view tango/tango/math/GammaFunction.d @ 270:d9d5d59873d8 trunk

[svn r291] Fixed a bunch of the old Phobos tests to work with Tango. Branch statements now emit a new block after it. Fixed the _adSort runtime function had a bad signature. Added a missing dot prefix on compiler generated string tables for string switch. Fixed, PTRSIZE seems like it was wrong on 64bit, now it definitely gets set properly.
author lindquist
date Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:01:19 +0200
parents 1700239cab2e
line wrap: on
line source

 * Implementation of the gamma and beta functions, and their integrals.
 * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Copyright: Based on the CEPHES math library, which is
 *            Copyright (C) 1994 Stephen L. Moshier (
 * Authors:   Stephen L. Moshier (original C code). Conversion to D by Don Clugston
 *  TABLE_SV = <table border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
 *      <caption>Special Values</caption>
 *      $0</table>
 *  SVH = $(TR $(TH $1) $(TH $2))
 *  SV  = $(TR $(TD $1) $(TD $2))
 *  GAMMA =  &#915;
 *  INTEGRATE = $(BIG &#8747;<sub>$(SMALL $1)</sub><sup>$2</sup>)
 *  POWER = $1<sup>$2</sup>
 *  NAN = $(RED NAN)
module tango.math.GammaFunction;
private import tango.math.Math;
private import tango.math.IEEE;
private import tango.math.ErrorFunction;

version(Windows) { // Some tests only pass on DMD Windows
    version(DigitalMars) {
    version = FailsOnLinux;


/// The maximum value of x for which gamma(x) < real.infinity.
const real MAXGAMMA = 1755.5483429L;

private {

const real SQRT2PI = 2.50662827463100050242E0L; // sqrt(2pi)

// Polynomial approximations for gamma and loggamma.

const real GammaNumeratorCoeffs[] = [ 1.0,
    0x1.acf42d903366539ep-1, 0x1.73a991c8475f1aeap-2, 0x1.c7e918751d6b2a92p-4, 
    0x1.86d162cca32cfe86p-6, 0x1.0c378e2e6eaf7cd8p-8, 0x1.dc5c66b7d05feb54p-12,

const real GammaDenominatorCoeffs[] = [ 1.0,
  0x1.a8f9faae5d8fc8bp-2,  -0x1.cb7895a6756eebdep-3,  -0x1.7b9bab006d30652ap-5,
  0x1.c671af78f312082ep-6, -0x1.a11ebbfaf96252dcp-11, -0x1.447b4d2230a77ddap-10,

const real GammaSmallCoeffs[] = [ 1.0,
    0x1.2788cfc6fb618f52p-1, -0x1.4fcf4026afa2f7ecp-1, -0x1.5815e8fa24d7e306p-5,
    0x1.5512320aea2ad71ap-3, -0x1.59af0fb9d82e216p-5,  -0x1.3b4b61d3bfdf244ap-7,
    0x1.d9358e9d9d69fd34p-8, -0x1.38fc4bcbada775d6p-10

const real GammaSmallNegCoeffs[] = [ -1.0,
    0x1.2788cfc6fb618f54p-1, 0x1.4fcf4026afa2bc4cp-1, -0x1.5815e8fa2468fec8p-5,
    -0x1.5512320baedaf4b6p-3, -0x1.59af0fa283baf07ep-5, 0x1.3b4a70de31e05942p-7,
    0x1.d9398be3bad13136p-8, 0x1.291b73ee05bcbba2p-10

const real logGammaStirlingCoeffs[] = [
    0x1.5555555555553f98p-4, -0x1.6c16c16c07509b1p-9, 0x1.a01a012461cbf1e4p-11,
    -0x1.3813089d3f9d164p-11, 0x1.b911a92555a277b8p-11, -0x1.ed0a7b4206087b22p-10,

const real logGammaNumerator[] = [
    -0x1.0edd25913aaa40a2p+23, -0x1.31c6ce2e58842d1ep+24, -0x1.f015814039477c3p+23,
    -0x1.74ffe40c4b184b34p+22, -0x1.0d9c6d08f9eab55p+20,  -0x1.54c6b71935f1fc88p+16,

const real logGammaDenominator[] = [
    -0x1.4055572d75d08c56p+24, -0x1.deeb6013998e4d76p+24, -0x1.106f7cded5dcc79ep+24,
    -0x1.25e17184848c66d2p+22, -0x1.301303b99a614a0ap+19, -0x1.09e76ab41ae965p+15,
    -0x1.00f95ced9e5f54eep+9, 1.0

 * Helper function: Gamma function computed by Stirling's formula.
 * Stirling's formula for the gamma function is:
 * $(GAMMA)(x) = sqrt(2 &pi;) x<sup>x-0.5</sup> exp(-x) (1 + 1/x P(1/x))
real gammaStirling(real x)
    // CEPHES code Copyright 1994 by Stephen L. Moshier

    const real SmallStirlingCoeffs[] = [
        0x1.55555555555543aap-4, 0x1.c71c71c720dd8792p-9, -0x1.5f7268f0b5907438p-9,
        -0x1.e13cd410e0477de6p-13, 0x1.9b0f31643442616ep-11, 0x1.2527623a3472ae08p-14,
        -0x1.37f6bc8ef8b374dep-11,-0x1.8c968886052b872ap-16, 0x1.76baa9c6d3eeddbcp-11

    const real LargeStirlingCoeffs[] = [ 1.0L,
        8.33333333333333333333E-2L, 3.47222222222222222222E-3L,
        -2.68132716049382716049E-3L, -2.29472093621399176955E-4L,
        7.84039221720066627474E-4L, 6.97281375836585777429E-5L

    real w = 1.0L/x;
    real y = exp(x);
    if ( x > 1024.0L ) {
        // For large x, use rational coefficients from the analytical expansion.
        w = poly(w, LargeStirlingCoeffs);
        // Avoid overflow in pow()
        real v = pow( x, 0.5L * x - 0.25L );
        y = v * (v / y);
    else {
        w = 1.0L + w * poly( w, SmallStirlingCoeffs);
        y = pow( x, x - 0.5L ) / y;
    y = SQRT2PI * y * w;
    return  y;

} // private

 * The sign of $(GAMMA)(x).
 * Returns -1 if $(GAMMA)(x) < 0,  +1 if $(GAMMA)(x) > 0,
 * $(NAN) if sign is indeterminate.
real sgnGamma(real x)
    /* Author: Don Clugston. */
    if (isNaN(x)) return x;
    if (x > 0) return 1.0;
    if (x < -1/real.epsilon) {
        // Large negatives lose all precision
        return NaN(TANGO_NAN.SGNGAMMA);
//  if (remquo(x, -1.0, n) == 0) {
    long n = rndlong(x);
    if (x == n) {
        return x == 0 ?  copysign(1, x) : NaN(TANGO_NAN.SGNGAMMA);
    return n & 1 ? 1.0 : -1.0;

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    assert(sgnGamma(5.0) == 1.0);
    assert(sgnGamma(-0.1) == -1.0);
    assert(sgnGamma(-55.1) == 1.0);
    assert(isIdentical(sgnGamma(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

 *  The Gamma function, $(GAMMA)(x)
 *  $(GAMMA)(x) is a generalisation of the factorial function
 *  to real and complex numbers.
 *  Like x!, $(GAMMA)(x+1) = x*$(GAMMA)(x).
 *  Mathematically, if > 0 then
 *   $(GAMMA)(z) = $(INTEGRATE 0, &infin;) $(POWER t, z-1)$(POWER e, -t) dt
 *  $(TABLE_SV
 *    $(SVH  x,          $(GAMMA)(x) )
 *    $(SV  $(NAN),      $(NAN)      )
 *    $(SV  &plusmn;0.0, &plusmn;&infin;)
 *    $(SV integer > 0,  (x-1)!      )
 *    $(SV integer < 0,  $(NAN)      )
 *    $(SV +&infin;,     +&infin;    )
 *    $(SV -&infin;,     $(NAN)      )
 *  )
real gamma(real x)
/* Based on code from the CEPHES library.
 * CEPHES code Copyright 1994 by Stephen L. Moshier
 * Arguments |x| <= 13 are reduced by recurrence and the function
 * approximated by a rational function of degree 7/8 in the
 * interval (2,3).  Large arguments are handled by Stirling's
 * formula. Large negative arguments are made positive using
 * a reflection formula.

    real q, z;
    if (isNaN(x)) return x;
    if (x == -x.infinity) return NaN(TANGO_NAN.GAMMA_DOMAIN);
    if ( fabs(x) > MAXGAMMA ) return real.infinity;
    if (x==0) return 1.0/x; // +- infinity depending on sign of x, create an exception.

    q = fabs(x);

    if ( q > 13.0L )    {
        // Large arguments are handled by Stirling's
        // formula. Large negative arguments are made positive using
        // the reflection formula.

        if ( x < 0.0L ) {
            int sgngam = 1; // sign of gamma.
            real p  = floor(q);
            if (p == q)
                  return NaN(TANGO_NAN.GAMMA_DOMAIN); // poles for all integers <0.
            int intpart = cast(int)(p);
            if ( (intpart & 1) == 0 )
                sgngam = -1;
            z = q - p;
            if ( z > 0.5L ) {
                p += 1.0L;
                z = q - p;
            z = q * sin( PI * z );
            z = fabs(z) * gammaStirling(q);
            if ( z <= PI/real.max ) return sgngam * real.infinity;
            return sgngam * PI/z;
        } else {
            return gammaStirling(x);

    // Arguments |x| <= 13 are reduced by recurrence and the function
    // approximated by a rational function of degree 7/8 in the
    // interval (2,3).

    z = 1.0L;
    while ( x >= 3.0L ) {
        x -= 1.0L;
        z *= x;

    while ( x < -0.03125L ) {
        z /= x;
        x += 1.0L;

    if ( x <= 0.03125L ) {
        if ( x == 0.0L )
            return NaN(TANGO_NAN.GAMMA_POLE);
        else {
            if ( x < 0.0L ) {
                x = -x;
                return z / (x * poly( x, GammaSmallNegCoeffs ));
            } else {
                return z / (x * poly( x, GammaSmallCoeffs ));

    while ( x < 2.0L ) {
        z /= x;
        x += 1.0L;
    if ( x == 2.0L ) return z;

    x -= 2.0L;
    return z * poly( x, GammaNumeratorCoeffs ) / poly( x, GammaDenominatorCoeffs );

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // gamma(n) = factorial(n-1) if n is an integer.
    real fact = 1.0L;
    for (int i=1; fact<real.max; ++i) {
        // Require exact equality for small factorials
        if (i<14) assert(gamma(i*1.0L) == fact);
        version(FailsOnLinux) assert(feqrel(gamma(i*1.0L), fact) > real.mant_dig-15);
        fact *= (i*1.0L);
    assert(gamma(0.0) == real.infinity);
    assert(gamma(-0.0) == -real.infinity);
    assert(isIdentical(gamma(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));
    assert(gamma(real.infinity) == real.infinity);
    assert(gamma(real.max) == real.infinity);
    assert(gamma(real.min*real.epsilon) == real.infinity);
    assert(gamma(MAXGAMMA)< real.infinity);
    assert(gamma(MAXGAMMA*2) == real.infinity);

    // Test some high-precision values (50 decimal digits)
    const real SQRT_PI = 1.77245385090551602729816748334114518279754945612238L;

    version(FailsOnLinux) assert(feqrel(gamma(0.5L), SQRT_PI) == real.mant_dig);

    assert(feqrel(gamma(1.0/3.L),  2.67893853470774763365569294097467764412868937795730L) >= real.mant_dig-2);
        3.62560990822190831193068515586767200299516768288006) >= real.mant_dig-1);
        4.59084371199880305320475827592915200343410999829340L) >= real.mant_dig-1);

 * Natural logarithm of gamma function.
 * Returns the base e (2.718...) logarithm of the absolute
 * value of the gamma function of the argument.
 * For reals, logGamma is equivalent to log(fabs(gamma(x))).
 *  $(TABLE_SV
 *    $(SVH  x,             logGamma(x)   )
 *    $(SV  $(NAN),         $(NAN)      )
 *    $(SV integer <= 0,    +&infin;    )
 *    $(SV &plusmn;&infin;, +&infin;    )
 *  )
real logGamma(real x)
    /* Author: Don Clugston. Based on code from the CEPHES library.
     * CEPHES code Copyright 1994 by Stephen L. Moshier
     * For arguments greater than 33, the logarithm of the gamma
     * function is approximated by the logarithmic version of
     * Stirling's formula using a polynomial approximation of
     * degree 4. Arguments between -33 and +33 are reduced by
     * recurrence to the interval [2,3] of a rational approximation.
     * The cosecant reflection formula is employed for arguments
     * less than -33.
    real q, w, z, f, nx;

    if (isNaN(x)) return x;
    if (fabs(x) == x.infinity) return x.infinity;

    if( x < -34.0L ) {
        q = -x;
        w = logGamma(q);
        real p = floor(q);
        if ( p == q ) return real.infinity;
        int intpart = cast(int)(p);
        real sgngam = 1;
        if ( (intpart & 1) == 0 )
            sgngam = -1;
        z = q - p;
        if ( z > 0.5L ) {
            p += 1.0L;
            z = p - q;
        z = q * sin( PI * z );
        if ( z == 0.0L ) return sgngam * real.infinity;
    /*  z = LOGPI - logl( z ) - w; */
        z = log( PI/z ) - w;
        return z;

    if( x < 13.0L ) {
        z = 1.0L;
        nx = floor( x +  0.5L );
        f = x - nx;
        while ( x >= 3.0L ) {
            nx -= 1.0L;
            x = nx + f;
            z *= x;
        while ( x < 2.0L ) {
            if( fabs(x) <= 0.03125 ) {
                    if ( x == 0.0L ) return real.infinity;
                    if ( x < 0.0L ) {
                        x = -x;
                        q = z / (x * poly( x, GammaSmallNegCoeffs));
                    } else
                        q = z / (x * poly( x, GammaSmallCoeffs));
                    return log( fabs(q) );
            z /= nx +  f;
            nx += 1.0L;
            x = nx + f;
        z = fabs(z);
        if ( x == 2.0L )
            return log(z);
        x = (nx - 2.0L) + f;
        real p = x * rationalPoly( x, logGammaNumerator, logGammaDenominator);
        return log(z) + p;

    // const real MAXLGM = 1.04848146839019521116e+4928L;
    //  if( x > MAXLGM ) return sgngaml * real.infinity;

    const real LOGSQRT2PI  =  0.91893853320467274178L; // log( sqrt( 2*pi ) )

    q = ( x - 0.5L ) * log(x) - x + LOGSQRT2PI;
    if (x > 1.0e10L) return q;
    real p = 1.0L / (x*x);
    q += poly( p, logGammaStirlingCoeffs ) / x;
    return q ;

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    assert(isIdentical(logGamma(NaN(0xDEF)), NaN(0xDEF)));
    assert(logGamma(real.infinity) == real.infinity);
    assert(logGamma(-1.0) == real.infinity);
    assert(logGamma(0.0) == real.infinity);
    assert(logGamma(-50.0) == real.infinity);
    assert(isIdentical(0.0L, logGamma(1.0L)));
    assert(isIdentical(0.0L, logGamma(2.0L)));
    assert(logGamma(real.min*real.epsilon) == real.infinity);
    assert(logGamma(-real.min*real.epsilon) == real.infinity);

    // x, correct loggamma(x), correct d/dx loggamma(x).
    static real[] testpoints = [
    8.0L,                    8.525146484375L      + 1.48766904143001655310E-5,   2.01564147795560999654E0L,
    8.99993896484375e-1L,    6.6375732421875e-2L  + 5.11505711292524166220E-6L, -7.54938684259372234258E-1,
    7.31597900390625e-1L,    2.2369384765625e-1   + 5.21506341809849792422E-6L, -1.13355566660398608343E0L,
    2.31639862060546875e-1L, 1.3686676025390625L  + 1.12609441752996145670E-5L, -4.56670961813812679012E0,
    1.73162841796875L,      -8.88214111328125e-2L + 3.36207740803753034508E-6L, 2.33339034686200586920E-1L,
    1.23162841796875L,      -9.3902587890625e-2L  + 1.28765089229009648104E-5L, -2.49677345775751390414E-1L,
    7.3786976294838206464e19L,   3.301798506038663053312e21L - 1.656137564136932662487046269677E5L,
    1.08420217248550443401E-19L, 4.36682586669921875e1L + 1.37082843669932230418E-5L,
    1.0L, 0.0L, -5.77215664901532860607E-1L,
    2.0L, 0.0L, 4.22784335098467139393E-1L,
    -0.5L,  1.2655029296875L    + 9.19379714539648894580E-6L, 3.64899739785765205590E-2L,
    -1.5L,  8.6004638671875e-1L + 6.28657731014510932682E-7L, 7.03156640645243187226E-1L,
    -2.5L, -5.6243896484375E-2L + 1.79986700949327405470E-7,  1.10315664064524318723E0L,
    -3.5L,  -1.30902099609375L  + 1.43111007079536392848E-5L, 1.38887092635952890151E0L
   // TODO: test derivatives as well.
    for (int i=0; i<testpoints.length; i+=3) {
        assert( feqrel(logGamma(testpoints[i]), testpoints[i+1]) > real.mant_dig-5);
        if (testpoints[i]<MAXGAMMA) {
            assert( feqrel(log(fabs(gamma(testpoints[i]))), testpoints[i+1]) > real.mant_dig-5);
    assert(logGamma(-50.2) == log(fabs(gamma(-50.2))));
    assert(logGamma(-0.008) == log(fabs(gamma(-0.008))));
    assert(feqrel(logGamma(-38.8),log(fabs(gamma(-38.8)))) > real.mant_dig-4);
    assert(feqrel(logGamma(1500.0L),log(gamma(1500.0L))) > real.mant_dig-2);

private {
const real MAXLOG = 0x1.62e42fefa39ef358p+13L;  // log(real.max)
const real MINLOG = -0x1.6436716d5406e6d8p+13L; // log(real.min*real.epsilon) = log(smallest denormal)
const real BETA_BIG = 9.223372036854775808e18L;
const real BETA_BIGINV = 1.084202172485504434007e-19L;

/** Beta function
 * The beta function is defined as
 * beta(x, y) = (&Gamma;(x) &Gamma;(y))/&Gamma;(x + y)
real beta(real x, real y)
    if ((x+y)> MAXGAMMA) {
        return exp(logGamma(x) + logGamma(y) - logGamma(x+y));
    } else return gamma(x)*gamma(y)/gamma(x+y);

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    assert(isIdentical(beta(NaN(0xABC), 4), NaN(0xABC)));
    assert(isIdentical(beta(2, NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

/** Incomplete beta integral
 * Returns incomplete beta integral of the arguments, evaluated
 * from zero to x. The regularized incomplete beta function is defined as
 * betaIncomplete(a, b, x) = &Gamma;(a+b)/(&Gamma;(a) &Gamma;(b)) *
 * $(INTEGRATE 0, x) $(POWER t, a-1)$(POWER (1-t),b-1) dt
 * and is the same as the the cumulative distribution function.
 * The domain of definition is 0 <= x <= 1.  In this
 * implementation a and b are restricted to positive values.
 * The integral from x to 1 may be obtained by the symmetry
 * relation
 *    betaIncompleteCompl(a, b, x )  =  betaIncomplete( b, a, 1-x )
 * The integral is evaluated by a continued fraction expansion
 * or, when b*x is small, by a power series.
real betaIncomplete(real aa, real bb, real xx )
    if (!(aa>0 && bb>0)) {
         if (isNaN(aa)) return aa;
         if (isNaN(bb)) return bb;
         return NaN(TANGO_NAN.BETA_DOMAIN); // domain error
    if (!(xx>0 && xx<1.0)) {
        if (isNaN(xx)) return xx;
        if ( xx == 0.0L ) return 0.0;
        if ( xx == 1.0L )  return 1.0;
        return NaN(TANGO_NAN.BETA_DOMAIN); // domain error
    if ( (bb * xx) <= 1.0L && xx <= 0.95L)   {
        return betaDistPowerSeries(aa, bb, xx);
    real x;
    real xc; // = 1 - x

    real a, b;
    int flag = 0;

    /* Reverse a and b if x is greater than the mean. */
    if( xx > (aa/(aa+bb)) ) {
        // here x > aa/(aa+bb) and (bb*x>1 or x>0.95)
        flag = 1;
        a = bb;
        b = aa;
        xc = xx;
        x = 1.0L - xx;
    } else {
        a = aa;
        b = bb;
        xc = 1.0L - xx;
        x = xx;

    if( flag == 1 && (b * x) <= 1.0L && x <= 0.95L) {
        // here xx > aa/(aa+bb) and  ((bb*xx>1) or xx>0.95) and (aa*(1-xx)<=1) and xx > 0.05
        return 1.0 - betaDistPowerSeries(a, b, x); // note loss of precision

    real w;
    // Choose expansion for optimal convergence
    // One is for x * (a+b+2) < (a+1),
    // the other is for x * (a+b+2) > (a+1).
    real y = x * (a+b-2.0L) - (a-1.0L);
    if( y < 0.0L ) {
        w = betaDistExpansion1( a, b, x );
    } else {
        w = betaDistExpansion2( a, b, x ) / xc;

    /* Multiply w by the factor
         a      b
        x  (1-x)   Gamma(a+b) / ( a Gamma(a) Gamma(b) ) .   */

    y = a * log(x);
    real t = b * log(xc);
    if ( (a+b) < MAXGAMMA && fabs(y) < MAXLOG && fabs(t) < MAXLOG ) {
        t = pow(xc,b);
        t *= pow(x,a);
        t /= a;
        t *= w;
        t *= gamma(a+b) / (gamma(a) * gamma(b));
    } else {
        /* Resort to logarithms.  */
        y += t + logGamma(a+b) - logGamma(a) - logGamma(b);
        y += log(w/a);

        t = exp(y);
        // There seems to be a bug in Cephes at this point.
        // Problems occur for y > MAXLOG, not y < MINLOG.
        if( y < MINLOG ) {
            t = 0.0L;
        } else {
            t = exp(y);
    if( flag == 1 ) {
/+   // CEPHES includes this code, but I think it is erroneous.
        if( t <= real.epsilon ) {
            t = 1.0L - real.epsilon;
        } else
        t = 1.0L - t;
    return t;

/** Inverse of incomplete beta integral
 * Given y, the function finds x such that
 *  betaIncomplete(a, b, x) == y
 *  Newton iterations or interval halving is used.
real betaIncompleteInv(real aa, real bb, real yy0 )
    real a, b, y0, d, y, x, x0, x1, lgm, yp, di, dithresh, yl, yh, xt;
    int i, rflg, dir, nflg;

    if (isNaN(yy0)) return yy0;
    if (isNaN(aa)) return aa;
    if (isNaN(bb)) return bb;
    if( yy0 <= 0.0L )
        return 0.0L;
    if( yy0 >= 1.0L )
        return 1.0L;
    x0 = 0.0L;
    yl = 0.0L;
    x1 = 1.0L;
    yh = 1.0L;
    if( aa <= 1.0L || bb <= 1.0L ) {
        dithresh = 1.0e-7L;
        rflg = 0;
        a = aa;
        b = bb;
        y0 = yy0;
        x = a/(a+b);
        y = betaIncomplete( a, b, x );
        nflg = 0;
        goto ihalve;
    } else {
        nflg = 0;
        dithresh = 1.0e-4L;

    /* approximation to inverse function */

    yp = -normalDistributionInvImpl( yy0 );

    if( yy0 > 0.5L ) {
        rflg = 1;
        a = bb;
        b = aa;
        y0 = 1.0L - yy0;
        yp = -yp;
    } else {
        rflg = 0;
        a = aa;
        b = bb;
        y0 = yy0;

    lgm = (yp * yp - 3.0L)/6.0L;
    x = 2.0L/( 1.0L/(2.0L * a-1.0L)  +  1.0L/(2.0L * b - 1.0L) );
    d = yp * sqrt( x + lgm ) / x
        - ( 1.0L/(2.0L * b - 1.0L) - 1.0L/(2.0L * a - 1.0L) )
        * (lgm + (5.0L/6.0L) - 2.0L/(3.0L * x));
    d = 2.0L * d;
    if( d < MINLOG ) {
        x = 1.0L;
        goto under;
    x = a/( a + b * exp(d) );
    y = betaIncomplete( a, b, x );
    yp = (y - y0)/y0;
    if( fabs(yp) < 0.2 )
        goto newt;

    /* Resort to interval halving if not close enough. */

    dir = 0;
    di = 0.5L;
    for( i=0; i<400; i++ ) {
        if( i != 0 ) {
            x = x0  +  di * (x1 - x0);
            if( x == 1.0L ) {
                x = 1.0L - real.epsilon;
            if( x == 0.0L ) {
                di = 0.5;
                x = x0  +  di * (x1 - x0);
                if( x == 0.0 )
                    goto under;
            y = betaIncomplete( a, b, x );
            yp = (x1 - x0)/(x1 + x0);
            if( fabs(yp) < dithresh )
                goto newt;
            yp = (y-y0)/y0;
            if( fabs(yp) < dithresh )
                goto newt;
        if( y < y0 ) {
            x0 = x;
            yl = y;
            if( dir < 0 ) {
                dir = 0;
                di = 0.5L;
            } else if( dir > 3 )
                di = 1.0L - (1.0L - di) * (1.0L - di);
            else if( dir > 1 )
                di = 0.5L * di + 0.5L;
                di = (y0 - y)/(yh - yl);
            dir += 1;
            if( x0 > 0.95L ) {
                if( rflg == 1 ) {
                    rflg = 0;
                    a = aa;
                    b = bb;
                    y0 = yy0;
                } else {
                    rflg = 1;
                    a = bb;
                    b = aa;
                    y0 = 1.0 - yy0;
                x = 1.0L - x;
                y = betaIncomplete( a, b, x );
                x0 = 0.0;
                yl = 0.0;
                x1 = 1.0;
                yh = 1.0;
                goto ihalve;
        } else {
            x1 = x;
            if( rflg == 1 && x1 < real.epsilon ) {
                x = 0.0L;
                goto done;
            yh = y;
            if( dir > 0 ) {
                dir = 0;
                di = 0.5L;
            else if( dir < -3 )
                di = di * di;
            else if( dir < -1 )
                di = 0.5L * di;
                di = (y - y0)/(yh - yl);
            dir -= 1;
    // loss of precision has occurred

    //mtherr( "incbil", PLOSS );
    if( x0 >= 1.0L ) {
        x = 1.0L - real.epsilon;
        goto done;
    if( x <= 0.0L ) {
        // underflow has occurred
        //mtherr( "incbil", UNDERFLOW );
        x = 0.0L;
        goto done;


    if ( nflg ) {
        goto done;
    nflg = 1;
    lgm = logGamma(a+b) - logGamma(a) - logGamma(b);

    for( i=0; i<15; i++ ) {
        /* Compute the function at this point. */
        if ( i != 0 )
            y = betaIncomplete(a,b,x);
        if ( y < yl ) {
            x = x0;
            y = yl;
        } else if( y > yh ) {
            x = x1;
            y = yh;
        } else if( y < y0 ) {
            x0 = x;
            yl = y;
        } else {
            x1 = x;
            yh = y;
        if( x == 1.0L || x == 0.0L )
        /* Compute the derivative of the function at this point. */
        d = (a - 1.0L) * log(x) + (b - 1.0L) * log(1.0L - x) + lgm;
        if ( d < MINLOG ) {
            goto done;
        if ( d > MAXLOG ) {
        d = exp(d);
        /* Compute the step to the next approximation of x. */
        d = (y - y0)/d;
        xt = x - d;
        if ( xt <= x0 ) {
            y = (x - x0) / (x1 - x0);
            xt = x0 + 0.5L * y * (x - x0);
            if( xt <= 0.0L )
        if ( xt >= x1 ) {
            y = (x1 - x) / (x1 - x0);
            xt = x1 - 0.5L * y * (x1 - x);
            if ( xt >= 1.0L )
        x = xt;
        if ( fabs(d/x) < (128.0L * real.epsilon) )
            goto done;
    /* Did not converge.  */
    dithresh = 256.0L * real.epsilon;
    goto ihalve;

    if ( rflg ) {
        if( x <= real.epsilon )
            x = 1.0L - real.epsilon;
            x = 1.0L - x;
    return x;

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest { // also tested by the normal distribution
  // check NaN propagation
  assert(isIdentical(betaIncomplete(NaN(0xABC),2,3), NaN(0xABC)));
  assert(isIdentical(betaIncomplete(7,NaN(0xABC),3), NaN(0xABC)));
  assert(isIdentical(betaIncomplete(7,15,NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));
  assert(isIdentical(betaIncompleteInv(NaN(0xABC),1,17), NaN(0xABC)));
  assert(isIdentical(betaIncompleteInv(2,NaN(0xABC),8), NaN(0xABC)));
  assert(isIdentical(betaIncompleteInv(2,3, NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));

  assert(isNaN(betaIncomplete(-1, 2, 3)));

  assert(betaIncomplete(1, 2, 0)==0);
  assert(betaIncomplete(1, 2, 1)==1);
  assert(isNaN(betaIncomplete(1, 2, 3)));
  assert(betaIncompleteInv(1, 1, 0)==0);
  assert(betaIncompleteInv(1, 1, 1)==1);

  // Test some values against Microsoft Excel 2003.

  assert(fabs(betaIncomplete(8, 10, 0.2) - 0.010_934_315_236_957_2L) < 0.000_000_000_5);
  assert(fabs(betaIncomplete(2, 2.5, 0.9) - 0.989_722_597_604_107L) < 0.000_000_000_000_5);
  assert(fabs(betaIncomplete(1000, 800, 0.5) - 1.17914088832798E-06L) < 0.000_000_05e-6);

  assert(fabs(betaIncomplete(0.0001, 10000, 0.0001) - 0.999978059369989L) < 0.000_000_000_05);

  assert(fabs(betaIncompleteInv(5, 10, 0.2) - 0.229121208190918L) < 0.000_000_5L);
  assert(fabs(betaIncompleteInv(4, 7, 0.8) - 0.483657360076904L) < 0.000_000_5L);

    // Coverage tests. I don't have correct values for these tests, but
    // these values cover most of the code, so they are useful for
    // regression testing.
    // Extensive testing failed to increase the coverage. It seems likely that about
    // half the code in this function is unnecessary; there is potential for
    // significant improvement over the original CEPHES code.

// Excel 2003 gives clearly erroneous results (betadist>1) when a and x are tiny and b is huge.
// The correct results are for these next tests are unknown.

//    real testpoint1 = betaIncomplete(1e-10, 5e20, 8e-21);
//    assert(testpoint1 == 0x1.ffff_ffff_c906_404cp-1L);

    assert(betaIncomplete(0.01, 327726.7, 0.545113) == 1.0);
    assert(betaIncompleteInv(0.01, 8e-48, 5.45464e-20)==1-real.epsilon);
    assert(betaIncompleteInv(0.01, 8e-48, 9e-26)==1-real.epsilon);

    assert(betaIncomplete(0.01, 498.437, 0.0121433) == 0x1.ffff_8f72_19197402p-1);
    assert(1- betaIncomplete(0.01, 328222, 4.0375e-5) == 0x1.5f62926b4p-30);
    version(FailsOnLinux)  assert(betaIncompleteInv(0x1.b3d151fbba0eb18p+1, 1.2265e-19, 2.44859e-18)==0x1.c0110c8531d0952cp-1);
    version(FailsOnLinux)  assert(betaIncompleteInv(0x1.ff1275ae5b939bcap-41, 4.6713e18, 0.0813601)==0x1.f97749d90c7adba8p-63);
    real a1;
    a1 = 3.40483;
    version(FailsOnLinux)  assert(betaIncompleteInv(a1, 4.0640301659679627772e19L, 0.545113)== 0x1.ba8c08108aaf5d14p-109);
    real b1;
    b1= 2.82847e-25;
    version(FailsOnLinux)  assert(betaIncompleteInv(0.01, b1, 9e-26) == 0x1.549696104490aa9p-830);

    // --- Problematic cases ---
    // This is a situation where the series expansion fails to converge
    assert( isNaN(betaIncompleteInv(0.12167, 4.0640301659679627772e19L, 0.0813601)));
    // This next result is almost certainly erroneous.
    assert(betaIncomplete(1.16251e20, 2.18e39, 5.45e-20)==-real.infinity);

private {
// Implementation functions

// Continued fraction expansion #1 for incomplete beta integral
// Use when x < (a+1)/(a+b+2)
real betaDistExpansion1(real a, real b, real x )
    real xk, pk, pkm1, pkm2, qk, qkm1, qkm2;
    real k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8;
    real r, t, ans;
    int n;

    k1 = a;
    k2 = a + b;
    k3 = a;
    k4 = a + 1.0L;
    k5 = 1.0L;
    k6 = b - 1.0L;
    k7 = k4;
    k8 = a + 2.0L;

    pkm2 = 0.0L;
    qkm2 = 1.0L;
    pkm1 = 1.0L;
    qkm1 = 1.0L;
    ans = 1.0L;
    r = 1.0L;
    n = 0;
    const real thresh = 3.0L * real.epsilon;
    do  {
        xk = -( x * k1 * k2 )/( k3 * k4 );
        pk = pkm1 +  pkm2 * xk;
        qk = qkm1 +  qkm2 * xk;
        pkm2 = pkm1;
        pkm1 = pk;
        qkm2 = qkm1;
        qkm1 = qk;

        xk = ( x * k5 * k6 )/( k7 * k8 );
        pk = pkm1 +  pkm2 * xk;
        qk = qkm1 +  qkm2 * xk;
        pkm2 = pkm1;
        pkm1 = pk;
        qkm2 = qkm1;
        qkm1 = qk;

        if( qk != 0.0L )
            r = pk/qk;
        if( r != 0.0L ) {
            t = fabs( (ans - r)/r );
            ans = r;
        } else {
           t = 1.0L;

        if( t < thresh )
            return ans;

        k1 += 1.0L;
        k2 += 1.0L;
        k3 += 2.0L;
        k4 += 2.0L;
        k5 += 1.0L;
        k6 -= 1.0L;
        k7 += 2.0L;
        k8 += 2.0L;

        if( (fabs(qk) + fabs(pk)) > BETA_BIG ) {
            pkm2 *= BETA_BIGINV;
            pkm1 *= BETA_BIGINV;
            qkm2 *= BETA_BIGINV;
            qkm1 *= BETA_BIGINV;
        if( (fabs(qk) < BETA_BIGINV) || (fabs(pk) < BETA_BIGINV) ) {
            pkm2 *= BETA_BIG;
            pkm1 *= BETA_BIG;
            qkm2 *= BETA_BIG;
            qkm1 *= BETA_BIG;
    while( ++n < 400 );
// loss of precision has occurred
// mtherr( "incbetl", PLOSS );
    return ans;

// Continued fraction expansion #2 for incomplete beta integral
// Use when x > (a+1)/(a+b+2)
real betaDistExpansion2(real a, real b, real x )
    real  xk, pk, pkm1, pkm2, qk, qkm1, qkm2;
    real k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8;
    real r, t, ans, z;

    k1 = a;
    k2 = b - 1.0L;
    k3 = a;
    k4 = a + 1.0L;
    k5 = 1.0L;
    k6 = a + b;
    k7 = a + 1.0L;
    k8 = a + 2.0L;

    pkm2 = 0.0L;
    qkm2 = 1.0L;
    pkm1 = 1.0L;
    qkm1 = 1.0L;
    z = x / (1.0L-x);
    ans = 1.0L;
    r = 1.0L;
    int n = 0;
    const real thresh = 3.0L * real.epsilon;
    do {

        xk = -( z * k1 * k2 )/( k3 * k4 );
        pk = pkm1 +  pkm2 * xk;
        qk = qkm1 +  qkm2 * xk;
        pkm2 = pkm1;
        pkm1 = pk;
        qkm2 = qkm1;
        qkm1 = qk;

        xk = ( z * k5 * k6 )/( k7 * k8 );
        pk = pkm1 +  pkm2 * xk;
        qk = qkm1 +  qkm2 * xk;
        pkm2 = pkm1;
        pkm1 = pk;
        qkm2 = qkm1;
        qkm1 = qk;

        if( qk != 0.0L )
            r = pk/qk;
        if( r != 0.0L ) {
            t = fabs( (ans - r)/r );
            ans = r;
        } else
            t = 1.0L;

        if( t < thresh )
            return ans;
        k1 += 1.0L;
        k2 -= 1.0L;
        k3 += 2.0L;
        k4 += 2.0L;
        k5 += 1.0L;
        k6 += 1.0L;
        k7 += 2.0L;
        k8 += 2.0L;

        if( (fabs(qk) + fabs(pk)) > BETA_BIG ) {
            pkm2 *= BETA_BIGINV;
            pkm1 *= BETA_BIGINV;
            qkm2 *= BETA_BIGINV;
            qkm1 *= BETA_BIGINV;
        if( (fabs(qk) < BETA_BIGINV) || (fabs(pk) < BETA_BIGINV) ) {
            pkm2 *= BETA_BIG;
            pkm1 *= BETA_BIG;
            qkm2 *= BETA_BIG;
            qkm1 *= BETA_BIG;
    } while( ++n < 400 );
// loss of precision has occurred
//mtherr( "incbetl", PLOSS );
    return ans;

/* Power series for incomplete gamma integral.
   Use when b*x is small.  */
real betaDistPowerSeries(real a, real b, real x )
    real ai = 1.0L / a;
    real u = (1.0L - b) * x;
    real v = u / (a + 1.0L);
    real t1 = v;
    real t = u;
    real n = 2.0L;
    real s = 0.0L;
    real z = real.epsilon * ai;
    while( fabs(v) > z ) {
        u = (n - b) * x / n;
        t *= u;
        v = t / (a + n);
        s += v;
        n += 1.0L;
    s += t1;
    s += ai;

    u = a * log(x);
    if ( (a+b) < MAXGAMMA && fabs(u) < MAXLOG ) {
        t = gamma(a+b)/(gamma(a)*gamma(b));
        s = s * t * pow(x,a);
    } else {
        t = logGamma(a+b) - logGamma(a) - logGamma(b) + u + log(s);

        if( t < MINLOG ) {
            s = 0.0L;
        } else
            s = exp(t);
    return s;


 *  Incomplete gamma integral and its complement
 * These functions are defined by
 *   gammaIncomplete = ( $(INTEGRATE 0, x) $(POWER e, -t) $(POWER t, a-1) dt )/ $(GAMMA)(a)
 *  gammaIncompleteCompl(a,x)   =   1 - gammaIncomplete(a,x)
 * = ($(INTEGRATE x, &infin;) $(POWER e, -t) $(POWER t, a-1) dt )/ $(GAMMA)(a)
 * In this implementation both arguments must be positive.
 * The integral is evaluated by either a power series or
 * continued fraction expansion, depending on the relative
 * values of a and x.
real gammaIncomplete(real a, real x )
in {
   assert(x >= 0);
   assert(a > 0);
body {
    /* left tail of incomplete gamma function:
     *          inf.      k
     *   a  -x   -       x
     *  x  e     >   ----------
     *           -     -
     *          k=0   | (a+k+1)
    if (x==0)
       return 0.0L;

    if ( (x > 1.0L) && (x > a ) )
        return 1.0L - gammaIncompleteCompl(a,x);

    real ax = a * log(x) - x - logGamma(a);
    if( ax < MINLOGL ) return 0; // underflow
    //  { mtherr( "igaml", UNDERFLOW ); return( 0.0L ); }
    ax = exp(ax);

    /* power series */
    real r = a;
    real c = 1.0L;
    real ans = 1.0L;

    do  {
        r += 1.0L;
        c *= x/r;
        ans += c;
    } while( c/ans > real.epsilon );

    return ans * ax/a;

/** ditto */
real gammaIncompleteCompl(real a, real x )
in {
   assert(x >= 0);
   assert(a > 0);
body {
    if (x==0)
       return 1.0L;
    if ( (x < 1.0L) || (x < a) )
        return 1.0L - gammaIncomplete(a,x);

   // DAC (Cephes bug fix): This is necessary to avoid
   // spurious nans, eg
   // log(x)-x = NaN when x = real.infinity
    const real MAXLOGL =  1.1356523406294143949492E4L;
   if (x > MAXLOGL) return 0; // underflow

    real ax = a * log(x) - x - logGamma(a);
//const real MINLOGL = -1.1355137111933024058873E4L;
//  if ( ax < MINLOGL ) return 0; // underflow;
    ax = exp(ax);

    /* continued fraction */
    real y = 1.0L - a;
    real z = x + y + 1.0L;
    real c = 0.0L;

    real pk, qk, t;

    real pkm2 = 1.0L;
    real qkm2 = x;
    real pkm1 = x + 1.0L;
    real qkm1 = z * x;
    real ans = pkm1/qkm1;

    do  {
        c += 1.0L;
        y += 1.0L;
        z += 2.0L;
        real yc = y * c;
        pk = pkm1 * z  -  pkm2 * yc;
        qk = qkm1 * z  -  qkm2 * yc;
        if( qk != 0.0L ) {
            real r = pk/qk;
            t = fabs( (ans - r)/r );
            ans = r;
        } else {
            t = 1.0L;
    pkm2 = pkm1;
        pkm1 = pk;
        qkm2 = qkm1;
        qkm1 = qk;

        const real BIG = 9.223372036854775808e18L;

        if ( fabs(pk) > BIG ) {
            pkm2 /= BIG;
            pkm1 /= BIG;
            qkm2 /= BIG;
            qkm1 /= BIG;
    } while ( t > real.epsilon );

    return ans * ax;

/** Inverse of complemented incomplete gamma integral
 * Given a and y, the function finds x such that
 *  gammaIncompleteCompl( a, x ) = p.
 * Starting with the approximate value x = a $(POWER t, 3), where
 * t = 1 - d - normalDistributionInv(p) sqrt(d),
 * and d = 1/9a,
 * the routine performs up to 10 Newton iterations to find the
 * root of incompleteGammaCompl(a,x) - p = 0.
real gammaIncompleteComplInv(real a, real p)
in {
  assert(p>=0 && p<= 1);
body {
    if (p==0) return real.infinity;

    real y0 = p;
    const real MAXLOGL =  1.1356523406294143949492E4L;
    real x0, x1, x, yl, yh, y, d, lgm, dithresh;
    int i, dir;

    /* bound the solution */
    x0 = real.max;
    yl = 0.0L;
    x1 = 0.0L;
    yh = 1.0L;
    dithresh = 4.0 * real.epsilon;

    /* approximation to inverse function */
    d = 1.0L/(9.0L*a);
    y = 1.0L - d - normalDistributionInvImpl(y0) * sqrt(d);
    x = a * y * y * y;

    lgm = logGamma(a);

    for( i=0; i<10; i++ ) {
        if( x > x0 || x < x1 )
            goto ihalve;
        y = gammaIncompleteCompl(a,x);
        if ( y < yl || y > yh )
            goto ihalve;
        if ( y < y0 ) {
            x0 = x;
            yl = y;
        } else {
            x1 = x;
            yh = y;
    /* compute the derivative of the function at this point */
        d = (a - 1.0L) * log(x0) - x0 - lgm;
        if ( d < -MAXLOGL )
            goto ihalve;
        d = -exp(d);
    /* compute the step to the next approximation of x */
        d = (y - y0)/d;
        x = x - d;
        if ( i < 3 ) continue;
        if ( fabs(d/x) < dithresh ) return x;

    /* Resort to interval halving if Newton iteration did not converge. */
    d = 0.0625L;
    if ( x0 == real.max ) {
        if( x <= 0.0L )
            x = 1.0L;
        while( x0 == real.max ) {
            x = (1.0L + d) * x;
            y = gammaIncompleteCompl( a, x );
            if ( y < y0 ) {
                x0 = x;
                yl = y;
            d = d + d;
    d = 0.5L;
    dir = 0;

    for( i=0; i<400; i++ ) {
        x = x1  +  d * (x0 - x1);
        y = gammaIncompleteCompl( a, x );
        lgm = (x0 - x1)/(x1 + x0);
        if ( fabs(lgm) < dithresh )
        lgm = (y - y0)/y0;
        if ( fabs(lgm) < dithresh )
        if ( x <= 0.0L )
        if ( y > y0 ) {
            x1 = x;
            yh = y;
            if ( dir < 0 ) {
                dir = 0;
                d = 0.5L;
            } else if ( dir > 1 )
                d = 0.5L * d + 0.5L;
                d = (y0 - yl)/(yh - yl);
            dir += 1;
        } else {
            x0 = x;
            yl = y;
            if ( dir > 0 ) {
                dir = 0;
                d = 0.5L;
            } else if ( dir < -1 )
                d = 0.5L * d;
                d = (y0 - yl)/(yh - yl);
            dir -= 1;
    if( x == 0.0L )
        mtherr( "igamil", UNDERFLOW );
    return x;

debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
//Values from Excel's GammaInv(1-p, x, 1)
assert(fabs(gammaIncompleteComplInv(1, 0.5) - 0.693147188044814) < 0.00000005);
assert(fabs(gammaIncompleteComplInv(12, 0.99) - 5.42818075054289) < 0.00000005);
assert(fabs(gammaIncompleteComplInv(100, 0.8) - 91.5013985848288L) < 0.000005);

assert(gammaIncomplete(1, 0)==0);
assert(gammaIncompleteCompl(1, 0)==1);
assert(gammaIncomplete(4545, real.infinity)==1);

// Values from Excel's (1-GammaDist(x, alpha, 1, TRUE))

assert(fabs(1.0L-gammaIncompleteCompl(0.5, 2) - 0.954499729507309L) < 0.00000005);
assert(fabs(gammaIncomplete(0.5, 2) - 0.954499729507309L) < 0.00000005);
// Fixed Cephes bug:
assert(gammaIncompleteCompl(384, real.infinity)==0);
assert(gammaIncompleteComplInv(3, 0)==real.infinity);

/** Digamma function
*  The digamma function is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function.
*  digamma(x) = d/dx logGamma(x)
real digamma(real x)
   // Based on CEPHES, Stephen L. Moshier.
    // DAC: These values are Bn / n for n=2,4,6,8,10,12,14.
    const real [] Bn_n  = [
        1.0L/(6*2), -1.0L/(30*4), 1.0L/(42*6), -1.0L/(30*8),
        5.0L/(66*10), -691.0L/(2730*12), 7.0L/(6*14) ];

    real p, q, nz, s, w, y, z;
    int i, n, negative;

    negative = 0;
    nz = 0.0;

    if ( x <= 0.0 ) {
        negative = 1;
        q = x;
        p = floor(q);
        if( p == q ) {
            return NaN(TANGO_NAN.GAMMA_POLE); // singularity.
    /* Remove the zeros of tan(PI x)
     * by subtracting the nearest integer from x
        nz = q - p;
        if ( nz != 0.5 ) {
            if ( nz > 0.5 ) {
                p += 1.0;
                nz = q - p;
            nz = PI/tan(PI*nz);
        } else {
            nz = 0.0;
        x = 1.0 - x;

    // check for small positive integer
    if ((x <= 13.0) && (x == floor(x)) ) {
        y = 0.0;
        n = rndint(x);
        // DAC: CEPHES bugfix. Cephes did this in reverse order, which
        // created a larger roundoff error.
        for (i=n-1; i>0; --i) {
        y -= EULERGAMMA;
        goto done;

    s = x;
    w = 0.0;
    while ( s < 10.0 ) {
        w += 1.0/s;
        s += 1.0;

    if ( s < 1.0e17 ) {
        z = 1.0/(s * s);
        y = z * poly(z, Bn_n);
    } else
        y = 0.0;

    y = log(s)  -  0.5L/s  -  y  -  w;

    if ( negative ) {
        y -= nz;
    return y;

import tango.stdc.stdio;
debug(UnitTest) {
unittest {
    // Exact values
    assert(digamma(1)== -EULERGAMMA);
    assert(feqrel(digamma(0.25), -PI/2 - 3* LN2 - EULERGAMMA)>=real.mant_dig-6);
    assert(feqrel(digamma(1.0L/6), -PI/2 *sqrt(3.0L) - 2* LN2 -1.5*log(3.0L) - EULERGAMMA)>=real.mant_dig-7);
    assert(feqrel(digamma(2.5), -EULERGAMMA - 2*LN2 + 2.0 + 2.0L/3)>=real.mant_dig-9);
    assert(isIdentical(digamma(NaN(0xABC)), NaN(0xABC)));
    for (int k=1; k<40; ++k) {
        real y=0;
        for (int u=k; u>=1; --u) {
            y+= 1.0L/u;
        assert(feqrel(digamma(k+1),-EULERGAMMA + y) >=real.mant_dig-2);
//    printf("%d %La %La %d %d\n", k+1, digamma(k+1), -EULERGAMMA + x, feqrel(digamma(k+1),-EULERGAMMA + y), feqrel(digamma(k+1), -EULERGAMMA + x));