view druntime/import/core/stdc/stdio.d @ 1458:e0b2d67cfe7c

Added druntime (this should be removed once it works).
author Robert Clipsham <>
date Tue, 02 Jun 2009 17:43:06 +0100
line wrap: on
line source

 * D header file for C99.
 * Copyright: Copyright Sean Kelly 2005 - 2009.
 * License:   <a href=">Boost License 1.0</a>.
 * Authors:   Sean Kelly
 * Standards: ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E)
 *          Copyright Sean Kelly 2005 - 2009.
 * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
module core.stdc.stdio;

    import core.stdc.config;
    import core.stdc.stddef; // for size_t
    import core.stdc.stdarg; // for va_list

extern (C):

version( Windows )
        BUFSIZ       = 0x4000,
        EOF          = -1,
        FOPEN_MAX    = 20,
        FILENAME_MAX = 256, // 255 plus NULL
        TMP_MAX      = 32767,
        SYS_OPEN     = 20,      // non-standard

    enum int     _NFILE     = 60;       // non-standard
    enum string  _P_tmpdir  = "\\"; // non-standard
    enum wstring _wP_tmpdir = "\\"; // non-standard
    enum int     L_tmpnam   = _P_tmpdir.length + 12;
else version( linux )
        BUFSIZ       = 8192,
        EOF          = -1,
        FOPEN_MAX    = 16,
        FILENAME_MAX = 4095,
        TMP_MAX      = 238328,
        L_tmpnam     = 20
else version( OSX )
        BUFSIZ       = 1024,
        EOF          = -1,
        FOPEN_MAX    = 20,
        FILENAME_MAX = 1024,
        TMP_MAX      = 308915776,
        L_tmpnam     = 1024,

        struct __sbuf
            ubyte*  _base;
            int     _size;

        struct __sFILEX

else version ( FreeBSD )
        EOF          = -1,
        FOPEN_MAX    = 20,
        FILENAME_MAX = 1024,
        TMP_MAX      = 308915776,
        L_tmpnam     = 1024

        struct __sbuf
            ubyte *_base;
            int _size;
        struct __sFILEX

    static assert( false );


struct _iobuf
    align (1):
    version( Windows )
        char* _ptr;
        int   _cnt;
        char* _base;
        int   _flag;
        int   _file;
        int   _charbuf;
        int   _bufsiz;
        int   __tmpnum;
    else version( linux )
        char*   _read_ptr;
        char*   _read_end;
        char*   _read_base;
        char*   _write_base;
        char*   _write_ptr;
        char*   _write_end;
        char*   _buf_base;
        char*   _buf_end;
        char*   _save_base;
        char*   _backup_base;
        char*   _save_end;
        void*   _markers;
        _iobuf* _chain;
        int     _fileno;
        int     _blksize;
        int     _old_offset;
        ushort  _cur_column;
        byte    _vtable_offset;
        char[1] _shortbuf;
        void*   _lock;
    else version( OSX )
        ubyte*    _p;
        int       _r;
        int       _w;
        short     _flags;
        short     _file;
        __sbuf    _bf;
        int       _lbfsize;

        int* function(void*)                    _close;
        int* function(void*, char*, int)        _read;
        fpos_t* function(void*, fpos_t, int)    _seek;
        int* function(void*, char *, int)       _write;

        __sbuf    _ub;
        __sFILEX* _extra;
        int       _ur;

        ubyte[3]  _ubuf;
        ubyte[1]  _nbuf;

        __sbuf    _lb;

        int       _blksize;
        fpos_t    _offset;
    else version( FreeBSD )
        ubyte*    _p;
        int       _r;
        int       _w;
        short     _flags;
        short     _file;
        __sbuf    _bf;
        int       _lbfsize;

        void* function()                        _cookie;
        int* function(void*)                    _close;
        int* function(void*, char*, int)        _read;
        fpos_t* function(void*, fpos_t, int)    _seek;
        int* function(void*, char *, int)       _write;

        __sbuf    _ub;
        __sFILEX* _extra;
        int       _ur;

        ubyte[3]  _ubuf;
        ubyte[1]  _nbuf;

        __sbuf    _lb;

        int       _blksize;
        fpos_t    _offset;
        static assert( false );

alias shared(_iobuf) FILE;

    _F_RDWR = 0x0003, // non-standard
    _F_READ = 0x0001, // non-standard
    _F_WRIT = 0x0002, // non-standard
    _F_BUF  = 0x0004, // non-standard
    _F_LBUF = 0x0008, // non-standard
    _F_ERR  = 0x0010, // non-standard
    _F_EOF  = 0x0020, // non-standard
    _F_BIN  = 0x0040, // non-standard
    _F_IN   = 0x0080, // non-standard
    _F_OUT  = 0x0100, // non-standard
    _F_TERM = 0x0200, // non-standard

version( Windows )
        _IOFBF   = 0,
        _IOLBF   = 0x40,
        _IONBF   = 4,
        _IOREAD  = 1,     // non-standard
        _IOWRT   = 2,     // non-standard
        _IOMYBUF = 8,     // non-standard       
        _IOEOF   = 0x10,  // non-standard
        _IOERR   = 0x20,  // non-standard
        _IOSTRG  = 0x40,  // non-standard
        _IORW    = 0x80,  // non-standard
        _IOTRAN  = 0x100, // non-standard
        _IOAPP   = 0x200, // non-standard

    extern shared void function() _fcloseallp;

    private extern shared FILE[_NFILE] _iob;

    shared stdin  = &_iob[0];
    shared stdout = &_iob[1];
    shared stderr = &_iob[2];
    shared stdaux = &_iob[3];
    shared stdprn = &_iob[4];
else version( linux )
        _IOFBF = 0,
        _IOLBF = 1,
        _IONBF = 2,

    extern shared FILE* stdin;
    extern shared FILE* stdout;
    extern shared FILE* stderr;
else version( OSX )
        _IOFBF = 0,
        _IOLBF = 1,
        _IONBF = 2,

    private extern shared FILE* __stdinp;
    private extern shared FILE* __stdoutp;
    private extern shared FILE* __stderrp;

    alias __stdinp  stdin;
    alias __stdoutp stdout;
    alias __stderrp stderr;
else version( FreeBSD )
    private extern shared FILE[3] __sF;

    shared stdin  = &__sF[0];
    shared stdout = &__sF[1];
    shared stderr = &__sF[2];
    static assert( false );

alias int fpos_t;

int remove(in char* filename);
int rename(in char* from, in char* to);

FILE* tmpfile();
char* tmpnam(char* s);

int   fclose(FILE* stream);
int   fflush(FILE* stream);
FILE* fopen(in char* filename, in char* mode);
FILE* freopen(in char* filename, in char* mode, FILE* stream);

void setbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf);
int  setvbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf, int mode, size_t size);

int fprintf(FILE* stream, in char* format, ...);
int fscanf(FILE* stream, in char* format, ...);
int sprintf(char* s, in char* format, ...);
int sscanf(in char* s, in char* format, ...);
int vfprintf(FILE* stream, in char* format, va_list arg);
int vfscanf(FILE* stream, in char* format, va_list arg);
int vsprintf(char* s, in char* format, va_list arg);
int vsscanf(in char* s, in char* format, va_list arg);
int vprintf(in char* format, va_list arg);
int vscanf(in char* format, va_list arg);
int printf(in char* format, ...);
int scanf(in char* format, ...);

int fgetc(FILE* stream);
int fputc(int c, FILE* stream);

char* fgets(char* s, int n, FILE* stream);
int   fputs(in char* s, FILE* stream);
char* gets(char* s);
int   puts(in char* s);

extern (D)
    int getchar()                 { return getc(stdin);     }
    int putchar(int c)            { return putc(c,stdout);  }
    int getc(FILE* stream)        { return fgetc(stream);   }
    int putc(int c, FILE* stream) { return fputc(c,stream); }

int ungetc(int c, FILE* stream);

size_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream);
size_t fwrite(in void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream);

int fgetpos(FILE* stream, fpos_t * pos);
int fsetpos(FILE* stream, in fpos_t* pos);

int    fseek(FILE* stream, c_long offset, int whence);
c_long ftell(FILE* stream);

version( Windows )
  extern (D)
    void rewind(FILE* stream)   { fseek(stream,0L,SEEK_SET); stream._flag&=~_IOERR; }
    void clearerr(FILE* stream) { stream._flag &= ~(_IOERR|_IOEOF);                 }
    int  feof(FILE* stream)     { return stream._flag&_IOEOF;                       }
    int  ferror(FILE* stream)   { return stream._flag&_IOERR;                       }
    int   _snprintf(char* s, size_t n, in char* fmt, ...);
    alias _snprintf snprintf;

    int   _vsnprintf(char* s, size_t n, in char* format, va_list arg);
    alias _vsnprintf vsnprintf;
else version( linux )
    void rewind(FILE* stream);
    void clearerr(FILE* stream);
    int  feof(FILE* stream);
    int  ferror(FILE* stream);
    int  fileno(FILE *);

    int  snprintf(char* s, size_t n, in char* format, ...);
    int  vsnprintf(char* s, size_t n, in char* format, va_list arg);
else version( OSX )
    void rewind(FILE*);
    void clearerr(FILE*);
    int  feof(FILE*);
    int  ferror(FILE*);
    int  fileno(FILE*);

    int  snprintf(char* s, size_t n, in char* format, ...);
    int  vsnprintf(char* s, size_t n, in char* format, va_list arg);
else version( FreeBSD )
    void rewind(FILE*);
    void clearerr(FILE*);
    int  feof(FILE*);
    int  ferror(FILE*);
    int  fileno(FILE*);

    int  snprintf(char* s, size_t n, in char* format, ...);
    int  vsnprintf(char* s, size_t n, in char* format, va_list arg);
    static assert( false );

void perror(in char* s);