "reim");
            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateNeg(res_im);
        else if(lhs_im) {
            res_re = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_im, rhs_im, "imim");
            res_im = gIR->ir->CreateMul(lhs_im, rhs_re, "imre");
            assert(0 && "lhs has neither real nor imaginary part");

        tmp1 = gIR->ir->CreateMul(rhs_re, rhs_re, "rhs_resq");
        tmp2 = gIR->ir->CreateMul(rhs_im, rhs_im, "rhs_imsq");
        denom = gIR->ir->CreateAdd(tmp1, tmp2, "denom");

        res_re = gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(res_re, denom, "res_re");
        res_im = gIR->ir->CreateFDiv(res_im, denom, "res_im");

    LLValue* res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), res_re, res_im);
    return new DImValue(type, res);


DValue* DtoComplexNeg(Loc& loc, Type* type, DValue* val)
    llvm::Value *a, *b, *re, *im;

    // values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, val, a, b);

    // neg up
    assert(a && b);
    re = gIR->ir->CreateNeg(a, "tmp");
    im = gIR->ir->CreateNeg(b, "tmp");

    LLValue* res = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(type), re, im);
    return new DImValue(type, res);


LLValue* DtoComplexEquals(Loc& loc, TOK op, DValue* lhs, DValue* rhs)
    Type* type = lhs->getType();

    llvm::Value *lhs_re, *lhs_im, *rhs_re, *rhs_im, *res_re, *res_im;

    // lhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, lhs, lhs_re, lhs_im);
    // rhs values
    DtoGetComplexParts(loc, type, rhs, rhs_re, rhs_im);

    // select predicate
    llvm::FCmpInst::Predicate cmpop;
    if (op == TOKequal || op == TOKidentity)
        cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OEQ;
        cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_UNE;

    // ( && or (! ||!
    LLValue* b1 = new llvm::FCmpInst(cmpop, lhs_re, rhs_re, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());
    LLValue* b2 = new llvm::FCmpInst(cmpop, lhs_im, rhs_im, "tmp", gIR->scopebb());

    if (op == TOKequal)
        return gIR->ir->CreateAnd(b1,b2,"tmp");
        return gIR->ir->CreateOr(b1,b2,"tmp");


DValue* DtoCastComplex(Loc& loc, DValue* val, Type* _to)
    Type* to = _to->toBasetype();
    Type* vty = val->getType()->toBasetype();
    if (to->iscomplex()) {
        if (vty->size() == to->size())
            return val;

        llvm::Value *re, *im;
        DtoGetComplexParts(loc, val->getType(), val, re, im);
        const LLType* toty = DtoComplexBaseType(to);

        if (to->size() < vty->size()) {
            re = gIR->ir->CreateFPTrunc(re, toty, "tmp");
            im = gIR->ir->CreateFPTrunc(im, toty, "tmp");
        else {
            re = gIR->ir->CreateFPExt(re, toty, "tmp");
            im = gIR->ir->CreateFPExt(im, toty, "tmp");

        LLValue* pair = DtoAggrPair(DtoType(_to), re, im);
        return new DImValue(_to, pair);
    else if (to->isimaginary()) {
        // FIXME: this loads both values, even when we only need one
        LLValue* v = val->getRVal();
        LLValue* impart = gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(v, 1, ".im_part");
        DImValue* im = new DImValue(to, impart);
        return DtoCastFloat(loc, im, to);
    else if (to->ty == Tbool) {
        return new DImValue(_to, DtoComplexEquals(loc, TOKnotequal, val, DtoNullValue(vty)));
    else if (to->isfloating() || to->isintegral()) {
        // FIXME: this loads both values, even when we only need one
        LLValue* v = val->getRVal();
        LLValue* repart = gIR->ir->CreateExtractValue(v, 0, ".re_part");
        Type *extractty;
        if (vty->ty == Tcomplex32) {
            extractty = Type::tfloat32;
        } else if (vty->ty == Tcomplex64) {
            extractty = Type::tfloat64;
        } else if (vty->ty == Tcomplex80) {
            extractty = Type::tfloat80;
        DImValue* re = new DImValue(extractty, repart);
        return DtoCastFloat(loc, re, to);
        error(loc, "Don't know how to cast %s to %s", vty->toChars(), to->toChars());