view tango/tango/util/Convert.d @ 270:d9d5d59873d8 trunk

[svn r291] Fixed a bunch of the old Phobos tests to work with Tango. Branch statements now emit a new block after it. Fixed the _adSort runtime function had a bad signature. Added a missing dot prefix on compiler generated string tables for string switch. Fixed, PTRSIZE seems like it was wrong on 64bit, now it definitely gets set properly.
author lindquist
date Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:01:19 +0200
parents 1700239cab2e
line wrap: on
line source

 * This module provides a templated function that performs value-preserving
 * conversions between arbitrary types.  This function's behaviour can be
 * extended for user-defined types as needed.
 * Copyright:   Copyright © 2007 Daniel Keep.
 * License:     BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Authors:     Daniel Keep
 * Credits:     Inspired in part by Andrei Alexandrescu's work on std.conv.

module tango.util.Convert;

private import tango.core.Traits;
private import tango.core.Tuple : Tuple;
private import tango.core.Exception : TracedException;

private import tango.math.Math;
private import tango.text.convert.Utf;
private import tango.text.convert.Float;
private import tango.text.convert.Integer;

private import Ascii = tango.text.Ascii;

version( DDoc )
     * Attempts to perform a value-preserving conversion of the given value
     * from type S to type D.  If the conversion cannot be performed in any
     * context, a compile-time error will be issued describing the types
     * involved.  If the conversion fails at run-time because the destination
     * type could not represent the value being converted, a
     * ConversionException will be thrown.
     * For example, to convert the string "123" into an equivalent integer
     * value, you would use:
     * -----
     * auto v = to!(int)("123");
     * -----
     * You may also specify a default value which should be returned in the
     * event that the conversion cannot take place:
     * -----
     * auto v = to!(int)("abc", 456);
     * -----
     * The function will attempt to preserve the input value as exactly as
     * possible, given the limitations of the destination format.  For
     * instance, converting a floating-point value to an integer will cause it
     * to round the value to the nearest integer value.
     * Below is a complete list of conversions between built-in types and
     * strings.  Capitalised names indicate classes of types.  Conversions
     * between types in the same class are also possible.
     * -----
     * bool         <-- Integer (0/!0), Char ('t'/'f'), String ("true"/"false")
     * Integer      <-- bool, Real, Char ('0'-'9'), String
     * Real         <-- Integer, String
     * Imaginary    <-- Complex
     * Complex      <-- Integer, Real, Imaginary
     * Char         <-- bool, Integer (0-9)
     * String       <-- bool, Integer, Real
     * -----
     * Conversions between arrays and associative arrays are also supported,
     * and are done element-by-element.
     * You can add support for value conversions to your types by defining
     * appropriate static and instance member functions.  Given a type
     * the_type, any of the following members of a type T may be used:
     * -----
     * the_type to_the_type();
     * static T from_the_type(the_type);
     * -----
     * You may also use "camel case" names:
     * -----
     * the_type toTheType();
     * static T fromTheType(the_type);
     * -----
     * Arrays and associative arrays can also be explicitly supported:
     * -----
     * the_type[] to_the_type_array();
     * the_type[] toTheTypeArray();
     * static T from_the_type_array(the_type[]);
     * static T fromTheTypeArray(the_type[]);
     * the_type[int] to_int_to_the_type_map();
     * the_type[int] toIntToTheTypeMap();
     * static T from_int_to_the_type_map(the_type[int]);
     * static T fromIntToTheTypeMap(the_type[int]);
     * -----
     * If you have more complex requirements, you can also use the generic to
     * and from templated members:
     * -----
     * the_type to(the_type)();
     * static T from(the_type)(the_type);
     * -----
     * These templates will have the_type explicitly passed to them in the
     * template instantiation.
     * Finally, strings are given special support.  The following members will
     * be checked for:
     * -----
     * char[]  toString();
     * wchar[] toString16();
     * dchar[] toString32();
     * char[]  toString();
     * -----
     * The "toString_" method corresponding to the destination string type will be
     * tried first.  If this method does not exist, then the function will
     * look for another "toString_" method from which it will convert the result.
     * Failing this, it will try "toString" and convert the result to the
     * appropriate encoding.
     * The rules for converting to a user-defined type are much the same,
     * except it makes use of the "fromUtf8", "fromUtf16", "fromUtf32" and
     * "fromString" static methods.
    D to(D,S)(S value);
    D to(D,S)(S value, D default_); /// ditto
    template to(D)
        D to(S, Def=Missing)(S value, Def def=Def.init)
            static if( is( Def == Missing ) )
                return toImpl!(D,S)(value);

                    return toImpl!(D,S)(value);
                catch( ConversionException e )

                return def;

                //D result = def;
                    return toImpl!(D,S)(value);
                catch( ConversionException e )
                    return def;
                // +/
                //return result;

 * This exception is thrown when the to template is unable to perform a
 * conversion at run-time.  This typically occurs when the source value cannot
 * be represented in the destination type.  This exception is also thrown when
 * the conversion would cause an over- or underflow.
class ConversionException : TracedException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );


typedef int Missing;

 * So, how is this module structured?
 * Firstly, we need a bunch of support code.  The first block of this contains
 * some CTFE functions for string manipulation (to cut down on the number of
 * template symbols we generate.)
 * The next contains a boat-load of templates.  Most of these are trait
 * templates (things like isPOD, isObject, etc.)  There are also a number of
 * mixins, and some switching templates (like toString_(n).)
 * Another thing to mention is intCmp, which performs a safe comparison
 * between two integers of arbitrary size and signage.
 * Following all this are the templated to* implementations.
 * The actual toImpl template is the second last thing in the module, with the
 * module unit tests coming last.

char ctfe_upper(char c)
    if( 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' )
        return (c - 'a') + 'A';
        return c;

char[] ctfe_camelCase(char[] s)
    char[] result;

    bool nextIsCapital = true;

    foreach( c ; s )
        if( nextIsCapital )
            if( c == '_' )
                result ~= c;
                result ~= ctfe_upper(c);
                nextIsCapital = false;
            if( c == '_' )
                nextIsCapital = true;
                result ~= c;

    return result;

bool ctfe_isSpace(T)(T c)
    static if (T.sizeof is 1)
        return (c <= 32 && (c is ' ' | c is '\t' | c is '\r'
                    | c is '\n' | c is '\v' | c is '\f'));
        return (c <= 32 && (c is ' ' | c is '\t' | c is '\r'
                    | c is '\n' | c is '\v' | c is '\f'))
            || (c is '\u2028' | c is '\u2029');

T[] ctfe_triml(T)(T[] source)
    if( source.length == 0 )
        return null;

    foreach( i,c ; source )
        if( !ctfe_isSpace(c) )
            return source[i..$];

    return null;

T[] ctfe_trimr(T)(T[] source)
    if( source.length == 0 )
        return null;

    foreach_reverse( i,c ; source )
        if( !ctfe_isSpace(c) )
            return source[0..i+1];

    return null;

T[] ctfe_trim(T)(T[] source)
    return ctfe_trimr(ctfe_triml(source));

template isPOD(T)
    static if( is( T == struct ) || is( T == union ) )
        const isPOD = true;
        const isPOD = false;

template isObject(T)
    static if( is( T == class ) || is( T == interface ) )
        const isObject = true;
        const isObject = false;

template isUDT(T)
    const isUDT = isPOD!(T) || isObject!(T);

template isString(T)
    static if( is( typeof(T[]) == char[] )
            || is( typeof(T[]) == wchar[] )
            || is( typeof(T[]) == dchar[] ) )
        const isString = true;
        const isString = false;

template isArrayType(T)
    const isArrayType = isDynamicArrayType!(T) || isStaticArrayType!(T);

template isPointerType(T)
     * You might think these first two tests are redundant.  You'd be wrong.
     * The linux compilers, for whatever reason, seem to think that objects
     * and arrays are implicitly castable to void*, whilst the Windows one
     * doesn't.  Don't ask me; just nod and smile...
    static if( is( T : Object ) )
        const isPointerType = false;
    else static if( is( T : void[] ) )
        const isPointerType = false;
    else static if( is( T : void* ) )
        const isPointerType = true;
        const isPointerType = false;

static assert( isPointerType!(char*) );
static assert( isPointerType!(void*) );
static assert( !isPointerType!(char[]) );
static assert( !isPointerType!(void[]) );
static assert( !isPointerType!(typeof("abc")) );
static assert( !isPointerType!(Object) );

 * Determines which signed integer type of T and U is larger.
template sintSuperType(T,U)
    static if( is( T == long ) || is( U == long ) )
        alias long sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == int ) || is( U == int ) )
        alias int sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == short ) || is( U == short ) )
        alias short sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == byte ) || is( U == byte ) )
        alias byte sintSuperType;

 * Determines which unsigned integer type of T and U is larger.
template uintSuperType(T,U)
    static if( is( T == ulong ) || is( U == ulong ) )
        alias ulong sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == uint ) || is( U == uint ) )
        alias uint sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == ushort ) || is( U == ushort ) )
        alias ushort sintSuperType;
    else static if( is( T == ubyte ) || is( U == ubyte ) )
        alias ubyte sintSuperType;

template uintOfSize(uint bytes)
    static if( bytes == 1 )
        alias ubyte uintOfSize;
    else static if( bytes == 2 )
        alias ushort uintOfSize;
    else static if( bytes == 4 )
        alias uint uintOfSize;

 * Safely performs a comparison between two integer values, taking into
 * account different sizes and signages.
int intCmp(T,U)(T lhs, U rhs)
    static if( isSignedIntegerType!(T) && isSignedIntegerType!(U) )
        alias sintSuperType!(T,U) S;
        auto l = cast(S) lhs;
        auto r = cast(S) rhs;
        if( l < r ) return -1;
        else if( l > r ) return 1;
        else return 0;
    else static if( isUnsignedIntegerType!(T) && isUnsignedIntegerType!(U) )
        alias uintSuperType!(T,U) S;
        auto l = cast(S) lhs;
        auto r = cast(S) rhs;
        if( l < r ) return -1;
        else if( l > r ) return 1;
        else return 0;
        static if( isSignedIntegerType!(T) )
            if( lhs < 0 )
                return -1;
                static if( U.sizeof >= T.sizeof )
                    auto l = cast(U) lhs;
                    if( l < rhs ) return -1;
                    else if( l > rhs ) return 1;
                    else return 0;
                    auto l = cast(ulong) lhs;
                    auto r = cast(ulong) rhs;
                    if( l < r ) return -1;
                    else if( l > r ) return 1;
                    else return 0;
        else static if( isSignedIntegerType!(U) )
            if( rhs < 0 )
                return 1;
                static if( T.sizeof >= U.sizeof )
                    auto r = cast(T) rhs;
                    if( lhs < r ) return -1;
                    else if( lhs > r ) return 1;
                    else return 0;
                    auto l = cast(ulong) lhs;
                    auto r = cast(ulong) rhs;
                    if( l < r ) return -1;
                    else if( l > r ) return 1;
                    else return 0;

template unsupported(char[] desc="")
    static assert(false, "Unsupported conversion: cannot convert to "
            ~ctfe_trim(D.stringof)~" from "
            ~(desc!="" ? desc~" " : "")~ctfe_trim(S.stringof)~".");

template unsupported_backwards(char[] desc="")
    static assert(false, "Unsupported conversion: cannot convert to "
            ~(desc!="" ? desc~" " : "")~ctfe_trim(D.stringof)
            ~" from "~ctfe_trim(S.stringof)~".");

// TN works out the c_case name of the given type.
template TN(T:T[])
    static if( is( T == char ) )
        const TN = "string";
    else static if( is( T == wchar ) )
        const TN = "wstring";
    else static if( is( T == dchar ) )
        const TN = "dstring";
        const TN = TN!(T)~"_array";

// ditto
template TN(T:T*)
    const TN = TN!(T)~"_pointer";

// ditto
template TN(T)
    static if( isAssocArrayType!(T) )
        const TN = TN!(typeof(T.keys[0]))~"_to_"
        const TN = ctfe_trim(T.stringof);

// Picks an appropriate toUtf* method from t.text.convert.Utf.
template toString_(T)
    static if( is( T == char[] ) )
        alias tango.text.convert.Utf.toString toString_;

    else static if( is( T == wchar[] ) )
        alias tango.text.convert.Utf.toString16 toString_;

        alias tango.text.convert.Utf.toString32 toString_;

template UtfNum(T)
    const UtfNum = is(typeof(T[0])==char) ? "8" : (
            is(typeof(T[0])==wchar) ? "16" : "32");

template StringNum(T)
    const StringNum = is(typeof(T[0])==char) ? "" : (
            is(typeof(T[0])==wchar) ? "16" : "32");

// This mixin defines a general function for converting to a UDT.
template toUDT()
    D toDfromS()
        static if( isString!(S) )
            static if( is( typeof(mixin("D.fromUtf"
                                ~UtfNum!(S)~"(value)")) : D ) )
                return mixin("D.fromUtf"~UtfNum!(S)~"(value)");

            else static if( is( typeof(D.fromUtf8(""c)) : D ) )
                return D.fromUtf8(toString_!(char[])(value));

            else static if( is( typeof(D.fromUtf16(""w)) : D ) )
                return D.fromUtf16(toString_!(wchar[])(value));

            else static if( is( typeof(D.fromUtf32(""d)) : D ) )
                return D.fromUtf32(toString_!(dchar[])(value));

            else static if( is( typeof(D.fromString(""c)) : D ) )
                static if( is( S == char[] ) )
                    return D.fromString(value);

                    return D.fromString(toString_!(char[])(value));

            // Default fallbacks

            else static if( is( typeof(D.from!(S)(value)) : D ) )
                return D.from!(S)(value);

                mixin unsupported!("user-defined type");
            // TODO: Check for templates.  Dunno what to do about them.

            static if( is( typeof(mixin("D.from_"~TN!(S)~"()")) : D ) )
                return mixin("D.from_"~TN!(S)~"()");

            else static if( is( typeof(mixin("D.from"
                                ~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(S))~"()")) : D ) )
                return mixin("D.from"~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(S))~"()");

            else static if( is( typeof(D.from!(S)(value)) : D ) )
                return D.from!(S)(value);

                mixin unsupported!("user-defined type");

// This mixin defines a general function for converting from a UDT.
template fromUDT(char[] fallthrough="")
    D toDfromS()
        static if( isString!(D) )
            static if( is( typeof(mixin("value.toString"
                                ~StringNum!(D)~"()")) == D ) )
                return mixin("value.toString"~StringNum!(D)~"()");

            else static if( is( typeof(value.toString()) == char[] ) )
                return toString_!(D)(value.toString);

            else static if( is( typeof(value.toString16()) == wchar[] ) )
                return toString_!(D)(value.toString16);

            else static if( is( typeof(value.toString32()) == dchar[] ) )
                return toString_!(D)(value.toString32);

            else static if( is( typeof(value.toString()) == char[] ) )
                static if( is( D == char[] ) )
                    return value.toString;

                    return toString_!(D)(value.toString);

            // Default fallbacks

            else static if( is( typeof(!(D)()) : D ) )

            else static if( fallthrough != "" )

                mixin unsupported!("user-defined type");
            // TODO: Check for templates.  Dunno what to do about them.

            static if( is( typeof(mixin("value.to_"~TN!(D)~"()")) : D ) )
                return mixin("value.to_"~TN!(D)~"()");

            else static if( is( typeof(mixin(""
                                ~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(D))~"()")) : D ) )
                return mixin(""~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(D))~"()");

            else static if( is( typeof(!(D)()) : D ) )

            else static if( fallthrough != "" )

                mixin unsupported!("user-defined type");

template convError()
    void throwConvError()
        // Since we're going to use to!(T) to convert the value to a string,
        // we need to make sure we don't end up in a loop...
        static if( isString!(D) || !is( typeof(to!(char[])(value)) == char[] ) )
            throw new ConversionException("Could not convert a value of type "
                    ~S.stringof~" to type "~D.stringof~".");
            throw new ConversionException("Could not convert `"
                    ~to!(char[])(value)~"` of type "
                    ~S.stringof~" to type "~D.stringof~".");

D toBool(D,S)(S value)
    static assert(is(D==bool));

    static if( isIntegerType!(S) /+|| isRealType!(S) || isImaginaryType!(S)
                || isComplexType!(S)+/ )
        // The weird comparison is to support NaN as true
        return !(value == 0);

    else static if( isCharType!(S) )
        switch( value )
            case 'F': case 'f':
                return false;

            case 'T': case 't':
                return true;

                mixin convError;

    else static if( isString!(S) )
        switch( Ascii.toLower(value) )
            case "false":
                return false;

            case "true":
                return true;

                mixin convError;
    else static if( isDynamicArrayType!(S) || isStaticArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported!("array type");
    else static if( isAssocArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported!("associative array type");
    else static if( isPointerType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported!("pointer type");
    else static if( is( S == typedef ) )
        mixin unsupported!("typedef'ed type");
    // +/
    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toIntegerFromInteger(D,S)(S value)
    static if( (cast(ulong) D.max) >= (cast(ulong) S.max)
            && (cast(long) D.min) <= (cast(long) S.min) )
        return cast(D) value;
        mixin convError; // TODO: Overflow error

        if( intCmp(value,D.min)<0 || intCmp(value,D.max)>0 )
            return cast(D) value;

D toIntegerFromReal(D,S)(S value)
    auto v = tango.math.Math.round(value);
    if( (cast(real) D.min) <= v && v <= (cast(real) D.max) )
        return cast(D) v;
        mixin convError; // TODO: Overflow error

D toIntegerFromString(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( S charT : charT[] ) )
        mixin convError;

        static if( is( D == ulong ) )
            uint len;
            auto result = tango.text.convert.Integer.convert(value, 10, &len);

            if( len < value.length )

            return result;
            uint len;
            auto result = tango.text.convert.Integer.parse(value, 10, &len);

            if( len < value.length )

            return toIntegerFromInteger!(D,long)(result);

D toInteger(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( S == bool ) )
        return (value ? 1 : 0);

    else static if( isIntegerType!(S) )
        return toIntegerFromInteger!(D,S)(value);
    else static if( isCharType!(S) )
        if( value >= '0' && value <= '9' )
            return cast(D)(value - '0');
            mixin convError;
    else static if( isRealType!(S) )
        return toIntegerFromReal!(D,S)(value);
    else static if( isString!(S) )
        return toIntegerFromString!(D,S)(value);
    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toReal(D,S)(S value)
    /+static if( is( S == bool ) )
        return (value ? 1.0 : 0.0);

    else+/ static if( isIntegerType!(S) )
        return cast(D) value;

    /+else static if( isCharType!(S) )
        return cast(D) to!(uint)(value);+/

    else static if( isString!(S) )
        return tango.text.convert.Float.parse(value);

    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toImaginary(D,S)(S value)
    /+static if( is( S == bool ) )
        return (value ? 1.0i : 0.0i);

    else+/ static if( isComplexType!(S) )
        if( == 0.0 )
            return * cast(D)1.0i;

            mixin convError;
    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toComplex(D,S)(S value)
    static if( isIntegerType!(S) || isRealType!(S) || isImaginaryType!(S)
            || isComplexType!(S) )
        return cast(D) value;

    /+else static if( isCharType!(S) )
        return cast(D) to!(uint)(value);+/

    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toChar(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( S == bool ) )
        return (value ? 't' : 'f');

    else static if( isIntegerType!(S) )
        if( value >= 0 && value <= 9 )
            return cast(D) value+'0';

            mixin convError; // TODO: Overflow error
    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D toStringFromString(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( typeof(D[0]) == char ) )
        return tango.text.convert.Utf.toString(value);

    else static if( is( typeof(D[0]) == wchar ) )
        return tango.text.convert.Utf.toString16(value);

        static assert( is( typeof(D[0]) == dchar ) );
        return tango.text.convert.Utf.toString32(value);

D toString(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( S == bool ) )
        return (value ? "true" : "false");

    else static if( isIntegerType!(S) )
        // TODO: Make sure this works with ulongs.
        return mixin("tango.text.convert.Integer.toString"~StringNum!(D)~"(value)");

    else static if( isRealType!(S) )
        return mixin("tango.text.convert.Float.toString"~StringNum!(D)~"(value)");

    else static if( isDynamicArrayType!(S) || isStaticArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported!("array type");

    else static if( isAssocArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported!("associative array type");

    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin fromUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported;

D fromString(D,S)(D value)
    static if( isDynamicArrayType!(S) || isStaticArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported_backwards!("array type");

    else static if( isAssocArrayType!(S) )
        mixin unsupported_backwards!("associative array type");

    else static if( isPOD!(S) || isObject!(S) )
        mixin toUDT;
        return toDfromS;
        mixin unsupported_backwards;

D toArrayFromArray(D,S)(S value)
    alias typeof(D[0]) De;

    D result; result.length = value.length;
    scope(failure) delete result;

    foreach( i,e ; value )
        result[i] = to!(De)(e);

    return result;

D toMapFromMap(D,S)(S value)
    alias typeof(D.keys[0])   Dk;
    alias typeof(D.values[0]) Dv;

    D result;

    foreach( k,v ; value )
        result[ to!(Dk)(k) ] = to!(Dv)(v);

    return result;

D toFromUDT(D,S)(S value)
    // Try* first
    static if( is( typeof(mixin("value.to_"~TN!(D)~"()")) : D ) )
        return mixin("value.to_"~TN!(D)~"()");

    else static if( is( typeof(mixin(""
                        ~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(D))~"()")) : D ) )
        return mixin(""~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(D))~"()");

    else static if( is( typeof(!(D)()) : D ) )

    // Ok, try D.from* now
    else static if( is( typeof(mixin("D.from_"~TN!(S)~"(value)")) : D ) )
        return mixin("D.from_"~TN!(S)~"(value)");

    else static if( is( typeof(mixin("D.from"
                        ~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(S))~"(value)")) : D ) )
        return mixin("D.from"~ctfe_camelCase(TN!(S))~"(value)");

    else static if( is( typeof(D.from!(S)(value)) : D ) )
        return D.from!(S)(value);

    // Give up
        mixin unsupported;

D toImpl(D,S)(S value)
    static if( is( D == S ) )
        return value;

    else static if( isArrayType!(D) && isArrayType!(S)
            && is( typeof(D[0]) == typeof(S[0]) ) )
        // Special-case which catches to!(T[])!(T[n]).
        return value;

    else static if( is( D == bool ) )
        return toBool!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isIntegerType!(D) )
        return toInteger!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isRealType!(D) )
        return toReal!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isImaginaryType!(D) )
        return toImaginary!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isComplexType!(D) )
        return toComplex!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isCharType!(D) )
        return toChar!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isString!(D) && isString!(S) )
        return toStringFromString!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isString!(D) )
        return toString!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isString!(S) )
        return fromString!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isArrayType!(D) && isArrayType!(S) )
        return toArrayFromArray!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isAssocArrayType!(D) && isAssocArrayType!(S) )
        return toMapFromMap!(D,S)(value);

    else static if( isUDT!(D) || isUDT!(S) )
        return toFromUDT!(D,S)(value);

        mixin unsupported;

debug ( ConvertTest ):
    void main() {}

debug( UnitTest ):

bool ex(T)(lazy T v)
    bool result = false;
    catch( Exception _ )
        result = true;
    return result;

bool nx(T)(lazy T v)
    bool result = true;
    catch( Exception _ )
        result = false;
    return result;

struct Foo
    int toInt() { return 42; }

    char[] toString() { return "string foo"; }

    int[] toIntArray() { return [1,2,3]; }

    Bar toBar()
        Bar result; return result;

    T to(T)()
        static if( is( T == bool ) )
            return true;
            static assert( false );

struct Bar
    real toReal()
        return 3.14159;

    ireal toIreal()
        return 42.0i;

struct Baz
    static Baz fromFoo(Foo foo)
        Baz result; return result;

    Bar toBar()
        Bar result; return result;

     * bool
    static assert( !is( typeof(to!(bool)(1.0)) ) );
    static assert( !is( typeof(to!(bool)(1.0i)) ) );
    static assert( !is( typeof(to!(bool)(1.0+1.0i)) ) );

    assert( to!(bool)(0) == false );
    assert( to!(bool)(1) == true );
    assert( to!(bool)(-1) == true );

    assert( to!(bool)('t') == true );
    assert( to!(bool)('T') == true );
    assert( to!(bool)('f') == false );
    assert( to!(bool)('F') == false );
    assert(ex( to!(bool)('x') ));

    assert( to!(bool)("true") == true );
    assert( to!(bool)("false") == false );
    assert( to!(bool)("TrUe") == true );
    assert( to!(bool)("fAlSe") == false );

     * Integer
    assert( to!(int)(42L) == 42 );
    assert( to!(byte)(42) == cast(byte)42 );
    assert( to!(short)(-1701) == cast(short)-1701 );
    assert( to!(long)(cast(ubyte)72) == 72L );

    assert(nx( to!(byte)(127) ));
    assert(ex( to!(byte)(128) ));
    assert(nx( to!(byte)(-128) ));
    assert(ex( to!(byte)(-129) ));

    assert(nx( to!(ubyte)(255) ));
    assert(ex( to!(ubyte)(256) ));
    assert(nx( to!(ubyte)(0) ));
    assert(ex( to!(ubyte)(-1) ));

    assert(nx( to!(long)(9_223_372_036_854_775_807UL) ));
    assert(ex( to!(long)(9_223_372_036_854_775_808UL) ));
    assert(nx( to!(ulong)(0L) ));
    assert(ex( to!(ulong)(-1L) ));

    assert( to!(int)(3.14159) == 3 );
    assert( to!(int)(2.71828) == 3 );

    assert( to!(int)("1234") == 1234 );

    assert( to!(int)(true) == 1 );
    assert( to!(int)(false) == 0 );

    assert( to!(int)('0') == 0 );
    assert( to!(int)('9') == 9 );

     * Real
    assert( to!(real)(3) == 3.0 );
    assert( to!(real)("1.125") == 1.125 );

     * Imaginary
    static assert( !is( typeof(to!(ireal)(3.0)) ) );

    assert( to!(ireal)(0.0+1.0i) == 1.0i );
    assert(nx( to!(ireal)(0.0+1.0i) ));
    assert(ex( to!(ireal)(1.0+0.0i) ));

     * Complex
    assert( to!(creal)(1) == (1.0+0.0i) );
    assert( to!(creal)(2.0) == (2.0+0.0i) );
    assert( to!(creal)(3.0i) == (0.0+3.0i) );

     * Char
    assert( to!(char)(true) == 't' );
    assert( to!(char)(false) == 'f' );

    assert( to!(char)(0) == '0' );
    assert( to!(char)(9) == '9' );

    assert(ex( to!(char)(-1) ));
    assert(ex( to!(char)(10) ));

     * String-string
    assert( to!(char[])("Í love to æt "w) == "Í love to æt "c );
    assert( to!(char[])("them smûrƒies™,"d) == "them smûrƒies™,"c );
    assert( to!(wchar[])("Smûrfies™ I love"c) == "Smûrfies™ I love"w );
    assert( to!(wchar[])("2 食い散らす"d) == "2 食い散らす"w );
    assert( to!(dchar[])("bite đey µgly"c) == "bite đey µgly"d );
    assert( to!(dchar[])("headž ㍳ff"w) == "headž ㍳ff"d );
    // ... nibble on they bluish feet.

     * String
    assert( to!(char[])(true) == "true" );
    assert( to!(char[])(false) == "false" );

    assert( to!(char[])(12345678) == "12345678" );
    assert( to!(char[])(1234.567800) == "1234.57");

     * Array-array
    assert( to!(ubyte[])([1,2,3]) == [cast(ubyte)1, 2, 3] );
    assert( to!(bool[])(["true"[], "false"]) == [true, false] );

     * Map-map
        char[][int] src = [1:"true"[], 2:"false"];
        bool[ubyte] dst = to!(bool[ubyte])(src);
        assert( dst.keys.length == 2 );
        assert( dst[1] == true );
        assert( dst[2] == false );

     * UDT
        Foo foo;

        assert( to!(bool)(foo) == true );
        assert( to!(int)(foo) == 42 );
        assert( to!(char[])(foo) == "string foo" );
        assert( to!(wchar[])(foo) == "string foo"w );
        assert( to!(dchar[])(foo) == "string foo"d );
        assert( to!(int[])(foo) == [1,2,3] );
        assert( to!(ireal)(to!(Bar)(foo)) == 42.0i );
        assert( to!(real)(to!(Bar)(to!(Baz)(foo))) == 3.14159 );

     * Default values
        assert( to!(int)("123", 456) == 123,
                `to!(int)("123", 456) == "` ~ to!(char[])(
                    to!(int)("123", 456)) ~ `"` );
        assert( to!(int)("abc", 456) == 456,
                `to!(int)("abc", 456) == "` ~ to!(char[])(
                    to!(int)("abc", 456)) ~ `"` );