view runtime/internal/adi.d @ 632:df196c8dea26

Updated to latest LLVM trunk, function notes have been removed and merged with parameter attributes, which have been renamed to just attributes. Nothing seems to have broke!
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen <>
date Wed, 01 Oct 2008 23:17:14 +0200
parents a34078905d01
children 30b42a283c8e
line wrap: on
line source

//_ adi.d

 * Part of the D programming language runtime library.
 * Dynamic array property support routines

 *  Copyright (C) 2000-2006 by Digital Mars,
 *  Written by Walter Bright
 *  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 *  warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
 *  arising from the use of this software.
 *  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 *  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 *  freely, in both source and binary form, subject to the following
 *  restrictions:
 *  o  The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
 *     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
 *     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
 *     appreciated but is not required.
 *  o  Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
 *     be misrepresented as being the original software.
 *  o  This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
 *     distribution.

 *  Modified by Sean Kelly <> for use with Tango.

//debug=adi;            // uncomment to turn on debugging printf's

    import tango.stdc.string;
    import tango.stdc.stdlib;
    import util.utf;

    enum BlkAttr : uint
        FINALIZE = 0b0000_0001,
        NO_SCAN  = 0b0000_0010,
        NO_MOVE  = 0b0000_0100,
        ALL_BITS = 0b1111_1111

    extern (C) void* gc_malloc( size_t sz, uint ba = 0 );
    extern (C) void* gc_calloc( size_t sz, uint ba = 0 );
    extern (C) void  gc_free( void* p );

struct Array
    size_t  length;
    void*   ptr;

 * Reverse array of chars.
 * Handled separately because embedded multibyte encodings should not be
 * reversed.

extern (C) char[] _adReverseChar(char[] a)
    if (a.length > 1)
        char[6] tmp;
        char[6] tmplo;
        char* lo = a.ptr;
        char* hi = &a[length - 1];

        while (lo < hi)
        {   auto clo = *lo;
            auto chi = *hi;

	    debug(adi) printf("lo = %d, hi = %d\n", lo, hi);
            if (clo <= 0x7F && chi <= 0x7F)
		debug(adi) printf("\tascii\n");
                *lo = chi;
                *hi = clo;

            uint stridelo = UTF8stride[clo];

            uint stridehi = 1;
            while ((chi & 0xC0) == 0x80)
                chi = *--hi;
                assert(hi >= lo);
            if (lo == hi)

	    debug(adi) printf("\tstridelo = %d, stridehi = %d\n", stridelo, stridehi);
            if (stridelo == stridehi)

                memcpy(tmp.ptr, lo, stridelo);
                memcpy(lo, hi, stridelo);
                memcpy(hi, tmp.ptr, stridelo);
                lo += stridelo;

            /* Shift the whole array. This is woefully inefficient
            memcpy(tmp.ptr, hi, stridehi);
            memcpy(tmplo.ptr, lo, stridelo);
            memmove(lo + stridehi, lo + stridelo , cast(size_t)(hi - lo) - stridelo);
            memcpy(lo, tmp.ptr, stridehi);
            memcpy(hi + stridehi - stridelo, tmplo.ptr, stridelo);

            lo += stridehi;
            hi = hi - 1 + (stridehi - stridelo);
    return a;

    char[] a = "abcd"c;

    char[] r = a.dup.reverse;
    assert(r == "dcba");

    a = "a\u1235\u1234c";
    r = a.dup.reverse;
    assert(r == "c\u1234\u1235a");

    a = "ab\u1234c";
    r = a.dup.reverse;
    assert(r == "c\u1234ba");

    a = "\u3026\u2021\u3061\n";
    r = a.dup.reverse;
    assert(r == "\n\u3061\u2021\u3026");

 * Reverse array of wchars.
 * Handled separately because embedded multiword encodings should not be
 * reversed.

extern (C) wchar[] _adReverseWchar(wchar[] a)
    if (a.length > 1)
        wchar[2] tmp;
        wchar* lo = a.ptr;
        wchar* hi = &a[length - 1];

        while (lo < hi)
        {   auto clo = *lo;
            auto chi = *hi;

            if ((clo < 0xD800 || clo > 0xDFFF) &&
                (chi < 0xD800 || chi > 0xDFFF))
                *lo = chi;
                *hi = clo;

            int stridelo = 1 + (clo >= 0xD800 && clo <= 0xDBFF);

            int stridehi = 1;
            if (chi >= 0xDC00 && chi <= 0xDFFF)
                chi = *--hi;
                assert(hi >= lo);
            if (lo == hi)

            if (stridelo == stridehi)
            {   int stmp;

                assert(stridelo == 2);
                assert(stmp.sizeof == 2 * (*lo).sizeof);
                stmp = *cast(int*)lo;
                *cast(int*)lo = *cast(int*)hi;
                *cast(int*)hi = stmp;
                lo += stridelo;

            /* Shift the whole array. This is woefully inefficient
            memcpy(tmp.ptr, hi, stridehi * wchar.sizeof);
            memcpy(hi + stridehi - stridelo, lo, stridelo * wchar.sizeof);
            memmove(lo + stridehi, lo + stridelo , (hi - (lo + stridelo)) * wchar.sizeof);
            memcpy(lo, tmp.ptr, stridehi * wchar.sizeof);

            lo += stridehi;
            hi = hi - 1 + (stridehi - stridelo);
    return a;

    wchar[] a = "abcd";
    wchar[] r;

    r = a.dup.reverse;
    assert(r == "dcba");

    a = "a\U00012356\U00012346c";
    r = a.dup.reverse;
    assert(r == "c\U00012346\U00012356a");

    a = "ab\U00012345c";
    r = a.dup.reverse;
    assert(r == "c\U00012345ba");

 * Support for array.reverse property.

extern (C) Array _adReverse(Array a, size_t szelem)
    out (result)
        assert(result.ptr is a.ptr);
        if (a.length >= 2)
            byte*    tmp;
            byte[16] buffer;

            void* lo = a.ptr;
            void* hi = a.ptr + (a.length - 1) * szelem;

            tmp = buffer.ptr;
            if (szelem > 16)
                //version (Win32)
                    //tmp = cast(byte*) alloca(szelem);
                    tmp = cast(byte*) gc_malloc(szelem);

            for (; lo < hi; lo += szelem, hi -= szelem)
                memcpy(tmp, lo,  szelem);
                memcpy(lo,  hi,  szelem);
                memcpy(hi,  tmp, szelem);

            version (Win32)
                //if (szelem > 16)
                    // BUG: bad code is generate for delete pointer, tries
                    // to call delclass.
        return Array(a.length, a.ptr);

    debug(adi) printf("array.reverse.unittest\n");

    int[] a = new int[5];
    int[] b;
    size_t i;

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        a[i] = i;
    b = a.reverse;
    assert(b is a);
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        assert(a[i] == 4 - i);

    struct X20
    {   // More than 16 bytes in size
        int a;
        int b, c, d, e;

    X20[] c = new X20[5];
    X20[] d;

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    {   c[i].a = i;
        c[i].e = 10;
    d = c.reverse;
    assert(d is c);
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        assert(c[i].a == 4 - i);
        assert(c[i].e == 10);

 * Sort array of chars.

extern (C) char[] _adSortChar(char[] a)
    if (a.length > 1)
	dchar[] da = toUTF32(a);
        size_t i = 0;
        foreach (dchar d; da)
        {   char[4] buf;
            auto t = toUTF8(buf, d);
            a[i .. i + t.length] = t[];
            i += t.length;
        delete da;
    return a;

 * Sort array of wchars.

extern (C) wchar[] _adSortWchar(wchar[] a)
    if (a.length > 1)
	dchar[] da = toUTF32(a);
        size_t i = 0;
        foreach (dchar d; da)
        {   wchar[2] buf;
	    auto t = toUTF16(buf, d);
            a[i .. i + t.length] = t[];
            i += t.length;
        delete da;
    return a;

 * Support for array equality test.

extern (C) int _adEq(Array a1, Array a2, TypeInfo ti)
    debug(adi) printf("_adEq(a1.length = %d, a2.length = %d)\n", a1.length, a2.length);

    if (a1.length != a2.length)
        return 0;               // not equal
    else if (a1.ptr == a2.ptr)
        return 1;               // equal

    // let typeinfo decide
    return ti.equals(&a1, &a2);

    debug(adi) printf("array.Eq unittest\n");

    char[] a = "hello"c;

    assert(a != "hel");
    assert(a != "helloo");
    assert(a != "betty");
    assert(a == "hello");
    assert(a != "hxxxx");

 * Support for array compare test.

extern (C) int _adCmp(Array a1, Array a2, TypeInfo ti)
    debug(adi) printf("adCmp()\n");

    if (a1.ptr == a2.ptr &&
        a1.length == a2.length)
        return 0;

    auto len = a1.length;
    if (a2.length < len)
        len = a2.length;

    // let typeinfo decide
    return, &a2);

    debug(adi) printf("array.Cmp unittest\n");

    char[] a = "hello"c;

    assert(a >  "hel");
    assert(a >= "hel");
    assert(a <  "helloo");
    assert(a <= "helloo");
    assert(a >  "betty");
    assert(a >= "betty");
    assert(a == "hello");
    assert(a <= "hello");
    assert(a >= "hello");

 * Support for array compare test.

extern (C) int _adCmpChar(Array a1, Array a2)
  //version = Asm86;
  version (Asm86)
    {   naked                   ;

        push    EDI             ;
        push    ESI             ;

        mov    ESI,a1+4[4+ESP]  ;
        mov    EDI,a2+4[4+ESP]  ;

        mov    ECX,a1[4+ESP]    ;
        mov    EDX,a2[4+ESP]    ;

        cmp     ECX,EDX         ;
        jb      GotLength       ;

        mov     ECX,EDX         ;

        cmp    ECX,4            ;
        jb    DoBytes           ;

        // Do alignment if neither is dword aligned
        test    ESI,3           ;
        jz    Aligned           ;

        test    EDI,3           ;
        jz    Aligned           ;
        mov    AL,[ESI]         ; //align ESI to dword bounds
        mov    DL,[EDI]         ;

        cmp    AL,DL            ;
        jnz    Unequal          ;

        inc    ESI              ;
        inc    EDI              ;

        test    ESI,3           ;

        lea    ECX,[ECX-1]      ;
        jnz    DoAlign          ;
        mov    EAX,ECX          ;

        // do multiple of 4 bytes at a time

        shr    ECX,2            ;
        jz    TryOdd            ;

        repe                    ;
        cmpsd                   ;

        jnz    UnequalQuad      ;

        mov    ECX,EAX          ;
        // if still equal and not end of string, do up to 3 bytes slightly
        // slower.

        and    ECX,3            ;
        jz    Equal             ;

        repe                    ;
        cmpsb                   ;

        jnz    Unequal          ;
        mov    EAX,a1[4+ESP]    ;
        mov    EDX,a2[4+ESP]    ;

        sub    EAX,EDX          ;
        pop    ESI              ;

        pop    EDI              ;
        ret                     ;

        mov    EDX,[EDI-4]      ;
        mov    EAX,[ESI-4]      ;

        cmp    AL,DL            ;
        jnz    Unequal          ;

        cmp    AH,DH            ;
        jnz    Unequal          ;

        shr    EAX,16           ;

        shr    EDX,16           ;

        cmp    AL,DL            ;
        jnz    Unequal          ;

        cmp    AH,DH            ;
        sbb    EAX,EAX          ;
        pop    ESI              ;

        or     EAX,1            ;
        pop    EDI              ;

        ret                     ;
    int len;
    int c;

    debug(adi) printf("adCmpChar()\n");
    len = cast(int)a1.length;
    if (a2.length < len)
        len = cast(int)a2.length;
    c = memcmp(cast(char *)a1.ptr, cast(char *)a2.ptr, len);
    if (!c)
        c = cast(int)a1.length - cast(int)a2.length;
    return c;

    debug(adi) printf("array.CmpChar unittest\n");

    char[] a = "hello"c;

    assert(a >  "hel");
    assert(a >= "hel");
    assert(a <  "helloo");
    assert(a <= "helloo");
    assert(a >  "betty");
    assert(a >= "betty");
    assert(a == "hello");
    assert(a <= "hello");
    assert(a >= "hello");